Title of The Project
Title of The Project
Title of The Project
at developing a tool for tracking the Stationery request for any Institution. Normally in any institution the request for the stationery is tracked via an email or via excel sheets or registers and this leads to tremendous wastage of resources. For example: - there may be scenarios where the quantity kept in the godown or store of the item may be more than needed and the supply of few items may be less than needed. This system will thus help in reducing the wastage at the same time look into generating reports to give a high level view to the higher management for the benefit of the organization. Keywords Generic Technology keywords Databases, Network and Middleware, Programming Specific Technology keywords MS-SQL server, HTML, Active Server Pages Or MS-SQL server, Java, JSP Project type keywords Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, User Interface Functional components of the project Following is a list of functionalities of the system. More functionalities that you find appropriate can be added to this list. And, in places where the description of a functionality is not adequate, you can make appropriate assumptions and proceed. There are registered people in the system. Some are approvers. An approver can also be a requestor. In an organization, the hierarchy could be Engineers/Managers/Business Managers/Managing Director etc. In a college, it could be Lecturer/Professor/Head of the Department/Dean/Principal etc. 1. A person should be able to login to the system through the first page of the application
change the password after logging into the system check the availability of the stationery items. (role based) apply for new stationery request, specifying the to dates and his/her superiors email id. see his/her current stationery applications and the status of the same that are submitted to him/her for approval or cancellation. see his/her eligibility details (like how much money purchase request can be made by his or her based on role) approve/reject the stationery applications that are submitted to him/her. withdraw his/her new stationery request application (which has not been approved yet). cancel his/her stationery request application (which has been already approved). This will need to be approved by his/her Superior get help about the Stationery Management system on how to use the different features of the system
2. As soon as a stationery request is entered or a stationery request is cancelled /withdrawn /approved /rejectied or password-changed, an automatic email should be sent to the person and his superior giving details about the action. In case the amount of the request has exceeded the threshold, the approval mail must be sent to the superior for the same. 3. The Manager must be able to login to the system and get the report (Simple HTML) for each stationery item and the % cost incurred for that item. Also the report giving the total cost incurred with the head count for each item and the cumulative cost associated with it. Steps to start-off the project There are couple of alternatives to implement such a system. A. Microsoft platform: The system is developed using Active Server Pages as the front end and SQL Server as the back end and VB as the middle layer ( Having all the business functionality). B. Microsoft platform: The system is developed using Java Server Pages as the
front end and SQL Server as the back end and middle layer of pure java classes. The following steps will be helpful to start off the project. 1. Study and be comfortable with technologies such as a. Active Server Pages/HTML /Java Scripting (to make it browser independent)/ Java ( Middle layer comprising of all the business logic and the DB connection and other common components) and SQL server. b. JSP, Java/HTML/ VB script c. Some links to these technologies are given in the Guidelines and References section of this document 2. Decide on a stationery request policy (i.e., the amount of cost to be associated with the role of the employee etc). 3. Make a database of people at different levels with their roles and form a hirearchy of them, like which role reports to which particular role. Decide on the various details of the people and their roles that would be stored in the database (like employee/registration-number, name, grade, location, system-login, password in cryptic form, etc) 4. Assign a mail-admin who will create mail-ids for the people in the intranet of your lab or in the internet. These mail-ids will be used for sending automatic notifications and reports. The mail-admin will also take care of assigning the logins to the users of the stationery management system 5. Create the front-page of the Stationery Management system giving a brief description about the system and a login box 6. Create the help-pages of the system in the form of Q&A. This will help you also when implementing the system 7. Create other sub-systems like automatic notification, screens for various functions (like Create, Update, Delete, cancel etc) Requirements Hardware requirements Number Description 1 PC with 2 GB hard-disk and 512 MB RAM Software requirements Alternatives (If available) Not Applicable
Number Description 1 Windows 95/98/XP with MS-office 2 MS-SQL server 3 Oracle database system 4 JDK1.3, java help docs. 5 IPlanet Webserver 6 Weblogic/ Application server Manpower requirements
Alternatives (If available) MS-Access POSTgres IIS web server Apache tomcat
4 to 6 students can complete this in 4 6 months if they work fulltime on it. Milestones and Timelines Number Milestone Name Milestone Description Timeline week numbers (From To) for the milestone. 4-6 Remarks
Requirements Specification
Technology familiarization
Complete specification of the system (with appropriate assumptions) including the framing of stationery policy etc constitutes this milestone. A document detailing the same should be written and a presentation on that be made. Understanding 6-9 of the technology needed to implement the project.
Attempt should be made to add some more relevant functionalities other than those that are listed in this document.
The presentation should be from the point of view of being able to apply it to the project, rather than from a theoretical
Database creation
A database of 9-12 atleast 100 entries of employees of all grades should be created. The number of mail-ids to be created need not be 100. It can be around 10 to 20. List of all the available stationery items and the cost associated with it. High-level and Listing down 12-15 Detailed all possible Design scenarios (like stationery request, creation, Approval, Updation, cancellation, etc) and then coming up with flow-charts or pseudocode to handle the scenario. Implementation Implementation 15-18 of the front-end of the main of the system screen giving the login, screen that follows the login giving various options, screens for each of the
perspective. It is important to finalize on the database at this stage itself so that development and testing can proceed with the actual database itself.
The scenarios should map to the requirement specification (i.e., for each requirement that is specified, a corresponding scenario should be there).
During this milestone period, it would be a good idea for the team (or one person from the team) to start working on a testplan for the entire system. This testplan can be updated as and when new
options (stationery request creation form, cancellation form etc). Integrating the The front-end 18-21 front-end with developed in the database the earlier milestone will now be able to update the stationery request add new request and cancel the existing request. Other features like mail notification etc should be functional at this stage. In short, the system should be ready for integration testing. Integration The system 21-24 Testing should be thoroughly tested by running all the testcases written for the system (from milestone 5). Final Review Issues found 24-26 during the previous milestone are fixed and the system is ready for the final review.
Another 2 weeks should be there to handle any issues found during testing of the system. After that, the final demo can be arranged. During the final review of the project, it should be checked that all the requirements specified during milestone number 1 are fulfilled (or
appropriate reasons given for not fulfilling the same) Guidelines and References http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/enus/dnasp/html/asptutorial.asp (ASP tutorial) http://www.functionx.com/sqlserver/ (SQL-server tutorial) http://www. java.sun.com ( Java) or http:// java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/ (Java)