Brosur Rheomag
Brosur Rheomag
Brosur Rheomag
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Formerly FG 10 Grout fluidifier
Rheomac GF300 is a dry powder type, chloride free additive designed to impart high fluidity to ordinary sandcement grout mixes at a low water cement ratio. It is shrinkage compensated in the plastic state to counter the mild plastic shrinkage normally associated v/ith site batched grouts.
. Depends on the type and quality of cement used. Rheomac GF300 slightly retards the setting time of the grout mix. PROPERTIES Supply form Colour Storage temperature Application temperature APPLICATION Preparation Ensure that the sand used for grouting is clean, well graded and dry. If the sand is wet, its moisture content in every supply lot should be checked before using. Keep sufficient quantity of Rheomac GF300, sand, cement and other cementitious materials such as fly ash, if required, on hand before commencing grouting. Clean all the substrate surfaces free from dust and loose particles. In case of grouting cable ducts, flush the duct with water followed by pumping in compressed air. Seal any serious breakage in the duct to prevent grout leakage later. Ensure the area to be grouted is well saturated with clean water before commencing work. Formwork Proper design of formwork, wherever required, to suit the geometry of the space being grouted is essential for effective grouting. The formwork can be made from timber, steel, or. any other suitable material depending on the circumstances. It must be grout tight, strong, and well braced'to withstand the fluid pressure of the grout until it sets. Before erecting, coat the inner surfaces with a suitable release agent for easy release. Seal all the gaps in formwork, and those between formwork and concrete surface with a suitable joint sealant or using mortar mixed with Rheomac GF300 to a stiff consistency. Before commencing the grouting operation, blow clean the grouting area with oil-free compressed air. Mixing Mechanical mixing is necessary. For a large batch use an approved grout mi~er and for a small batch (up to about 50 kg at a time), use a heavy duty. slow speed (.approx. 600, rpm) drill fitted with a grout paddle or helical stirrer. Prepare. trial mixes and check for segregation. Alter the proportion of the mix or use finer sand to prevent segregation. . . . Mix RheomacGF300 with about 80% of the water required for the batch. Keeping the mixer running, add the sand and cement in the desired proportions. Mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Add the remaining 20% water u.ntil the desir!:!d fluidity is achieved. : powder : cement grey : 10-40C : >10C
Setting times
is recommended for use where site batched grout mixes are preferred or necessary due to site conditions. Typical applications. are: grouting of cable ducts in post tensioning work. filling gaps between prefabricated wall panels. underpinning work. pre-packed grouting of cavities. grouting of rock strata. grouting for soil stabilisation. grouting voids difficult to access. Rheomac GF300 is not recommended for grouting applications where consistently high strengths and total shrinkage compensation are critical requirements. Refer to M BT for recommendations from the Masterflow range of precision grouts. FEATURES Shrinkage AND BENEFITS compensated Retains filled volume by compensating for any mild, plastic shrinkage. Enables complete filling of even narrow voids. Denser. grout. Increased strength properties.'
Increases mix
of the
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Compressive strength (typical) Strength depends on the quality, type and proportion of cement used in the mix. For a given mix and fluidity, the grout mix incorporating Rheomac GF300 will have a superior strength than the one without. Fluidity Depends on the quality and grading of the sand, together with the types and proportions of the cementitious materials in the mix. For a given mix and a water cement ratio, Rheomac GF300 improves the ~uidity substantially. .
Shrinkage compensation
The extent of effective shrinkage compensation depends on the type and proportion of cementitious materials in the mix and the grading of sand.
'" " Building Tomorrow Together
. mbt
Dosage: Add Rheomac GF300 at the rate of 0.4 to 1 kg for every 100 kg of cementitious materials used in the mix. Nore : If the height of the grout. column is going to be more than 100mm (e.g. Boltholes), mix 12 mm doi-vn, leanpea c grave/or crushed aggregates by up to 100 % of the \'/eight of total mix to reduce the heat of hydration, in which case, do not sieve the grout through any screen. Placing Place the mixed grout within 15 minutes after mixing. The placing should be without interruptions until completion. While grouting vertical sections start from the lowest pcint. CURING Cure all exposed grout surfaces as soon as the grout reaches touch hard state with a uniform coar of Masterkure 181.
CLEANING Clean tools and equipment with water, before the grout hardens. ESTIMATING DATA The consumption of Rheomac GF300 is entkely dependent on the volume of the void to be grouted, the types and proportions of cementitious materials used in the mix. PACKAGING Rheomac GF300 is supplied in 20 kg. SHELF LIFE Rheomac GF300 can be stored in tightly sealed original packing for 12 months, if kept in a dry place. PRECAUTIONS Health: Rheomac GF300 cement. The skin of to alkalis in cem'ent. Wear handling the product. Take is non toxic but alkaline like some people may be sensitive gfoves and fac'e masks while all precautions normally taken
Mixing: Grout mixer or heavy duty slow speed drill with a grout paddl e or helical type stirrer. Placing: Double diaphragm air operated pump or a hand operated diaphragm type grout pump.
SRm GF300/2/0998
. .Far East offices AUSTRALIA MBT (Australia) pty Ltd Tel: (61) 296244200
The teehnieol infonnation ond opplicotion odvice given in this ivIBT publicotion ore bosed on the present stote of our best scientific and proc:icol knowledge. As the infonnation herein is of a gencral nalUre no assumption con be mode as to 0 product's suitobi!ity for a particular use or application and no warranLy as Loits accuroc}', reliobiliL,' or completeness either e"pressed or Unplied is given other than U,ose required by law. The user, is responsible for checkinQ the suitabilitv ofcroduets for Uleirjritended use. Field service where provided docs not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions mode by ;".ffiT eiU,er orally or in writing may be followed, modified Of rejected by U,e owner, engineer or contractor since they, ond not ~'II3T arc responsible for corrying out procedures appropriate Loa specific application.. HONG KONG Master Builders Technologies (Hong Kong) LId Tel: (852) 2 4074291 Fax: (852) 24'067391 KOREA Korea Master Builders Co. Ltd Tel: (82) 234734891 Fax: (82) 2 34737669 MALAYSIA MBT (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Tel: (60) 3 3443388 Fax: (60) 3 3442288 NEW ZEALAND MBT (New Zealand).Ltd Tel: (64) 9 8282006 Fax:(64) 9 8286067 THAILAND VIETNAM Thai Master Builders Co. MBT (Vietnam) Ltd Ltd Ho Chi Minh City Branch Tel: (66) 2 3614735 Tel: (848) 8228694 Fax: (66) 2 3614741 Fax: (848) 8228695 SINGAPORE Hanoi Branch MBT (Singapore) Pte. Ltd Tel: (844) 8435025 Tel: (65) 8616766 Fax: (844) 8446876 Fax: (65) 8613186 PHILIPPINES MBT (Philippines) Inc Tel: (63) 28150035 Fax: (63) 2 8161433 . TAIWAN MBT (Taiwan) Co. Ltd Tel: (886) 2 8837700 . Fax: (886) 2 8837711
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Co. Ltd
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