Electric Cars 2

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„Electric Cars are always a better choice“


Electric cars are pretty new when it comes to modern technologies. Even though much research has
gone into them in the last 10 years, they’re still too young to know if they’re truly sustainable and a
better alternative to petrol driven cars. Some advantages and disadvantages are already apparent

When talking about cost, the electric car as it is today, has a high acquisition cost but low utility costs.
With the cheapest electric cars selling for around 30.000€ petrol cars have a clear advantage.
Additionally they’re too young and are in too high demand to be frequent as used cars but when it
comes to fuel charging is way cheaper than petrol, up to 5 times cheaper at times. On top of that
there’s free parking for electric users in many cities in Germany and you get tax bonuses.

Though for many probably one of the biggest reasons to drive electric is the fact that they’re
friendlier to the environment, or at least they seem to be. Because as it is widely known you don’t
emit any Co2 while driving an electric car but the emissions created in production, especially the
battery, are enough to make an electric car as polluting as petrol driven cars for the first tens of
thousands of miles. And at that point research just isn’t far enough to decidedly tell if electric is the
Then you have the charging. Charging of course also uses electricity, which is partially created by
burning coal, so one of the worst ways to pollute the earth with Co2. With an electric car you just
hide it a bit better. Furthermore charging takes quite a bit of time. With some cars you do have
around 450km of Distance with a full charge in good conditions, but longer drives often take longer
and different than driving with petrol, driving at steady fast speeds takes up more energy than
driving in the city for example. So you’re driving Autobahn for around 200km with 150km/h before
you have to charge at a fast charging station for 20-30 minutes. That can be time consuming and
annoying and is a problem you don’t have with petrol.
Lastly, the resources. Production, especially of batteries, uses many rare materials, like lithium. They
are often mined in poor countries with no human rights and most importantly, they aren’t infinite.
The Production of the necessary materials has only begun in the last decade but we’re already
starting to see scarecity of many of them. As a result, electric car prices are expected to rise in the
near future, further making them inaccessible to the general population.

You can therefore say that electric cars aren’t always a better choice and arguably even never, but as
innovation continues you can never be sure what might come in the future. Maybe electric is even
the future, but it surely has to evolve into a more sustainable shape than now to kill petrol.

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