Capitao - Evidence
Capitao - Evidence
Capitao - Evidence
DOI: 10.5923/j.ijpbs.20120204.07
Abstract The aim of this study was to seek incremental evidence of validity between the Color Pyramid Test (CPT) and
the Human Figure Drawing (HFD). The incremental validity of information obtained fro m a g iven test can predict some-
thing unique, which other existing measures or constructs cannot predict. The sample consisted of 118 children fro m public
schools in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, of which 59 (50%) were male, aged between 6 and 12 years (M = 9.22, SD = 1.75)
and education ranging from pre-kindergarten to seventh grade. The tests were ad ministered on each child without prede-
termined time for their imp lementation. The results showed significant correlations between the two tests, which contrib-
uted to the evidence of incremental valid ity between the two tests. It is suggested that further studies on the evidence of
validity and accuracy, with controlled samp les and other indicators,not explored in this study, will contribute to the pro jec-
tive techniques surveyed.
Keywords Correlation, Psychological Assessment, Projective Methods, Pfister Test, Hu man Figure Drawing
Thus, the low correlations among projective techniques and maturity. There are other indicators, known as Evolu-
seems to be associated with evidence of incremental valid- tionary Items, which are not often found in the younger
ity, which are obtained when the data generated by a par- children’s drawings but are relatively co mmon with the
ticular instrument relate to something unique, that is, some- increasing age of the ch ild. There is also the set of indica-
thing that other measures or constructs already existing do tors known as Expected Items, where the o mission is con-
not predict[12]. sidered. The omission of any parts of the body indicates
This study will consider the correlat ions between two excessive immaturity, delay or regression due to emotional
projective methods, the CPT and the HFD. Both the tech- problems.
niques are nonverbal, interesting, doesn’t need any major Fifteen articles on HFD were found in the database
educational qualificat ions and can be implemented rapidly BVS-Psi Brazil within the period of 2001 to 2011. Seven of
([13-15],[10]). Both methods allo w the symbolic man ifesta- the 15 articles used the Koppitz scoring system, two sought
tions of the feelings, showing how the person perceives for evidence of validity of the system through correlation
himself and those around him. with other scoring systems. One of the studies linked HFD
CPT is introduced by Max Pfister, a Swiss psychologist with CPT and found validity evidence[23] and the other
to reveal deviant personality characteristics of the exami- sought for concurrent validity between the HFD and Test
nee.In this test, the examinee is asked to complete the R-2. It was concluded that the Drawing scoring systems,
pyramid schemes with colorful s mall squares. The affective such as Koppitz (r = 0.575) or the Goodenough-Harris (r =
and emotional dynamics, as well as the structural and cog- 0.606), in correlation with R-2, are suitable for cognitive
nitive functions of the examinee can be known by the way evaluation of children([24],[25],[26],[27]).
he approaches the task, the choice of color combinations The other five studies were applied research, in wh ich the
and the unique way of co mposing the elaborate pyramid. projective instrument was used to generate information
This test also checks for any sort of abnormality, if it reacts about a specific context, namely, personality assessment of
to emotional stimuli with lo wer or greater control of cogni- obese children([28],[29],[30],[31],[32]). It was used to
tive functions[10]. verify the typical conflicting behaviors of females in their
The research is conducted based on the databases ob- early adolescence[33]. It is further used, to seek evidence
tained fro m Virtual Health Library (VHL). The survey in for HFD validity of deaf children[34], to analyse the per-
the database was based on the criterion: BVS - Psi Brazil, sonality of children with bru xism[35] and to verify the
published between 2001 to 2011. This search led to the contributions of HFD for designing the psychological pro-
identification of 12 papers that used the CPT as the main file of a group of morb idly obese patients[36]. Other studies
instrument for psychological evaluation. Eight of the 12 have either used other HFD scoring systems, or have not
papers (66.6%) used CPT for analy zing the psychometric explained about their scoring systems.
qualities. Then six of the eight papers (75%, wh ich is 50% HFD and CPT enable the evaluation of various emotional
of 12 papers) were looking for evidence of valid ity of the indicators, thereby, justifying the relevance of studies dedi-
technique and two (25%, wh ich is 16.6% of 12 papers) were cated to improve the psychometric qualit ies of the instru-
regulation studies). The remaining 33.3% addressed the use ments ([17-20],[14],[15],[21],[22]). The present study
of CPTin specific contexts of action in the psychic func- sought evidence of incremental valid ity by the correlation
tioning in elderly wo men. between the CPT and the HFD.
Reference[16] considered Pfister valid ity as a reliable
tool for diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder,[17]
established indicators of alcoholism,and[18] identified 2. Method
symptoms of panic disorder through some indicators of the
2.1. Participants
Pfister. Other references[19] and[20] identified patients
with depression and schizophrenia, respectively. Pfister, Participants for this study were selected through
which is associated with other diagnostic features, is em- non-random sampling as per their convenience,at different
phasized in all the studies for added security. The sixth public institutions in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The
study found evidence of validity between Pfister and sample consisted of 118 ch ildren, among which 59 (50%)
HFD[21]. were male and the rest were females. Their age ranged
HFD is an evaluation technique, where the examinee is between 6-12 years (M = 9.22, SD = 1.75).Their education
assessed in terms of intellectual functioning and qualitative level ranged fro m pre-kindergarten to seventh grade. This
measure of personality, by analy zing the human figure age group of childrensignified no history of low academic
drawn by h im[22]. The test is treated as a projective tech- performance. Of the total nu mber of children, 12 (10%)
nique to measure mental maturity, and assuming that there attended preschool, 18 (15%) attended the first-grade, 25
is a set of signals found in this particular technique, which (21%) attended the second-grade, 18 (15%) attended the
relates to the children's attitudes and concerns, known as third grade, 24 (21%) attended the fourth grade, 12 (10%)
emotional indicators. The emotional indicators reveal the attended the fifth grade, eight (7%) attended the sixth grade
child’s an xieties, concerns and attitudes irrespective of age and only one child (1%) attended the seventh grade.
122 Claudio Garcia Capitão et al.: Evidence of Incremental Validity between Pfister Test and Human Figure Drawing
difficult ies. However, there were participants, who pre- HFD decrease is also related to Pfister decrease. In litera-
sented sum of emotional indicator equal to 8, suggesting the ture, the ‘b ig figure’ relates to immaturity, expansiveness
presence of severe emotional difficulties. After the descrip- and lack of control and the increased gray color indicates
tive statistics, correlat ions of the CPT indicators with HFD timid ity and caution with regard to emotional exchanges,
were performed. We opted for the Spearman correlat ion for i.e., indicates a defensive withdrawal and opposition ten-
being a variable with no minal level of measurement. Re- dency.
sults indicate significant correlat ions at p< 0.05, including The ‘mouth o mission’ is associated with feelings of an xi-
some at p< 0.01. Significant data were analy zed according ety, insecurity, withdrawal, attitude of passive resistance
to the meaning of each indicator obtained in the manuals of and inability to communicate with others.Also it seems to
HFD[16] and CPT[10]. The magnitude criterion of[36] was be linked with fear, an xiety and perfectionis m. The yellow
adopted to classify the magnitude of correlations. Accord- suggests exaggeration of affective manifestations, less
ing to this criterion, correlation between 0.60 and 0.99 spontaneous, more stylized and superficial, in addition to
means strong correlation; between 0.30 and 0.59 means immaturity, unsound structure, low frustration tolerance,
moderate correlation; and between 0.10 and 0.29 means instability, selfishness and irritability; whereas the blue may
weak co rrelation. be associated with a feeling of in feriority, failure, dissatis-
Whenever the correlations were interpreted as negative, it faction and ambivalence. Thus, this combination is related
was considered that the HFD indicators increase while the to insecurity and feelings of inadequacy that can lead to
Pfister indicators decrease. Ho wever, in case of positive withdrawal and difficulty of expressing feelings.
correlations, HFD increase is related to Pfister increase, and
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of Pfister Color Pyramid indicators
CPT indicator N Mean Median Mode Minimum Maximum
Percentage of blue 109 16.64 15.56 15.56 6.07 2.22 42.22
Percentage of red 113 19.55 17.78 15.56 10.98 2.22 66.67
Percentage of green 112 17.52 15.56 13.33 8.98 4.44 66.67
Percentage of violet 106 14.36 13.33 13.33 8.55 2.22 66.67
Percentage of orange 103 8.89 8.89 8.89 4.90 2.22 35.56
Percentage of yellow 109 11.09 8.89 8.89 8.27 2.22 48.89
Percentage of brown 94 6.88 6.67 6.67 7.17 2.22 68.89
Percentage of black 86 5.63 4.44 4.44 4.71 2.22 40.00
Percentage of white 89 6.14 4.44 4.44 4.50 2.22 24.44
Percentage of gray 87 4.47 4.44 2.22 2.26 2.22 11.11
Normal Syndrome 117 51.15 51.11 51.11 11.15 15.56 86.67
Stimulation syndrome 116 37.36 35.56 33.33 13.58 8.89 100.00
Cold Syndrome 115 46.07 46.67 51.11 11.36 8.89 100.00
Colorless Syndrome 103 13.79 13.33 11.11 7.57 2.22 62.22
Dynamism Syndrome 115 33.20 31.11 28.89 13.08 6.67 100.00
Pure carpet 109 16.64 15.56 15.56 6.07 2.22 42.22
Stuck or unbalanced carpet 117 0.62 1.00 1.00 0.49 0.00 1.00
Carpet with starting order 117 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.00 1.00
Formation of multi-color layer 117 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.00 1.00
Training in monotonal layer 117 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.00 1.00
Symmetrical formation 117 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.00 1.00
Formation with tendency to struc-
117 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 1.00
Alternate formation 117 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 1.00
Mantle structure 117 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 1.00
Symmetrical structure 117 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 1.00
Structure in ladder 117 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
124 Claudio Garcia Capitão et al.: Evidence of Incremental Validity between Pfister Test and Human Figure Drawing
The indicator ‘legs omission’ was associated with diffi- age of yellow co lor in the CPT and with the increased cold
culty in expressing emot ions, and by being the rare presence syndrome. The yello w color suggests to the increased ex-
of this indicator, it must always be observed with caution. aggeration of affect ive manifestations, more stylized and
This correlated with the increased percentage of gray color, less spontaneous, as well as immaturity, unsound structure,
which indicates shyness, and restrictions to emotional con- low frustration tolerance, instability, selfishness and irrita-
tact with the lowering of blue color. In the CPT manual, bility. The feeling of overload associated with exaggeration
there is no interpretation for the lowering of the blue color. of stereotyped actions can lead to feelings of social inade-
Thus, there is a relationship between these indicators and quacy and the need for doing more things than you feel
the difficulty in exp ressing emotions and establishing emo- capable of. Increased cold syndrome is observed in most
tional contact. committed cadres of psychological functioning.
The inclination of drawn figure indicates instability and ‘Long arms’ is lin ked to aggression against self and oth-
overall lack of balance. Th is indicator is with the increase ers. This indicator was related to the increased colourless
of the violet, which indicates increase in internal tensions syndrome, due to the increased percentage of black color.
and anxiety feelings. The comb ination of these indicators suggests association
Poor integration of the parts is related to instability, weak between the expressed aggression and the lack of inhib ition
coordination, impu lsivity, and signs of immaturity. In the of aggressive impulses.
CPT manual[10], there is no interpretation for the lowering The indicator ‘three figures spontaneously drawing’
of the stimu lation syndrome, while the increase in colorless condenses the perseveration and indicates to the perceived
syndrome reflects increased escape to affective or stimulant lack of identity. This indicator was weak and positively
situations in attempt to maintain a quite fragile balance. associated with of black color. The use of increased per-
When associated with increased color black, this escape centageblack co lor would be associated with p rotection
seems to be associated to the repressor function. Positive against stimuli and fear of impulses that could cause loss of
and weak correlations of HFD indicators with the CPT balance. The presence of these HFD indicators in Pfister
indicators, point to the signs of immaturity associated with relate to the lack of identity and perseveration.
instability and attempting to maintain the balance through a ‘Clouds drawn’ imply intense anxiety and aggression di-
repressor function. rected at him-self, this indicator is found in people who seem
The ‘small head’ is associated with the intense feeling of to feel threatened by the world. Children who had drawn
social inadequacy and was related to the increased percent- clouds had increased percentage of black color, i.e., they have
International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences 2012, 2(4): 120-129 125
fear of triggering impulses that might lead them to the internal syndrome; however, there is no interpretation in the manual
disintegration; besides being associated with a reduction in for the significance of these syndromes. Moreover, this
normal syndrome, whose lowering has no interpretation in the HFD indicator was related to the increase of ‘bored or un-
manual. balanced carpet’ that suggests the existence of more serious
The ‘feet o mission’ denotes insecurity and associates emotional perturbations, reflecting imbalance and mismatch
with the increase percentage of yellow color, noting exag- to environment due to affective turbulence in the presence
geration of affective man ifestations, less spontaneous, more of sharp conflicts.
stylized and superficial; it also indicates immaturity, un- Children who had also transparency, had increased per-
sound structure and low frustration tolerance, instability, centage of orange color in relation to the others. The indi-
selfishness and irritability. It is also correlated with de- cator ‘transparency’ means some immaturity, impulsiveness
creased Normal Syndrome. and conduct of action without the due reflection, indicating
With respect to the sum of emotional indicators, it was anxiety and preoccupation with body parts. The increased
found that higher the amount of indicators marked the percentage of orange color reflects the desire of domain and
higher the Colorless Syndrome, apparently by increased omnipotence. The presence of these indicators converges to
black colo r, suggesting increased escape of affective or a certain mental state of do main and o mnipotence. This
stimulant situations as attempt to maintain a very fragile HFD indicator was also associated with increased stimula-
balance. It was also correlated with the decrease of Brown tion syndrome, indicating tendency to selfishness and un-
indicating a lack of energy, lo wer resistance and low pro- fitness, and with increasing formation in mult i-co lor layer,
ductivity. which suggests unsatisfactory level of maturity in dealing
The indicator ‘hands cut off’in HFD was associated with with emot ions and defensive maneuvers. This co mbination
the lowered normal syndrome inPfister. Hands cut denote indicates personality unsatisfactorily stabilized and vulner-
people with feelings of inadequacy or guilt, unable to express ability. Transparency was also correlated with decreased
their feelings. Normal syndrome reflects an effort to look like ‘bored carpet’ that has no interpretive significance.
a normal, when lowered may suggest lack of concern with Another HFD indicator, ‘big hands’, points to evidence
the normal patterns. of a rewarding conduct of feelings of inadequacy, insuffi-
‘Drawing genitals’ in HFD is indicator of severe psy- ciency or to establish contact with others. This indicator
chopathology and implies distress and weak control of was associated with increased percentage of blue color and
impulses. This indicator was correlated with increased col- formation with tendency to structure and decreased stimula-
orless syndrome and reduced stimu lation syndrome, indi- tion syndrome. These indicators suggest suppression of
cating escape of emotional or stimu lant situations. feelings and emotions, resulting in an over control attitude,
For examp le, ‘crossed eyes’ and ‘arms’ on the body of which seems to be associated with feelings of inferiority,
HFD correlated with the percentage of colors and the for- dissatisfaction and ambivalence.
mal aspect. The ‘nose omission’, in turn, suggests shy and withdrawn
The drawing of ‘crossed eyes’ implies hostility, anger, behavior with no obvious aggression and a little social con-
rebellion and was associated with increased percentage of cern. This indicator was associated with lowered cold syn-
orange and formation of mult i-colo rlayer,wh ich reveals drome, wh ich is lin ked to pathological cases. The lowering
unsatisfactory level of maturity in dealing with emotions of cold syndrome in this case, is due to the lowered vio let
and defensive maneuvers with the desire to dominate and color, indicating reduction of tension and anxiety. This
omnipotence. In addition, the lowering was related to the HFD indicator correlated with the increase of the alternate
‘bored or unbalanced Carpet’ without interpretative value. formation, suggesting an individual with difficulty to adapt
‘Arms close to the body’ are associated with severe psy- with the environ ment.
chopathology and fairly rigid internal control, inflexib ility The ‘arms o mission’ is related to an xiety and guilt over
and difficulty in connection with the world, resulting in socially unacceptable control, guilt by hostility in sexuality,
poor interpersonal relat ionships. This indicator was corre- depression and withdrawal. Th is HFD indicator was associ-
lated with the decreased percentage of b lack color and the ated with increased colorless syndrome, possibly by the
‘starting order carpet’. The color black suggests lowering or increased percentage of gray color. This finding imp lies
absence of repression essential to man socially adapted[10]. possible shyness, caution and restraint in emotional contacts
The drawing of the ‘small figure’ in HFD was associated as a defense against fear or unsatisfied emotional needs, or
with lowering of the green color. This HFD indicator relates withdrawal defensive. Note the decreased percentage in the
to feelings of insecurity, withdrawal and inadequacy, in brown color, wh ich means lack of energy, lower resistance
some cases also to depression, wh ich indicates a difficulty and low productivity and increased ‘pure carpet’, imp lying
in adapting to the environ ment and may lead to effective lower emotional or intellectual develop ment, in addition to
stiffening and stereotypical attitudes. Thus, both indicators difficulty in adapting to everyday situations.
are associated with a feeling of inadequacy and insecurity. The ‘neck o mission’ indicates immaturity, impu lsiveness
The picture drawn in ‘s mall size’ was also associated and internal control; this indicator associated with increased
with the lowering of the cold syndrome and dynamism colorless syndrome, due to the increased percentage of
126 Claudio Garcia Capitão et al.: Evidence of Incremental Validity between Pfister Test and Human Figure Drawing
black. In Pfister, the aforementioned indicator suggests The indicators ‘shading the face and body’ correlated
fragile psychic equilibriu m, which corresponds to immatur- with increased format ion of mu lt i-color layer. The shading
ity, impulsiveness and poor internal control, it was also reflects feelings of anxiety and distorted self-image, wh ile
associated with increased alternate format ion, indicating the layer formation reveals unsatisfactory level of maturity
difficulty in adapting to the environment. in dealing with emotions and defensive maneuvers.
Table 3. Correlation of Human Figure Drawing Emotional Indicators with Percentage of Colors and Chromatic Syndrome of Pfister
Table 4. Correlation of Human Figure Drawing Emotional Indicators with Formal Aspect of Pfister Test
Formal Aspect
HFD indicators starting order starting order starting order starting order starting order starting
carpet carpet carpet carpet carpet order carpet
rs 0.19
shading the body
p 0.05
rs 0.19
shading the body
p 0.05
rs 0.24
Small or thin figure
p 0.01
rs -0.21 0.20
p 0.02 0.03
rs -0.21 0.20
Crossed eyes
p 0.02 0.03
rs -0.19
Arms close to body
p 0.04
rs 0.29
Big hands
p 0.00
rs 0.29
Nose omission
p 0.00
rs 0.18
Arms omission
p 0.05
rs 0.40
Neck omission
p 0.00
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[14] C. Chabert, Psicanálise e M étodos Projetivos, Vetor, São
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dence of valid ity and reliability, as well as studies on Pfister
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