Sponsorship For Migration To Australia: Who Can Sponsor? Skilled - Regional Sponsored Subclass

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Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Form

Sponsorship for
migration to Australia 40
If you are considering sponsoring a relative under the Skilled - Where an assurance of support is mandatory and there are
Australian sponsored or Skilled - Regional sponsored dependants, a bond will apply to dependants who are 18 years
subclasses, you should read the General skilled migration or over at the time of application.
For other classes of visa the assurance of support is not
If you are satisfied you are eligible to sponsor a relative, you mandatory but may be requested where a decision maker
should continue reading these instructions. assesses that a person included in the application may become a
charge on the social welfare budget.
Who can sponsor?
In all cases the sponsor must be an Australian citizen, Skilled - Regional sponsored subclass
permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen aged 18 Details of the criteria applying to this subclass are in the
years or more who lives in Australia. General skilled migration booklet. If you live in a designated
area of Australia and you believe that you and your sponsored
However, if you wish to sponsor one of the following persons overseas relative meet all the conditions for this subclass then
you must have been resident in Australia for a reasonable you will need to complete Part I of this form. (A list of
period, usually two years: designated areas is on the back of this page.)
s a parent
s an aged dependent relative Part I lists the documentation you will need to provide to
s a remaining relative. support your claim that you have lived in a designated area of
Australia for 1 year or more. There is also a table to help you
There are also special arrangements for minors wishing to work out if you have enough evidence to satisfy the decision
sponsor their spouse, prospective spouse or parents. For more maker that you meet this requirement.
information on these arrangements, contact an office of the
Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMA). What documents do you need?
The Australian mission will need proof of your relationship to
How to sponsor your relative your relative.
Complete this form and send it to the person you are sponsoring.
Ask them to contact the Australian mission in the country in It will help your relative's application if you send with this form
which they live (or nearest to where they live) to get an any documents which confirm the relationship. For example, if
immigration application form. you are sponsoring your brother or sister, you should send a
certified copy of your full birth certificate showing details of
Your relative should fill in form 47 Application for migration to your parents.
Australia (or form 47SK Application for General skilled
migration, for Skilled - Australian sponsored or Skilled - If you have changed your name since birth (for example
Regional sponsored applicants) and lodge it together with this through marriage), you should also provide evidence of this.
sponsorship form at the Australian mission. When you send this
form to your relative, it is important that you tell them that the You will also need to send evidence of your permanent resident
immigration application form, and the required charge (or status in Australia or proof that you are an eligible New
evidence that you have paid the charge in Australia) must be Zealand citizen*. An Australian citizen will need to send a
lodged together. certified true copy of their citizenship certificate or, if
Australian-born, a full certified copy of their birth certificate. If
Assurance of support you are unsure about the documents needed to do this, contact
If your relative is applying for a Skilled - Australian sponsored the nearest DIMA office.
or Skilled - Regional sponsored visa, an Assurance of support
(form 28) must be lodged with the application. The sponsor and If your relative wishes to be considered against the
the assurer need not be the same person. For further information requirements of the regional linked subclass, you will need to
see the General skilled migration booklet. provide documents to prove that you have lived in a designated
area for 1 year or more at the time sponsorship is signed.
If your relative is in one of the following categories, you should
be aware that you, or another person, will later on need to lodge If you are sending copies of documents they will need to be
a form 28 Assurance of support, (see form 990i Charges for certified as true copies of the original by a justice of the peace,
information on payments associated with visa applications and commissioner for declarations or a person authorised to witness
assurances of support) before their application can be finalised: statutory declarations.
s your parent
s an aged relative dependent on you *Note: An eligible New Zealand citizen is one who holds a
s your remaining brother, sister or adult child outside Australia special category visa, is usually resident in Australia and who
s an orphaned unmarried relative under 18 years of age (Note: would have met certain health and character requirements on
Assurance of support bonds are not required for orphaned last entry to Australia.
unmarried relatives under 18)
s a carer. Continued overleaf

Form 40 (Design date 11/99)  Commonwealth of Australia 1999 Page 1

Two-year wait for social security payments About the information you give in this form
New migrants to Australia have to wait two years before they DIMA is authorised to collect information provided on this form
can get most social security payments, including unemployment under part 2 of the Migration Act 1958: 'Control of arrival and
benefits, sickness allowance, austudy income support payments presence of non-citizens'. The information you provide will be used
for students and a number of other payments. The two year wait to assess your eligibility to meet the sponsor/sponsorship
starts from the date of arrival in Australia or the date of grant requirements and any other migration requirements that you and/or
of a permanent visa, whichever is the later. It is therefore very the person you are sponsoring must meet as set down in the
important that you understand that migrants are expected to Migration Regulations.
support themselves and their immediate family members from
their own resources and from the support they receive from In addition, the information you provide may also be used for other
sponsors. purposes relating to the administration of the Migration Act, for
example, to assist migrants with settling in Australia or for
Sponsors should talk to their relatives about the costs of living ensuring compliance with the Migration Act.
in Australia and work out how much assistance their relatives
might need. Sponsors should think carefully about whether they The information provided might also be disclosed to agencies who
are able and willing to provide this support before undertaking are authorised to receive information relating to adoption,
the sponsorship. citizenship, education, health assessment, health insurance, health
services, law enforcement, payment of pensions and benefits,
You should ensure that the person you are sponsoring reads taxation and review of decisions.
information form 1105i, Supporting yourself in Australia or the
'Living in Australia' section of the General skilled migration The information form 993i Safeguarding your personal
booklet, which provides more information on the two year wait, information, available from DIMA offices, gives details of agencies
including information on exemptions for some people. It also to which your information might be disclosed.
provides information on the cost of living in Australia.
Your sponsorship undertaking
This table sets out the designated areas by postcode. If your
The undertaking you must sign in part J of this form states that address comes within the post code ranges listed below, then you
you agree to provide adequate accommodation and financial live in a designated area.
assistance as required to meet your relative's reasonable living
needs during their first 2 years in Australia. This includes
providing financial and other support such as child care that New South Wales
will enable your relatives to attend appropriate English 2311-2312, 2328-2333, 2336-2490,
2535-2551, 2575-2739, 2787-2898
language classes. By signing the undertaking you also agree to (Entire State except Sydney,
provide information and advice to help your relative settle in Wollongong and Newcastle)
Australia. This information and advice should include telling
your relative about employment in Australia. Queensland
4350-4499, 4600-4899
(Entire State except urban Brisbane,
Your relative and their spouse and adult dependants, should Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast)
assess their own employment prospects in Australia, whether or
not they intend to work immediately on arrival. Western Australia
It is important that your relative, their spouse and their adult (Entire State except Perth metropolitan region)
dependants understand that a good standard of spoken and Victoria
written English is essential if they want to work in Australia. Entire State
Without these skills it will be very difficult for them to gain
employment at a level equal to their job skills and South Australia
qualifications. Entire State
Northern Territory
How to fill in this form Entire Territory
s Print clearly using a pen.
s Answer all questions truthfully and completely. Tasmania
s Tick the appropriate box for your answer or write your Entire State
answer in the space provided.
Australian Capital Territory
s If a question is not applicable write 'N/A'. Entire Territory
s If there is not enough space on the form to answer any
questions in full, please attach additional sheets of
paper with the details. Warning
Giving false or misleading information may be subject to
penalties under the Migration Act 1958 which provides for a
penalty of two years imprisonment for a person who
sponsors their spouse or de facto spouse and does not
intend, at the time of application, to live permanently with
them in a genuine and continuing marital relationship.

Form 40 (Design date 11/99)  Commonwealth of Australia 1999 Page 2

Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Form
Sponsorship for
migration to Australia 40
1 How many people are included in this application? 9 Marital status of your relative (tick more than one if
Now married
De facto relationship > Go to Part B
Part A - About the person you are Engaged
sponsoring Never married
2 Divorced
Surname > Go directly to Part D
3 Given names
Part B - About your relative's spouse
(DAY/MONTH/YEAR) 10 Surname
4 Date of birth

5 Sex Male Female 11 Given names

6 Current residential address (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

12 Date of birth

13 Sex Male Female

14 Current residential address
7 Current postal address
(if same as residential address, write 'as above') Postcode

Now go directly to Part D


8 Relationship to you
Spouse (including de facto) > Go directly to
Prospective spouse Part C
Unmarried dependent child
Adult child
First cousin
(for Skilled - Regional
sponsored subclass only)
(for Skilled - Regional
sponsored subclass only)
Other > Please specify

Form 40 (Design date 11/99)  Commonwealth of Australia 1999 Page 3

Part C - About your relationship 20 Have you previously sponsored a spouse,
de facto spouse, prospective spouse?
(if you are sponsoring your
spouse, de facto spouse, No
prospective spouse) Yes > How many times?

NOTE: You are required to inform the Department Provide the following details for EACH
time you have sponsored/nominated.
if your relationship ends before your partner's If you do not have enough space, provide
application to migrate is decided. details on an additional sheet of paper and
attach it to this form.
15 Are you legally married?
Date of sponsorship/
No DAY MONTH YEAR nomination
Yes > Date of marriage
Relationship to you (spouse, de facto
Place of marriage
spouse, prospective spouse)

16 Are you sponsoring a de facto spouse?

Name of overseas post/Australian office
No where sponsorship or nomination was made
Yes > Date this relationship
commenced DAY MONTH YEAR
Date relationship ended
17 Are you sponsoring a prospective spouse?
How relationship ended (death, divorce,
separation, did not marry [for prospective
Yes > Are you and your prospective spouse only])
spouse both free to marry? No Yes

Have you met your prospective

spouse personally? No Yes Date of sponsorship/
When and where do you intend to marry?
Relationship to you (spouse, de facto
spouse, prospective spouse)

Name of overseas post/Australian office

where sponsorship or nomination was made


18 Do you and your partner intend to maintain a Date relationship ended
lasting marital relationship?
How relationship ended (death, divorce,
No separation, did not marry [for prospective
Yes spouse only])

19 Was your relationship/marriage contrived solely

to enable your partner to enter Australia? DAY MONTH YEAR
Date of sponsorship/
No nomination
Relationship to you (spouse, de facto
spouse, prospective spouse)

Name of overseas post/Australian office

where sponsorship or nomination was made


Date relationship ended

How relationship ended (death, divorce,

separation, did not marry [for prospective
spouse only])

Form 40 (Design date 11/99)  Commonwealth of Australia 1999 Page 4

Part D - About your relative's 31 Current residential address
family unit
21 List here all dependent family members of your
relative who are included in this sponsorship Postcode
If your residential address is not in Australia, please
Given names attach a statement at the end of this form on how you
Sex Male Female will meet your sponsorship obligations.
Date of birth (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) 32 Current postal address
(if same as residential address, write 'as above')
Given names
Sex Male Female Postcode
Date of birth (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
33 Telephone numbers
Given names Home ( )
Sex Male Female Work ( )
Date of birth (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
34 Marital status (tick more than one if appropriate)
Now married
Given names
De facto relationship
Sex Male Female
Date of birth (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
Never married
Given names
Sex Male Female Widowed
Date of birth (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
35 Occupation
Given names
Sex Male Female 36 Provide the name of your employers and dates of
Date of birth (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) employment, for the last 2 years

Part E - About you Employer

22 Surname

23 Given names
24 Date of birth
25 Sex Male Female To (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

26 Country of birth 37 Have you received job search, newstart, parenting,

partner, youth training, widow allowances or
special benefit during the last 2 years?
27 Citizenship No
Yes > Provide dates
28 Date of arrival in Australia From (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
29 Date of permanent residence
(if different from date of arrival) From (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
30 Date you got Australian citizenship
(if applicable) From (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)

Form 40 (Design date 11/99)  Commonwealth of Australia 1999 Page 5

38 If you are normally dependent on your spouse's Part F - About your family
income, provide the name of your spouse's
employers and dates of employment, for the last 2 42 Do you have any dependants?
Yes > Are they children or other dependants?
Children > How many?
Other > Specify e.g. retired parents
Employer in Australia or overseas

From (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) Part G - About your home
43 Type of dwelling
39 If you are normally dependent on your spouse's House
income, has your spouse received job search, Flat
newstart, parenting, partner, youth training,
widow allowances or special benefit during the Other > Specify
last 2 years?
44 How many bedrooms does the dwelling have?
45 How many people live in the dwelling?
Yes > Provide dates
From (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) 46 What is the relationship of these people to you?
From (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) Parent
From (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) De facto spouse
Other > Specify
40 Are you currently receiving any other form of
social security payment or pension or Austudy 47 Is the dwelling
income support payment (including any benefits
received from a country outside Australia)? Rented
No Yes > Provide details Being purchased
Other > Specify

48 If your relatives are approved for migration and

you need to help them with accommodation when
41 Have you lived in any other town or city over the they arrive in Australia, will they live with you?
last 2 years other than the one you are living in
now? No > What accommodation do you propose for
No your sponsored relatives?
Yes > Provide details



Form 40 (Design date 11/99)  Commonwealth of Australia 1999 Page 6

Part H - Your previous sponsorships
49 Have you or your spouse lodged any other sponsorship (other than the sponsorships you
have recorded in Part C) or signed an assurance of support?
Yes > Attach a statement showing the relationship of the person you have sponsored
or assured and the dates of lodgement of sponsorships (including any current
sponsorship) or assurances.

Part I - Skilled - Regional sponsored - residence in a designated area

50 Do you currently live in a designated area?
Note: Designated areas are listed on page 2 of this form.
No > Go to Part J

51 Have you lived in the designated area for at least 1 year at the
time you lodge this sponsorship?
No > Go to Part J
Yes > Your relative may also be eligible for consideration under the regional linked subclass.
For your relative to be considered under the Skilled - Regional sponsored subclass,
you will need to provide evidence that you:
a) now live in a designated area, and
b) have lived there for at least 1 year.

You must provide at least 4 of the documents One of these 4 documents must show that you have
A listed below to show that you now live in a B lived in the designated area for at least one year.
designated area. Tick the document you are providing that shows you
Tick the documents you are supplying. have lived in the designated area for at least 1 year.

The agreement must be dated 1 year or more before

Rental agreement showing your current address sponsorship is signed and be accompanied by evidence
of ongoing rental payments for the same address
The licence must be issued at least 1 year before
Drivers licence showing your current address sponsorship is signed
Letter from your employer confirming your The letter must have been issued within the last month,
employment and confirm continuous employment with a starting date
1 year or more before sponsorship is signed
Correspondence from Federal or State The letter must bear your current address and be dated
Government agency or instrumentality 1 year or more before sponsorship is signed

Electoral Commission notice The notice must bear your current address and be dated
1 year or more before sponsorship is signed

Letter from school confirming enrolment of The letter must have been issued within the last month
children and confirm continuous school attendance with a starting
date 1 year or more before sponsorship is signed
The papers must be dated 1 year or more before
Vehicle registration papers sponsorship is signed
The accounts must show continuous sequence of
Gas or power bills invoices and/or receipts commencing 1 year or more
before sponsorship is signed
The accounts must show continuous sequence of
Telephone accounts invoices and/or receipts commencing 1 year or more
before sponsorship is signed
The statements must show the same name and address
Bank statements for the continuous period commencing 1 year or more
before sponsorship is signed
Home purchase agreement showing your current
Other - You may attach other items of
documentation which confirm your place of
Please note: If the documents which you provide are in the
name of your spouse, you should also provide certified evidence
of your marital relationship.

Form 40 (Design date 11/99)  Commonwealth of Australia 1999 Page 7

Part J - Your sponsorship undertaking
52 I agree:
s to provide information and advice to help my relatives
settle in Australia
s to ensure that adequate accommodation is available for my
relatives on arrival in Australia or, if necessary, to provide
accommodation for up to 2 years from arrival in Australia
s to provide financial assistance as required to meet their
reasonable living needs for up to 2 years from arrival in
Australia, if necessary
s to provide support as required to enable them to attend
appropriate English language courses.

I am aware that any person who provides false or misleading

information or who deceives or misleads or who presents a
forged document to an Australian Government official may
be prosecuted.

I am aware that if false or incorrect information is given on

this form, the application of the person(s) I am sponsoring
may be refused, and/or any visa granted to that person may
be liable to cancellation.

I authorise the Department of Social Security to give

information about me, relevant to my offer to provide this
sponsorship, to the Department of Immigration and
Multicultural Affairs.
Signature of

Part K - Your spouse's approval

If you are sponsoring a relative other than a spouse and you
are currently married or living in a de facto relationship, your
spouse must complete this part.

53 I give my consent to the above arrangements and agree to

support my spouse in fulfilling the responsibilities of the

I authorise the Department of Social Security to give

information about me, relevant to my spouse's offer to
provide this sponsorship, to the Department of Immigration
and Multicultural Affairs.

Signature of

Form 40 (Design date 11/99)  Commonwealth of Australia 1999 Page 8

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