Week 2 Introduction To Media

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MEDIA entails the technical and artistic
creation and delivery of information. It
WHAT IS is a means of communication, as radio
MEDIA? and television, newspapers and
magazines, that reach or influence
people widely.
Shannon-Weaver Model of
-shows a linear type of
communication process. That THE PROCESS
means we follow a straight
line of sending a message
from one point to another . COMMUNICATION
From a sender, message is
delivered using a channel to
reach the receiver.
Shannon-Weaver Model


Communication skills Content Seeing Communication skills

Attitudes Elements Hearing Attitudes
Knowledge Treatment Touching Knowledge
Social system Structure Smelling Social system
Culture Code Tasting Culture
David Berlo were able to add
the receiver’s reaction which
is sent back to the sender of
the message. Feedback is
important to know if the THE FEEDBACK
message was effective. Did the MECHANISM
receiver decode the message
properly? Were there
problems in the way the
message was understood?
Technology-related information
MEDIA conduits such as radio and television
encompass what media is, but art forms
OR such as literature ( in a form of books)
and films are also considered as part of
MEDIUM media.
When discussing media as a channel, Companies and telecommunications
especially in the typical SMCR providers that make it possible for us to
communication model, these pertain to go online constitute the Internet
the specific media industry or creative Industry. The Internet could also be
industry that encompasses such a considered as media channel. Those
channel. These include the film belonging in the Information Technology
industry, the broadcast industry ( (IT) such as mobile phones or tablets,
covering radio and television), the could also be placed in the category of
publishing industry ( covering books, media channels. The concern of being a
newspapers, magazines, and comics), channel is to primarily disseminate
and the photography industry information to wide audiences.
Media is so powerful that it transforms
When discussing media as a cultural
a local talent into an instant worldwide
product, the concept of media as part of
sensation, such as Psy’s emergence
popular culture or pop culture also
through his “Gangnam Style” and
emerges. Culture is defined as the sum
Thalia’s popularity from her portrayal in
of those characteristics that identify
several Mexican Soap Operas.
and differentiate human societies as a
Hollywood films remain as classic
complex interweave of many factors.
examples of popular culture products
The culture of the nation is made up of
that are also media products. The same
its language, history, traditions, climate,
is true about pop music and other
geography, arts, social, economic and
popular media forms that originate
political norms, and its system of
from other countries, as well as our
TRADITIONAL MEDIA this includes all kinds of written or
print media like newspapers and magazines. Comics and
books are also included in print media.

 Broadcast Media – electronic media that uses

KINDS OF electricity and technology to deliver the message or
MEDIA  Film or Cinema – pertains to the movies that carry
audiovisuals messages and are usually projected onto
a huge screen i theaters or movie houses.

New media was the term coined to refer to media that

developed when the use of computer technology became
ordinary and common in most parts of the world. New
KINDS OF media also covers mobile technology. Smartphones and
devices which somewhat have the similar capacity to
create, store, and transmit information.
MEDIA New media also refers to a different or newer way of
creating, processing, and transmitting information that is
also similar to traditional media.

Refers to Internet-maintained computer programs that

could be installed in personal computers or portable
devices, the sole purpose of which is to connect with other
people using the same platform. This involves signing up
KINDS OF for a personal account in social networking websites or
installing mobile apps.
MEDIA For people who live far from each other, social media
networks allow them to be virtually connected with each
other, giving us a glimpse of what communication theorist
call “the global village”.

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