Radar FM-CW
Radar FM-CW
Radar FM-CW
The mis~ion of the Environmental Research Laboratories isto study the ocean , inland
water%, the lower and upper atmosphere, the ipece environment, and the earth, in search of the
undqr~ tandinio nee.ded to provide more useful services in imorovino man's prospects for strvival
as I n luenced by the physical environment, Lahoratories contributing to these studies are:
N~orth i~~oea La~nr~ pda (00.SL) eismology, Qeomaqnetism, geodesy, and related earth
sciences% earthquake procesges, Internal structure and shape of the earth and aistribution of
the earth's mass.
and Noto *vloU~il Wbortore,'v (AtWL),: Cvtoloov and qeoohysics
At lant u' LV\ opmjr'o~h,
of ocean basins, oceanic orocetsss and sea-air interactions (Miami, Florida),
mop~ QceanoohiDo tbtNr'.itorioma k'pol.': Oceanoora~h with emlnhO-t on the or-4
processes and dynamlesi tiunani generation, propaqation, modification, detection, and monitoring
(Seattle, Wahinqon).
Atmephorv'o Phpoiec' md Chomitt Wl-vrtory A'~) Processes of cloud and procipitation
the lower atmosphere-, and laboratory
Physics,, chemical composition and nuclea ting substance& isi
and field exptriments toward developing feasible ,nehods of weather hiodification.
Ai~r Ro'o~o t~hmee (ARL). Diffusion, tran~vnort, and dissipation of atmospheric
contavrinants, dcvvin ui motliuds for prediction and control of atiiospheric pollution, geo-
physical monitoring for climatic change (Silver Spring, Maryland).
('00phyeia Fluid In~vrtioa IAIve~apr (SrrIP1J Dynamic, and plhysics of geophysical fluid
systems; development of a toretical basis, through mathematica, Modeli ng and computer Jerley),
tion, for the behavior and properties of the dtm~oiphere and the o ceans (Princeton, Now
Natio'nal 9*e'r* .tomwi".b.or'titry (A'S0f), Tornadoes, squall line%, thunderstorms, and
other severe local convective phenomena directed toward Improved method% of prediction an(;
detection (Norman, Oklahoma).
spaoq' Atnuircni'nt Lahoritorij (Sirt). Solar-terrestriial physics, service and technique
developient in the areas of environmental monitoring and forecasting,
Aeroptmy1 Labo-tory (A0.- Theoretical, laboratoryv, rocket, and satellite studies of
the physical and chemical Processes controlling the ionosphere and exosphere of the earth and
other planets. and of the dynamics of their interections with hinh altitude meteorology.
Nave Pi'paqationi La, ritwry (mr'): Developmt_, of new methods for remote sensinog of
the gohysical environment with special emphasis on optical, microwave and acoustic sensing
Wcathie* Nodtfoat.,v *rm' lffiov (WWfF : Planib and directs ERL weather modification
activities, operats ERJ41crf fleet, and research on cumulu3 cloud modification, on hurricanes
t her
_tcci~vtrppt ems, and on hurricane modification.
L 7.0-
A - 77'1 8 ,?
Thio work was sponsored In part by the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
July 1973
For %ale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Woshlngton, 0. C. 20402
" ,,,~. .. .. . . . .
12. SUMMARY 21
The use and processing of the FM/CW signal for radar and acoustic
sounder systems are examined in this note. This signal--along with real-
time digital processing via minicomputers--is currently being used by
several groups for HF over-the-horizon radars. A comparative analysis
of the different prccessing techniques for general radar applications
has yet to be undertaken. This note therefore attempts to promulgatc
details of these techniques so that they may find use in other systems.
An example involving an HF backscatter radar is used to permit the reader
to see how the techniques are applied to dn actual problem.
Donald E. Barriuk
The objective of this note is to present a simple and concise
analysis--backed by an example--of the application of an FM/CW signal
format in radar systems. It is shown how both time-delay (range) and
Doppler (radial velocity) information can be extracted unambiguously.
For the sake of illustration throughout these notes, we pick the
following application and example. The HF radar car;-ier frequency is to
be 10 MHz. Sea scatter is to be observed from the radar out to a range
of 150 km fcorresponding to time delays up to 1 millisecond in a back-
scatter radar). It is known that HF sea scatter is confined spectrally
to frequencies within about 1/3 Hz of the carrier. Therefore a pulse-
repetition-frequency, fr' of 1 per second is selected so that all echo
Dopplers within + 0.5 Hz of the carrier will be displayed unambiguously.
To show sufficient detail, a Doppler processing resolution better than
0.02 Hz is desired, and a range resolution of the order of 1.5 km is
desired; the latter two requirements in an ordinary pulse-Doppler system
translate to a coherent integration time exceeding 50 seconds and a
signal bandwidth of 100 kHz, respectively,
We select a 100% duty factor signal whose frequency sweeps upward,
linearly, over one pulse-repetition-interval Tr (Tr = 1/fr = 1 sec for
our example). Since a 100 kHz signal bandwidth is desired, the signal
can be written
for -Tri 2 < t < Tr/2. It is assumed that the signal is periodic, and
hence phase-coherent from one repetition interval to the next.
Since the instantaneous frequency, fT(t), is the derivative of the
phase, we have
fT(t) -- c
d0ft c + Bfrt (2)
I j fT(t) fRt
f(W f2(t)
The received signal is both delayed in time and shifted in Doppler.
To illustrate the situation, we assume that we have a discrete target at
range 15 km and travelling radially away from the radar at v-5 m/s (e.g.,
an ocean wave). At time t-O, the target is exactly at R0-15 km from tie
radar. After that, its range is a function of time as
The received signal from this discrete target is thus just a replica
of the transmitted signal, but multiplied in amplitude by a factor A
and delayed in position by a factor td, where td - 2R(t)/c. It is thus
f2 77iR T(t-td) - T(t+Tr)l (7b)
2R f f
I Tr t
#"*A 1 /f2 4
term in time t i , and a quadratic term in time, t(. For the parameters
of the example, however, the quadratic phase term is always small within
the interval -Tr/2 < ti < Tr!2; e.g., at ti=Tr/ 2 , it is of the order of
0.005 radian. Also, it can b, showri that the second term in the linear
factor is small compared to the irst term and is also much less than one
radian. Of course, in all cases under consideration here, v/c << 1, i.e.,
target velocity is small compared to propagation velocity. Therefore we have
i(ti ) _ 0 -2r
r[ T- fc+Bfrtolti (9)
millisecond for Ro=15 kin). For the examiple selected here, the second
term (range term) is larger; i.e., !-fc= Hz, Bfrto=10 Hz. Thus
it is not possible to separato range from target velocity by measuring
frequency f, within a aingZe puZee.
5.2 (2 n-l)Tr/ 2 < t < (2n+l)Tr/2
Here we want to examine the phase in the n-th pulse, assuming that
the n=O pulse is the one centered at t=O. Again, we describe the time
within the n-th pulse (from its own center) as ti . The time delay to
the target, td, however is now given by
where we describe time to the center of the n-th pulse as nTr. We can
now substitute this into the phase:
) 4ini
=T(ti-td) - OT(ti)
-. 2v 2 (12)
2vtt - nT + Bfr[to+ - (nTr+ti)]
2 rBfr[to+ L (nTr+ti)] •
hence the frequency in the n-th pulse is the quantity in square orackets,
Comparison of (14) with (10) shows that the frequency in the n-th
pulse is identical to that in the first pulse, with the exception of the
third term. The explanation for the third term Is simpl. It merely
means that the target is moving from pulse to pulse, and Its range at the
center of the n-th pulse is RO+c(2v/c)nTr/2 m Re+vnTr , as we would
expect. Since we want to integrate over as many as 100 pulses, the third
term is not negligible as n increases; e.g., at n-lO0, F Bn I Hz
Two other effects occur within the pulse; its width, being TTr-td
changes very slightly from pulse to pulse. Since Tul second,
td M to+(2v/c)nTr, we have for n-l, T - 1-10 " s; for n-lO0 we have
T - I01-4 1 10" S. Thus the change in pulse width is negligible.
A very important second effect, however, is the change in phase from pulse
to pulse, as represented by the second term in (13). This phase change
shall in fact prove to be the basis for the Doppler processing. As stated
earlier, all of this assumes that the transmitted signal Is phase-coherent,
i.e., *T(t+Tr)-T(t) - non-varying consLant.
Here we want to demonstrate how a double Fourier-transformation
process can be used--often in real time because of the discovery of the
digital fast-Fourier-transform (F-r) algorithm--to produce a time-delay
(range) and Doppler (velocity) display of the radar target data*. The
first Fourier transform process is performed over a pulse repetition
period, Tr (i.e., within a pulse) to obt-in target range. The second
Fourier transform is then performed over several pulses of these data to
obtain target Doppler or velocity.
First, let us perform a Fourier transform on a single pulse. This
is shown in figure 3. We have a pulse of width T = Tr-td , amplitude A,
and frequency f, given by (14). To perform this Fourier transform
digitally, one must sample the pulse M times within the time period
Tr. The number M depends upon the maximum value f, can assume, and
M/Tr must be at least twice this value, i.e., 2fl.x , according to the
Nyquist theorem. For the problem considered earlier where we want to
*This technique is currently being used by the Stanford Research Institute
for recl--time processing of HF ionospheric radar signals at their Wide
Aperture Research Facility (WARF); (Sweeney, et aZ., 1971).
dtspl possible termes at all rages frm aero to 160 km, this ~lofld5
to a frVqVncy variation in f from 0 to 100 Hi hence I must be
gweater then MOO since Trl sec. Since VFT !cassors r5Vequir that
"Pik, whe, k is an Intver Not"E Would suffices
I In
14- T
This Fourior transform is show in figure 3, Sinn we started with
*IfibuTr samples (HolOO minimum), we obtain eamples in the freuency
domain from -tie" to +fI%"# i..0at 14/let IM Y, positive values ot fre-
quency, These samples are complex in as evidenced by the exponential
phase factor containing *6and 10~ nT1. I Thus we conceptually have
M/1 ran"e bins (M/10lOO here), permitting ut to realize the 151 km range
resolution over a 150 km window, as initiolly stipulated. Note that each
N/a resolution element after tho first FF1' can be consideMe a range bin
so long as the Doppler terms (Iv/c)fco Is small compared to the range
term, Bfrtgj this is true for the example considered here. Since each
pulse is approimately 1/1 wide at the half-power point (T oTr a I5c
here), we should be able to resolve 100 targets in range because the width
of each FF1' pulse in this 100 Ha window is 1 Hs. Hance after one FFT
process within a pulse we have range information, but no Doppler infov'mtioni
we turn now to extraction of Doppler.
Note that If we start with the first pulse at nul and do this FF'
process on each pulse, we obtain a Fourier transform n times, where we
ar~sume n~s N (somt upper value). Since the frequency, fin and phase,
2Wf J nTr. shifts slightly from pulse to pulse due to thrget velocity
(as given In(14)), this slrla/40 pulse in the frequency domain will change
very slightly after each Fourier transformation. Since our digital FF1'
iUcapable of producing numbers at M/2 discrete points, (18) should really
be written with f replaced by i - #1f,. where -M/2.sMN/2.
Thus the first FF1' process on M samples within a pulie gives M/2
range bins for each pulse. For each successive pulse, this FF1' gives M4/2
additional positive frequency samples. Digitally, we store each M4/2
samples Inrows of a matrix, as shown infigure 4,until we have N rows.
Thus, we have an 1/2-by-N matrix whose columns so far represent range
Now, we perform another FF1' over each column, or range bin. This
will require N points altogether. Each matrix element is a complex
number whose value changes In a column because the frequency, f , and
the phase, 2wfce 4 nT,,, are changing from sweep to sweep. Snce each
of the N vertical elements comes from a different pulse T r Sac apart,
NT, sec are required to fill this matrix, Also, n can be related to tim from
the first pulse by use Cf te"T r, or n.t/T r (aglin, 14 nt N). Hence each
col1o is really a function of time, end the N column elements can be
considered (digital) samples of this tin function,
To Fourier transform over a typical column (say the m-th), let us
again refer to our example for the target at R1,06 kmi this target
will appear in the mlO bin for K/2100, As we saw before, this produces
fin . 10 . 0" aM. Thus for n running from I to 100--
corresponding to tim running between I and 100 seconds--two things happen
to the positive pulse in the
m-th range bin t its li - . R g
tude changes slightly due to 4.- Range Pins -.
s * K(f)o i
a # fc
KMO 'it tn & where (16)
m KNTr, where
,hr2 (7
sRnr(f, fc)NTr/1]
here again we should note that our digitAl FFT does not really give a
continuous variation over f (frequency), but will compute values at N
discrete frequency points. The question arises as to how we should choose
these N frequency points, i.e., how wide a frequency window do we want
to display. Since our PRFs fr(fr-1 Hz here) results in an unambiguous
Doppler of I. Hz, we would logically select "1 Hz here) so
as to display all of the unambiguous Doppler window, Then the frequency
window In Doppler will be from "fD., to +fDma at a spacing fr.,,/N,
which turns out to every 2fwex/N Hz. or 1/100 Hz here. Note also in
(16) that If 4t
fc, i.e., the Doppler shift, exceeds 2 fr-l/ZTr then
from pulse to pulse we will be sampling at iess than the required Nyquist
sampling rate. Hence our pulse-repetition frequency (PRF), fr, must
always be at Least twice as great as the maximum expected Doppler frequency.
Observe now an important fact in (17): the displacement of the
sinz/x pulse resulting from the second Fourier transformation over the
columns occurs at m T f . This is precisely the Doppler shift that results
from a target at (radia) velocity v with a backscatter radar having
carrier frequency fc' Furthermore, the 3 dB width of the pulse represented
by (17) is l/NTr Hz, as shown in figure 5. Thus we produce N (or 100)
Doppler frequency points every fr/N Hz (or .01 Hz here) having a Doppler
resolution of lI/NTr Hz (- .' Hz hero). Since NTr is the coherent
integration time (in this scheme, it is the time required to fill the
matrix), l/NTr is exactly the Doppler resolution one would expect from
any coherent pulse-Doppler radar.
'.'.. -N.r .. ,
the some N pulses. This vachnique is used by the Rome Air Development
Center for same of Its HF over-the-horison radars (Eddy, 1973). It
Involves the same number of computer operations as that described In the
preceding section.
Here we will drew heavily on much of the material in the preceding
section. Since we have a maximum frequency f, In our pulse Tr(sT)
seconds long, wc rcqurs Mt42f U.,
1 Tr samples per pulse, as before.
Performing the FFT over N pulses gives a total of M x N samples per
transform. Let us analytically find an expression for the Fourier trans-
form of this pulse train first. To do this, we can use superposition to
express the Fourier transform of the pulse train as the Fourier transform
of each pulse as though it were all alone:
V ,T
Nf) "i2Wft
MVn(tle dt . (18)
"n e tv L.. ?.- -- -
frequencies; an Identical result obtains for the second term representing
the negative frequencies, Therefore, (20) becomes
K-1 2
where we have used (16). The above summation can be performed by using
the identity:
Neina e N/2 sn[(N+l)2]
no sln[ot/2 12 (22)
Thus we obtain
n[2rr(f-f N 2 T/2 J
iN/2 )T/2]
K(f) [2(ffIN/2 )T/2] (24)
This gives the range bin, or location of the target in rang-. Its center
is slightly displaced, however, due to the Doppler term L fc in fiN/2
K(f) " /'
identical for a
target at any range
having the same
radial velocity.
Finally we -_Elf)
nvelope for
show the product of (d) 0stationary target
the two functions 44
The number of operations required in the single long FFT is simple
to calculate. With N pulses and M samples per pulse, we have MN
total samples per transform. This therefore requires MNlog2 N operations.
Normally the FFT requires that the number of samples to be transformed
be an integer power of 2. For the double FFT process therefore, both
M and N must be powers of 2 (e.g.. 256 and 128, 32 and 64, etc.; just
so M and N Individually are greater than the number required by the
sampling rate and Doppler resolution). For the single, long FFT, the
product MN must be a power of two, and hence again M and N must
individually be powers of two.
In both cases, MN elements must be accumulated and stored for
processing; this dictates the size of the required core and/or disc
storage. The entire number of MNlog MN operations must be performed
every NTr seconds if the process Is to be done Its real time. This
requires that (Mlog2 MN)/T r computer operations per second be done (not
Including time for buffering and display functions). Thus the obvious
way to reduce the requiried data rate--if such is necessary--is to lower
M, the number of range bins. Since M is equal to 2fiTmTr, we must
V ~ "'yi.........jx . ...
reduce f1,.o the maximum IF frequency per pulse. This does not
necessarily require one to reduce the range resolution. For example,
suppose for our example that instead of observing all ranges from 0 to
150 km with a 1.5 km resolution (giving M-200), we decided that we only
wanted to observe the window between 126 km and 150 km, but still with
1.5 km resolution. This gives conceptually M132 or M/2-16 range bins.
To achieve this, one merely slides the linear sweep delay in the receiver
so that instead of varying between 84 and f max= 100 Hz, f now runs
between 0 and f :16 Hz. Then the M=32 samples are adequate for
the Tr=1 cecond pulse repetition interval.
Finally, the number of bits required per word also affects the data
rate to some extent. The processor dynamic range depends upon the bits
per word because of quantization error. Thus the dynamic range is optimally
6b decibels, where b is the number of (biiary) bits per word. Currently
about 80 dB dynamic range can be realized by digital processors without
too much difficulty, requiring 14 bit words and a 14-bit A/D convertor.
*In all of the preceding sections, we assumed a square pulse at
frequency f,, and N such pulses all with the same amplitude. As a result
we arrived at sinx/x and sinNx/sinx functions in the frequency domain
for the target echoes. Joth functions have rather high, objectionable
sidelobes: the first sidelobe of the sinx/x function is only 13 dB down
from the main lobe, while the average sidelobe level of the sinNx/sinx
function between main lobes is only down 20 dB. Thus some of the side-
lobes from a single target--as illustrated in figure 6--are quite high
and could be mistaken for other targets.
The remedy for this is the same as that taken by antenna designers
to reduce sidelobes: use an amplitude taper across the original function
before Fourier transforming. This technique is currently being used in
nearly all radar digital processing schemes. The common amplitude
taper--or weighting--used across the time window is the Taylor weight
(although Hamming and cosine-squared weights (Blackman,1958; Nathanson,
1969) are sometimes used). This results in average sidelobes down 40-50 dB
below the main lobe. The only bad effects of such weight.ng are the slight
broadening of the main lobe (by as much as 40% in some cases at the 3-dB
point) and a drop of 1-2 dB in signal-to-noise ratio due to attenuation of
the original received signal at the edges of the window.
For both types of processing described above, two weighting functions
are normally performed digitally. The first is to weight the M samples
within the pulse according to the selected function (e.g., Taylor weight-
ing). The next is to weight the N pulses to be used in the coherent
integration by the selected technique. Both weighting processes across
the two respective windows of Tr and NTr seconds are normally required
to keep both the range and Doppler sidelobes unobjectionable.
(4) M a 2Rw/AR samples per pulse interval, Tr.
In the above, we have assumed that fc' Rw, VM9 AR, and Av were
all given and that B, Tr , N, and M were to be found. In practice, the
size of the computer and data handling rate will often limit M and N.
Thus one usually iterates until an acceptable compromise is achieved, i.e.,
he varies his requirements for R, AR, and Av untlel values of M and
N are obtained within the tapacity of his machine.
In the course of the analysis herein, certain assumptions were made,
upon which the desired output is dependent. If these are not satisfied,
quadratic and other types of distortions will result which reduce or limit
the achievable signal-to-noise ratio. Having derived B, Tr M, and N
from the rules of the preceding sections, one can quickly check thE follow-
ing critiria to see whether the optimum processing gain will be realized.
B(2vM/c)(2RW/c)N << 1,
B(2vM/c)Tr/ 4 << 1
This merely means that the target is not traveling so fast that it
moves through several range bins within one coherent integration period,
NTr* If the inequality fails, it simply means that the echo will appear
in several range bins, but with a proportionately reduced amplitude in
- .- . .
This assumption--heretofore unmentionad--concerns the rate of
change of radial target velocity (or radial acceleration), It his been
assumed throughout the analysis that the targets under consideration have
a constant, nonaccelerating velocity. Small radial accelerations can be
tolerated, but if dv/dt is sufficiently large that the above Inequality
fails, then the echo will appear spread into several Doppler bins with
proportionately reduced amplitude in each.
,. , . , f la
f, .. - . .... t. . . ... . . . . . -..
examples small computers may L4 limited in the size of a tingle FFT they
can handisi In this cases the multiple FFT technique having smaller
unit site may be requiredl On the other hand, special hard-wired FFT
computers are currently available (called "PFT boxes"), The&# can perform
* a fairly large, fixed-length transform very rapidly because of their
* specialited constructions and are used al one component In the overall
digital processing system, Here, the single long FF1 isusually more
efficient be~iuse the need for continual, Interactive storage/rttrieval
of elements in matrix/fashion demanded by the multiple FFT scheme is
Blackman, R,B. and J. W.Tukoy (1958), The HOOSU"WOee of Pow speot.
(Dover Publications: Now York, pp, 14-16).
Eddy, F. N. (1973)6 Analysis of repeated chirp system (in preparation),
The MITRE Corporation, Bedf'ord, Mass. (prepared for Rome Air
Development Center).
Nathanson, F.E. (1969), Hadar'Doettp P no'ploo. (McGraw-Hill: New York,
pp. 520-530).
Sweeney, L. E., Jr., W, 0. Zavoli, and D.E.Westover (1971), Processing
of swept-frequency-CW HF backscatter signals using the two-dimensional
FFT, Technical Report No. 6, Ionospheric Dynamics Laboratory, Stanford
Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. N00014-70-C-0413.