Lim Woan Ning Improving Student Engagement
Lim Woan Ning Improving Student Engagement
Lim Woan Ning Improving Student Engagement
Abstract—One of the main problem in higher education researches nowadays to address the problem in low students’
teaching is low students’ levels of engagement leading to poor engagement. Students are motivated to engage in the classroom
learning performance. Broad teaching strategies, methods and when they know that they are heard by the instructor. Hence it
tools are developed over the years to address this concern. In is essential to explore new ways from traditional teaching to
recent years, with the increasing numbers of students accessing the improve the bonding between instructor and students in this
internet using mobile devices, there has been growing interest in technology-rich 21st century.
embracing the mobile technology in teaching to improve the
student participation in the classroom. This research describes the New technological innovations have often been attributed
design and implementation of a mobile-based interactive teaching with the potential to have a large impact on the field of
model with in-class and off-class components aided by Socrative education. Mobile technology has evolved rapidly with the
online audience response system to improve students’ engagement decrease in cost of ownership and enhancement in user-
in a private university in Malaysia. A total of 45 students from friendliness, resulted in the vital increase of mobile devices
undergraduate computing course had participated in this adoption rate amongst higher education students over the years.
experimental study. The activities such as polls, exercises, quizzes Majority students agreed that mobile devices will transform the
and games was used to stimulate the discussion and encourage two way they learn in the future and make learning more fun [2].
ways communication between instructor and students. Both Furthermore, the higher education environments are getting
qualitative and quantitative data comprises of students’
matured to adapt the mobile technologies with the readiness of
feedbacks, academic results, attendance records and instructor’s
WiFi coverage across the campus. These made the integration of
teaching evaluation scores are analyzed. The results show that
students were strongly positive with the use of Socrative and felt
such technology into the classroom more feasible compared to
that they were more engaged. This interactive model has early years. Engaging these ‘millennial’ generation or digital
successfully enhanced students’ learning experience and improved natives using the technologies they are familiar with their own
students’ academic performance. The outcome of this study would devices which are stapled to their daily lives is certainly
contributes to current evidence of the efficacy of using mobile welcoming. The concept of using personal mobile devices in
technology in higher education teaching. education settings for in-class interactive activity is aligned with
the new trend coined as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) or
Keywords—interactive teaching model; student engagement; Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) [3][4].
mobile teaching tool; mobile learning
In this research, an interactive teaching model assisted with
I. INTRODUCTION mobile technology is experimented to enhance the interactions
and feedbacks between instructor and students, with the aim to
Improving students’ engagement is a challenge faced by engage students in their learning.
many institutions in the higher education sector. Many
pedagogical researchers believe that low engagement in II. RELATED WORK
classroom will lead to negative impact in achieving the learning
outcome, hence tremendous efforts and focus have been put in In the past, before the common use of mobile technology in
this research area over the decades [1]. education, one way of gaining immediate feedback during
classroom instruction is to employ clicker, a radio frequency-
The problem with today's education is that most educators based electronic feedback devices. Clicker is a small portable
are still teaching the way they were taught in the past, as quoted device that uses infrared or radio frequency technology to
by John Dewey "if we teach today as we taught yesterday, we transmit and record students’ responses to questions. The use of
rob our children of tomorrow". The one-way communication of clickers has revealed a variety of benefits with regard to the
standard lecture and PowerPoint presentations in the old days no instantaneous feedback to both the instructor and students, the
longer effective in encourage learning. Two ways anonymity of the responses encourages the participation of
communication is the sought after approach in various education students who may otherwise be reluctant to do so [5]. Research
study showed an outstanding improvement in the agreed on the ease of use and 92% on improving the engagement
communicative competence of students with the use of clickers were reported in the research study involved sixty-five 1st year
[6]. The use of clickers has also indicated an increase in student university students where Socrative was used in getting
participation in class and the regression results showed that the students’ responses during lectures and delivering prepared
use of clickers had positive and significant impact on students’ quizzes in tutorials [10]. One significant advantage highlighted
academic performance [7][8]. However, students from a private in the report was the tool allows quieter students to interact with
college in United States disagreed or were neutral with the above instructor without the fear of making ‘public’ mistakes. There is
statement [9]. Hence, the argument of better student engagement another study indicated a statistically positive relationships
leads to the improvement of grades remains debatable. between the variables (participating, collaborate, discuss, extend
and grow as a community) and performance of students in Irbid
Recent years, majority researches are into investigating the National University after the used of Socrative [19].
usage of online audience response system in effective teaching
[10][11][12]. Most of the online audience response systems In the researches cited above, it is observed that the online
embrace the Cloud technology and are supported on any web- audience response system was mainly used to handle simple in-
enabled devices including laptops, iPads, Android tablets and class activities such as polls and quizzes, there is lack of
mobile phones which can also be installed as native application discussions on the design or establishment of any teaching
on the mobile devices. It is an easy to use tool with minimum model. Hence, this research is motivated to introduce an
setup footprint while negating some of the limitations of clickers interactive teaching model comprises of in-class and off-class
such as device purchasing costs (students can run the online tool components aided by Socrative to empirically investigate some
on their own mobile devices). An experimental study with the of the findings from the researches above. The effectiveness of
comparison of both clickers and online audience response this model in improving students’ engagement is evaluated in
system confirmed the same positive effect in student this study.
engagement, with favorable experiences on the latter, reported
by most instructors [5]. III. IMPLEMENTATION
Poll Everywhere claimed to be the first audience response The experiment was carried out in an undergraduate
tool for mobile devices [13]. It is a simple application that works programming class from March to July 2016 and involved a total
well for live audiences to response via the web, text messages, of 45 students from the Information Technology programme in
or twitter through their phones. The free plan is offered with Sunway University. In this study, the interactive teaching model
limitation of 25 responses per poll and paid plans without any was implemented in the lecture class once per week for a
restrictions. Research result revealed strong positive responses continuous of 14 weeks. Both qualitative and quantitative data
of using Poll Everywhere in a large introductory computer were collected in the research. Survey questionnaires were
science course with 291 students, as well as a small classroom conducted online anonymously to evaluate participants’
of 30 students, where mobile phones were the most popular involvement and perception, while students’ academic results,
device that students used in answering the polling, followed by attendance records and the instructor’s teaching evaluation
laptops and iPads[14][12]. Students who attended lecture scores from the experiment were extracted and compared with
enjoyed using Poll Everywhere and felt they were more past year data. The implementation platform, model design and
engaged. However, the use of this interactive pedagogy did not activities details are discussed in the following sections.
show direct positive influence in student attendance[14]. A. Platform
Socrative is another cloud based audience response system A free version of Socrative was used in this study. It
that has gained popularity amongst educators in view of the composed of two main modules, which are Socrative Student
drawback of Poll Everywhere in limiting the number of and Socrative Teacher modules. The teacher module allows
responses for their free plan. As of 2013, Socrative has recorded instructor to prepare and manage quizzes, run polls and view
a strong growth with total of 450,000 registered members and reports. The student module is a simpler module for students to
more than 40,000 new registration each month [15]. Socrative participate in the activities. It can run on multi platforms either
was developed in 2011 by a Boston-based start-up. It is a free on an internet connected web browser or can be installed as
service (with paid option for additional features) that allows native application on any mobile devices. Socrative offers the
instructors to gather timely response from students in the form flexibility and ease of use by eliminating the needs for students
of multiple choice, true/false, or short answers and to handle in- to create account, they can join a virtual classroom via a room
class polling, off-class pooling or formative assessment. code created by the instructor without prior registration.
Socrative is also equipped with gamification feature for running
B. Interactive Teaching Model
a quick quiz game. The service is available across platforms and
devices (laptops, tablets, and/or smartphones) provide the ease The experimented interactive teaching model is shown in
for instructors to engage students and gather feedback by Fig. 1. It incorporates both in-class and off-class components to
harnessing the mobile technologies that students bring to class. increase students’ engagement by encouraging students’
responses (before and during the class), providing timely
The researches using Socrative to enhance teaching in higher assessment feedback, and implementing gamification in
education have been continuously growing over the past few learning.
years. Many have indicated positive acceptance level of students
and/or instructors toward the use of this technology in improving
students in-class participation [16][17][18]. A response of 96%
Off-class can handle in-class quizzes and give students immediate
feedbacks on the answers and grades to regulate their learning.
Pre-class Adjust Pedagogical Approach
Poll / Teaching Material Space race is a quiz-based game used interchangeably with
the graded quiz for better learning experience. Although graded
quiz can provide more precise evaluation of students’
performance, space race is vital in engaging the students by
making learning more enjoyable. Researches revealed that
gamification in learning can motivate and attract students to
Graded learn [24][25]. The combination of mobile learning and game-
Ungraded Quick Exit Quiz/ based learning approaches offer possibilities to promote the
Quiz Question Ticket Space engagement of university students [26].
C. Activities
Preparation. Instructor was required to register for a
Socrative teacher account to be used throughout the experiment.
Fig. 1. Interactive teaching model with in-class and off-class components Upon the account creation, a virtual classroom was
automatically setup and assigned with a unique name, which
The interactive model emphasizes on two main aspects could be changed by the instructor from the teacher module. In
which are rapid feedback and formative assessment. This is this experiment, the subject code was used as the room name for
supported by the research findings that rapid feedback has the easy access.
potential to enhance student learning and formative assessment
can inform instructor about their students’ understandings of Before the class commenced, a set of multiple choice and
concepts and thus provide instructor with information to adapt true/false questions related to the lecture topic for that particular
different teaching practices [20]. day were prepared and uploaded to Socrative. There were
multiple ways to upload the questions to Socrative. The
The off-class component consists of pre-class poll which questions could be created in real-time by logging into the online
allows students to prepare and provide feedback before class teaching module, imported from an offline Excel file or
commences. The feedbacks will assist the instructor to extracted from the repository. Amongst the available methods,
implement Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) by fine-tuning the preparing the questions in offline Excel file was recommended.
lecture materials or classroom activities to best meet students’ Excel file provided flexibility in making addition and
needs. This can increase the effectiveness of learning during amendment, and could be kept as a secondary backup. To use
classroom time and encourage students to prepare before class. this method, instructor had to download the Excel template from
Existing research and study claimed that students’ Socrative, populate the questions and answers, then import it to
concentration declines after 10 to 15 min into lectures [21]. Socrative by clicking the Import Quiz button from the teacher
Hence, the in-class model is designed with intersection of module.
teaching and various interactive activities such as quizzes, polls, Despite the convenience and flexibility, this method had a
exit tickets and space races in order to achieve the goal of drawback. The Excel template could not support true/false
maximizing students’ attention and participation in the class. question, a workaround by converting a true/false question into
Quick question can run multiple times during the lecture and multiple choice question with only two choices (i.e. True and
exit ticket is a quick poll that run once at the end of the lecture False) was used. Although short answer question was supported,
to capture student feedbacks. The quick questions and exit it was not advisable to be used in any graded assessment due to
tickets allow students to feedback anonymously on the teaching the lack of intelligent matching algorithm in Socrative, any
effectiveness (i.e. presentation style, teaching pace, pedagogical correct answers but worded differently would be incorrectly
method) or the topics to be reiterated. With this, the instructor assessed.
not only knowing the thinking and learning performances of a Pre-class poll. Pre-class poll was launched two days before
small part of students in class where most of the students neither the class to gain insight into students’ understanding and
reveal their doubts nor answer the questions that the instructor expectation for the coming lecture. Students were asked to study
formulated publicly, but also hearing broader opinions the teaching materials beforehand and a follow up poll was
especially in a big classroom setting. This can improve learning carried out with some of the common questions such as ‘list
effectiveness with teaching adjusted to the needs of students, and three important concepts in the module’, ‘vote for the toughness
further enhance student motivation to participate as they know level of each submodule’, or a simple task for students to find
their voices are heard. the answer from the lecture slides. This pre-class poll provided
A few research studies mentioned that quizzes as formative sufficient time for instructor to adjust the teaching material in
assessment can better engage students in their learning [22][23]. response to the feedbacks before the class commenced.
A quiz overlapping strategy with graded and ungraded quiz is Ungraded quiz. Questions of ungraded quiz were composed
applied in this model. Ungraded quiz is used as reading quiz from half of the graded quiz questions related to the lecture
before lecture commence, whereas graded quiz is used as topics. Ungraded quiz was launched for a short 10 minutes at the
formative assessment at the end of the lecture to evaluate beginning of lecture as reading quiz, with the settings of student
students’ learning outcome. With the aid of Socrative, instructor
paced navigation, disable student results and disable student
names as shown in Fig. 2.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Fig. 8. Survey results of Socrative usage and assessment components with
higher weightage
Neither Agree
The results indicate that majority of the students at 84%
Strongly Agree
welcomed the usage of Socrative as graded quiz tool. And, 63%
of the students voted for higher assessment weightage in online
Fig. 7. Results of students’ survey quizzes over the paper-based tests. From the findings, 3rd
conclusion is drawn: Socrative is highly accepted by students as
In general, students had responded positively in the survey. formative assessment tool.
It is observed that the bars are sided to the right side of the graph
(Fig. 7) which indicates that most of the students responded The high acceptance is not surprise in view of Socrative able
between strongly agree and agree while none disagreed to any to provide instant feedbacks and answers to the students, which
of the questions. The mean and skewness of Q1-Q4 shows that is lacking from the paper-based assessment, a disjointed process
students had a good learning experience with Socrative and involving staff marking manually and students collecting
agreed that their focus in the class and their engagement with the marked papers at a later time. Researches showed that students
lecturer had improved. The main driver that kept the students most value the feedback which they can use immediately to
staying alert was the impromptu quick questions and quizzes, improve an assessment mark [28]. The online publication of
which had motivated students to clarify any doubts during the results and feedback and the adaptive release of grades were
lecture in order to achieve better scores in the assessment. The found to significantly enhance students’ engagement [29].
less agreed point is Q2 with bigger standard deviation at 0.7893 The last question in the survey is an open question to gather
and lower mean at 4.1579 where some students stayed neutral the opinions, comments and concerns regarding the usage of
about the effectiveness of Socrative in motivating their learning. Socrative in the classroom. Generally, students responded with
The findings above lead to 1st conclusion: The implementation positive comments such as ‘Socrative is an excellent tool’, ‘it is
of mobile-based teaching model using Socrative does enhance a great platform’, ‘it allows me to give feedback easily’ etc. One
the students’ learning experience and their engagement with the of the highlighted response is ‘Socrative is fun’, this supported
instructor. the aim of mobile-based teaching where the fun element in the
Result of Q5 indicates that students were satisfied with the modern technology is an important factor to enhance students’
usage of Socrative in the class with the smaller standard engagement in their learning.
deviation at 0.5517 and highest mean at 4.5789. Most of the
B. Academic Results
students were very likely to recommend the others to use the tool
as supported by the result in Q6. This confirms the 2nd The academic result is a crucial element to be examined in
conclusion: Socrative is highly accepted by student as teaching the hypothesis of better students’ engagement leads to better
aided tool. academic performance. Past year results are adopted for
comparison in consideration of identical class settings such as This finding is not a surprise in view of many students feed
class size (45 students), instructor, syllabus and assessment backed that they felt more difficult in connecting directly the
arrangements. The academic results of the students who project work with the in-class learning. Indeed, those tasks
participated in this experiment (year 2016) and the past year where aiming at different kind of competences development.
results (year 2015) are analyzed based on three major The nature of project is a less engaging task in classroom; but a
components (i.e. quizzes, project and exam) as shown in Fig. 9 group work which required more self-learning, team works,
and Fig. 10. leadership and peer discussion. The tasks in a project tend to be
challenging and the learning outcome is to derive and apply the
theories learnt. It is observed that the implementation of
interactive teaching model alone is not sufficient, it should be
complemented with peer discussion platforms and project
management tools. Hence, the 4th conclusion is drawn: Mobile-
based teaching model using Socrative does improve students'
test performance but not project work.
C. Attendance Records
Attendance records of the participants are compared with the
past year attendance records in view of the resemblance in both
class settings. The average at 85% attendance in year 2016 has
shown a minor drop against the average at 90% in year 2015.
The finding shows that students were not positively influenced
to come to lecture although students who attended lecture
enjoyed the class and felt they were more engaged. This leads to
the 5th conclusion: The implementation of mobile-based
interactive teaching model does not improve students'
Fig. 9. Assessment results by components attendance.
When checking the correlation between the attendance
Results in Fig. 9 show that quizzes have higher mean performance and academic results with the multivariate linear
compared to project and exam. This finding can relate to the regression analysis with Pearson correlation coefficient, it is
discussion in Section A – Students’ Survey, where students observed that a significant correlation is found at r (42) = .53,
strongly voted for online graded quizzes and prefer higher p< .001 as listed in TABLE III. Since students who attended the
weightage over the paper-based tests. One influencing factor lecture claimed that they were more engaged as per discussed in
that causes better students’ performance in the quizzes is the Section A - Students’ Survey, this supports the hypothesis of
instantaneous feedbacks that instructor received during the better students’ engagement leads to better academic
lecture, which allows the topics in doubt to be reiterated right performance.
Regression Statistics
Final exam Multiple R 0.5266
R Square 0.2773
Adjusted R Square 0.2601
Group project
68.14 Standard Error 13.8322
Observations 44
72.4 ANOVA
df SS MS F F
0 20 40 60 80 100
Regression 1 3083.9718 3083.9718 16.1185 0.0002
2015 2016 Residual 42 8035.9075 191.3311