The document lists 52 common English verbs and their past simple, past participle, and Spanish translation. For each verb, it provides the base form, the past simple form, the past participle form, and a Spanish translation. Some examples given are answer/answered/answered/responder, be/was/been/ser, and call/called/called/llamar.
The document lists 52 common English verbs and their past simple, past participle, and Spanish translation. For each verb, it provides the base form, the past simple form, the past participle form, and a Spanish translation. Some examples given are answer/answered/answered/responder, be/was/been/ser, and call/called/called/llamar.
The document lists 52 common English verbs and their past simple, past participle, and Spanish translation. For each verb, it provides the base form, the past simple form, the past participle form, and a Spanish translation. Some examples given are answer/answered/answered/responder, be/was/been/ser, and call/called/called/llamar.
The document lists 52 common English verbs and their past simple, past participle, and Spanish translation. For each verb, it provides the base form, the past simple form, the past participle form, and a Spanish translation. Some examples given are answer/answered/answered/responder, be/was/been/ser, and call/called/called/llamar.
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Verb Past simple Past participle Translation
1. Answer Answered Answered Responder, contestar
2. Be Am, is, are Was, were Ser, estar 3. Call Called Called llamar 4. Come Came Come venir 5. Cook cooked cooked cocinar 6. Do Did Done hacer 7. Feel Felt Felt sentir 8. Get got Got conseguir 9. Give Gave Given dar 10. Go went Gone ir 11. Happen Happened Happened pasar, suceder 12. Have Had Had tener, haber 13. Hear heard Heard Oír 14. Help helped helped ayudar 15. Know knew known saber, conocer 16. Laugh Laughed Laughed reír 17. Leave Left Left Partir, dejar, abandonar 18. Let Let Let Dejar, permitir 19. Like liked Liked gustar 20. Listen Listened Listened escuchar 21. Live lived Lived Vivir 22. Look Looked Looked Mirar 23. Love Loved Loved Amar 24. Make Made Made Hacer, producir, fabricar 25. Mean Meant Meant significar 26. Meet Met Met Reunirse / conocer por 1a vez 27. Move Moved Moved Mover/ mudarse 28. Need needed needed Necesitar 29. Nod Nodded Nodded Asentir 30. Open opened opened abrir 31. Pull Pulled Pulled Jalar, tirar 32. Reply Replied Replied Contestar 33. Say Said Said Decir 34. See saw seen Ver 35. Send Sent Sent enviar 36. sing Sang Sung cantar 37. Sit Sat Sat Sentarse 38. Smile Smiled smiled Sonreir 39. Start started started Empezar, comenzar 40. Stop Stopped Stopped Parar 41. Take Took Taken Tomar, llevar 42. Talk Talked Talked Hablar 43. Tell Told Told Contar, decir 44. Think Thought Thought Pensar 45. Try Tried Tried Intentar, probar 46. Use Used Used Usar 47. Wait Waited Waited Esperar 48. Walk Walked Walked Caminar 49. Want Wanted Wanted Querer, desear 50. Watch Watched Watched Ver, mirar 51. Wear Wore Worn Usar (ropa) 52. Work Woked Worked Trabajar