Phase Change Worksheet and Key

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Worksheet Name Important Things to Know - Do Not Skip Over these 2 Sections READ and REMEMBER Kinetic Theory of Matter: "Molecules are always moving. This is known as the kinetic theory of mater. We measure this kinetic energy with a thermometer as temperature. ‘The greater the material's intemal energy, the higher the temperature ofthat material. Hat is the energy flow between objects of different temperature. ‘reat and temperature are NOT the same, Brownian motion deseribes how visible particles are seen moving due to invisible molecules ‘bumping into them. Phases of Matter: Solid ‘© matter that as definite volume and shape. ‘© The molecules are packed together tightly and move slowly. Liguia ‘© matter that has definite volume but not shape. Since the molecules of liquid are loosely packed and move with greater speed, aliquid can flow and spread, ‘matter that has indefinite volume or shape, Molecules ofa gas are so loosely arranged and move so rapidly that they will ill their container. Phase Change Descriptions: Melting the change from 0 Freezing the change from —_ ‘Evaporation the change fom __ Condensation. the change from to as ‘Sublimation the change fom 0 Deposition the change from Temperature——> Fill n the phase changes in the blank provided. aaae Solid Phase Change Concept Map Phase Change Worksheet “The graph was drawn from Jata collected asa substance was heated ata constant rte, Use the graph to eae |] | erate crtas bimbo 180) 160 si | = 120 D E 400 C 5 5° "60, 40. 346 @ 40 42 14 46 18 20 22 Time (minutes) ‘At point A the beginning of observations, the substance exsts in a slid state, Material inthis phase has volume and shape. With each passing minute, ___is added tothe substance. This causes the molecules ofthe substance to ‘more rapidly which we detect by a risen the substance. At point B, the temperature ofthe substanceis_*C. The solid begins to __ At point, the substance is completely orina state Material in this phase has volume and__shape. The energy put tothe substance ‘between minutes 5 and 9 was used te convert the substance froma ___toa ‘This heat energy is called the latent heat of fusion. (An interesting fact) Between 9 and 13 minutes, the added energy increases the__of the substance. During the time from point D to point E the liquid is. ____.By point E, the substance is completely in the phase, Material in this phase has. volume and shape, The energy put tothe substance between minutes 13 and 18 converted the substance from 2 toa___state. Thiseat energy is called the latent heat of vaporization. (An Interesting fact) Beyond point the substance estilin the____phase, but the molecules fare moving_____as indicated by the increasing temperature. ‘phase change experiment? ‘substance | Meling point | Boling point | ‘Which of these three substances was likely used inthis _Bolognium _20°C | 100°C tsnm | are | are rc Foosium 70°C _ ‘oN US: For water, the vai for he tnt est vaporiaton nes rater han the ater eat flo. mae we were [dng aac ora contre te to 2 oc ofc beahr on aot pate, ad take minis forthe eo me compete How ong ‘fetter te water started bong forthe ester abe compel erp (el watery converte wate vapor? Phase Changes Worksheet Name Important Things to Know - Do Not Skip Over these 2 Sections READ and REMEMBER Kinetic Theory of Matter: ‘Molecules are alwys moving, This is known asthe kinetic theory of matter. ‘+ We measure this kinetic energy witha thermometer as temperature, ‘+ The greater the material's intemal energy, the higher the temperature of that material Heat isthe energy flow between objects of different temperature. ‘+ Heat and temperature are NOT the same ‘+ Brownian motion describes how visible panicles are seen moving due to invisible molecules ‘bumping into them, Phases of Matter: ‘Solid ‘mater that has definite volume and shape. The molecules are packed together tightly and move slowly. i ‘+ matter that has definite volume but not shape. {Since the molecules of quid are loosely packed and move with greater speed, + aliquid can flow and spread ‘© matter that has indefinite volume or shape. ‘© Molecules ofa gus are so loosely arranged and move so rapidly that they will fil their container. Phase Change Descriptions: Mating, the change from Seu to Lrqury Freezing thechnge fiom SSD fo Sou Evapuration ‘the change from __U'Gvri to Condensation ‘the change from FS. to _ tov ‘Sublimation the change from SSD to Gas > Ate Freshner Deposition the change from _ Fill in the phase changes in the blank provided, eur eo i Phase Change sean ah a Concept Map Liquid 6 Cvarecating nae E Phase Change Diagram D oe Gas —— 10 KewBETS95 (ESAS c J“ Temperature——> ‘Heat Energy Phase Change Worksheet ‘The giaph was drawa fig data vllevted as substaec wes heated ata constant rate. Use the graph answer the following questions | | | Phase Change Diagram 160 160 2 4 6 @ 40 42 48 46 18 20. 22 Time (minutes) Atpolnt he beginning of observations the substance exists ina sold stat Material inthis phase has deFienti volume and 2fumet¢_ shape, With each passing minut,” ©" °° 0% is addedtothe substance. his cases the molecules ofthe substance to_“1©¥ € mae rally which we detect bya ‘fee: risen thesubstance. At pola, the temperature ofthe subsanceis_7®_*C. The solid beginsto rel AtpointG the substance iscompletely <e d orina VAD state Material in this phase has _2@F +=" ¥_yolume and_t=> dfn shape. The energy putto the substance between minutes 5 and 9 was used to convert the substance froma _SS%' ‘This heat energy is called the latent heat of fusion. (An interesting fact) toa Waurd Between 9 and 13 minutes, the added energy increases the £¢"P ___of the substance. During the time from point D to point E, the liquid is_@v¢P®7* "9, By point E, the substance is completely in the Gao phase. Materialin thisphase has indefinite volumeand tm de Femite shape. The every put to the substance between minutes 13 and 18 convertedthe substance from a (avis toa Gas state, ishestenerays called the ltent heat of vaporization. (An Interesting fat.) Beyond point, the substance sstilinthe G5 poze, but the molecules stemoving_capinty —stindicated by the increasing temperature Substance Melting point Boing point Which ofthese three substances wastikely used inthis Solognium 20°C so0'e phase change experiment? Unobisinium 40°C ao'c Foosum 70°C aoc __ Fees OMUS: For wate, th val fr th tr st ofuapcaton's les geste than the tet eat of son. magne we were ang heat at constant ate toe accel beaker on et bean took 4 mins hee to me compe, Hee ne ‘tole oer the water sted ling fr the beaker tobe compat empl (he ui ae tay coveted tower ae?

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