Aci 232.1R - 2000 PDF
Aci 232.1R - 2000 PDF
Aci 232.1R - 2000 PDF
Subcommittee members for this report.
†Subcommittee chairman for this report.
‡ Deceased.
Note: Special thanks is extended to P. K. Mehta and Caijun Shi for their help with this document.
This report provides a review of the state-of-the-art use of raw or processed This report contains information and recommendations concerning the
natural pozzolans in concrete and an overview of the properties of natural selection and use of natural pozzolans generally conforming to the applica-
pozzolans and their proper use in the production of hydraulic-cement con- ble requirements of ASTM C 618 and CSA A23.5. Topics covered include
crete. Natural pozzolans mixed with lime were used in concrete construc- the effect of natural pozzolans on concrete properties, a discussion of qual-
tion long before the invention of portland cement because of their ity control and quality assurance, and guidance regarding handling and
contribution to the strength of concrete and mortar. Today, natural poz- use of natural pozzolans in specific applications. References are provided
zolans are used with portland cement not only for strength, but also for that offer more information on each topic.
economy and beneficial modification of certain properties of fresh and
hardened portland-cement concrete. Keywords: alkali-silica reaction; cement; concrete; concrete strength;
diatomaceous earth; lime; natural pozzolan; pozzolan; pozzolanic activity;
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, sulfate attack (on concrete).
and Commentaries are intended for guidance in planning,
designing, executing, and inspecting construction. This CONTENTS
document is intended for the use of individuals who are
competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of Chapter 1—General, p. 232.1R-2
its content and recommendations and who will accept re- 1.1—History
sponsibility for the application of the material it contains. 1.2—Definition of a natural pozzolan
The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all re- 1.3—Chemical and mineralogical composition
sponsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall 1.4—Classification
not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom. 1.5—Examples
Reference to this document shall not be made in con-
tract documents. If items found in this document are de- ACI 232.1R-00 supersedes ACI 232.1R-94 and became effective December 6, 2000.
sired by the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract Copyright 2001, American Concrete Institute.
All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
documents, they shall be restated in mandatory language means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or
mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduc-
for incorporation by the Architect/Engineer. tion or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in
writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
1.6—Chemical and physical properties the cements made by the Greeks and the Romans were of su-
1.7—Uses perior durability, because “neither waves could break, nor
water dissolve” the concrete. In describing the building tech-
Chapter 2—Effects of natural pozzolan on niques of masonry construction, he indicated that the Ro-
concrete properties, p. 232.1R-8 mans developed superior practices of their own from the
2.1—Concrete mixture proportions techniques of the Etruscans and the Greeks. The Greek ma-
2.2—Properties of fresh concrete sons discovered pozzolan-lime mixtures sometime between
2.3—Properties of hardened concrete 700-600 B.C. and later passed their use of concrete along to
the Romans in about 150 B.C. During the 600 years of Ro-
Chapter 3—Specifications, test methods, quality man domination, the Romans discovered and developed a
control, and quality assurance, p. 232.1R-16
3.1—Introduction variety of pozzolans throughout their empire (Kirby et al.
3.2—Chemical requirements 1956).
3.3—Physical requirements During archaeological excavations in the 1970s at the an-
3.4—General specification provisions cient city of Camiros on the Island of Rhodes, Greece, an an-
3.5—Methods of sampling and testing cient water-storage tank having a capacity of 600 m3 (785 yd3)
3.6—Quality control and quality assurance was found. Built in about 600 B.C., it was used until 300 B.C.
when a new hydraulic system with an underground water
Chapter 4—Concrete production using natural tank was constructed. For almost three millennia this water
pozzolans, p. 232.1R-18 tank has remained in very good condition, according to Ef-
4.1—Storage stathiadis (1978).
4.2—Batching Examination of the materials used for this structure re-
vealed that the concrete blocks and mortar used were made
Chapter 5—Concrete applications for natural out of a mixture of lime, Santorin earth, fine sand (<2 mm
pozzolans, p. 232.1R-19
5.1—Concrete masonry units [<0.08 in.]) and siliceous aggregates with sizes ranging be-
5.2—Concrete pipes tween 2 and 20 mm (0.08 and 0.79 in.). The fresh concrete
5.3—Prestressed concrete products was placed into wooden sidewall molds. The compressive
5.4—Mass concrete strength of a 20 mm (0.79 in.) cubic specimen was found to
be 12 MPa (1740 psi). Mortars like these were known to
Chapter 6—Other uses of natural pozzolans, have a composition of six parts by volume of Santorin earth,
p. 232.1R-20 two parts by volume of lime, and one part by volume of fine
6.1—Grouts and mortars sand. These mortars were used as the first hydraulic cements
6.2—Controlled low-strength materials in aqueducts, bridges, sewers, and structures of all kinds.
Some of these structures are still standing along the coasts of
Chapter 7—References, p. 232.1R-21 Italy, Greece, France, Spain, and in harbors of the Mediter-
7.1—Referenced standards and reports ranean Sea. The Greeks and Romans built many such struc-
7.2—Cited references tures over 2000 years ago. Examples of such structures are
the Roman aqueducts as well as more recent structures such
CHAPTER 1—GENERAL as the Suez Canal in Egypt (built in 1860) (Luce 1969), the
1.1—History Corinthian Canal (built in 1880), the sea walls and marine
Lime and limestone are among the oldest materials used
structures in the islands of the Aegean Sea, in Syros, Piraeus,
by mankind for construction purposes. Structures built of
Nauplion, and other cities, and the harbors of Alexandria in
limestone include the pyramids of Egypt. Long before the in-
Egypt, Fiume, Pola Spalato, Zara on the Adriatic Sea, and
vention of portland cement in 1824, mortars and concretes
composed of mixtures and fillers and raw or heat-treated Constanta (Romania) on the Black Sea. All of these struc-
lime were used for construction throughout the world (Mali- tures provide evidence of the durability of pozzolan-lime
nowski 1991). mortar under conditions of mild weathering exposure. Ro-
Malinowski et al. (1993) report that the oldest example of man monuments in many parts of Europe are in use today,
hydraulic binder, dating from 5000-4000 B.C., was a mixture standing as a tribute to the performance of lime-pozzolan
of lime and natural pozzolan, a diatomaceous earth from the mortars (Lea 1971).
Persian Gulf. The next oldest reported use was in the Mediter-
ranean region. The pozzolan was volcanic ash produced from 1.2—Definition of a natural pozzolan
two volcanic eruptions: one, sometime between 1600 and Pozzolan is defined in ACI 116R as:
1500 B.C. on the Aegean Island of Thera, now called Santorin, “...a siliceous or siliceous and aluminous material,
Greece; the other in 79 A.D. at Mt. Vesuvius on the bay of Na- which in itself possesses little or no cementitious value
ples, Italy. Both are volcanic ashes or pumicites consisting of but will, in finely divided form and in the presence of
almost 80% volcanic glass (pumice and obsidian). moisture, chemically react with calcium hydroxide at or-
According to the Roman engineer Marcus Vitruvius Pollio dinary temperatures to form compounds possessing ce-
(Vitruvius Pollio 1960), who lived in the first century B.C.,
--``,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- mentitious properties.”
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ACI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
Table 1.1—Typical chemical and mineralogical analysis of some natural pozzolan (Mehta 1987)
% Estimated Non-
Ignition crystalline
SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 *
Pozzolan CaO MgO Alkalies Loss, % matter, % Major crystalline minerals
Santorin earth 65.1 14.5 5.5 3.0 1.1 6.5 3.5 65 to 75 Quartz, plagioclase
Rhenish trass 53.0 16.0 6.0 7.0 3.0 6.0 — 50 to 60 Quartz, feldspar, analcime
Orthoclase, albite,
Phonolite 55.7 20.2 2.0 4.2 1.1 10.8 3.6 — pyroxene, calcite
Herschelite, chabazite,
Roman tuff 44.7 18.9 10.1 10.3 4.4 6.7 4.4 —
Neapolitian glass 54.5 18.3 4.0 7.4 1.0 11.0 3.1 50-70 Quartz, feldspar
Opaline shale 65.4 10.1 4.2 4.6 2.7 1.4 6.3 — —
Diatomite 86.0 2.3 1.8 — 0.6 0.4 5.2 — —
Rhylolite pumicite 65.7 15.9 2.5 3.4 1.3 6.9 3.4 — —
Jalisco pumice 68.7 14.8 2.3 — 0.5 9.3 5.6 90 Sanidine
%Na2O + 0.658% K2O
Natural Pozzolan is defined as: techniques, it is important to evaluate each natural pozzolan
“...either a raw or calcined natural material that has poz- to confirm its degree of pozzolanic activity. There is no clear
zolanic properties (for example, volcanic ash or pumicite, distinction between siliceous materials that are considered
opaline chert and shales, tuffs, and some diatomaceous pozzolans and those that are not. Generally, amorphous sili-
earths).” ca reacts with calcium hydroxide and alkalies more rapidly
ASTM C 618 and CSA A23.5 cover coal fly ash and nat- than does silica in the crystalline form (quartz). As is the
ural pozzolan for use as a mineral admixture in concrete. The case with all chemical reactions, the larger the particles (the
natural pozzolans in the raw or calcined state are designated as lower the surface area per unit volume) the less rapid the
Class N pozzolans and are described in the specifications as: rate of reaction. Therefore, the chemical composition of a
“Raw or calcined natural pozzolans that comply with the pozzolan does not clearly determine its ability to combine
applicable requirements for the class as given herein, such with calcium hydroxide and alkalies.
as some diatomaceous earth; opaline chert and shales; Volcanic glasses and zeolitic tuffs, when mixed with lime,
tuffs and volcanic ashes or pumicites, any of which may or produce calcium silicate hydrates (CSH) as well as hydrated
may not be processed by calcination; and various materials calcium aluminates and calcium aluminosilicates. These ma-
requiring calcination to induce satisfactory properties, terials were proven to be good pozzolans long ago. Natural
such as some clays and shales.” clays and shales are not pozzolanic, or only weakly so, as
Similar materials of volcanic origin are found in Europe, clay minerals do not react readily with lime unless their crys-
where they have been used as an ingredient of hydraulic-ce- talline structure is partially or completely destroyed by cal-
ment concrete for the past two centuries. cination at temperatures below 1093 C (2000 F).
Raw or processed natural pozzolans are used in the pro- High-purity kaolin may be processed to form a high-qual-
duction of hydraulic-cement concrete and mortars in two ity pozzolan called high-reactivity metakaolin. Italian re-
ways: as an ingredient of a blended cement, or as a mineral searchers who have studied volcanic glasses and the
admixture. This report deals with the second case. Blended relationship to pozzolanic activity believe that “reactive
cements are covered in ACI 225R. Fly ash and silica fume glass originated from explosive volcanic eruptions” like the
are artificial pozzolans and are covered in ACI 232.2R and ones from the volcanoes of Thera and Mount Vesuvius,
234R. which produced the natural pozzolans with unaltered alumi-
1.3—Chemical and mineralogical composition nosilicate glass as their major component (Malquori 1960).
The properties of natural pozzolans vary considerably, de- Both are pumicites, one third of which is in the amorphous
pending on their origin, because of the variable proportions state (glass), and are highly reactive with lime and alkalis at
of the constituents and the variable mineralogical and phys- normal temperatures
ical characteristics of the active materials. Most natural poz-
zolans contain substantial amounts of constituents other than 1.4—Classification
silica, such as alumina and iron oxide, which will react with Mehta (1987) classifies natural pozzolans in four catego-
calcium hydroxide and alkalies (sodium and potassium) to ries based on the principal lime-reactive constituent present:
form complex compounds. Pozzolanic activity cannot be de- unaltered volcanic glass, volcanic tuff, calcined clay or
termined just by quantifying the presence of silica, alumina, shale, and raw or calcined opaline silica. This classification
and iron. The amount of amorphous material usually deter- is not readily applicable to pozzolans of volcanic origin (cat-
mines the reactivity of a natural pozzolan. The constituents egories 1 and 2) because volcanic tuffs commonly include
of a natural pozzolan can exist in various forms, ranging both altered and unaltered siliceous glass. These are the sole
from amorphous reactive materials to crystalline products or primary sources of pozzolanic activity in siliceous glass,
that will react either slowly or not at all. Because the amount opal, zeolites, or clay mineralsthe activity of the last two
of amorphous materials cannot be determined by standard being enhanced by calcination. In Table 1.1, the chemical
Table 1.2—Mineral admixtures and structures that Gaize—Gaize is a pozzolan found in France that is not of
used them (Elfert 1974) volcanic origin but a porous sedimentary rock consisting
Date mainly of opal. The material is usually calcined at tempera-
Name completed Type of pozzolan
tures around 900 C (1620 F) before it is used as a pozzolan
Arrowrock Dam 1915 Granite* or as a component of portland-pozzolan cement.
Lahontan Dam 1915 Siliceous silt* Volcanic tuffs, pumicites, diatomaceous earth, and opa-
Elephant Butte Dam 1916 Sandstone* line shales—In the United States, volcanic tuffs and pumic-
Friant Dam 1942 Pumicite ites, diatomaceous earth, and opaline shales are found
Altus Dam 1945 Pumicite principally in Oklahoma, Nevada, Arizona, and California.
Davis Dam 1950 Calcined opaline shale Natural pozzolans were investigated in this country by
Glenn Anne Dam 1953 Calcined oil-impregnated Bates, Phillips, and Wig as early as 1908 (Bates, Phillips,
diatomaceous shale and Wig 1912) and later by Price (1975), Meissner (1950),
Calcined oil-impregnated Mielenz, Witte, and Glantz (1950), Davis (1950), and others.
Cachuma Dam 1953 diatomaceous shale
Calcined oil-impregnated
They showed that concretes containing pozzolanic materials
Tecolote Tunnel 1957 exhibited certain desirable properties such as lower cost,
diatomaceous shale
Monticello Dam 1957 Calcined diatomaceous clay lower temperature rise, and improved workability. Accord-
Twitchell Dam 1958 Calcined diatomaceous clay ing to Price (1975), an example of the first large-scale use of
Flaming George Dam 1963
Calcined montmorillonite portland-pozzolan cement, composed of equal parts of port-
shale land cement and a rhyolitic pumicite, is the Los Angeles aq-
Glen Canyon Dam 1964 Pumice ueduct in 1910-1912.
*By present standards, these materials have very little pozzolanic activity. The studies of natural pozzolans by the United States Bu-
reau of Reclamation (USBR) in the 1930s and 1940s encour-
aged their use for controlling heat of hydration and alkali-
and mineralogical composition is given for some of the well- silica reaction of concrete in large dams. Siliceous shales of
known pozzolans. the Monterey Formation in Southern California have been
A classification of natural pozzolans based on the identity of produced commercially and used extensively in the sur-
the pozzolanic constituents was devised by Mielenz, Witte, rounding areas. Price (1975) also states that sources of natu-
and Glantz (1950). Substances that are pozzolanic or whose ral pozzolan that do not require calcining to make them
pozzolanic activity can be induced by calcination were clas- active are located mainly west of the Mississippi River. Gen-
sified as volcanic glass, opal, clays, zeolites, and hydrated erally the pozzolanic deposit was in the vicinity of the partic-
oxides of aluminum. Activity type 3 (clays) was subdivided ular project and the amount required was sufficient to support
into five subtypes: 3a kaolinite, 3b montmorillonite, 3c illite, mining and processing costs. The deposit was usually aban-
3d clay mixed with vermiculite, and 3e palygorskite. doned at the completion of the project.
Large deposits of diatomite were discovered decades ago
1.5—Examples in the coastal ranges of central California and the peninsular
Following is a discussion of some natural pozzolans pro- ranges of southern California. The largest reserves of fresh-
duced in various parts of the world. water diatomite are in the northeastern counties of Shasta,
Santorin earth—Santorin earth is produced from a natural Siskiyou, Modoc, and Lassen (Burnett 1991). Diatomite con-
deposit of volcanic ash of dacitic composition on the island sists of microscopic opaline silica frameworks. Some diatoma-
of Thera, in the Agean Sea, also known as Santorin, which ceous shale deposits contain hydrocarbon impregnants that
was formed about 1600-1500 B.C. after a tremendous explo- provide some of the fuel for their calcination (see Table 1.2).
sive volcanic eruption (Marinatos 1972). In 1993, a study was undertaken that appraised as a source
Pozzolana—Pozzolana is produced from a deposit of of pozzolan a lacustrine deposit located about 48.3 km (30 mi)
pumice ash or tuff comprised of trachyte found near Naples north of Reno, Nevada. The material is an intermingling of di-
and Segni in Italy. Trachyte is a volcanic rock comprised pri- atomaceous earth and dacite pumicite. The raw material was
marily of feldspar crystals in a matrix of siliceous glass. Poz- calcined and ground for marketing under the trade name Las-
zolana is a product of an explosive volcanic eruption in 79 A.D. senite. It was used (1970-1989) for the concrete construction
at Mount Vesuvius, which engulfed Herculaneum, Pompeii, of structures, bridges, roadways, the trans-Canada highway,
and other towns along the bay of Naples. The deposit near the Auburn dam, and the Los Melones dam and power plant.
Pozzuoli is the source of the term “pozzolan” given to all ma- It has also been used in research projects by the Department
terials having similar properties. Similar tuffs of lower silica of Transportation of the State of California during the period
content have been used for centuries and are found in the vi- from January 1987 to August 1991.
cinity of Rome. Pumicite is a finely divided volcanic ash composed of
Rhenish trass—Rhenish trass, a natural pozzolan of volca- angular and porous particles of siliceous glass and varying
nic origin (Lovewell 1971), has been well known since ancient proportions of crystal fragments differing from pumice only
Roman times. The material is a trachytic tuff that differs from in grain size. Pumicites are mainly rhyolitic or dacites in
place to place and is found in the Valley of the Rhine River in composition. They occur as stratified or massive deposits,
Germany. Similar tuffs have been used in Bavaria.
commonly as lake beds.
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ACI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
Table 1.3—Cretaceous volcanic ash from North Table 1.4—Test results of North Dakota volcanic ash
Dakota (copy of report submitted to Minnesota Testing Specifica-
Electronics Company, St. Paul, Minn.)*† parameters Samples tion
Testing parameters Samples ASTM C 618 ASTM
61-1 61-1 61-1 61-5 61-13
C 618
100 C 538 C 760 C
Processing temperature — Processed calci-
212 F 1000 F 1400 F 100 C 760 C 927 C 100 C 100 C
nation tempera- —
(212 F) (1400 F) (1700 F) (212 F) (212 F)
Density, Mg/m3 2.2624 — 2.404 — ture
Blaine fineness, m2/kg 9770 — 9767 — Density, Mg/m3 2.37 2.50 2.39 — — —
Mean particle diameter, µm 2.715 — 2.555 — Amount retained
on 45 µm (No. 2.9 3.2 — 0.6 — 34 max.
Amount retained on 45 7.85 — 10.26 34.0 max. 325) sieve, %
µm (No. 325) sieve, %
Strength activity
Strength activity index: with 4.2 7.1 index with lime at
lime at 7 days, MPa (psi), — 7 days, MPa (psi), 6.6 9.5 7.0 7.5 7.0
(611) 4.7 (1030) —
50 x 100 mm cylinders 4.6 (680) 7.7 50 x 100 mm cyl- (9.52) (1375) (1015) (1090) (1.10)
(2 x 4 in.) (665) (1120)
— inders
50 mm cubes (2 in.) (2 x 4 in.)
Strength activity index: Strength activity
with portland cement, at 64 — 80 75 min. index with port-
28 days, % of control land cement at 28 118 111 — — — 75 min.
Water requirement, % of days, % of con-
107 — 108 115 max. trol
Soundness: autoclave Water require-
expansion or contraction, 0.32 — 0.26 0.80 max. ment, % of con- 110 112 114 110 110 115 max.
% trol
Increase of drying shrink- Color of sample Light Light Dark buff Light Light —
age of mortar bars at gray buff gray gray
28 days, difference, in % — — 0.025 0.03 max.
over control Note: The materials tested were grounded with a muller. Calcining was done at 760 C
(1400 F) and 927 C (1700 F) for a period of 1 h.
the Northwest Laboratories, Seattle, Wash., in 1960.
These tests were performed on composite samples of volcanic ash from 20 test holes.
The portions from each test hole are taken from 0.3 m to 7 to 9 m (1 ft to 23 to 30 ft) Stanton (1917) described the Cretaceous volcanic ash bed
levels. The material was crushed, ground in a ball mill, and calcined at 538 and 760 C
(1000 and 1400 F) for 15 min.
on the Great Plains near Linton, North Dakota, as several
conspicuous white outcrops that suggest chalk or diatoma-
ceous earth. At one exposure, 1.6 km (1 mi) southeast of Lin-
ton, the thickness of the white bed is 8 m (26 ft) and the rock
is very fine-grained and mostly massive, although it contains
some thin-bedded layers. A sample examined by G. F.
Loughlin consisted of 80% volcanic glass, 15% quartz and
feldspar, and 2 to 3% biotite.
The Linton area ash bed is generally overlain by sand and
underlain by shale. Contamination of the ash by this adjacent
using RHA, as shown by Mehta and Folliard (1995) and drade, and Paulon 1982). In the United Kingdom, large-scale
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ACI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
0 7 28 180
Age, Days
Fig. 1.5—Effect of high-reactivity metakaolin at 0.3 w/cm Fig. 1.6—Changes in calcium hydroxide content of hydrat-
ratio on compressive strength of concrete (Hooton, Gruber, ing portland-pozzolan cement (Lea 1971).
and Boddy 1997).
to the products of hydration of portland cement (Fig. 1.6).
trials have been conducted using high-reactivity metakaolin According to Lea (1971), the partial replacement of portland
concretes subjected to aggressive environments (Ashbridge, cement by pozzolan of high SiO2/R2O3 (R2O3 = Al2O3 +
Jones, and Osborne 1996). Their research shows excellent Fe2O3) ratio has been found to increase the resistance of con-
strength development, reduced permeability, and chemical crete to sulfate and seawater attack (R2O3 is approximately
resistance. In addition, strength, pozzolanic activity, and ce- the summation of the Al2O3 and Fe2O3 contents). This is, in
ment hydration characteristics have been studied in super- part, attributable to the removal of free hydroxide formed in
plasticized metakaolin concrete (Wild, Khatib, and Jones the hydration of portland cements.
1996). The result is that the hardened cement paste contains less
In the United States, metakaolin has been evaluated as a calcium hydroxide, more CSH, and other products of low po-
pozzolan in various research studies as well as in the field. rosity. Research on the hydration of blended cements made
In one air-entrained high-performance concrete mixture, the with natural pozzolans of volcanic origin (Santorin earth,
metakaolin-containing concrete showed increased strength pozzolana) indicated that pore refinement resulting from
and reduced chloride penetration compared to the portland pozzolanic reaction is important for enhancing chemical du-
cement control design, while maintaining good workability rability and mechanical strength (Mehta 1987).
and an air-void system that produced good resistance to cy- The shape, fineness, particle-size distribution, density, and
cles of freezing and thawing and to deicer scaling (Cal- composition of natural pozzolan particles influence the prop-
darone, Gruber, and Burg 1994). Benefits of using high- erties of freshly mixed unhardened concrete and the strength
reactivity metakaolin in ternary systems with ground granu- development of hardened concrete. Most natural pozzolans
lated blast-furnace slag and fly ash have also been reported tend to increase the water requirement in the normal consis-
(Caldarone and Gruber 1995). Fig. 1.4 and 1.5 shows the ef- tency test as a result of their microporous character and high
fect of a high-reactivity metakaolin on compressive strength surface area. Natural pozzolans can improve the perfor-
of concrete (Hooton, Gruber, and Boddy 1997). Mixtures mance of both fresh and hardened concrete when used as an
with 8 to 12% metakaolin replacement at 0.4 to 0.3 water-ce- ingredient of portland-pozzolan cement or as an admixture to
mentitious materials ratio (w/cm) greatly improved the com- portland-cement concrete.
pressive strength at all ages. Hooton, Gruber, and Boddy
(1997) showed that high-reactivity metakaolin enhanced re- 1.7—Uses
sistance to chloride ingress. Pozzolans of natural origin have been used in mass con-
crete on large projects in the United States, and where they
1.6—Chemical and physical properties are locally available they are used in concrete construction
When a mixture of portland cement and a pozzolan reacts, and manufacture of concrete products. Such uses of poz-
the pozzolanic reaction progresses like an acid-base reaction zolans of natural origin are more widespread in Europe than
of lime and alkalies with oxides (SiO2 + A12 O3 + Fe2O3) of in the United States. Natural pozzolans are now used in con-
the pozzolan. Two things happen. First, there is a gradual de- crete in a variety of ways, depending upon their reactivity.
crease in the amount of free calcium hydroxide with time, The natural pozzolans may be used as partial replacements
and second, during this reaction there is an increase in for- for portland cement or in addition to portland cement. Some
mation of CSH and calcium aluminosilicates that are similar natural pozzolans have been used in much the same way as
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ACI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
fly ash. Other natural pozzolans of high reactivity, such as During the 1960s and early 1970s, natural pozzolan was
metakaolin, have been found to perform similarly to silica used at the rate of 42 kg/m3 (70 lb/yd3) in nearly all of the
fume, and are used in a similar manner. concrete in the California State Water Project, including lin-
According to Mielenz, Witte, and Glantz (1950), in 1933 ing of the California Aqueduct (Tuthill 1967, Tuthill and Ad-
the USBR undertook an intensive study on using natural ams 1972). This was the most extensive use of a natural
pozzolans for the purpose of controlling the heat of hydra- pozzolan in a project in U.S. history. Requirements on this
tion of concrete and other concrete benefits for mass con- pozzolan exceeded those of ASTM C 618.
crete applications such as large dams. Several investigations A kaolin clay from Brazil has been used since 1965 as an
revealed the effect of calcination of more than 200 prospec- ingredient in concrete in the construction of large dams at a
tive natural pozzolans on their properties and performance in cost of approximately 1/3 that of portland cement (Saad , An-
concrete. The following properties were reported: drade, and Paulon 1982). This natural pozzolan is produced
1. Mineralogical and chemical composition; by calcining kaolin clay and grinding it to a fineness of 700
2. Pozzolanic activity, water requirement, and strength; and to 900 m2/kg (380 to 490 yd2/lb). Because of this high fine-
ness and activity it can be used for cement replacement up to
3. Expansion due to alkali-silica reactivity.
50% by volume, with 90-day compressive strength similar to
Mielenz, Witte, and Glantz (1950) conclude that calcina- concrete made with portland cement. At Jupia Dam, the use
tion of clay minerals was essential to develop satisfactory of this natural pozzolan, at 20 to 30% of the volume of ce-
pozzolanic activity, and the response to heat treatment varied ment, resulted in lower temperature rise, improved cohesion,
with the type of clay minerals present. Many natural poz- and reduction of expansion due to alkali-silica reaction (An-
zolans were usable in the raw state. If moist, they usually re- driolo 1975). When first used for general concrete construc-
quired drying and grinding before use. The best natural tion the pozzolan replaced 30% of the cement by volume,
pozzolans owed their activity to volcanic glass with 70 to and when used for structural concrete construction the rate of
73% SiO2 content, with 40 to 100% being in the form of rhy- replacement was 20%. The use of this high-reactivity poz-
olitic glass. Mielenz (1983) gives the history and back- zolan in mass concrete construction provided substantial
ground on mineral admixtures along with the use of natural gains in cost and improved the concrete properties. (Saad,
pozzolans (raw and calcined). Elfert (1974) describes the ex- Andrade, and Paulon 1982).
periences of the USBR in the use of large quantities of fly
ash and natural pozzolans in the western United States. Table
1.2 lists the types of mineral admixtures used in concrete ON CONCRETE PROPERTIES
dams, built during the time period 1915-1964. 2.1—Concrete mixture proportions
Today, blended cements consisting of portland cement The most effective method for evaluating the performance
and pozzolan, as covered by ASTM C 595 and C 1157, are of a concrete containing a natural pozzolan and establishing
used in concrete construction for economic reasons to help proper mixture proportions for a specific application is the
reduce the energy consumption and to achieve specific use of trial batches and a testing program. Because some nat-
technical benefits. ural pozzolans perform better than others and project re-
In the 1920s and 1930s, natural pozzolans were used as a quirements differ, optimum proportions for a given
mineral admixture in concrete for the construction of dams combination of pozzolan and portland cement cannot be pre-
and other structures then being constructed by the Los Ange- dicted. When used as a replacement for a portion of portland
les County Flood Control District. The California Division cement, natural pozzolan replaces an equal volume or equal
of Highways used a specially made portland-pozzolan ce- mass of the cement. Because the density of natural pozzolans
ment in several structures (bridges) because of its proven re- is typically less than the density of portland cement, mass re-
sistance to sulfate attack from seawater and its lower heat of placement results in a greater volume of total cementitious
hydration (Davis 1950). materials than when volume replacement is used at a given
Meissner (1950) reports that a portland-pozzolan cement percentage. The mass of natural pozzolan employed may be
containing 25% interground calcined Monterey shale was greater than that of the replaced cement if the concrete is pro-
produced during the 1930s and 1940s. The California Divi- portioned for optimum properties and maximum economy.
sion of Highways used this cement in the 1930s in several Proportioning techniques for concrete including a finely
structures, including the Golden Gate Bridge and the San divided mineral admixture are similar to those used in pro-
Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Another portland-pozzolan portioning concrete that does not include such an admixture.
cement, containing 25% interground calcined pozzolan, was Proportioning techniques for concrete mixtures are given in
used in 1935 for the construction of the Bonneville Dam ACI 211.1. Specific procedures for proportioning mixtures
spillway on the lower Columbia River. In 1940 to 1942 the containing pozzolans were developed by Lovewell and Hy-
USBR built the Friant Dam on the San Joaquin River in Cal- land (1974). Finely divided mineral admixtures, whether nat-
ifornia with a portland cement-pozzolan combination. The ural pozzolan or other finely divided material, should usually
pozzolan was a naturally fine rhyolite pumicite, which was be regarded as part of the cement paste matrix in determining
batched separately at the concrete mixer at the rate of 20% the optimum percentages of fine and coarse aggregate.
by mass of cement. This pozzolan was obtained from a de- The effect of the natural pozzolan on the mixing water re-
posit along the San Joaquin River near Friant. quirement should also be determined. Some finely divided
Copyright American Concrete Institute
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mineral admixtures cause a major increase in water require- The watery paste continues to bleed within the pockets de-
ment; others have little or no effect on water requirement, fined by aggregate particles, leaving water-filled spaces at
and still others typically reduce the water requirement of the undersides of the particles. Therefore, with such mix-
concrete in which they are used (Mather 1958). Natural poz- tures, bleeding tends to reduce homogeneity of the concrete.
zolans affect the water requirement of the concrete and there- In extreme cases, the lack of homogeneity is manifested by
fore the cement content. A natural pozzolan should be open fissures large enough to be easily visible to the naked
considered as part of the cementitious material (U.S. Bureau eye in a cross section of the concrete under the aggregate par-
of Reclamation 1975). The amount of natural pozzolan used ticles. This lack of bond between paste and aggregate reduc-
varies significantly based upon the activity of the pozzolan. es the potential strength of concrete and increases
Some natural pozzolans are used in a range of 15 to 35% permeability and absorption.
based upon the mass of the total cementitious material in the These undesirable effects can be reduced by increasing the
concrete. More reactive natural pozzolans can be used in ratio of surface area of solids to volume of water in the paste.
lower concentrations of 5 to 15% by mass of total cementi- This generally increases the stiffness of the paste and, at a
tious material; however, such low concentrations may in- given slump, effects a wider separation of the aggregate par-
crease expansion resulting from the altered silica reaction in ticles in the concrete. Increasing the amount of a suitable
the presence of some alkali-reactive aggregates (Stanton pozzolan usually increases the ratio of surface area of solids
1950). The optimal amount of natural pozzolan depends on to volume of water.
where the concrete is used and the specifications for the Natural pozzolans generally increase the cohesiveness of
work. the mixture by producing a more plastic paste that allows the
concrete to consolidate readily and flow freely under vibration.
2.2—Properties of fresh concrete The increased cohesiveness also helps to reduce segregation.
Most natural pozzolans produce a cohesive mixture that Natural pozzolans should have physical characteristics
maintains a plastic consistency, improving the workability. that allow the portland cement-pozzolan paste to contain a
Typically, natural pozzolans absorb water from the mixture maximum proportion of solid matter and a minimum propor-
and hold this water in the system allowing for improved tion of water. This requires that the mineral particles not
finishing. have too high a surface area. The preferred shape would be a
Where the available concrete aggregates are deficient in smooth, round particle instead of an irregular, rough-tex-
finer particle sizes, particularly material passing the 75 µm tured particle that would have a higher water demand. The
(No. 200) sieve, the use of a finely divided mineral admix- high water demand of bentonite, which has a surface area
ture can reduce bleeding and segregation, and increase the considerably higher than cement, limits the use of that natu-
strength of concrete by supplying those fines missing from ral pozzolan to smaller percentages than those used in con-
the aggregate (ACI 211.1). When an appropriate quantity of ventional concrete mixture proportions.
mineral admixture is used to correct such grading deficien- As is the case with other pozzolans, for example, fly ash
cies, no increase in total water content of the concrete is re- (ACI 232.2R), the use of natural pozzolan may extend the
quired to achieve a given consistency or slump. Drying time of setting of the concrete if the portland cement content
shrinkage and absorption of the hardened concrete are not is reduced. The setting-time characteristics of concrete are
greatly affected. A favorable particle shape, which is not flat influenced by ambient and concrete temperature; cement
or elongated, and a satisfactory fineness of the mineral ad- type, source, content, and fineness; water content of the
mixture, however, are necessary qualities if a low water con- paste; water soluble alkalies; use and dosages of other ad-
tent is to be achieved without use of a water-reducing mixtures; the amount of pozzolan; and the fineness and
admixture. For example, coarse pozzolan of poor particle chemical composition of the pozzolan. When these factors
shape, such as finely divided pumicites, may require an are given proper consideration in the concrete mixture pro-
increase in water content of the concrete for a given portioning, an acceptable time of setting can usually be ob-
slump. This may contribute to increased bleeding and segre- tained. The actual effect of a given natural pozzolan on time
gation of the fresh concrete. of setting may be determined by testing, when a precise de-
The use of finely divided mineral admixtures having poz- termination is needed, or by observation, when a less precise
zolanic properties can provide a major economic benefit in determination is acceptable. Pressures on formwork may be
that the use of these materials permits a reduction in the increased when concrete containing a natural pozzolan is
amount of portland cement in the mixture. For example, used if increased workability, slower slump loss, or extended
Waugh (1963) reported that the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- setting-time characteristics are encountered.
neers experienced a major economic benefit through the use
of natural pozzolan; although, aside from a reduction in wa- 2.3—Properties of hardened concrete
ter requirement, other technical benefits had not been spec- Concrete containing a pozzolan typically provides lower
tacular. When the ratio of surface area of solids to volume permeability, reduced heat of hydration, reduced alkali-ag-
of water is low, the rate of bleeding is relatively high. More- gregate-reaction expansion, higher strengths at later ages,
over, most of the bleeding does not appear at the surface. The and increased resistance to attack from sulfates from seawa-
aggregate particles settle for a short period until they estab- ter or other sources than concrete that does not contain poz-
lish point-to-point contacts that prevent further settlement.
zolan (Mather 1958). Mather (1982) reported that the sulfate
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90 60
Compressive Strength,
Compressive Strength, MPa
40 20
30 RHA=5%
20 RHA=15%
5 % HRM
5% SF
10 0 1 3 7 28 56
Age, days
0 3 7 28 90 365
Age, days
Fig. 2.3—Development of compressive strength of concrete
with different percentages of RHA as cement replacement
Fig. 2.1—Comparison of compressive strength of high-reac- (w/cm = 0.40) (Zhang and Malhotra 1996).
tivity metakaolin and silica fume concrete at 5% cement
replacement (Calarone, Gruber, and Burg 1994). These early strengths can be increased by substituting the
pozzolanic material for the cement on an equal mass basis or
a volumetric amount greater than one-to-one for the cement
80 replaced, provided that the increase in the amount of poz-
zolanic materials does not significantly increase the w/cm so
that the required strength of the concrete is not achieved.
Compressive Strength MPa
A natural pozzolan of high chemical activity, such as me-
50 takaolin, can sometimes increase early-age strengths, even
when used as a replacement for cement, either by an equal
40 mass or by volume in an amount greater than one-to-one for
30 the cement replaced. Caldarone, Gruber, and Burg (1994)
Control compare the compressive strength of a concrete without poz-
20 10 % HRM
10 % SF
zolan with concrete containing a highly reactive metakaolin
at an addition level of 5 to 10% by mass of cement. Figures
2.1 and 2.2 show that at all testing ages, the concrete contain-
0 ing this natural pozzolan provided higher compressive
0 3 7 28 90 365
strength than the control (w/cm = 0.38, 0.36, 0.38, and 0.36
Age, days
compared with 0.41 for the control).
Fig. 2.2—Comparison of the compressive strength of high- Zhang and Malhotra (1996) report on the physical and
reactivity metakaolin and silica fume concrete at 10% chemical properties of RHA, and a total of 10 air-entrained
cement replacement (Calarone, Gruber, and Burg 1994). concrete mixtures were made to evaluate the effects of the
use of RHA as a cement replacement. Their test results indi-
resistance of mortar is highest when a silica fume or a highly cate that RHA is highly pozzolanic and can be used to pro-
siliceous natural pozzolan is used. duce high-performance concrete. The test results are shown
2.3.1 Strength—The effect of a natural pozzolan on the in Fig. 2.3 through 2.5. Figure 2.3 shows the compressive
compressive strength of concrete varies markedly with the strength development of concrete with different percentages
properties of the particular pozzolan and with the character- of RHA. Figure 2.4 shows the increase of compressive
istics of the concrete mixture in which it is used. The com- strength of concrete containing RHA with decreasing w/cm
pressive strength development is a function of the chemical from 0.50 to 0.31. Figure 2.5 shows compressive strengths of
interaction between the natural pozzolan and the portland ce- concrete with RHA and silica fume compared with that of
ment during hydration. For example, materials that are rela- control concrete at various ages up to 730 days.
tively low in chemical activity generally increase the It has been shown in Europe and the United States that the
strength of lean mixtures and decrease the strength of rich intergrinding of pozzolans with portland cement clinker in
mixtures. On the other hand, cements and pozzolans contrib- the production of blended cements improves their contribu-
ute to strength not only because of their chemical composi- tion toward strength. Results from an investigation of the
tion but also because of their physical character in terms of effect of curing time on the compressive strength of ASTM
particle packing (Philleo 1986). When some pozzolanic ma- C 109 mortar cubes, made with portland-pozzolan cements
terials of low chemical activity are used to replace cement on
containing 10, 20, and 30% Santorin earth, are shown in
an equal volume basis, early strengths may be reduced. Fig. 2.6 and 2.7 by Mehta (1981). It is clear from these re-
Copyright American Concrete Institute
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Portland Cement
10% Pozzolan
20% Pozzolan
5 30% Pozzolan
0 1 3 7 28
Age, days
Fig. 2.5—Development of compressive strength of concrete Fig. 2.7—Effect of curing time on compressive strength of
with RHA and silica fume (w/cm = 40) (Zhang and Mal- mortar cubes up to 12 months made with portland-pozzolan
hotra 1996). cements containing Santorin earth (Mehta 1981).
sults that the contribution of the pozzolan to compressive ceous shale natural pozzolan to the compressive strength of
strength development occurs sometime after seven days of the control concrete. (Elfert 1974).
hydration. 2.3.2 Sulfate resistance—Use of natural pozzolans with
At 28 days, the compressive strength of a concrete with portland cement in concrete generally increases resistance
10% Santorin earth was higher than that of the reference port- to aggressive attack by seawater, sulfate-bearing soil solu-
land cement concrete. At 90 days, the concrete that used 10 tions, and natural acid waters. The relative improvement is
and 20% pozzolan showed compressive strengths higher than greater for concrete with a low cement content. The use of
that of the reference portland cement concrete, and at 1 year, a pozzolan with sulfate-resistant portland cements may not
the concrete that used 30% pozzolan was similar to that of the increase sulfate resistance and, if chemically active alumi-
reference portland-cement concrete, as shown in Fig. 2.7. As num compounds are present in the pozzolan, a reduction in
shown in Fig. 2.8, Massazza and Costa (1979) reported sim- sulfate resistance of the concrete may result.
ilar results on the effect of substituting varying proportions ASTM C 1012 is a suitable performance test method de-
of portland cement with an Italian natural pozzolan. Figure veloped to evaluate the performance of mortars made with
2.9 compares the compressive strength development of fly portland cements, blended cements, and blends of portland
ash concrete and concrete containing a calcined diatoma- cements with fly ash, natural pozzolans, or slags in produc-
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Fig. 2.8—Effect of substituting Italian natural pozzolan for Fig. 2.9—Effect of pozzolan on compressive strength of con-
portland cement on compressive strength of ISO mortar crete (Elfert 1974).
(Massazza and Costa 1979).
Fig. 2.10—ASTM C 1012 sulfate resistance results comparing blended cements and port-
land cements having same C3A content as calculated by Bogue method (Patzias 1987).
ing a sulfate-resisting cement mortar (Patzias 1987). A series tent as calculated by the Bogue method (Fig. 2.10) (Patzias
of ASTM C 1012 tests with 20 cements and blends of Type 1987).
I with Class F fly ash, Santorin earth, and silica fume showed An extensive research program at the USBR assessed
that blended cements containing highly siliceous natural or various natural pozzolans for sulfate resistance (Elfert
artificial pozzolans, slags, or silica fume had better sulfate 1974). Figure 2.11 shows the results of accelerated tests in
resistance than portland cements having the same C3A con- 2.1% sodium sulfate solution to predict the service life of var-
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Fig. 2.14—Effect of pozzolan on temperature rise of con- Fig. 2.16—Adibatic temperature rise (1 kg/m3 = 1.7 lb/yd3)
crete (Elfert 1974). (Saad et al. 1982).
ment and 20% pozzolan mixed to constant flow and tested at
7 and 28 days, and is considered only as an indicator of reac-
tivity and does not measure the compressive strength of con-
crete containing the pozzolan. It provides no information on
the optimum proportion of pozzolan for use in concrete. Oth-
er specified and optional requirements relating to physical
properties include the following:
1. Water requirement of the mortar—ASTM C 618 re-
quires the water demand not to exceed 115% of the control
Fig. 2.23—Drying shrinkage of concrete prisms made with
cements containing various amounts of Santorin earth mixture based on the amount of water required to achieve a
(Mehta 1981). flow equal to within ± 5% of the control mixture in the
strength activity index test for mortar;
3.2—Chemical requirements 2. Soundness—Determine soundness by measuring auto-
Early studies sought to relate pozzolan performance with clave expansion or contraction of a paste made with 25 parts
chemical analysis for silica, alumina, or iron oxide but had by mass of the pozzolan and 100 parts by mass of portland
little success. Today, many, but not all, specifications have a cement. A length change of 0.8% is the maximum allowed
minimum requirement for the sum of the oxides SiO2 + by ASTM C 618. It is specified that if the pozzolan will con-
A12O3 + Fe2O3. The intent is to ensure that sufficient poten- stitute more than 20% of the cementitious material in the pro-
tially reactive constituents are present. ASTM C 618 re- posed concrete; the paste used for autoclave testing shall
quires a minimum of 70% for the sum of these oxides for contain the anticipated percentage of pozzolan. The test pro-
Class N pozzolans, 10.0% maximum loss on ignition, 4.0% tects against the delayed expansion that could occur if suffi-
maximum SO3, and 3.0% maximum moisture content. cient amounts of MgO are present in the concrete as periclase
or CaO is present as hard-burned free lime;
3.3—Physical requirements 3. Uniformity limits—These limits are given in ASTM C
Pozzolan fineness is controlled in most cases by limiting 618. Limits are specified for a pozzolan to keep the variation
the amount retained on the 45 µm (No. 325) sieve by wet of density and fineness within practical limits for shipments
sieving. Reactivity has been found to be directly related to over a period of time. Also, for pozzolan used in air-en-
the quantity passing this sieve, as the coarser particles gen- trained concrete, there is an optional limit on the permitted
erally do not react in a reasonable time in concrete. ASTM variation of air-entraining admixture demand caused by the
C 618 limits the amount retained to 34% for natural poz- pozzolan;
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4. Increase in drying shrinkage of mortar bars dried 28 days— ASTM C 618 certification as well as at least 40 individual
This limit is applied only at the request of the purchaser to indi- test results for loss on ignition, amount retained on the 45 µm
cate whether the pozzolan will cause a substantial increase in (No. 325) sieve, density, and SO3 content. The purpose of
drying-shrinkage in mortar bars; the quality history is to demonstrate whether the pozzolan
5. Reactivity with cement alkalies—Optional mortar-bar consistently conforms to specification and uniformity re-
expansion tests (ASTM C 441) can be requested if a poz- quirements. Statistical analysis of these data helps to deter-
zolan is to be used with an aggregate regarded as deleterious- mine whether the source of pozzolan is suitable for the
ly reactive with cement alkalies and high-alkali cement; and intended use.
6. Sulfate expansion—Optional test for sulfate deteriora- A company selling natural pozzolan intended to be in
tion (ASTM C 1012) can be requested when the concrete conformance with ASTM C 618 should have a quality-
will be exposed to sulfate environments. control program that is technically and statistically sound.
After the quality history is established, the source should
3.4—General specification provisions be tested periodically at the frequencies listed below to
ASTM C 618 requires that the purchaser or a representa- ensure continued conformance to ASTM C 618.
tive have access to stored natural pozzolan for the purpose of The important characteristics of the particular source of
inspection and sampling. It also states that “the purchaser has a pozzolan should be determined and a quality-control
the right to reject material that fails to conform to the require- program established for that source, taking into account
ments of the specification.” those characteristics and the requirements of specifica-
tions for its use in concrete. Samples may also be taken
3.5—Methods of sampling and testing periodically and stored in the event that future testing and
ASTM C 311 outlines the procedures for testing samples evaluation is desirable.
of pozzolan to determine compliance with requirements of ASTM C 311 provides for test methods on test proce-
ASTM C 618. The three main divisions of the standard are dures for moisture content, loss on ignition, and fineness to
sampling methods, chemical analysis methods, and physical be conducted on natural pozzolan samples representing not
test procedures. For a number of test procedures, refer- more than 90 Mg (100 tons) from a new source or 360 Mg
ence is made to other cement, mortar, or concrete tests for (400 tons) from an established source and on test procedures
the body of the test procedure with ASTM C 311, indicat- for density and other tests in specification ASTM C 618. Ta-
ing the modifications in proportions, preparation proce- ble 1 in ASTM C 311 should be conducted on samples rep-
dures, or test parameters. Many of these procedures use resenting not more than 1800 Mg (2000 tons) from a new
arbitrary proportions not necessarily those to be used on a source or 2900 Mg (3200 tons) from an established source.
project. Sampling and testing on a time schedule basis, in addition to
3.5.1 Sampling methods—Either individual grab sam- the tonnage basis prescribed by ASTM C 311, may be a use-
ples or composite samples may be used depending on the ful part of the program. An effective quality-control program
circumstances. This method, as described in ASTM C allows the supplier to maintain test reports for demonstration
311, provides detailed procedures for sampling from the of product compliance with regard to the physical, chemical,
conveyor delivering to bulk storage, bulk storage at points and uniformity requirements of ASTM or other special
of discharge, bulk storage by means of sampling tubes, project performance requirements, as well as to monitor
and railroad cars or trucks. variability of critical characteristics. Statistical evaluations
3.5.2 Chemical analysis methods—Chemical analysis pro- of the test data provide the supplier with information on
cedures involve determining moisture content by drying to long-term variations.
constant mass and then the loss on ignition. The latter re- In addition to the producer’s quality-control program,
quires igniting the dried sample to constant mass in a muffle some users have extensive quality-assurance programs, for
furnace at 750 ± 50 C (1382 F ± 122 F) using an uncovered example, that of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Unit-
porcelain crucible (not a platinum crucible, as used for ce- ed States government projects.
ment testing). Many of the required chemical determinations
are then made using procedures that are the same as, or very CHAPTER 4—CONCRETE PRODUCTION USING
similar to, those used in testing portland cement. NATURAL POZZOLANS
3.5.3 Physical test procedures—Physical tests include 4.1—Storage
determining the density and the amount retained on the 45 Because natural pozzolans are normally of lower density
µm (No. 325) sieve using the test methods developed for than portland cement, bulk density should be considered when
portland cement. Soundness and strength testing proce- ordering or taking inventory. The bulk density in bins or silos
dures are included in ASTM C 311 with reference to ce- is generally assumed to be between 880 and 1280 kg/m3
ment testing procedures where appropriate. (55 and 80 lb/ft3), whereas cement in bins and silos is gen-
erally assumed to be between 960 and 1500 kg/m3 (60 and
3.6—Quality control and quality assurance 94 lb/ft 3). Both pozzolan and cement may have lower bulk
The first recommended step in starting a pozzolan quality- density immediately after conveying. Bulk pneumatic tank
control program is to establish the quality history for each trucks that typically carry cement and pozzolan are usually
source of pozzolan. This quality history should include large enough in volume to receive a full, legal load for
Copyright American Concrete Institute
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over-highway delivery. Pozzolan of very low bulk density CHAPTER 5—CONCRETE APPLICATIONS FOR
will reduce the load that can be carried. NATURAL POZZOLANS
5.1—Concrete masonry units
Bins and silos intended for cement storage may also be
Some manufacturers of concrete masonry units use as
used to store pozzolan. They should be large enough to re-
much as 35% pozzolan in the cementitious material for the
ceive at least two deliveries. Due to the similar appearance manufacture of units cured using high-pressure steam. Oth-
of pozzolan and cement, it is prudent to color-code and la- ers use from 15 to 35% in the cementitious material for the
bel the fill pipes or to take other precautions to minimize manufacture of units cured using low-pressure steam. Poz-
the possibility of cross-contamination. Care should also be zolan reportedly gives added plasticity to the relatively harsh
taken to clearly identify which storage compartments con- mixtures used in concrete masonry units (Belot 1967). Auto-
tain pozzolan and to establish proper materials manage- clave curing is not as common as in the past, and some of the
ment procedures (Gaynor 1978). Bins should be newer curing systems with short preset times can present
completely cleaned out when they are being switched over early strength problems when some pozzolans of lower
to handle a different type of material. As with cement from activity are used.
different mills, pozzolan from different sources should not When natural pozzolan is used in concrete products cured in
be mixed in the same bin. an autoclave at temperatures of 135 to 190 C (275 to 374 F)
Pozzolan flows readily when aerated. This characteristic and pressures of 0.5 to 1.2 MPa (75 to 170 psi), the cement
increases the possibility of leakage from bins and silos. content may be reduced by 30 to 35%. Particular care should
When cement and pozzolan must be stored in different com- be taken to ensure that the pozzolan meets the soundness re-
partments of the same bin or silo and are separated by a di- quirement of ASTM C 618. The average cement replace-
viding partition, the partition should be inspected frequently. ment in low-pressure steam-curing applications is about
20% pozzolan.
A double wall with an intervening air space is highly recom-
mended; otherwise, pozzolan may move from one bin to the Tests for resistance to freezing and thawing of concrete
other through faulty welded connections or through holes masonry units containing pozzolans indicate that such units
can be expected to perform well in vertical construction,
caused by wear. Because it is virtually impossible to detect
such as walls. For the more severe conditions of horizontal ex-
contamination of a cement storage compartment by visually
posure, a minimum compressive strength of 21 MPa (3045 psi)
examining the cement as batches of the concrete are mixed,
based on the net area of the unit is recommended when normal-
care in avoiding intermingling of cement and pozzolan is of density aggregates are used. Air entrainment is not practical
great importance. A separate silo for pozzolan is preferred. at the extremely low or zero slumps used for concrete ma-
Each storage bin and silo should be equipped with a positive sonry units. It could, however, be applicable to slump block
shutoff valve to control the flow of the pozzolan in the weigh or quarry tile.
batcher. Rotary valves, rotary valve feeders, and butterfly To provide adequate resistance to freezing and thawing for
valves are generally suitable for this purpose. A convention- units made with concrete having appreciable slump, air en-
al scissors-gate may be used if it is well maintained. Indepen- trainment is needed (Redmond 1969). When proportioning
dent dust collectors on cement and pozzolan bins are mixtures, concrete product producers should check the grad-
recommended. ing and types of aggregates, cements, equipment, and curing
temperatures, and then adjust trial batches with various
4.2—Batching amounts of pozzolans to achieve specific technical or eco-
When batching natural pozzolan and cement at a con- nomic objectives (Valore 1970). Pozzolan can be used to re-
crete plant, it is not necessary to install separate weigh duce moisture absorption of masonry units.
batchers. Pozzolan and cement may be batched cumulative-
ly in the same weigh batcher. Cement normally should be 5.2—Concrete pipes
batched first so that accidental overbatching of pozzolan Pozzolans may provide significant benefits in the manu-
will not cause underbatching of cement (Gaynor 1978). facture of concrete pipes. Properly proportioned mixtures
containing pozzolans lessen the permeability of concrete,
To transport natural pozzolan from bin to batcher, meth-
and therefore, make pipe more resistant to weak acids and
ods such as gravity flow, pneumatic or screw conveyors, or
sulfates (Davis 1954; Mather 1982). The increase in sulfate
air slides are most often used. The method depends on the
resistance achieved depends on the type of cement, type of
location of the pozzolan bin relative to the batch hopper. pozzolan, bedding and backfill used, groundwater, and sul-
Pozzolan from overhead storage is normally conveyed by fate concentration. Many concrete pipe producers use ce-
gravity flow or air slide. If the pozzolan storage is close to ment contents higher than needed for strength to obtain the
the same level as the weigh batcher, an air slide or a screw required workability. Replacing some of the cement with
conveyor can be used. Because pozzolan flows very easily, pozzolan can reduce the cement content. In a packerhead
a positive shut-off valve should be installed to ensure that pipe operation, concrete with a very dry consistency and low
pozzolan does not flow through the air slide or screw when water content is compacted into a vertical pipe form using a
the conveying device is stopped. Pozzolan can be conveyed revolving compaction tool. Equipment used in pipe produc-
from lower level storage by pneumatic conveyor. tion may last longer because of the lubrication effect. Use of
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ACI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
a natural pozzolan can increase the cohesiveness of the no- By using natural pozzolan concrete in massive dam con-
slump, freshly placed concrete, facilitating early form strip- struction, it is possible to achieve a reduction of the tempera-
ping. A reduction in the heat of hydration of concrete mix- ture rise without incurring the undesirable effects associated
tures containing pozzolan can reduce the amount of hairline with very lean mixtures, that is, poor workability, bleeding,
cracks on the inside surface of stored pipe sections (Cain tendency to segregate, and tendency to increased permeability
1979) and concrete mixtures containing pozzolan tend to (Price 1982). In addition, use of pozzolan can reduce thermal
bleed less. stresses by the reduction of the heat of hydration in mass con-
crete structures (Blanks, Meissner, and Rawhauser 1938;
5.3—Prestressed concrete products Carlson, Houghton, and Polivka 1979). Improved sulfate re-
Each form used in the production of prestressed concrete sistance and reduction of alkali-silica reaction provided by
products requires a large capital investment. For this reason, proper incorporation of pozzolan into concrete mixtures are
prestressed concrete products generally achieve their com- other important considerations in the construction of massive
petitive position in the marketplace by using a limited num- concrete dams.
ber of forms and a short production cycle. Production cycles The committee found no case histories of the use of natural
of 24 h are common. Compressive strengths of 24 to 28 MPa pozzolan in structural concrete.
(3480 to 4060 psi) are required at the time of form removal
or stripping to transfer the prestress forces from the form or CHAPTER 6—OTHER USES OF NATURAL
prestressing bed to the concrete. The high compressive POZZOLANS
strengths at transfer are necessary to obtain good bond of the 6.1—Grouts and mortars
concrete to the prestressing steel, to control camber of the According to ACI 116R, grout is “a mixture of cementi-
member, to control creep and shrinkage of the concrete, and tious material and water, with or without aggregate, propor-
to reduce prestress losses. These early concrete strengths tioned to produce a pourable consistency without
are generally achieved with high cement contents of 355 to segregation of the constituents.” Its primary purpose is to fill
445 kg/m3 (600 to 750 lb/yd3), conventional or high-range spaces or voids. Mortar contains the same basic ingredients
water-reducing admixtures, or both, and curing methods em- but with a less fluid consistency. It is used in masonry con-
ploying elevated temperatures. A nonchloride accelerating struction and is specified by ASTM C 270. This specification
admixture is sometimes used. With the exception of highly permits the use of natural pozzolans as a blended cement.
reactive natural pozzolans, such as metakaolin, that do not The effects of using natural pozzolans in mortars have not
reduce early strength, natural pozzolans are generally neither been fully investigated; however, they may affect bond
used for prestressed concrete structural members, nor for strength, time of setting, and other important properties.
prestressed concrete pipe. The benefits derived from using natural pozzolan in grouts
are the same as for concrete, that is, economy, improved
When pozzolans are used, better surfaces with fewer air
workability, lower heat of hydration, reduced alkali-silica re-
voids are usually achieved. This is attributed to the improved
action expansion, reduced permeability, and improved sul-
workability of the concrete.
fate resistance. Common uses of grout include:
• In preplaced aggregate concrete, where grout is injected
5.4—Mass concrete
into the voids of previously placed coarse aggregate to
Natural pozzolans have been used extensively in the Unit-
produce concrete (ACI 304.1R);
ed States in mass concrete structures where the risk of ther-
mal cracking can be a major problem. Natural pozzolans • Contact grouting either under machinery to fill the
were used in the construction of the Los Angeles Aqueduct, space between a base plate and the substrate concrete or
the San Francisco Bay and Golden Gate bridges, and in the between the surface of concrete placed or pumped
Friant, Bonneville, Davis, Glen Canyon, Flaming Gorge, under existing concrete or rock, as in tunnel linings;
Wanapum, and John Day dams (Davis 1950; Mielenz 1983). • To provide support for deep mine applications;
Mass concrete was one of the first types of concrete in • In curtain grouting, where very fluid mixtures (often
which natural pozzolans were used in the United States (ACI with the aggregate omitted) are used to fill cracks or fis-
207.1R). Davis (1950) gives extensive evaluations and expe- sures in rock;
rience in the use of pozzolans. Mather (1971) provides a re- • In soil and hazardous waste stabilization, to fill voids in
view of their use in construction of concrete dams. Valuable the soil or between particles to decrease permeability,
reports on natural pozzolan use in mass concrete are given by increase density, and generally improve its load-carry-
Davis (1963), Price and Higginson (1963), Waugh (1963), ing capacity;
Kokubu (1963), and Tuthill, Adams, and Mitchell (1963). • In slab jacking, to raise and realign concrete slabs or
Elfert (1974) gives an extensive report on USBR experi- structures that have settled; and
ence with fly ash and other pozzolans over the period of • In underwater placing and slope protection, where
1942-1973, with reference also to use of finely divided grout is generally injected into preplaced, inflatable
mineral admixtures in mass concrete in the period of 1915- cloth bags or blankets that are flexible enough to con-
1916. Today, practically all mass-concrete dams contain nat- form to the surrounding contour to fill the void and pro-
ural pozzolans, fly ash, or ground slag. vide continuous contact.
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ACI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
6.2—Controlled low-strength materials American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Formulations containing pozzolan, cement, water, and C 109 Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic
fine aggregate have been used as controlled low-strength Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube Spec-
fills in place of compacted soil. These formulations, deliv- imens).
ered by truck mixers, can be proportioned to flow like a C 150 Specification for Portland Cement
liquid, but they are capable of supporting normal loads af- C 151 Test Method for Autoclave Expansion of Portland
ter hardening. No tamping or compaction is necessary af- Cement
ter hardening to achieve the required density and strength. C 185 Test method for Air Content of Hydraulic Cement
Such materials can be used for trench backfilling, pipe Mortar
bedding, foundation subbase, paving subbase, floor fills, C 227 Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Ce-
culvert backfill, and filling abandoned tanks, manholes, ment-Aggregate
and sewer lines. The primary use of controlled low- C 270 Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry
strength materials is as a replacement for compacted gran- C 311 Methods of Sampling and Testing Fly Ash or Natural
ular materials where settlement could cause problems. Pozzolans for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Port-
Compressive strengths ranging from approximately 0.35 land Cement Concrete
to 8.28 MPa (50 to 1200 psi) can be achieved, which pro- C 441 Test Method for Effectiveness of Mineral Admix-
vides the necessary rigidity for volume stability. At com- tures in Preventing Excessive Expansion of Concrete
pressive strength levels less than 1 MPa (145 psi), such due to the Alkali-Aggregate Reaction
formulations can be excavated readily. Economy is C 595 Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements
achieved because no backfill labor crews and equipment C 618 Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined
are necessary. The material can be self-leveling and can Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in
support normal loads such as those carried by well-com- Portland Cement Concrete
pacted soil. The amount of bleed water that comes to the C 1012 Test Method for Length Change of Hydraulic Ce-
surface after placement of these very wet mixtures, how- ment Mortars Exposed to a Sulfate Solution
ever, must be considered in some applications. Pozzolan C 1157 Performance Specification for Hydraulic Cement
can also be used by itself as a fill material. The necessary
moisture requirements and packing densities can be deter- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Of-
mined through the use of laboratory and field tests. Work ficials (AASHTO)
on this class of products is the responsibility of ACI Com- AASHTO M 295 Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash
mittee 229 (ACI 229R). Blended hydraulic cements, which and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for
may contain natural pozzolans, are the responsibility of Use as Mineral Admixture in Portland Ce-
ACI Committee 225 (ACI 225R). ment Concrete
AASHTO T 259 Method of Test for Resistance of Concrete
CHAPTER 7—REFERENCES to Chloride Ion Penetration
7.1—Referenced standards and reports
The standards and reports listed below were the latest Canadian Standards Association
editions at the time this document was prepared. Because A 23.5 Supplemental Cementing Materials and their Use in
these documents are revised frequently, the reader is ad- Concrete Construction
vised to contact the proper sponsoring group if it is desired
to refer to the latest version. Addresses of the following organizations are:
American Concrete Institute (ACI) American Association of State Highway and Transportation
116R Cement and Concrete Terminology Officials
201.2R Guide to Durable Concrete 444 N Capital Street NW
207.1R Mass Concrete Suite 249
211.1 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Nor- Washington, D.C. 20001
mal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete
212.3R Chemical Admixtures for Concrete American Concrete Institute
212.2R Guide for Use of Admixtures in Concrete P.O. Box 9094
Farmington Hills, Mich. 48333-9094
225R Guide to the Selection and Use of Hydraulic Cements
229R Controlled Low-Strength Materials (CLSM)
American Concrete Pipe Association
232.2R Use of Fly Ash in Concrete 222 Las Colinas Blvd W
234R Guide for the Use of Silica Fume in Concrete Irving, Tex. 75039
304.1R Guide for the Use of Preplaced Aggregate Concrete
for Structural and Mass Concrete Applications American Society of Civil Engineers
308 Standard Practice for Curing Concrete 345 East 47th St #18
318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete New York, NY 10017
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ACI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
Scale Trials in Aggressive Environments,” Proceedings of Efstathiadis, E., 1978, “Greek Concrete of Three Millen-
the International Conference on Radical Concrete Technol- nia,” Technological Research, Hellenic Ministry of Public
ogy, R.K. Dhir and P.C. Hewlett, ed., University of Dundee, Works.
Dundee, Scotland, E&FN Spon, pp. 13-24, June, 24-28. Elfert, R. J, 1974, “Bureau of Reclamation Experiences
Bates, P. H.; Phillips, A. J; and Wig, R. J., 1912, “Action with Flyash and Other Pozzolans in Concrete,” Information
of the Salts in Alkali Water and Sea Water on Cements,” Circular No. 8640, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Washington,
Technologic Paper No. 12, National Bureau of Standards. D.C., pp. 80-93.
Belot, J. R. Jr., 1967, “Fly Ash in Concrete Block Manu- Fisher, S. P., 1952, “The Geology of Emmons County,
facturing,” Proceedings, 1st Fly Ash Utilization Sympo- North Dakota,” North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin
sium, (Pittsburgh, March.), Information Circular No. 8348, No. 26, pp. 14-15.
U.S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, D.C. Gaynor, R. D., 1978, “Ready-Mixed Concrete, Signifi-
Blanks, R. F.; Meissner, H. S.; and Rawhauser, C., 1938, cance of Tests and Properties of Cement and Concrete Mak-
“Cracking in Mass Concrete,” ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings ing Materials,” STP 169-C, American Society for Testing
V. 34, No. 4, Mar.-Apr., pp. 477-496. and Materials, West Conshohocken, Pa., pp. 511-521.
Burnett, J. L., 1991, “Diatoms—The Forage of the Sea,” Gruber, K. A., and Sarkar, S. L., 1996, “Exploring the
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Pipe News, V. 31, No. 6, Dec., pp. 114-116. Chloride Penetration Resistance of Concrete Containing
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ACI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
High-Reactivity Metakaolin,” Proceedings of a PCI/FHWA Mehta, P. K., 1981, “Studies on Blended Portland Ce-
International Symposium on High-Performance Concrete, ments Containing Santorin-Earth,” Cement and Concrete
New Orleans, La., pp. 172-183. Research, V. 11, pp. 507-518.
Kirby, R. S.; Withington, S.; Darling, A. B.; Kilgour, F. Mehta, P. K., 1987, “Natural Pozzolans: Supplementary
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Inc., New York. Canadian Government Publishing Center, Supply and Ser-
Kokubu, M., 1963, “Mass Concrete Practices in Japan,” vices, Ottawa, Canada, K1A0S9.
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stitute, Farmington Hills, Mich., pp. 127-150. mentary Cementing Material,” CANMET, Proceedings of the
Kostuch, J. A.; Walters, G. V.; and Jones, T. R., 1993, International Symposium on Advances in Concrete Technolo-
“High Performance Concretes Incorporating Metakaolin— gy, Athens, Greece, V. M. Malhotra, ed., May, pp. 407-430.
A Review,” Proceedings of Concrete 2000, R. K. Dhir and Mehta, P. K., and Folliard, K. J., 1995, “Rice-Husk Ash—
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1811. Aspects,” Advances in Concrete Technology, SP-154, Amer-
Lea, F. M., 1971, The Chemistry of Cement and Concrete, ican Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., pp. 531-
Chemical Publishing, Inc., pp. 414-453. 541.
Lovewell, C. E., 1971, “Pozzolans in Highway Concrete Meissner, H. S., 1950, “Pozzolans Used in Mass Con-
in Admixtures in Concrete,” Special Report No. 119, High- crete,” Symposium on Use of Pozzolanic Materials in Mor-
way Research Board, Washington, D.C., pp. 21-32. tars and Concrete, STP No. 99, American Society for Testing
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Proportioning Structural Concrete Mixtures with Fly Ash Mielenz, R. C., 1983, “Mineral Admixtures—History and
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99, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Con-
International, V. 13, No. 3, Mar., pp. 62-68.
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Manz, O. E., 1962, “Investigation of Pozzolanic Proper- ture in Greek Portland Cements,” Proceedings, Thirtieth In-
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Malquori, G., 1960, “Portland-Pozzolan Cement,” Fourth In- Concrete Durability: Katherine and Bryant Mather Interna-
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V. II., Washington, D.C. tute, Farmington Hills, Mich., pp. 2103-2120.
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Cement in Concrete,” Cement and Concrete, STP-205, tice 129: TRB, National Research Council, Washington D.C.
American Society for Testing and Materials, West Consho- Price, W .H., 1975, “Pozzolans—A Review,” ACI JOUR-
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at the Waterways Experiment Station,” George Verbeck Hills, Mich., pp. 77-87.
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ican Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., pp. 63-74. Concrete Masonry Units with Cement and Cement-Fly Ash
Copyright American Concrete Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ACI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
as Cementitious Materials, National Concrete Masonry Translated from Latin by: M. J. Morgan, Dover Publications,
Association. Inc., New York.
Saad, M. N.A.; de Andrade, W. P.; and Paulon, V. A., Waugh, W. R., 1963, “Corps of Engineers Experience with
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Pozzolan Made from Clay,” Concrete International, V. 4, Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., pp. 89-102.
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Stanton, T. W., 1917, “A Cretaceous Volcanic Ash Bed on Strength, Pozzolanic Activity and Cement Hydration in Su-
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