Polymeric Surfactants For Enhanced Oil Recovery
Polymeric Surfactants For Enhanced Oil Recovery
Polymeric Surfactants For Enhanced Oil Recovery
recovery: A review
. Author links open the author workspace.PatrizioRaffaOpens the author workspaceOpens the
author workspace. Author links open the author workspace.Antonius A.Broekhuis. Author links
open the author workspace.FrancescoPicchioni
Department of Chemical Engineering - Product Technology, University of Groningen,
Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2016.07.007Get rights and content
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Chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is surely a topic of interest, as conventional oil resources
become more scarce and the necessity of exploiting heavy and unconventional oils increases.
EOR methods based on polymer flooding, surfactant-polymer flooding and alkali-surfactant-
polymer flooding are well established, but new challenges always emerge, which give impulse to
the search for new solutions. Polymeric surfactants represent a very attractive alternative to these
techniques, because they can provide simultaneously increase in water viscosity and decrease in
interfacial tension, both beneficial for the efficiency of the process. The analysis of the literature
shows that the use of polymeric surfactants as displacing fluid has the potential to improve the
performances of EOR in some cases. However, the synthesis are often challenging and costly
and the available data about the real performances of such systems in oil recovery are still sparse.
This holds back the possibility of a significant use of polymeric surfactants for EOR. This review
collects the relevant work done in the last decades in developing and testing polymeric
surfactants for EOR, with a particular emphasis on the chemical aspects, the patent literature and
bio-based systems.
acrylic acid
acryl amide
alkali-polymer-surfactant flooding
butyl acrylate
capillary number
dynamic light scattering
ethyl acetate
enhanced oil recovery
hydrophobically modified poly(acryl amide)
partially hydrolized poly(acryl amide)
interfacial tension
mobility ratio
poly(acryl amide)
poly(ethylene oxide)
poly(propylene oxide)
poly(vinyl alcohol)
polymer-surfactant flooding
vinyl acetate
Polymeric surfactants
Amphiphilic polymers
Enhanced oil recovery
Chemical EOR
SP flooding
ASP flooding
1. Introduction
Chemical methods for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) consist of the injection of a displacing fluid
in oil reservoirs to mobilize the crude oil trapped in the porous rocks. The displacing fluid
generally is a water solution containing various additives. Typically, the mixture contains a water
soluble polymer (this technique usually is referred to as polymer flooding), alone or in
combination with a surfactant (surfactant-polymer flooding, or simply SP flooding) and/or an
inorganic base (alkali-surfactant-polymer flooding, ASP). All these techniques have been
extensively described in books and review articles (Lake, 1989; Green and Willhite, 1998;
Thomas, 2008; Alvarado and Manrique, 2010; Sheng, 2010; Nazar et al., 2011; Olajire, 2014).
The polymer is used to increase the viscosity of the water, while the surfactant acts as emulsifier.
The scope of the base (generally a hydroxide such as NaOH or a carbonate) is essentially the
same as the surfactant: the base reacts with the organic acid components contained in acidic
crude oils, forming surfactants in situ (Thomas, 2008). Also, besides generating the surfactants,
alkali are added to reduce the adsorption of anionic surfactants on certain rock matrix. Many
studies discuss about the issue of anionic surfactants adsorption on positively charged clay edges
in sandstones and positively charged matrix in carbonate surfaces at neutral pH. This issue is not
treated in detail in this review, but the interest reader can refer to other more specific reviews on
the topic (Olajire, 2014; Hirasaki et al., 2011).
The mechanism of enhanced recovery involved in polymer flooding is based on decreasing the
mobility difference between displacing and displaced fluids, in order to reduce fingering effects.
The displacing phase should have mobility equal to or lower than the mobility of the oil phase
(Ezell and McCormick 2007; Rashidi et al., 2010). When the water/oil mobility ratio (M) is 1 or
slightly less, the displacement of the oil by the water phase will occur in a piston-like fashion. By
contrast, if M is greater than 1, the more mobile water phase will finger through the oil, causing a
breakthrough and poor recovery. Since the mobility is inversely proportional to the viscosity, the
polymer should act as an effective viscosifier for the aqueous phase. The main features of such
polymers are: very high molecular weight, resistance to mechanical degradation in shear and, of
course, complete solubility in water. Additionally, they should be inexpensive, non-toxic and
able to tolerate high salinity and high temperatures. The polymeric systems traditionally
employed for EOR have been extensively reviewed recently (Wever et al., 2011).
In surfactant flooding, the recovery mechanism is based on lowering the interfacial tension
between the two phases (IFT). The role of IFT in oil recovery is better explained in terms of
capillary number (Ca), as discussed in more detail in the next section of this review. The state of
the art of surfactant flooding has been reviewed recently (Hirasaki et al., 2011).
In EOR processes which combines the two mentioned mechanisms, (SP or ASP flooding), some
factors should be considered, such as interactions between polymer and surfactant, loss of
surfactant through solubilization in the oil phase or adsorption on the rocks and chromatographic
separations of the various components, which could be detrimental for the whole process (Sheng,
For these reasons, the possibility to combine the positive effects of polymers and surfactants in
only one component, namely a polymeric surfactant, becomes an attractive alternative for the
traditional EOR processes. Indeed, the potential of polymeric surfactants for EOR has been often
claimed (Ezell and McCormick, 2007; Winnik and Yekta, 1997; Shaikh et al., 1999; Crevecoeur
et al., 1999; Al-Sabagh, 2000; McCormick et al., 2006; Busse et al., 2002; Desbrieres and Babak,
2010; Sun et al., 2010; Elraies et al., 2011; Fischer et al., 2001; Raffa et al., 2015).
It is very interesting to note that, in a way, polymeric surfactants have been used since long time
in EOR, without really recognizing them as such. The idea of introducing hydrophobic groups in
a water-soluble polymer, which actually makes it a polymeric surfactant (see next section), has
been applied in EOR (Wever et al., 2011; Taylor and Nasr-El-Din, 1998). Several structures
based on hydrophobically modified polyacrylamide (HMPAM) or polysaccharides have been
proposed and even patented (Wever et al., 2011; Taylor and Nasr-El-Din, 1998). However, the
hydrophobic groups are introduced mainly to alter the rheology of the system: it has been
observed that the hydrophobic domain can form shear-dependent transient association in water
with subsequent solution thickening (Winnik and Yekta, 1997; Taylor and Nasr-El-Din, 1998;
Kudaibergenov and Ciferri, 2007). The focus is usually on the effect of hydrophobic interactions
(Wever et al., 2012, 2013a, 2014) or of the chemical structure (Wever et al., 2013b, 2013c,
2013d) on the rheology, while a study of the surface properties is usually neglected. Actually, the
presence of hydrophobic parts in water-soluble structures is also known to affect the interfacial
properties (surface tension, IFT, wettability). Therefore, even if for polymeric surfactants the
effect is usually less pronounced than for low-molecular weight surfactants (Raffa et al., 2015),
this aspect should be considered when hydrophobically-modified polymers are investigated as
potential systems for EOR.
Very general and complete reviews about EOR and traditional polymeric systems used for this
application can be found elsewhere (Lake 1989; Green and Willhite, 1998; Thomas, 2008;
Alvarado and Manrique, 2010; Sheng, 2010; Nazar et al., 2011; Wever et al., 2011; Taylor and
Nasr-El-Din, 1998). Here, we will consider polymeric surfactants that have been proposed for
EOR, especially from the point of view of their interfacial properties. First, the relevant
properties of polymeric surfactants for EOR will be discussed, then the available literature on the
systems proposed, both in the open and in the patent literature will be presented.
In the conclusions and outlook section, the current issues, perspectives and some general criteria
for the selection of potential new candidates to be employed as polymeric surfactants for EOR
will be given.
Polymeric surfactants usually present very interesting rheological and interfacial properties
(Raffa et al., 2015). Logically, most of these properties will derive from their chemical structure.
For example, polysoaps are known to have good emulsification properties, but poor solution
viscosity, while macrosurfactants, especially the ones containing a polyelectrolyte block, present
excellent gelation properties but low surface activity (Raffa et al., 2013, 2014). Without
discussing the details, these characteristic derive mostly from the mechanisms of aggregation in
solution. The chemical composition is also very important in determining the final properties. A
very important feature of some polymeric surfactants is the possibility to tune their
hydrophobicity, and thus their aggregation behavior, by changing external parameters, such as
pH, temperature or electrolytes concentration. These kinds of polymers are important building
blocks for smart materials. Of course, depending on the application that one has in mind, some
structures will be more suitable than others.
For all these reasons, polymeric surfactants attracted a lot of interest for actual or potential
applications in several fields including (mini)emulsion polymerizations, coatings, biotechnology,
medicine, pharmacology, cosmetics, agriculture, water purification, electronic, optoelectronic
and enhanced oil recovery (Winnik and Yekta, 1997; Kudaibergenov and Ciferri, 2007; Kwon
and Kataoka, 1995; Alexandridis, 1996; Torchilin, 2001; Adams et al., 2003; Popot et al., 2003;
Gil and Hudson, 2004; Taubert et al., 2004; Rodriguez-Hernandez et al., 2005; Garnier et al.,
2006; Kudaibergenov et al., 2006; Dai et al., 2008; York et al., 2008; Blanazs et al., 2009; Jiang
et al., 2009; Zhou et al., 2009; Zhou and Yan, 2009; Tadros, 2009; Durand and Marie, 2009;
Cayre et al., 2011).
The importance of solution rheology for EOR is mostly connected to the need of adjusting the
mobility ratio by increasing the water phase viscosity, as it has been already emphasized in the
introduction. This applies in a general way for polymer flooding. In surfactant flooding, the
displacing water solution needs to be able to create a stable emulsion with the oil in flow
conditions. Theoretically, it is well established that the process of emulsion formation in laminar
flow is governed by the balance between the viscous force acting on a drop in a laminar flow
field and the Laplace pressure (Walstra, 1993; Grace, 1982). The dimensionless ratio between
the viscous-to-capillary forces is called Capillary number (Ca). This parameter has been related
to the residual oil saturation in porous media and thus it is very important for EOR applications
(Lake, 1989; Sheng, 2010). The capillary number can be defined for several purposes. For EOR
it is convenient to base the calculation on the force balance on a drop of oil squeezed through a
pore throat Reed and Healy (1977). In this case we have:
where is the gradient pressure, is the interfacial tension between the two immiscible phases
(often also indicated with IFT) and k is a constant. According to Darcy's law the equation can be
rewritten as:
where ηc is the viscosity of the continuous phase and v is the Darcy velocity. Other formulations
of Ca have been proposed, which take into account parameters such as porosity, relative
permeability and contact angle, but this form is the most used because of its simplicity.
(γ≤10−1 mN/m) (Green and Willhite, 1998; Iglauer et al., 2010; Abrams, 1975).
The use of polymeric surfactants could represents a favorable option since in principle a decrease
in interfacial tension and an increase in viscosity are expected to occur at the same time, with a
subsequent positive effect on Ca. Moreover, being a polymeric surfactant a single component
and not a mixture, this approach should also have the advantage of avoiding the segregation into
two phases that can occur in a flow stream for conventional polymer-surfactant mixtures (Sheng,
2010; Nazar et al., 2011; Elraies et al., 2011).
The choice of a suitable system on the basis of the above considerations is not trivial. For
example, several polymeric surfactants show very low or even negligible surface activity
(Jacquin et al., 2010; Theodoly et al., 2009; Jacquin et al., 2007; Ghosh et al., 2011; Nayak et al.,
2011; Kaewsaiha et al., 2005; Matsuoka et al., 2004). This lack of surface activity is usually
explained with a very slow equilibration of polymeric surfactant micelles (the so-called “frozen”
micelles (Theodoly et al., 2009)), which prevent the possibility of the macromolecules to migrate
to the interfaces. As clearly documented in literature (Raffa et al., 2015), the structure and the
composition of amphiphilic polymers are fundamental to determine surface properties and
rheology of their aqueous solutions. Also, the physical properties and behavior can be greatly
affected by pH, temperature, presence of dissolved salts and kind of flow.
Other hardly quantifiable characteristics that a suitable polymeric surfactant should possess, are
the same as for traditional polymers for EOR: low adsorption on the rocks, high thermal stability
and salt tolerance.
A polymeric surfactant that combines the high viscosity of a polymer with the interfacial
property of a conventional surfactant could reduce the tension at water/oil interfaces and enhance
the viscosity of the aqueous solution simultaneously (Cao and Li, 2002).
Such an approach has already been applied in some fields but, because it is often observed that
polymeric surfactants have only a slight ability to decrease the IFT, relatively few use of
polymeric surfactants in EOR have been reported. However, the common belief that ultralow
IFT (order of magnitude of 10−3 mN/m) values are needed for good performance in EOR has
been recently questioned. Zhang et al., (2010) Some recent SP flooding experiments (Yu et al.,
2010) showed that in some cases there is not a straightforward correlation between lowering the
IFT and recovery, but there is rather an optimum IFT, which is higher than the stated ultralow
values (Fig. 1). The claim that ultralow IFT values are not strictly necessary to improve oil
recovery seems to be supported also by a very recent study, dealing with a polymeric surfactant
rather than a SP mixture: here, a surface active modified HPAM solution with a measured IFT of
10−1 mN/m, gives ~5% more oil recovery than a conventional HPAM in a core-flood experiment,
at even lower viscosity (Co et al., 2015).
Several papers (Shaikh et al., 1999; Crevecoeur et al., 1999; McCormick et al., 2006; Busse et
al., 2002; Fischer et al., 2001; Theodoly et al., 2009; Qin et al., 1994; Iddon et al., 2004; Yahaya
et al., 2001; Kudaibergenov, 1999; Dimitrov et al., 2007; Jain and Bates, 2003; Hietala et al.,
2007; Zaroslov et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2007; de la Fuente et al., 2005) published in scientific
journal propose various amphiphilic polymers as systems for EOR. Despite this, only few studies
cover experiments performed to prove the effectiveness of such systems for the claimed
application. We could identify few papers in which viscosity, surface properties and salt effects
are taken into account for the evaluation of a given polymeric surfactant in EOR performance.
Surface and interfacial activities (water vs n-decane) are good (45.0 and 8.68 mN/m
respectively) and IFT decreases in the presence of salt (1.05 mN/m at1 wt% NaCl concentration;
at higher salt concentration, a salting-out effect is present). However, the viscosity of the
solutions is moderate even at high polymer concentrations, because intramolecular aggregations
are predominant, as usually happens for polysoaps. When 1-hexadecene is used as co-monomer,
results in terms of both viscosity and interfacial activity are better compared to 1-dodecene, due
to the increased hydrophobicity. An analogous increase in interfacial activity upon addition of
NaCl was observed for a viscosifier based on hydrophobically modified PVA (Yahya et al.,
1996). Also in this case, an optimization study to maximize both surface activity and viscosity
has been performed.
Good viscosifying properties and surface tension reduction have been obtained with amphiphilic
block copolymers based on Polystyrene-b-poly(sodium methacrylate), containing a PEG-acrylate
comonomer in the hydrophilic block, synthesized by ATRP (Raffa et al., 2016). The presence of
the charged sodium acrylate is necessary to achieve high viscosity, while the PEG moiety
ensures the lowered surface tension. In presence of NaCl, the viscosity decreases due to
electrostatic interactions, but a better surface activity is also measured.
As anticipated, even if their surface and interface properties received little or no attention,
hydrophobically modified water soluble polymers, extensively used as solution thickeners in
EOR, can also act as polymeric surfactants. For example, the introduction of 1% of hydrophobic
acrylates in a polyacrylamide strongly increases the stability of water/oil emulsions (Fig. 2)
(Zhao et al., 2009).
Fig. 2. Emulsion stability of water/oil mixtures with added hydrophobically modified PAM.
Adapted with permission from Ref. (Zhao et al., 2009).
The nature of the hydrophobic groups seems to play a crucial role in interfacial activity. Multi-
block (with a random distribution of blocks) copolymer of acrylamide (AM) with styrene
(Shaikh et al., 1999), phenylAM (Abu-Sharkh et al., 2003) and benzylAM (Yahaya et al., 2001)
showed different surface behavior. Apparently, the higher is the conformational freedom of the
monomer (PhenethylAM>benzylAM>phenylAM>sty), the lower is the interfacial activity (Abu-
Sharkh et al., 2001). All these AM based polymers showed interesting salt effects: viscosity and
interfacial activity in presence of added NaCl are unaffected or in some cases improved. Their
properties make these polymers of potential interest for oil recovery.
Fig. 3. Structure of the polymer studied in Ref. (Al-Sabagh et al., 2003) (redrawn with
Oligomeric polyesters (structure depicted in Fig. 4) have been prepared and studied for
applications in EOR, proving to be suitable systems because of the ultralow IFT values (Al-
Sabagh 2000).
1. Download full-size image
Fig. 4. Structure of the polymer studied in Ref. Al-Sabagh (2000) (redrawn with permission).
A more convincing evidence of the role played by the IFT of a polymeric surfactant in oil
recovery comes from a very recent research (Co et al., 2015). The authors compared the
performance in core-flood experiments of a traditional HPAM and a HPAM modified
incorporating 1–5% of a “surfactant-like monomer” (chemical structure not specified). In this
study it is shown a positive effect of the reduced IFT (10−1 mN/m) on the oil recovery, even if the
polymeric surfactant solution in this case has lower viscosity and thus a less favorable mobility
ratio than the HPAM.
An interesting concept has been proposed by Zou et al. They prepared a PAM containing
cyclodextrin side groups (Fig. 5), claimed as a system for SP flooding. Their hypothesis is that
the cyclodextrin side groups should form inclusion complexes with the surfactant molecules,
preventing their loss during flooding experiments. Also, a synergistic effect has been suggested,
since the oil phase can displace the surfactant in the hydrophobic cavity of the cyclodextrin, with
subsequent “controlled” release of the surfactant molecules. Of course, the concept still needs to
be proved and it seems to be hardly applicable from a practical point of view, also due to the
high costs of cyclodextrin containing acrylic monomers.
1. Download full-size image
3.1. Patents
Several patents concerning EOR and related applications of amphiphilic polymers have been
deposited (van de Kraats and Sawyer, 1976; Byham et al., 1980; Chen and Sheppard, 1982,
1981; Evani, 1989; Huff et al., 2008, 2011; Savu and Sierakowski, 2010; Hough et al., 2010;
Caneba, 2010; Favero and Gaillard, 2010; Zhang and Tang, 2010; Soane et al., 2011), focusing
on their effects on both viscosity and interfacial tension between water and oil. A list is given in
Table 1. Formulations can include the use of low molecular weight co-surfactants. For author's
choice, oligomeric surfactants are not considered here.
1:1 Statistic
(Chen and
Sheppard, Mw=3800 kDa
1982, 1981)
Mw~103 kDa
(Evani, 1989)
3 kDa (styrene)
(Hough et al., +30 kDa (total
2010) acrylates)
Ref Chemical composition Structure
(Caneba, Tapered,
2010) ammonium salt
(Favero and
modified 25%
(Zhang and
Tang, 2010)
Ref Chemical composition Structure
(Wilson et al.,
2013) Micellar controlled
2 K<Mn<25 K
A tapered copolymer of vinyl acetate (VA) and acrylic acid (AA) neutralized with ammonia has
been patented (Caneba, 2010) as polymeric surfactant for EOR applications. Experiments of oil
recovery with such tapered VA-AA (containing a certain amount of random copolymer) give a
recovery of 17–41% OOIP. Hydrophobic acrylates (e.g. EA, BA) are proposed as substitutes of
the VA, being more resistant to hydrolysis.
Alternate copolymers of styrene and secondary amines proved to be good viscosifier agents and
showed pH-dependent emulsification ability, forming stable emulsions in basic conditions which
separate as the pH is decreased (Soane et al., 2011).
A process for EOR recently patented, claims the use of a 25% hydrolyzed PAM modified with
0.4% of a cationic hydrophobic monomer. In this formulation, the polymer is used in
combination with a very small amount of an anionic surfactant. It has been found that the
emulsifying ability of this mixture is much better than the one of the surfactant alone, even at a
surfactant concentration ten times higher (Favero and Gaillard 2010). The authors don’t give any
explanation for this behavior and define it “surprising”.
The polymer (Hough et al., 2010), a block copolymer of styrene, acrylic acid and ethyl acrylate
(notably, prepared via controlled radical polymerizations), has been claimed as system for EOR.
The viscosity of their aqueous solution is retained in the presence of high salt concentrations,
provided that a non-ionic surfactant is included in the formulation.
Beside these specific examples, patents covering a very broad range of amphiphilic copolymers
for EOR can be also found: a recent patent (Zhang and Tang, 2010) includes a broad range of
partially hydrolyzed acrylamide based polymers, containing charged or neutral hydrophobic
monomers, having IFT values included in the range 0.1–15 mN/m. Interestingly, the tested
polymers give very good performance in terms of recovered oil in flooding experiments, proving
to be much better than an analogous ordinary PAM with a higher viscosity.
The patent (Huff et al., 2008) by BASF includes a very general formulation for EOR consisting
of a mixture of a surfactant and a polymeric co-surfactant. The co-surfactants are comb,
multiblock or star copolymers build with hydrophobic units (essentially α-olefins) and
hydrophilic units (maleic anhydride, vinyl alcohol, (meth)acrylic acid, vinylpyrrolidone, allyl
alcohol, PEO, PPO).
Surprisingly, most of the examples found in the patent literature are quite recent. Before 2008,
the majority of patent literature concerning polymers for EOR includes mostly non-associative
water soluble polymers.
For evident reasons, polymers obtained by natural sources have also attracted attention as
potential polymeric surfactants for EOR, looking for a cheap and green alternative to traditional
systems. A sulfonated fatty ester surfactant, obtained by esterification and sulfonation of non-
edible Jatropha oil (Elraies et al., 2010) has been free radically copolymerized with AM in order
to synthesize a polymeric surfactant for EOR (Elraies et al., 2011). The structure of such polymer
is not really defined, but is a cheap material, partly obtained from a renewable source, which
possess good viscosity and interfacial activity, making it a good candidate for EOR.
Hydrophobically modified polysaccharides can show some surface activity and have been
proposed for EOR applications (Desbrieres and Babak 2010). Their surface activities are
generally low, because the usually rigid structures don’t allow the rearrangement of the
hydrophobic parts at water/air interface, as demonstrated, for example, for a pullulan
hydrophobically modified fatty esters derivative 4–35% of substitution (Henni et al., 2005;
Henni-Silhadi et al., 2008). The same observation has been made for chitin (Desbrieres and
Babak, 2006) and pectin (Miralles-Houzelle et al., 2001) derivatives. In these latter cases, the
surface properties seem to be better when the hydrophobic group is introduced as counter ion to
the charged polysaccharide backbone, instead of covalently linked, while the rheological
behavior is unaffected.
Fig. 6. Structure of the polymer studied in Ref. Cao and Li (2002) and IFT values as function of
equivalent alkane carbon number (EACN). Adapted with permission.
The effectiveness of polymeric surfactants can be questioned on the basis of the fact that it is
very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve ultralow values of IFT (for polymeric surfactants,
typical values are found in the range 0.1–15 mN/m). This can be considered another aspect that
holds back the use of polymeric surfactants for EOR. Ultralow IFT values have always been
considered necessary in order to achieve sufficiently high values of capillary number and thus
significant recovery (Lake, 1989). Nonetheless, this could be a too simplistic assumption, as
recently shown by some experiments, where oil recovery using a SP formulation gave better
results for intermediate values of IFT, rather than for ultralow ones (Yu et al., 2010). In our
opinion, it can also be argued that measurements of surface and interfacial tension might not be
the most appropriate to evaluate the effectiveness of a polymeric surfactant for EOR, because
these parameters might become irrelevant in the time-scale of the process (it usually lasts for
Unfortunately, a clear picture cannot emerge yet, since not many experiments aimed at directly
evaluating the performances of polymeric surfactants in oil recovery can be found in literature.
Recently, core flood experiments performed with a traditional PAM and a hydrophobically
substituted one, showed that the latter gives a better recovery than the former at the same
polymer concentration (Lai et al., 2013). However, the systems are not compared at the same
viscosity, so it is impossible to draw any conclusions regarding a possible role of IFT in the
process. Actually, the authors of the mentioned work don’t even consider the IFT as a relevant
parameter, but they focus their discussion on salt tolerance and thermal stability.
Some issues still remain, that strongly limit the possibility of using polymeric surfactants in
EOR. On one hand, the lack of clear indications that polymeric surfactants could really give
better performances than traditional polymeric mixtures, other conditions being equal. Studies
are still too sparse and not systematic, which makes any consistent investment in this direction
too risky. Therefore, an important milestone is to produce more experimental data to establish if
ultralow IFT vales are really necessary in order to improve oil recovery. On the other hand, the
costs of some of the starting materials can be very high and the complicated synthesis necessary
to obtain polymeric surfactant not suitable for production in large scale. The scale-up might
prove to be challenging especially for particular macromolecular architectures (such as block
copolymers). In this respect, the most promising approach, also from the point of view of
sustainability, seems to be the possibility to use monomers and materials from green feedstock.
We think that more efforts in this directions are surely desirable.
To face the problems related to the decreasing oil availability, more efforts from the scientific
community and the exploration of economically suitable sources and processes are required.
In general, efforts in several directions are still required before polymeric surfactants can be
really considered not only potential, but suitable systems for enhanced oil recovery.
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