Very Strong Low Temp Bainite
Very Strong Low Temp Bainite
Very Strong Low Temp Bainite
Bainite has been obtained by heat treatment at temperatures as low as 125°C in a high carbon, high silicon steel.
This has had the effect of greatly re® ning the microstructure, which is found to have a strength in excess of 2.5 GPa
together with an ability to ¯ ow plastically before fracture. Such properties have never before been achieved with
bainite. In this paper metallographi c details are reported of the very ® ne bainitic microstructure associated with the
incredibly low transformatio n temperature, where during the time scale of the experiments, an iron atom cannot
diffuse over a distance greater than ~ 10 17 m. Yet, the microstructure has a scale in the micrometre range,
consistent only with a displacive mechanism of transformation . MST/5034
DOI 10.1179/026708301225000725 Materials Science and Technology March 2002 Vol. 18 279
280 Caballero et al. Very strong low temperature bainite
a b
c d
a 125°C for 29 days; b 150°C for 29 days; c 190°C for 2 weeks; d 300°C for 2 weeks
1 Optical micrographs of isothermal decomposition of austenite: Hv Vickers hardness (30 kg load)
the results owing to any crystallographic texture in the could not be conducted because of extensive casting defects
specimens.17 The carbon concentration in the austenite and in the form of porosity.
ferrite was estimated using the measured lattice para-
Specimens for TEM were machined down to 3 mm
diameter rods. The rods were sliced into 100 mm thick discs
Results and discussion
and subsequently ground down to foils of 50 mm thickness
on wet 800 grit silicon carbide paper. These foils were MICROSTRUCTURE OF ISOTHERMALLY
® nally electropolished at room temperature until perfora- TRANSFORMED SPECIMENS
tion occurred, using a twinjet electropolisher set at a voltage Isothermal transformation in the temperature range
of 40 V. The electrolyte consisted of 5% perchloric acid, 125 ± 300°C led to the formation of bainite, as illustrated
15% glycerol, and 80% methanol (vol.-%). Carbon replicas in the optical micrographs presented in Fig. 1a ± d. The
were extracted in 5 vol.-% hydrochloric acid and 95 vol.-% early stages of transformation are shown in Fig. 1 a and b
methanol. Foils and replicas were examined in a Jeol JEM for specimens isothermally heat treated for 29 days at 125
200 CX TEM at an operating voltage of 200 kV. and 150°C respectively. Transformation remains incomplete
The martensite start temperature of the steel was mea- even after 60 days of holding time at 125°C. Transformation
sured using a Thermecmaster Z thermomechanical simu- at temperatures much in excess of 300°C did not lead to
lator. Cylindrical specimens 12 mm in height and 8 mm in the formation of bainite, suggesting that the bainite start
diameter were heated at a rate of 5 K s 1 to 1000 °C and temperature is between 300 ± 350 °C; experiments were
then cooled at two different rates (40 and 100 K s 1). conducted up to 500 °C, which revealed only eutectoid
The formation of martensite during cooling was detected decomposition.
by monitoring the fractional change in dilatation with Figure 2 shows the evolution of hardness and the fraction
temperature. of bainite as a function of the isothermal transformation
Austenite formation begins during heating at the Ac 1 temperature and time. The rate of transformation is fastest
temperature and is completed when the Ac 3 temperature is when the temperature exceeds 150 °C. For example, it is
reached. Tempering must be carried out below the Ac 1 estimated that the fraction of bainite is 0 .8 for transforma-
temperature to avoid the accidental formation of austenite. tion at 190 and 250 °C for 9 and 2 days, respectively.
The austenite formation temperatures were determined However, a very long heat treatment is required (more than
using a Thermecmastor Z simulator. Dilatometric speci- 2 months) to obtain substantial transformation when the
mens were heated at a rate of 5 K s 1 to 1000 °C and then temperature is as low as 125°C. At 300 °C, the maximum
cooled at 40 K s 1. The formation of austenite during volume fraction of bainite formed was 0 .6 and 4 days are
heating was detected by monitoring the fractional change in needed to complete the transformation.
dilatation with temperature. An Ac1 temperature of 805°C X-ray analysis was used to estimate the quantities of
and an Ac 3 temperature of 840 °C were determined from the retained austenite present in the microstructure, and its
heating experiment. Specimens were tempered at tempera- carbon concentration, following two weeks at different
tures ranging from 400 to 700 °C for 30 min and 1 h. temperatures. The experimental results are presented in
Compression tests were carried out at room temperature Table 1 and Figs. 3 and 4. The retained austenite fraction
on specimens transformed isothermally at 190 °C for 2 is expected to increase for the higher transformation
weeks. The compression specimens of 5 mm in diameter temperature. This is because less bainite forms at 300°C,
and 15 mm in length were tested in accordance with and in contrast to low carbon bainitic steels, the residual
ASTM E9 ± 89a (Ref. 19) on a 100 kN Mayes servohy- austenite is stable to martensitic transformation on cool-
draulic machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm min 1. Two ing to ambient temperature even at the higher bainite
specimens were tested in compression. Reliable tensile tests transformation temperatures.
The bainite transformation progresses by the diffusion- where xa is the amount of carbon trapped in the bainitic
less growth of tiny platelets known as `subunits’ . The excess ferrite and x¯ is the overall amount of carbon in the steel.
carbon in these platelets partitions into the residual auste- The fact that the measured carbon concentrations of the
nite soon after the growth event. Diffusionless growth of retained austenite in Fig. 4 lie between the To and the
this kind can only occur if the carbon concentration of the paraequilibrium Ae 3 phase boundaries is consistent with
residual austenite is below that given by the T’o curve. The a mechanism in which the bainite grows without any
To curve is the locus of all points, on a temperature versus diffusion, but with excess carbon partitioning into the auste-
carbon concentration plot, where austenite and ferrite of nite soon after transformation. It is for this reason that the
the same chemical composition have the same free energy.
The T’o curve is de® ned similarly but taking into account
the stored energy of the ferrite owing to the displacive
mechanism of transformation. It follows that the maximum
amount of bainite that can be obtained at any temperature
is limited by the fact that the carbon content of the residual
austenite must not exceed the T’o curve on the phase
diagram.20 ± 23
The variation of the carbon content of austenite xc as a
function of the average carbon content of the alloy xo and
the volume fraction of bainitic ferrite Vb is given by24
Å + Vb xo {xa :
( )
xc ~x : : : : : : : : : : (1)
(1{Vb )
As mentioned above, the bainite that forms has a very ® ne
microstructure because of the low transformation tempera-
tures. This is illustrated in the TEMs shown in Fig. 7. Quite
remarkably, the bainite plates formed at 190 °C have a width
that is less than 50 nm, with each plate separated by an even
® ner ® lm of retained austenite. Not surprisingly, the ® ne
microstructure leads to a very high strength.
Figure 8 shows the compression curve of the micro-
structure formed by transformation at 190°C for 2 weeks; a
view of the specimen after testing is shown in Fig. 9. The
specimen clearly has considerable plasticity for deformation
at room temperature even though the yield strength in
compression is ~ 2000 MPa.
Experiments were carried out to study the stability of the
microstructure to tempering heat treatments. Figure 10 6 Calculated time ± temperature ± transformation diagram
shows the hardness as a function of the tempering tem- of steel: points in graphs represent start and ® nish
perature. The experiments were conducted on the bainitic time for bainite transformation
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