Occasional Survey Report
Occasional Survey Report
Occasional Survey Report
The undersigned surveyor(s) has(have) carried out the below survey(s) satisfactorily
B . Certificates Issued/Endorsed
- Class Surveys : CCS(I), CG2(R), LI(R)
- Statutory Surveys : SC(I), SE(I), SR(I), ILL(I), IOPPB(I), ISPP(I), IGPP(I), IAPP(I), IAFS(I), BWM(I), IBC(N)(I), USCG(I
), USCGVEC(I), IEE(I), LLM1(I), LLM2(I), LLM3(I), LLM4(I)
C . Reports Attached
D . Records Attached
- Class Surveys : -
- Statutory Surveys : -
- Class Certificates
Kind Code Type Issue Date Expiry Date
Standards for Vapor Emission Control Systems VEC Full 2019-11-23 2020-02-04
Ship Survey Certificate (On and above 12 m) SSC Full 2019-11-23 2019-11-04
- Class Surveys
Kind Next Survey Date Range Date
- Statutory Surveys
Kind Next Survey Date Range Date
- None -
[ Effective Notes ]
1. Section : Statutory
It should be confirmed that ship's existing self-contained compressed air breathing apparatus of fire-fighter's outfits(SCBA) are
fitted with an audible alarm and a visual or other device which will alert the user before the volume of the air in the cylinder has
been reduced to no less than 200 litre by 01/07/2019.(FSS code
2. Section : Statutory
As USCG BWM regulation was entered into force as of 01/12/2013, existing ships with ballast water capacity greater than 5,000
tonnes, constructed before 01/12/2013, calling at US port limits and discharging ballast water into their territorial sea area, shall be
provided with BWMS onboard by first scheduled drydocking after 01/01/2016. All shipowners and surveyors are kindly invited to
note above particular USCG BWM regulation and take action as appropriate taking into account the technical information(2014
This note was made by Convention & legislation service team on 07/01/2015.
3. Section : Class
The followings shall be confirmed by the attending surveyors at every docking survey, which were
imposed in Memorandum by Losing Society(LR).
- No.2 W.B.T(Port) : Side shell set in approx. 30mm between Fr.76 thru. 77 and Longi. SL37 thru 38
(2nd and 3rd Longi. above 2nd Stringer)
Structure remains effective, meantime, No further action required.
- Bottom plating from Fr.90 to 92 IWO Bottom Longi. BL16 & 18 were slightly dented.
12 pieces of carlings were added on the bottom plate in way of this.
Structure remains effective
- Starboard Aft. cofferdam : side shell set in approx. 30mm between Fr.41 thru. 43 and Longi. SL34 thru 35
(4th and 5th Longi. above E/R 3rd Deck)
Structure remains effective, meantime, No further action required.
- Port Aft. cofferdam : side shell set it approx. 50mm between Fr.41 thru. 43 and Longi. SL32 thru 33
(2nd and 3rd Longi. above E/R 3rd Deck)
Structure remains effective, meantime, No further action required.
4. Section : Statutory
In accordance with regulation 5.4.5 of MARPOL Annex VI, SEEMP Part II shall be approved by the flag Administration or its RO
prior to collecting ship’s fuel oil consumption data under regulation 22A of MARPOL Annex VI (on or before 31 December 2018)
and Confirmation of Compliance (COC) shall be provided to and retained on board. For the sake of smooth approval within the
time limit, SEEMP Part II is to be submitted to KR by 1 September 2018 according to the MEPC.1/Circ.876 paragraph 5, unless
otherwise stated by ship’s flag Administrations.
This note shall be deleted after checking the approved SEEMP Part II and COC onboard at a periodical survey in 2019 by an
attending surveyor. This note was made by Convention & Legislation Service Team on 16 July 2018.
5. Section : Class
Flag State has authorized KR to issue e-Cert. All kinds of certificates issued through KR OASIS, at the first periodical survey on or
after 15 February 2019, to be (re)issued in an electronic format.
6. Section : Statutory
"In accordance with Reg. (EC) No 1257/2013, EU flagged existing ships and Non-EU flagged ships calling at a port or anchorage
of a EU Member State shall have on-board the approved IHM Part 1 and its Certificate or Statement of Compliance by December
31st 2020. (For more detail, please refer to the KR technical information, 2018-ETC-10)
This note was made by Convention & Legislation Service Team on 9th July 2019."
7. Section : Statutory
In accordance with regulation B-3 of IMO BWM Convention, all existing ships constructed before 8 September 2017 are required
to comply with regulation D-2 by installing the BWMS(s) onboard by the forthcoming IOPP renewal survey which is designated on
or after 8 September 2019 but prior to 8 September 2024. For more detailed information, please contact to the nearest KR branch
office or Convention & Legislation Service Team([email protected]) of HQ.
This note was made by Convention & Legislation Service Team on 7th August 2019.
8. Section : Acts of Korea
< Notes for Acts of Republic of Korea >
<<If the following notes are identified, record them on remarks of survey report. Do not delete the Note>>
Changing periods of signals (including equipment for lifeboat)
(Haesa91560-140, 2001.3.6.)
1. Application : Ships subject to the Ship Safety Act (including BBCHP)
2. For signals which have validities more than 3 months but not sufficient until next periodical survey due date(Annual or
Intermediate Survey case: after 3months from due date), valid date of signals should be recorded on remarks of Survey Report
and recommend the ship’s master to replace these signals before it’s expiration date
3. Ex) The following valid date of signal is checked and the ship's master is notified to be renewed before the valid date
Self-activating smoke signal : Valid date 00.00.00
Rocket parachute flares : Valid date 00.00.00
Line Throwing Appliance : Valid date 00.00.00
<<다음 Note 사항이 식별될 경우 검사보고서 비고란에 예시와 같이 기재하며, Note는 삭제하지 말 것>>
선박에 비치하는 신호탄류 교체시기(구명정은 의장품 포함)(해사91560-140, 2001.3.6.)
1) 적용대상: 선박안전법 적용 선박(BBCHP 포함)
2) 검사완료일 당시 잔여 유효기간이 3개월 이상으로 차기검사일(중간검사인 경우에는
검사기준일 후 3월) 전에 그 유효기간이 만료되는 경우에는 검사원은 검사보고서 비고란에
신호탄류 등 비품 유효기간 만료일을 기재하고 선주에게 자체적으로 신환 하도록 안내해야함
3) 예시) 다음의 신호탄류 유효기간을 확인하여 선주에게 유효기간이 도래하기 전에 신환하도록 안내함
자기발연신호 : 유효기간 00.00.00
로켓낙하산신호 : 유효기간 00.00.00
구명줄 발사기 : 유효기간 00.00.00
[ Cleared Notes ]
1. Section : Acts of Korea
< Notes for Acts of Republic of Korea >
Amendments of Standards for ship's life saving appliance (Order of MOF No.2014-154, 24th december 2014), Enforcement
: 24th December 2014
1) Maintenance standard for inflatable Life raft
- Maintenance engineer shall submit the service report to the surveyor (or inspection organization) after maintenance.
- Maintenance photos shall keep for 5 years, that is provided with ship's owner if request.
2) Subject of application : All ships for Ship Safety Act / Korean Flag (Incl. BBCHP)
- None -
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Surveyor(s) who signed this report has(have) carried out the above-mentioned
surveys satisfactorily in accordance with this Society's Rules,relevant provisions of the convention(s) or code(s).
All amended requirements of convention regulations not specified in the relevant checklist and All additional requirements of flag
state were examined with satisfaction.
(E) :Endorse ILO :Cert. with ILO Convention Nos. 92 and 133
(I) :Issued ILODOC :Document of Compliance with ILO Convention Nos. 92 and 133
(R) :Reissued IMSBC :Cert. of Compliance with the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk
ACD :Records of Automatic Control System Cargoes
APP :Record of Air Pollution Prevention System for Korean Government INF :Fitness for the Carriage of INF Cargo
BCH :International Cert. for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk IOPPA :International Oil Pollution Prevention Cert. (Form A)
BOLL :Bollard Pull Cert. IOPPAM :International Oil Pollution Prevention Cert. (Form A)(Multiple)
BUILD :Ship-building(Special Ship-building) for Korean Government IOPPB :International Oil Pollution Prevention Cert. (Form B)
BWM :Statement of Compliance for International Ballast Water Management IOPPBM :International Oil Pollution Prevention Cert. (Form B)(Multiple)
Convention ISPP :International Sewage Pollution Prevention Cert.
CASU :CasualtyInvestigation Report KSP :Particular of StatutorySurveyfor Korean Government
CC :Classification Cert. (Full term) LI :Loading Instrument Cert.
CCC :Classification Cert. (Conditional) MALSC :Malaysian SC Cert.
CCS :Classification Cert. (Interim) MALSE :Malaysian SE Cert.
CDG :Cert. of Compliance with Special Requirements for Ships Carrying MALSR :Malaysian SR Cert.
Dangerous Goods MALSX :Malaysian SOLAX Exemption Cert.
CG2 :Cert. of Test and Thorough Examination of Lifting Appliances MC :Report on MachinerySurvey
CG2U :Cert. of Test and Thorough Examination of Lifting Appliances for MODU :Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety Cert.
Operation in Union Purchase
MPP :Marine Pollution Prevention Cert. for Korean Government
CG3 :Cert. of Test and Thorough Examination of Loose Gears
NLS :International Pollution Prevention Cert. for the Carriage of Noxious
CG4 :Cert. of Test and Thorough Examination of Wire Rope Liquid Substance in Bulk
CG5 :Cert. of Test and Thorough Examination of Fiber-Rope OB1 :Statement of Compliance for Carriage of Dry Cargoes in Bulk
CHS :Report on Continuance Hull Survey OB2 :Statement of Compliance for Occasional Carriage of Dry Cargoes in
CSS :Cargo Ship SafetyCert. Bulk
CTS :Report on Compartment Survey OB3 :Statement of Compliance for Carriage in Bulk of Other Substances
DATA :Data Sheet OHIMP :Approval Cert. for Owner’s Hull Inspection and Maintenance Program
EDD :Approval Cert. for Extended Dry-docking Interval System OHIMPP :Pre-approval Cert. for Owner’s Hull Inspection and Maintenance
EDDP :Pre-approval Cert. for Extended Dry-docking Interval System Program
EH :Executive Hull Summary PASS :Passenger Ship Safety Cert.
EXTFVS :ValidityExtension Certificate of Fishing Vessel SurveyCert. for Korean PMS :Approval Cert. for Planned Maintenance System
Government PMSP :Pre-approval Cert. for Planned Maintenance System
EXTSSC :ValidityExtension Certificate of Ship SurveyCert. for Korean POSH :Particular of Ship-Hull
Government POSM :Particular of Ship-Mach.
FIT :Voyage Fitness Cert. RMC :Particular of Refrigerating Installation
FITDG :Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Cargoes for Korean SC :Cargo Ship Safety Construction Cert.
SCM :Cargo Ship Safety Construction Cert.(Multiple)
FVSC :Fishing Vessel Survey Cert. (On and above 24m) for Korean
Government SE :Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Cert.
FVSCB :Fishing Vessel Survey Cert. (Below24m) for Korean Government SEM :Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Cert.(Multiple)
FVSSC :Fishing Vessel Special SurveyCert. for Korean Government SOCI :Interim Statement of Compliance for Korean Government
GREEN :Green Passport on IMO Guidelines SPSC :Special Purpose Ship SafetyCert.
HSC :High Speed Craft SafetyCert. SR :Cargo Ship Safety Radio Cert.
IAFS :International Anti-Fouling System Cert. SSC :Ship Survey Cert.(On and above 12m) for Korean Government
IAPP :International Air Pollution Prevention Cert. SSCB :Ship Survey Cert.(Below12m) for Korean Government
IBC :International Cert. of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals SX :SOLAS Exemption Cert.
in Bulk SXFFEA :SOLAS Exemption Cert. (FFEA)
ICC :Ice- Classification Cert. (Full term) TEMPA :TemporaryAlteration Cert. for Korean Government
ICCS :Ice- Classification Cert. (Interim) TEMPN :TemporaryNavigation Cert. for Korean Government
IEE :International EnergyEfficiency Cert. TMPP :TemporaryMarine Pollution Prevention Cert. for Korean Government
IGC :International Cert. of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk TMR :Thickness Measurement Report (Record)
IGPP :Document of Compliance for Garbage Pollution Prevention TOW :Towing Cert. for Korean Government
IIHM :International Inventoryof Hazardous Materials USCG :USCG Requirement for Pollution Prevention Control System
ILL :International Load Line Cert. USCGVEC :USCG Requirement for Vapor Emission Control System
ILLEX :International Load Line Exemption Cert. VEC :Standards for Vapor Emission Control Systems
ILLM :International Load Line Cert.(Multiple)