Jerrold Dawson Script Draft 2
Jerrold Dawson Script Draft 2
Jerrold Dawson Script Draft 2
Short Film
By Freddie Johnson
Jerrold Dawson - henryk
Betty - mum
Police officer 1 - dad
Police officer 2 - jack
Hooded guy 1 - jack
Hooded guy 2 - chris
Hooded guy 3 - ash
Teddy - Ash
8 year old Dawson – Caroline son
Preteen/Teen Dawson - david
Teen Dawson’s Girlfriend - charlotte
Person killed – Phillip wife
News Reporter - sophie
8 year old friend – caroline son
Hologram -Ethan
Jerrold killer - Phillip
Henrick Smith – ?
Memory Bank helper - ?
Text: The year is 2048
There has been a government project that looked at mind
control of humans but was forced out of existence at the end,
so they sent in the special forces to kill them all. This led
to the special forces getting arrested and the government
throwing the project out of the window the project was called
RedRobin. Until now the project wasn’t brought to the public…
News reporter on tv
Nathan Jason is the third person to be arrested in relation to
the government project called RedRobin which involved the
murder of thousands of innocent people at the end of the
project from the special forces. Who were either arrested or
fled the country for this. But from new evidence we have been
given they have been released and given a sorry from the
country, but from this evidence a third person has been
arrested in relation to the project. Nathan Jason was one of
the people to cover up the project by getting rid of the test
subject by sending in the special forces, who believed they
were sent there as there was a big terrorist there. We now
know that the government told the special forces to shoot
anyone and then told the authorities they knew nothing of this
Thankfully all this information is coming to light from an
anonymous person giving the police tip offs, and sending
information to the journalists.
This only the third person to be arrested from this project
RedRobin and we expect many more to come in the near future…
Doorbell rings
News reporter on tv
…In other news Memory Bank has bec… (the news is turned off)
INT, front door: Jerrold Dawson opens the door sees the
Hello. Are you Jerrold Dawson?
Jerrold Dawson
Excellent here is your memory bank that you have purchased.
INT Lounge: Jerrold walks back into the lounge and puts the
disc on the table, a hologram of the bank of memories pops up.
A man appears at the start HENRICK SMITH CEO of Memory Bank.
Henrick Smith
Hello and welcome to your memory bank from us the Memory Bank,
this whole company would not be possible if it wasn’t for a
little chip inside of your head that records all your memories
that you can then get from a one-off purchase. So welcome to
your memories.
The screen then goes to a blue screen that shows words Mum
dying, grandma and grandad, playing, school, job, happy, dad
leaving and other.
The screen then pops up with a memory of him playing with his
friend running around a garden, climbing a tree with his
friend wondering how he got up there. Jerold smiles.
Jerrold Dawson
Jerrold Dawson
Yes, I have just ordered my memory bank and I don’t recognise
some of the memories.
Memory Bank
Oh, ok let me have a look for you…
Jerrold walks to the phone the company are still on the line.
INT: Kitchen
Jerrold Dawson
So are they my memories?
Police officer 1
You have been arrested for a murder which has come to from
your memories where you will be committed at some point…
INT, cell: Jerrold looks lost, can’t come with terms with what
is happening he is behind a table with a police officer the
other side, with Jerrold’s lawyer (BETTY) standing in the
Police officer 1
…Do you understand
I think my client understands quite alright what is about to
happen to him more than you think as he did work in the
Police officer 1
I don’t need to know that plus I couldn’t care less. But we
still need to find out what he remembers, So Jerrold (leaning
forward) what do you remember?
As you can see my client is in shock at the moment on what has
happened and is clearly trying to work out when this was
himself. So I suggest that you let my client out on bail to
come to terms with this and figure it out for himself. I also
know that you still have a big back log of cases to do with
memory bank, and my client is clearly not a risk.
Police officer 1
Ok fine you’re right we do have a back log and we need to find
space for everyone, so I’ll grant you bail for 1 month. Where
at that time we will come to your house again and arrest you.
Do you understand?
Jerrold Dawson
I understand perfectly
Police officer 1
Do you mind if I have a word with my client, please?
Jerrold Dawson
No, nothing at all Betty. (softly)
Well you had better find out what is happening.
Jerrold Dawson:
Teddy you’re still working for the government as an
investigator, right?
Yeah, Why?
Jerrold Dawson
Great, don’t ask about why yet I’ll tell you over a drink
later. But I need you to look into Memory Bank, this is very
important ok, I need you to find everything you can on them.
Who they work with, investors, the heads of operation and do
they deal with any other companies. You got that?
Yeah, I’ve got it. Is everything all right though Jerrold?
Jerrold Dawson
Look just do this and I’ll tell you later.
I have what you asked for, lets meet at the Old Lion.
Jerrold Dawson
No, I don’t want to go there, let’s go to the tunnel that is
just out of town. You know the one.
Yeah but why there it’s a dump, nobody goes there anymore.
Jerrold Dawson
Jerrold Dawson, it’s been so long and this is where you
thought we should meet.
Jerrold Dawson
Yeah it was, but it was for good reasons.
And what reason was that?
Jerrold Dawson
It was because I believe that I’ve been framed by memory bank
for a murder but I don’t know why.
Wow I didn’t expect that. Well I kinda did always knew
something was wrong with them that’s why I never got the
implant. I warned you about them
Jerrold Dawson
Yeah I know I probably should have.
Well look I did a lot of digging and I hope this helps.
Jerrold Dawson
Thanks. I do hope you have found something that will help.
Well, you can tell me all about it another day.
Jerrold Dawson
Yeah, we’ll go to The Old Lion.
Jerrold Dawson
Teddy you remember Jack Johnson?
Yeah, he was part of our department back in the day. He then
went with you to work on some secrete projects.
Jerrold Dawson
(Mumbles) RedRobin
Jerrold Dawson
Nothing, is he still alive?
Who Jack
Jerrold Dawson
Yeah of course do you know where he is I need to speak to him?
I am sorry but I thought you knew he’s dead, he was found dead
in a river a month ago.
Jerrold Dawson
Oh thanks… was it an accident?
No, it seems to have been a suicide, but if you ask me the
whole case seemed a bit sketchy, they cut a lot of corners and
Jack didn’t seem like the kind to commit suicide.
Jerrold Dawson
Jerrold Dawson
(whispers) RedRobin
Answering machine
I’m sorry you’ve gotten through to the answering machine. Who
won’t allow you to record a message at this time please try
When I realised Memory Bank was setting you up for a murder I
decided to do some more digging and looked at your memory
546678 something. Don’t ask how I got it but when I was
looking I saw that there was a CCTV camera. I then managed to
find that camera and the feed from the day and what I found
was really interesting, I found that there was nothing there,
you didn’t show and neither did the woman. I’ve looked through
the whole day and other nights but there is nothing absolutely
nothing. Memory Bank have definitely set you up.
INT Kitchen: Jerrold runs into the kitchen, the kithcne door
opens to show another hooded guy, Jerrold stops suddenly and
is then taken down by the other two. Hooded figure 1 walks
towards him and takes out a device and shines a light in his
ear Jerrold screams.
News Reporter
In a sudden end to the RedRobin project we were given all the
documents about the project and on Memory Bank which we can
now reveal was sent to us by Jerrold Dawson. (a picture of him
is shown) Who was recently arrested for a murder which seems
to have been a fake memory, one planted by Memory Bank so that
their name would never come into this. Well now it has,
showing Memory Bank was a key investor in the project. With
this now out there the CEO Henrick Smith has been arrested and
is awaiting conviction, and the company has folded and will
now seis to exists. There has been no comment from the company
or the CEO at this time. (news reporters voice fading into the
background) There are set to be more arrests as police look at
all the documents.
The End