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For the period of

We hereby acknowledge to have received from AUSVENT GENERAL MERCHANDISE, located @ SAN NICOLAS CENTRAL, AGOO LA
UNION The sum specified opposite our respective name, as full compensation for our service rendered.

EMPLOYEE Days Rate Total Regular Special RH / SH Total SSS PHILHEALTH PAG-IBIG INCENTIVE Net Signature
of Regular Holiday Holiday Total Amount FUND Amount
Work Wage Paid
1. Shirley Lachica
2. Romnick Martinez
3. Mark Gil Velasco
4. Mercidita Soliven
5. Ronald Gali


I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have personally paid in cash to each employee whose name appears in
The above payroll the amount set opposite his name.

The amount paid in this payroll is ₱ including their overtime pay.

Date of Payment Paymaster

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