Pertemuan 4 - E-Business To Digital Business Model PDF
Pertemuan 4 - E-Business To Digital Business Model PDF
Pertemuan 4 - E-Business To Digital Business Model PDF
- IBM (2003) defines eBusiness in terms of benefits that can be achieved by putting
key processes online. In their view the key to becoming an eBusiness is putting ‘all
core business processes (especially all processes that require a dynamic and
interactive flow of information)’ online ‘to improve service, cut costs and sell
- eBusiness is ‘the application of information technology to facilitate buying and
selling of products, services and information over standard-based networks’ (Fatt
- E-business is application of digital technology particularly internet technologies to
improve organization’s competitiveness through continuous optimization (Chaffey,
2015; Turban et al., 2012, Strauss and Frost, 2014).
Economics of Network economies
exchanging info of scale
01 The cost of sending additional units
of information via the internet is
03 The network effects are stronger in the
internet economy. There are opportunities
practically zero and the reach is for achieving a critical mass of customers
by accessing a wider customer base
electronically at low cost
Economics of Merchandise
Abundance Exchange
06 As noted previously, information can be
reproduced and distributed at near zero
marginal cost. This creates an abundance of
08 The internet provides a mechanism for displaying a
huge array of products and services without having to
incur the costs of display that traditional stores incur.
information where the value can actually
Search facilities can channel consumers to the exact
decline. These are termed ‘diseconomies of
scale’ and can occur when the consumer types of products and services they are interested in
becomes so overwhelmed by the sheer and the website can offer additional services such as
volume of information available that the discount facilities, links to complementary products,
search costs of finding the information they product reviews, transactions, payments and delivery
want increase.
What make Alibaba more
than just
There are three types of channels through
which e-business activity takes place.
These are communications, transactions
and distribution channels.
The E-Marketplace
- Electronic marketplaces (e-marketplaces) are electronic exchanges where firms can register as buyers or
sellers and undertake business activities using the internet. Typically, e-marketplaces attract firms from each
element of an industry supply chain to enhance the efficiency of communications and to undertake
- There are many different types of e-marketplaces and each one operates a business model that suits the
aims and objectives of the proprietor. Some may be set up as a business offering with an intermediary
providing an added-value service such as payment systems. Others may operate on a cost-recovery basis
by an industry third-party (industry associations are an example of this).
E-Auction Infomediaries
Electronic auctions provide a channel of Infomediaries specialise in gathering valuable
communication through which the bidding process for information about customers and selling it on to third
products and services can take place between parties. These third parties analyse the data and use it
competing buyers. E-businesses gain income from the
to support marketing campaigns. The simplest form of
technology platform that facilitates the bidding process,
gathering data is through requiring users to register for
from a percentage of the transaction fees and from
access to free-to-view content sites.
on the website.
In e-business/commerce the
payments are made using
10 delivery of their products up to
the prescribed time.
Economic Viability
Firms must set performance targets and evaluate the effectiveness
of the e-business model to determine whether changes are
necessary or if the model has to be completely reworked or
abandoned. The e-business has to be economically viable. A good e-
business model can gain a firm the goodwill of financial backers but
all investors or venture capitalists will seek a return on their
investment sooner or later. took many years to register
a profit but retained the confidence of financial backers because of
the potential for profit that the e-business model could generate. Not
all firms benefit from such goodwill and most have to show returns
on investment quickly. Decisions on the viability of the venture
usually hinge on the performance indicators. There are a number of
factors that can determine the economic viability of an e-business
Three Factor to Achieve
Economic Viability