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Task 7 Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from

the box. There is one word you do not need

public transport vast distance human-powered transport

the wheel novelty animal-powered transport
explorers roadster cycle rickshaw
eco-friendly upgrade personal transport
the commuters

1. Public transport is frequent for people who live in a megapolis community.

2. Driving a car is important for people in general because it provides status
and the opportunity for the personal transport .
3. The wheel can get you from place to place. It is the best invention
for disabled people who can‘t walk.
4. Tourists have invaded every corner of the planet with professional
explorers .
5. The government should plan to upgrade existing rail routes, because
frustrating problems may occur, especially in winter, when people have to wait
until workers clear the lines of snow or even brunches fallen off the trees.
6. Entering a carriage without giving passengers a chance to get off is also
annoying and provokes to avoid travelling vast distance by train.
7. Tuk-tuk is a novelty in Ukraine.
8. Roadster is an open two-seat car with emphasis on sporting
appearance or character
9. The main reason to use cycle rickshaw is not to cause the air and noise
pollution in the city
10. Ukraine‘s railway system is undergoing a major makeover at the moment
and is currently evolving into the modern eco-friendly transport
system that would live up to European standards.
11. Like animal-powered transport , human-powered transport has existed
since time immemorial in the form of walking, running and swimming.
12. Sure, we love our bicycles, but these alternative vehicles are putting a new
spin on human-powered transport .
Task 8 Choose the correct option and complete the sentences below.

1. Human-powered transport and animal-powered transport are sometimes regarded as the same d ,
but these normally fall into the other categories. Each has its own infrastructure, vehicles and operations.
a) practice b) method c) format d) mode

2. Passengers of the airplane wishing to get up can do so after b

has gone off.
a) safety strap b) the seat belt c) lap strap d) illumination
3. The solution to the rail routes pollution is to b satellite
technology which can detect obstacles on rail tracks from miles above the
a) create b) invent c) make up d) form

4. Public transport d raises quality of metropolitan life.

a) improve b) make better c) reform d) upgrade

5. In the increasingly pollution-conscious world b transportation

systems are in a huge demand
a) eco-loyal b) eco-friendly c) eco-amiable d) eco-peaceful

6. b are superior to people in their speed, endurance and carrying

capacity, that is why they are used for all land transport impracticable for
people, and they remain an important mode of transport in less developed areas
of the world.
a) Pets b) Animals c) Mammals d) Bulls

7. Since c are non-polluting, they are being increasingly

recognized as a major mode of transport in a developing country like India.
a) motorbikes b) ferries c) cycle rickshaws d) hatchbacks
8. a was designed to carry large payloads (such as satellites) into orbit
and bring them back, if necessary, for repairs
a) Space shuttle b) Orbiter c) Lifting body d) Space capsule

9. This is a list of countries by total d size, both paved and

a) Complex system b) interconnected system c) web d) road network
Task 9 Translate the following sentences into English using active vocabulary
For lovers of active recreation, we offer sports equipment: badminton rackets, balls,
bicycles, and in winter - sleds and skis. 2. Ferries and motorized floating vehicles may
be afloat only if they are in proper working condition. 3. The government is
modernizing the national road network and building bridges. 4. With the
development of modern technologies in the future, internal combustion engines (an
internal combustion engine) will be absent from most vehicles. 5. Engines that work
on renewable energy sources (renewable energy sources) are considered a harbinger
of a new era. 6. Our agency can offer real adventure seekers an exciting trip to exotic
countries of the world. 7. She crashed into a big elephant on a tuk-tuk. 8. Range
Rover, Gelendwagen and Hummer are among the top three SUVs in the world. 9.
Tesla is a wonderful innovation in the world of transportation of the 21st century.
10. The waterway was used as a transport watercourse by British explorers and
missionaries already a century and a half ago.

Task 11 Listen to the conversation between a rental car agent and a

customer who would like to hire a car. Before listening study the key
vocabulary below.

Listen to the conversation twice. Choose the correct answer.

1. Why did the man settle on renting the full-size car?

A. It was roomy enough for him.
B. It was more economical than the minivan.
C. It had more features than the other vehicles.

2. What was one of his major concerns about renting the car?
A. He couldn't add an additional driver to the rental plan.
B. He was only limited to a certain number of miles per day.
C. The vehicle would probably consume a lot of gas.

3. How would you describe his rental car?

A. It was a little larger than he expected.
B. The car doesn't look very attractive.
C. The engine has problems and runs poorly.

4. In which situation would the car protection plan NOT help the
A. The car is stolen from a store parking lot with all of your valuables.
B. The driver loses control of the car and crashes it into the power pole.
C. The car's exterior and windows are damaged in a hail storm.

5. What can we infer from the closing statement about roadside

A. You should call the police in case your car has mechanical difficulties.
B. Getting assistance might require some time and patience.
C. The company will compensate you for delays in your travel.

Task 15 Read the dialogue abstracts below and study the words in
bold. Fill in the blanks with the modes of transportation from the

hop on and hop off buses cruise helicopter

a train pass canoe glider
carsharingplatforms sail hot air
(BlaBla Car) kayak balloon
1. ‗What is the most convenient way to travel for you?‘ – ‗Being a
young backpacker, I choose hopping on and off the busses ,
because I can select passes based on certain regions or choose the
flex trip.‘ (with fixed locations to stop in).
2. ‗Getting a train pass (regional, global) is ideal for me, cause
I‘m covering big distances, when I have limited time and want to
move rather quickly from one place to the next or if I want to create
my itinerary‟.

3. ‗The Titanic cruise was definitely not for budget

travellers as it came with a hefty price tag.‘

4. ‗Have you heard that car sharing platforms pulled in $200

million and spread its ride- sharing platform to 20 countries this
year?‘ – ‗Yes, I know it now claims 25 million members

5. ‗Don‘t you think that hitchhiking is a little bit dangerous,

because it is a kind of transportation that is gained by asking
people, usually strangers, for a ride in their automobile or other
vehicle?‘ – ‗No, I consider it to be the cheapest way to travel in

6. ‗I‘ve read the interview of one young couple that decided to sail
around the world in a 30ft vessel despite their hours in a boat
being limited to teaching themselves to do it on a lake in New
Zealand and a short adventure off the country's coast.‘ – ‗Oh, I‘ve
watched a video about them on YouTube.‘

7. ‗Hello. Could you explain he difference between a kayak and

canoe ?‘ –
‗Well the difference is relatively simple. It‘s related to athlete‘s
position in the boat and the type of paddle they use to propel the

8. ‗Do you see that nice glider that hovers in the sky. It is used not
only for
the aerial fun view but also to save lives.‘

9. ‗Unlike aeroplane, helicopters can travel only short distances

and land over water.‘

10. „That colourful hot air balloon _ is amazing. Look, how it

floats in the air. You can sit inside and enjoy beautiful

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