Tech Seminar
Tech Seminar
Tech Seminar
Submitted by
Under the guidance of
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Carried out at
Efficient Epileptic Seizure Prediction based on Deep Learning 2019-2020
The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task
would be incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible, whose
constant guidance and encouragement crowned the efforts with success.
I would like to express my thanks to the Principal Dr. Ranapratap Reddy for their
encouragement that motivated me for the successful completion of Seminar work.
Last, but not the least, I would hereby acknowledge and thank my Parents who have
been a source of inspiration and also instrumental in the successful completion of the
seminar work.
Efficient Epileptic Seizure Prediction based on Deep Learning 2019-2020
1.1 Epileptic EEG 1
4.1 Multilayer perceptron 9
4.2 Deep convolutional neural network 10
4.3 Long short term memory networks 11
4.4 Deep convolutional auto encoder 13
4.5 EEG channel selection 13
Efficient Epileptic Seizure Prediction based on Deep Learning 2019-2020
Epilepsy is defined as a group of related disorders in the brain's electrical systems that are
characterized by a tendency to cause recurrent seizure. Seizure’s characteristics include loss
of awareness or consciousness and disturbances of movement, sensation or other cognitive
According to the above categorization of the epileptic patient’s brain activities, the seizure
prediction problem could be viewed as a classification task between the preictal and interictal
brain states. An alarm is raised in case of detecting the preictal state among the predominant
interictal states indicating a potential seizure is coming.
Since EEG signals are different across patients due to the variations in seizure type and
location, most seizure prediction methods are therefore patient-specific.
1) Supervised learning- training of the machine using data which is well “labeled” (which
2) Unsupervised learning- training the machine to work on its own to discover information
(it mainly deals with the unlabeled data).
Supervised learning techniques are used through two main stages which are feature
extraction and classification between preictal states and interictal states.
The extracted features are used to train the classifier that could then be used for the analysis of
new EEG recordings to predict the occurrence of the seizure by detecting the preictal state.
The extracted features are categorized into three main groups: time domain, frequency domain
and nonlinear features.
Based on the selected features, a prediction scheme that detects the preictal brain state is
implemented. Most of the previous work proposed machine learning based prediction
schemes like Support Vector Machine (SVM).
SVM is a supervised machine learning model that uses classification algorithms for
two-group classification problems. After giving an SVM model sets of labeled training data
for each category, they're able to categorize new text.
In this paper, automatic extraction of the most important features by developing deep learning
based algorithms without any pre-processing.
For the system to be suitable for real-time usage, computation complexity should be
considered, therefore we introduce a channel selection algorithm to select the best
representing channels from the multi-channel EEG recording. The used testing method
proves the robustness of the proposed algorithms over different seizures.
Figure 5 . Block diagram of semi- supervised DCAE +Bi-LSTM model, (a) pre-training phase of
DCAE to generate the reconstucted EEG signals from the latent space representation through
unsuperivsed learning, (b) pre-trained classifier that predicts seizures through supervised learning
This is due to the ability of CNN to automatically extract significant spatial features that best
represents the data from its raw form without any preprocessing and without any human
decision in selecting these features. The sparse connectivity and parameter sharing of CNN
give it high superiority regarding the memory footprint as it requires much less memory to
store the sparse weights. The equivariant representation property of the CNN increases the
detection accuracy of a pattern when it exists in a different location across the image. A typical
CNN formed of three types of layers: convolution layer, pooling layer and fully connected
layer. The convolution layer is used to generate the feature map by applying filters with
trainable weights to the input data. This feature map is then down-sampled by applying the
pooling layer to reduce the features’ dimension and therefore the computational complexity.
Finally, the fully connected layer is applied to all the preceding layer’s output to generate the
one-dimensional feature vector. CNN is used as a feature extractor to replace the complex
feature engineering used in previous work. The proposed DCNN architecture model is shown
in Fig. 8, in which the EEG segment is converted into a 2D matrix to be suitable for the DCNN.
The architecture consists of four convolutional layers and three maximum pooling layers
interchangeably. The proposed DCNN architecture is used as the front-end feature extractor in
our three proposed models in Fig. 3, 4, 5(b) which helps in spatial feature extraction from the
different electrodes position on the scalp. The number of trainable parameters is drastically
decreased when employing DCNN due to the weight sharing property. The number of trainable
parameters in the second model, DCNN + MLP, is almost 520K, while in the third and fourth
model, DCNN + Bi-LSTM and DCAE + Bi-LSTM, the number of trainable parameters is
almost 28K.
Figure 7. The architecture of the proposed DCNN front-end in DCNN based models
Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) are a type of RNN, implemented to overcome
the problems of basic RNN. LSTMs are able to solve the problem of vanishing gradient by
maintaining the gradient values during the training process and back-propagate it through layer
and time, thus LSTM has the capability of learning long-term dependencies. LSTM cell
consists of three controlling gates that could store or forget the previous state and use or discard
the current state. Any LSTM cell computes two states at each time step: a cell state that could
be maintained for long time steps and a hidden state that is the new output of the cell at each
time step. Instead of using LSTM as the classifier, we used a Bidirectional-LSTM (Bi-LSTM)
network in which each LSTM block is replaced by two blocks that process temporal sequence
simultaneously in two opposite directions.
In the forward pass block, the feature vector generated from the DCNN is processed starting
from its first-time instance to the end, while the backward pass block processes the same
segment in the reverse order. The network output at each time step is the combined outputs of
the two blocks at this time step. In addition to the previous context processing in standard
LSTM, Bi-LSTM processes the future context which enhances the prediction results. Using
Bi-LSTM as a classifier enhances the prediction accuracy through extracting the important
temporal features in addition to the spatial features extracted by the DCNN.
We introduce an EEG channel selection algorithm to select the most important and
informative EEG channels related to our problem. Decreasing the number of channels
helps with reducing the features’ dimension, the computation load and the required
memory for the model to be suitable for real-time application. the algorithm will output
the reduced channels that give the same accuracy by omitting redundant or irrelevant
Due to unexpected seizure times, epilepsy has a strong psychological and social
effect in addition to it could be considered a life-threatening disease.
Consequently, the prediction of epileptic seizures would greatly contribute to
improving the quality of life of epileptic patients in many aspects, like raising an
alarm before the occurrence of the seizure to provide enough time for taking
proper action, developing new treatment methods and setting new strategies to
better understand the nature of the disease.
Since EEG signals are different across patients due to the variations in seizure
type and location, most seizure prediction methods are therefore patient-specific.
The used testing method proves the robustness of the proposed algorithms over
different seizures.
Deep learning-based patient-specific epileptic seizure prediction method using
long-term scalp EEG data has been proposed. This method achieves a prediction
accuracy of 99.6%, a sensitivity of 99.72%, a specificity of 99.60%, a false alarm
rate of 0.004 per hour and prediction time of one hour prior the seizure onset.
DCAE based supervised learning approach led to reducing the training time. For
the system to be suitable for real-time application, a channel selection algorithm
is proposed which reduces the computational load and the training time. Using
exhaustive cross-validation technique to test the proposed models proves the
robustness and generality of our method against variation across various seizure
Comparison with previous work demonstrate that the proposed method is
efficient, reliable and suitable for real-time application of seizure prediction.
The proposed method achieved the highest accuracy, sensitivity and specificity
among others. Our prediction time is the earliest and the false alarm rate is the
The main challenge is to determine the most discriminative features that best
represent each class. The computation time needed to extract these features
depends on the process complexity and is considered another challenge especially
in real-time application.
The involvement of various deep learning model, one has to properly understand
the algorithms before implementing them in real life.
Raw EEG input is taken, which may contain unwanted external signals.
A novel deep learning based patient-specific epileptic seizure prediction method using
long-term scalp EEG data has been proposed. This method achieves a prediction
accuracy of 99.6%, a sensitivity of 99.72%, a specificity of 99.60%, a false alarm rate
of 0.004 per hour and prediction time of one-hour prior the seizure onset. An important
spatial and temporal feature from raw data are learned by the DCNN and
Bi-LSTM networks respectively. DCAE based Semi supervised learning approach is
investigated with the transfer learning technique which led to reducing the training
time. For the system to be suitable for real-time application, a channel selection
algorithm is proposed which reduces the computational load and the training time.
Using Leave-One Out exhaustive cross-validation technique to test the proposed
models proves the robustness and generality of our method against variation across
various seizure types. Our experimental results and the comparison with previous
work demonstrate that the proposed method is efficient, reliable and suitable for
real-time application of seizure prediction. This is by achieving accuracy higher than
the state of the art with earlier prediction time to mitigate the potential life-threatening
incidents for epileptic patients.
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