2006 Virginia Amusement Device Regulations
2006 Virginia Amusement Device Regulations
2006 Virginia Amusement Device Regulations
Part I
General Provisions
13VAC5-31-10. Purpose.
A. The purpose of this chapter is to establish standards for the regulation, design, construction, maintenance, operation, and
inspection of amusement devices.
B. The provisions of the USBC, including but not limited to all administrative procedures shall apply in the administration
and enforcement of this chapter and to amusement devices to the extent such provisions are not superseded by the
provisions of this chapter.
13VAC5-31-20. Definitions.
A. The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly
indicates otherwise:
“Amusement device” means (i) a device or structure open to the public by which persons are conveyed or moved in an
unusual manner for diversion and (ii) passenger tramways.
“Bungee cord” means the elastic rope to which the jumper is attached which lengthens and shortens to produce a bouncing
“Carabineer” means a shaped metal device with a gate used to connect sections of a bungee cord, jump rigging,
equipment, or safety gear.
“Gravity ride” means a ride that is installed on an inclined surface, which depends on gravity for its operation to convey a
passenger from the top of the incline to the bottom, and which conveys a passenger in or on a carrier tube, bag, bathing suit,
or clothes.
“Ground operator” means a person who assists the jump master to prepare a jumper for jumping.
“Harness” means an assembly to be worn by a bungee jumper to be attached to a bungee cord. It is designed to prevent the
wearer from becoming detached from the bungee system.
“Jump master” means a person who has responsibility for the bungee jumper and who takes the jumper through the final
stages to the actual jump.
“Jump zone” means the space bounded by the maximum designed movements of the bungee jumper.
“Jumper” means the person who departs from a height attached to a bungee system.
“Landing area” means the surface area of ground or water directly under the jump zone, the area where the lowering
device moves the bungee jumper to be landed away from the jump space and the area covered by the movement of the
lowering device.
“Local building department” means the agency or agencies of the governing body of any city, county or town in this
Commonwealth charged with the enforcement of the USBC.
“Operating manual” means the document that contains the procedures and forms for the operation of bungee jumping
equipment and activity at a site.
“Passenger tramway” means a device used to transport passengers uphill, and suspended in the air by the use of steel
cables, chains or belts, or ropes, and usually supported by trestles or towers with one or more spans.
“Platform” means the equipment attached to the structure from which the bungee jumper departs.
“Private inspector” means a person performing inspections who is independent of the company, individual or organization
owning, operating or having any vested interest in an amusement device being inspected.
“Ultimate tensile strength” means the greatest amount of load applied to a bungee cord prior to failure.
B. Words and terms used in this chapter which are defined in the USBC shall have the meaning ascribed to them in that
regulation unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
C. Words and terms used in this chapter which are defined in the standards incorporated by reference in this chapter shall
have the meaning ascribed to them in those standards unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
13VAC5-31-30. Exemptions.
The following equipment or devices shall not be considered amusement devices subject to this chapter:
1. Non-mechanized playground or recreational equipment such as swing sets, sliding boards, climbing bars, jungle
gyms, skateboard ramps and similar equipment where no admission fee is charged for its use or for admittance to
areas where the equipment is located;
3. Water slides or similar equipment used in community association, community club or community organization
swimming pools.
A. The following standards are hereby incorporated by reference for use as part of this chapter:
1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard No. B77.1-2006 for the regulation of passenger tramways;
2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Nos. F698-94 (Reapproved 2000), F747-06, F770-
06a, F846-92 (Reapproved 2003), F853-05 F893-05a; F1159-03a, F1193-06, F1305-94 (Reapproved 2002),
F1950-99, F1957-99 (Reapproved 2004), F2007-06, F2137-04, F2291-06a, F2374-07a, F2376-06 and F2460-06
for the regulation of amusement devices.
25 W 43rd Street 100 Barr Harbor Dr.
New York, NY 10036 West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959
B. The provisions of this chapter govern where they are in conflict with any provisions of the standards incorporated by
reference in this chapter.
C. The following requirements supplement the provisions of the ASTM standards incorporated by reference in this chapter:
1. The operator of an amusement device shall be at least 16 years of age, except when the person is under the
supervision of a parent or guardian and engaged in activities determined not to be hazardous by the Commissioner
of the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry;
2. The amusement device shall be attended by an operator at all times during operation except that (i) one operator is
permitted to operate two or more amusement devices provided they are within the sight of the operator and
operated by a common control panel or station and (ii) one operator is permitted to operate two kiddie rides with
separate controls provided the distance between controls is no more than 35 feet and the controls are equipped
with a positive pressure switch; and
3. The operator of an amusement device shall not be (i) under the influence of any drugs which may affect the
operator's judgment or ability to assure the safety of the public or (ii) under the influence of alcohol.
D. Where an amusement device was manufactured under previous editions of the standards incorporated by reference in
this chapter, the previous editions shall apply to the extent that they are different from the current standards.
A. Any person, including local building department personnel, inspecting an amusement device relative to a certificate of
inspection shall possess a valid certificate of competence as an amusement device inspector from the Virginia Board of
Housing and Community Development.
B. Local building department personnel enforcing this chapter and private inspectors shall attend 16 hours every two years
of continuing education and periodic training courses approved or required by DHCD. Additional continuing education
hours shall not be required if more than one certificate is held.
13VAC5-31-60. Appeals.
Appeals from the local building department concerning the application of this chapter shall be made to the local board of
building code appeals established by the USBC. Application for appeal shall be filed with the local building department
within 14 calendar days after receipt of the decision of the local building department. The board of appeals shall hear the
appeal within seven calendar days after the application for appeal is filed. After final determination by the board, any
person who was a party to the appeal may appeal to the Technical Review Board within 14 calendar days of receipt of the
decision to be appealed. Such appeal shall be in accordance with the procedures established in the USBC, under the
authority granted by §36-98.3 of the Code of Virginia where the provisions of Chapter 6 of Title 36 of the Code of Virginia
and the USBC apply to amusement devices.
Note: Because of the short time frames normally associated with amusement device operations, DHCD staff will be
available to assist in finding a timely resolution to disagreements between owners or operators and the local building
department upon request by either party.
Part II
Enforcement Permits and Certificates of Inspection
A. In accordance with §§36-98.3 and 36-105 of the Code of Virginia, the local building department shall be responsible for
the enforcement of this chapter and may charge fees for such enforcement activity. The total amount charged for any one
permit to operate an amusement device or devices or the renewal of such permit shall not exceed the following, except that
when a private inspector is used, the fees shall be reduced by 50%:
2. $35 for each circular ride or flat-ride less than 20 feet in height covered by the permit;
3. $55 for each spectacular ride covered by the permit which permit which cannot be inspected as a circular ride or
flat-ride in subdivision 2 of this subsection due to complexity or height; and
4. $150 for each coaster covered by the permit which exceeds 30 feet in height.
B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A of this section, when an amusement device is constructed in whole or in
part at a site for permanent operation at that site and is not intended to be disassembled and moved to another site, then the
local building department may utilize permit and inspection fees established pursuant to the USBC to defray the cost of
enforcement. This authorization does not apply to an amusement device that is only being reassembled, undergoing a major
modification at a site or being moved to a site for operation.
C. A permit application shall be made to the local building department at least five days before the date in which the
applicant intends to operate an amusement device. The application shall include the name of the owner, operator or other
person assuming responsibility for the device or devices, a general description of the device or devices including any serial
or identification numbers available, the location of the property on which the device or devices will be operated and the
length of time of operation. The permit application shall indicate whether a private inspector will be utilized. If a private
inspector is not utilized, the applicant shall give reasonable notice when an inspection is sought and may stipulate the day
such inspection is requested provided it is during the normal operating hours of the local building department. In addition to
the information required on the permit application, the applicant shall provide proof of liability insurance of an amount not
less than $100,000 per person and $1,000,000 in the aggregate for each amusement device insuring the owner or operator
against liability for injury suffered by persons riding the amusement device or by persons in, on, under or near the
amusement device; or proof of equivalent financial responsibility. The local building department shall be notified of any
change in the liability insurance or financial responsibility during the period covered by the permit.
D. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection C of this section, a permit application is not required for a kiddie ride in
which the passenger height is 54 inches or less, the design capacity is for 12 passengers or less and which can be assembled
in two hours or less, provided the kiddie ride has an unexpired certificate of inspection issued by any local building
department in this Commonwealth. In such cases, the local building department shall be notified prior to the operation of
the kiddie ride and the information required on a permit application as listed in subsection C of this section shall be
provided to the local building department.
E. Local building department personnel shall examine the permit application within five days and issue the permit if all
requirements are met. A certificate of inspection for each amusement device shall be issued when the device has been found
to comply with this chapter by a private inspector or by an inspector from the local building department. It shall be the
responsibility of the local building department to verify that the private inspector possesses a valid certificate of
competence as an amusement device inspector from the Virginia Board of Housing and Community Development. In
addition, local building department personnel shall be responsible for assuring that the certificate of inspection is posted or
affixed on or in the vicinity of the device in a location visible to the public. Permits shall indicate the length of time the
device or devices will be operated at the site, clearly identify the device or devices to which it applies and the date of
expiration of the permit. Permits shall not be valid for longer than one year.
F. In addition to obtaining a certificate of inspection in conjunction with a permit application, a new certificate of
inspection shall also be obtained prior to the operation of an amusement device following a major modification, prior to
each seasonal operation of a device and prior to resuming the operation of a device following an order from a local building
department to cease operation. This requirement shall not apply to kiddie rides meeting the conditions outlined in
subsection D of this section.
G. For amusement devices manufactured prior to 1978, the owner or operator shall have the information required by §§2.1
through 2.6 of ASTM F698 available at the time of inspection. In addition, the operator of any amusement device shall be
responsible for obtaining all manufacturer’s notifications, service bulletins and safety alerts issued pursuant to ASTM F853
and the operator shall comply with all recommendations and requirements set out in those documents. A copy of all such
documents shall be made available during an inspection.
H. In the enforcement of this chapter, local building department personnel shall have authority to conduct inspections at
any time an amusement device would normally be open for operation or at any other time if permission is granted by the
owner or operator, to issue an order to temporarily cease operation of an amusement device upon the determination that the
device may be unsafe or may otherwise endanger the public and to accept and approve or deny requests for modifications
of the rules of this chapter in accordance with the modification provisions of the USBC.
A. If an accident involving the serious injury or death of a patron occurs, the operation of an amusement device shall cease
and the local building department shall be notified as soon as practicable, but in no case later than during the next working
day. The operation of the device shall not resume until inspected by a private inspector or an inspector from the local
building department, except where the owner or operator determines the cause was not related to malfunction or improper
operation of the amusement device.
B. The owner or operator shall conduct an investigation of the accident including, at a minimum, an examination of the
accident scene and interviews of any witnesses or persons involved in the accident. An accident investigation report shall be
compiled which, at a minimum, shall contain a summary of the investigation and a description of the device involved,
including its serial number and date of manufacture, if available. The report shall be submitted to the local building
department within 24 hours of the accident except that if the local building department is closed during that period, then the
report shall be submitted with four hours of the reopening of the department.
C. Local building department personnel are authorized to investigate the accident and to issue an order to cease operation
when warranted and to specify the conditions under which the device may resume operation. The amusement device shall
be inspected prior to resuming operation either by an inspector from the local building department or by a private inspector
and found to comply with this chapter.
Part III
Gravity Rides
A. The provisions of this part are specific to gravity rides and are in addition to other applicable provisions of this chapter.
B. A ride using carriers shall be designed and constructed to retain the passengers in or on a carrier during the operation of
the ride and retain the carrier on or within the track, slide, or chute system during the operation of the ride.
C. A ride that conveys passengers not in or on a carrier shall be designed and constructed to retain the passengers within the
chute or slide during the ride.
D. At each loading or unloading area, a hard surface which is other than earth and which is reasonably level shall be
provided. The surface shall be large enough to accommodate the intended quantity of passengers.
E. Where loading or unloading platforms are elevated more than 30 inches from the adjacent areas, guard rails conforming
to the USBC shall be provided.
F. Passengers shall not have to step up or down more than 12 inches from the loading or unloading surface to enter or exit
the ride.
G. The frequency of departure of carriers or riders from the loading areas shall be controlled by a ride operator. The
minimum distance between departures shall be determined by the designer of the specific ride.
H. When a passenger has control of the speed or course of the carrier, the passenger shall have a clear sight distance along
the course of the ride long enough to allow the passenger to avoid a collision with another person or carrier.
I. The unloading area of the ride shall be designed and constructed to bring riders and carriers to a safe stop without any
action by the rider.
J. There shall be attendants at the loading and unloading area when the ride is in use. However, where the physical structure
of the ride is such that it is not capable of accommodating an attendant at both the loading and unloading area and the entire
ride is visible and under the supervision of a single attendant, attendants at both the loading and unloading areas shall not be
K. If the entire course of the ride is not visible to the operator, additional persons with communications equipment shall be
provided or approved visual surveillance equipment shall be installed along the course of the ride which is not visible to the
L. Any moving or hot parts that may be injurious to the ride operator or the public shall be effectively guarded to prevent
M. Fencing or adequate clearance shall be provided that will prevent the riders from contact with persons or nearby objects.
Part IV
Concession Go-karts
In addition to other applicable requirements of this chapter, concession go-karts shall be operated, maintained and inspected
in accordance with ASTM F2007.
Part V
Inflatable Amusement Devices
In addition to other applicable requirements of this chapter, inflatable amusement devices shall be operated, maintained and
inspected in accordance with ASTM F2374.
Notwithstanding any requirements of this chapter to the contrary, a permit to operate an inflatable amusement device that is
less than 150 square feet and in which the height of the patron containment area is less than 10 feet need not be obtained if
the device has an unexpired certificate of inspection issued by a local building department in this Commonwealth,
regardless of whether the device has been disassembled or moved to a new site.
Part VI
Artificial Climbing Walls
In addition to other applicable requirements of this chapter, artificial climbing walls shall be operated, maintained and
inspected in accordance with ASTM F1159.
Notwithstanding any requirements of this chapter to the contrary, an artificial climbing wall may be moved, setup and
operated without obtaining a permit provided the wall has a valid certificate of inspection issued by a local building
department within the prior 90 days and the expiration date of the wire ropes used with the device does not expire within
that 90-day period.
Part VII
Bumper Boats
In addition to other applicable requirements of this chapter, bumper boats shall be operated, maintained and inspected in
accordance with ASTM F2460.
Bungee Jumping
A. The provisions of this part are specific to bungee jumping and are in addition to other applicable provisions of this
B. Bungee jumping operations which are open to the public shall be permitted from structures designed for use as part of
the bungee jumping operation. Bungee jumping from other types of structures, cranes or derricks is not permitted for public
C. Bungee jumping activities which involve double jumping, sandbagging, catapulting or stunt jumping shall not be
permitted to be open for public participation.
A. Bungee cords shall be tested by an approved testing agency or by an engineer licensed in Virginia. The following criteria
shall be met:
1. Each lot of bungee cords shall have a minimum of 10%, but not less than one of the cords tested to determine the
lowest ultimate tensile strength of the cords tested. A load versus elongation curve based on the test result shall be
provided with each lot of bungee cords; and
2. The manufacturer shall specify the maximum number of jumps for which each cord or cord type is designed and
the criteria for use of the cord.
B. Bungee cords shall be retired when the cords (i) exhibit deterioration or damage; (ii) do not react according to
specifications; or (iii) have reached the maximum usage expressed in number of jumps as specified by the manufacturer.
Bungee cords retired from use shall be destroyed immediately by cutting the cord into five-foot lengths.
Jump harnesses shall be either full body-designed, which includes a waist harness worn in conjunction with a chest harness,
or ankle-designed with a link to a waist harness. All jump harnesses, carabineers, cables and other hardware shall be
designed and manufactured for the purpose or designed or analyzed by an engineer licensed in Virginia and shall be used
and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's or engineer's instructions.
Structures constructed on site for bungee jumping activities shall be designed by an engineer licensed in Virginia.
Structures manufactured for bungee jumping activities shall be analyzed by an engineer licensed in Virginia and assembled
and supported in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
A. Operators shall follow the criteria provided by the manufacturer for the use of bungee cords. A record of the number of
jumps with each cord shall be maintained. All cords shall be inspected daily for wear, slippage, or other abnormalities
unless the manufacturer specifies more frequent inspections.
B. The jump master or site manager shall be responsible for determining the appropriate use of all bungee cords in relation
to the weight of the jumper and height of the platform. Bungee cords shall be attached to the structure at all times when in
the connection area.
C. All harnesses shall be inspected prior to harnessing a jumper and shall be removed from service when they exhibit signs
of excessive wear or damage. All carabineers shall be inspected daily and shall be removed from service when they exhibit
signs of excessive wear or damage or fail to function as designed. The anchors shall be inspected daily and shall be
replaced if showing signs of excessive wear.
D. A secondary retrieval system shall be provided in all operations. A locking mechanism on the line shall be used to stop
and hold the jumper in place after being pulled back to the jump platform in a retrieval system. A dead man's switch or
locking mechanism that will stop the lowering action shall be used in a friction lowering system.
E. The jump zone, preparation area and landing/recovery area shall be identified and maintained during bungee jumping
activities. The landing/recovery area shall be accessible to emergency vehicles. Communication shall be maintained
between all personnel involved with the jump.
F. An air bag, a minimum of 10 feet by 10 feet, shall be used. The air bag shall be rated for the maximum free fall height
possible from the platform during operation. The air bag shall be located immediately below the jump space. The landing
area shall be free of spectators and debris at all times and shall be free of any equipment or personnel when a jumper is
being prepared on the jump platform and until the bungee cord is at its static extended state. A place to sit and recover shall
be provided adjacent to, but outside, the landing area where the jumper shall be allowed to recover.
G. Where the jump space or landing area, or both, is over sea, lake, river, or harbor waters, the following shall apply:
1. The landing water area shall be at least nine feet deep and a minimum of 10 feet by 10 feet or have a minimum of
15 feet in diameter if circular;
2. The jump space and landing area shall be free of other vessels, floating and submerged objects and buoys. A sign
of approved size which reads "Bungee Jumping! Keep Clear" shall be fixed to buoys on four sides of the landing
3. The landing vessel shall be readily available for the duration of the landing procedures;
4. The landing vessel shall have a landing pad size of at least five feet by five feet within and lower than the sides of
the vessel;
5. A landing vessel shall be available that can be maneuvered in the range of water conditions expected and will
enable staff to pick up a jumper; and
6. One person may operate the landing vessel where the vessel is positioned without the use of power. A separate
person shall operate the vessel where power is required to maneuver into or hold the landing position.
H. Where the landing area is part of a swimming pool or the landing area is specifically constructed for bungee jumping,
the following shall apply:
2. The jump space and landing area shall be fenced to exclude the public; and
3. Only the operators of the bungee jump and jumper shall be within the jump zone and landing areas.
I. Storage shall be provided to protect equipment from physical, chemical and ultra-violet radiation damage. The storage
shall be provided for any current, replacement and emergency equipment and organized for ready access and shall be secure
against unauthorized entry.
A. All bungee jumping activities shall have a minimum of one site manager, one jump master and one ground operator to
be present at all times during operation of the bungee jump.
6. Maintaining records.
C. A jump master shall be located at each jump platform and shall have thorough knowledge of, and is responsible for, the
1. Overseeing the processing of jumpers, selection of the bungee cord, adjustment of the rigging, final check of
jumper's preparation, and countdown for and observation of the jump;
2. Verifying that the cord is attached to the structure at all times when the jumper is in the jump area;
4. Ensuring that the number of jumps undertaken in a given period of time will allow all personnel to safely carry
out their responsibilities.
D. The ground operator shall have knowledge of all equipment used and of jump procedures and shall have the following
2. Assisting the jump master to prepare the jumper and attach the jumper to the harness and rigging;
E. Each site shall have an operating manual which shall include the following:
1. Site plan, job descriptions (including procedures), inspections and maintenance requirements of equipment
including rigging, hardware, bungee cords, harnesses, and lifelines; and
F. The daily operating procedures shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM F770.
G. The qualification and preparation of jumpers shall include obtaining any pertinent medical information, jumper weight
and a briefing of jumping procedures and safety instructions.