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R39-35 Alazas vs. Salas

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R39-#35 Civil Procedure (Rule 39)


Alazas vs. Hon. Judge Salas and Mercader

G.R. No. 83693 (December 4, 1989)
Gancayco, J.
Examination of judgment obligor even after the case reached finality, within the competence of the trial court

FACTS: An action for damages arising from libel was filed by Mercader in the RTC of Cebu against Alazas and Lazaro.

RTC of Cebu – ordering Alazas and Lazaro to pay Mercader solidarily the sums of P200,000.00 moral damages, P10,000.00 attorney's fees, P5,000.00
litigation expenses and costs.
IAC - modified the decision, in that the case against Lazaro was dismissed but the decision was affirmed with costs against Alazas.
SC - the decision was modified by way of a reduction of the moral damages to P50,000.00.

Upon motion of Mercader, the trial court issued an order of execution of said final judgment. The deputy provincial sheriff garnished the shares of
Alazas in Gala Inc. on March 16, 1988. Valmores, cashier of Gala Inc. informed the sheriff that as of October 17, 1982 Alazas had only 1 share at a par
value of P100.00. Nevertheless, the sheriff issued the notice of sale at public auction of the shares of Alazas in Gala Inc. Mercader submitted a bid of
P47,400.00 for 1,580 shares of Alazas in Gala Inc. and it was awarded to her. The sheriff issued a certificate of sale in her favor in partial satisfaction of
the judgment. On April 4, 1988, Gloria Alazas, corporate secretary of Gala Inc. wrote the sheriff that Alazas had only 1 share as he had disposed of his
1,580 shares in Gala Inc.

On April 6, 1988 a second Notice of Levy and Execution was issued by the sheriff on the basis of records showing that Alazas has 16,000 unissued
shares in Gala Inc. A second Notice of Sale on Public Auction was published by the sheriff which was scheduled for April 14, 1988 from 8:00 A.M. to
5:00 P.M. On April 8, 1988 Gloria Alazas wrote to the sheriff, copy furnished the SEC, informing him that Alazas had only one (1) share in the
corporation since December 1983. Nevertheless, the public auction proceeded where Mercader bidded for 803 shares of stock of Alazas for
P24,090.00. The corresponding certificate of sale thereof was issued by the sheriff in favor of Mercader.

On May 6, 1988 Mercader wrote the President and BODs of Gala Inc. informing them of the 2 auction sales where she acquired sufficient shares of
stocks of Alazas to become a majority stockholder of the corporation. On the same day, he wrote Mr. Axel Alazas, secretary of Gala Inc., to furnish him
copies of the minutes of the board meetings during the year as well as the stockholders' meetings for 1988.

On May 24, 1988 Mercader filed a motion for examination of Alazas in the trial court stating that except for the 1,580 shares of stocks of Alazas in Gala
Inc. which was sold to Mercader by the sheriff for P47,400.00 in partial satisfaction of the judgment, no other personal or real properties could be
found by the sheriff which Mercader believes Alazas has cleverly hidden/concealed so that he asks that Alazas be made to appear to be examined
under oath as to his property and source of income in accordance with Section 39 of Rule 39, Rules of Court.
RTC of Cebu - motion was granted on the same day so the examination of the Alazas was scheduled for May 30, 1988. However, because of his
absence, the examination was rescheduled on June 6, 1988 at 8:30 A.M. A subpoena duces tecum was also issued to Gloria Alazas, Atty. Deen and Axel

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R39-#35 Civil Procedure (Rule 39)

Alazas, cashier, treasurer and assistant treasurer, respectively, of Gala Enterprises to bring along with them the minutes of meetings of the
stockholders and board of directors, stock and transfer books, and financial statement with balance sheet of said enterprise.

Alazas filed a motion for reconsideration alleging that upon full satisfaction of the judgment by the writ of execution and by the entry of judgment, the
trial court has lost jurisdiction over the case except as to its ministerial function relating to the issuance of the writ of execution thus the trial court has
lost jurisdiction to act further on the case. An opposition thereto was filed by counsel of Mercader.
RTC of Cebu - motion was denied in an order dated June 6, 1988 and the examination of Alazas was reset for June 20, 1988 at 8:30 o'clock in the
morning, the trial court taking note of the statement made by Valmores, cashier of Gala Inc., that as of October 17, 1982 Alazas owned only one (1)
share of stock worth P100.00.

ISSUE/s: WON the examination of Alazas’ alleged unissued shares of stock is within the jurisdiction of the RTC even after the case has reached finality.


RATIO: It is true that when a judgment has become final and executory all that is left of the trial court is the ministerial act of ordering the execution of
the judgment and that after such judgment has been fully satisfied, the case is deemed terminated once and for all. However, in this case, while it
appears that after two (2) public auction sales of the alleged shares of stock of petitioner in Gala Inc. had been undertaken wherein private respondent
was the successful bidder so that the judgment was deemed fully satisfied, it nevertheless appears from the repeated representations of certain
officers of Gala Inc., that he owns only one (1) share of stock worth P100.00 in Gala Inc. If this is so then there is every reason for the private
respondent to ask the trial court to issue the order for the examination of the petitioner as judgment debtor under Section 39 of Rule 39, Rules of
Court, so that the trial court may determine if there are any credits, money and property of the judgment debtor in the possession or control of such
person, corporation or legal entity that may answer for the unsatisfied judgment.

It is of no moment if there was an error in the reference by the trial court to Gala Enterprises which is a non-existent corporation, as it is a clerical
error, referring in fact to Gala Inc.

The situation in this case is paradoxical in that while petitioner claims that the judgment has been fully satisfied, on the other hand the representatives
of Gala Inc. assert that he had only one (1) share left to his name when the judgment was executed, thus the judgment against him remains unsatisfied .
The pretension that his shares of stock have been sold may be a ruse or clever scheme in order to evade the execution of the judgment thereon. The
examination of petitioner as judgment debtor is in order. This process is within the competence of the trial court even as the judgment had become
final as it is his duty to see to it that the judgment is fully satisfied.


- Michael Joseph Nogoy

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