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negative due to the sizes. materials and to meet the to provide same
technological resources. standard requirements.
substitution, social procedure and
changes and requirements
demographics. An done by the
example of a government
declining industry before entering
is the railroad the market.
Growth industry:
Competition is very high. But opportunities are also high. This is because people today prefer
online buying, so there is too much scope for the companies to grow. There is only one threat,
which is lack of product differentiation. (very little brand loyalty)
Mature industry:
Competition is very high. But the market is almost saturated. Thus, opportunities become
more because the barriers of entries of new competitors are increasing. The main threat is that
potential competitors in the same stage are competing together to gain more customers.
Declining industry:
Competition is medium because lesser suppliers offer the same products in the market now.
But, the demand is also limited. New railroads are less constructed. Demand is mainly linked
with their repair.
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