Marshes Waters Sources Hydrochemistryof The Bahr Al-Najaf at Najaf Province, Iraq

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Marshes waters sources hydrochemistryof the Bahr Al-Najaf at Najaf

Province, Iraq
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First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

Marshes waters sources hydrochemistryof the Bahr Al-Najaf

at Najaf Province, Iraq

Hussein Badr Ghalib1,2*, Adnan B. Al-Hawash3,4,Wasan S. Al-Qurnaw1, Basim Hameed

Sultan1and Arshad W. Al-enzy5
University of Basrah, College of Science, Geology Department, Basra, Iraq
Selcuk University, college ofEngineering, Geology Department, Selcuk, Turkey
Ministry of Education, Directorate of Education, Basra 61001, Iraq
College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, China
General Commission of Groundwater, Najaf, Ministry of water Resources, Najaf, Iraq
*Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Abstract: Bahar Al- Najaf basin is located in the western part of Al-Najaf governorate, center
of Iraq. This work was aimed to determine the water sources for marshes, water discharges and
factors which causing to the rise and low of the water level in these marshes.Five sources
recharge for the marshes water were detected; rainwater, Al-Dammam confined aquifer
flowing wells, sieve factures, water of springs and the irrigation water.The hydrochemistry
analysis was investigated for all water sources of marshes using major and minor elements (Ca,
Na, K, Mg, Cl, SO4, NO3, HCO3 and Br) and field measurements such as (T, pH, EC, TDS).
The hydrochemical results shows that the all sources of water are not suitable for drinking
water, while it’s classified as a good to permissible water for irrigation except water of
marshes. Water quality standards for livestock is vary from very good water type in the
irrigation streams to the can be used in a water marshes.

Keywords: Marshes, waters sources, Bahr Al-Najaf, Water quality, Hydrochemistry

1. Introduction
Marshes are wetland that dominated by herbaceous rather than woody plant species [1] Marshes are transition
from the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems which dominated by grasses, rushes or reeds, thus that form of
vegetation is what differentiates marshes from other types of wetland such as swamps, which are dominated by
trees, and mires, which are wetlands that have accumulated deposits of acidic peat [2].The marshes are low land,
where the water is collecting; in case of flood seasons it causing many problems such as sinking the farms, many
of the residential houses and brick factories in the region. Several investigative conducted in the province of Al-
Najaf for causes of flooding and drowning the buildings since 2012 -2013. The Iraqi farmers have been
challenged for many years from poor environmental conditions, with few affordable measures for adapting to
salinity, climate, drought, pests, crop and livestock diseases, and input shortages, as well as related challenges of
poor technology and institutions, and inadequate science-formulated policies [3].Recently, the Iraq faces special
problems connected to water and food security due to poor water management plans and the policies of
neighboring countries where most of the surface water resources (the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and their
attributes) are located [4]. In addition, the shortage of precipitation aggravates the problem in the last ten years
on those lands away from the river or those that do not have groundwater, to increase non-planted areas,
although those areas are cultivable (Fig.1). More than that, the rise in temperature significantly led to

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First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

highlighting the phenomenon of desertification and drought, which led to a clear impact on the areas of arable
land and thus on the agricultural sector in general (MOWR, 2015). Therefore, the proper management of surface
and groundwater resources is crucial to avoiding water shortage and can be achieved through the integrated use
of water resources. The optimal use of surface water (such as floodwater through storage in surface reservoirs,
lake and marshes) andits hydrochemical characteristics studying are useful strategies for coping with water
scarcity [5].Hydrochemical methodology offer effective tool for solving various problems in hydrology,in
particular in the arid and semi-arid regions [6-11]. Multi-tracer investigations are commonly used to understand
surface movement, salinity origin, evaporation processes, and recharge periods [12]Such information which is
needed to improve water resource management strategies is of particular importance for aquifers located in arid
and semi-arid areas and characterized by complex lithology. This is the case of the west desert plain in Central
Iraq.The maximum value of rain may be attended during November and the minimum in May. The maximum
and minimum of monthly rainfall rate of the study area for the period (1962-2018) are 27.17mm and 4.04 mm
respectively with average 8.29 mm. The maximum and minimum value of evaporation rate is 499.88 mm and
77.88 mm, respectively. Several previous studies have been conducted on groundwater and have not been
interested in studying the sources of marshes and its hydrochemistry. Therefore, this study aimed to determine
source of the marshes water and the chemical characteristics for these waters, the most relevant controls on the
water quality, and the dominant chemical processes, which control. Thus, using the hydrochemical analysis to
conjunction between these sources of water and to knowledge of water hydrochemistry of water marshes and
their suitability for the different purposes in addition to the possible of use.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study area
2.1.1 General and geological description
The study area is located in Bahr Al-Najaf, west of Al-Najaf province, Iraq. The East sideof Bahr Al-Najaf is
graveyard, which formed a permanent marsh, where the waters is collecting throughout the year. The marshes
are extends at North west-South east direction of an area about 360-750 Km2, of coordinates longitude 43˚ 40 -
44˚ 25 E and latitude 31˚ 40 - 32˚ 10 N and altitude elevation of about 11 m a. s. l. [12,13], (Fig.1). Geologically,
Bahar Al-Najaf area is located within the boundaries of Al-Salman subzone including the stable shelf that
specializes in its simple structures, [14]. The exposed rocks are sedimentary rocks of upper Cretaceous and
Quaternary period [15,16]. Tar Al-Najaf is limits the marshes from the east side while the Sothern Desert is
bordering the marshes from Western side. The common climate in the area is Sub-arid to arid [17].

Fig.1. Location and position of water samples in the study area.

The geomorphology districts the flow regime of (sub) -surface water (Wadies) and (dis) -recharge areas
depending on the gravity forces, which inclines to the East and Northeast down to the discharge zone. As well
as, it is affected by the climate elements like distribution of precipitation. Geomorphological, a few reliefs mark
the studied area, and it has a ground surface elevation range (15-267m) approximately, above sea level. The area
slopes gradually from the West and Southwest towards the North and Northeast.Where the land surface rises
gradually from Northeast to Southwest 50m every 10-15 km, [18]. On the other hand,at the eastern edge of the
study area, it's seen as a closed topographic depression, which isa lower land relative to the surrounding, and it
represents as a discharge zone (Bahir Al-Najaf). Generally, the study area is characterized by some Wades,

First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

which can discharge of rainwater from the West and South- West to East and Northeast directions which be
coincide with the decline direction of the regional topography ([19].
Such of these Wades are Wade Haussab and Wade Al-Khur and other smaller valleys as Al-Rhimawi and Abo
Kumssat which could participate the pooled of water and recharge the aquifers of the basin [20]. This situation
makes some eastern and Northeastern parts of the studied area periodically contain amounts of water, and appear
as marshes.A huge fault which extend in the far eastern side forms the limits of the stable boundary which is
called the Euphrates fault, this fault and the rest of the faults in the area play an important role for controlling
with ground water movement in study area, existing of the spring which considered as a good evidence of the
presence of deep faults [21]. It could be considered that the fault zone represents a transitional zone between the
two shelves the stable and the unstable zones (Mesopotamian plain), which marked by a shelf system known as
(Heet-Abu Jir) that extends from Hadeetha in the north to Abu Jir and pass through Najaf in its way to Samawa
in the south [22]. Abu jir fault zone, including the Euphrates fault extends perpendicular to the other trending
faults, which make a barrier that allow the water to pass through and circulate within this net of faults.
2.1.2 Hydrological setting
The studied area are characterized with a rolling and / or undulating terrain, most parts of the study area, it is a
slightly rolling or flat, and decreasing in its height towards the East and northeast. Despite the studied area has a
climate of dried desert, the rainfall sometimes happens as sporadic heavy flushes occur once every several years,
usually one or two times every four years, which causes a superficial flux for the rainwater which creating many
of the ephemeral and temporarily rivers in the desert, most of these rivers are flowing to the large Wadies,
whereas the small valleys have gathered its water in the small spaces in a form of temporary ponds called "Al-
fidah", its waters are infiltrating through the soil column and the other part is evaporated to the atmosphere over
the time (Fig.2). All of these Wadies within the study area are discharging its water towards the marshes, which it
lay to the East of the studied area bordering of Tar Al-Najaf, the most important of these Wades are Wade
Hassoub, and Wade Al-Khur, in addition to Wade Waair, Abu Khamesat and Wade Al-Rahimawi. Marshes has a
water depth exceeds 2 m in some of the regions and its ground surface elevation is 10 m at the sea level, while the
maximum elevation is 217 m (a.s.l), in the West and Southwest of the study area. Therefore, the Wades is
collecting the rainwater and transfer it to the marshes, which makes them to be one of the sources of marsh
waters, (Plate -1). Wades also are represented as facilitates from operation of surface water filtration, where the
draining system in the Southern Desert is internal, with most of the surface water percolating to underground
through permeable strata, fractures, fissures and karats cavities [23].

Fig 2. Surface features and surface water resources in the study area.

2.2. Methods analysis

Several of the field tours have been conducted to investigate from sources of marshes water in the Bahar Al-
Najaf. Five sources of water have been found in the study area, which they feeding the marshes. These sources
are (floods water that come via Wadies, creeks that come from lakes of breeding fish, Creeks that come from the
Euphrates River, water that come from sieve factures and springs), all of these sources of the water are ending its

First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

water in the marshes. Eleven samples have been collected from eleven station of water in November 2017.The
samplesrepresent the sources of surface water in Bahr Al-Najaf, these stations are (Marshes Water (MW),
Irrigation Creeks (IC), Springs Water (SW), Factories Water (FW), Creeks that come from Fish Lakes
(FLC)).The sampling locations are shown in Fig. 2.Physicochemical parameters including EC (uS/cm) and pH
were measured in the field using portable measuring instruments. The bottles were washed with the water to be
sampled before sampling. Two water samples were collected for each sample point using polyethylene bottles.
The samples taken for cation analysis were acidified using pure HNO 3 to prevent precipitation and preserved in
refrigerator at a temperature of about 4°C until analysis. The parameters were determined by following standard
and recommended analysis methods [24]All samples were analyzed for major cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+)
and major anions (CO32+, HCO3–, SO42–, and Cl–), as well as the secondary anions (NO3–) and trace elements
(Cd, Mn, Zn, Fe and Pb), in the Sciences and Technology Ministry Laboratories, Baghdad, Iraq.The majority of
the analyzed samples show ion balanceerrors within ±5%, indicating the results are generallyacceptable. The
TDS concentration was calculated using the results of the chemical analyses. The distribution of major ion
concentrations and correlation analysis of parameters and elements in groundwater samples were studied through
the statistical and hydrochemical graphs. The correlation coefficient was determined to reveal the relationship
between parameters by means of SPSS (version 15.0). The results of the chemical analyses in the study area
compare with Iraqi standards and WHO to detect the validity of the surface water for the different purposes. The
variations of element concentrations andparameter values in aquifer were illustrated on zoningmaps through Arc
G1S 10.5 [25].

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Sources of marshes waters
There are different sources of marshes water and they have a different origin. Generally, these sources can be
summarized as follows:
1. Rainwater that comes via the Wadies (RW).
The rainwater flows in the study area from the high topography toward the low land (Bahr Al-Najaf),and it
pours into the marshes. Rainfall occurs during winter months in the form of heavy showers and rather
sporadic, but occurs very rapidly during a short time; mean annual amount of rainfall ranges between (75 –
100mm) [26]. Marshes in Bahr Al-Najaf is receiving surface waters from the western side via the
watercourses that bring water on a seasonal basis from the upland desert to the west after any heavy rains
[27]. Although the climate of the study area is arid to semi-arid but it, flood waves may happen every a few
years, causing many problems in the region, the most important is the smashing of bridges, destruction of the
paved roads, fish breeding lakes and agricultural land. Also, the sinking of the brick factories, and residential
buildings(plate.1and plate.2).

Plate.1: Rainwater flow through wadieHassoub in November 2015. Plate.2: Bahr Al-Najaf in November 2015.

2. Irrigation creeks (IC)

Many of the creeks (streams) are existing in the maximum of the Southeastern side of the study area, these
creeks are established to irrigation the farmlands that is characterized by cultivation of rice crop (fig.2). Most of
these creeks are ending its waters in the marshes either directly or through drainage of water surplus that
resulting from irrigation of rice crop. There are four creeks of water that have different lengths and they vary in
its discharge that feeding the agricultural lands in the study area. These creeks are received its water from the
right side of Chhaty stream (Table.1); (General Commission of groundwater in Najaf). Chhaty stream by
discharge of water reach to (15m3/Sec), received its water from the right side of the Euphrates River by raising
the water level to (19.20 m) a.s.l in the main channel via Al-Mashkhab regulator. However, the amount of water
that discharging from these crakes to the marshes is about 2-3 m3/Sec.
Table1.Characteristics of irrigation creeks in the study area (General Commission of groundwater in Najaf).

First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

Creek name Length Design discharge (m3/sec)

Al-Gazi 31 km 6

Al- Badriyah 28 km 5

Al- Hashemi 15 km 4

Abu Jdoua 26 km 3

3. Groundwater Creeks (GWC).

Groundwater creeks means that waters which come from the flowing wells (Self-flow wells) which intervention
to the lakes of fish, then drains to the marshes via the main creek which it collecting the waters from several
small creeks which outs from the lakes. There are two main creeks from the groundwater flowing wells, one of
them lies in the northeast of the study area, which is the biggest (creek A) due to the large numbers of fish lakes
in these regions, while the other creek is located in the south side of the study area (creek B).The amount of
drainage waters from these creeks is depending on the numbers of fish lakes in the region that mean numbers of
flowing wells. Hundreds of flowing wells exist in the study area, some of these wells have a discharge reach
more than 75 L/Sec; subsequently the water of these wells reaches to the marshes. However, the amount of water
have been calculated for both creeks which drains its water to the marshes depending on equation no.1, after the
field measurements were done for both creeks, as it following [28].:
Q= V × A ............................................................................................................................................ (1)
Q: is the discharge of water.
V: Velocity of water and can be obtained via divided the distance over the time, for a float body
A: Cross-section area for the main creek and can be obtained via multiplying the width of channel with its depth.

I. Discharge of water in the creek A.

The velocity of water has been measured by calculating a float body time for a distance 15 m. However,
the time is 10, 20=, depth of channel is 0.75m, width of channel is 3.71m.
V= = 0.1875 m/Sec.
A= 0.75 × 3.71 = 2.782 m2.
Q = 0.1875 × 2.782 = 0.521 m3/ Sec.
II. Discharge of water in the creek B.
In the same way in above, the discharge of creek B was (0.274) m2/Sec.So, the total amount of waters that
come from the self-flow wells through lakes of fish and across the water creeks is (0.795 m 3/ Sec) on a daily

4. Waters that come from the sieve factories (SFW).

It is difficult to determine the amount of water that come from the sieve factories due to it is a large number and
different locations. Generally, more than a hundred of these factories are existing in the study area. They are
used a submersible pump to extract the groundwater with an average discharge reach 7 l/sec for 8 hours per day.
Some of these factories are thrown its water after use into the marshes directly, other of these factories are using
the artificial channels to drain its water to the marshes, and some of the other dropping its water in a specific
region to form a swamp and therefore, the water does not reach to the marshes. However, if we assume that 50 of
these factories are reaching its water to the marshes directly or indirectly (by channels), the amount of water that
results from multiplying the number of these factories by the value of the discharge for one pump it is equal to
(0.35 m3/sec). Knowing, the numbers of working hour's in the factories is eight hours per day.

5. Springs water (SW).

There are a few amounts of water that come from the springs. This water is seeping from joints and the cracks,
which are existing in limestone rocks andit mixed with the water of sieve factures due it drains its water in the
same channel which it ending to the marshes. As a result of the points above, the amount of water that reaches to
the marshes can be summarized in (Table.2). Could not calculate the amount of water that coming via the wadies
due to the lack of sufficient rainfall to get on runoff during the study period.

Table2.Amounts of waters that discharging in the marshes.

First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

Source of water Discharge (m3/sec)

Irrigations streams 3
Groundwater creeks 0.795
sieve factories water 0.35
Total Discharge 4.145

3.2 .Hydrochemistry of waters.

Understanding the water quality is important as it is the main factor determining itssuitability for drinking,
domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes [28]. Evaluations of water provides an idea about the reactions that
produce natural water chemistry [29]. Marshes is the lowest land in the region, thus all surface water resources
are accumulating in it.

3.3. Physical properties

There is a marked variation in water temperature due to differ its sources and locations. Generally, temperature
of water creeks is lowest than temperature of marshes due to flow of the water. The range of the surface water
temperature was(28.7-34.9 0C) with an average 31.27 0C. pH of water sources is moderate to alkaline in nature,
where the variation of pH value is depends on temperature of water.The pH values were within the range of (7.1-
7.6) with an average 7.3. A high variation was found in EC and TDS, where the maximum values of TDS were
found in the samples of marshes water, while the lowest values were in the samples of irrigation creeks, the high
values of TDS its a result to the evaporation process which happen in the marshes and concentrated the salts.
TDS and ECin water samples were within the range of (1130-12690 ppm), with an average 4798 ppm.
Therefore, the waters are varying from brackish water to saline water according to [30] water classification
(Table 3). The EC ranging of (1525-17131 μS/cm),with an average 6478 μS/cm. Total Hardness (T.H) showed
that all water samples is very hard according to [31] classification (Table 4), where the values were ranging of
(650-7471 ppm) with an average 2633 ppm. All physical parameters are shown in(Table 5 and Fig.3).

Table 3.Classification of water according to TDS (ppm)

Water class (Drever, 1997) (Todd, 2007)

Fresh water < 1000 10 - 1000

Slightly water 1000 – 2000 ----
Slightly-brackish water 2000 – 20 000 1000 – 10 000

Brackish water ---- 10 000 – 100 000

Saline water 35 000 ----

Brine water > 35 000 > 100 000

Table 4. Classification of water according to the total hardness [31]

Term Degree of Water Hardness
Soft 0 < TH ≤ 60

Moderately hard 60 < TH ≤ 120

Hard 120 < TH ≤ 180

Very hard 180 < TH

First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

Table 5: physical analytical data for the samples water in the study area.
Type of water E N pH TDS (mg/l) EC T TH
(μs/cm) (0C) (mg/l)
FLC 1 428590 3527199 7.2 3265 4407 30.7 1525.74
FLC 2 417268 3544415 7.4 3212 4336 30.2 1701.42
FLC 3 416204 3542895 7.6 2530 3415 28.7 1101.76
CE 1 439889 3533899 7.4 1930 2605 29.3 950.37
CE 2 444369 3534297 7.4 1130 1525 31.3 650.37
SW 1 427425 3524875 7.2 1570 2119 32.7 808.59
SW 2 427119 3524406 7.2 2002 2702 32.1 1207.26
SFW 426459 3525993 7.3 3215 4339 30.1 1703
MW1 425555 3538919 7.1 12690 17131 34.9 7471.23
MW2 420040 3542648 7.4 5950 8032 29.6 2437.04
MW3 433775 3538298 7.1 11070 14944 33.4 6554.22
Min - - 7.1 1130 1525 28.7 650.37
Max - - 7.6 12690 17131 34.9 7471.23
Average - - 7.3 4798 6478 31.27 2633
CE: Creek water that come from Euphrates River.

Fig3. Physical parameters chart for the water samples in the study area.

3.4. Major ions

The major ions are consisted of Cations and Anions; naturally, it has a wide variety in the surface and
groundwater due to local geological, climatic and geographical conditions. Major ions in the samples of water
sources within the study area are lasted in the (Table 6)and they are illustrated in (Fig. 4). The most dominant
Cation is Na+, where it forms 45.39 % in average, Calcium consist of (33.91%) in average, whilst Cl– and So42-
are the most dominant anions and they forms 48.57 %, 47.39% respectively from the total Ions. The detail ionic
constituents in the sources of water are clearly displayed by Pie diagram (Fig.5). Piper diagram displays that
most of surface water samples is fall in class (E); (Fig.6). The class E means Calcium carbonate type; secondary
alkalinity (Hardness more than 50%), which reflects solubility of calcium ion from Al-Dammam formation by
the groundwater. While the other samples fall in class (g) which represents alkaline water with prevailing Sulfate
and Chloride. Cations (Na, Ca, Mg and K) they have an average values 908ppm,742ppm,238ppm and 29.5ppm
respectively, while the anion are (Cl, SO4 and HCO3) with un average values 1709ppm, 1994ppm and
128.5ppm.Sodium chloride; primary salinity; secondary alkalinity, the hydrochemistry reflects the image of
rocks; limestone and dolomite in addition to mainly gypsum and halite. Marshes water have high values from
major cations and anions. Which mean that the main water source in the marshes are from the groundwater.

Table 6:Major Cations, Anions data of water samples in the studied area.
Type of E N Na K Ca Mg SO4 HCO3 Cl CO3
water ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

FLC 1 428590 3527199 780 18 390 134 1590 39 1090 0

First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

FLC 2 417268 3544415 650 2.9 480 122 1532 122 949 2
FLC 3 416204 3542895 685 10 250 116 1123 49 979 0
CE 1 439889 3533899 411 9.8 270 67 860 116 600 7
CE 2 444369 3534297 171 2 150 67 510 146 249 2
SW 1 427425 3524875 308 12 210 69 756 67 449 6
SW 2 427119 3524406 321 7.9 210 166 789 164 657 6
SFW 426459 3525993 655 3.1 516 127 1538 126 955 2
MW1 425555 3538919 2000 78 2589 243 5090 110 4567 5
MW 2 420040 3542648 1660 70 623 214 2321 237 2456 6
MW 3 433775 3538298 2001 84 1221 852 4213 219 4460 6
Min - - 171 2 150 67 510 39 249 0
Max - - 2001 84 2589 852 5090 237 4567 7
Average - - 908 29 742 238 1994 128 1709 3.76

Fig.4.Major ions chart for the surface water within the studied area.


Na epm

45.39% K epm
Ca epm
Mg epm
33.91% So4 epm
47.39% Cl epm
20.05% Hco3 epm

Fig.5. Pie diagram displays the average ionic constituents of water samples.

First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

80 80 FLC1 SW1

60 60




C a+

40 40

20 20

Mg SO4

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20







Ca 20 Na+K HCO3+CO3 Cl

Fig.6. Piper diagram displays sources of water facies.

3.5. Minor element
Nitrate have been analyzed as a minor element, where it has represents very important element to waterquality
and for the agriculture.In lakes and rivers, nitrate concentration associated with inorganic nitrogen, usually the
enrichment in nitrate is due to enrichment of dissolve oxygen [32].The increase of nitrate concentrations in the
sources of surface water may be due to the transformation of ammonia that produced by the fishinto nitrite by the
nitrification process.
2NH3 + 3O2 2NO-2+2H++2H2O .............................................................. (2)
Therefore, the high concentrations were found in the creek of lakes(FLC1) and in the position of creek that come
from the lakes, which it drops its waters in the marshes (MW2); (Fig.1). The concentration of nitrate for sources
of surface water in the study area were ranged of 0.8-34ppm with an average 10.13ppm, (Table 7). Fig.7shows
the ranges of Nitrate in the sources of surface water within the study area.

Fig.7.Chart of Nitrate values in the sources of surface water within the study area.

3.6. Trace elements

The values concentrations of trace element in water samples within study area are listed in (Table 7) and
itsdiversityare exhibited in (Fig.8). Generally, manganese concentration as a water quality mast not exceed more
than 0.1 mg/l [7] and [32]. The concentration of manganese in the surface water in the study area were ranged of
(0.003-0.06ppm) with an average (0.024ppm).Cadmium is relatively rare in the geological deposits, it is
occupying 0.0013 mg/l in the earth's crust, thus it is mainly exists as carbonate and hydroxide forms (Boyd,
2000).The concentrations of Cadmium range from (104 to 105 ppb) in most surface waters, while in seawater it
has an average of 0.11ppb [6,7]. Concentration of Zinc ion usually is low due to the controlled minerals have
low solubility within the pH range of most natural waters [31]. Zinc concentration in fresh water ranged between
(0.2-100ppb) and in the seawater (0.2─48ppb) [22]. The concentration of zinc for the surface water in the study
area were ranged of (0.09-0.19ppm) with an average (0.117ppm). Iron in water may come from dissolution of
iron containing minerals, organic matter decay, and human activities and the iron concentration in the sea water
it has an average of 0.01mg/l, while the average of iron concentration are 0.7 mg/l in the surface water [20].
Whoever, the USEPA (2012) and WHO (2011) they has recommended for drinking water standards for the Iron
at 0.3 mg/l. The concentration of iron for the surface water in the study area were ranged of (0.11-0.31ppm) with
an average (0.192ppm). Lead is a relatively common element in the earth’s crust. Freshwaters usually contain
more lead than the oceans which has a residence time is approximately 100-200 years [12]. Seawater have an

First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

average Lead concentration of (0.03 ppb), (Boyd, 2000), while the rainwater have an average of (1ppb), [7]. The
concentration of lead for the surface water in the study area were ranged of (0.001-0.02ppm) with an average
Table.7. Concentration of minor and trace elements in the surface water samples in (ppb).
Stations NO3 Mn Cd Zn Fe Pb
(ppm) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb)
FLC1 12 BDL 0.03 0.11 0.15 0.002
FLC2 12 BDL 0.002 0.19 0.22 0.002
FLC3 3 BDL BDL 0.12 0.11 0.02
CE1 3.3 0.06 BDL 0.09 0.31 0.002
CE2 12 0.014 0.002 0.1 0.2 BDL
SW1 6.1 0.01 BDL 0.1 0.31 BDL
SW2 0.8 0.02 BDL 0.09 0.11 BDL
SFW 1.8 0.003 0.004 0.12 0.13 0.009
MW1 9 0.02 0.03 0.1 0.3 0.002
MW2 34 0.01 0.02 0.12 0.12 0.001
MW3 3 0.04 0.002 0.11 0.12 0.009
BDL: Less than measurement

Fig.8.Chart of minor and trace elements values in the sources of surface water within the study area.

3.7. Uses of water.

The knowledge of water quality can provide an important insight into the nature of the resource that it is very
important to uses for deferent purposes; where it will be used for drinking water, industrial and irrigation. In
order to set criteria for quality of water, measurements of chemical, physical and biological properties must be
done under standards methods [29].Many methods have been used in classification of water to evaluate the
quality of water for all purposes. All these methods depend on absolute values (epm, epm %) for Cations and
Anions.However, according to [7, 30], all surface water are not suitable for drinking water (Table 8).
Table 8. Water Samples with [7,30] the standards of Drinking Water
Parameter IQS 2009 WHO 2007 Water Samples Exceeding limits
Range Average
TDS 1000 1000 1130-12690 4414.91 Exceed

PH 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 7.1-7.6 7.31 Not Exceed

First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

TH 500 500 650 -7471 2374 Exceed

Ca 150 75 150-2589 628.10 Exceed
Mg 100 125 67-852 197.91 Exceed
Na 200 200 171-2001 876.54 Exceed
K - 12 Feb-84 27.00 Exceed
Cl 350 250 249-4567 1582.8 Exceed
SO4 400 250 510-5090 639 Exceed
NO3 50 50 0.8-34 9 Not Exceed

Zn 3 3 0.09-0.19 0.1180 Not Exceed

Pb 0.01 0.01 0.0011-0.02 0.01 Not Exceed

Cd 0.003 0.003 0.002-0.03 0.013 Exceed

Fe 0.3 0.3 0.11-0.31 0.2 Not Exceed
Mn 0.01 0.01 0.003-0.06 0.022 Exceed

3.8. Surface water suitability for irrigation purposes

One of the earliest systems of classification of water for use in irrigation was given by Wilcox, (1955) which is
based on electrical conductivity (EC), percent of sodium (% Na) and boron concentration (fig. 9).The
classification has been achieved based on sodium adsorption (SAR), electrical conductivity (EC) and Na% [12],
to assessment the water suitability for irrigation purpose. Thus, the sources of surface water in the study area are
classified as a good to permissible water for irrigation except water of marshes.Water quality standards for
livestock purposes depend on Altoviski (1962); They are variation from very good water type in the irrigation
creeks to can be used in water of marshes (Table 9). Water quality standards for building purposes compared
with Cations and Anions of water in the area, according to [13]. The sources of surface water were within
permissible except marshes water.
Plants tolerance differs for total dissolved solids and electrical conductivity [31], (Table 11,12). Comparing
groundwater with those standards (specifications), it is clear that the groundwater of the studied area is suitable
for all kind of crops.

𝑁𝑎 + +𝐾 +
%𝑁𝑎 = × 100.................................................................................................... (3)
𝐶𝑎 +2 +𝑀𝑔+2 +𝑁𝑎 + +𝐾 +
𝑁𝑎 +
𝑆𝐴𝑅 = +2
......................................................................................................................... (4)
√𝐶𝑎 +
Table 9.Classification of irrigation waters according to Don (1995)
EC TDS SAR Na% pH Water
µS\ cm ppm Quality

250 175 3 20 6.5 Excellent

250-750 175-525 3-5 20-40 6.5-6.8 Good
750-2000 525-1400 5-10 40-60 6.8-7.0 Permissible

2000-3000 1400-2100 10-15 60-80 7-8 Doubtful

>3000 >2100 >15 >80 >8 Unsuitable

First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

Table 10. Values of (SAR & Na %) for wells in the studied area
Well No. Na% ratio SAR (meq/l)

FLC1 52.850 8.69

FLC2 45.34 6.86
FLC3 57.54 8.98
CE1 48.71 5.80
CE2 36.40 2.92
SW1 45.74 4.71
SW2 36.79 4.02
SFW 45.33 6.70
MW1 37.27 10.07
MW2 60.16 14.63
MW3 40.30 10.75

Continued use of water with high SAR value leads to a breakdown in the physical structure of the soil caused by
excessive amounts of colloidally adsorbed sodium. The soil then becomes hard and compact when dry and
increasingly impervious to water penetration. SAR in all samples ranged from 2.92 to 10.75 meq/l, as shown in
Table 10. In this respect, the US salinity diagram (Fig. 9) which is based on the integrated effect of EC (salinity
hazard), and SAR (alkalinity hazard), has been used to assess the water suitability for irrigation. When the
analytical data of EC and SAR plotted on the US salinity diagram, it is illustrated that water samples of FLC3
fall in the class of C3-S1 indicating high salinity with low sodium water, which can be used for irrigation on
almost all types of soil, with only a minimum risk of exchangeable sodium. This type of water can be suitable for
plants having good salt tolerance but restricts its suitability for irrigation, especially in soils with restricted
drainage, while water samples of FLC1 and CE1 fall in the class of C4-S3 and the rest fall in the class C4-S2
indicating very high salinity with medium to high sodium water, generally very high salinity water (C4) is not
suitable for irrigation.

C1 250 C2 750 C3 2250 C4

30 CE2







Sodium Hazard (SAR)

20 S4


Sodium (Alk ali) haz ard:

S1: Low
S2: Medium
S3: H igh
S4: Very high
Salinity haz ard:
C1: Low
10 C2: Medium
S3 C3: High
C4: Very high


100 1000
Salinity Hazard (Cond)

Fig 9. Classification of irrigation Water (After U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff 1954)
Table 11.Relative tolerances of crops to salt concentrations [31]
Crops Division Low salt tolerance Medium salt tolerance crops High salt tolerance
crops Ec (µs /cm) Ec (µs /cm) crops Ec (µs /cm)

Fruit Crops 0 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000- 10000

Limon, Apricot, Orange, Olive, Figs, Cantaloupe, Date palm.
Apple. Pear, Peach. Pomegranate.
Vegetable Crops 3000 - 4000 4000 —10000 10000-12000
Green beans, Celery, Cucumber, Onion, Carrot, Spinach, beets
Radish. potatoes. Lettuce
Tomato, Cauliflower.

First International Scientific Conference Al-Ayen University IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1279 (2019) 012059 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1279/1/012059

Field Crops 4000 - 6000 6000- 10000 10000- 16000

Fields beans Sunflower, Flax, Corn, Rice. Cotton, Sugar beet,
Sorghum Barley( grains)

Table 12.Specifications of waters for Livestock consumption purposes [13].

Elements& Very Good Acceptable Water Can be High
Parameters good Water Water for used limits

Na+ 800 1500 2000 2500 4000

Ca+2 350 700 800 900 1000

Mg+2 150 350 500 600 700

Cl 900 2000 3000 4000 6000
SO-2 1000 2500 3000 4000 6000

TDS 3000 5000 7000 10000 15000

T.H 1500 3200 4000 4700 54000


4. Conclusions
 Five sources of waters, that form marshes of Bahar Al-Najaf and they representing sources of the
surface water in the study area including marshes water. The amount of water that discharged to the
marshes from these sources are 4.145 m3/s daily, and can be increased or decreased. Except the water
that come from the Wadies. Twice in the year,a large quantity of water is freed from the lakes of
breeding fish to the marshes in case of marketingof fish, this occur in the Spring and Autumn season
usually that mean excess in amount of discharging water. A huge amount of rainwater reach to the
marshes across the Wadies, One or more times every four years that causes flooding in the marshes.
 Most of water samples is Calcium carbonate type; secondary alkalinity (Hardness more than 50%).
While the other samples is alkaline water with prevailing Sulfate and Chloride which reflects the
groundwater origin.
 Evaporation is very effective process in the marshes, where the Sodium Chloride was found deposited
on the edges of the marshes after the dropsthe water level to more than 1 m during the summer.
 Allsources of water are not suitable for drinking water, while its classified as a good to permissible
water for irrigation except water of marshes. Water quality standards for livestock is vary from very
good water type in the irrigation streams to the can be used in a water marshes. Water quality standards
for building purposes compared with Cations and Anions of water in the area; so, all water samples are
within permissible except the marshes water.
 Many factors that effect on (quantity, quality and fluctuate of water level ) in the marshes, the most
important are:
1- Amount of rainwater that come via the Wadies.
2- Amount of water that release from lakes of fish.
3- Ratio of evaporation from water of marshes.
4- Amount of irrigation water that released from agriculture lands.

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