04-01 Day 25
04-01 Day 25
04-01 Day 25
30/30/30 Exercise
We tend to move through life with an assumption that our perspective = 100% reality 100% of the
When we meet another person with a different perspective, we usually advocate for the prevalence
and validity of our perspective at the expense of the other’s, and they tend to do the same in a zero-
sum game.
Many therapeutic approaches advocate replacing this 100% view of reality with a 50/50 view which,
while well-intentioned, often leaves everyone with a watered-down and unsatisfying blend of partial
truths and claims.
If instead, we elect to play the 30/30/30 game, we tend to get further faster, and can generate more
new possibilities with others.
Try this exercise with a low or medium-risk conversation. Refer to the chart for details.
We believe sleep is the bedrock of flow - there is no substitute. Make sure you log your sleep quality,
We believe sleep is the bedrock of flow - there is no substitute. This handy infographic demonstrates
how very active our brains are while we doze.
The Science of Sleep: What Happens During the 5 Stages of Your Sleep Cycle [Infographic]
7 to 8 hours
8 hours or more
Your 15 minutes of movement could be a brisk dog walk, Yoga Sun Salutations, or our 300 Workout
(see Useful Resources), or better.
What matters far more than overreaching for something complicated, is to do something that you
feel comfortable and confident doing, which fits with your life so you can do it consistently.
Do it for 15 minutes (2-3 minutes set up and wrap up, 10 min of actual practice)
Rotate through each of the following biofeedback sessions each day for the first three weeks. After 3
weeks, you will pick your favorite/most convenient session to carry forward for second half of course.
Directions: Watch this video (above). Put it on Full Screen, turn your speakers up to 11, boot up your
HRV app, and enjoy! Don't try to do anything or think anything--the intent of this video is to shift
your state, like meditation, but without having to think about not thinking.
Directions: Download the Box Breathing App and use it with a Brain.FM track in your headphones for
10-min. (Pro-tip: if you go into Settings on the Box Breathing app you can adjust how long you hold--
if 5 sec is too easy, try extending it over time up to 10 sec per side!)
Directions: Download the Stress Doctor HRV App and use it with a Brain.FM track in your
headphones for 10-min. Try and get as many Yin/Yang symbols as you can in that period
Directions: Look back over the first half of your training and identify which of the top three options
was most consistent for you. Keep doing that one. (change up and vary to one of the other two if
you get bored)
This app simply tracks where you’re spending your time. With this data, we can have a better
understanding of opportunities and red flags throughout your day.
"If you have to eat two frogs in a day, eat your ugliest one first."
—Mark Twain
You are at peak focus and energy levels between 8am and 11 am and best positioned to tackle hard
problems. Protect the first 90 minutes of your day as though your life depends on them being
Turn off email notifications.
Pull out your Most Important Tasks (MITs) from the night before. DO THEM!!! (it doesn't matter if
you don't get all three done, it doesn't even matter if you don't get the first one completed. What
does matter is that you devote your highest energy and focus to the hardest thing on your To-Do list)
It's not only the best attitude - it's also a darned good hack for greater happiness.
Take a one minute time out from wherever you are and whatever you're doing, breathe deeply for
60 seconds and reflect on someone—near or far—that you are grateful for today. This could be a
friend or family member, it could be a colleague.
Text them, email them, or message them on social media and follow the SBI format — Situation,
Behavior, Impact:
Example 1:
"Susie, when we were in the elevator at work (Situation), and you invited me to lunch today
(Behavior), I felt included in the new team (Impact): Thanks!"
Example 2:
"Mom, when I was on the train this morning (Situation), I saw a guy eating his brown bag breakfast
and I thought of all the times you made me eggs before school (Behavior), and I am so glad you were
there for us like that (Impact): Thanks!"
Following this format makes the appreciation targeted and specific and more likely to be absorbed
and appreciated.
See the Center for Creative Leadership and NOLS for more information on SBI feedback.
Further Reading:
"If the only things I get done tomorrow are these three, I'd call the day a success..."
Simple: It's about building habits and paying attention to how and why new habits work or don't.
Plus, we know that flossing our teeth is even more important for dental health than brushing, we
know that it lowers risk of cardiac disease, it even lowers risk of erectile dysfunction! So we've got
plenty of good information about why we should, now let's focus on hacking the habit (aka
Treat your daily flossing as a "canary in the coal mine" for all of the other habits in this course you're
about to onboard. If you're nailing this one, odds are the others will follow more easily. If you're
missing this one, slow down, troubleshoot, and get back in the saddle.