Back To The Future - George Gipe

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t\ AI\1BLIN ISoundtrackonMCARecantsandCassettesl A UNIVERSAL Picture

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A .novel by. George Gipe
Based on a screenplay by
Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale


A Berkley Booklpublished by arrangement with

MCA Publisbing Rights, a Division of MCA, Inc.

Berkley edition/July 1985

Copyright C 1985 by MCA Pub1istJiua Rights,

a Division of MCA, lne.
All rights reserved.
'Ibis book may not be reproduced in whole or in part,
by mimeograph or any other means, without permission.
For information adckess: MCA Publishing Rights,
a Division of MCA, Inc.
100 Universal City Plaza,
Universal City, California 91608.

ISBN: 0-425-08205-9


Berkley Books are published by The Berldey Publishing Group,
200 Madison Avenue, New Yorlt, New York 10016.
The name "BERKLEY'' and the stylized "B" with design are
tradematb belonging to Berlcley Publishing Corporation.
Seven• 113
Eight• 131

Here, in the living room of a peaceful house in the suburbs,

a typical family sits quietly. Dad reads the evening paper,
unaware that disaster is about to strike. Mom cleans the
dinner dishes, oblivious to the fact that in a jew seconds
their world will be reduced to a whirlwind of splinters and
atomized debris. The children are in their rooms, doing
their lwmework, little knowing that only a few moments of
life are left to them, that they will never have to worry about
homework again. The mightiest force ever created by man
is about to be unleashed on them and there is nothing on
earth they can do about it , ..
Five, . .four . .. three, , . two ... one . ..
A second later, there was a flash of white and the un·
named family were enveloped in a surge of power that tore
their tiny frames to pieces, bending them curiously out of
shape before separating bodies from heads, arms from tor·
sos, legs from abdomens. The solid·looking bouse simply

.Z George Gipe
crumpled into thin shreds of pulp and instantly ignited into
a raveling. avalanche of flame. A wind-tunnel effect then ·
whisked the body parts and wreckage of furniture and plaster
into a horrible whirling mass that was sucked into the tor-
tured atmosphere. A long silent moment followed, the noise
of the blast diminishing to a soft echo evoking the end of
life on the planet. .
The class was not impressed by the violent display and
aftermath. At least there were no visible signs of amazement,
horror, or even acute involvement.
Nevertheless, the announcer-probably long since gone
to his own last resting place-continued his narration of
the film on atomic power, circa 1955.
You have just seen how this mighty force can utterly
destroy a society unprepared for its use. For this reason,
some have protested the utilization of any form of atomic
power. But it is too late to go back now. The potential for
.good of this force outweighs its potential for evil. A vital
source of energy that may someday replace that created by
coal or even conventional electrical power . ..
Most of the class listened to the illustrated lecture with
only one ear. It was late in the day, much too late to pay
close attention, and they had all seen the film before. Some
thought of other things: a few drew pictures on the covers
of their books in the semidarkness.
One student, the most daring and enterprising of the
class, listened to stereo rock music. His eyes were nearly
closed and his limbs had to struggle to remain still rather
than follow along with the beat, but he gladly accepted this
limitation as his lips quietly formed the words of the song. '
Got to have your love . ..
Scientists predict that by the year 2000, at least half the
homes in America will be run by atomic power . ..
Got to have you in my arms ... Need to hold you ...
There'll be atomic cars with an engine the size of an
Back To The Future 3
acorn. Ships with nuclear dynamos will be able to travel
without refueling for indefinite periods, perhaps as long as
a year. Finally, the idea that giant rocket ships powered by
atomic fuel, going to the moon and even farther, will become
a reality rather than science fiction.
Give me one more chance ... Won't you please get up
and dance?
This is our opportunity. The chance of a lifetime ...
Give me one more chance ...
Let us not fail ...
Let's have one more dance ...
The closing music of the film ended, followed by popping
noises from the projector and then a soft solo baritone voice.
"Let's have one more dance ... "
Twenty heads swiveled in the direction of the singer.
Unfortunately, one of them was that of Mr. Arky, the social
studies teacher. His sense of direction told him immediately
that the singer was Marty McFly, but his decided myopia
veiled certain specifics. For one thing, he didn't see Marty
deftly remove the headphones from his ears and return them
to the hollow book, which also contained a tiny but powerful
Walkman cassette player. Nor did Mr. Arky see the sly smile
Marty exchanged with Jennifer Parker, the attractive 17-
year-old who sat next to him.
"What was that, McFly?" Mr. Arky challenged.
"Nothing, sir. I was just saying I hope we all have one
more dance."
For a long moment, Mr. Arky surveyed the young man,
scanning his features for signs of arrogance or rebellion that
he could convert to a reason for punishment. Singing in
class was technically suffiCient, but even Mr. Arky felt that
a single line could be excused./fthat had been all. He fixed
young McFly with his most intimidating gaze, hoping to
panic him into either a confession or further punishable
4 George Gipe
arrogance. Instead, the infuriatingly good-looking face
framed by medium-length brown hair simply stared back.
After a moment of indecision, Mr. Arky backed away from
the confrontation as gracefully as he could.
"Now, as you all saw in that film," he intoned, "the
attitudes about nuclear energy were quite a bit different in
those days ... You also-"
He was interrupted by the heavy rustling sound that al-
ways preceded an announcement over the school's anti-
quated public address system.
"Marty McFly, please come to the office,'' the PA voice
~ mumbled, barely above the threshold of intelligibility. "You
have an emergency telephone call. Marty McFly."
"Must be my agent," Marty murmured to Jennifer and
the others within earshot.
He was wise enough to remain in his seat until a reluctant
motion of Mr. Arky's hand released him. Then, gathering
up his books, he walked quickly out of the room.
In the nearly deserted hallway between classes, his mood
vacillated from the joy of being dismissed early from Arky's
postfilm debriefing and concern that there really was an
"emergency." What could it be? An accident or death in the
family? At 17, his life so far had been serene; he therefore
had no premonition of disaster. In addition, being a genial
and optimistic person, he was not disposed to consider life
darkly. Then, nearing the office, his mind clutched at the
worst possible calamity this particular day could offer-
cancellation of his band's audition!
"No,'' he said aloud. "Don't let it be that!"
Suddenly he found that his steps had taken on a new
urgency, that he was nearly running.
The band was everything. At least for the moment it was
his chance to be somebody different from everyone else. It
was his opportunity to excell, impress, win friends and
influence people. He knew he had talent, that the pogsibility
Back To The Future 5
existed of his becoming a rock star. Yet there was something
deeper than that, a feeling of freedom when he was jamming
with the group. At those times when they were really go-
ing well, he experienced the excitement of doing some-
thing new,· of courting disaster and somehow coming away
not only unscathed but also glorified. It was an out-of-body
experience, bringing with it a sense of weightlessness, a
feeling that no world existed outside the sphere reached by
his music.
Jennifer was terrific, of course. He was quite taken by
her, even felt that he "loved" her in the most adult sense.
She was beautiful and fun to be around and she loved his
music. Yet somehow she was not quite as important to Marty
as the musical experience. Perhaps in time she would grow
to be vastly more valuable to him, but for the moment
Jennifer was of this world and his music was of the next.
The school office was quiet, populated only by the usual
mousy staff and one student who sat hunched in a comer
of the waiting room. Nevertheless, the secretaries went about
their business very slowly and deliberately for more than a
minute before one of them looked up enough for Marty to
get her attention.
''Emergency call for me," he said.
The chubby woman in her fifties, whose name he had
never learned, motioned for Marty to come into the office
area and use the phone on her desk. Then with studied
politeness she moved to a faraway desk so that he could
speak and listen with greater privacy.
Such was not the case with Gerald Strickland, the school
disciplinarian who took his job as seriously as any prison
warden. Five minutes ago, he had taken the so-called "emer-
gency'' call himself. Phony, he had thought at the time. The
breathlessness and urgency were there in the man's voice
on the other end of the line but there was something that
struck him as decidedly fake. Strickland considered himself
6 George Glpe
a student of human nature, a master of detecting the deceitful
maneuver. Though over sixty and nearing the end of his
long career in education, he relished each day's mental
combat with the selfish young men and women who re-
garded him as nothing but an evil obstacle to their willful-
ness. Strickland knew they laughed at him behind his back,
chuckled at his wearing a bow tie every day, and considered
him a tyrant. But, by God, they didn't laugh when he was
looking at them. No smart remarks emanated from their lips
when he interrogated them. They knew he had the power
to make their lives temporarily miserable and they respected
him for this.
Now, timing his motions with Marty McFly, whom he
could see across the room through his half-open door, Strick-
land picked up the receiver of his telephone at the same
time as the young man.
"Hello," he heard Marty say a bit nervously.
"Marty, it's me," the other voice said.
Strickland experienced a momentary pang of doubt. Doc?
Was it possible the caller was actually a physician about to
infonn McFly of some genuine emergency? If such was the
c~, he would not only be deprived of the opportunity to
confront and punish the young man; it would be a severe
setback to his own confidence in his ability to combat de-
ceitfulness. The pulse of anxiety passed as quickly as it
came, however, the relaxation caused by the casualness in
McFly's tone. How many teenagers call bona fide adult
physicians "Doc"? No, it was too familiar. Doc, whoever
he was, was a personal friend. Strickland, the moral blood-
hound, was on the right track after all.
"I told you never to call me here," Marty continued. "I'm
in school."
"I know," the man called Doc replied. "I had to get in
touch with you."
Back To The Future 7
"Why? What's so important?"
"You'll see. Listen, can you meet me at Peabody's Fann
around 1: 15?"
"Peabody's Fann? Wbere's that?"
"I'm sorry," Doc amended. "I mean Twin Pines Mall. I
still think of it as Peabody's Fann, but I guess that was
before your time."
Marty looked up at the large clock on the wall.
"But it's after 1:15 already," he replied.
"I mean 1:15 in the morning."
''Tomorrow morning? About ten hours from now?"
Gerald Strickland smiled. Whatever the "emergency," it
was obviously somethirig that could have waited until the
young man was out of class, school, and had arrived home.
He had seen through the sham after all and he experienced
a surge of pride in his continuing ability to outwit those
nearly fifty years younger.
"Let me get this straight," Marty said into the phone.
"You want me to meet you at Twin Pines Mall at 1:15
tomorrow morning?''
"Right. I've made a major breakthrough and I'll need
your assistance.''
''Can't you tell me now?'' Marty asked.
Gerald Strickland found himself nodding in response.
Yes, he thought, do explain more. Whatever it was sounded
defmitely shady and perhaps illegal. Most students are 119-
toriously lazy, not at all likely to be aw~e at such an early
hour. What could they be engaged in? He licked his lips,
fascinated at the possibilities in this telephone call. It had
made his otherwise dreary day.
But the one known as Doc was obviously a cagey cus-
Refusing to yield more information, either to McFly or
Strickland, he said simply: "Look, I'll give you all the
8 George Gipe
details at the appropriate time."
"O.K./' Marty replied.
"Ob, and Marty," Doc continued. "GOQd luck on your
gig this afternoon."
"How did you know about that?'' Marty asked.
But there was only a click and silence at the end of the
Gig, Strickland repeated inwardly. He bad beard the word
used before, of course. It usually referred to something
musical, but be bad beard it used less definitely. Perhaps
whatever Marty McFly was involved in was shady enough
to be mentioned elliptically. But no matter. The gig, innocent
or ev11, would not be attended by McFly this afternoon.
With that~ Gerald Strickland placed his receiver down
and started out of the office. He reached Marty just as be
was about to push through the swinging door separating the
inner office from the waiting area.
"Just a minute," Strickland said.
Marty stopped, looked at the older man with a blank
"Are you finished with your emergency call?'' Strickland
asked, a slight smile playing at the ends of his thin lips.
••And is everyone in your family well?''
Marty nodded.
•-nen may I ask what the emergency was?''
"It's too complicated to explain," Marty began, trying to
dredge up some confidence.
••1 have time," Strickland replied curtly.
Marty swallowed and then plunged ahead. 'There's an
aunt in Wisconsin," be said. "And an uncle. They're both
crippled. They were in a car accident about ten years. Any-
way, she's going into the hospital tomorrow for anotbe~:
operation and they asked me-"
"Bull droppings," Strickland interrupted.
Back To The Future 9
"I said, bull droppings. There's no crippled aunt and
uncle in Wisconsin. That was a personal call, McFly. You
know students are to use the school phone only for emer-
"Well, this was an emergency," Marty shrugged. "Sort
"I don't think so, McFly."
"Well, maybe not to me, but it was an emergency to the
person who called me." ,
"It's all the same. It's study hall for you."
"But why?" Marty challenged. "How can I help it if
somebody says it's an emergency and it's not? Maybe you
should send them to study hall. Anyway, how do you know
it wasn't an emergency?''
"Because I was on the extension in my office and heard
the entire conversation."
Marty felt his ears starting to bum. "But that's wire-
tapping," he said angrily. ''1bat's against the law."
"For your information, McFly," Strickland returned. "It's
not wiretapping. It's eavesdropping. But it wouldn't matter.
You're in school, and here I'm the law. Whoever called you
with a nonemergency call did you a great disservice. When
you've come out of study hall, you can tell Doc he's no
friend." .
Marty stared. Inspired by the confrontation, Strickland
had a sudden flash of intuition.
''1bat wouldn't be Doc Brown, would it?" he asked.
McFly's silence told him he had successfully identified
the caller-Doc Brown, the town eccentric, a man who in
Strickland's estimation was simply no good, a child who
never grew up.
"Let me give you a nickel's worth of free advice," he
said. ''1bat Doc Brown is trouble. A real nut case. Perhaps
even dangerous!'
10 George Glpe
"To you, maybe," Marty replied loyally. "I don't see it
· that way."
"Then you're not only dim-witted, McFly. You've got a
severe attitude problem. You're a slacker. You've got ap-
titude but you don't apply yourself." Realizing that he hadn't
quite gotten to the young man, Strickland then applied the
crusher. "As a matter of fact," he rasped, "in a lot of ways
you remind me of your father. He was a slacker, too."
Marty blanched, for Strickland bad struck the one nerve
he was unable to protect. He simply did not enjoy being
compared to his father, especially when the person doing
so put them in the same category. If Strickland had been a
contemporary, Marty would have thrown back an angry
retort. That, of course, was impossible under the present
circumstances, so he merely looked away.
"Excuse me," he said. "I'm late for class."
He started to take a step toward the door, but Strickland's
hand shot out quickly.
"I didn't excuse you, McFly," he said sharply, grabbing
Marty's elbow.
The sudden motion caused Marty to lose control of his
books, two of which started to slide down his leg. Raising
his knee, Marty succeeded only in knocking the others loose.
A split second later, everything hit the floor, including the
hollowed-out book containing his Walkman stereo. As luck
would have it, the illicit unit slid tantalizingly across the
waxed tile in slow motion, coming to rest in the far comer
of the waiting area.
Strickland regarded it with narrowed eyes. Too late, Marty
started gathering up his books, quickly placing his body
between Strickland and the Walkman.
"You know the rules," the older man smiled. "No radios
in school. That means detention for one week."
Marty gulped. He started to protest, then accepted the
inevitable. "Yessir," he muttered.
Back To The Future 11
"Starting today," Strickland continued.
''Today?" Marty gasped. "But I can't! Me and my band
have an audition for the YMCA dance, Mr. Strickland. I
have to be there at four o'clock."
One might as well have tried begging a shark to seek
food elsewhere. Through rheumy eyes spiked with mali-
cious glee, Strickland stared unflinchingly at his victim.
Then, with a curt wave of his hand, he began to turn away.
"An audition, huh?" he said. "Well, McFly, it looks like
you just blew it."

The clock read 3:42.

Marty was beginning to wonder if he had somehow of-
fended a local deity governing the fates of Hill Valley high
school students. It was all too pat to be impersonal-the
calculated eavesdropping of Mr. Strickland, bad luck in
dropping the Walkman stereo, and now this. After careful
consideration, .he had decided to skip detention, pleading
tomorrow that there had been a misunderstanding as to when
the week's punishment was to begin. That, however, was
before he peeked into the classroom to see what teacher had
charge of the detention session.
It was none other than Mr. Strickland himself.
"Damn!" Marty hissed.
There was no way of convincing him that a misunder-
standing existed. He didn't even have time to debate the
pros and cons of simply splitting and taking the conse-
quences. No sooner had he spotted Strickland than the pierc-
ing eyes honed in on him like enemy radar.
"Come in, McFly," Strickland ordered.
Head down, Marty walked into the room. It was a typical
classroom in the school which had been built at the end of
the Great Depression. Green blackboards had replaced the
old black types and the wall!!, desks and ceiling had been
repainted. A new sprinkler system had been added, too, but
12 George Gipe
the place still bad a dreariness that Marty found almost
ten:ninally depressing. The expressions on. the faces of the
ten other students enduring punishment indicated that they -
regarded the place. with equal misery. All stared glumly
ahead or down at the desk top in front of them. One of the
victims, a thin-faced kid named Weeze, had a skateboard
tucked beneath his books, almost as if he expected Mr.
Strickland to confiscate or destroy it.
His fear, if he harbored- it, was not mere fancy. At the
front of the room stood Strickland, ten Walkman units lined
neatly on the desk next to him. Those who had been through
it before knew what was about to happen next, a fact which
did not make it much easier.
"Now ... " Strickland smiled sadistically, "we are going
to see how we deal with those who violate our 'no Walkman'
Gently, almost reverentially, he lifted one of the units
and placed it in _the jaws of a woodworking vise mounted
on the corDer of the desk. He then began tightening the jaws
until the set broke in half, the sound approximating that of
bones breaking. As bits of plastic and mangled parts trickled
to the floor, one student winced as if the pain were being
inflicted on his own body. Strickland, well aware of which
unit belonged to each student, smiled wickedly at the hor-
rified young man.
"Now then, Stevenson," he said. "You may come up
here and claim your stereo."
Stevenson got up and knelt down to pick up the shattered
remains of his set.
With gleeful deliberation, Strickland continued the
crunching orgy. Marty's set was fourth in line for execution
but he _was more concerned about the passing time than the
fate of his Walkman. He could still make it to the audition
if Strickland released them early.
Back To The Future 1S
Fat chance, he thought. Then, after a moment of black
despair, he forced his mind to think. There must be a way
out, a scheme clever enough to create panic or some legit-
imate emergency. His eyes scanned the room. Only a sprin-
kler system offered possibilities, but he couldn't formulate
a workable plan of attack. ·
''This is yours, isn't it, McFly?'' Strickland interrupted
Marty's thoughts. "Number three?"
"Four," Marty said evenly. He was determined not to let
the creep see how much he hated to lose his Walkman.
With a brisk smile, Strickland dispatched the next set
and then reached for Marty's stereo with something like
renewed passion. The jaws of the vise pressed in, causing
a low scraping sound, almost as if the set were crying out
in pain. Then, with a particularly loud snap, the Walkman's
splintered remains shot out of the vise in all directions.
Momentary panic crossed Strickland's features as shards of
plastic flew past his eyes and head.
"It's all yours, McFly," Strickland said, quickly regaining
his composure.
Marty got up to collect the broken pieces of his set. As
he did so, the hint of a smile played around.his lips, for he
had conceived a daring plan that was at least worth a shot.
He switched the shattered bits of plastic to one hand, then
made a detour on the way back to his seat. Passing by the
Carousel slide projector on a side table, he paused long
enough to reach out and surreptitiously slide the lens into
his pocket. Busily involved in the execution of the next
Walkman, Strickland did not notice Marty's quick move-
Returning to his seat, Marty reached into the pencil pouch
of his loose-leaf binder, withdrawing a rubber band. and
book ·of matches .. He then reached into his pocket, un-
wrapped a stick of gum and began to chew. His chewing,
14 George Gipe
.however, was not that of a person seeking pleasure; rather,
it resembled a chore that had to be accomplished as quickly
as possible.
A minute later, taking the gum from his mouth, he opened
~ the matchbook cover and spread the soft sticky gum on the
back side like a-tiny. pancake. Next he "loaded" the cover
into the rubber band and waited. He had always been a deft
shot with rubber band-launched objects but never had so
much depended on his accuracy as the shot he planned now.
Above .him, perhaps a dozen feet away, was. the smoke
detector connected with the sprinkling system. It was small,
hardly an inviting target, but Marty knew he had to try. If
he was successful, phase one of his two-part plan would be
accomplished. If he missed ... well, at least he had made
an effort. If Strickland saw him, he could probably expect
to remain in detention until well past Easter vacation.
The heck with it, he thought. I've gotta gamble.
He waited patiently until Strickland put the screws to the
tenth and final Walkman. Just as it shattered, Marty aimed
at the valve, pulled the rubber band back as far as it would
go, and let fly.
Like a rocket, the matchbook raced up to the ceiling and
hung there, the gum making a tenuous connection.
A miracle, Marty thought.
Phase Two was rather less dramatic but nevertheless con-
tained a great potential for being caught. Withdrawing the
Carousel projector lens from his pocket, Marty adjusted it
so that the bright slanting rays of the afternoon sun struck
it and were refracted onto the matchbook stuck to the ceiling.
Glancing upward even as he pretended to study from the
book on his desk, he was amazed at bow well the plan had
worked so far. A sharp pin pnck of white was focused on
the matchbook. If only the sun would hurry up and do its
The clock now read 3:52. He would be late for the au-
Back To The Future l5
dition but by only a few minutes. His hand was getting
tired, holding the lens in an unmoving position, but he dared
not rest even a second. Did he see a wisp of smoke? He
squinted, decided it was his imagination.
Then he saw something that definitely was not imaginary.
Getting up, Mr. Strickland strode to the back of the room
and began pulling down the blinds.
"No!" Marty nearly shouted.
He twisted his head almost completely around, noting
that the three rear rows of the room were now in semi-
darkness as a result of Strickland's action. As he watched,
the next three rows fell beneath the dark cloud.
But now there was definitely a wisp of smoke slinking
downward from the matchbook.
"Come on, come on," Marty whispered. "Burn, you
sucker, burn."
A couple boys near him had already discovered what was
going on. They watched in awe and amusement as the smoke
grew more violent, a half circle of red crawling up the edge
of the matchbook cover toward the double row of matches.
With a snap, Strickland released the next-to-last set of
"Poof!" .,, ·..
Just as the last strip of bright sunlight disappeared from
the classroom, a mini-explosion of flame from the match-
book started a chain reaction. Smoke curling around the
ceiling detector immediately triggered the sirens and sprin-
kler system. Panic, or something very close to it, followed.
"Fire!" somebody yelled.
"Let's get outa here!"
"Stop! Wait!" Mr. Strickland's voice shouted above the
din. "We must file out in an orderly fashion!"
He raced toward the front of the classroom as fast as he
could, arms raised above his head. But heavier shoulders
and faster, more muscular bodies rushed past, sending him
16 George Gipe
spinning sideways against the wall.
"Wait!"· he shouted again, just as a sprinkler valve went
into action ·directly above· his head, dousing him with cold
water. The rest of his words were indistinguishable.
Marty, more prepared for the confusion than anyone else,
was halfway down the hall by that time. As soon as the
alarm sounded and the rain began to fall, he leaped to his
feet and grabbed the skateboard belonging to Weem.
"Let me borrow this," he shouted back over his shoulder
at the bewildered student. "I'll bring it back tomorrow."
Less than a minute later, he was skateboarding down the
front steps of the high school, gliding in a wide arc onto
the main drag of wide sidewalk bounding. Town Square.
Glancing nervously to his right, he passed the Hill Valley
Bank's time and temperature board just as it changed from
3:57 to 3:58. A man making a transaction at the Versateller
leaped to avoid the oncoming figure, tripping himself and
falling backwards in the process. Then it was Marty's turn
to gasp, a car bearing down on him so rapidly he had to
pirouette like a ballerina to maintain his balance. For a half
block after that, he raced out of control, his arms flailing
and body tipping to 45-degree angles until he slowly man-
aged to right himself.
Just ahead, the YMCA building beckoned. Leaning for-
ward to gain even more speed, Marty pivoted at the steps,
grabbed the skateboard and ran into the building.
His group, known as the Pinheads, was already set up.
Nearby, Jennifer also waited, nervously checking her watch.
As he raced onto the stage, she let out a noisy sigh of relief
and Marty winked at her.
A fat man, also glancing meaningfully at his watch,
stared intently at Marty.
"Are you ready?" he asked coldly.
Marty nodded. His guitar, amp and microphone were al-
ready set up for him. Sitting quickly, Marty took a deep
Back To The Future t7
breath and tuned up in the shortest amount of time possible.
Then, grasping the microphone, he looked toward the dance
committee and spoke with a voice that rang with confidence.
"All right," he said. "We're the Pinheads, and we're
gonna rock 'n' roll!"
The band kicked into a hot number, Marty's fingers danc-
ing across the strings and frets in a complicated lead line.
Keyboard, bass and drums followed, embellished his the-
matic figures, hit the rhythm harder, preparing for the tran-
sition into Marty's first variation.
"Fine," a metallic voice called out. "That's enough. Thank
Marty could hardly believe his ears. In fact, he continued
to play even as the rest of the Pinhead sound dribbled off
into confused silence.
"Thank you," the fat man repeated. "May we hear the
next group, please?"
Marty came down off the stage in a daze. Had he gone
through an afternoon of hell for this?
"What happened?" he asked Jennifer.
"I don't know," she muttered. "You sounded great. Maybe
they're looking for something else. Something more like
Lawrence Welk."
· Ten minutes later, as they walked home, he was still in
a state of shock. Jennifer put her hand on his arm. "Marty, ••.
she said comfortingly. "One rejection isn't the end of the
world. You're good and you'll succeed one day."
"I don't know," he murmured. "Maybe I'm just not cut
out for music."
"Sure you are," she persisted. "You're really good and
so are the rest of the guys. The audition tape you made is
really great."
She handed him the cassette he had lent her a few days
before. "Promise me you'll send it to the record company
before you decide to quit."
18 George Gipe
"But what if they bate it?" Marty sighed. "What if they
say, 'Get outa here, kid, you got no future'? Why should I
put myself through all that anxiety?" -
Jennifer didn't answer.
"Jeez,'' Marty said finally. "I'm starting to sound like
my old man now."
Jennifer looked at him quizzically.
"He's kind of a pushover," Marty explained. "No guts.
Poople are always using him."
"Well, they say all our emotional anxieties come directly
from our parents," she smiled. The words coming out of
her mouth sounded a bit strange even to her. Where had
she heard the phrase? Sociology class? People magazine?
She wasn't sure, but it sounded plausible.
"In that case; you can kiss me off right now;• Marty
"I'll just kiss you instead," she said, reaching up to peck
his cheek.
They walked hand-in-band for a while. "Is your father
really that bad'r' Jennifer asked finally.
Marty shrugged. "I think deep down inside he means
well," he said. "But the man just can't get it together."
1bey bad reached Town Square, and the presence of the
big Toyota dealership, with its gleaming recessed windows
and spotless sho~m, made Jennifer think of _happier
things. "Well, at least your dad's letting you borrow the car
tomorrow night," she smiled. ''That's a major step in the
ditection of getting it together."
Marty nodded.
They stopped at the edge of the glass and looked in-
side at the salesmen circling potential customers like lions
readying their attack on smaller beasts. "How come there
are no used car saleswomen?" Marty asked. "I've never
seen a woman selling cars, have you?"
Back To The Future 19
Jennifer shook her head. "Maybe women can't lie as well
as men," she offered.
Marty laughed, turned his gaze to a tricked-out four-by-
four pickup truck in the showroom.
"Hey, check out that four-by-four," he said. "Wouldn't
it be great to take that up to the lake tomorrow night? We
could put our sleeping bags in the back ... make out under
the stars."
"Mmmm," Jennifer replied.
"Someday, Jennifer, someday," Marty said.
Looking at her smooth profile and even white teeth was
starting to make him feel better. Perhaps music wasn't
everything after all.
"What about your mother?" Jennifer asked as they turned
away from the window and continued walking. "Does she
know you and I are-"
"Are you kidding? She. thinks I'm going camping with
the guys."
"Would she mind if she knew the truth?"
"Yeah," Marty replied. "If she found out I was going
. camping with you, she'd freak."
"I'm that bad, huh?"
••It's not you. It's a moral thing. She'd give me the stan-
dard lecture about how she never behaved that way when
she was in high school. She must have been a real goody-
two-shoes, I'll bet."
"Most people then were, weren't they? I mean, that was
way back in the 1950s, before the pill or rock 'n' roll or a
lot of things that were really good."
Marty nodded. "Yeah, I guess it wasn't easy, growing
up in those primitive days."
They were opposite the former Courthouse Building of
Town Square, which had seen better days; The 1950s, in
fact, had been the heyday of this p8.rt of town. Then people
10 George Gipe
gathered at Town Square to socialize, do business, simply
·pass the time of day or evening. There had been a Texaco
station here then, a soda shop, florist, the Essex movie
house, a record store, a realtor's office, women's dress shop,
Studebaker dealer, barber's, an Ask Mr. Foster travel agency,
stationery store, Western Auto appliance center and nu·
merous other small businesses. Now nearly all were gone,
victims of progress and lack of adequate parking. Many of
the building facades were boarded up, covered with peeling
notiees and signs. One set of election posters read: RE-ELECT
The picture beneath the inspiring words showed the face of
a black man, about fifty years old with a gold front tooth.
''This was where Mom used to hang out," Marty said.
''There used to be a soda shop here."
< "I guess you couldn't gel in trouble there," Jennifer smiled.
"Anyway, maybe she's just trying to keep you respectable."
"She's not doing a very good job, is she?'' Marty laughed,
sliding his arm behind her back.
"Thnible ... "
"Wonderful ... "
They were standing with their hips touching, about to
kiss ...
"Save the clock tower!" a grating voice suddenly ordered,
causing them to jerk apart.
Simultaneously, a donation can was placed between the
two teenagers. It rattled hollowly, as if there were only two
or three lonely coins inside.
"Save the clock tower!" the voice repeated.
Jennifer and Marty turned to look at the person who had
intenupted them. She was a middle.aged church-type woman
with prematurely blue hair. Her upper lip, Marty noted with
just a touch of revulsion, was covered with nearly enough
fine hair to provide an aspiring young man with a decent
. mustache. Under her arm were dozens of printed flyers.
Back To The Future 11
"Please make a donation to save the clock tower," the
woman said, rattling the can again.
"Lady, can't you see I'm busy here?'' Marty asked. Or-
dinarily, he would have been pleasant t9 the interloper, but
the events of the day had worn his nerves to a frazzle.
The woman was not put off by his lack of interest, how-
ever. Stepping between the two youngsters, she addressed
them with swiveling head ..
"Mayor Wilson is sponsoring an initiative to save or
repair that clock," she intoned, pointing to the stopped clock
mounted high on the old courthouse tower. "We at the Hill
Valley Preservation Society think it should .be preserved
exactly the way it is, as part of our history and heritage.
Thirty years ago, lightning struck that clock tower and the
clock hasn't run since. We at the Society feel it's a landmark
of scientific importance, attesting to the power of the Al-
Marty took a deep breath, preparatory to interrupting her
spiel, but apparently that was it. They had heard the com-
plete speech.
"All right, lady," Marty said, relieved that they didn't
have to listen to even more. "Here's all I have at the moment.
A quarter. Is that O.K.?"
''We're delighted with anything," the woman smiled, re-
vealing badly stained dentures. "A good cause can get by
with nickels and dimes because it has the backing of the
people. A bad cause, even if funded by millions from evil
sources, is nevertheless bound to fail."
Marty nodded, started to leave with Jennifer.
"Don't forget to take a flyer," the woman urged. "It tells
the whole story of the clock tower."
Marty took the flyer from her hand.
"And here's something for your friend," the woman con-
tinued, thrusting yet another flyer at him.
Something nearly ~pped in Marty then. For a long
11 George Gipe
moment, he considered not only taking the proffered flyer
but as many as he could carry, telling the woman he would
distribute them at school. Then he would look for the nearest
trash can and dump them. At the last moment, fortunately,
he realized that the woman, though irritating, really meant
no harm.
"Thanks," Marty said, taking the flyer and handing it to
With a curt smile, be grabbed his girlfriend's arm and
guided her away from the crusader as fast as be could move
without breaking into a run. A few moments later, they were
safely around the comer.
"Now ... where were we?'' he said.
Jennifer snuggled closer to him, looked both ways and
then turned her face upward toward his.
"Right about here ... " she murmured.
They moved closer. Marty could smell her skin, feel her
breath against his chin. Slowly he put his hand on her neck,
just below the ear and bent to kiss her ...
A car hom shattered the magic moment. Jennifer looked
away from him and Marty saw annoyance in her eyes.
''That's my dad," she said.
"How did he fiild you here?'' Marty asked.
"Just luck."
''The kind of luck I've been having all day."
"Nothing lasts forever, not even bad luck."
The hom honked again.
"I'll call you tonight," Marty promised.
"I'll be at my grandma's," she said.
"What's the number?"
Marty repeated the number, got two numbers transposed.
"You should have saved one of those flyers," Jennifer
said. Then, looking at her band, she saw that it still clutched
one of the propaganda pieces. Waving to her father to wait,
Back To The Future 13
she took out a pen and wrote something on the back of the
paper anc:l thrust it at Marty. Then she hopped in the car and
left. Marty waved and watched her until the car was out of
Only then did he look at the paper. On it was written the
telephone number and the simple phrase: "I love you."
Marty smiled.
Folding the paper, he put it in his pocket and skateboarded
down the street toward home.

"If only I don't die of a heart attack or a stroke first," Dr.

Emmett Brown muttered aloud.
He was close to seeing his dream become a reality. No
doubt about that. One by one the scientific and physical
obstacles had been eliminated. Was this to be "the day"'?
"Don't count on it," he replied to himself. There was no
use getting too high, he reasoned.
At sixty-five, he was one of the nation's most talented
and most unheralded inventors. In fact, no one except Marty
McFly even knew of his accomplishments, but that didn't
matter. Soon all that would change. His lifetime of struggle,
of being the recipient of ridicule, would suddenly tum golden.
He looked around his workshop, which was nothing more
than a garage filled with the detritus and equipment that had
been accumulated over a forty-year period. Some of that
gear included a jet engine, piles of circuit boards, enough
automobile parts to build at least two cars, a short-wave

16 George Gipe
radio, Seeburg jukebox, workbench with welding equip-
ment, the remnants of a robot, a working refrigerator, and
dozens of clocks. Clocks were Doc Brown's favorite col-
lector's item. He had everything from cuckoo clocks to
digital models-and every one was in dead sync with the
The presence of so many timepieces was not accidental.
Time was Doc Brown's latest, and perhaps final, dominating
interest. During the 1950s, he had tried to uncover the
secrets of the human mind via a variety of mind-reading
devices. None had worked. A half-decade earlier, he had
been smitten with the theory that all mammals spoke a
common language. Some other schemes included the notion
that gold could be mined by superheating the earth's surface,
that each person's age was predetermined and could be
revealed by studying the composition of their fmgernails,
and he published a paper which claimed that the sex of
babies could be predicted before they were conceived. The
fact that all of Doc Brown's work yielded nothing should
have discouraged him but did not. Through the '50s, '60s,
'70s, and into the '80s, he continued to experiment, earning
perennial scorn as the crazy scientist of Hill Valley.
Now, on October 25, 1985, he was ready for fulfillment.
He had worked out every element of his time-travel theory
until it was perfect. By the end of the century; scientists
and historians would be using his device to explore the future
and past, and through this exploration, work to improve the
present. His view of time as a dimension was summed up
in the simple explanation he once gave to the editor of the
Hill Valley newspaper. "I think of time as spherical and
unending," he said. "Like the skin of an orange~A change
in the texture at any point will be felt over the entire skin.
The future affects the past and present, just as the past and
present affect the future.''
Back To The Future 17
"But the past is over and done with," the editor replied.
"How can it be affected?"
"That's just my point," Doc Brown had retorted. "The
past isn't over and done with. It's still there. And once we
can find a way to penetrate it, we'll be able to change things
that may happen tomorrow."
The editor dido 't buy it but he printed the interview
anyway. Residents of Hill Valley either ignored the article
or complained that valuable space had been wasted printing
the ravings of a madman.
Such unfavorable publicity once hurt, but now that was
all behind him. "H all goes well ... " he murmured as he
began to prepare for the evening's work.
The sentence remained unfinished. Whistling softly, he
dressed slowly in a white radiation suit, slipped the hood
over his head to test its feel, then took it off, pressing· it
flat against his back. Checking his image in a mirror, he
ruffled his wild white hair even more, perhaps perversely
adding to his own reputation as a wild eccentric. He then
walked to the front of the garage, opened the rear doors of
the oversized step-van on the side of which was lettered DR.
peered inside.
It was, of course, still there. Even in the sparse light of
the garage, the sleek stainless steel DeLorean with its gull
wings shone back at him like a giant Christmas tree orna-
ment. How appropriate, he thought, that the vehicle which
would propel mankind into the past and future should be
such an extraordinarily beautiful piece of machinery. There
was no doubt in his mind as he closed the doors.
"It will work," he said softly. "And I'll be famous."
All that remained was the fmal countdown check of minor
items. Brown would handle that during the few hours before
Marty arrived at the Twin Pines Mall and then, together,
Z8 George Gipe
they would take a step as significant for mankind as the
moon landing of 1969.

It was getting daik when Marty turned the last curve in

front of his house, but he knew something was wrong long
before that. Flashing lights are seldom harbingers of joy,
except at Christmas, and that 119liday was two months away.
Through the trees blocking his home from view, he coukl
see the flashers blinking yellow. Not the police, he1bougbt.
That woukl be blue and red. Yellow was the usual color of
He was quite correct. Gliding onto the court, he could
make out the tow truck poised like a giant praying mantis
near the McFiy driveway. In its jaws was the 1979 Plymouth ·
Reliant, looking quite helpless with one set of wheels off
the ground. As be drew closer, Marty saw that its front end
was completely smashed, as if someone bad driven it into
a brick wall. Nearby stood Marty's father and BitT Tannen,
watching in silence a8 the truck driver unhitched the dam-
aged vehicle.
George McFiy was forty-seven but seemed much older
to Marty. An uninspired man who was generally afraid to
take even the tiniest daring step, not having changed his
haircut in over thirty years, be was dressed in an equally
boring suit be bad purchased four years before at Sears. The
man .standing next to him was a sharp contrast in both
sartorial color and demeanor. Just a year older than George
McFiy, BitT Tannen stood with his potbelly leaning un-
ashamedly over his trouser tops, an attitude that made his
loud plaid suit, pinky rings and gold chains seem even more
bizarre. Whereas George McFiy was reticent, Biffwas loud
and obnoxious, the type of person who talks loudly in movie
houses or yells epithets at players during sports events. He
was, in short, an intimidating lout, and no one was more
easily intimidated than his friend and associate George.
Back To The Future 19
Now, as' Marty approached on the skateboard, he heard
the familiar tone of disgust in Biff's voice as he addressed
his father.
"I can't believe you did this, McFly," Biff rasped. "I
can't believe you loaned me your car without telling me it
had a blind spot. I could have been killed."
Tell him good, Marty thought, tell him we'd all be better
off if Biff Tannen was in traction.
George McFly, of course, could not stand up to Biff's
assault. Instead he replied weakly: "Biff, I never noticed
any blind spot before."
"What, are you blind, McFly? It's there! How else can
you exphrin this?''
Tell him the driver was lousy, Marty thought. H only his
father would stand up to him once!
George McFly looked at the ground and made no direct
answer to the. irrational question. "Can I assume that your
insurance will pay for this?" he asked. It sounded more like
"My insurance?'' Biff returned hotly. "It's your car with
your blind spot. Your insurance should pay for it. I want
to know who's gonna pay for this."
He indicated his stained suit.
"I spilled beer all over it w~n that car hit me," Biff
continued. "Who's gonna pay the cleaning bill? Tell me,
that, McFly." ··
Marty couldn't stand it a minute longer. "Maybe the
judge who hears you were drinking while driving· will pay
for it," he interjected.
Biff's eyes narrowed. "Thll your kid to keep outa this,
McFly," he ordered.
George did not issue such an order but he might as well
have done so. Pulling out his wallet, he extracted a twenty-
dollar bill and handed it to Biff. "Will this cover it?" he
asked meekly.
30. George Gipe
Biff snatched the bill out of George's fingers and cast a
quick triumphant glare at Marty.
"It's a start," he said.
"It'll probably buy two of those suits," Marty shot back.
Biff flushed. "Shut tip," he said. . '
Then, turning back to his primary target, he said to Marty's
father: "Where- are your reports?"
George McFly paled even more than his usual off-white
fishy complexion. "Well, I haven't finished them yet," he
apologized. "I figured that since they weren't really due till
Monday ... "
Biff stepped forward and tapped George's forehead with
his fist, like someone rapping on a door. "Hello," he said.
"Is anybody home in there? Think, McFly, think! I've gotta
have time to get them retyped. HI turn in my reports in
your handwriting, I'll get fired."
Marty was furious with his father. Tell him to do the
reports himself, he thought.
Once again his father backed off. "O.K.," he said. "I'll
finish them tonight· and run them over fmt thing in the
tnorning, if that's all right."
"Not too early,'' Biff muttered. ''I sleep in on Saturdays."
Marty turned away. He honestly thought he was about
to throw up. Not only was Biff's treatment of his father
subhuman, but also he had just realized that, with the car
wrecked, his date with Jennifer was out the window. It had
been the worst of all possible days.
Biff Tannen wasn't through yet, however. As he turned
to leave, he looked down at the ground.
· "Oh, hey, McFly," he said matter-of-factly. "Your shoe's
"Huh?" George said, falling for it by glancing down at
his feet.
As he did so, Biff's hand flew up, hitting George in the
Back To The Future 3.1
chin. A grating guffaw split the air, Biff Tannen having
executed his idea of a terrific practical joke.
"Don't be so gullible, McFly!" he shouted. "Boy, you
haven't learned a thing in thirty years."
George, pleading guilty to the charge with his silence,
could only grin weakly.
Oblivious to the fact that Marty viewed him with disgust,
Biff pointed to his sparkling new Cadillac nearby and winked.
"Hiya, kid," he said, just as if there had been no bad words
between them. "How do you like my new paint job?"
Marty shrugged.
A moment later, Biff and his newly painted car were
heading down the road. George McFly started to walk into
the house. Marty stepped in front of him.
Raising his hands, George stepped away. "I know what
you're going to say, son, and you're right," he murmured.
"You're absolutely right. But he happens to be my super-
visor, and I'm afraid I'm just not very good at confronta-
"Confrontations," Marty shot back, "you don't even
practice self-defense."
George didn't answer.
"Dad, look at the car," Marty persisted. "Look what he
did to the car. He nearly totaled it. And then he concocted
some story about a blind spot. He blamed the wreck on you
and you didn't say a thing!"
"Well, you can't argue with a person like that," George
said feebly.
"Look at that car," Marty continued. "It's a mess. I was
counting on using it tomorrow night. Do you have any idea
how important this was to me, Dad? Do you have any idea
at all?"
Not knowing that Marty was planning to take Jennifer
away in the vehicle, it was not possible for George McFly
31 George Gipe
to understand how much the trip truly meant to Marty.
''I'm sorry, son," he muttered. "All I can say is I'm very
For Marty that wasn't enough and the infuriating events
of the day would not let him back off. "Dad, did it ever
occur to you to say 'no' to people when they start pushing
you around? Is that so hard?'' ·
"Son, I know it's hard for you to understand," George
said with maddening calmness, "but the fact is, t'm just not
a fighter."
"Try it once, Dad," Marty challenged. "Just one time,
say 'no.' N-0. 'No.' It won't hurt nearly as much as you
George shrugged.
I give up, Marty thought, I can't even get him to say
"no" to the idea of saying ''no."
George McFly turned away, finding it easier to look at
the damaged front of his car than at Marty's accusing and
disappointed eyes. He envied other men, macho types who
taught their boys how to fight, encouraged them to be com-·
bative, stand up for their rights. These men invariably pushed
their male offspring into organized sports, bragging when
their boys won a big g~, browbeating the lads when they
took the final strike of the game with their bats on their
shoulders. For his part, George McFly was secretly pleased
when his sons Marty and Dave declined to take part in
sports. At lea8t he was off the emotional hook.
During his frequent moods of quiet self-analysis, George
McFly managed to dissect his psyche, for he did worry
about his own lack of grit. He thought it all went back to
one occasion in grade school when he was accosted by the
class bully. The bully had just punched his friend Billy
St()Ckbausen and for a split second George was so angry he
literally saw the red that everyone talks and writes about.
Stepping up to the bully, he pulled his fist back-
Back To The Future 33
And couldn't strike. The bully merely smirked and walked
away. Since that moment thirty-five years ago, George had
wondered what might have happened if he had followed
through. His happiest fantasy was that his single punch
would have sent the bully into oblivion. But even if the
bully had hit back and he had learned the give-and-take of
combat, might not that have been better than the cowardly
limbo, never-take-a-chance attitude George had trapped
himself in all these years?
He sighed. Why bother to relive that moment ... Why
bother to try explaining to Marty or anyone else why he
was such a pushover? He could barely accept the most
favomble mtionalization himself.
Now, as if to underscore Marty's challenge of a moment
before, a voice called to him from the window of the house
next door. It was that of his neighbor Howard, a forty-year-
old, potbellied, generally unpleasant character who, like
Biff Tannen, spoke to George only when he needed some-
thing or wanted another person to bemte.
His voice was less tinged with scorn at the moment, no
doubt because he was looking for George's help.
''Hey, McFly!" he called down. "My kid~s selling Girl
Scout cookies. I told her you'd be good for a case."
"A case?" George replied:"What's a case?"
"What difference does it make?" Howard shot back bel-
ligerently. "Twelve. Twenty-four. Thirty-six. It's for a good
cause, ain't it? Or do you want me to tell the kid you're a
"It's just that-" George began, then hunched his shoul-
ders helplessly. "Never mind. Sure. Tell her I'm good for
a case, whatever it is."
Marty shook his head and went inside.
His sister, brother, and mother were already seated at the
dinner table; none of them looked up when Marty entered
and slumped into his. chair. For once, Marty was glad they
34 George Gipe
.were so wrapped up in their own lives that they didn't think
to ask how the musical audition had turned out. He didn't
feel like explaining why he had lost or seeing their expres-
sions of fake sympathy. ·
"Meat loaf again," he said flatly.
His criticism did not keep the jaws from working. Brother
Dave, twenty-two, sat opposite him, wearing a Burger King
uniform. lie kept one eye on the clock and the other on his
food, which he wolfed down in large sections, swallowing
noisily like a half-starved animal. On Marty's left sat Linda,
nineteen, who was cute in a kind of sleazy way, partly
because she invariably wore too much eye shadow. Marty
tried to remember when he had last seen her without either
pwple or green eyelids, and he finally gave up. On Marty's
right was dear old Mom, who was once very attractive and
bright. Now, at forty-seven, she was overweight, drank
more than was good for her and had more food on her plate
than anyone else. The fare, besides the inevitable meat loaf,
included Kraft macaroni and cheese, Birds Eye mixed veg-
gies, and French's instant mashed potatoes.
Dad, the last to be seated, turned the television to an old
Honeymooners rerun and put papers instead of food in front
of him. Marty noted angrily that he had already started doing
the "homework" BiffTannen had·so ungraciously assigned
For a few minutes, Marty and Dave amused themselves
and each other by reciting the Honeymooners' lines one beat
ahead of the TV actors, a routine that finally got Mom's
"All right," she said. ··we know you've seen it a hundred
times. But your father wants it on, O.K.? So let him enjoy
it in peace."
Marty and Dave shrugged.
Silence reigned for a minute until Mom fmally looked
Back To The Future 35
at Marty, smiled, and said: ..Well, Marty, how did the au-
dition tum out?"
Marty exhaled wearily.
"We lost," he said simply.
Everyone tried to think of something to say, or at least
everyone pretended to be thinking.
"It was probably fixed," Dave said at length, a superficial
statement which surprisingly cheered Marty. That, in fact,
was what he had been thinking since the sham contest was
"Could be," he shrugged.
''They probably knew going in who was gonna win,"
Dave nodded. ''The rest was just window-dressing."
"Sour grapes," Linda said softly, not looking up from
her dessert, which was Jell-0 Instant chocofate pudding with
a generic brand instant whipped topping.
"It's too bad," Mom sighed. "I think your group's very
good. I just don't see how any other band could have been
Dad looked up from his homework:. "Believe me, son,"
he dared to venture, "you're better off not having the ag-
gravation of dealing with that YMCA dance."·
"What aggravation?" Marty asked cOldly.
"Well, you'd have to worry about getting all your equip-
ment there-"
"We've done that lots of times already," Marty inter-
jected. "It's no problem."
"You'd have to make contingency plans in case some-
body got sick," his father continued.
"NObody's ever been sick."
"All the more reason for somebody to be now," he went
on. ''Then you'd have to make sure you got your money,
see that everybody got the right share, settling with the
musicians' union ... "
36 George Gipe
"Wow," Marty muttered. "You sure can find a lot of good
reasons to do nothing."
It didn't slow down his father even a half-beat.
"What if you were so good other people wanted to hire
you?" he continued. "Then you'd have to worry about
scheduling your job around school."
"You're right, Dad. Maybe I'd better just take to my bed
right away. The longer I stay alive, the more problems I'm
going to have."
"Believe me, son, you're better off without all those
headaches," his father concluded.
••He's right, Marty," Dave added sardonically, putting on
his father. "If there's one thing you don't need, it's head-
Marty finally stopped arguing, even though quitting made
him feel a little like his father.
Lorraine McFly turned her attention to Linda, who was
finishing her pudding'. "You didn't have to eat that, you
know," she said. "We've got cake."
Linda raised her eyebrows. "What cake?" she asked.
Lorraine pointed to the three-layer cake on the kitchen
counter. On the top was written WELCOME HOME UNCLE
JOEY. Above the letters was a tiny black bird flying out of
a barred window. It was' hardly subtle, but Uncle Joey's
situati< a wasn't a secret.
"It's looks like we'll have to eat this cake by ourselves
again," Lorraine smiled grimly. "Uncle Joey didn't get a
"Maybe we should just try putting a file in something,"
Dave suggested.
"It's a shame," Lorraine continued. "They practically
assured him he'd get out this time. Then there was that
shake-up in prison management. I guess that hurt him more
than anything. Everybody has his own axe to grind."
"It's probably just as well," Marty said. "If he came out,
Back To The Future 37
there'd be a lot of deCisions to make. He'd have to find a
job and fill out tax forms ... "
''True," Dave chimed in. "He'd have to worry about
getting from place to place, having enough change to make
phone calls ... It's probably better that he's gotta stay in the
Lorraine frowned, looked at both of them angrily. George
McFly did not look up from his homework.
"I wish you'd show a little more respect," Lorraine said.
"He's my brother, you know."
"Well, I think it's a major embarrassment, having an
uncle in prison," Linda murmured.
"We all make mistakes in life, children," Lorraine said
"Yeah, but Uncle Joey made them consecutively," Dave
smiled. "And while on parole. That's not only a mistake,
that's plain dumb."
Lorraine didn't answer. Instead she took another helping
of potatoes.
Looking once again at the clock, Dave wiped his mouth
and pushed his chair back. "Damn," he said. "I'm gonna
be late again."
"Please watch your language," his mother warned.
"Hell, yes," Dave said, getting up and starting for the
front door. A moment later, they heard his car start up and
roar off. Marty wished he owned his own car, even a heap
like Dave's. At least he would be independent; if something
went wrong with the car, he would have only himself to
"By the way," Lorraine said. ''That girl Jennifer called
... wants you to call her back."
Marty nodded.
"I think her last name was Parker."
"I know her last name, Mom."
"But it could have been another Jennifer, couldn't it?''
38 George Gipe
"Yes, but I don't know any other Jennifers right now."
"Sorry," his mother said, scooping up the remafus of her
potatoes with a crust of bread. "Anyway, I'm not sure I like
her. Any girl who calls up a boy is looking for trouble."
Marty and Linda exchanged a meaningful glance. Had
their mother lost her marbles?
"Oh, Mother," Linda muttered, ''there's nothing wrong
with calling a boy."
"Well, I think it's terrible," Lorrafue persisted. "Girls
chasing boys-whoever heard of such a thing? I never
chased a boy when I was your age. I never called a boy, or
asked a boy for a date or sat in a parked car with a boy ... "
What a·dull childhood, Marty thought.
"Because when you behave like that, boys won't respect
you, Linda. They'll think you're cheap."
Linda rolled her eyes. She'd heard it several hundred
times already, although it probably seemed like at least one
''Then how are you supposed to meet anybody?'' she
"It'll just happen," Lorrafue smiled. "Like the way I met
your father."
"But that was so stupid!" Linda whined. "Grandpa hit him
with a car."
"It was meant to be."
"Maybe you should hang around the emergency wards,"
Marty suggested.
"That wouldn't do any good," Lorraine said, unaware of
his sarcasm. "You see, you'll ·meet Mr. Wonderful in a
certain way that you can't make happen. And you won't be
able to avoid it either. It's just bound to happen, like the
sun's supposed to come up tomorrow morning."
All the metaphysics did not impress Linda. "I still don't
understand what Dad was doing in the middle of the street,"
she said.
Back To The Future 39
Dad, oblivious to the entire conversation, did not look
up from his work, so Mom raised her voice to get his
attention. "What was it, George?'' she asked. "What were
you doing there-bird-watching?"
George shook his head like a person coming out of a
coma. "Huh?" he muttered thickly. "Did you say something,
"Never mind."
"He was probably just a very incompetent hitchhiker,"
Marty offered. He really wasn't interested in hearing how
his parents had met.
Lorraine was interested in telling the story, however.
"Anyway," she went on, "Grandpa hit him with the car and
brought him into the house. He was completely uncon-
scions ... "
· "Like now," Marty interrupted.
Lorraine· shot a chiding· glance at him. "He seemed so
helpless ... like a little lost puppy. And my heart just went
out to him."
"Yeah, Mom," Linda smiled. "You've told us a million
times. It was 'Florence Nightingale to the rescue.'"
Lorraine leaned back in her chair, her eyes dreamy with
nostalgic though's and pictures. ''The very next weekend,"
· she continued, "we went on our ftrst date. The 'Enchantnient
Under the Sea' School Dance."
"Under the sea?'' Marty interrupted again. "You mean
everybody came dressed as a clam or an oyster?''
His mother ignored him.
"I'll never forget it," she said. "It was the night of that
terrible thunderstorm. Remember, George?"
"What's that, dear?" George McFly mumbled.
''The night of our ftrst date."
"Mmm. It was raining.''
"Worst thunderstorm before or since," Lorraine elabo;-
rated. "People still talk about it. Anyway, your father kissed
40 George Gipe
me for the first time on the·· dance floor ... and that was
when I realized I was going to spend the rest of my life
with him."
''That really must have been some thunderstorm," Marty
"I can't believe Dad actually got up enough nerve to kiss
you in public," Linda said.
Lorraine flushed. "Well," she said coyly. "I may have
encouraged him a little ... "
"I'll bet you had to practically jump on his bones," Marty
With that, be finished eating, declining a piece of the
convict's nonbomecoming cake, wiped his mouth and stood
Lorraine scarcely noticed, so lost was she in thought.
''Thinking back on it," she reminisced, "I did. I practically
had to-"
Not wishing to fall into contemporary "obscene talk," as
she called it, she let the rest of the sentence die in her throat.
It was an appropriate ending, anyway. Marty was halfway
out of the kitchen, Linda was looking out the window at
something happening next door and George was still lost in
his papers. Lorraine shrugged and reached for' the nearest
knife. If no one was going to have a piece of Uncle Joey's
cake, she would give it a try.
Smiling in anticipation, she carved herself a four~ inch·
wedge, shoved it onto her coffee saucer, and began to attack
it: As the creamy icing melted in her mouth, so evaporated
any feelings that the past thirty years had been anything but

Doc Brown eased the venerable step-van onto the Twin

Pines Mall parking lot shortly after midnight There were
more cars than he expected so he pulled to the far rim of
the asphalt area and waited.
"Must be a long movie," he said to himself.
Einstein, the large dog curled on the passenger seat,
hopped up as soon as the van stopped and poked his wet
nose against the window.
"No, Einstein," Doc Brown munnured. "Not yet. We
have a few minutes, so make yourself comfortable again."
Einstein yawned, curled his tongue back into his mouth
and tried to scratch beneath the collar he was wearing. The
battery-operated digital clock attached to it undulated in the
moonlight, changed from 00:07 to 00:08, then came to rest
as the dog either satisfied its itch or gave up trying to scratch
where he couldn't reach.
A few minutes later, several dozen people emerged at

41 George Glpe
once from the mall's interior and moved to their cars. A
series of starting engines, blinking ligh~ and squealing rub-
ber enlivened the vast treeless plain for a few minutes. Then
all was silence again. The faint smell of gasoline fumes
hung in the thick air as the tiny specks of light disappeared
into the early morning darkness. In comparative solitude
once again, Brown felt better. People made him feel vaguely
He was dreamily anticipating public reaction to his com-
ing experiment when he suddenly realized he had forgotten
one of the most important tools to be used.
"Damn," he muttered.
Fortunately, it was 1985 rather than the old days, when
he would have been forced to fmd a public telephone booth
somewhere in the mall. Reaching under the dashboard, he
pulled out his telephone and began to dial.

Marty Was not asleep, partly because he had every in-

tention of meeting Doc Brown, and partly because his mind
was ftlled with dark unsettling thoughts. As far as Jennifer
was concerned, of course, the damage had been done. He
had forgotten to call her. Looking at his watch, he decided
it was too late to give her a buzz, especially since he didn't
know if she was still at her grandmother's or had gone home.
Possibly this was a rationalization for his being too lazy. In
any event, he dropped his wrist down across his chest and
closed his eyes once again.
In the light from the single lamp, it was possible to see
that the room's occupant was heavily into rock music, cars
and sound reproduction. Covering the walls were posters
of rock stars and new cars, particularly Toyota four-by-
fours. A tape recorder, portable home synthesizer and siz-
able stack of lead sheets were packed in one corner while
a bass guitar and amp sprawled in another.
· Although he was weary from all the running around,
Back To The Future 43
Marty couldn't sleep. He continued to think of the shoddy
treatment he had gotten at the hands of the section committee
and began to wonder if he would ever get anywhere in the
recording business. After twenty minutes, he got up and
walked to the desk near his bed. He picked up the submis- .
sions form with R & G RECORDS on the letterhead, read
it over, and put it in the accompanying envelope along with
his demo cassette.
It's worth a try, he thought. Just send it.
And then another darker side of him hesitated. Send it
for what? Another rejection? Spend postage just he could
live with hope for another few weeks before his bubble burst
once more?
Shrugging, he dropped the cassette and letter into the
waste basket and fell back into bed. His mind, occupied
with depressing thoughts, eventually released him into a
deep sleep that ended shortly after midnight.
Beep. Beep-beep.
Marty shook his head and reached for the cordless tele-
phone next to his bed.
"You didn't fall asleep, did you?" Doc Brown asked on
the other end.
"Uh, no. Course not."
"You sound like you just woke up."
"I was thinking," Marty said. "What's up? I don't have
to leave for a while yet."
"Uh-huh," Brown replied. "I was just wondering. I forgot
my video camera. Could you stop by my place and pick it
up on your way to the mall?"
"No problem, Doc. Key still in the same place?"
"That's right. Under the potted plant.~'
''That's not a very good place," Marty said. "First spot
a bttrglar would look."
"I haven't been robbed yet. Anyway, the place looks so
44 George Glpe
junky. Nobody'd ever suspect there's a billion dollars' worth
of research in there."
..O.K., Doc. I'D see you in a half hour or so."
Marty hung up, put his shoes back on, grabbed his jacket,
the skateboard and his new Walkman, which he carried with
him wherever he went. Then, retracing his steps to the bed,
he shoved some extra pillows under the covers to make it
seem as if a body were lying there, sound asleep. Even as
be did it, he wondered why he bothered. This WllSn't, after
all, a prison. The guards didn't patrol every hour making a
head count. But somehow it just seemed the thing to do
when you were heading out of the house late at night.
Whistling softly, he closed the door quietly behind him
and tiptoed down the stairs.
Letting himself out the front door, Marty walked a half
block before putting down the skateboard and using it. He
had discovered once, to his chagrin, how much noise they
· could make on a quiet evening. On that occasion, about two
years ago, he had been sneaking out to meet the guys when
his mod1er heard the sound and came after him in the car.
'l"heie was no such repetition tonight. Safely out of ear-
shot, he whirred quickly along the back streets and· around
comers until.he approached the dilapidated garage that was
Doc Brown's place.
The key was in place. Marty grabbed it, ·let himself in
and flipped on the overhead light.
He was halfway to the workbench where Doc kept his
video equipment when a sudden cacophony caused him to
jump in spite of himself. Set precisely, every clock with a
way to announce the hour went off together-musical
chimes, cuckoo sounds, digital beeps. For ten seconds, Marty
stood still, listening until the last harbinger of the hour died
away. A smile spread across his face, for he never tired of
hearing this strange symphony arranged and orchestrated by
Back To The Future 45
the world's most fanatical timekeeper, Doc Brown.
"Must be one o'clock," Marty Said softly. As iqdeed it
Moving quickly to the workbench, he located the video
camera, put it in its carrying case, and skateboarded out of
Doc Brown's garage. Ten minutes la~r, he neared the two
pine trees in a row which marked the entrance to the mall.
As he turned the corner, he picked out the familiar step-van
and coasted toward it. The atmosphere, lit by sodium vapor
lamps shrouded in fme mist, was appropriately eerie for a
major scientific experiment.
"Doc," Marty said as he neared the truck.
There was no answer. Einstein, Doc's dog, peered out
the passenger side window at him, his large dark eyes friend-
ly but noninformative.
"Hiya, Einstein," Marty said anyway. "Where's the Doc?
Where's the Doc, boy?"
A few seconds later, he heard an engine roar to life and
rev quietly. It seemed to be coming from inside the van,
but it didn't sound like the truck engine. It was too far back,
for one thing, the sound emanating not from beneath the
hood but somewhere midway of the vehicle.
Marty started to walk toward the back of the van.
Just as he arrived at the rear bumper, he heard a sharp
grating sound, a slam, and saw the rear doors dramatically
fly open. The drop-down gate lowered into position and a
giant shining object swooped down onto the parking lot. It
was the stainless steel DeLorean, modified with coils and
some wicked-looking units on the rear engine.
Marty stared at it in amazement.
The DeLorean moved softly toward him and stopped.
The gull-wing driver's door was raised to reveal the smiling
face of Doc Brown.
Marty barely noticed his friend, however. He continued
to stare at the DeLorean, which was unlike anything he had
46 George Gipe
~ ever seen before. The front of the modernistic vehicle was
a smooth slope from windshield to fender-beautiful but
hardly startling. From the driver's compartment rearward,
however, the car had been modified so that it resembled
something you might see only in an atomic power plant. In
place of the rear seat and hatchback door was a huge nuclear
reactor, behind which jutted two large venting outlets, each
with eight openings. Surrounding the vent and reactor was
a six-inch coil which disappeared beneath the rear bumper
only to emerge later and wrap itself around the top. A
circular projection approximately eighteen inches in diam-
eter, which Marty learned later was radar, hung over the
passenger's compartment. Various heavy cables ran the length
of the car from engine to front wheels, adding to its arcane
Doc Brown allowed his prot6ge to stare at the strange
vehicle for a minute before speaking.
"Good evening, Marty," he said with smiling formality.
''Welcome to my latest experiment. This is the big one-
the one I've been working and waiting for all my life."
Marty was less interested in the experiment than the
Del...orean. Walking in a circle around it, he took in every
line and hidden seam. "It's a DeLorean," he said. "But what
did y~ do to it?"
"Just a few modifications," Doc Brown smiled.
As he spoke, Brown got out of the vehicle, revealing
himself in all his sci-fi splendor. He thought he. must re-
sembte Michael Rennie stepping onto Earth for the firSt time
in The Day the Earth Stood Still.
"What's with the Devo suit?" Marty asked.
No respect, Doc Brown thought. He had gone to so much
trouble preparing an appropriate outfit for the occasion and
'this youngman called it a Devo suit.
"Bear with me, Marty," he replied. "All of your questions
Back To The Future 47
will be answered in due time. Now if you'll roll the tape,
we'll proceed."
Marty took the video camera from its case, set it on the
tripod, and pointed it at Doc Brown. He raised his hand,
then dropped it as he pushed the ON switch.
Rather formally, like the narrator of a documentary film,
Brown began to speak. "Good evening," he intoned. "I'm
Dr. Emmett Brown. I'm standing here on the parking lot at
Twin Pines Mall. It's Saturday morning, October 26, 1985.
It's 1:19 A.M. and this is temporal experiment number one."
Glancing down at Einstein, who had jumped out of the'
step-van and was padding nervously around the base of the
DeLorean, Doc added: "Come on, Einstein. Get in, boy."
The dog obediently jumped into the car and sat down
regally in the middle of the driver's seat. Doc Brown reached
· across and buckled him in with the shoulder harness. Then,
turning to Marty, the camera and unseen audience, he con-
tinued the narration.
"Please note that Einstein's clock here is in precise syn-
chronization with my control watch."
With that, he held his digital watch next to the clock on
Einstein's collar. Marty, working the zoomar handle, moved
in to a close-up ofthe two timepieces. Indeed, they were
in dead sync.
"Now," Doc Brown said, "if we can show the entire car
again, you will note that the dog is alone in the vehicle and
that his clock reads the same as this one on my wrist. This
first part of our experiment will involve the canine subject
only. No risk is anticipated, but in the time-honored tradition
of most breakthrough scientific experiments, we are allow-
ing animals to go first."
Giving the dog a little pat on the head, he said, "Good
luck, Einie," as he reached in and started the ignition. The
DeLorean engine roared once again to life, Brown turned
48 George Gipe
on the headlights and lowered the gull-wing door. Only the
very top of Einstein's head could be seen above the window
Stepping backward several feet, Doc Brown continued
the Scientific narration. "I will now operate the vehicle with
this remote control unit."
He tilted it toward the camera as. Marty followed his
movements. The remote control unit· was similar to that
used for a radio-controlled toy car. There were buttons la-
beled ..Accelerator'' and "Brake," as well as a joystick and
an LED digital readout labeled "Miles Per Hour." It was
simple-looking but quite sophisticated. Marty had no doubt
Doc Brown could maneuver the DeLorean with the device,
but at ~nt he had no idea what the end result or product
would be. Rather than try to puzzle it out, he decided to
simply enjoy the spectacle as ~ and audience
Brown switched the power button on and, using the ac-
celerator button and joystick, sent the DeLorean roaring to
the far end of the parking lot. There he brought ifto a quick
halt, turning it so that it was pointing toward them. Seeing
the trail of rubber fumes rising as it turned, Marty hoped
no policeman would happen along. It would be very em-
barrassing for him, as well as them, if he should be forced
to arrest a reckless.:miving dog.
For thirty seconds, the car sat, idling softly. To Marty it
seemed to resemble a giant cat, readying itself to pounce
on an unwary victim.
"We're now ready to continue," Doc Brown said. "If my
calculations are correct, when the car hits eighty-eight miles
an hour, you're gonna see some serious shit."
Suddenly aware that the video camera was still running,
Doc shuddered at his own use of colloquial language. He
added quickly and more conventionally: "When a speed of
eighty-eight miles an hour is attained, unusual things should
Back To The Future 49
begin happening in this phase of temporal experiment num-
ber one."
He could, he reasoned, always edit in the more acceptable
version later.
Taking a deep breath, he pushed the accelerator button.
The Twin Pines Mall parking lot had been selected by him
because of its extreme lerigth-nearly one-third mile-but
as the spanking new DeLorean began to roar away toward
the far reaches of the black-topped strip, he wondered if
even this was enough. Taking off like a racing car, its gears
shifting automatically, the DeLorean's recorded speed whirled
quickly past 30, then 40. By the time it reached 60, it
seemed to be moving at a dangerously rapid speed. Marty
followed it through the viewfinder, once or twice nearly
allowing the vehicle to move out of the frame when a su(Jden
burst of speed carried it forward.
"Sixty," Doc Brown announced. "Sixty-five ... seventy
... seventy-five ... "
Marty wondered how Einstein felt, sitting there in his
captive seat, watching the gauges and instrument lights flash
against the black sky.
Turning the vehicle in .a huge arc, Doc Brown maneu-
vered it so that it was approaching them under full power.
With nearly the entire length of the maillot ahead of it on
the return run, he now felt no compunction about leaning
on the accelerator. The speedometer indicator }eaped to
85, 86, 87, and finally 88, where it hung for a long second,
the needle caressing the magic number as if to emphasize
its importance.
Doc Brown waited. It should happen now, he thought,
it should be happening at this very sec-
The thought was not completed, but instead was engulfed
by a mind-numbing experience.
In the midst of its precipitous run down the center of the
50 George Gipe
parking lot, the DeLorean was suddenly swallowed up by
a blinding white glow. For a split second, the silhouette of
the car, surrounded by the corona of light, :esembled an
eclipse of the sun. Then a shock wave and explosion of
sound hit Marty and Doc Brown just as the car disappeared .
in a huge :trail of fire. The embers, large at frrst, gradually
became smaller until only a pink fissure in the atmosphere
remained. Then, a tiny, metallic sound, tinkly in quality,
echoed across the lot. A shadow of something moving, some-
thing very small, could be seen. His fmgers trembling,
Marty zoomed in to the object.
It was the DeLorean's license plate, a vanity plate that
"What did I tell you?" Doc Brown shouted, his voice
elated. "Eighty-eight miles an hour! Just as I figured." He
checked his watch. ''Temporal displacement occurred at ex-
actly 1:20 A.M. and zero seconds."
Marty shook his head in disbelief. "Christ Almighty!"
he shouted. "You disintegrated Einstein!"
"No," Doc Brown said evenly.
"But the license plate's all that remains of the car and
dog and everything!"
"Calm down, Marty. I didn't disintegrate anything. The
molecular structure of both Einstein and the car are com-
pletely intact."
"Then where the hell are they?" Marty demanded.
Doc Brown looked at him with maddening serenity.
"Not where," he said. "When."
"I don't understand."
''The appropriate question," Doc Brown amended, ••is
not where are they, but where the heU are they? You see,
Einstein has just become the world's frrst time traveler. I
sent him into the future-one minute into the future, to be
exact. And at exactly 1:21 A.M. and zero seconds, we shall
Back To The Future 51
catch up to him ... and the time machine."
· Marty still didn't get it.
"Are you recording this?" Doc Brown asked. "Because
if you are, it might be appropriate to have the camera pointed
at me or where the car was, rather than at the ground in
front of you."
Marty shook his head, noting that he had allowed the
video camera to drop downward during the interval of stress
and excitement. Now he righted it, bringing Doc Brown
into the frame.
"It's all right," Doc said, smiling indulgently. "We still
have a few seconds."
"Few seconds until what?"
"You'll see."
"Are you trying to tell me you built a time machine out
of that DeLorean?" Marty demanded. -
Doc Brown smiled modestly. "The way I figure it," he
replied, "if you're gonna build a time machine, why not do
it with some style and imagination? Besides, there's a prac-
tical aspect. The stainless steel construction of the DeLorean
made the flux dispersal-"
He stopped as his digital clock began to beep.
''Ten seconds," Doc Brown said. "Keep that tape rolling,
'~It's never stopped."
"Five seconds. Brace yourself for a sudden displacement
of air."
Marty held the camera tighter, aimed it at the spot where
the DeLorean had disappeared.
"Four ... three ... two ... one ... " Doc Brown counted
down, his voice filled with anticipation.
Exactly on schedule, a sharp blast of wind struck them,
followed immediately by a deafening sonic boom, causing
their hair to-stand on end. No sooner had the shock registered
51 George Gipe
than the DeLorean reappeared in the same spot it had last
been seen. But it was not standing. It was moving at the
same high speed as before.
"Eighty-eight miles an hour!" Doc Brown shouted above
the surge of thunderous air.
Looking down at the remote control unit, he hit the brake
buttOn, causing the car to .come to a screeching halt, smoke
pouring from the body.
Doc Brown immediately started for the vehicle. Marty
locked the camera in position and followed. He arrived at
the DeLorean a few seconds after Brown, who pulled up to
approach it cautiously. Indicating that Marty should wait
until be examined it, he gently touched the door handle. To
Marty and Doc's surprise, be recoiled with a shout of pain.
"Is it hot?'' Marty asked.
"No. It's cold. Damned cold," Brown said, shaking his
fmgers back and forth.
He waited a few seconds, then raised the door on the
driver's side. Einstein peeked out at them, his tail wagging
against the back of the seat. Marty was relieved to see that
no apparent harm had come to him. Doc was also pleased
that his pet was in good condition, although his attitude was
more clinical. Instead of petting the dog, be reached down
to turn the collar so that he could read the digital clock inset
into the surface of it.
The clock read 1:20:10. Doc Brown looked at it and
smiled. His own watch read 1:21:10.
''There's exactly one minute difference," he said trium-
phaptly. "And Einstein's clock is still clicking. It didn't
"Is he all right?'' Marty asked.
"He looks fine to me."
Brown unbuckled the shoulder harness. Einstein bounded
out of the car, playful and happy. Doc Brown reached into
his pocket and gave him a milk bone as a reward. "A small
Back To The Future 53
price to pay for such invaluable research," he said.
"You're sure he's O.K.?''
"Yes," Brown replied. "And he's completely unaware
that anything happened. As far as he's concerned, the trip
was instantaneous. That's why his watch is a minute behind
mine. He 'skipped over' that minute to instantly arrive at
this minute in time ... "
Seeing Marty's frown, Doc Brown indicated that he should
move closer to the DeLorean. "Come here, let me show
you how it works," he offered, sticking his own head into
the cockpit of the car.
Marty edged closer, looked inside at the still-blinking
array of dials and gadgets.
Like a kid showing off a new toy, Doc Brown began to
flip switches and talk at the same time. "FtrSt you turn the
time circuits on," he said. A colorful battery of indicator
. lights went on inside as he pushed a button.
"This readout tells you where you're going, this one tells
you where you are, and thisone tells you where you were,"
he continued.
Marty looked at the readouts closely. They were labeled
Without waiting to find out if Marty had any questions,
Brown went on at a rapid pace. "You imput your destination
time on this keyboard," he said. "Want to see the signing
of the Declaration of Independence?" ·
Marty stared blankly. his mind abuzz. Was he kidding?
Could this machine, however sophisticated, perform such
Again without waiting for an answer, Doc Brown punched
up a date on the destination time board: 7-4-1776. "Then
all we have to do is head for Philadelphia. Or perhaps you'd
care to witness the birth· of Christ."
With that, he changed the dial to read 12-25-0.
54 George Gipe
"Of course," he added didactically, "there's some dispute
about that date. Some scholars say Christ was born in the
year 4 B~c. and that somebody made a mistake in what year
it was during the Dark Ages. But assuming 12-25-0 is cor•
c rect, all we'd have to do is find our way to Bethlehem."
"No sweat," Marty said.
Now quite caught up in describing the mechanics of his
system, Doc Brown changed the bESTINATION TIME to 11-
5-1955. "Now here's another red-letter date in the history
of science and progress," he went on. "November 5, 1955.
I believe it was a Saturday. Yes, now that I think about it,
I'm sure it was. The weather was kind of grey."
''What happened thenr• Marty asked. That was more
than a decade before he had been born, so he could only
speculate. "Was that the Salk vaccine or something like
thatr' he asked, remembering from science class that the
polio cure went back to about that time. ·
"No," Doc Brown went on. "It's a red-letter date in
science that nobody knows about-yet. Nobody except me,
that is. You see, that was the day I invented time travel-"
"Then what's today?" Marty interrupted.
'"'lbday is the carrying-out, the execution," Brown smiled.
"November 5, 1955 was the conception, the moment when
it all came together as a theory that I knew· could work."
He leaned against the shiny frame of the DeLorean, his eyes
misted in happy nostalgia. "I remember it vividly," he said.
"I was standing on the edge of my toilet, hanging a clock.
The porcelain was wet. I slipped and hit my head on the
sink to my left. And when I came to, I had a revelation-
a vision that was absolutely perfect-a picture in my head
of everything I needed to do and how I could do it."
He gestured to the car. "Believe it or not, I saw this,"
he continued. "My dream or hallucination or whatever it
was contained a picture of this."
"Amazing," Marty said, his eyes wide with sincerity. He
Back To The Future 55
knew the feeling. Once he had awakened during the middle
of the night with the lyrics and melody of a new song literally
playing inside his head. All that he had to do was find paper
and take dictation. That was small potatoes compared to a
scientific breakthrough such as the invention of time travel,
but the emotional impact was similar.
Leaning inside the DeLorean, Doc Brown pointed to a
particular centerpiece unit. "Get a picture of this on tape,"
he said.
Marty pointed the camera at the strange~looking object.
Moving his head next to it so that he could be on camera
and describe its workings at the same time, Doc Brown
continued in his professional tone. '"'bis is what makes time
travel possible-the flux capacitor."
"Flux capacitor, huh?" Marty repeated. "Is that its real
title or something you made up?"
"It's a logical title applied by me when I decided to
describe its function in one or two words. Any brilliant
scientist would have arrived at approximately the same title
if given the chance."
Marty chuckled inwardly at the man's lack of humility.
He did not dislike him for it, however. As a matter of fact,
he found it ch~ngly refreshing.
''It's taken me almost thirty years and my entire family
fortune to fulfill the vision of that day when I fell off the
toilet ... My God, has it been that long? I've been working
on this for exactly ... "
He reached into his inside coat pocket to withdraw a
small calculator. Punching buttons quickly, he said pres-
ently: "I've been working on this for twenty-nine years,
eleven months, and 355 days. Excluding vacations, of course,
and a few weeks off for petty illnesses. Think of it. Almost
thirty years. It's amazing. Things have certainly changed
during that time. This all used to be farmland here, as far
as the eye could see ... "
56 George Gipe
He looked off toward the horizon, dominated now by
the huge department stores of the mall and sodium vapor
lamps lining the periphery of their vision like ugly. orna.,
ments. "I can hardly believe it's gone," he murmured.
''The farm ... the years ... "
He suddenly looked very sad.
Marty tried to shake him out of the mood. Slapping the
side of the DeLorean, he said, ''This is heavy duty, Doc.
I'm really impressed."
The compliment caused a shift in Doc Brown's attitude.
His eyes tunied to the present, unclouding and becoming
instantly brighter, sharper. ·
"Yes, I'm proud of it," he smiled.
"And it runs on, like, regular unleaded gasoline?" Marty
Doc shook his head and grinned. "Unfortunately, no,"
he replied. "I tried that in the beginning. That was a dream
1hat just wouldn't come true-to have this device run cheaply
and simply. That may happen in the future, but for the
moment, it requires something with a little more kick."
"You mean, atomic power?'' Marty guessed.
Nodding, Doc Brown pointed to a container with purple
radioactivity signs painted on it.
"Plutonium? You mean this sucker's nuclear?"
"Electrical, basically," Doc Brown replied. "But I need
a nuclear .reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of elec-
tricity I need. The flux capacitor stores it, then discharges
it all at once, like a gigantic bolt of lightning. It's really
quite efficient."
"Hold the phone, Doc,"Marty said. "PlutoniUm's illegal.
Did you rip it off?"
"Of course. How else does an ordinary citizen latch onto
"You out and out stole it?''
Back.To The Future 57
"In a manner of speaking. That is, I had someone else
steal it. No, that's not quite accurate. Someone else who
bad already stolen it gave it to me."
"Gave it to you?'' Marty challenged. "You mean to tell
me somebody just donated it?"
"What are you, a federal agent?" Doc Brown smiled.
"Look, I don't want you to know too much. It might be
bad for you. All I can say is that someone bad this plutonium
and they gave it to me for another project. I deemed that
project not only less important than mine but actually harm-
ful to the future of society. So I killed two birds with one
stone by switching the plutonium from their evil project to
my progressive and kindly project."
"You're not screwing around with our space program,
are you?''
"Nothing like that," Doc replied sanctimoniously. "I con-
sider the conquest of space a beneficial scheme. Perhaps
scheme isn't the best word, but rest assured I'm all for it.
Now please don't press me further. It's for your own good
that you should know no more details."
"All right," Marty murmured. -
"Now, before we proceed further, we must protect you,"
Doc said.
He strode to the step-van and removed a yellow radiation
suit. "Put this on," be said.
Marty locked the video camera and stepped into the suit.
The night had become chilly and it felt good to add the
extra layer of material. With the hood pulled up, be felt
totally divorced from the rest of the world, like a deep-sea
divC(t on the floor of the ocean.
Working slowly, Doc Brown took a four-inch cylinder
from the step-van, handling it with great delicacy. Marty
knew that within the capsule must be a plutonium rod,
surrounded by water, the new source of power for the time
vehicle. Inching the DeLorean closer to the truck so that the
58 George· Glpe
plutonium would not have to be moved far, Marty returned
to the video camera and started it again as Doc Brown
stepped to the rear of the car and placed the plutonium
cylinder into the loading hopper. He then sealed the hopper
shut and tossed back the hood of his radiation suit. ·
••It's safe now," he smiled ...Everything is lead-lined."
Marty took off his own hood and waited for Doc Brown's
next instructions .
..Just be sure you get my send-off," Doc Brown smiled .
..It'd be a shame if everything came out on tape but that."
..Where are you headed?"
..The future."
..How far?"
..Whoops," Brown muttered, snapping his fingers ...Al-
most forgot my luggage."
He jogged back to the step-van, grabbed a suitcase and
returned to the DeLorean ...Who knows if they'll have cotton
underwear in the future?'' he said ...I'm allergic to all syn-
thetics. It would be rather unpleasant to fmd myself in the
future with a terrible rash."
..Are you sure it's safe?'' Marty asked .
..My machine works," Doc Brown retorted ...You just
saw it, didn't you?"
..I meant, are you sure the future's safe? Suppose you
run smack into the bomb? Or it's a society of robots that
take you prisoner. At least you know the past is safe. Nobody
there has better equipment than you. But the future-"
Doc Brown smiled, touched by the young man's interest
in his safety...What you say makes a lot of sense," he
admitted...1 gave it a lot of thought when I was considering
where I should go frrst. But I've always dreamed of seeing
the future a lot more than rehashing the past. I'd like to see
where mankind's headed, up or down. And besides," he
added with a sly chuckle, ..if I head down the road a quarter
century, I'll be able to find out who won the next twenty-
Back To The Future 59
five World Series and Super Bowls. Won't that be a nice
piece of information to have for my old age?"
Marty nodded. "Well, be sure to look me up when you
get there and I'll fill you in on the details of what's been
happening," he said.
"Indeed I will."
Clearing his throat, Doc once again assumed a more
serious attitude as he addressed the camera.
"I, Dr. Emmett Brown," he began, "am about to embark
on a historic journey-"
Einstein started barking furiously.
Brown halted in mid-phrase. What was it-a mall se-
curity guard, a cat, or something worse?
He heard the sound of the engine before he saw the lights.
Then a sudden tum of the vehicle threw the lights directly
at them, the twin glares rising and falling as the car fairly
leaped over the speed bumps leading into the mall nearly a
half mile down the road. It could have. been joyriding teen-
agers, but something in the vehicle's headlong desperation
and purpose told Doc Brown that the worst had happened.
Marty stopped working the camera, looked out of the
viewfmder at Doc Brown. The man's face was ashen, his
mouth open; his breath came in shallow gasps. Indeed, he
exhibited every symptom of shock except a tendency to
faint and that might be imminent. Locking the camera,
Marty came around to the front, prepared to help Doc Brown
any way he could.
"What is it?" he whispered.
Doc seemed not to hear him. His piercing eyes continued
to follow the progress of the vehiCle moving generally in
their direction. A slight sideways tum revealed presently
that it wasn't an ordinary car or even a police cruiser. Square
except for the long sloping hood, it was an ominous van,
dark in color, with windows that seemed to have been blacked
either by painting or the installation of dark curtains.
60 George Gipe
"You're right, Einie ..." Doc Brown finally said, strok-
ing his dog's head. "It's them."
•Who?" Marty asked.
Doc Brown seemed not to have heard him. •They found
me," he muttered. "I don't know how, but they found me."

Shortly after three o'clock on the afternoon of October 26,

1985, the swarthy man who was known only as Sam re-
ceived the coded message from his superior officer. As he
read it, his anger grew, until his dark moody eyes flashed
"We've been taken in," he said simply to the four men
and one young woman who sat in the dingy motel room,
awaiting instructions.
As he spoke, he slammed back the bolt of his AK 47
submachine gun, put the weapon on the table next to him
and began searching in his brief case.
"We're always being taken in," said the young woman.
"We're not ruthless enough. If the world knew we killed
those who oppose us instead of negotiating and weaseling,
we'd be unstoppable. Instead, we're looked upon as clowns
with guns."
Sam had heard it before. His own career as an intema-

61 George Gipe
tional terrorist dated back nearly thirty years and there had
always been one member of the organization who wanted
nOthing but more killing. Sometimes it was the youngest
member, anxious to show the others how tough he was;
now, it was Uranda, a twenty-five-year-old ex-fashion model
from Damascus who got her kicks by pumping bullets into
other people's bodies.
"Don't worry," Sam rasped. "We won't be weasels to-
night. There'll be only one dead body, but it will be very
very dead by the time we're through."
He pulled the pages from his briefcase. The folder showed
a color head shot of Doc Brown along with a ten-page,
single-spaced resume of his past activities and habits, a map
of his home and work area. Sam had received the folder a
week before, when it appeared that Brown might not be as
reliable as the organization hoped. Confirmation of Doc
Brown's duplicity came that morning, followed by the de-
cision to eliminate him.
Sam put the color photo on the coffee table and indicated
that the others should study it.
"What's be done?" Uranda asked. "Not that it matters.
He looks Jewish."
"We hired him to build a nuclear bomb."
The young woman's eyes glistened with excitement.
"We stole plutonium and gave it to him. He delayed as
long as possible and gave us the weapon only when we
threatened him. ••
"Well?" another of the group asked.
"The bomb was nOthing but a casing filled with used
pinball-machine parts," Sam said.
Uranda rolled her eyes back, but a moment later, a look
of happy anticipation engaged her features.
"We'll kill him tonight," Sam continued. "Headquarters
has decided it's not worth it to bring him in for questioning.
Back To The Future 63
You two tail him for the rest of the day. chances are he'll
end up at the garage he uses for an office or at Twin Pines
Mall. He's been spending a lot of time there recently, usually
late at night." ·
"Does he carry any weapons?"
"A handgun at most. An old .45-caliber revolver. It may
not even work. •• ·

Now Marty watched as the black van hurtled toward

them. His terror was complete, even though he had no idea
who or what was heading their way. At that inopportune
moment, something terribly perverse stirred in him~he was
determined to know, if this was death unfolding, who was
behind it.
"Who's in that car?" he shouted.
Doc Brown had no time for an elaborate explanation.
Marty's hand gripped his sleeve so tightly he had to spin
like a top to get away. As he did so, he yelled over his
shoulder: "The Libyans I ripped off!"
Marty didn't understand but he did know that, to date,
few Libyans he had heard of had been involved in anything
but dark and dangerous business. The effect was of someone
yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater. Marty believed and
acknowledged that there was trouble without further inves~
tigation. Hurling his body to one side, he looked for the
nearest solid object that would provide cover. The only two
choices were the step-van and the DeLorean.
Doc Brown was already heading for the step-van.
"Run for it, Marty!" he shouted. "I'll draw their ftre!"
Simultaneo\lsly, he hustled into the truck and appeared
a moment later with a revolver. By this time, the side door
of the black van had slid open and a swarthy character
resembling Yasser Arafat leaned out. He threw up an AK
47 submachine gun and opened ftre.
64 George Glpe
Marty bad never been shot at before, although be had
once been beaned during a baseball game. The effect was
vaguely similar. He seemed to move in slow motion, a
helpless figure in an echo chamber of harsh reverberating
sound. The horizon with its familiar objects-utility poles,
lights, department stores-seemed to bav~ disappeared,
leaving him trapped in a globe of black fluid. The only two
sounds-gunfire and his breathing-competed, each grossly
and metallically augmented by panic.
He saw Doc Brown point the revolver at the van and
squeeze the trigger. No sound or flash of fire emerged,
however, as bullets splattered all around Doc at his feet and
into the side of the van. Finally, dropping the revolver, Doc
began to sprint for the safety of the mall, fully five hundred
yards away.
The van screeched to a halt, backed up and started after
Brown. Doc was no more than fifty yards closer to the
nearest mall building when the black van started after him
in low ~ear.
"No!" Marty shouted. "Doc! Wait!"
Even as be screamed the words, Marty knew it was poor
advice. Were these desperate Libyans actually going to show
mercy if Doc Brown suddenly surrendered and begged for
his life? It was unlikely at best, but something in Marty
forced him to cry for the impossible.
For one long moment, be stood still, his eyes darting
from side to side, desperately searching for something that
could help his friend; Then, even as be looked, a new
barrage of machine-gun frre and a ~ told him there
was no use. He turned back in time to see Doc Brown clutch
his chest, bend over sharply and pitch forward on his face.
"You bastards!" Marty beard himself yell. The voice
almost seemed to come from behind him, sweeping past
like a cold wind and echoing across the vast empty lot.
Back To The Future 65
The b~k van made a U-tum, heading back toward Marty.
Doc lay still, his left ankle turned at a strange angle. There
was no doubt in Marty's mind that the man was dead.
He would be, too, if he didn't do something. For a
moment, he thought of heading for the step-van. It was big
and slow and cumbersome, but at least he knew how to
drive it .. His mind, working quickly now, rejected that as a
suicidal recourse. He would never get to the edge of the
mall in that pokey truck. Better to die, if such was his fate,
in a burst of glory, or at least in an unmoving vehicle that
had a great deal of class.
Grabbing the video camera-in case he needed evidence
concerning Doc's death-Marty tossed it into the DeLorcim,
'then leaped inside and lowered the gull-wing door. He looked
around, dazed. Lights blinked on all around him, but the
starting mechanism was nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile,
as he hesitated, the black van roared up, passing to his right
from a distance of no more than ten feet. Framed in the
doorway was the dark Libyan with the machine gun. Marty
thought he saw the ghost of a smile as he aimed the weapon
at him and pulled the trigger.
No sound came. Marty, curled into the fetal position,
blinked and looked out the window. The van was already
twenty feet past and slowing down, the Libyan cursing and
slamming his fist against the machine gun, which had ob-
viously failed to fire. A tirade of angry gibberish, no doubt
Libyan swear words, cascaded into the night.
"Start!" Marty yelled.
He looked at the array of switches and dials on the con-
sole with frightening bewilderment. What was the secret?
A button? Something in the nature of a digital code? His
eyes flew back and forth, trying to locate the solution to
the mystery.
When he fmally solved the problem, it was so simple he
66 ~orge Gipe
almost laughed. There on the steering column, just like any
other ordinary unsophisticated car, was an ignition switch
and a key.
"I'll be damned!" Marty muttered.
As he spoke and reached for the key, he heard the squeal
of tires that told him the black van was on its way back to
him. Starting the DeLorean, Marty threw it into gear and
floored it. The vehicle's response was even more than he'd
hoped for. It seemed to surge forward as if it had been
kicked from the rear. For a mciment, he could see the Libyan
van as a black mass in the left side of his vision, then it
receded so rapidly he wondered if its presence had not been
a mirage generated by his own fear.
In fact, had the Libyan driver not turned the wrong way
in making his U-turn, Marty would have been an easy target
for the machine gunner. But rather than turn right, the driver
had swerved left, causing them to come nearly abreast of
the DeLorean with the open door facing away from Marty.
By the time the mistake had been iectified, the DeLorean
was already in high gear and on the verge of rapidly out-
distancing its pursuer.
Marty glanced out the rear-view mirror just as the ma-
chine gunner took aim. Swerving wildly, Marty saw the
bullets churn up holes in the asphalt to his left and rear, but
he had no time to congratulate himself. Ahead was the end
of the maillot, which he was approaching at seventy-five
miles an hour. His lights struck the metal guard rail, warning
him that in less than two or three seconds he would plunge
through the barrier and over a steep abutment. Behind him,
the bouncing lights of the black van dogged his every
Marty grabbed the wheel tighter, faked a left turn and,
downshifting quickly, spun the car hard to the right. The
tires shrieked, kicked gravel into the guard rail and onto the
Back To The future 67
windshield, but held, completing the tum and allowing Marty
to roar away from the skidding van. As tie did so, he floored
the car again, saw the speedometer rise from 50 to 75
in one swift, almost spastic motion. But the Libyan driv-
er was no slouch, either. Despite having less power and
maneuverability, he managed to tum around quickly and
accelerate to the point where he was barely twenty
yards behind the sleek DeLorean.
"O.K.," Marty whispered. "From here on out, it's noth-
ing but speed."
He glanced down at the speedometer as the DeLorean
roared past Doc Brown's immobile body. It read 80. As
he passed the step-van, it read 85 and the Libyans showed
no sign of quitting.
"All right, you bastards," Marty hissed. "Let's see if you
can do ninety!"
Behind him, machine-gun ftre crackled, several bullets
landing ahead of him, causing the road to ignite and bits of
asphalt to clatter against the hood. Distracted, Marty looked
to his right too late. For a split second, he had the ability
to turn right, race through the entrance portals and perhaps
outrun the van on the highway. That split second was now
past. Ahead was the opposite end of the parking lot, another
guard rail, and, he now noted, less area in which to turn.
Should he make his move now? That would give the
Libyans a better angle on him, but it would also allow him
to make a run for the entrance.
As he puzzled his dilemma, Marty looked at the speed-
It read: 88.
Behind his head, gauges and indicators began to light
up, lines of digits formed and disappeared on the dashboard,
and something like a siren sounded. What had he done?
Blown a fuse? Driven the engine past its limits? Touched ~
68 George Glpe
.., something he should have left alone?
His eyes quickly scanned the dashboard for some clue
to the mystery. As he did so, he was suddenly conscious of
a large object rising ahead of him, an object that had not
been in his line ofsight a moment before. Jerking his head
up, he saw not the guard rail and arc lamps of the Twin
Pines shopping mall-but the face of a scarecrow!
"What the hell-"
As abruptly as it appeared, the scarecrow disappeared,
its crude head smashing against the windshield and falling
away in a spray of straw. Then another object loomed-a
large square building. Simultaneously, the car began to rock
and pitch as if it had abruptly turned off smooth roadway
onto cobblestones or a plowed field.
Thrown nearly into the passenger's seat, his· head once
striking the roof, Marty could do little but hold the wheel
as tightly as possible. Meanwhile, the building ahead crowded
out the lighter sky behind it until everything in front was
variants of black and grey. Having an instant to maneuver,
Marty aimed the DeLorean at the lighter square ahead, brac-
ing himself for the crash which didn't come. Instead, as if
falling down a well, he was enveloped by blackness on all
sides. Jamming on the brakes, he felt the car decelerate until
it smashed into something, causing Marty to fly against the
dashboard. At the same time, something landed on the roof
with a loud thump.
The air surrounding the Urimobile DeLorean was filled
with floating saffron dust. Marty blinked, trying to orient
himself with a new environment which seemed to have
snapped him out of the air of the mall parking lot. Gradually
objects began to take shape-vertical boards, bales of straw,
a pitchfork. Everything was blinking on and off, which
puzzled Marty until he realized that the hazard lights of the
DeLorean had been knocked out. In the background, he
heard a dog barking.
Back To The Future 69
"Damn," Marty said slowly. "I'm in a bam. How did I
end up in a bam?"

The evening had not been a pleasant one for Otis Pealxxly.
At forty-five, he usually came in after a day's work on the
farm dead tired and not at all ready for criticism and pleas
from his wife and children. Mostly he just wanted to sit and
relax after a· good meal, read the morning paper and then
drift off to sleep.
The first bad news to greet him when he walked in was
that the car battery was dead.
"We can get it recharged," he said shortly, heading for
the dinner table.
Elsie, his wife of seventeen years, shook her head. ''Mart
Petersen says it's shot," she replied. "Lord, it's been in
there since we got the car six years ago, so it's about time
it went."
"What's a new one cost?" Peabody said.
"Well, his are expensive," Elsie said, "but Sears has 'em
on sale. A four-year battery is $14.95."
"Ridiculous," Peabody mumbled. ''That's too much. I
wonder what the ones not on sale go for."
"Well?" Elsie asked. "Will you be leaving the money
tomorrow so I can get it?''
Peabody nodded, sighed, and prepared to sit.
Martha, his fourteen-year-old daughter, and eleven-year-
old Sherman chose that moment to add their requests for
the day. Actually, they had been bothering their father for
nearly a month to buy a television set. Everyone else in the
county had one but them, it seemed.·
"Can you buy a TV?'' Martha smiled. "Please, Daddy.
We'll be going to Sears for the battery anyway."
"No," Peabody said bluntly.
The kids were prepared for a negative reaction. Instead
of backing down, they ·launched into· a litany of wonderful
70 George Glpe
programs that could be seen-Ed Sullivan, The Mickey
Mouse Club, Colgate Variety Hour, The Cisco Kid, Ozzie
and Harriet, an endless list.
''They're all pap," their father said.
"It's not fair," Martha cried. "Some of our teachers are
assigning television-watching as homework."
Peabody looked at her skeptically.
"It's true. Peggy Ann McVey just took notes from the
news about President Eisenhower's heart attack and turned
it in as a complete report. She got an A."
"You can use the newspapers. Same difference," Peabody
"No," Martha persisted. "Thachers can tell when you
copied from the newspaper but not from TV. Anyway, when
die teacher suggests that you watch Edward R. Murrow,
bow are you gonna see that in the newspaper?"
"We'll get a television when we can afford it and not a
day before."
"I want to see the football games," Sherman added, pout-
Peabody started filling his plate, choosing to ignore the
children until they stopped bothering him. The meal was
largely a silent and sullen one, at the end of which everyone
moved to different parts of the house and went to bed.
Several hours later, the object struck the bam.
Sherman, curled up in his bed reading the latest issue of
Tales From Space comics, saw the rapidly moving vehicle
fJrst. He knew immediately by the shape and flashing lights
that this was no ordinary earth machine. True, he had just
fmisbed readiog a story entitled "Space Zombies from Pluto,"
which dealt with aliens in radiation suits who enslaved hu-
man females and traveled around in a modernistic car with
gull-wing doors. That may have made him more susceptible
than usual, but Sherman was extraterrestrial all the time.
Back To The Future 71
Space was his hobby and now his hobby seemed to be
coming true. Grabbing the comic book, he rushed down the
His mother, father and sister were already at the back
door, staring out toward the barn. In the dim light, they
could see where the roof had caved in, but that wasn't the
most frightening thing. The stainless steel DeLorean faced
them head-on, headlight beams shining through the dust and
drifting straw fragments. With its wheels buried in the debris
and amber hazard lights blinking, it looked exactly like the
flying saucers they had been hearing about for nearly ten
"What is it, Pa?'' Mrs. Peabody asked.
"Looks like an airplane ... without wings," Peabody said
"Airplane?" Sherman whispered. "It's a flying saucer,
Pa. From outer space!"
The four Peabodys looked at each other, awe-stricken.
Although it was illogical, they walked slowly toward the
object. In Pa Peabody's hand was a baseball bat, which he
had grabbed from the basement closet moments after
the vehicle plowed into the barn. Led by him, the rest
of the family crossed the lawn and crusher-run driveway
to the barn. A closer view provided no new clues as to the
identity of their visitor.
Finally Sherman spoke. "In the movies and comics," he
said, "Earth people always try to act peacefully to the aliens.
But it doesn't usually work."
"Quiet," Peabody ordered.
His eyes were fixed on the gull-wing door, which had
opened a crack and was starting to move upward~ The family
watched expectantly, uneasily, with expressions of curiosity
mixed with fear.
"Something's coming out," Martha whispered.
7'1. George Gipe
"Don•t panic," Sherman warned, noticing her feet which
were doing a little dance. "Sudden movements may set them
Inside the stalled DeLorean, Marty was unaware that he
was being watched ..Ke had his own problems, chief among
them being a total disorientation as to his whereabouts. Had
he blacked out during the chase? If so, how had he managed
to get from the mall parking lot into a barn that was ob-
viously nowhere near Hill Valley? If he had not blacked
out, what had happened to the guard rail? Where were the
Libyans? Was some weapon pointed at him this very· mo-
ment, about to finish him off?
He ~hook his head. Despite the risks. it seemed best to
go outside and see where the devil h~ was.
Reaching for the handle, he finally discovered how to
open the strange door and pushed his way out. A light rain
of dust fell on the shoulders and hood of his radiation suit
as his upper body started to move out of the car.
"It's an alien," Sherman Peabody whispered.
Indeed, the emerging figure seemed to be just that. Pa
Peabody stared at it, transfixed, the baseball bat still in his
hands. Using such a flimsy weapon against an alien was
out of the question. Logic and morality both dictated that,
but his primary motivation was fear. Poor Pa Peabody's
mind had turned to jelly and all he could think of was self-
"Rml, children!" he yelled. "Run for your lives!"
He then proceeded to show them exactly what he meant,
streaking for the safety of the house. He had remembered
the shotgun which he kept hidden under the bed in case he
discovered a burglar in the middle of the night. This emer-
gency qualified as sufficiently life-threatening for it to be
Sherman, seeing his father disappear into the house, re-
Back To The Future 73
alized that as the temporary male leader on t)le premises, it
was up to bim to fmd a way of preventing disaster. Having
read up on human behavior when confronted by space·crea-
tures, hewas not sanguine about being able to deal with
the alien, either via force or kindness. In the comics and
movies, neither method seemed to pay off very well. He
remembered most poignantly the scene in War of the Worlds
when the clergyman walked gently toward the Martian space
vehicle, only to be zapped into nothingness f()r his troubles.
Nevertheless, a quick evaluation of the situation sug-
gested strongly that the humane approach rather than the
belligerent one would be better. He possessed no weapon
with which to threaten or attack the alien; fear probably
showed in his eyes, if not on his entire face. Thus it seemed
preferable to throw himself on the creature's mercy.
He extended his hand gingerly.
"Peace," he murmured.
The alien was nearly all the way out of the space vehicle
now. It was a biped, with arms and general body lines that
resembled man's configurations. Sherman wondered what
it looked like under the hood, whether it could utter sounds
that were at all comprehensible.
"Hey," the alien said in perfect English. "Hello. Where
am I?"
It took several steps toward them. Sherman, Martha, and
his mother slowly retreated before it.
"Excuse me," the creature said. "Who are~you? Where
am I? Is this Hill Valley?"
Pa Peabody's footsteps sounded on the porch steps. Still
clad in. his red flannel underwear, he raced toward them
with the shotgun held at near shoulder height.
Sherman, regarding the creature closely, made an instant
decision based on analysis of alien behavior in comic books
and movies. "Shoot it, Pa!" he yelled. "It's already mutated
74 George Gipe
into human form! Shoot it!"
Although·nervous and unsteady, Pa raised the weapon to
his shoulder and took aim.
Marty, his vision blocked by the hood's limited field,
walked toward the three people directly ahead of him, obliv-
ious to Pa Peabody. As he moved forward, he reached up
to take off the hood.
"Look out, Pa!" Sherman shouted. "He's going for some-
''Take this, you mutated son of a bitch!" Pa yelled,
squeezing the trigger of the shotgun.
A spray of buckshot whizzed past Marty's ear, cracking
into the. barn wall behind him.
Undeterred but still quite nervous, Pa squeezed off a
second shot. It kicked up dirt in front of the creature, missing
clearly, but caused it to turn and race back into the barn.
Comforted by the fact that the alien experienced fear, Pa
broke the shotgun and started reloading. Moving cautiously
forward, he looked into the barn.
''Careful, Pa," Sherman warned. "Don't get too close or
he'll take over your brain."
"What the hell are you talking about, boy?"
Sherman still had the comic book in his hand, opened
to the story about space zombies from Pluto. "It's all in
here, Pa," he said. "Read it."
"Who's got time for reading now?" his father asked, not
without logic.
Meanwhile, Marty had raced back to the DeLorean and
hurled himself inside.
"Damn crazy farmer!" he gasped, reaching for the starter.
The engine roared to life and he kicked the· car backward,
not bothering to see if anyone was behind him. Straw flew
e~erywhere, but he could see well enough to spin. around
and head out through the barn door. As he did so, the four
Back to The Future 75
people scattered before him like bowling pins. He had too
much speed, however, and was unable to swerve and avoid
hitting the white picket fence surrounding two newly planted
pine trees. The DeLorean tore through one of the pines
before Marty guided it onto the dirt access road.
"You space bastard!" Pa Peabody yelled after him. "You
killed one of my pines!"
Jerking the. shotgun to his shoulder, he squeezed off both
barrels at the departing vehicle. The shots went wide, strik-
ing the Peabody mailbox and blowing it to shreds.
"Whew!" Marty breathed, looking back at the tiny fig-
ures, one of whom was still waving an angry fist.
He had survived but still had no idea where he was. At
least the people spoke English ... but there was something
about their clothes that seemed different. Replaying the
scene in his mind, Marty concentrated on their outfits. The
women's dresses looked old-fashioned. Perhaps they were
very old hand-me-downs. Then there were the hair styles.
Something seemed different about them, too, but Marty
couldn't say exactly what it was. He had seen these people
before-or types just like them. They seemed to be out of
an old black-and-white movie.
"It's probably my imagination," he mused, realizing that
he was frightened and disoriented. His brush with the Libyans
had upset him more than he cared to admit.
Cruising along the dirt road, he made a conscious effort
to regain his composure. "O.K., Marty, get ahold of your-
self," he said aloud. ''There's gotta be an explanation for
this. It's probably all a dream, one very intense dream. It's
all gonna resolve itself ... "
As he rounded a corner, his headlights fell on an object
that caused his jaw to drop.
"Holy shit!" he whispered.
Bringing the DeLorean to a sharp, almost spinning, halt,
76 George Gipe
he backed up so that the headlights would fall on the house
again. Blinking, he studied it, trying to fmd one aspect that
was different, one minor detail that would restore his sanity.
But the house was the same. It was his house ... the
home presently occupied by the McFly family. It was sitting
out in the middle of nowhere aDd it looked newer than Marty
had ever seen it, but it was definitely the identical structure.
1be pieces of the puzzle slowly formed themselves into
a cohesive picture. In front of his house was a sign that
read MODEL HOME •.• pennants flapped limply in the soft
night breeze ..• and next to the building was a large sign
with an artist's rendering of an idyllic home nestled between
magnificent oak trees with a typical American family of
four standing next to a Cadillac ... A very old shiny Cadillac
... Below the picture, in huge block letters, was the promise
of a dream fulfilled: UVE IN 1HE HOME OF TOMORROW ...
"It's my house, Only brand new," Marty whispered.
Sitting in the middle of the dark countryside, he slowly
glanced down at the dashboard of the DeLoreao.
1be DESTINATION TIME read 11-5-1955.
1be PRESENT TIME read 11-5-1955.
"Nineteen fifty-five!" he shouted~ "I can't believe it!"
But the evidence was all around him in addition to being
on the dashboard. This was how the neighborhood must
have looked while it was under construction. 1be roll of
the land was the same and in the background were several
familiar objects. Somehow he had entered a world that would
not hear of him for another thirteen years.
"What a trip ... " he murmured.
His eyes fell on the dashboard readouts once again. One
in particular caught his eye. It was located directly below
the Plutonium Chamber, a flashing light that blinked EMPIY
over and over.
Back To The Future 77
Shifting into gear and moving ahead, Marty realized that
did not mean he was unable to move. It simply meant-
"Good God!" he said. "What does that mean? That I
won't be able to go back?"
Having nowhere else to go, he backed into the driveway
of his new home and sat, thinking, for quite some time.
Idly, out of habit, he turned on the radio. Although it was
nearly morning, there were still a few stations on the air,
but they were all playing absolutely terrible music. One
featured someone named Eddie Fisher singing the songs of
Jerome Kern, another played numbers by Mitch Miller's
orchestra and a bland singer named Guy Mitchell, and the
announcers were all so tired-sounding.
"Is this what it was like?" Marty grimaced, turning the
He stopped at a newscast. "President Eisenhower pre-
dicted that 1955 would see an increase in housing starts,"
the man intoned.
"Eisenhower?" Marty repeated. "Yeah, sure. We studied
him in history. A nice enough guy who didn't do much
except give Nixon his chance."
The news continued, much of it sounding exactly like
news of 1985. "Big Four envoys gave up on disarmament
talks," the announcer said. "The Russians rejected a United
States plan that would have banned nuclear weapons ...
Officials at the First Smog Conference in Los Angeles said
that smog may keep industry away from cities affected by
this form of air pollution ... Census watchers, meanwhile,
predict that Los Angeles will be the second largest metro-
politan area in the United States in a few years, passing
Chicago ... In the troubled Middle East, the United States
laid down new rules to Egypt and Israel ... "
. As the newscast continued, there were many strange-
sounding items and some that were slightly familiar. "In
college football, quarterback John Brodie of Stanford con-
78 George Gipe
tinued to lead ... " (The same middle-aged gentleman who
occasionally turns up as color man on football broadcasts?)
"U .C. L.A.'s ace placekicker Jim Decker ... " (Jim Who?)
"Texas Christian's sensational quarterback Jim Swink ... "
(Swink? Is he kidding?)
Marty turned up the radio, leaned back against the
DeLorean's plush interior.. ·He rather enjoyed this trip through
his own personal time tunnel. Now the announcer was read-
ing a few items dealing with gossip and entertainment. "Ac-
tress Joan Crawford and new husband, soft-drink executive
Alfred Steele, celebrated their ftrst half-year of marriage
. , . Jack Webb and actress-wife Dorothy Towne are report-
edly having marital troubles ... Back after this word from
Northwest Ford ... "
A different announcer launched into a sales pitch that
Marty found not only irresistible but humorous. "You can
get a new Ford pickup truck for just $1454," he said. "That's
right-$1454 for a 1956 Ford. That's because we deal in
volume ... "
Recognizing the outline of a police cruiser, Marty quickly
killed the lights and turned off the radio. It would not do,
of course, for him to be picked up by the police. Even
forgetting the fact that he had just arrived from a different
time period, he would have enormous difficulty explaining
the DeLorean, plus he did not have the necessary registration
papers for it or a 1955 driver's license. He wondered what
the officers would say if he showed them his 1985 license!
"Low proftle," he murmured. ''That's the best thing to
keep for right now."
Sliding down in the seat, he watched as the patrol car
passed quietly by. Then he got out, walked to the garage
door and tried to open it. It was locked. ·
"Damn," he muttered.
On a whim, he reached into his pants pocket and took
out his key ring. Thirty a Joo&,~e for a lock to
, .. i~7;'-
Back To The Future 79
remain operative, but it was worth a try ...
He whistled softly as the key slid into the lock and turned.
''That's better," he said. "I was beginning to think this
wasn't my day."
Opening the garage door, he got into the DeLorean and
backed it onto the pristine concrete slab. A moment later,
in his normal street clothes, he walked out of his house and
down the road toward Hill Valley.
Somewhere in the town below him was the key to getting
back to 1985. Wherever it was, he had to find it.

Although most of the streets around his 1955 home were

not yet constructed, it was comparatively easy for Marty to
find his way from his house into Hill Valley. His sense of
direction was good, and there were enough benchmarks for
him to find his way through woods and across lots that later
became streets and housing developments. Keeping his eyes
fixed on the courthouse made it simple, of course, and as
he drew closer to the center of town, the streets and buildings
had Changed less over the years.
At least it looked that way from a distance. As he moved
closer, Marty realized that practically every building would
undergo a change of identity from 1955 to 1985. Overall,
the area seemed cleaner now, more vibrant, bustling with
activity and excitement. The people who moved about ap-
peared to know each other and be friendlier. But if this was
true, it also worked against a stranger such as Marty. Several
times he noted people watching him, staring at his clothes
az George Gipe
in a suspicious manner. He could almost hear them asking
themselves-who is that young man? Why is he wearing
green shoes? Is he some kind of pseudo-sophisticated show-
off from New York?
'Ibe attitude bothered Marty but only briefly. As he neared
the Town Square, he found himself quite caught up in seeing,
live and in living color, genuine history. Even more fasci-
nating was the fact that no one here could possibly share
his feelings of amazement. To them it was humdrum, per-
haps boring. The passing parade of subjects and styles was
something they saw every day and took for granted. To
Marty it was a museum that was one hundred percent ac-
curate and throbbing with life. ·
The first object to greet his eye was the large sign at the
comer of the square, at 2nd and Main streets. WELCOME TO
CAREFUlLY. Symbols for the Jaycees, Optimists, and Future
Farmers of America decorated the sign like medals on an
old soldier's chest.
Thming right on Main~ Marty strolled past Lou's Cafe,
the ..soda shop" he associated with his mother and father's
growing-up years. Painted a sickly light green, the shop
was largely empty now, probably because it was still quite
early in the morning. Marty could imagine the place teeming
with young people,_ though, ordering Cokes and malts, sun-
daes and burgers just as his mother had described the scene.
Now ~ store was occupied only by a counterman and one
or two coffee-drinking customers.
Turning away from the-soda shop, Marty continued walk-
ing past. Roy's Records, another hangout for Hill Valley
teens. Out front was a sandwich-board poster which an-
l610NS, MANY MORE .•. Color posters in the window showed
four women singers who called themselves The Chordettes;
others promoted "Patti Page in the land·of Hi Fi," ..Eydie
Back To The Future 83
in Dixie Land," and "Unforgettable Songs by Nat 'King'
Cole." There did not seem to be the slightest hint that rock
'n' roll existed or was on its way.
Next to Roy's was a Texaco fllling station with a large
hand-printed sign that proclaimed: PRICE WAR 19Y2¢ G~
WN. Chuckling to himself, Marty walked close to the two
pumps. One, green and silver, contained Sky Chief "super"
gasoline for 21.9 cents; the red pump offered regular gas
for just 19.9 cents per gallon. A cigarette machine against
the front of the building advertised cigarettes for "20¢ a
pack all brands," while a soft-drink machine offered Pepsi
Cola for a dime.
Continuing to the end of the block, Marty found himself
in front of the Essex Theater, a movie house which he had
never seen before but felt he knew intimately. According to
his mother and father-especially when a few drinks loos-
ened their lips-the Essex was the local petting parlor on
Saturday nights during the early and mid-1950s. There, in
the balcony or deep recesses of the back rows, many warm
and wonderful relationships were spawned. Occasionally,
people even went there to see a movie, although oldtimers
like Mom and Dad never reminisced about what was on the
screen. Now it advertised in large red letters: CATILE QUEEN
OF MONTANA, starring Barbara Stanwyck and Ronald
Reagan. Beneath the marquee floated a banner that read AIR
Looking across the grass plot of the square, Marty noted
that the clock atop the beige courthouse building was ac-
tually running. When had it been struck by lightning and
permanently immobilized? He tried to recall what the lady
with the pamphlets had said earlier that day ...
Earlier that day? More like thirty years in the future,
Marty thought. At any rate, he remembered that the clock
had stopped sometime in 1955. "Right about now," he mused.
"Maybe I arrived here just in time."
84 George Gipe
He smiled. The great historical events of other cities were
battles or memorable natural disasters; Hill Valley's claim
to fame was nothing more exciting than a clock stopping.
Well, at least he would be able to tell his grandchildren,
assuming they didn't question him too carefully about how
he happened to be here on the memorable occasion thirteen
years before his birth.
Walking across the edge of the square, he turned right
on 2nd Street, which was the confluence of routes 395 West
and 295 East. Next to the Bank of America-one of the
few businesses still operating in 1985 that was also here
now-was the Ask Mr. Foster travel agency. It advertised
"fabulous 10-day vacations in Cuba." Once again Marty
chuckled. He rather liked sharing history's little secrets of
what was to come.
Adjoining the travel agency was J.D. Armstrong's realty
office, in the window of which was a color ad for Lyon
Estates, his past and present home. A total price of $_17 ,500
brought you a. three-bedroom, two-car garage house com-
plete with ''totally electric kitchen." Another advertisement
offered bomb shelters at equally reasonable prices.
He continued past Zale's Jewelers, the Hill Valley Sta-
tionery Shop, a barber offering haircuts for seventy-five
cents, the Bluebird Motel with its room for five dollars ("and
up," of course), a Western Auto store that sold nearly every-
thing from Daisy air rifles to ''the world's smallest radio,"
which was about a foot long. Past Ruth's Frock Shop and
its dresses from Paris for $40 was the future Toyota deal-
ership space, now known as Statler Motors Studebaker.
This was- the most interesting historical oddity in Hill
Valley, at least in Marty's opinion. He liked cars, new and
old, and the Studebaker held a special place in his heart
because, like the Edsel, it thrived and became extinct more
or less during Marty's lifetime.
He looked in the showroom for a few moments, then
Back To The Future 85
studied the used cars in an adjoining lot.
"These would be worth a lot in 1985," he murmured,
"even the clunker on the right."
The four used cars on display ranged from $950 to a
bargain-basement $395. Allwere clean-looking and had a
brief bit of praise written in white on the windshield: "Sharp,
Clean," "Low Mileage," "A steal at $450," and ''Runs Good"
for the clunker. Marty felt the urge to give them a spin, but
he knew no salesman would allow a teenager to do so,
especially in thfs day and age.
Continuing past the Studebaker lot, he stopped in front
of the Town Theatre, a marvelously typical piece of art deco
from the 1930s. A basic tan-colored tower rose above its
green marquee and red tile entrance, which was lined with
display shots of its current attractions, The Atomic Kid,
starring Mickey Rooney and Robert Strauss.
He didn't know what The Atomic Kid was about, but it
struck Marty that he could apply that title to himself. Using
a small amount of plutonium, he had managed to travel back
in time, something no one else had done. The knowledge
pleased him, but at the same time he was visited by another
"What next?" he asked aloud. "How long does this go
on? How do I get back?"
For the first time, it occurred to him that the time-travel
process might not be reversible. The circumstances under
which the transformation took place, for example, were
hardly scientific, with the scientist being killed and the time
traveler literally pursued into the experiment. Now it seemed
there was only enough plutonium for a one-way trip. Perhaps
this is it, Marty mused darkly.
Who could help him? Who could answer his questions?
Certainly no one in 1955, an era which was only tinkering
with space travel. Unless-
"Sure!" Marty said, snapping his fingers. "Doc Brown
86 George Glpe
must be somewhere around here."
He walked briskly back toward the soda shop, which he
was sure must have a telephone booth. It being Saturday,
the place was bu·gely deserted now. A nerdy-looking kid sat
at the counter, ~ting Rice Krispies and reading a comic
book. He did not look up as Marty entered. Behind the
counter were signs reading "Hamburger.....:...25 cents," "Ham
and Cheese-30 cents," ''Chocolate Sundae-15 cents."
The prices fascinated Marty so completely that he must have
stared at them long enough to convince the counterman that
he was undesirable.
"Whatever you're selling, kid, we don't want any," he
said abruptly.
"I'm not selling anything," Marty replied. "I just want
to use the telephone.''
Marty nodded and started for the booth at the back of
the store. Grabbing the directory, he flipped through the
pages until he came to the familiar name. "Brown, Emmett
L." Immediately following was the word, "Scientist," then
Brown's address and telephone number.
Marty smiled and withdrew a nickel from his pocket.
The phone rang and rang. No answer.
"Damn," Marty muttered, hanging up. ''This just isn't
my day."
He ripped the page out of the directory and sauntered
back toward the counter.
''Can you tell me where 1640 Riverside Drive is?" he
asked, when the counterman finally looked his way..
"You gonna ot:der something, kid?"
Marty shrugged. Why not, he thought, if it would get
him some information.
"Uh, sure," he said. "Gimme a Tab."
The counterman sighed loudly, looked at him askance.
"You'll get that later."

Back To The future 87
"I can't give you the tab unless you order something,"
the counterman growled.
Marty didn't get it but just decided to roll with the punches.
''Then let me have a Pepsi Free."
"Kid," the counterman said, making no attempt to hide
his growing irritation, "if you want a Pepsi, you gotta pay
for it."
Am I slow, Marty thought, realizing he had been trying
to buy products which had not yet been invented.
The counterman continued to glare at him from beneath
bushy eyebrows.
"Uh, well, just give me something to drink that doesn't
have sugar in it."
The counterman shook his head, left, and returned a
moment later with a glass of water and cup of black coffee.
Marty did not enjoy black coffee.
"Have you got any Sweet 'n' Low?" he asked, then
quickly added. "Or something like it?"
"Tell me what Sweet 'n' Low is," the counterman said,
forcing patience into his voice.
"It's an artificial sugar substitute with no calories," Marty
"We don't have anything like that."
The Middle Ages, Marty thought.
"Maybe you better pay for this right now," the count-
erman said, eyeing Marty suspiciously.
He reached into his pocket and found only a couple of
nickels and a dime. Surely not enough. The smallest thing
in his wallet was a twenty-dollar bill. He took it out and
handed it to the man.
"A twenty?" he said in horror. "What do you think this
is, a bank? I can't break a twenty for a nickel cup of coffee,
"Oh, it's only a nickel?" Marty smiled, relieved. "I'm
88 George Gipe
sorry. I thought it'd be a lot more."
"How much more?"
"Well, at least fifty cents."
"Thank God things ain't come to that," replied the count-
erman, taking the nickel. Then his eyes narrowed. "Say,
what's a kid your age doing with a twenty-dollar bill, any-
There were only two possibilities, and since one of them
involved illegal aCtivities, Marty decided to plead guilty to
the second. "I'm a spoiled rich kid," he said. "New in town."
It satisfied the counterman. ''Tell your old man it would
be a lot better if you got a job and learned the value of
money instead of his just givin' you everything," he said
''Thanks. I'll tell him.''
The counterman walked away.
MartY. raised the cup of coffee, took a sip, grimaced and
put it down.
"Hey, McFly!" voice suddenly called.
Marty nearly knocked the cup over. Spinning around on
his stool, he looked toward the direction of the voice.
Four young fellows of about seventeen were moving from
the entrance of the shop toward the nerdy boy several stools
away. The face of the leader looked vaguely familiar. The
beady eyes, lips curled into a sneer and beefy jaw presented
tantalizing clues but Marty couldn't solve the puzzle. The
other three gave him problems, being nondescript types of
the period. One chewed a wooden matchstick and obviously
thought it made him appear either cool or tough or both;
the second wore his hair in a crewcut that was just this side
of being bald; the third peered out at the world through red-
green 3-D glasses.
"Answer me when I talk, McFly," the leader said.
The superior tone in his voice provided the last piece of
the puzzle for Marty. Of course! The punk was simply a
Back To The Future 89'
young version of the biggest punk of them all, BiffTannen.
And the nerdy kid-
Marty looked at him closely. There was no doubt that
the nerdy kid was George McFly, his father. The 8ame
terrorized look was in his eyes as Biff Tannen approached,
the same nervous mannerisms and body language that told
you he wanted to be anywhere else but around his tormentor.
Unfortunately, there was also the same cowardice which
kept him rooted to the spot like a helpless slave.
"Hi, Biff, how's it going?" young George McFly asked,
trying to sound casual but not carrying it off very well. His
voice had a distinctly subservient tone.
"What d'you mean, it?'' Biff shot back as his cohorts
laughed. "What's it?"
"Er ... that's just an expression," George muttered. "I
... just wanted to make sure everything was all right with
"Everything?" Biff repeated. "You're interested in every-
thing about me? That's a lot. You mean, you're interested
in what I had for breakfast, whether I burped afterward or
His pals howled as George forced a smile, then lapsed
into silence.
Still the same old punching bag, Marty thought, looking
at his future father.
"You got my homework finished, McFly?" Biff asked,
"you Irish bug?"
George's eyes avoided those of his nemesis. "Well, no,"
he muttered soft!:•. "I figured that since it's not due till
Monday ... "
Biff reached out with his fist and knocked three times
on George's head.
''Hello," he said loudly. "Anybody home?"
Once again his friends .laughed automatically, emulating
Pavlov's dog perfectly.
90 GeorgeGipe
'"'bink, McFly," Biff Tannen continued. ''Think! I've
gotta have time to copy it, right? Do you realize what would.
happen if I turned in my homework in your handwriting?
I'd get kicked out of school."
"Yeah," George smiled. "I guess I didn't think of that.
I'm sorry."
Marty sighed and shook his bead. It was almost too
painful to watch, this beginning of a thirty-year torture test
which his father continued to fail.
"What are you looking at, buttbead?"
Marty suddenly realized the words were directed at him,
and not· his father. But instead of looking away from the
pitiful drama taking place in front of him, be continued to
direct a gaze of disgust at both Tannen and George McFly.
Th his satisfaction, Biff looked away.
"So bow about my homework, McFly?'' be asked, con-
tinuing the badgering session.
George shrugged his shoulders, a gesture that was part
resignation and part obeisance. "Ub, O.K., Biff," be said.
"I'll do it tonight and bring it over first thing tomorrow
Biff nodded coldly. "Not too early," be said. "I sleep in
on Sundays. If you woke me up, I'd.bave to mess up your
features a little."
His pals cackled once again, bringing a delighted smile
to Biff's face. George sat tightly scrunched onto the stool,
every twitch of his body indicating that be wanted nothing
more than to see the last of Biff Tannen on this day.
His joy at Biff's leavetaking was to be delayed briefly,
however. Turning as if to go, Biff suddenly whirled, looked
down at George's feet and said: "Ob, bey, McFly-your
shoe's untied."·
As George's glance dropped, Biff brought up his fist,
Back To The Future 91
tapping him on the point of the chin. It was a blow that was
more embarrassing than painful. "Fell for it again, didn't
you, McFly?" Biff laughed. "Boy, if anybody wanted to
coldcock you, they wouldn't have any trouble."
"I guess not," George murmured.
"Come on, guys, let's go," Biff annottnced, leading the
way out of the shop.
George and Marty watched them go.
"I can't believe it," Marty said finally. "You're a young
George McFly ... "
His father-to-be looked at him, puzzled. "Of course I'm
young," he said. "Do I know you from someplace? You
don't look familiar."
"No," Marty replied. "But I know you."
"Not from school."
Marty shook his head.
"Then you couldn't know me," George said.
"Oh yes, I do ... Your birthday's August 18th and your
mother's name is Sylvia, right?"
George shook his head, not because the information was
wrong but because he was amazed. Had the fellow gotten
hold of school files or looked through his wallet? Was he
a young cop or what?
"Well?" Marty continued. "Isn't that correct? Isn't it also
true that your father enlisted in World War I as a ·sixteen-
year-old, was sent to France before they found out, and
shipped back without firing a shot?"
George nearly choked on his Pepsi. Someone could have
gleaned the other information by looking at a questionnaire,
but the story about his dad was inside-family ma~rial. How
had this young man found out?
"Uh-huh," George replied. "That's all true. How did you
find out and who are you?"
Having enjoyed amazing and confounding the young
92 George Glpe
George McFly, Marty suddenly realized be had no plaUsible
answer to the question. He could not tell him the truth, of
course. That was not only implausible but might bring on
a new barrage of questions.
In reply, be smiled and tried to look enigmatic.
"Let's just say I'm your guardian angel," be said. "All
that stuff about your family isn't really important, though.
What's important is that you shouldn't let that creep Biff
Tannen push you around."
"That's a fact, man."
The reply to Marty's charge, so rapid and direct, did not
come from George McFly, but from Goldie Wilson, a black
busboy wh9 was sweeping up several feet away. George
and Marty turned to look at him. Pausing in his work, Goldie
returned their gazes with an intense, nearly mesmerizing,
look of his own.
"Say, what do you let that boy push you around for?" he--
George blinked, taken aback by the usually quiet black
''This isn't the ftrSt time I saw him treat you like that,"
Goldie went on. "I clean up a lot of mess around here, but
nothin' makes me sicker than seein' him practically spit on
you. Why don't you stand up?"
"Well, uh,be's bigger than me," George stammered, his
voice whiney and miserable-sounding. _
"Everybody's bigger than you when you're on your
knees," Goldie replied. "Listen, if you're gonna make it in
this world, you gotta have some respect for yourself. You
let people walk over you now, they'll be walkin' over you
the rest of your life. You want to be a door mat, have people
wipe their feet on you till you die?"
George shook his bead. It wasn't a very decisive gesture.
"The man's right," Marty said. "And he's got a lot more
Back To The Future 93
reason to curl up and die than you have."
"That's a fact!" Goldie nodded. "Look at me. Most peo-
ple think I'm nothing, but I know I'm something. You think
I'm gonna spend the rest of my life. behind a broom in this
The counterman, attracted by the raised voices, had grav-
itated to the scene. Now he looked at Goldie with a curling
lip. "Watch it, Goldie," he said meaningfully.
Goldie didn't flinch. "No sir!" he said to George. "I'm
not gonna end up here. I'm gonna make something of my-
self! I'm going to night school. Every night of the week.
I'm gonna be somebody!"
"Goldie," Marty interjected, something suddenly click-
ing in his mind. "Would that be Goldie Wilson, by any
Goldie nodded. ''That's me," he said. "And you can just
remember that name, because, like I said, it's gonna mean
something one day."
The counterman chuckled.
"He's right," Marty said. "As a matter of fact, he's gonna
be Mayor of Hill Valley someday."
Goldie looked at Marty closely, frowning, searching for
the hint of sarcasm that would normally accompany such a
remark made by a white man. There didn't seem to be any
guile, however. This fellow was either sincere or the world's
greatest actor. In either case, Goldie decided not to be put
off by the comment but to accept it as a challenge.
"Mayor?" he said. ''That's a good idea. I could show
folks how to run this town. I wouldn't be a cheap politician
on the take all the time. I'll be honest and efficient." Then,
looking at Marty, he said: "You got a crystal ball or some-
thing? How do you know I'm gonna be mayor?"
"I just know, that's all."
"When's it gonna happen?"
94 George Gipe
Marty sighed. He had gotten himself in deep again with
his knowledge of the future. "Do you really want to know?"
he countered.
"Of coUFSe, man. Tell me. Why shouldn't I want to know
when it's gonna happen?"
"Because it's a ways off. You might not want to wait
that long."
"No, it's all right. Something like that's worth waitin'
for. Besides, I'll know t11at nothing will happen to me be-
tween now and then, right?" ·
Marty nodded. "You'll be elected during the late '70s,"
he said.
"My seventies or the 1970s?" Goldie smiled.
''The 1970s."
"Heck, that's not too long to wait. My mother worked
forty years and got nothing out· of it. So I guess I can work
another twenty or twenty-five for a payoff like that ... "
As Goldie talked, the nervousness in George McFly be-
gan to grow nearly unbearable. It wasn't the situation or
anything that Goldie said. Rather, it was this young man
who professed to know everything. He seemed almost from
another world, so assured, calm, different from all the other
teenagers George knew. And he dressed strangely, wore his
hair in an unusual way. George wasn't a religious person
but he was superstitious. The occult, the unknown bothered
him more than the concrete promises and strictures of for-
malized religion. Suppose this man could see the future?
Others may have regarded that as a blessing, a way of
becoming rich and avoiding life's pitfalls. Not so George
McFly. He didn't want to know what lay ahead, for him or
anyone else. Better to remain in the dark than be forced to
think about some unavoidable tragedy or struggle. If this
young man somehow knew everything past and future,
George wanted to get away from him as soon as possible.
Having arrived at that decision, he took advantage of the
Back To The Future 95
conversation between Goldie and Marty to edge his way
toward the doer. A few seconds later, he slipped around the
corner and walked briskly for his bike.
Meanwhile, the counterman, who had listened to Gol-
die's speech with increasing frustration, fmally managed to
break in. "Mayor," he said. "Ha! A colored mayor of this
town. That'll be the day!"
"You wait and see," Goldie returned. "Like this man here
says, someday I'm gonna be mayor."
"I ain't impressed by this man here," the counterman
retorted. "And as for you, just keep sweeping."
Goldie slid his hands up on the broom handle but didn't
set to work immediately. "Mayor Goldie Wilson," he said
softly. "I like the sound of that."
Marty smiled, rather pleased with himself for "inspiring"
Goldie Wilson, or at least giving him hope. A moment later,
the smile disappeared as he realized that George McFly was
no longer in the store.
"Hey-" he called, catching a glance of George's back
as he started to cycle away.
He raced out of the store, his arms waving. "George!"
he called after the departing figure. "Hey, George! I want
to talk to you!"
Either oblivious, out of earshot, or not wishing to prolong
their conversation, George McFly moved ahead without so
much as a glance over his shoulder. Marty started to run
after him, then suddenly remembered that his father had
grown up on Sycamore Street, near 2nd. He had driven past
it with the family once and pointed it out. Sure that he could
locate the house now, Marty slowed to a fast walk.
He wasn't certain exactly where he wanted his relation-
ship with the young George McFly to go. The man, despite
his failings, did survive the next thirty years. That was
something. Nevertheless, Marty felt a compulsion to have
at least one heart-to-heart talk with him. Perhaps, if nothing
96 George Gipe
else, be could say something that would free George McFly
of Biff Tannen's bullying for the next three decades.
"Wouldn't that be a wonderful present?" Marty said aloud
as be walked. Playing it back, he was somewhat surprised
that he bad such kind feelings toward his father-to-be. Could
it be because they bad a certain kinship now? He bad never
thought of his father as a young man before; Yet here be
was, the same age as Marty. It would be fun, of course, to
see his father's reaction when he told him who be was, but
that was impossible. It was also likely to drive George crazy,
so Marty dispensed with the notion.
His sense of direction took him to Sycamore Street, which
was decorated with solid homes built during the 1920s and
'30s. White picket fences were everywhere. framing the
neat lawns into meticulously edged walkways leading to the
doors. It was a much nicer neighborhood than Marty re-
membered, having grown seedy by the early 1970s.
George's bike was leaning against a tree overhanging
Sycamore Street but George himself was nowhere to be
seen. Marty stood still a moment, debating whether or not
to go into the bouse. In all likelihood, his grandmother
would be there, no doubt looking younger than be bad ever
seen her. Marty wasn't .sure he wanted to deal with that.
Granny bad been very close to him, and be felt this closeness
would betray him. Somehow, even though Marty bad not
yet been born, be felt she would sense who he was and be
terribly frightened by it.
His inner debate lasted only a minute. Looking upward
through the limbs of the tree; Marty caught sight of George.
He was nearly twenty feet up, perched. precariously on a
thick branch that jutted far over the street.
"I can't believe it," Marty breathed. 'That's the most
courageous thing I've ever seen him do."
He soon found out why George bad taken such a risk.
In his bands was a pair of binoculars, which the young man
Back To The Future 97
had trained on a second-story window of the house across
the street. The profile of a woman's head and shoulders
could be seen at street level. From the vantage point of
twenty feet up, Marty could imagine what was visible.
"I'll be damned," he muttered, smiling. "Dad's a Peeping
Two things happened then in rapid succession. George,
trying to gain an ever better vantage point, suddenly lost
his balance. He slid sideways around the thick branch,
grasped desperately for it, missed, then plunged downward
toward the street. As he fell, his body struck several smaller
branches, which served to lessen his rate of descent and
perhaps spare him broken bones. Landing on his hip and
receiving a minor blow to the head, he lay limp and dazed
in the center of the road.
At that very moment, a car moving quickly around the
comer headed directly at the young man's body.
Marty had no time to yell a warning. Instinctively, he
threw himself toward George, delivering a neat cross-body
block that sent him free of the car. Marty himself was not
so fortunate. Hitting the brakes, the driver swerved to avoid
the two youngsters but succeeded only in missing George.
There was a loud bump as the car's fender struck Marty's
shoulder and head.
"Crazy kids!" the driver yelled, not in anger but in horror.
''They didn't give me a chance!"
He was nearly crying as he bent next to the young man
who had saved the other's life. "Please, God," he prayed.
"Let him be all right. I can't afford to be sued."

The next thing Marty saw after the shiny car bumper was
a soft white lacy pattern, slightly out of focus, falling away
from a table top. He blinked, looked around at the bedroom
he had never seen before. Far away, a wall was decorated
with unfamiliar pictures and pennants; to their right was a
window, through which an outside street lamp poured sharp
and painful light. He closed his eyes again.
His head was cold and felt the pressure of something
resting on it.
"I think he's going to be all right," he heard a soft fem-
inine voice say. It was a familiar sound.
"Mom? Is that you?" Marty whispered.
Gentle hands moved the cold object against his forehead,
touched his cheeks.
"Shh. Everything's going to be all right."
It was his mother. Marty opened his eyes despite the pain

100 George Glpe
.but all he could see was a silhouette. The voice had been
unmistakable, though.
"God, what a terrible nightmare," he said. "I dreamt I
went back in time ... "
"In time for what?'' the voice asked.
It was his mother, all right. Always so comfortingly
literal. Marty started to sit up, but leaned back again when
he experienced a slightly dizzy sensation.
''Take it easy, now," his mother said. "You've been asleep
for almost nine hours. Better not hop right out of bed. Better
to take it slowly."
"It was terrible," Marty continued. "It was a terrible place
to be. The music was awful-they didn't have Huey Lewis.
Our neighborhood hadn't even been built yet, except for
our house. Everything was so weird looking and the people
acted so strange."
"I see ... You dreamed you went back to another time."
"How far back?~'
''Thirty years."
"All the way to the flapper days? That must have been
interesting. But there's no need to worry. You're safe and
sound, back where you belong, in good old 1955."
"Nineteen fifty-five!"
For~etting the discomfort, he sat up and turned on the
bedside lamp.
"Oh, my God!" he said.
The young woman was the same one George McFly had
been spying on. But that was only part of it.
"What is it?'' she asked, concerned.
"You're my ... my m-" Marty began.
"Your what?''
"Nothing. Never mind."
His head fell back against the pillow.
"My name's Lorraine," the girl said. ''Lorraine B-"
Back To The Future 101
"Baines," Marty continued.
She smiled. "How did you know that?"
He shrugged. "I get around," he said cryptically.
Lorraine lifted the cold compress. "I'll get you some new
ice," she said.
As she stood to leave, Marty released an involuntary
gasp of surprise, causing her to eye him cautiously.
"Are you all right?"
"What was that sound for?"
"It's just that you're so thin," Marty replied.
''Thanks, I guess," she said. "I've always been on the
thin side." She patted her flat stomach. "You don't think
I'm too thin, do you?"
"No. It looks great," Marty said sincerely.
''Thank you, Calvin," she smiled.
"Yes. Isn't that your name?"
She frowned. ''That's funny. I was sure it was. Your
name isn't Calvin Klein?''
"No. It's Marty."
''Then why does your under-"
She blushed, looked away. _
· Marty suddenly became aware of his pants folded across
the chair in the opposite comer. Reaching down beneath the.
covers, be realized he was clad only in his underwear.
"We took your pants and shirt off when we put you in
bed," Lorraine said, a trifle embarrassed. "I've never seen
purple underwear before, much less purple underwear with
a man's name written on it."
"Oh," Marty replied. ''That isn't my name. Calvin Klein
is the name of the underwear manufacturer."
"And your name's Marty?'' she-asked~
101 George Gipe
"Well, I'm pleased to meet you, Marty," she said, sitting 1

next to him on the bed. Her attitude seemed different now,

much less motherly, more seductive.
"And what's your last name?" she smiled.
The word "McFly'' formed on Marty's lips, but he man-
aged to avoid saying it. That would have been hard to
explain, McFly being a rather uncommon name. Instead ·of
trying to deal with that, Marty winced as if a sudden rush
of pain had just struck him.
· "Oh, you poor boy," Lorraine whispered. She reached
out to touch .him but he moved away.
"Are you all right?''
"Yes," he said, exhaling softly as if the pain had passed.
"Is it O.K. for me to sit here?"
Marty gulped. "Uh, sure," he replied. But even as he
said it, he involuntarily moved as far away from her as he
could without falling off the bed. He held the blanket tight
around his waist, his eyes apprehensive. Lorraine continued
to stare at him, fascinated, apparently oblivious of his ner-
''That's quite a bruise there," she said finally, reaching
out to touch his forehead. Smiling weakly, he submitted,
until she began running her fingers through his hair. When
she started doing that, Marty found himself inching farther
and farther away until-
Whump. Suddenly he was on the floor, stark naked ex-
cept for his underwear. He reached for the blanket. Lorraine
giggled naughtily.
"Lorraine! Are you up there?"
The voice was accompanied by .the sound of heavy foot-
steps on the stairs outside the bedroom.
"Yes, mother," Lorraine. said.
Grabbing Marty's pants off the chair back, she tossed
them -at him. Lying on his back, he struggled into them as
the steps came closer.
Back To The Future 1O:i
"How's the patient?" Stella Baines asked as she entered
the room. Then, looking around, she added: "Where's the
Marty looked up over the edge of the bed. Stella Baines,
forty, his grandmother-to-be, stared back at him. She was
pregnant and looked terribly young. If Marty remembered
correctly, she was carrying her last child, the one born after
Uncle Joey the jailbird. She had the same pleasant eyes as
when she was older, very pale blue and rather sad.
"Marty, this is my mother," Lorraine said, tossing him
his shirt.
He put it on from a sitting position. "How do you do?"
he smiled.
"Feel up to having something to eat?''
Marty nodded.
''Then come on downstairs."
Marty found his shoes, put them on and started out of
the room after her. As they walked down the hall, Stella
Baines regarded him with a half smile.
"So tell me, Marty, howlong have you been with the
circusT' ·
Marty could only stare. Lorraine made a sound that was
half sigh, half snort of anger. "Mother," she said. "How
could you?"
''The circus?" Marty murmured. "I'm not with the circus.
What do you mean?"
"Your clothes seem so unusual," Stella remarked. "We
thought perhaps you might be with a sideshow."
Marty smiled and shrugged. The green shoes and shirt
with U.S. Patent Office facsimile probably did seem unusual
to people of 1955. Rather than explain that these clothes
were normal wearing apparel of the '80s, he said: "I guess
I just like strange clothes, ma'am. Sorry."
.''There's no need to apologize. We were just a little cu-
rious, that's all."
104 George Gipe
They entered the living room, where four children and
Sam Baines, Marty's future grandfather, were relaxing. Sam,
a gruff man of forty-five, stood next to the black-and-white
television set, adjusting the rabbit ears. He didn't look their
way until the picture locked in.
"Sam, here's the young manyou hit with the car," Stella
said matter-of-factly. "Thank God he's all right."
"What were you doing in the middle of the street, a kid
your age?" Sam asked coldly.
"He'd fallen-" Marty began. Then he decided not to
say that his father had fallen out of a tree. That could lead
to embarrassing revelations or at the very least, suspicion.
"He'd fallen ... in the road," Marty continued. ''There was
this other kid. I rushed over to shove him out of the way.
Didn't you see him, sir?"
"Pa never sees anything when he's driving," Lorraine
"What are you talking about?" her father snapped. "I'm
a damn good driver. But there's nothing a good driver can
do when kids jump out in front of him."
"Especially when you're going around the comer on two
wheels," Lorraine added.
"By the way," Marty interjected. "What happened to that
other boy?"
"He just got up and left," Sam said.
"I guess he didn't want to get involved," Marty mur-
mured, thinking how much like George McFly that was.
"Anyways," Sam said, turning once again to the rabbit
ears, "pedestrians got no right to be fooling around in the
middle of the street. Any judge'll tell you that."
"Oh, don't mind him," Stella said. "He's just in one of
his moods." She started to lead Marty toward the dining
room, calling back to Sam over her shoulder. "Quit fiddling
with that thing. It's time for dinner."
Back To The Future 105
Sam, studiously ignoring her, continued adjusting the
rabbit ears until the picture was completely unwatchable.
The dining room was already half-filled with people.
Seated at the table, ready t..o pitch in, were Milton, twelve,
who was wearing a Davy Crockett coonskin cap; Sally, six;
Toby, four; and in the playpen on the floor, eleven-month-
old Joey. ~
Stella made the introductions. Marty was utterly fasci-
nated, seeing his aunt and uncles looking so different. Joey,
about to take the first steps in a long unlucky life, was
rattling the bars of his playpen and salivating wildly. Marty
looked at him, shook his head. So you're my Uncle Joey,
he thought; get used to those bars, kid.
"He seems to enjoy being there," he said to Stella. "It's
like he belongs."
"Oh, yes," she replied, unaware that Marty was being
mildly sarcastic. "Little Joey loves being in his pen. He
actually cries when we take him out. So we leave. him there
most of the time. It seems to make him happy and certainly
quiets him down."
He's become institutionalized already, Marty thought,
laughing inwardly.
"I hope you like meat loaf, Marty," Stella said.
Some things never change, Marty thought.
"Oh, yes," he said.
"Sit here, Marty," Lorraine offered, pulling out the chair
next to hers.
Marty sat, noting that the plate in front of him was already
filled with meat loaf, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables,
and macaroni and cheese. In fact, the dinner was an exact
replica of the one he had eaten the night before in 1985.
Everybody pitched in, except Lorraine, who toyed with
her food. Marty wondered when she had made the switch
106 George Gipe
from finicky taster to eating machine.
As the family proceeded, Stella kept yelling instructions
and criticism to everyone except Marty. "Milton, don't eat
so fast! Lorraine, you're not eating enough. Have some
mashed potatoes ... Sally, don't hold your fork like that.
You look like somebody who just got off the pickle boat
... Don't push everything on the table, Toby ... My Good-
ness ... Sam, would you quit fiddling with that television
set? Come in here and eat ... "
Her husband had no intention of giving up television
watching during dinner, however. Striding away from the
living room set, he soon reappeared with a brand-new set
on a plywood dolly.
. "Look at this," he announced proudly. "I made the dolly
myself so we can roll it in the dining room and watch Jackie
Gleason while we eat."
"Oh, boy!" Milton exclaimed.
Mrs. Baines sighed wearily. About the only time she
commanded attention was during dinner hour. Now. Sam
had found a way to take that away from her. But she was
wise enough to know she couldn't fight it.
Sam fiddled with the rabbit ears of the new set, finally
managing to bring in a rather muddy image of a cigarette
Marty watched, fascinated, as a surgeon stepped out of
an operating room, lit up a cigarette, and began speaking
to the audience. "After facing the tension of doing three
lung operations in a row, I like to relax by lighting up a Sir
Walter Randolph. I know its fine tobacco taste will soothe
my nerves and improve my circulation ... "
"That's incredible!" Marty said, in spite of himself. He
had never seen a television commercial advertising ciga-
rettes and couldn't quite comprehend the brazenness of it.
Sam Baines thought the young man was commenting on_
Back To The Future 107
his excellent job of fine tuning. He beamed as he said: "Yep.
Look at that picture ... It's crystal clear. You're right, boy,
it's incredible all right."
"I meant the cigarette commercial," Marty replied.
, "What's so incredible about that?" Lorraine asked.
''The way the doctor is advertising it. Cigarette smoking
causes lung cancer. How can he do lung operations and then
puff a cigarette? It's crazy!"
"Well," Sam muttered. "They ain't proved anything yet.
Don't see why a doctor can't advertise cigarettes if he wants
"Because it's immoral."
, "Don't be silly."
Sam's self-satisfied tone irritated Marty. "Well," he said,
"it'll be outlawed someday. That's how silly it is."
The rest of the family, except those too young to com-
prehend, stared at Marty incredulously. To say that one day
American television would be without cigarette commercials
was like saying one day Christmas would be devoid of Santa
Claus. Only Lorraine looked as if Marty's statement had
any possible merit.
"Well," she said cautiously, "it may not happen, but I
think it's a good idea. Too many young people see those
ads on TV and think it's the smart thing to do."
Sam couldn't really argue with that so he decided to turn
the topic in another direction. "Why would anybody want
to go to the movies when you can see this in your own
home-free?" he rhapsodized.
"Do you have a television set?" Lorraine asked, looking
at Marty warmly.
"Yes," he replied. ''Two."
"Wow! You must be rich!" Milton gushed.
''They're in color, too," Marty added, before realizing
that was not too smart a thing to say to a 1955 family.
108 George Gipe
Milton's eyes widened.
"Bull," Sam Baines scoffed.
Stella smiled condescendingly. "He's teasing you, Mil~
ton," she said. "Nobody bas two television sets ... in color,
• She looked to Marty for confirmation.
·~Yeah, that's right," he nodded. "I was just pulling your
leg, Mittie."
The commercial break was over and The Honeymooners
began. Marty recognized the segment immediately as the
classic "Man from Space" episode. Almost without realizing
he was doing it, he began saying the show's lines a split
second before the actors said them. Everyone at the table
·regarded him with varying degrees of amazement. Lorraine
laughed every time he did it; her father scowled.
"How come you know the lines?" Milton asked.
"Because I've seen this one before," he replied.
"What do you mean, you've seen it?" Milton asked. "It's
brand new."
"I saw it on a rerun."
"What's a rerun?"
"You'll find out."
"O.K., smarty," Milton persisted. ''Tell me what happens
"Sure," Marty said. ''This is a good one. Ralph dresses
up as a 'man from space."'
"Quiet!" Sam ordered. "I want to see this!"
The family was silent for perhaps a minute. Then Stella
looked at Marty closely. "You know, there's something very
familiar about you," she said. "Do I know your mother?"
Marty couldn't help smiling. "Yeah, I think maybe you
do," he replied, glancing sideways at Lorraine and smiling
"I'd like to give her a call," Stella said. "You know, to
Back To The Future 109
let her know that you're all right."
"Well, you can't," Marty blurted.
"Why not?"
''Uh ... She's not home yet. Nobody's home."
"She works?"
"Not exactly," Marty hedged. "Uh, both my folks are
sort ot' away."
"I don't understand-"
"It's all right, Mrs. Baines," Marty assured her. "My
Mom's used to my staying out late. She won't even miss
"You're sure?"
"Yes, ma'am. I could be away for the next thirteen years
and she wouldn't notice."
The remark obviously tickled Milton, for he giggled hard
enough to lose some of his food.
"Isn't anybody watching this show?" Sam muttered ir-
Another minute of silence followed. Then, as a new
series of commercials started, Marty remembered that he
wanted to look up Doc Brown. ''Uh, could anybody tell me
where Riverside Drive is?" he asked.
"Riverside?" Sam replied. "Sure. It's on the east side of
town, a block past Maple."
"A bl<><!k past Maple?" Marty repeated, puzzled. "But
that's JFK. Drive ... "
"J .F. what?"
"John F. Kennedy Drive."
"Who the hell is John F. Kennedy?'' Sam demanded.
"Uh, never mind."
"Just keep heading east until you come to Maple," Sam
said. "Then the block after is Riverside."
"Thank you."
"Mother," Lorraine said. "With Marty's parents away,
110 George Gipe
don't you think he should spend the night here? I'd hate for
anything to happen to him with that bruise on his head. He
could faint or something ... "
She directed a slightly flirtatious smile at Marty, who
smiled back weakly.
"Marty, maybe Lorraine is right. Maybe you'd better
spend the night. After all, Dad ran into you. That means
you're our responsibility ... "
"Not legally," Sam interjected hotly.
"Maybe not, but morally he is," Stella retorted. She
looked at Marty for a response.
"I don't know ... " be temporized.
"You can sleep in my room," Lorraine suggested.
"Lorry's got a crush," Milton taunted. "Lorry's got a
crush ... "
Lorraine straightened up in her chair and glared impe-
riously at her little brother. "I'm just trying to be hospitable,"
she said.
No one really believed it, least of all Marty. He glanced
at his watch, pushed his plate away. "Uh ... if you 'II excuse
me, I really have to be going," he said.
"But there's pie-" Stella protested.
"I'm really sorry," Marty said. "I've got an appointment,
with this man ... "
He got to his feet, nodded at Sam and the rest of the
kids, all of whom continued eating. ''Thank you for every-
thing. I'll see you all later. Much later."
A moment later, he was gone.
Lorraine sighed. "I wonder what we said to make him
act that way," she said.
"He's a very strange young man," Stella murmured. "He's
pleasant enough most of the time, but other times he just
seems to drift off into another world."
"He's an idiot," Sam Baines amended. "It comes from
his upbringing. His parents are probably idiots, too, and
Back To The Future 111
maybe even his grandparents. I wouldn't be surprised if the
whole family's nuts." He looked darkly at Lorraine. "If you
ever have a kid who acts that way, I'll disown you. That
goes for all. of you."
Having restored his suzerainty in the household, he loaded
his fork with a huge mouthful of instant potatoes and re-
turned his attention to Jackie Gleason.

Doc Brown adjusted the instrument on his head, shuffled

the deck of cards, and once again picked one. Placing it
face down on the table, he twisted the series of dials which
activated the contraption on his head. A crackling noise
filled the room and a quick vision of a jack of spades passed
before Brown's eyes.
"Excellent!" he cried.
He turned the card over. It was a three of diamonds.
"Damn," he muttered.
He tried once again, and once again failed to identify
the correct card.
Leaving the latest of his inventions on his head, he got
up and paced. Where had he gone wrong? Was it the machine
or himself? A slight twinge of pain in his head reminded
him that the fault could be in his own mind. That morning,
while banging a clock in the bathroom, he had fallen from
the toilet and sustained a violent knock to the skull. The

114 George Glpe
brain being a complicated mass of electrical impulses and
energy, it was indeed possible that the blow had caused a
short circuit powerful enough to make his tests mvalid. But
the day hadit't been a total loss. The fall generated some-
thing going in his mind which prompted him to write for
several hours. When he was finished and reread the notes,
he was sure a breakthrough had been scored in the realm
of time travel. Excitement over that new project might also
have interfered with his experiments. in mind extension.
As he paced, he caught a picture of himself in the mirror.
He was forced to smile. How outrageous he looked with
this conglomeration of vacuum tubes, rheostats, gauges,
wirings, and antennae on his head. lt was, he was inclined
to admit, the perfect stereotypical image of the mad scientist.
But no matter. If the device proved practical in the area of
mind reading, it wouldn't matter what it looked like.
While he studied himself, wondering whether or not to
continue work for the day, Copernicus started barking. The
dog, third in a line of pets named after famous scientists,
raced from the kitchen into the living room, arriving there
just as the rap sounded.
Without removing his headgear-it was so much trouble
to hook it up-Doc Brown strode to the door and opened
it. A young man of perhaps seventeen was there. His ap-
pearance caused Brown to almost clap his hands in sheer
delight, for he was clad in a shirt that was illustrated with
a blowup of a patent office entry. How this appealed to the
heart of a frustrated and neglected and much maligned in-
ventor can be easily imagined.
In this happy frame of mind, Doc Brown decided to
continue his experiment. He turned the switch on, waited
for it to warm up, pointed his fmger a.t the young man, and
said: ..Don't say a word."
The young man obeyed, his mouth closing before he
could get his frrst words out.
Back To The Future 1 15
"I'm going to tell you your name," Doc Brown said.
"Think of your name."
Marty did so. He was happy to note that Doc Brown
seemed to be the same old guy~ much younger looking to
be sure, but with the same mannerisms and expressions. It
was nice to see him again, even though they had been apart
only a day.
"Peter Danforth," Doc Brown said.
"Evan Wentworth ... Junior!"
"No, sir. I'm sorry."
"Melvin Petrucci."
Marty shook his head. "But my first name does begin
with an M," he added encouragingly.
"That's not good enough," Doc Brown murmured.
"Maybe it's not so good with proper names." Flipping an-
other switch on his "Brain-wave Analyzer," he closed his
eyes and cogitated once again.
"Let's see now," he said finally. "You've come from a
great distance ... "
" ... because you ... want me to buy a subscription to
the Saturday Evening Post."
"No ... "
"Colliers . .. "
"No. It's-"
"Don't tell me!" He threw back his head and thought for
another moment. "Peanut brittle!" he fairly screamed. "'That's
it! You're selling peanut brittle for the Boy Scouts! How
silly of me not to have said that right away!"
Doc Brown was crestfallen. Marty wished he could have
given him better news, but lying wouldn't have been any
benefit to his friend.
"Are you here because you want to use the bathroom?"
t t6 George Gipe
Brown asked, considerably subdued.
"No, Doc Brown," Marty answered. "But I am here for
a reason that's very important to both of us."
"What are you selling?" Doc asked. ''That's how all sales
pitches begin."
"I'm not selling anything. Listen: l'm from the future. I
came here in a time machine you invented-and now I need
you to help me get back."
"Back to where?"
"Nineteen eighty-five."
"Incredible," Doc Brown breathed. "My God, do you
know what this means?"
He paused dramatically, then began to remove the com-
plicated contraption from his head.
"What does it mean?"
"It means this damned thing doesn't work at all!" he
yelled, throwing the machine to the floor. It broke into
several pieces, glass and plastic flying everywhere. "Six
months labor for nothing! Where did I go wrong?"
"Please, Doc," Marty urged. "Forget the mind-reading
machine. You're never gonna make it work."
"Who says so?"
"I do. Listen: Your big breakthrough will come with the
time travel machine. Instead of fooling around with that
other stuff, you should figure out how the time machine
works ... Because I need your help. You left me stuck here
in 1955."
Doc Brown knit his brow and rubbed a bandage on his
"What are you talking about, time machine?" he de-
manded. "I haven't invented any time machine."
"No, but you will," Marty said. "And I'll be the fmt
one to use it, except for your dog Einstein:-"
"My dog's name is Copernicus."
Marty nodded. "That figures. You name your pets after
Back To The Future 1 17
great scientists. So isn't it logical that some future dog will
be named Einstein?"
"Makes some sort of sense," Brown admitted. "But how
do I know you're from the future? There's a lot of folks
around here who think I'm a crank and a pest. Maybe they
sent you as some kind of twisted joke."
"I'm not a joke," Marty replied. "And I can prove it to
He reached into his pocket, withdrew his wallet.
"Look," he said. "Here's my driver's lic~nse. Examine
the dates"
He handed the card to Doc Brown.
"See that expiration date?" Marty said. "Nineteen eighty-
seven. See my date of birth? Nineteen sixty-eight."-
"You mean you haven't even been born yet?" Doc Brown
asked. He turned the license over and over.· "It sure looks
authentic, all right," he muttered.
"It is authentic."
Searching deeper into his wallet, Marty withdrew a li-
brary card with a 1986 expiration date, a new piece of
money, and a family picture. One by one he held them up
for Doc Brown's examination.
"Look at this twenty-dollor bill," he said. "Series 1981
... And here's a picture of me, my sister, and my brother ... "
"So look at the girl's sw;eatshirt. Class of '84, it says,
Doc Brown nodded, then shrugged. "Pretty mediocre
photographic fakery,'' he said. "It looks like they cut off
your brother's head."
Growing increasingly irritated, Marty thrust the picture
back in his wallet without bothering to look at it. If Doc
Brown didn't believe his story, who would? It was both
ironic and annoying that the man behind his dilemma would
not believe his own success.
118 George Gipe
"Please, Doc," Marty said passionately. "You've gotta
believe me! I'm telling the truth."
Doe regarded him through narrowed eyes. "All right,
future boy," he smiled. "Let me give you a little test. Who's
going to win the 1956 World Series?''
Unfortunately, Marty.had no encyclopedic knowledge of
sports events, although he was as interested as most young
men his age. "I don't know," he confessed ..''That was almost
thirty years ago."
"No, it's one year in the future," Doc Brown said quickly
before realizing they were approa<;hing the date from dif-
ferent perspectives. "All right," he continued. "I'm a Brook-
lyn f~: How many pennants and World Series do they win
during the 1960s and '70s?''
"I don't think they win any," Marty replied. "Brooklyn's
not even in the league."
Doc Brown laughed derisively. "No Bums?'' he said,
shaking his head. "No Brooklyn? I don't believe it."
"It's true."
"It's crazy. Who wins the pennants then?''
''The Miracle Mets won an exciting World Series in 1969,"
Marty said. "But I'm a San Diego Padre fan. ·1 like the
Chargers, too."
"Mets?" Doc repeated. "Who are the Miracle Mets? And
San Diego? Are you kidding me?"
"No. Teams get changed around a lot."
"Yeah, but not that much," Doc muttered. "I haven't
recognized a team you mentioned. Who are the big teams
in football?"
''The L.A. Raiders ... Miami Dolphins ... Dallas Cow-
boys ... San Francisco 49ers."
"Finally," Doc Brown said. "One team I recognize. This
is incredible. How about this: Who's gonna be President of
the United States in 1985?"
"Ronald Reagan."
Back To The Future 119
"Ronald Reagan the actor?" Doc Brown asked, shaking
his head.
Marty nodded somewhat ruefully. He wished Doc Brown
had asked another question.
"Why, that's the most insane thing I've ever heard," Doc
muttered. "Surely you .could have made up a better answer
than that."
Picking up his Brain-wave Analyzer, Brown started to-
ward his garage. The joke was over as far as he was con-
cerned. He had no idea what it had accomplished, but if
someone had gotten a laugh at his expense, they were wel-
come to it. Marty followed him.
"Please leave me alone," Doc Brown said over his shoul-
der as he moved out of the room.
Marty, thiriking furiously for the thing he could say that
would convince the man, suddenly remembered what day
it was: Saturday, November 5, 1955. Hadn't that been the
day Doc had slipped off the toilet and-?
••sure," Marty exclaimed. "He's even got the bruise to
prove it."
Racing after Doc Brown, he began to speak in a rapid-
fire patter. "Doctor Brown, listen to me!" he said. "That
bruise on your head-1 know how you got it! It happened
this morning! You were hanging a clock and fell off your
toilet and hit your head on the· sink ... "
Doc Brown whirled to look at him.
"What have you been doing-spying on me?" he de-
manded. "Haven't I even got privacy in the bathroom? When
I sit down now, do I have to worry about some idiot with
binoculars looking. at me?"
"No," Marty assured him. "I didn't spy on you. In 1985,
you told me about this morning. You said after the fall, you
had a sort of vision about the flux capacitor, which is the
heart of the time machine."
Doc Brown frowned. This was indeed a puzzler. How
110 George Gipe
could this young man know what went on in his mind unless
he told him? While he was trying to figure it out, Marty
spread his palms and voiced the same question.
"Doc, how else could I know that unless I was from the
"You could be a mind reader."
"Yes, but I'm not. I'm just an ordinary guy you happened
to confide in."
"Where is this time machine now?" Doc Brown asked.
He was beginning to become intrigued.
"I've got it hidden," Marty replied. "I stas~ed it in a
garage. It's so flashy-looking, I couldn't drive it around the
streets without getting a lot of attention. Maybe the cops
would even arrest me."
Doc Brown looked at the young man for a long moment.
He wanted to believe him but there was something missing.
It was just too fantastic. The kid was just a good actor who
had somehow found out about his accident. Whatever mo-
tive was behind his story-telling wasn't important. He had
other things to do.
"Good night, 'Future Boy,'" he said, closing the service
door of the garage.
Marty stood silently for nearly a minute. Try as he might,
he could think of no one else who could help him but Doc
Brown. That meant only one thing: if Brown required more
evidence to convince him, that evidence would have to be
"But he probably won't let me in next time, if he knows
it's me," he sighed.
He looked down, noting that the same potted plant, much
smaller now, sat outside the dOor' to Doc's garage.
"Is it possible ... ?" he smiled.
Bending down, he lifted the pot and found the key. He
put it in his pocket and walked away.
It was his plan to wait until dark when the DeLorean
Back To The future 111
would be less obtrusive. The machine itself would be sure
to impress Doc Brown and contained several articles from
1985 that would serve as evidence. Walking slowly, Marty
went back to the Town Square, bought himself a burger and
Pepsi, and watched the hands on the courthouse tower clock
slowly move toward four o'clock. Finally, growing bored
with people-watching, he decided to take in a movie.
He strolled toward the Essex, but after only a few paces
turned left in the direction of the Town. Westerns had never
been his favorite type of movie and Ronald Reagan was far
from his favorite actor. At least The Atomic Kid was a picture
he'd never seen on television.
He paid his fifty cents admission cheerfully, bought an
Almond Joy for a dime and went inside. The movie was
pretty lame and Marty actually found himself yearning for
television commercials as a way of relieving the tedium.
Ninety minutes later, having suffered through the story of
a prospector who becomes immune to atomic radiation and
tracks down Communist spies, he went outside, noting with
satisfaction that it was considerably darker.
By the time he returned home, it was quite dark; Marty
opened the garage, got into the oei.orean, dropped the seat
into a reclining position and closed his eyes. He had decided
to wait until at least midnight so that few people would be
around to see his car from another world.
Eventually he dropped into a fitful sleep, a succession
of dreams reminding him that he was in a serious situation
... He saw himself pursued by professional gamblers eager
to pick his brain for future knowledge thaf could be turned
into money ... Police and government officials, meanwhile,
wanted to silence him in order to prevent panic ... Lorraine
was after his body ... He had no way of returning to 1985,
to Jennifer, his friends ... Awakening with a start, he looked
at the digital clock on the DeLorean dashboard. It was after
U.l George Gipe
Bringing the car to life, he rolled softly out of the garage
and reiumed to Doc Brown's house on Riverside Drive.
True to its image, Hill Valley had rolled up its sidewalks
early and only a few cars were on the roads.
Arriving at Doc's garage, Marty opened the door with
1he"key he'd appropriated and pulled the DeLorean inside.
· Doc Brown was asleep, snoring loudly, at his workbench.
Beneath his slumped figure were blueprints of the Brain-
wave Analyzer and a note pad with scribbled memoranda.
Marty touched Doc gently on the shoulder.
"Doc ... Wake up," he whispered.
Brown's eyes fluttered open. "Huh?" he muttered thickly,
his expression vacant.
''It's me," Marty said.
A' twinge of anger came into Doc Brown's eyes. "What
the hell are you doing here?" he demanded. "How the hell
did you get in?"
"I borrowed the key ... "
"You got a lot of nerve-"
As he spoke, Doc Brown's eyes fell on the DeLorean
and the words died in his throat.
"Good Lord," he muttered.
''This is your time machine, Doc," Marty smiled. "I
brought it over."
Doc Brown started to move toward it, his eyes wide with
wonder, his mouth open. Marty thought he was about to
start salivating.
"Now will you believe me?"
Doc Brown didn't answer. Very deliberately, he walked
in a complete circle around the machine. Then he withdrew
a folded piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to
"After I fell off the toilet," he said, "I drew this. Does
it look familiar?"
Marty unfolded the sheet and immediately recognized a
Back To The Future 123
crude but accurate sketch of the flux capacitor.
"You bet," he answered.
He opened the car door and pulled out the real thing.
When he saw it, Doc Brown's eyes lit up. Hopping in place,
he began to shout, emitting words between the yipping
sounds of happiness.
"Ha! It works ... it works!" he wheezed. "I finally in-
vented something that works!"
Suddenly he reached out to hug Marty and give him a
kiss on the cheek.
"This is great!" he exuded. "This is wonderful! I can't
believe it!"
But he obviously did believe it, for the next thing he did
was stand very formally, as if addressing an audience of
very learned people.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he said in a deep and sonorous
voice, "and members of the Nobel committee ... It is a great
honor for me to accept the Nobel Prize for the year nine-
He paused, turned to Marty. "What year do I get the
Nobel Prize?" he asked.
Then, before Marty could speak, he waved his hands
and continued. "No-wait, don't tell me. I don't want to
know. Let it be a wonderful surprise. No man should know
too much about his own destiny."
He seemed about to address the imaginary audience again
when a look of sudden realization gripped his features.
"Hold it!" he said. "Wait a minute! It's starting to come
back to me now. You mentioned something about being my
first guinea pig, except a dog."
"That's right."
"And you also said I left you stuck here in 1955 ... "
Marty nodded.
"Why would I do thatr' Doc Brown demanded haughtily.
"I'm a respol)5ible scientist. Every test I've performed has
114 George Gipe
been absolutely safe. I would never send a kid back in time
and just leave him there."
"You didn't do it on purpose," Marty explained. "It was
an accident. Some other people intervened. Things got pretty
heavy. really .....
"Heavy?" Doc said. "What does weight have·to do with
this problem?"
"I'm sorry. That's just an expression. What I mean is,
well, what happened after the frrst-''
"Wait, don't tell me," Brown interrupted. "My knowing
too much about the future ... in fact, your simply being
here ... could be very dangerous. We might accidentally
alter the course of bistQIY -"
"I don't think so," Marty said. "I'm just an ordinary
"You don't understand. One molecule, one atom out of
place could destroy the entire fabric of the space-time con-
tinuum ... So we must be careful that we don't do anything
Marty shrugged.
"Show me how this thing works," Doc Brown said.
''We've got to send you back-back to the future."
''That's fine with me," Marty replied. ''But I'm not an
expert. You gave me a couple minutes' instruction time in
1985 and that was it."
"Why so littler' Doc Brown demanded. "If you were to j

be my subject, why didn't I explain everything fully and

completely? That's irresponsible, to send a boy thirty years
into the past with improper instruction."
Marty smiled. It sounded as if he were criticizing some-
one else when he was actually commenting on the activities
of his future self.
"No, Doc," Marty explained ...It wasn't a matter of being
irresponsible. You see, we. were attack-"
Back To The Future U5
He paused. Should he tell Doc Brown the manner in
which he had been killed? It hardly seemed appropriate and
certainly not kind.
"Quite right, my boy," Brown nodded. "Let's not go into
details. I already know too much-"
"What, Doc?" Marty asked. "I haven't really told you
anything important."
''Oh, no?" he shot back. "First, there's my matter of
inventing a time machine. That's big news, not only to me
but the entire scientific community. Then there's the Miracle
Mets of 1969. And Ronald Reagan as President. You were
kidding about that, weren't you?"
"Yes," Marty lied.

An hour later, after figuring out how the DeLorean time

machine worked, Doc Brown took out the suitcase con-
taining his 1985 articles and began examining them one by
"What's this thing?" he asked.
"A hair dryer," Marty said.
"A hair dryer? Don't they have towels in the future?"
He tossed it back in the suitcase. "Don't tell me I'll actually
use that," he muttered.
He examined some of the clothing. "And these clothes,"
he said, "they're all made of cotton. I thought for sure we'd
all be wearing disposable paper garments by 1985. Not much
improvement there ... "
A copy of Playboy was uncovered. Brown leafed through
it; nearly dropping it when the centerfold fell out in all its
''Hey!" he smiled. "Suddenly the future's looking a whole
lot better." He turned the picture upside-down and then
sideways. ''This is kind of crazy," he laughed. "Here I am,
116 George Gipe
ogling a woman who hasn't even been born yet."
"Yeah," Marty said. "H you want to blow your mind,
take a look at this."
For the past few minutes he had busied himself setting
up the video camera so that it could play back the tape he
had taken on the Twin Pines Mall parking lot. Now he was
ready to roll.
"Prepare yourself for a shock, Doc," he said as he hit
the ON button.
A glitch was followed by the picture of Doc Brown's
1985 preambk to what he called temporal experiment num-
ber one.
"Who's that guyT' Doc Brown began. Then he gasped.
"Why, that's me! Look at me! I'm an old man! But I don't
look too bad for an old geezer. Thank God I've still got my
hair-baldness runs in my family, you know. Even some
of the women. But what on earth am I wearingT'
"A radiation suit."
''Of course, because of all the fallout from the atomic
"No, Doc. There were several close-"
''Never mind. Don't tell me. Sorry I got out of line there.
H I'm gonna avoid learning things about the future, I
shouldn't make provocative statements like that. But this is
truly amazing-it's a portable television studio. I never
imagined that ... "
"Watch this," Marty urged. ''This is the most important
part coming up."
Doc Brown of 1955 stood transfixed as Doc Brown of
1985 explained bow the time. machine was powered by
plutonium. Marty McFly of 1985, looking exactly like the
Marty of 1955, listened to Brown's comments, then spoke
on tape: "PlutoniumT' he said. "You mean this sucker's
"Electrical, basically," Brown replied. "But I need a nu-
Back To The Future U7
clear reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity
I need. The flux capacitor stores it, then discharges it all at
once, like a gigantic bolt of lightning. It's really quite ef-
"What did that old guy just say?'' young Doc Brown
demanded. "Let me see that again."
Marty rewound the tape and repeated the segment in
" ... 1.21 gigawatts of electricity I need. The flux ca-
"Holy cow!" Doc Brown interjected, stepping on his own
voice. "Did he say 1.21 gigawatts? Jumping Jehovah-1.21
With that, he turned and raced from the garage.
Marty stopped the tape and charged after him. "Doc!"
he yelled. "Hey, Doc! \Vhat is it?"
By the time he caught up with him, Doc was already in
a large room of his house which he used for painting; The
walls'were decorated with portraits of famous inventors and
scientists such as Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Isaac
Newton, and Thomas Edison. The centerpiece of the ba-
sically bare room was a large upright artist's easel on which
a huge canvas was resting. Doc Brown stood next to the
easel now, his features very agitated as he attacked the
canvas with a paint brush, his arms whirling in great" arcs
like a malfunctioning windmill. Each time the brush struck
the canvas a huge red streak appeared.
"One-point-two-one gigawatts," he mumbled over and
over as he continued his nervous dance.
Marty stood and watched, certain that his friend had gone
quite mad. A frightening thought struck him: suppose seeing
himself on tape had been enough to send Doc Brown of
1955 over the edge? If the shock had been too great, might
this not mean that all bets were off for the future? A 1955
Doc Brown gone insane would not be able to invent the
118 George Gipe
tiDte machine thirtyyears later. Would this leave Marty
McFly stranded in 1955 or mean that the Marty of 1985
simply wouldn't meet Doc Brown?
He shook his head. The fact was he didn't really com-
prehend who or where he was. Was the real Marty· McFly
standing here at this point in time; or was this just a clone,
as it were, thrown off from his later self? If something
happened to him now, would he be reborn again in 1968?
Was it even possible that there might be two Marty McFlys,
separated by thirty years of age, who could meet in the
,Doc Brown had stopped painting for a moment and was
now looking up at the portrait of Thomas Edison~
"Thm!" he shouted. "How am I gonna generate that kind
of power? It can't be done, can it?"
Abruptly, he dipped his brush on the palette and made
another foray on the painting.
Marty stepped close to him. "Doc, what's wrong?" he
asked. "What are you doing?''
"I'm painting! I always paint when I can't understand a
Marty decided to humor him. "Well, use green," he sug-
gested softly. "Green's your color."
''Is it? How did you know that?''
"I just know. 1iust me."
Brown looked at him a moment, then swabbed a mass
of green onto the palette and transfared several broad strokes
of it onto the canvas.
He was almost immediately calmed.
"Why, yes ... yes, you're right," he breathed. "That's
much better."
Marty nodded. "I knew it would be," he said.
He waited a few moments before bringing up the problem
again. The idea of sending Doc Brown into another tantrum
Back To The Future 119
was not appealing but Marty was desperate for information
"Is it possible for me to get back to 1985?" he demanded.
Doc Brown put his brush down and sighed. "Marty," he
said, "I'm sorry this had to happen. But 1.21 gigawatts is
just too much power. I can't get that kind of power. I'm
afraid you're. stuck here."

Marty looked for a chair. The statement by Doc Brown

made his entire body feel so weak he actually thought there
was a chance he might faint.
"No ... " he murmured.
"I would like to help but I don't know how," Doc said.
"It's outside the range of my capabilities."
"Plutonium, Doc," Marty said. "All we need is pluto-
nium, right?''
Doc Brown laughed. "Archimedes said he could move
the earth if he just had a place to stand:" he replied. "That
was a pretty safe statement. Ours is more or less the same.
Yes, we can get you back if we have plutonium. If. It's not
just a big if. It's a monumental one."
"Why? Because you don't know how tight things are in
1955, my boy. I'm sure that in 1985, plutonium is available

131 George Glpe
at any corner drug store. But now it's bard to come by. In
fact, just about impossible."
"How about through illegal chimnels?'' Marty suggested.
"Isn't there a black market for stuff like that?"
"Not that I know of."
"Damn ... Damn ... "
Doc Brown smiled and put his band on Marty's shoulder.
"It's not the end of the world," be said.
"It's the end of the world I've known."
"Sure, but look on the bright side. This isn't such a bad
time to live. You could have gotten stuck back in the Dark
Ages when you'd have to spend half your time dodging
barbarians. Or you could have turned up during the Black
Plague. Or even as recently as the early 19th century when
there were no anesthetics, no television, movies. I mean,
we're really pretty advanced. We've got 3-D movies, hi-
fidelity music, Frank Sinatra, instant coffee ... "
"Yeah, well, in 1985 we've got MTV, compact
"Wait," Doc Brown interjected. ~·1 don't even know what
you're talking about."
"-Burger King and birth control," Marty continued.
"Don't you understand, Doc? I have a life in 1985. I like
it and want to go back to it."
"But this time is so much safer. Here, you know there'll
be a 1985. In 1985, do you know there'll be a 2015? Think
about that."
Marty shook his bead. "I'll have to chance that danger,"
be said. "My friends, my music, my girl's waiting for me.
Look, here she is ... "
He withdrew his wallet and showed Doc Brown the bead
sbot.of Jennifer.
"Say, she's not bad," be said.
"Not bad? She's great! And she's crazy about me!"
Back To The Future 133
"Well, can't you find a nice girl here?"
'ime who hums Pat Boone, you mean?" Marty shot back
derisively. "No, thanks. None of them will ever measure
up to Jennifer. See this? See what she wrote here? It's
He pulled out the scrap of paper on which Jennifer had
written: "I love you."
Doc Brown regarded it sympathetically but his shrug of
helplessness was more significant.
"It's too bad ... " he said.
"Please, Doc," Marty begged. "You've gotta help me
get back to the future. You're my only hope! I know you
can figure something out."
"How do you know th11t?"
"Because you've never let me down in the past."
"You mean, in the future."
"Right," Marty agreed. "You've always told me that if
you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything, solve
any problem."
"I said that? .How egotistical. But I must say it's pretty
good advice."
"Doc, I know you can pull this off. Maybe now I believe
in you more than you believe in yourself."
"Marty, I'm touched that you have so much confidence
·in me,'' Doc Brown smiled. "I really am. It means a lot to
me. But it's going to take more than confidence to generate
1.21 gigawatts of power. Do you have any idea how much
energy that is? The only power source capable of triggering
that kind of energy is a bolt of lightning. And not a minor-
league bolt, either. It woold have to be a real wall-shaker,
something big enough to stop a clock."
Marty snapped his fingers.
"Ah!" Doc Brown said. "You've had an idea, but you
forgot to say 'Eureka!"'
134 George Gipe
"Maybe it's not a Eureka-type idea," Marty replied. "It
just oceurred to me .that if we could use a lightning bolt for.
"A reasonable thought," Brown interrupted, "and quite
practical except fQr one thing. You never know when or
where a bolt of lightning is going to strike. Of course, you've
got a start by waiting for an electrical storm, but even then
there's no assurance a bolt will even get close enough to
use as a power source."
Marty waited patiently for him to finish, then smiled.
"Except that I know when and where a bolt of lightning
is going to strike."
"You do?"
"I do indeed."
He turned over the piece of paper on which Jennifer had
written her note. It was the flyer given them by the lady
for the 1985 clock tower preservation campaign. At the very
top of the sheet was a replica of the 1955 newspaper headline
Undemeath was the date: Sunday, November 13, 1955.
Now it was Doc Brown's turn to snap his fingers.
"Eureka?" Marty asked.
"Eureka, yes," Doc Brown replied, nodding several times.
"You're right! This is it! This is the answer! Since the
newspaper came out on Sunday, it means that the clock
tower will be struck next Saturday night. If we could some-
how harness this lightning ... channel it into the flux ca-
pacitor ... it just might work ... "
Marty grinned. Now they were on the track! At least
there seemed to be hope. All he wanted was a shot at getting
back. If they tried and he failed, that woUld be unfortunate.
But to remain here with absolutely no hope : .. It wasn't an
alternative he cared to consider.
Back To The Future l35
Doc Brown looked up ~t the portrait of Be"njamin Frank-
lin. ''What do you think of that, Ben? Harness lightning?
If you could do it, why can't I? It's brilliant."
He turned to took at Marty again. "You were right, Marty,"
he said. "I was right! We can accomplish anything if we
put our minds to it. And we're gonna do it! Next Saturday
night, we're sending you back to the future-with a bang!
This calls for a toast."
He walked briskly to the water cooler and poured each
of them a glassful. Then, raising his dramatically, he said:
''To me! To you! To Ben Franklin! And to your girlfriend
for writing this note."
"I'll drink to all of that," Marty agreed.
They drank silently.
"Yeah, Jennifer's really great," Marty smiled. "I can
hardly wait to see her again and tell her about this. But I
don't guess a week in 1955 will hurt me. As a matter of
fact, it might be fun to check things out. You know, take
in some of the local color, rub elbows with the natives, that
sort of thing."
To Marty's surprise, Doc Brown frowned llild began
shaking his head.
"I'm sorry," he said. ''That's completely out of the ques-
. tion."
"Because of the delicate nature of your being here. Ap-
parently you still haven't accepted what a potential threat
you are to this town, other people's lives, our whole society.
No, I'm afraid you must stay in this house and not go
outside. You can't see anybody or talk to anybody. Anything
you do or say could have serious repercussions on future
events. Do you understand?"
"Uh, sure," Marty replied. He didn't really accept Doc
Brown's notion that he was such a "threat" to society. Es-
116 George Glpe
pecially now that he knew what could happen if he started
talking a lot about the future. On the other hand, if he
guarded what he said and just observed, what possible harm
could he do? It was certainly better than hanging around
Doc Brown's house and garage for a week.
"Marty, who else did you interact with today?'' Doc Brown
asked. "Besides me, that is."
"Well, I went to the movies. Do you think the fact that
the Town took in an extra fifty cents today will change the
course of history?"
"Don't be smart," Doc Brown replied. ''That's a tiny
item but even it could happen. Let's suppose the theater
operator is looking at the balance sheet one day and thinking
about selling. Maybe that extra fifty cents pushes the receipts
from $999.75 to $1000.25. That is, it goes from three fig-
ures to four figures. That might be the psychological dif-
ference between keeping the theater or selling it. So,
influenced by the extra fifty cents, he keeps it. Not long
afterward, when the theater would be closed if he'd sold it,
a fire starts and some people are trapped inside. One of
them is a youngster who's destined to become President of
the United States-except that now he's dead."
"And I did it," Marty muttered. "I killed him with my
fifty cents."
"Not directly, but you get the point. History is a very
fragile thing. A guy looks one way or coughs and one thing
happens. He looks another way or doesn't cough and a
different thing happens. It's scary. Didn't you see that movie,
It's a Wonderful Life? That's a textbook on how our little
lives influence everybody else's."
"Yeah," MartY said. "I get ypu now."
"Now who else did you interact with?"
"Lots of people. My grandparents, my mother and father.
Biff Tannen ... " '

Back To The Future 137
Doc Brown winced ...You looked up your parents?" he
said. "How could you? That's totally irresponsible."
"I didn't look them up," Marty retorted. ''I just bumped
into them."
'1'ell me what happened."
Marty recounted the events of the day. He considered
them rather bland until he saw how deeply they affected
Doc Brown.
''You say you saved your father from being hit by the
car," Doc said .
..Yes, but I didn't save his life. If the car had hit him,
he'd have lived."
''How do you know that?"
..Because it's a family joke about how Dad and Mom
met for the first time when grandpa drove the car into him."
"Good Lord! You prevented your parents from having
their initial meeting?"
"Yes, but they'll meet again. They go to the same school,
you know ... "
"No, no, no!" Doc Brown exclaimed. "You've done a
terrible thing as far as your future life is concerned. Let me
see that picture of your family again."
Marty withdrew the snaphot from his wallet and handed
it to Brown. His expression became grim. "Just as I thought,"
he said.
"What's the big deal?'' Marty asked.
"It's happened. This proves my theory. Look at your
brother-what do you make of his head?"
He returned the picture to Marty. It was the same as he
had always remembered it-except that Dave had no head.
Looking closely at the photo, he saw that his brother's head
hadn't been blotted out or tom off. Behind where his head
should have been was a continuation of the rose bush which
his body was blocking out. It was just as if Dave had no
138 George Gipe
head when the snapshot was taken!
"Good God!" Marty whispered. "His head is gone ...
Like it's been erased ... " ·
"Erased from existence," Doc Brown added significantly.
~·1 don't understand this," Marty said. "Or maybe I do
but I don't want to."
Brown held up his finger. "Sssshh ... " he said. "I'm
developing a theory." After thinking a moment, he snapped
his finger. "Kid, we gotta get you some clothes," he said.
"You stay here and I'll do the shopping. Tell me what your
sizes are."
An hour later, he returned from the local Sears, Roebuck
with a shopping ·bag ftlled with a complete outfit. As he
removed the labels from them and began to change, Marty
discussed the situation with Doc Brown.
''Tell me about your theory," he said. "Are you sure it
makes sense?"
"My theories always make sense," Brown replied. "It's
a simple genetic-mathematical extrapolation."
"I don't get it."
"In plainer terms then: It was your father who was sup-
posed to get hit by that car, not you. Thus, you interfered
in your parents' first meeting. If they don't meet under those
same circulnstances, they may not fall in love. But that's
water over the~ now. We've got to get them to meet
somehow, because if they don't meet and fall in love, they
won't.get married. If they don't get married, they don't
have kids. That's why your brother's disappearing from that
photograph-he's the ftrst since he's the oldest. Your sister
will follow, and unless you can repair the damage, you'll
be the next to fade away."
"So what can I do?"
"Go back to school."
"Because you're a kid. Kids go to school. Your parents
Back To The Future 139
are kids. They go to school. You interfered in your parents'
relationship. Therefore, you have to go to school to fix the
damage you did."
"Can't I just hang round before and after classes? I mean,
school was boring in 1985. When I think how dull 1955
will be, it blows my mind."
Doc Brown shook his head. "You can't afford to fool
around now. There's less than a week we have to work with,
Marty nodded.
"So you have to use every available minute to get them
together. Otherwise, you won't exist in the future. It's as
simple as that."
He stepped back to look at· Marty's new outfit. "Not
bad," he said. Reaching into the shopping bag, he pulled
out a final purchase-a bottle. of Vaseline hair tonic. As
soon as he unscrewed the top, Marty curled his lip.
"Look, Doc," he murmured. "I'll admit that these threads
are pretty cool. But you're not putting that greasy shit in
my hair."
"Why not? A lot of the kids wear it."
"It looks terrible. And who knows what it contains? I
mean, it might give me cancer."
"You need it for your disguise," Brown said. With that,
he started combing some of it into Marty's hair. "Don't
worry about it," he said. "This is supposed to very fash-
ionable, for both kids and grown-ups."
"Well, then how come you don't use it?" Marty chal-
"It's also very flammable," Doc replied.
Doc Brown stopped combing Marty's hair, but seemed
as if he wasn't quite finished. He looked sideways at the
effect, not sure it was right.
"Allow me," Marty said, taking the comb.
140 GeOrge Gipe
Going to the tnin'or, he started combing the hair back
along the sides and forced an errant curl to fall down across
his forehead~
"If I'm gonna go through with this," he explained,
least I'm gonna look like Elvis."
"Elvis? What's Elvis?" Doc Brown asked.
"You'll fmd out."

Having been built during the later years of the Great

Depression, Hill Valley High wasn't new in 1955. Its worst
days-the spray-can gtaffiti era of the late '60s and '70s-
were still ahead, however, and it seemed clean and shiny
to Marty as he drove up with Doc Brown on Monday morn-
ing. Dressed in his new outfit and with his hair slicked back,
he barely resembled the young man from 1985, whom Stella
Baines thought worked for the circus.
"Wow, they've really cleaned this place up," Marty said,
whistling softly. "It looks brand-new."
_ "Maybe your generation didn't take very good care of
it," Doc Brown remarked acidly.
Marty shrugged, recalling the times he had written on
walls and desks.
"Remember now," Brown said as they walked toward
the main entrance. "According to my theory, all you have
to do is introduce them to each other and nature will take
its course ... I hope."
"I don't think that's gonna be enough now," Marty re-
plied. "Lorraine's father's hitting him with the car gave them
a special relationship. She felt sorry for him, brought him
into the bouse."
"You're probably right. Maybe you'd better push, make
it seem like you think be's a great guy."
'That might not be so easy," Marty sighed. "He's a real
prototype nerd."
"Don't do it for him. Do it for yourself.''
Back To The Future 141
"Yeah ... "
They entered the school that was familiar and yet so
different in Marty's eyes. The halls and classrooms looked
basically the same but the atmosphere was totally differ-
ent-it resembled something from an old movie, except
that it was in color. As they walked, they spotted Lorraine
rushing into a classroom. Marty started to move ·after her
but Doc Brown grabbed his arm.
"That's your mother?" he asked.
"It's better if you don't go in the same class," Doc Brown
suggested. "The teacher won't know who the hell you are.
My first notion of having you really go back to school isn't
practical, I guess. Better we just hang around and see what
we can accomplish."
"Sure. Let's see if we can spot Dad. Then at the end of
the period, we can arrange to bring them together."
"Good idea." ·
They spent the next twenty minutes wandering the halls,
systematically peering into classrooms in order to locate
George McFly. Finally he could be seen in the back-row of
a class only a couple rooms away from Lorraine's.
"We have about ten minutes to wait," Marty said, looking
at the hall clock.
"'len seconds slow," Brown muttered, comparing it with
his pocket watch. "You'd think a public school would at
least have the correct time."
They strolled back to Lorraine's class and peered inside
again. She was seated in the second row, writing. The class
was obviously taking a test.
"I see the resemblance now," Doc Brown said. "She has
your eyes ... " Then, with a little chuckle, he added: "And
eyes for someone else's paper, too." ·
"My God!" Marty whispered. "She's cheating."
It indeed seemed so. With her hand in writing position
l41 George Gipe
and head tilted downward, Lorraine's eyes were pointed
directly at the paper of the young man next to her.
"I can't believe Mom would do that," Marty whispered.
"Why not?" Doc Brown countered. "She's an ordinary
human being, isn't she?"
"Not to hear her tell it. She always talked about what a
straight-shooter she was in school, how moral and nice she
was-and practically everyone else, too."
"She has a selective memory like the rest of us," Doc
said philosophically. "Still, l can understand your feelings.
It's kind of a shOck to see our parents show their dishonest
or seedy side.''
"Maybe we better go get my father," Marty suggested.
'They arrived back at George McAy's class just as the
bell rang. As his father got up, Marty was doubly impressed
with his nerdish qualities. His shirt tail was out, his hair
poorly combed and his papers practically fell out of the
three-leaf binder.
''That's the old man, eh?" Doc Brown said, displaying
a notable lack of enthusiasm.
They noted that several boys walked behind George
McAy, barely suppressing giggles as he moved out of the
classroom into the hall. When he neared them, another boy
walked up behind George and very deliberately kicked his
George turned, looked at the fellow with downcast eyes. '
A sign reading KICK ME was hooked onto the back of his
collar. He was, of course, completely aware of it.
"Maybe you're adopted," Marty heard Doc Brown say
Fat chance, Marty thought.
Just as George McAy was about to be kicked by another
student, a familiar figure suddenly appeared on the scene,
snatching the sign from his shirt and showing it to him.
Back To The Future 143
''Good God!" Marty gasped. "It's Mr. Strickland."
It was true. Hill Valley High's avenging angel, still wear-
ing a bow tie, was there in the form of Gerald Strickland.
He looked younger, a bit tauter, but basically the same. His
presence caused the other students to go quickly about their
"McFly! Shape up, man!" Strickland shouted~
George regarded him like a prisoner about to be sen-
"You're a slacker!" Strickland charged. "These things
happen because you're not paying attention. Your head must
be off on Mars or something. Do you want to be a slacker
for the rest of your life?"
George shook his head unconvincingly.
"Then wake up and join the human race," Strickland
continued. "That's all."
Thrusting the sign into George's hands, he stalked down
the corridor toward his office.
"You're sure your Mom fell in love with that guy?" Doc
Brown asked.
"Looks like a match made in heaven."
"My Mom always said it was meant to be," Marty sighed,
"I sure hope she's right. .. "
"Hey, she's coming now," Brown said. "Better get ready
to make the introductions."
Marty nodded, took a deep breath and started toward
"George!" he cried. "Hey, buddy! How are you?"
George nodded weakly. "Fine ... "
"You're just the guy I wanted to see," Marty continued.
Then, noting George's nearly blank expression, he said:
"You remember me, don't you? Saturday when you fell outa
the tree ..• I probably saved your life."
''Oh, yeah ... " George muttered.
•44 George ·Gipe
''The binoculars didn't break, did they?" Marty asked,
unable to help himself.
His father reddened. "No," be replied.
"Good! Listen, there's somebody I want you to meet.
C'mere ... "
Grabbing his ann, Marty led Geofge down the hall in
the direction of Lorraine. As his father's gaze fell on her,
his expression whitened, his eyes filling with panic. Marty
saw his body stiffen and for a moment be thought poor
George was going to try inaking a break for it. Then be
relaxed somewhat as the meeting became unavoidable.
"Excuse me, Lorraine," Marty began.
Lorraine's eyes caught his. For a split second, they were
confused, but as soon as she stripPed away the changes in
Marty's clothes and hair style, she brightened considerably.
"Calvin!" she nearly shouted. "I mean, Marty!"
So delighted was she to see him, she dropped her books.
"Oh, let me get those," Marty offered.
He felt a hand on his elbow. It was Doc Brown.
"Let him do it, jerk!" Brown whispered.
But Marty was already bent over and George was just
standing there, slack-jawed, looking as if he wanted to be
anyplace but here.
Retrieving the books, Marty handed them to Lorraine,
whose eyes shone with gratitude and infatuation.
''Oh, thank you," she gushed.
Marty smiled, cleared his throat, and then thrust his hand
out at the pathetic figure of George McFly.
"Lorraine," he said. "I want to introduce you to someone.
This is my good friend, George McFly. George, this is
"Hi, it's really a pleasure to meet you," George managed
to say.
Lorraine's eyes moved toward him and then turned back .
Back To The Future 145
to Marty, bequeathing barely a flicker of recognition at her
future husband.
"Build him up," Doc Brown whispered.
"How?" Marty demanded, sotto voce.
"I don't know. Fake it."
Bringing about a meaningful introduction being the pur-
pose of his visit, Marty sallied forth. "George here is a
terrific guy," he stammered. "Really great: .. He's smart
... and a good athlete ... "
"No-" George interjected.
"He's got a great sense of humor, too."
"No-" George repeated.
Marty might as well have been speaking to Lorraine in
Sanskrit or Choctaw. Her eyes never moved from his during
the entire eulogy.
"Marty," she said, her voice dripping with sincerity. "I
was so worried about you running off like that the other
night with that bruise on your head. Is it better now? It
looked so sore ... "
She reached out to touch his forehead.
"Yeah, it's fine," Marty nodded.
"It could use something to take down the swelling,"
Lorraine suggested. "I'm sure we have something at home
in the medicine closet."
"Uh ... I believe in letting things get well by them-
selves," Marty replied. ''That way, your body builds up
certain types of immunities ... "
"You're so smart," she smiled.
"Yeah. But George here-"
The bell rang.
"George here is even smarter than-" Marty continued.
"Never mind," he heard Doc Brown whisper.
Marty looked around. George McFly was nowhere to be
146 George Gipe
"Where is he?" Marty asked Doc .
..He went thataway."
''Why didn't you stop him?"
..What did you expect me to do, tackle the guy? Anyway,
he did it kind of sneaky-like ... Just sort of sidled a few
steps away and then bolted."
''Damn," Marty murmured.
Lorraine was still smiling at him, obviously perfectly
content to stare at him during the brief interruption.
The bell rang again, snapping her out of her romantic
"I'm late," she said. "I'll see you later."
"Yeah ... " Marty said.
As she turned away, her girlfriend, who bad been waiting
patiently to one side, joined her.
"Isn't he a dreamboat?'' Lorraine rhapsodized. "I'll tell
you a secret. I'm gonna marry him."


As they watched the two girls walk away, Marty and Doc
Brown issued perfectly synchronous sighs.
"She didn't even look at him," Marty said.
"You're right."
''On the-other hand," Marty continued. "Why should she?
He's a nerd."
"I understand perfectly what it means, but is that a 1985
''That's interesting, and you're probably right. This is a
lot more serious than I thought. Apparently your mod:ter is
amorously infatuated with you instead of your father."
"Are you trying to tell me Mom's got the hots for me?"
Marty wed.
"At the risk of sounding crude, yes. If we let it happen,
an Oedipal sihlation could develop ... "
148 George Gipe
"Yes. A very undesirable attraction between mother and
son. Of course, this is probably the most bizarre condition
under which it's ever occurred. Still, the psychological im-
"Jeez, Doc, that's pretty heavy ... " Marty said.
"There's that word again," Doc Brown replied with a
shake of his head. "Heavy. Why are things so 'heavy' in
the future? Is there a problem with the world's gravitational
"Huh?" Marty said.
Doc smiled. He enjoyed confusing his young friend oc-
casionally. But rather than explain the remark or try to add
to Marty's confusion, he leaped ahead to another aspect of
the Lorraine-George dilemma.
"New theory," he continued. "'The only way those two
are going to successfully mate is if they're alone together.
So you've got to arrange to get your father and mother to
interact in some sort of social encounter, sOme mutually
acceptable and stimulating premating ritual."
"You mean a date?''
"Excellent, my boy. I think you've put your finger on
"But what kind of date?" Marty asked. "I don't know
what kids do in the '50s."
"Kids are always kids, aren't they? It's the background
that changes."
Marty shrugged. "She did talk some about the kids in
her day going to the Essex· Theatre and necking in the
balcony. How's that sound?"
"It sounds plausible, but perhaps that might be pushing
them a little: I think it would be better if we started them
out on something a tad less erotic."
''I agree, but what?''
"Well, they're your parents. You must know them. What
Back To The Future 149
are their common interests? What do they like to do to-
"Just the two of them?"
The school hallways were nearly deserted now, the vast
majority of the students having gone into their next period
classrooms. Doc Brown paused before a large bulletin board,
hoping he would see something that would stimulate his
''Aha!" he said fmally.
"What?" Marty asked.
"There seems to be a rhythmic ceremonial ritual coming
up. Have him take her to that."
"A rhythmic ceremonial-"
"Dance, to you." Doc Brown smiled, pointing to a hand-
painted banner which read: ENCHANTMENT UNDER THE SEA
Marty grinned and slapped his hands. ''That's right!" he
cried. ''They're supposed to go to that dance-'Enchant-
ment Under the Sea.' That's where they kiss for the ftrst
time. It's perfect.''
"All right, then. Make it happen."
Marty frowned. "That's the problem," be murmured.
"How can we get that yo-yo to summon up enough courage
to ask her?"
"And how can we get her over the hots for you so she'll
accept?'' Doc Brown added dourly.
••1 think we got our work cut out for us.''
They were still considering the problem an hour or so
later when George McFly entered the cafeteria, found him-
self a table in the corner, and began eating his lunch. For
a few minutes, be just read; then he took ·out a pad and
pencil and started writing as he fmisbed his sandwich.
150 George Gipe
Marty and Doc Brown sauntered over to him. He barely
noticed them as they pulled up chail's and sat at the same
"Hi, George," Marty said after a while. "What are you
"Any particular kind?"
"What kind?"
"Science fiction."
"That's interesting. I didn't know you were into that.
What's it about, people visiting strange and faraway planets?''
"No. As a matter of fact, it's about visitors from other
planets Earth."
"I never knew you did anything creative."
"What do you mean, you never knew?'' George asked
in a rare display of any emotion other than resignation or
despair. "You've only known me for a couple of days.:•
''That's right. I keep forgetting. Anyway, how about let-
ting me read one of 'em?''
''Oh, no," George replied, shaking his head decisively.
"Hey, you said no," Marty smiled.
George looked at him blankly. Doc Brown also directed
a blank stare at him.
"It's the frrst time I've ever heard George McFly say
no," Marty said. "I guess it's a joke between me and myself.
Forget it."
George looked as if he was getting ready to bolt.
"Wait a second," Marty said gently. "I'm just interested
in you, that's all. It isn't often you meet a writer who's so
young. I should think you'd like to have somebody read
your stories."
"Oh, no," George muttered. "I mean, what if they didn't
like 'em? What if they told me they were no good, that I
was no good?" ·

Back To The Future l5l
Marty had the feeling he had heard these words before-
himself complaining to Jennifer after he'd been turned down
by the YMCA dance committee.
"This must be pretty hard for you to understand, huh?"
George asked, obviously having noticed the slight smile on
Marty's face.
"No, George," Marty replied sincerely. "It's not that hard
at all."
It was a breakthrough moment. Something in his father's
vulnerability and desire to create touched Marty; for the ftrst
time in a long time, he found himself not only liking the
man but understanding some of his anxieties. Suddenly he
wanted to help George McAy not only because it would be
beneficial to himself but to George as well.
"Listen, George," he said. "You know that girl I intro-
duced you to-"
"Yeah. She really likes you."
George shook his head.
"It's true," Marty persisted. Doc Brown added his nod
as well.
"I don't believe it. She didn't even look at me. I felt
As they were discussing her, Lorraine and some girl
friends walked into the cafeteria. She did not see either of
the young men.
George spotted her first. After a brief expression of ad-
ulation, his face melted into a mask of terror. He lifted the
writing tablet above the lower part of his face as if he wanted
to hide.
"I'm telling you she likes you," Marty continued. ''Now
why would I say that if it wasn't true?"
''To embarrass me," George replied quickly. "Like Biff
when he plays tricks on me or those guys who put 'kick
me' signs on my back."
151 George Gipe
"Well, I'm different," Marty said. "I'm the one who
saved your life, remember? Would Biff or those other guys
have jumped in front of a car for you?"
George shook his head, partially convinced that Marty
was on the level. Nevertheless, years of being used as a
punching bag had taught him to be super-cautious. This guy
Marty acted sincere enough, but he was decidedly a strange
type. He seemed to know a lot more than most kids his age
... He also seemed to show up out of nowhere, wearing
strange clothes (like a sinister visitor from out of space who
got his time periods mixed up, George thought). And why
was he hanging around with the man some people derided
as the "village idiot"? No, he thought warily, it would not
be a good idea to trust this newfound friend completely.
"I appreciate your saving my life," he said finally. "But
that doesn't mean you're right about Lorraine. You saw
yourself how she looked right through me."
"Yeah," Marty nodded. There was, after all, no sense
trying to deny the obvious. "But she's shy ... "
"She overcompensates," Doc Brown added.
"She's very shy," Marty continued. ''That's why she asked
me to come over here and tell you she'd like nothing better
than to go with you to the Enchantment Under the Sea
"Really?" George asked.
"Yep. All you gotta"dO is go right over there and ask
"Now? Right here, in the cafeteria?''
"No time like the present."
"But she's with friends. There are lots of other people
around! What if she bursts out laughing? Or just says no?
I~ hate to be rejected in front of all those ... "
He trailed off, a nervous mess.
"George, I'm telling you, if you don't ask Lorraine to
the dance, you're gonna regret it for the rest of your life
Back To The Future 153
... and I'm gonna regret it for the rest of mine."
..Why you?" George asked .
..Uh ... Let's just say I have a rooting interest in you and
Lorraine getting together."
..You mean, like a bet?"
..Something like that, only more important."
..1 don't know," George temporized...I've got a feeling
she'd rather go out with somebody else."
"Anyone in particular?"
George nodded.
"Biff," he replied miserably.
Marty blanched. Was George's assertion a product of his
overdeveloped paranoia or a fact? The very thought of his
mother going out with a first-degree creep such as Biff
Tannen made his flesh crawl. He had never considered her
a mental heavyweight, but she did have certain amount
of common sense and taste. Even allowing for youthful
ignorance, Marty simply could not imagine Lorraine at any
age being attracted to an insensitive clod like Biff.
..1 don't think so," he said simply.
"He's with her now," George replied.
Marty looked across at Lorraine's table. Standing behind
her with his hands on her shoulders was Biff. His mother
did not look happy, however. Turning sideways to avoid
him, she wrestled his fingers loose. Smiling roguishly, Biff
replaced them. ·
"He's there, but I don't think she wants him there," Marty
Getting up, he walked across the cafeteria until he was
close to Lorraine's table .
..Quit pawing me, Biff!" he heard Lorraine say. "Leave
me alone." And once again she pried his fingers loose.
She spoke in a rasping whisper, as if trying not to attract
the attention of others nearby. Biff made no effort to play
154 George Gipe
down the scene. Putting his hands back on her shoulders,
his voice was embarrassingly loud.
''Come on, Lorraine," he said. "You want it, you know
you want it·, and you know you want me to give it to you."
Still the same old subtle swine, Marty thought.
"Shut your filthy mouth," Lorraine replied. "I'm not that
kind of girl."
"Maybe you are and just don't know it yet," Biff leered.
"Get your meathooks off me!"
"Come on, you love these meathooks."
Marty took several steps forward until he was standing
right next to Biff, close enough to tell that the greasy hair
tonic he wore was a different brand than his own ... close
enough to see the mottled complexion and couch his warning
in a firm but intelligible whisper.
"She said to get your hands off her."
Biff turned, his jaw slack and eyes full of anger.
"What's it to you, butthead?'' he said.
"Never mind. Just clear out."
"Says you and what army?"
"Just me."
"You know, you've been looking for-" Biff began, his
body coiled as if to strike. In midsentence, however, he
paused; his eyes avoided Marty's, instead looking over his
shoulder. In fact, they were focused on the domineering
figure of Gerald Strickland, who had entered the cafeteria
and, having sniffed out a trouble spot, was walking inex-
orably in their direction. Biff's expression softened from
hostility to abject terror.
"Since you're new here, twerp," he muttered, "I'm cut-
ting you a break today. So why don't you make like a tree
and get outa here."
Marty, not seeing Mr. Strickland approaching, simply
stared at Biff. Lorraine, also unaware of the despot's entry
on the scene, looked at her hero with wide love-filled eyes.
Back To The Future 155
Biff turned and walked off.
"Oh, Marty!" Lorraine cried. "That was so wonderful!
Thank you!"
Marty shrugged.
"What did you say your name was?"
The voice was the familiar rasp ofMr. Strickland, who
was now at Marty's side. Marty coughed, looked into the
eyes which resembled a pair of slit trenches.
"Marty," he said.
"Last name."
"Uh ... Brown."
"Well, here's some friendly advice for you, Mr. Uh-
Brown. Don't slack off in my school."
"Slack off, sir?" Marty murmured, his tone questioning.
"In the vernacular, that means _don't screw around,"
Strickland said. "Understand?"
"Yessir. And thank you, sir." •
Strickland turned and marched away just as the bell rang.
Lorraine hopped up, collected her boQks, and ran over to
''Thanks again, Marty," she smiled. "Maybe I'll see you
It sounded more like a prayer than a suggestion. Marty
nodded and pretended he was late for class.
Returning to Doc Brown, be noted that once again George·
McFly had flown the coop.
"He said he bad a class," Doc Brown explained: "But
be looked like he was getting ready to have a good cry, if
you ask me."
"This is getting ridiculous," Marty murmured.
''That's the way life is, my boy. Try to be a hero or
impress somebody and everything goes wrong. But when
you're not trying, you can fall down the toilet and come up
with gold.''
156 .George Gipe
"So what's next?"
"I guess I just have to keep after George. He's the key.
Until we can get him to ask for the~. nothing'U happen."
"Maybe we can get your mother to ask him," Doc Brown
"No. That won't work."
"How do you know?"
"Because girls in 1955 never asked guys for dates. At
least that's what Mom says. They never called them on the
phone, asked them out, or did anything that was fun until ·
the.!;~::::~~ht of it." j
"I'll grab him again after school," Marty said. "It's the
only thing we can do."
Doc Brown nodded. "You know, it might be better if you
took a shot at him alone," he suggested. "It could be he
feels cramped with both of us around, particularly since I'm
an old guy of thirty-five."
"Maybe you're right," Marty shrugged.
"I'm gonna go back and study those tapes you made,"
Doc said. ''They may tell me something I need to know
about how the time machine runs. If we're gonna blast you
back to '85 Saturday night, I'll have to know everything
possible about that boat and how she operateS."
He waved and started for the door, his steps light. Marty
knew Doc was happy now, anticipating tinkering with the
machine he would invent someday.
The afternoon went slowly. Marty wandered around the
halls, did some reading in the library, and spent the last
period looking in classrooms for George McFly. When he
finally located him, he leaned against the wall until his father
came out.
When their eyes again made contact, George looked as
if he wanted to run. Who is this person, he thought, and
why has he been put on earth just to harass me?
Back To The Future 15-7
Turning away, he tried to make it to the door by walking
briskly and pretending he hadn't seen Marty. But his guard-
ian angel soon caught up with him.
"Hiya," Marty said. "I'm sorry that thing in the cafeteria
turned out the way it did."
"Me too," George replied. ''That Biff Tannen is a real
jerk. I hated to see him paw Lorraine that way. If only I'd
had the~"
He paused, sighed.
The words ending the sentence rushed through Marty's
mind. Nerve? Courage? Guts? Whatever, they all meant the
same. George McFly simply had no stomach for conflict,
mental or physical. He wanted a soft warm cocoon to crawl
into and spend the rest of his life, preferably asleep. Much
as he disliked him for having that attitude, Marty was now
dedicated to helping George dispel his fears and anxieties.
Until he summoned up the courage to ask Lorraine for a
date he was doomed to a life of self-loathing and unhap-
piness. And unless the two fell in love, Marty had no future
at all.
As they walked, Marty tried to think of a new and ex~
citing approach. Nothing came. The best he could manage
was suggesting that be ask Lorraine for George, a Ia Cyrano,
but he knew that wo~dn't wash. Even George McFly bad
some pride.
''This is gonna be a tough day for me all around," George
said finally..
"How so?"
"Well, first there was my chickening out with
"I wouldn't say you chickened out," Marty soothed. "It
was more a matter of-"
"No, I chickened out," George retorted, a hint of real
anger in his voice. "I really wanted to rush over and ask
Lorraine for a date.
And then when Biff was .
pawing her,
• 58 George Gipe
I wanted to run over and sock him on the jaw. But i chick-
ened out in both caseS. I couldn't move."
Marty didn't answer. In fact, he couldn't think of a com-
forting thing to say.
''And now I gotta talk. to Dad about college," George
"What's so awful about that?"
"He'll say it's no good. You know, give me all the reasons
why I shouldn't go. And I'll believe him and end up not
"Sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me," Marty
"You oughta stand up for what you believe in. What 4o
you want to major in at college?"
George's eyes shone as he spoke. "I'd kind of like to
study writing or journalism. Writing those stories is about
the most fun I have. If I could learn to make a living doing
something like that ... ''
''Then tell your father that."
"Oh, no. He'd laugh if I mentioned the stories. The idea
of college is terrible enough."
"Well, anyway," Marty urged, "you gotta fight. Stand
up to him."
"I will," George replied. ''This is important to my future
so I'll do it." •
They soon arrived at the, house with a placard hanging
from the porch. It read THE MCFLYS. A bit tacky for 1985
but probably chic for 1955, Marty thought.
Arthur Mcfly was outside waxing the car. He waved his
rag as the boys approached.
"Go and talk to him right away," Marty urged.
"About whatr'
"About college."
"I'll get to that. I've gotta introduce you first."
Back To The Future 159
"No," Marty said, stopping at the edge of the sidewalk.
"I'm not moving until you talk to him about college."
"Sure ... " George said hesitantly.
He walked over to his father, looked back over his shoul-
der at Marty. In order to make him feel more secure, Marty
meandered toward the porch of the house so that he was
out of George's line of vision. He was actually closer around
the corner of the house, however, and could hear the con-
versation quite clearly.
"Who's your friend?" Arthur McFly asked.
"A new guy from school," George replied. "Listen, Dad,
I have an important decision to make and, well, I really
need some advice."
Only a C-plus beginning, Marty thought, although the
bit about needing advice was probably good psychologi-
''Gee, son, I'm kinda busy here," George's father said.
"Couldn't it wait a few days?"
"Not really," George replied. "You see, I've ftlled out
an application for college and the deadline for sending it in
is midnight tonight. I can't decide whether I should send it
Wrong, Marty thought, that makes it sound so wishy-
"Well, if you want my advice," George's father said, "I'd
say no. College is hard, son. And there's a lot of competition
to get in. You'd be competing with the smartest kids in the
state. Why would you want to put yourself through that
kind of aggravation?"
"Well, I might get in," George responded. The tone of
his voice, however, was not brimming with confidence.
"Son, you're a longshot," Arthur McFly said. "And most
of the time longshots don't work out. The chances of you
getting into college are mighty slim."
"Why?" George asked.
t60 George Gipe
What a miserable count.erpuncher you are, Marty fumed.
lell him you can do it.
"Why, SOB? Because you've never done anything like
that before; You're just kinda average. Now if you send this
application in and get all ex(!ited .about it, what's gonna
. happen when they tum you down? I'll tell you what: you'll '
mope around the house, feeling rejected, and maybe your ;
marks .at school will suffer. If you want to know what I
tbinlc:, I suggest you go about your business and forget this
whole thing." . ·
Instead of fighting back, George waited a long moment
and then nodded. "Yeah, Dad, that makes sense," Marty
beard him say. "Thanks."
It was too much for Marty. He sighed, put his head in
his bands•.
Meanwhile, Arthur McFly put the finishing touches to
George's ambitions with a rationale for failure disguised as
homespun philosophy. "When you get to be my age, son,"
he said, '"you'll realize that certain things just aren't meant
to be."
"Yeah, I guess that's right," George murmured.
Marty started to walk away.
"What do you tbinlc: of.tbe car, son?" he beard Arthur
McFly say. "Looks pretty good, eh?"
"Looks real good, Dad .. ;"
Simultaneously, a crack of thunder split the afternoon •
quiet and rain began to pour down. Marty broke into a fast '
''Good," he said as he ran. "I. hope the rain spoils his
wax job."

He was soaked by the time he arrived at Doc Brown's

garage laboratory but, underneath, Marty was still seething
at the thought of George's weakness. Doc had the Twin
Pines Mall videotape running and was working on modi-
Back To The Future 161,
fications to the DeLorean as Marty entered.
"How'd it go?" he asked, not looking up from his work.
''Terrible," Marty sighed. "He's just the same as when I
knew him. A Milquetoast. He makes up his mind to do one
thing and then gets talked out of it. But at least I'm starting
to fmd out why."
"Why the kid's got no self-confidence?"
"Yeah. No wonder he won't ask my mom out, or any
girl for that matter. All he ever hears from my grandfather
is. that he's going to fail. No one ever tells him he can
succeed at anything ... "
"A familiar tale," Doc Brown philosophized.
"Jeez," Marty said, "if he got that kind of support from
Grandpa, no wonder Dad gave me such rotten advice."
Doc Brown looked up for the first time. "In my own vast
years of experience," he remarked, "I've made it a principle
never to take advice from anyone-particularly if that
someone is older than I am.''
"Hey, Doc, that's good advice," Marty smiled.
''Thank you. Now take my advice and don't take it," he
"Not even from you, huh?"
"Actually, I may be the exception in your case. In the
future-or in the past-if you ever need anything, need to
talk to anybody, I'll always be there for you."
"Yeah, Doc. That's great."
The words were barely out when a sudden look of panic
crossed Marty's face. Glancing at the TV monitor, here-
alized that the dramatic climax of the Twin Pines episode
was about to unfold. Already the black van was in the
"It's them," Doc Brown was saying on the tape.
"Who?" Marty's off-camera voice yelled back.
''They found me," Doc Brown continued. "I don't know
how bUt they found me."
162 George Glpe
The tape ended abruptly. Marty, remembering what hap-
pened after that on that dark night in 1985, felt his body
Shiver with pain.
He looked at the Doc Brown of 1955, who bad poked
his head back into the DeLorean. ''Doc," he said haltingly, ·
"there's something I haven't told you about what happens
... on the night we make that tape .....
Doc Brown looked up. "Fascinating device, that cam-
era," he said matter-of-factly. "I can't believe it's made in
"Doc," Marty continued. ''There's something I haven't
told you about what happens ... on the night we made that
tape ... "
He didn't know why, but he felt that he ought to warn
his friend about the telrorists. Perhaps it was the violent
way be died; no one should be forced to go that way if it's
possible to prevent it.
But Doc Brown was already holding up his hand.
"Please, Marty," he said, "don't tell me anything. I don't
want to take any more chances of screwing up the space-
time continuum. No man should know too much about his
own destiny. H I know too much about the future, I could
endanger my own existence,just like you've endangered
"Yeah," Marty said. "Maybe you're right."
There was certainly a great deal of logic to what the man
said. This way, if Marty said nothing, Doc Brown at least
had thirty years to live. Being told that, however, might
make him so careless he would endanger himself and pos-
sibly even die earlier. So Doc's rule about not screwing
around with the space-time continu~ seemed to make a
lot of sense. Pondering it and his own situation, Marty·
withdrew his.wallet and again took out the family picture.
''Good God," he whispered.
Back To The Future t 63
The image of his brother Dave was almost completely
gone. Only his feet could be seen in the photo.
Doc Brown was stUdying him. '~Bad, huh?" he said.
Marty nodded.
"That's nature's way of saying, get your ass moving,"
said. "I guess seeing your brother fade away like that
be pretty scary."
"Thll me about it," Marty grimaced. "I feel like I'm in
episode of the Twilight Zone."
''Twilight Zone?" Brown repeated. ''That's an interestilig
phraseology. It's a perfect description of where you are, as
a matter of fact ... in a zone of twilight, neither here nor
there ... a middle. ground, between light and shadow, be-
tween things and ideas ... ''
"Yeah, I know," Marty said. "'There's the signpost up
ahead ... You've just crossed over-"'
"If you get back, maybe you could make a movie out of
this," Doc Brown smiled.
"Good idea. But what do you mean, if?"
''Things happen. I might mess up the time machine so
that the lightning doesn't work. You might not be able to
get your parents together before the end of the week.. By
that time, maybe your head will be missing from the family
portrait ... "
"'h, God ... '' Marty moaned.
He sat down heavily on the lumpy old sofa Doc kept in
garage. It was half-filled now with old magazines, mail,
circulars. On the top of the pile was a newspaper, dated
•Nnv...mhPr 7, 1955. An article on the back page leaped out
IViRE!CKED HIS BARN, and below that, in smaller type: "Otis
all'eallxxllv Under Observation at County Asylum."
"Eureka!" Marty suddenly shouted, snapping his fingers.
Doc Brown's head popped out of the DeLorean.
164 George Glpe
"You thought of something?"
"You said it! I know how to get my old man to ask Mom·
to that dance." '
''How?'' I

"I'm gonna scare the shit out of him."


George Me Fly went to bed early, yielding to an overall mood

of depression generated by events in school and his father's
lack of enthusiasm for a college career. Although the phrase
''positive thinking" was not popular as such in 1955, he had
read books that promoted a variation of the same philosophy.
A year earlier, he had pinned his hopes on the prewar best-
seller, How To WinFriendsandlnfluence People, had mem-
orized whole sections of it and tried to carve out a new life
based on this sunny-side-up attitude. The first time he en-
countered BiffTannen had negated all his efforts. According
to Dale Carnegie, the book's author, a man cannot remain
hostile to you if you show him you're sincerely interested
in him. Biff Tannen had not only remained hostile, he had
rubbed a hero sandwich in George's face after George spent
nearly a quarter hour testing his new philQSOPhy on him.
166 George Gipe
Girls proved no more malleable. Approaching them with
a new positive attitude caused them to regard George McFly ~
not only as a creep, but also a.S an insincere creep. Even
his parents avoided George during the time he was under
the sway of Mr. Carnegie, instinctively distrusting his
strangely outgoing disposition.
And so George bad retreated into himself again. "The
bell with it," be said. "Let those who like me like nie for
what I am." It sounded good to say this, except that be
couldn't say for sure who it was that liked him.
Retirfug to his room at nine o'clock, be bad written
several more pages of his earth invasion story, fooled with
his homework· for an hour or so and then turned out the '
light. He did not fall asleep easily, but by one o'clock bad
drifted into a semiconscious state that led, a half hour later,
to deep slumber.
He did not see the large form move to the side of his
bed, nor did he feel the featherweight headphones being
placed on his ears by the gloved bands. The same bands
.inserted a cassette tape into the Walkman tape player, a
cassette labeled VAN HALEN. The dial of the Walkman was i
moved to "10" and the "play" button pushed. I
George passed from peaceful sleep to a state of pulse- 1
pounding agitation in less than a second. What was that
sound? It was the ~orst noise be bad ever beard-the tor-
turing of humans, perhaps, mixed with background sounds
from J:tell. Yet it bad a terrifying throb that elevated it from
the realm of noise to semi-intelligent creation. But it was
the creation of mad people, the synchronized babble of idiots
screaming, lemminglike, at the top of their lungs. What was ·
going on? Had be died and was now approaching the gates
of bell? ·
Then, suddenly, the sound was gone.
"Silence, earthling!" a voice intoned.
George, who was sufficiently frightened to be incapable
Back To The Future 167
of any sound, could only stare at the creature near the foot
of his bed. It was yellow, featureless, with oDly a square
mouth through which it spoke to him in an eerie filtered
He had no doubt it was a creature from another planet.
"Who ... " George managed to squeak.
"My name is Darth Vader," the being intoned. "I am an
extraterrestrial from the planet Vulcan."
George shook his head. "I must ... be ... dreaming ... "
he stammered.
"This is no dream!" the alien shot back. "You are having
a close encounter of the third kind. You have taken one step
beyond into the outer limits of the twilight zone."
"No ... "
"Silence! I have instructions for you."
"I ... don't want ... instructions ... " George moaned.
"Mom ... Dad ... "
The creature reached into his belt and withdrew some-
thing that looked extremely lethal. It was made of one solid
piece of hard shiny material with a round hole, about two
inches in diameter at the end. From a distance of six feet,
George could plainly hear its low hum and feel heat radiating
from its nozzle.
"Don't speak or get out of bed!" the alien ordered. "My
heat ray will vaporize you if you do not obey me!"
George raised his hands above his head.
''All right," he whined. "I surrender."
_ A strange beeping sound came from the alien. Lowering
the heat ray, the creature lifted its right arm to listen to the
"What's-" George_ began.
"Silence! I am receiving a transmission from the Battle-
star Galactica!"
After emitting several more beeps, the object on the
alien's arm lapsed into silence.
168 George Glpe
"You, George McFly, have created a rift in the space-
time continuum-" the creature said.
"I'm sorry," George whispered. "I'll repair any damage ·
I did-" i
"I said, silence! The Supreme Klingon hereby commands j
you to take the female earth person called 'Baines, Lorraine'1
tothe~ I
"You mean Lorraine Bainesr• .J
"Of course, earthling! You are hereby ordered to take I
this Baines female person to the location known as Hill ·
Valley High School exactly four earth cycles from now-"
"Earth cyclesr'
"Days, stupid!"
''That's Saturday. School's closed on Saturday."
"There is an event at school Saturday!"
"Oh, you mean the dancer'
"I'm ordered to take Lorraine to the dance?"
"Does she know about tbisr'
"No. It is not necessary."
"But I don't know if I'll be able to-"
The creature made a movement with his hands, causing ~
the avalanche of sound to start again in George's ears. He
"Stop! Please stop it!"
The noise was stopped.
"You must not protest our decisions or you will be made ·
to hear the brain-paralyzing sound all the time," the alien
threatened. "It will melt yom brain."
"No," George moaned. "I'm sorry. It's just that I don't
know how to approach Lorraine."
"You will know at the time. We will give you the nec-
essary confidence."
"You willr'
Back To The Future a69
"You mean I'D be able to do magic?" George asked,
"No. Our power will be behind you, to guide you. That
is aU, but it will make a difference."
"Thanks. I'm sure I can do it with your help."
"Very good, earthling," the creature said. "You will close
your eyes now and sleep. When you awaken, you will tell
no one of this visit."
"O.K.," George murmured.
He closed his eyes, lay back against the pillow. The
·creature moved closer to him, reached out to hold something
under his nose. In less than a minute, young George McFly
was snoring like a truck driver. Gently removing the feath-
erweight earph9nes from his head, the alien figure walked
to the window, paused to take a long look back at the
sleeping figure, then disappeared into the night.

Doc Brown, waiting in his Packard convertible near the

McFly house, opened the door as Marty approached and
helped him into the car. The hood of the radiation suit was
down and Marty was smiling.
"I guess it went aU right," Doc Brown said, starting the
engine and pulling away.
"Yeah. It was great. He swallowed everything like a ton
of bricks."
"You mix metaphors beautifully, my friend. How did the
chloroform work?"
''Fine. He's out like a light."
"Good. I've had it a while. I don't know whether chlo-
roform gets weaker or stronger the longer it's kept."
"Well, it did the job," Marty smiled. "Let's hope he
remembers everything when he wakes up."
"That's our only danger," Doc Brown nodded. "Some-
times things which are vivid and frightening at night lose
their strength when the sun comes up. Your father-to-be,
170 George Gipe
I'm afraid, is the perfect candidate for doing a mental flip-
"God," Marty said. "You mean after all that trouble he's
liable to chicken out?"
"Even with supernatural or extraterrestrial help, some
people screw up. My knowledge of human psychology tells
me that with George McFly it will be touch-and-go all the
Marty sighed.
Nearly twelve hours later, he was still sighing-and al-
ternately cursing George. Marty got to school bright and '
early, despite his loss of sleep from the night before, but
George McFly was nowhere to be seen. Unfortunately, Marty
had no copy of his schedule, so he was forced to waste a
great deal of time looking into classrooms before he found
out that George hadn't shown up at all. By that time, it was
midday and Marty hoped he would show up for afternoon
classes. Part of him-the more sanguine part-reasoned
that George had spent the morning planning strategy for his
meeting with Lorraine; another part of him knew that George
had just plain chickened out. He was presently surprised to
discover that both parts of him had been mistaken.
School was over and Marty was loitering around the town
square when he suddenly spotted George running toward ,
him. He looked even more disheveled than usual and his
eyes were wild and a little glassy.
"George!" Marty cried. "Are you all right?''
George stopped, nodded.
"You weren't at school. Where've you been all day?''
"I just woke up. I overslept."
Marty's jaw dropped. Had the chloroform been that pow-
erful? If so, was there a possibility he could have killed
George? The thought sent a shiver of terror racing through
his system.
"What time did you go to bed last night?" he asked,
Back To The Future 171
forcing his voice to sound calm.
"About ten or eleven o'clock," George said. "I don't
know what happened. My folks slept a little late, so when
they got up, they assumed I'd already left. I had some
strange dreams. Maybe that did it."
"What kind of dreams?"
"Never mind. Just fantastic stuff."
It would not do to have George dismiss the careful sce-
nario he had executed as "fantastic stuff," of course. The
wimp's talking himself out of it already, Marty thought, but
even as he began to despair, a new plan of action crossed
his mind.
"By the way," he said, "did you happen to see the flying
saucer last night?"
"What?'' George cried, his eyes wide.
"It was about one o'clock," Marty continued. "After
everybody was in bed. I guess that's why there wasn't much
talk about it at school. Although a dozen kids did see it.
They all agreed it was in your neighborhood."
Marty nodded. "Nothing much happened. The saucer just
hovered in the air over one house for about ten minutes and
then took off like a shot. I guess maybe a space man had
to go to the bathroom."
"Holy cow ... " George whispered.
"Too bad you weren't awake," Marty said. "You could
have gotten some great material for those science fiction
stories yo'! write."
George nodded. A glint of energy seemed to come into .
his eyes.
"Look, you've gotta help me," he said suddenly. "I want
to ask Lorraine out, but I don't know how to do it."
"All right," Marty nodded. "She's over there in the soda
As they turned and headed toward the local teen hangout,
171 George Gipe
two kids on homemade scooters-roller skates nailed to a
two-by-four with an orange crate on top-rattled past them.
Matty smiled at the crude prototypes of the sleeker and
speedier skateboards that would come later.
"There she is ... '' he said a moment later.
Lorraine, seated with girlfriends Betty and Babs, was
seated in a booth sipping an ice cream soda and talking.
The moment of truth at hand, George felt his resolve
beginning to slip away. Where was the help the alien had
promised him? He thought it would be a lot easier than this.
In fact, he was every bit as tongue-tied and nervous as before
last night's apparition assured him everything would be all
right. Was it possible space people were even more so-
phisticated bullshitters than his fellow earthlings? If not,
where was the magic phrase or surge of power that would
carry him through this ordeal?
Marty sensed George's indecisiveness. "It's simple," he
said. "You just go in there and invite her. I promise you,
she won't throw anything at you. The worst that can happen
is she'll say no."
"No. The worst than can happen is she throws up or
laughs when I ask for the date."
"She won't. Believe me."
"Maybe I'd better wait until she's alone. You know how
girls are when they're together."
''George," Marty said softly. ''There are only a few days
until the dance. Lorraine will probably be snapped up by
tomorrow morning. This may be your last chance."
The threat had its effect. George swallowed, nodded
slowly, and took several steps toward the entrance of the
store. ''What should I say to her?" he asked.
"Say whatever feels natural, whatever comes to yo~
George took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Noth-
ing's coming to my mind," he said.
Back To The Future 173
"Christ, it's a miracle I was even born," Marty muttered
"If I had just one clever thing to say, it would help a
"All right," Marty replied. "Just tell her destiny has
brought you to her and you think she's the most beautiful
girl you've ever seen. Girls like to hear that-What the hell
are you doing, putting me on?"
George had taken a pencil and pad from his pocket and
was meticulously writing down Marty's words.
"Yeah," he nodded. "I'm putting it down. I mean, this
is good stuff."
"Well, don't recite it like a speech, for God's sake,"
Marty cautioned. "At least memorize it."
George nodded briskly, looked the words over, his lips
moving softly. "O.K.," he said fmally.
"Good. Relax. Just go and ask her. It'll all be over in a
minute. Unless she invites yoo to spend tonight at her house."
George blushed. "No chance of that," he smiled.
A moment later, he was in the store. He took nearly a
dozen steps directly toward Lorraine, then suddenly veered
off to the counter. The counterman appeared, waiting for
his order.
"Gimme a milk," George said. "Chocolate."
He hoped it would take a long time, but the milk arrived
with disappointing speed. He took a slurp to fortify himself,
then literally hurled himself toward the booth where the
three girls sat.
"Uh, Lorraine," he began in a rapid, strident voice. "My
density has brought me to you."
Lorraine looked up, heard the words almost before she
realized who had delivered them. She recognized the young
man whom. she'd been introduced to yesterday by Marty.
174 George Gipe
He looked app~ximately the same. except that now he was
wearing a brown mustache of chocolate milk. She did her
best not to giggle.
"I beg your pardon?" she managed to say with feminine
"Oh," George muttered. "What I mean to say id-"
"Is ... "
His mind a blank, George reached into his pocket for the
Lorraine filled the conversational void. "Haven't I seen
you somewhere?" she asked.
George smiled broadly. So far, she had neither thrown
up nor laughed and he was optimistic. If he could just
remember those words!
"Yes," he replied. "I'm George. George McFly. I'm your
density. I mean, destiny. ••
Now Lorraine did giggle. Babs and Betty joined her. But
to George, the sound wasn't as demoralizing as he thought
it would be. The errant notion even crossed his mind that
they might think his goofmg up was· part of his normal
routine, that he actually intended to amuse them. lheir
laughter was, after all, relatively noncommiUal. Those seated
in nearby booths probably thought he had said something
quite amu8ing to the girls and admired him for it. For the
frrst time since he had awakened in a cold sweat an hour
earlier, George actually believed he had the help promised
by the creature -who had appeared to him last night either
in a dream or in the extraterrestrial flesh. A surge of con-
fidence took hold of him. Say it, his mind urged. Just tell
her you want to take her to the dance and it'll all be over
in a second.
•'Lorraine," he began, the word emerging with a tonal
strength that surprised even George. ••1 want-"
"McFly, I thought I told you never to come in here!" a
Back To The Future 175
familiar voice bellowedf interrupting George's speech as
effectively as someone yelling "Fire."
. Biff Tannen and his henchmen were at the door, leering
at George, their hands on their hips. Slowly, deliberately,
like gunfighters taking over a small Western town, they
strode into the store toward George McFly.
Marty had seen them arrive just at the worst possible
time-when George actually seemed on the verge of pop-
ping the question to Lorraine.
"Damn!" he muttered.
He then did the only thing he could-walked in behind
them so that he could help if necessary.
George, his resolute and happy expression melting into
his usual mask of misery, stared slack-jawed at the ap-
proaching Biff.
"Well, your showing up here after I told you to stay out
is gonna cost you, McFly," Biff grated, making no attempt
to keep his voice down. "How much money you got on
It was blatant bullying and outright extortion but no one
in the soda shop made a move to come to George's assis-
tance. After a long moment, he reached into his pocket and
withdrew his wallet.
His beefy hand outstretched, Biff took several long strides
toward George, a look of malicious greed on his face.
Then, suddenly, his face had disappeared from view and
was resting against the tile floor.
Marty withdrew his foot, inwardly congratulating himself
on the best-timed trip he had ever executed.
Biff looked up from the floor.
"You!" he thundered, getting up quickly as a titter of
·derision circulated throughout the shop.
"All right, wiseass," he spat, taking a step toward Marty.
"It's fat-lip time."
Marty moved his body into position, preparing for action.
t76 George Gipe
Lumbering toward bim, Biff threw a roundhouse right which
he was able to avoid easily, countering with a bard left to
Biff's gut and a right to the temple. Staggering drunkenly,
Biff fell backwards into a table.
Seeing that their leader was in.trouble, Match, 3-D and
Skinhead started toward Marty.
Oh-oh, he thought. these aren't good odds unless you
happen to be Superman. In midstride as he moved forward
to finish offBiff, Marty suddenly spun on his toe and headed
out the front door. Biff's lackies pulled bim to his feet and
rushed after bim.
"'J'fjat's Calvin Klein!" Lorraine shouted to her girl-
f'ritftds, "I mean, Marty! Oh, God, he's a dream!"
George McFly stood to one side, transfixed with fear
and awe as the scene unfolded. Fortunately, no one was
looking at bim or they would have seen his eyes mist as if
he was about to burst into tears.
Damn, he thought, it's gone wrong again. Even with
help from outer space. I'm a dud.

Marty raced out of the soda shop, hesitated a moment at

the comer of 2nd and Main, then -rumed to his left and 1
started running as fast as his legs would carry him. Biff and
. his three lieutenants followed. Biff was slow but two of the
others were faster than Marty and were rapidly closing the
distance between pursued and pursuers.
Damn these new shoes, Marty thought, wincing with
nearly every step as the backs chewed into his heels. Whirl-
ing to his right, he doubled back toward the town square.
The maneuver gained bim a step or two but he knew it was
only a matter of time before the two fast boys caught him.
Passing again in front of the soda shop, he saw that most
of the kids bad come outside on the sidewalk and were
yelling encouragement to him. He would gladly have traded
Back To The Future l 77
all that moral support for a couple of tough friends, but
none seemed in the offmg.
He had almost resigned himself to being caught when
one of the youngsters on scooters turned off Hill Street in
a path that paralleled his.
"Eureka!" Marty shouted.
Grabbing the scooter and literally yanking it out from
under the kid, Marty lashed out with his feet, kicking the
orange crate loose so that what remained was a crude home-
made skateboard.
"Sorry, kid!" he yelled over his shoulder as he hopped
onto it. "I'll make it up to you later."
He gave himself a kick just as hostile· hands grabbed for
his neck and missed. A second later, he was free, moving
down the sidewalk at twice the speed of his pursuers.
"Wow! Look at him go!" yelled the kid whose scooter
had been appropriated and instantly transformed into a lighter,
faster vehicle.
"What is that thing?'' another kid shouted, watching Marty
speed away.
After a half block of falling rapidly behind their prey,
Biff's pals turned and shrugged, looking to Biff for a new
"Get the car!" Biff ordered.
The four hotfooted it over to Biff's convertible, which
was parked nearby. A few seconds later, they roared off
after Marty, burning rubber on the town square and disap-
pearing in a cloud of black smoke.
Two blocks away, Marty looked back over his shoulder.
The convertible was closing in on him. Indeed, it was just
about to hit him when he suddenly cut a sharp turn directly
in front of it and started heading in the opposite direction.
"Goddamn!" Biff shouted, hitting the brakes and twist-
ing the car into aU-turn.
"Look at that!" Skinhead yelled.
178 George Gipe
Behind them, Marty had grabbed on to the back of a
passing car and was now moving away from them at better
than forty miles an hour. The driver of the car, who didn't
see the crouching Marty, shook his bead with puzzlement
as be passed the comer soda shop. Tbeie. at least twenty
kids were standing on the sidewalk, applauding wildly and_
cheering as be passed.
"You'd think I just won a race or something," the driver
Lorraine, who had seen all the action except that at the
far end of the street, leaped up and down as Marty zoomed
past. the skates sending sparks behind him.
"He's an absolute dream!" she shouted to her two girl-
1Cn seconds later, BitT's convertible roared past. Most
of the kids booed and hissed the four tight-lipped villains
who stared ahead with deadly intent.
The chase made a right tum as the driver of the host car
beaded towanl the courthouse. Biff gained ground swiftly
on the unwary driver, closing the distance until the bumper
ofbis car was nearly touching Marty's buttocks. As the host
car passed the courthouse near Statler's Studebaker deal-
ership, Marty released his grip and bung a sharp right. Biff,
going too fast, overshot the intersection. Cursing, be jammed
on the brakes, backed up, and then roared down the sidewalk
in front of the courthouse after Marty. Bewildered and ter-
rifted pedestrians spun or dived out of the way, scurrying
for the safety of the concrete steps or trying to bide behind
the World War I cannons. Oblivious to all objects in his
path except Marty, Biff roared forward, bringing terror even
to the eyes of his own passengers.
Marty found too late that be had underestimated Biff's
maniacal determination. At the end of the intersection, be
had time only to see that Biff was right behind him, do a
quick 180 on his board and-
Back To The Future 179
Suddenly, thiown off balance and about to fall, he reached
out-and found himself holding on to the front end ofBiff's
..Now we got the son of a bitch!" Biff shouted ...If he
holds on, he's dead, and if he lets go, he's dead!"
Smiling sadistically, he pushed Marty down Hill Street,
past Gaynor's Hideaway, where-customers had come out-
side, some still holding their drinks, to view the action.
Dead ahead was the T of the intersection and Main Street,
with the display window 'of Hal's Bike Shop directly in their
path. Biff decided to drive Marty right through the glass
rather than fool with hill! any longer. If worse came to worst,
he would simply tell the judge that his brakes had failed.
Looking back through the windshield at the malevolent
Biff, Marty could only gulp. Their speed was such that he
couldn't veer to one side without being hit by Biff's fender
as he did so. Weaving back and forth on his skateboard,
Marty maintained his grip while searching for a way out.
Usually there was at least one cop car hanging around Town
Square but as luck would have it, this was the day when
the men in blue were totally absent. A quick vision of his
tombstone flashed before his eyes as Biff drove him inex•
orably backward. It read: MARTIN MCFLY-BORN 1968--,.DIED
Now, as they were ~bout to pass a large manure truck in
the same traffic lane, new devilment was added. Match had
up a beer bottle and was about to throw it at Marty's
•'Got to get outa here!" he cried.
With that, he leaped up, sending the skateboard forward,
•undc:~r the car, and landed on Biff's hood. With no loss of
8JlOUon, he bounded over the heads of the four open-mouthed
, onto the rear deck and off the car, just in time to catch
skateboard as it passed underneath .
..Holy-" Biff wheezed.
180 George Gipe
So stunned were the four pursuers that all turned in their
seats to stare at Marty.
A split second later, they felt a crash and were hurled
upward as the car roared into the back of the manure truck.
Hanging in the air a moment, the convertible tilted forward,
pitching Biff and his cohorts head first into the icky brown
Across the square, from the comer soda shop, cheers
and applause could be heard. To the. rear also, from the
newly involved customers from Gaynor's, shouts and hand-
clapping added to the furor. Like a Fourth of July demon-
stration, the chase had brought all activity in beautiful .
downtown Hill Valley to an utter standstill. ·
"He's wonderful!" Lorraine shouted hysterically. "Isn't
he just the most terrifiC thing you ever laid eyes on?"
Her friends, impressed, nodded agreement.
George McFly, also watching, viewed the proceedings
with mixed emotions. He was glad to see Biff and his pals
end up in the manure pile, but he'd have given ten years
of his life to llave engineered the trick himself.
Madf, smiling in acknowledgment of the victory, looked
around for the youngster whose scooter he had used.
''Thanks a lot, kid," he said, returning .the skateboard
with a flourish. "I'm.sorry I messed it up for you.''
"Are you kidding?" the youngster laughed. "Thanks a
He immediately hopped on his new vehicle and began
trying it out. As the crowd slowly started to disperse, it
could be seen that the other youngster was in the process
of removing the orange crate from his scooter so that
could have a skateboard like that of his friend.

Lorraine, her eyes fixed on Marty as he walked down Main

Street away from the scene of the accident, had made up
her mind.
If be won't ask me, she thought, then I'll just bave to
ask him.
Thming to Babs, she said: "Can I borrow your car?''
Babs hesitated. "You know it's not mine," she replied.
''It belongs to my sister."
''Well, it doesn't matter. I'll be careful."
"What do you want it forT'
"Promise not to tell'r'
Dabs nodded.
"I want to trail Marty and see where he lives, He's so
loocretive about himself."
Babs' giggled. Here was a mission she could understand.
drive you," she said.
"All right. Let's go before he gets out of sight."

· f 81 George Gipe
The two girls were headed for Babs' car when Lorraine
suddenly found herself face to face with George McFly once
"Hi," he muttered.
The chocolate mustache was still there. Looking away,
Lorraine said brusquely: "Hi. Sorry I have to go now, bu1
I'm really busy."
He fell in step beside her. ''This'll only take a second,'
he began. "I was wondering if you'd like to go to the dane€
with me Saturday night." '
''The dance? Oh, yes-"
"Yes, you'll go?" George leaped in.
· "No. What I meant to say was ... yes, that's right, th€
dance is this Saturday. Time sure flies, doesn't it?"
"Yeah ... Well?''
"I'm sorry. I sort of made a prior commitment but :
haven't found out about it yet."
"How can you do that?'' George asked.
"It's very complicated. But if I dido 't have this thing tha
may be coming up, maybe I'd go with you."
George took her reply as a positive one, despite the
network of disclaimers.
"Maybe if I ... that is, we waited a day or two-"
"Oh, no,'' Lorraine smiled. "That wouldn't be fair tc:
"Well, you're the only girl I want to take," he said, hatin!
himself all the while for wearing his heart on his sleeve.
''Thankyou,'' Lorraine said. "Maybe next time."
''The next dance isn't until spring."
"Well, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?" Lor·
raine cooed, having just learned the line in English class.
"Yeah, but it's not even winter yet," George protestec:
''Thanks very much for asking," Lorraine said, leapin
into Babs' car. "I'll see you later."
Back To The Future t8J
"Yeah ... "
"And wipe off your mouth."
She drove off, leaving him standing on the sidewalk, his
fingers exploring his upper lip.

The candles masquerading as lamp posts were the nicest

touch, Doc Brown thought, moving several steps backwards
to admire his work.
"Very good," he murmured, smiling. "Maybe I'll keep
it up until Christmas and use it as a garden."
He had spent most of the afternoon planning and con-
structing his own replica of Hill Valley's Town Square. Set
up on a large piece of plywood, it consisted primarily of a
piece of wood with a watc~ strapped around it (the clock
tower of the courthouse) with a "lightning rod" {a nail)
attached to the top. A wire ran from the lightning rod down
across the square and between two lamp posts across the
street. Near the lamp posts sat a windup toy car with a small
wire sticking straight up from the back. To the ·wire was
attached a hook.
Consulting his worksheet which contained lines of sta-
tistics and computations, Doc Brown nodded. He was sure
it would work.
"Good," he said as Marty entered. "Now I can explain
this to you. How did you make out with the continuing saga
of George and Lorraine?"
Marty sighed. "We got closer. That's all I can say. Except
that l had a little run-in with Biff Tannen and four of his
goons. I came within an inch or two of being squashed to
''Is that all?" Doc smiled. "So what was the fmal outcome
of the run-in'?"
''The four guys ended up in a pile of shit. I have to admit,
handled myself and them pretty well." ·
"Of course, you have thirty years of advanced technology
l84 George Gipe
to draw from," Doc Brown rejoined.
Marty snorted.
"Just pulling your leg," Doc smiled. "Step over here and
take a look at this."
"Sure. What the hell is it?"
"It's my own clever-as-hell method of getting you back
to 1985."
"Good. Tell me about it."
Doc Brown explained the nomenclature of the setup and
then launched into a description of how it was supposed to
work. "You see, we put a lightning rod on the courthouse
clock tower," he said. "Then we run some industrial strength
electrical cable from the lightning rod, across the street ...
Meanwhile, we've outfitted your car with a big hook directly
connected with the flux capacitor ... "
He took the toy car and wound it up.
"You'll be in this," he said. "Now, on a signal, you'll
.take off down the street toward the cable, accelerating until
you hit eighty-eight miles an hour ... "
He released the toy car from one end of the model. It
raced toward the strung wire. Picking up a stripped wire
that was plugged into an AC outlet, he brought it toward
the "lightning rod" nail.
~." he continued, "lightning strikes, electrifying the
cable, just in time to ... "
With that, he touched the live wire to the nail. As the
toy car's antenna snagged the cable, sparks flew, the car
caught fire and sailed off the table top. Striking the drapes
nearby, it rolled down them, spreading flames as it went.
In a split second, the cheap curtains were a mass of fire and
Doc Brown rushed to the far end of the room, grabbed
a fJre extinguisher and bad the blaze under control in less
than a minute.
Back To The Future ISS
"Well," Marty said when it was all over, "I'm glad to
know you figured it all out. Why don't we just set fire to
me now instead of going to all that trouble?''
''This is theoretical," Doc Brown shrugged. "It'll be dif-
ferent with a car you can control and a flux capacitor that
directs the lightning into eneJ"gy instead ofletting it go loose,
as this did. At least I hope that's the way it turns out."
"You're instilling me with a lot of confidence, Doc,"
Marty smiled grimly.
"Believe me, it should work."
"The operative word there is 'should.'"
"Well, how can I guarantee you this will work? It's a
scientific experiment, my boy-something that's being tried
for the first time. Nothing is one hundred percent foolproof.
Take the simplest part of the plan here-your driving eighty-
eight miles an hour through Town Square at just the right
moment. Even that's not guaranteed. Suppose an old lady
steps off the curb at the wrong moment? Suppose there's a
cop car that decides to cut you off? Suppose that beautifully
engineered car breaks down during the run? Suppose you
miss the hook or the lightning strikes early or late? SupPose
the newspapers got the time wrong? Suppose-"
"O.K., Doc," Marty interrupted. "I get the point. It's a
big gamble, no matter what."
"Don't worry. I'll take care of the lightning. You just
take care of your old man."
Marty sighed. Once again he took out the family snapshot
and looked at it. His brother Dave was completely gone and
Linda's head was partially obscured.
"Jeez," he gulpe4. "I'm next."
There was a knock at the door. Doc Brown and Marty
exchanged anxious glances.
"Biff," Marty said. "Somehow he got out of the shit and
followed me."
186 George Gipe
He looked around for a crowbar or some other heavy
object as Doc Brown raced to the window and peered out-
side. Marty heard him grunt.
"It's worse," Doc Brown said, rushing back toward him.
"Quick, let's cover the time machine."
As they threw a heavy tah>aulin over the DeLorean, Doc
continued. "It's your mother," he said. "Did you tell her
where you live?"
"No. I'd be crazy to do that."
"Then she must have tracked you down by herself. Boy,
this dame really has the hots."
The knock at the door was repeated.
"Should we let her in?" Marty asked.
"We better," Doc Brown·said. "I think she saw me when
I looked out. Anyway, if she followed you here, she prob-
ably knows you're inside."
Marty went to the door and let Lorraine in.
"Hi," she smiled.
"Mom-I mean, Lorraine. ''How did you fmd me?"
"I followed you."
"I wanted to know where you lived."
''That makes sense, I guess."
Lorraine looked around him, smiled tightly.
"Oh," Marty said, moving aside. "Uh, this is my Uncle
"Uncle Brown?'' she repeated.
"Emmett," Doc said. ~
Returning her glance to M~, Lorraine took a deep
breath and launched into a brief speech which was obviously
"Marty," she said, "this may seem a little forward, but
I was hoping you might take me to the Enchantment Under
the Sea Dance Saturday."
Back To The Future 187
Marty should have been prepared for the proposal but
soniehow was not. Clearing his throat nervously, he glanced
down at his right foot. "I don't think I can make it," he
replied. "You see, all that running around this afternoon-
! think I twisted my ankle so bad-"
"You walked home without any trouble," Lorraine in~
"Yeah, but I've done this before. I know it'll really be
bad tomorrow morning and probably keep me in bed a week
or so."
"I don't believe you," Lorraine murmured. Her eyes
started to mist over. "I think that's just an excuse to get out
of going with me."
"No," Marty cried. "It's not that. It's just that ... well,
I'm a lousy dancer. I've got two left feet. Make that three
left feet. I get so embarrassed ... " He trailed off, trying to
appear inept.
"We don't have to dance," Lorraine suggested. "If you're
shy about your dancing, all right, but I think you're just
being modest. Anybody who could move around. on skates
the way you did this afternoon has got to have something."
It was a good point but Marty decided not to deal with
it. Instead he said: "You know who really wants to take
you, and I really think you'd hit it off with him-George
"I knew you were gonna say that."
"Because I happen to think it's true. I think there's some
'chemistry there between you two. Maybe you don't feel it
yet, but it's coming."
"Maybe, but why should it?" Lorraine asked. "I feel more
chemistry with you. Anyway, George already asked me and
I turned him down."
"You did what?" Marty demanded. "Don't you realize
what courage it took for him to ask? It was like sky-diving
or getting into the ring with Muhammad Ali-"
188 George Glpe
"With who?"
"Rocky Marciano," Doc Brown interjected.
"Oh, well, I can't worry about that," Lorraine said.
"George just isn't my type. He's sort of cute and all, but
he's ... well ...~~·She moved closer to Marty so that her
head was nearly touching his chin. "I think a man should
be strong ... so .he can stand up for himself and protect the
woman he loves. Don't you?"
"Don't I what?" Marty asked nervously.
Sensing he was procrastinating, Lorraine tossed her head
angrily. "Just tell me yes or no," she demanded. "And it
better be yes, because if you don't take me to the dance,
nobody will."
Marty sighed. Something in her eyes told him she wasn't
bluffing. He looked at Doc Brown miserably.
"It sounds like she really wants to go with you, boy," he
said. "You better say yes."
"Yes," Marty said.
"Oh, thank you," Lorraine smiled, reaching out to kiss
his cheek. "You won't be sorry."
Then she turned and rushed out of the house, gave him
a little wave at the door, and was gone.
"A fine mess," Marty said.
"It does complicate the situation," Doc Brown admitted.
"But at least if she goes to the dance with you, she'll be
there. Now we gotta figure out a way to get George there
so they can discover love and enchantment under the sea,
whatever that means."
. "Oh, God," Marty sighed. "That means I have to con-
vince my father10 go stag."
"Either that 6'r get him another date."
"Doc, you may be genius with flux capacitors and
electricity and space-time continuums, but when you say I
have to fmd another gal for that nerd at this late date, you're
really asking the impossible."
Back To The Future 189

* * *
He caught up with George the next day shortly after
"Hi," George said, "and congratulations."
"Congratulations about what?"
---""Going to the dance with Lorraine. I checked with her
this morning and she said you were the lucky guy."
Marty exhaled wearily. "Let me explain something," he
said. "She only agreed to go to the dance with me because
she knew you'd be there."
"How can that be?" George asked. "She could have gone
to the dance with me if she wanted."
"She's really screwed up," Marty said. "And that gets
her in hot water. You know how it is when a pet:san wants
to buy something but he wants to keep the price down? So
he pretends to fmd a lot of things wrong with it and maybe
even says he doesn't want it-but all the while he wants
it like crazy?"
George nodded.
---"""Wefi, that's the way it is with Lorraine. Deep down she
wants you, only she doesn't want you to know. And maybe
a part of her doesn't know it yet. But take it from me-
she wants you to be at the dance so that the two of you can
get together ... "
"Get togetller?" George mumbled. "I'm for that. Why
dido 't she ask? Or say yes when I asked?"
"Some women will accept wonderful things only if they
seem like accidents," Marty replied sagely...It ties in with
what I just said. They don't want to admit they want them.
That's why she asked me. She doesn't really want me. She
wants you, George. Now all we gotta do is make her realize
you're what she wants."
"Well, how can we do that?"
"I think we begin by making her see that you're not a
190 George Gipe
"But ... I think I am a chicken."
"No, George," Marty said. "Every guy has one thing
he'll stand up and flght for, and I think with you it's Lor-
"Yeah ... but when Biff comes at me ... "
"Well, we're just gonna have to teach you how to~
that," Marty said. "We'll start this afternoon, right after
school's over."
George took a deep breath and nodded. A faint hope
seemed to appear in his eyes.
Four hours later, the two young men got together again
in George's back yard. Marty brought along a homemade
body bag which consisted of clothes stuffed into a duffel
bag until it was solid as a rock. After spending several
minutes trying to teach George how to throw hooks and
jabs, he offered himself as the target.
"I want you to hit me in the stomach," Marty said. "Right
there. Go ahead."
He dropped both hands to his sides.
"But I don't want to hit you in the stomach,~ Georg~
"You're not gonna hurt. me. Just give me a punch."
"Look, I'm not a fighter."
"How many times do I have to explain it to you?" Marty
demanded. "We know you're not a fighter. You know it. I
know it. .. "
"And Biff knows it."
"Forget Biff. The important thing is Lorraine doesn't
know it. That's why we've gotta make you at least look
like a fighter, somebody who'll stand up for himself, who'll
protect her."
"But I've never picked a fight in my life!" George cried.
"You're not picking a fight, Dad-" Marty said. "I mean,
George. You're coming to her rescue."
"It sounds so corny ... "
Back To The Future 191
"Girls like com. Now maybe we'd better go over the
plan again. Where are you gonna be at 8:55?''
George sighed. ''At the dance.''
"And where am I gonna be?''
"In the parking lot with her."
''O.K. So right around nine o'clock, she's gonna get very
angry with me-"
"Why what?"
"Why will she get angry with you?"
"Because I'm gonna get pushy. And nice girls get angry
at guys who try to take advantage of them."
"You mean you're gonna-"
Marty nodded.
A strange sad look crossed George's face. "Suppose she
lets you?" he asked.
"How can you say that?" Marty shot back. "She's not
only a nice girl but she's my-"
"She's my friend. I couldn't lay a hand on her."
"Are you sure?" George asked through narrowed eyes.
"I mean, she's pretty. A guy'd have to be made ofstone to
say no to Lorraine."
"Not this guy," Marty retorted. "Now let's get back to
the plan, O.K.? It's all gonna be an act, so don't worry
about it. Just remember that at nine o'clock you'll be stroll-
ing through the parking lot and you '11 see us ... " He gulped,
went on. "You'll see us struggling in the car. As soon as
that happens, you run over, grab the door, yank it open,
and say what?"
George opened his lips but no words. emerged.
"You're gonna have to be more forceful than that,
George," Marty murmured.
"I can't think-"
"Damn it, you shouldn't even have to think. Here you
l 91 George Glpe
are face to face with a guy who's pawing the girl you love.
It should be automatic." '
"Yeah ... "(ou're right."
"Deliver the line, George."
His jaw working fiercely, exaggeratedly, rather like an
old-time vaudeville villain, George spat the line: "Uh ...
Hey you! Get your damn hands off her!" Then, his expres-
sion reverting to type, he asked in a soft voice: "You really
think I should swearT'
"Yes, definitely," Marty nodded. ''Then you hit me in
the stomach, I go down for the count and you and Lorraine
live happily ever after."
"You make it sound so easy," George smiled. "I wish I
wasn't so scared."
"Scared of whatr'
"I don't know. Maybe I'll hit you hard and it'll hurt.
And that'll make you so angry, you'll slug me back."
Marty laughed. "Believe me, George, you can hit me as
h8rd as you want and I won't hit back."
''Maybe she'll think it's a put-up job."
"That's wby you have to make it look convincing. You
have to really hit me. Now give it a shot."
As Marty stood still, George took a deep breath and threw
a punch at Marty's gut. It looked like someone swatting a .
"No, George," Marty corrected. ~..Put some confidence
behind that punch. Some emotion. Some anger. Come on.
You can do it."
George threw another punch, slightly better than the first
but only marginally so. He seemed satisfied with it, though,
particularly with the solid sound it made.
"How was thatr' he said. "Pretty good, huh?"
"Well, I guess it'll have to do," Marty shrugged.
tell you what-practice on this."
Back To The Future 193
He hung the duffel bag on the clothesline T-bar, stepped
back and blasted it with a powerful uppercut. The bag re-
coiled nearly a foot.
"Work on something like that," he said.
"Sure," George nodded.
He heaved a punch at the bag, then another. They weren't
championship punches but Marty noted with some satisfac-
tion that at least he was learning to enjoy it.
''Anger," he prodded. "Anger."
"Right!" George growled. "Anger!"
Lashing out with all his strength, George mistimed the
sway of the -bag and missed it completely. Whizzing past
its intended target, his fist smashed solidly into the tree
behind it.
"Yeeeowww! Goddammit!" he yelled.
"Good," Marty said. "That's real anger." He waved as
he walked off. "See you later."
George watched him go, fuming at his own ineptness.
His right hand continued to throb but the frustration in him
was stronger than the pain. Balling his left hand into a fist,
he took two steps forward and uncorked a mighty punch at
the slowly swaying bag. The shock of solid contact raced
up his arm and he knew instinctively that he had finally
done something right. He was not prepared, however, for
the sight of the bag flying loose from the rope, sailing toward
and shattering the window of his own home. Realizing the
possible repercussions of the broken window, George did
what he always did in similar situations-ran away.

"The weather forecast for this evening, Hill Valley and

vicinity ... lots of cold wind out of the southwest, generally
clear and brisk ... Down at the airport, they're predicting
a bit of a thundershower, although it seems awfully late in
the year for that ... Consensus with the United States Weather
Service seems to be ~at it'll be getting colder with tem-
194 George Glpe
peratures dropping to about forty-five tonight but nothing
worse ...• So have a nice evening. Now back to Bill Sharp,
who's gonna give us fifty-five minutes of Eddie Fisher and
Patti Page ... ''
The sounds emanating from the radio of Doc Brown's
Packard were heard only by the few Hill Valley residents
who passed by his car early Saturday evening. Doc Brown
himself was standing on a ladder at the corner of 2nd and
Main Streets, connecting the paddle plug end of a cable to
an extension cord tied to a lamp post.
The Packard was parked several feet away from the lamp
posts; behind it, covered with a tarpaulin, was the DeLorean.
Whistling softly, Doc Brown completed the connection
and looked across at the courthouse. Swaying softly in the
light breeze was the cable he had just finished installing-
a very expensive 500 feet of triple-strength wire from the
lightning rod atop the courthouse to the connection he had
just made.
"There," he said, looking down at Marty, who was wait-
ing at the bottom of the ladder. "We're all set up and ready
to go. But it doesn't look much like a thunderstorm's brew-
ing and the weather forecast I just heard said cold and clear.
You sure about this storm?"
Marty nodded. "Doc," he said. "Since when can a
weatherman predict the weather-let alone the future?"
"You're right," Brown smiled. Testing the cables once
again to make sure the connection was tight, he grunted
with satisfaction and came down the ladder.
"You know, Ma.rty," he said when he had descended. "I
... well ... I'm gonna be sad to see you go. You've really
made a difference in my life. You've given me something
to shoot for. Just knowing that I'm going to live to see 1985
... that I'll succeed in this ... that I'll get a chance to travel
through time ... well, it's gonna be hard for me to wait
thirty years before we can talk about everything that's hap-
Back To The Future 195
pened in the past few days. I'm gonna really miss you ... "
''I'll miss you, too, Doc," Marty replied. "But it could
be you won't see me, you know. H something goes wrong
with this ... " He indicated the cable connection. " ... I might
not be around in 1985, or any year for that matter."
Brown nodded grimly. "It's not too late to change your
mind, you know," he said. "Why not just stay here? We
can work on projects together-"
"No, thanks, Doc," Marty said. "If I don't get all this
straightened out with Mom and Dad and get back to 1985,
it'll mess up too many lives. I've gotta take the chance that
your experiment will work." He smiled. "After all, every-
thing else you've done has turned out all right. Except the
brain-wave analyzer."
"Don't remind me."
Once again Marty's mind projected the image of Doc
Brown being killed by terrorist bullets, and once again he
yearned to warn him. Could it really hurt that much? After
all, by the time the terrorists arrived on the scene, Doc
Brown's time machine was already a success. Thus history
would not be affected if he escaped their vengeance; he
would merely be given a few years of extra time to enjoy
the fruits of his labor, perhaps travel back and forth in time
a bit. Was that so bad?
He concluded that it was not. "Doc," he said. "About
the future and you ... "
Again the upraised hand.
"No, Marty, my boy. Say no more. We've already agreed
that having knowledge of the future can be extremely dan-
gerous. Even if your intentions are good, it could backfire
drastically. Whatever it is you want to tell me, I'll ftnd out
through the natural course of time."
Marty could see that there was no use arguing with him.
Nevertheless, the desire was still in him to convey the warn-
196 George Glpe
"Yeah, Doc ... I see," he nodded. "Listen, I'm gonna
get a candy bar. You want anything?"
"No, thanks."
Marty turned and went into the cafe nearby. He purchased
an Almond Joy bar from the perennially scowling counter-
man and also bummed a piece of paper and envelope. Then
he sat at a booth and composed a brief note to Doc. It read:

Doc Brown-On October. 26, 1985, at about 1:30

a.m., you will be shot by terrorists at the Twin Pines
shopping mall parlcing lot. Please take whatever. pre-
cautions are necessary to prevent this terrible disaster..
Your. friend, Mar.ty. November. 12, 1955

He read it over. a couple times, folded the paper and put

it in the envelope, which he sealed. On the outside he wrote:
"Do Not Open Until October 1, 1985."
Meanwhile, Doc Brown was in the process of stringing
one final strand of cable between the two lamp posts. As
he went merrily· about his work on municipal property, a
cop meandered over from the Bank of America to watch.
"Oh-oh," Marty whispered as he came out of the cafe.
"That's all we need now, is some meddling flatfoot.~'
He started toward the two men, then thought better of
it. Doc Brown would be able to handle it better alone. And
Marty would also have time to finish his errand of mercy.
He walked over to the tarped DeLorean and picked up
Doc Brown's trenchcoat, which was laying atop the hood.
An inside pocket will be best, he thought, one that he might
not stick his hand in for a day or two. Placing the envelope
in the left side, he tossed the coat back on the car. Even as
he did so, however, another thought entered his mind. Sup-
pose he never uses that pocket and never fmds it? Wouldn't
it be better to put the note in the glove compartment of his
Packard? He took a step back toward the Delorean.
Back To The Future 197
"No," he said. "Stop trying to outthink fate. If he gets
it, he gets it. If he's not meant to, he won't fmd it no matter
what you do."
That matter resolved, he moved closer to the two men
so that he could at least hear the conversation.
The cop spent a great deal of time just looking. Then,
finally, he spoke. "Evening, Dr. Brown," he said. "What's
with the wire?"
"Oh, I'm just doing a little weather experiment. Some~
thing that'll benefit the city a lot if it works."
"Is that so?"
"Yessir. That's so."
"And what's under here?" the cop asked, pointing to the
·Doc Brown never flinched, the consummate verbal es-
cape artist. "Some new specialized weather-sensing equip-
ment," he replied.
"Looks like a car," the cop said.
"Well, it has wheels," Doc answered. "It has to have
wheels so I can move it. Anyway, officer, why do you ask?
Does it make a difference if it's a car or a portabl~ labo-
"If it's a car, it's parked illegally," the cop pointed out.
''There's a red line:"
"Yessir. I won't do that again, even though it's not really
a car. But if you don't mind, I need to leave it there tem-
He came down from the ladder, his work completed, and
smiled genially at the officer.
"You got a permit for this?" the cop asked, not returning
the smile.
''Of course I do," Doc Brown replied. Reaching into his
pocket, he took out his wallet and withdrew a fifty-dollar
bill. "A permit straight from Washin~on," he added.
"You're not gonna set anything on fire this time, are you,
t98 George Gipe
Dr. Brown?" the eop asked, looking around nervously as
he allowed the bill to slide from Brown's palm to his.
"No, sir," Doc Brown replied. "This experiment is child's
"In that case," the cop said, "good luck."
"Thank you, officer."
The cop nodded, crossed back over the street and con-
tinued testing the doors of the shops along 2nd Street.
"Well done," Marty said. "I thought for a minute there
one of your many variables was gonna screw us up."
"I had a twinge myself," Doc Brown said. He looked at
his watch. "Say, kid, you'd better pick up your mom and
get going."
"Yeah, I guess I'd better," Marty mumbled.
"You look a little pale. Are you O.K.?''
In fact, Marty didn't feel so good. There was so much
to do! And nothing could go wrong. First he had to get his
mom and dad together, then time his run just right, attain
the fastest speed anybody had ever done on Main Street,
and hope that Doc's calculations were correct. For the first
time, he felt that he was truly balancing a tightrope between
three separate worlds-198,, 1955 and ... death. If the
lightning bolt did not function in exactly the same manner
as plutonium, Marty would end up buried in the back wall
of the Bank of America. Or perhaps he and the DeLorean
would be hurled in some sort of imperfect time-space orbit
that would deposit them in Kansas, Mghanistan, or Irkutsk.
Strangely, however, he knew that he could face those tests.
What bothered him more than anything was having to deal
with his parents, particularly Mom.
"What is it?" Doc Brown asked, sensing his mental tur-
"I don't know, Doc," he replied. "I guess it's this whole
thing with my mother. I don't know if I can go through
with it."
Back To The Future 1199
"Why not? What's the problem?''
''Hitting on her is the problem."
·"Hitting on her?'' Brown repeated, frowning. "You didn't
mention beating her up. I thought George was supposed to
beat you up."
"It's an expression," Marty explained. "Hitting on a girl
means trying to make her, you know ... "
"Yes. Take liberties. What's so terrible about that?"
"She's my mother!"
"Not yet, she isn't."
''That doesn't make any difference."
"All right. I see your point. But if you consider it from
a strictly practical standpoint, you'll be a lot closer to her
than whatever you do tonight."
"Yeah, but as a baby. Don't you see, Doc? This is the
kinda thing that could permanently screw me up!"
"How?" Doc Brown asked. "Pardon my denseness."
"What if I get back to the future and end up being gay?
It sounds like a little thing, but copping a feel from your
mother could change a guy's whole life."
"I see," Doc nodded. "But there's a difference. Copping
a feel for pleasure is one thing. Copping a feel to accomplish
a serious and moral purpose is another. Therefore, I don't
think you have to worry about a damaged psyche. Especially
if you put the feel in the same category as setting her leg
after an accident ... "
Marty brightened a bit. "Or performing mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation," he added.
"Sure," Doc replied. "Whatever that is. Now you better
get going."
Marty nodded, took a step and then paused. Once again,
with morbid fascination, he took out his wallet and looked
at the family snapshot.
Every bit of his sister Linda was gone except her feet.
"Doc," Marty said slowly. "I just had another thought.
200 George Gipe
Suppose I start fading out on this picture sometime before
we're finished? Do you think when the head goes in the
photo my brain will cease to function?"
Doc Brown looked Marty directly in the eyes and re-
sponded without the slightest hesitation.
"Beats the hell outa me," he said .


"Enchantment Under the Sea" was well underway. The Hill

VaHey High School gymnasium still looked basically like a
gymnasium, but there were enough displays and artifacts to
create a pleasant illusion. The lighting was blue with silver
sparkles created by glass mobiles cut in the shape of fish.
Against the walls were various papier-m{ich6 attractions-
a sunken ship, undersea caverns, a treasure chest, masses
of seaweed, and a diver suspended by a long cable stretching
to the ceiling. As an example of contemporary humor, a
single school locker labeled "Davey Jones" occupied one
comer of the huge room.
Onstage was the band, Marvin Berry and the Starlighters.
All five men were black, consisting of drummer, piano
player, sax and bass, with Marvin himself playing guitar
and singing. Now he was rendering the popular melody
from the motion picture Three Coins in the Fountain. On
the dance floor, several hundred young men and women,

201 George Gipe
elegantly dressed, leaned against one another and moved in
torpid time to the music.
Watching them, wearing artificial smiles of enjoyment,
were three chaperones appointed by the school-thl! in-
evitable Gerald Strickland, standing stiff as a ramrod with
his eyes darting quickly back and forth;' a chubby algebra-
geometry teacher named Dexter Gore; and Miss Deborah
Chambers from the library. Strickland's chief occupation
seemed to be looking out for trouble or hands that moved
suggestively; Gore seemed most interested in glomming
refreshments while no one was looking; Miss Chambers took
it upon her:self to get the wallflowers up and circulating.
"Walk around and at least talk, ladies," she said at fre-
quent intervals. "Remember, a body in motion is more ex-
citing and enticing than a body just sitting there." ·
One of the male wallflowers was George McFly, looking
distinctly uncomfortable in 4 tight collar, white tux, and
bow tie. Most of the time, George just stood and watched
the other dancers, but every once in a while. he bopped out
of time to the music. He tried not to think too much about
Lorraine, who looked more beautiful than he had ever seen
her. He also tried not to think too much about the scenario
that was supposed to take place at nine o'clock.
"How the heck did I get involved in this?" he sighed. "I
wish I was home.·:
Of course, he could have left, but Marty had already
seen bim and winked knowingly. To have walked out after
that actually required more courage than staying, so George
hung around. Over and over he thought: it'll be done with
soon. Maybe it'll work and maybe it won't but it woQ't be
any more embarrassing than some of the problems you've
had with Biff.
The selection ended and was immediately followed by a
faster number. On the dance floor, ·Marty looked at his
watch. It was 8:45, time to start the ball rolling.
Back To The- Future 203
· "Let's sit this one out, O.K.?" he said to Lorraine.
She nodded, a seductive smile illuminating her features.
She headed for the row of chairs along the side of the floor
but Marty deftly steered her toward the door.
"Outside is better," he suggested.
"I'm with you," she said.
Going out to the parking lot was not as easy as it sounded.
Mr. Strickland kept a sharp watch for who left the dance
area and how long they stayed away. He seemed to have a
computer in his head which told him exactly who was miss-
ing and how long they'd been gone. As a result, Marty and
Lorraine had to hang around the entrance, waiting for Strick-
land to look away before they were able to leave. It was
ten of nine when they slipped into Doc Brown's Packard.
"Uh, you don't mind if we ... uh ... sit here a few min-
utes, do you?" Marty asked.
"Why do you think I'd mind?" Lorraine replied.
"Well, I don't know. Some girls just ... don't like ...
you know ..•"
"Marty, I'm almost eighteen years old," his mother said.
"It's not like I've never parked before."
With that, she scooted over, very close to him, and put
her hand on his leg. Marty felt his face tum crimson and
very hot.
"You seem nervous, Marty," Lorraine said. "Is anything
"Uh, no ... "
"Usually you're so cool, like when you took care of Biff
and his friends. But I hear that's the way it is with a lot of
strong, silent men. They get a little nervous with women."
"No. It's all right."
"Well, just in case," Lorraine smiled. "Why don't you
have some of this? It'll help you relax."
She opened her purse and took out a pint bottle of gin.
Marty gasped. His mother? Not even his mother as a
.104 George Gipe
grown woman, but as a teenager! It was a bit more than be
could accept.
"What are you doing with that?" be whispered.
"I'm opening it!'
"But ... where did you get it?"
Lorraine giggled. ''Oh, I swiped it from the old lady's
liquor cabinet."
She put the top on the dashboard, tossed her bead back
and took a nip.
"Lorraine," Marty muttered. "Is this the ftrst time you've
done this?"
"Done what?" she asked. "Sat in a car with a boy, had
a slug of gin, or sat in a car with a boy and drank?"
"Drink," he replied. "Are you doing this just ... to show
off or something?"
"No," she said, looking insulted. "Certainly not. I do it
because I like it."
"But you shouldn't drink," Marty scolded, realizing even
as be said the words how much be sounded like an old-
fashioned parent.
"Why not?"
"Well, it's just not healthy." .
"Don't be so square, Marty," she laughed. "Everybody
who's anybody does it."
Marty sighed. He looked at his watch, saw that it was
almost time to make his move.
Lorraine passed the bottle to him. He decided to take a
swig to humor her.
As be was doing so, his mother pulled out a pack of
cigarettes and lit one. Marty gagged on the gin, he was so
"Jesus!" be cried, his voice sounding terribly strident.
"You smoke, too?"
Lorraine looked at him and rolled her eyes to the top of
her head.
Back To The Future 205
"I'm serious," he said. "You shouldn't do it. Cigarette
smoking is danger-"
,"Come on," she said. "I sort of understand that it's not
exactly ladylike to drink, but smoking is nice. There's noth-
ing wrong with it."
"Are you kidding? Everything's wrong with it."
"Like what?" she countered.
"It's unhealthy."
"Then why do· doctors advertise it on TV?"
"Because the cigarette lobby's too powerful-"
"Oh, bull," she replied. "Everybody knows smoking's
good for your circulation. It also calms your nerves and
soothes the heart."
"Soothes the heart! My God, it'll give you all sorts of
heart problems: And lung cancer. Look! It says right here
on the pack-"
He took the cigarette pack from her and looked for the
Surgeon General's warning. It was not there. Instead, there
was a line, obviously written by the cigarette manufacturer,
which read: "This fme blend of Turkish and domestic to-
baccos calms the nerves, improves the circulation, gives
you a sense of weD-being."
''Good God!" Marty whistled.
He handed the pack back. Somehow he'd avoided smok-
ing all his life and he wasn't about to start now.
Lorraine regarded him with an irritated glare. "You know,
you sound just like my mother," she said. "It's really stupid
the way parents don't understand their kids and try to run
their lives for them. When I have kids, I'm gonna let them
do anything they want. Anything. And I'm not gonna lecture
them or say how it was different back in the good old days
when I was young. No, sir, they're not gonna get any of
that crap from me."
"I'd sure like to have that promise in writing," Marty
106 George Gipe
The remark went over Lorraine's head.
They sat silently for a few moments, Lorraine occasion-
ally sucking on the gin bottle while Marty continued to look
at his watch or out the rear-view mirror. It was already past
the appointed time. Where the hell was George?
"Are you looking for somebody?" Lorraine asked.
"Uh ... yeah. Strickland. Just wanted to make sure he's
not oot on patrol."
"He's got enough to worry about inside," Lorraine smiled.
Putting the bottle back in her purse, she slid closer to him.
''So tell me what your parents are like? Are they as square
as mine?"
"Lately," Marty said softly. "I've come to the conclusion
that I don't know anything about them."
"'Ibat's a shame."

George felt weak and cold and on the verge of fainting,

like the time he •d stuck his finger in the gears of a portable
cement mixer his father had rented and nearly severed the
end of it. Fifteen minutes before the time he was due outside,
his abdomen had been wracked with serious pain, causing
him to rush to the men's room twice. Now, as the hour of
nine rapidly approached, he experienced a new wave of
spasms too powerfully unrelenting to ignore. He knew it
was a bad case of nerves, that his cowardly body and mind
were collaborating to keep him inside, away from possible
embarrassment or failure. Knowing this, however, did not
lessen the pain. If anything, it intensified it. Bent nearly
double, he stumbled toward the men's room for the third
Inside, class prankster Mark Dixon and several other
boys were sneaking a smoke and talking. Suddenly, the
bathroom door slammed open so hard it seemed ·as if a raid
were in progress.
Back To The Future 207
"Jesus!" Dixon shouted, dropping his cigarette into the
Instead of Gerald Strickland, they saw only a white-faced
George McFly. He grimaced at them and moved quickly to
a stall.
The terror in Dixon's eyes changed to annoyance and
then amusement.
''That son of a bitch made me lose my last weed," he
said. "Look at that.,,
He pointed to the cigarette floating and slowly disinte-
grating in the urinal. "He's gonna have to pay for that,"
Dixon said. "Comin' in here like the riot squad."
Motioriing with his head, he ambled toward the stall in
which George sat.

Acutely aware that there is a fine line during which a

woman can be romanced successfully, Marty sat nervously
in Doc Brown's Packard, Lorraine's hip ftrmly pressed
against his. She was ready to be kissed and then touched,
hopefully just enough to insult her, create fear and anger
and the need for a new champion to rescue her. Marty's
dilemma was one of timing. If he went after her too soon,
he would be forced to continue the assault until George
came-and perhaps it would be over too soon. If, on the
other hand, he continued sitting here like a genial lump,
Lorraine might conclude that he was either retarded or that
she had no appeal. In either case, her next logical move
would be out of the car, back to the dance and out of his
life, probably forever.
Where the hell is that chickenshit father of mine, Marty
Lorraine noticed the veins in his neck standing out and
his jaw twitching. "Marty, why are you so nervous?" she
He took a deep breath. "Well, have you ever been in a
208 George Gipe
situation," he began, "where ... well, you know you have
to act a certain way, but when you get there, you don't
know if you can go through with it?"
"You mean like how you're supposed to act with someone
on the first date?"
"Ub ... yeah."
"Very polite and sweet and like that?''
Marty nOdded.
"I don't worry about that!" Lorraine gushed.
With that. she threw her anns around his neck, reached
up and kissed him passionately.

"Come on, guys, let me outa here."

George pushed as hard as he could against the door of
the stall, but it was just too heavy to budge with three guys
leaning against it.
''You're gonna stay there and stew in your own stink,"
Dixon said.
"Why? What did I do?"
''You made me lose a very valuable cigarette."
"I'll buy you a whole pack," George promised. "Let me
"Maybe," Dixon smiled. "When can I have the pack?"
"No. I want them tonight."
"But there's no place at school I can buy them and most
of the stores are clOsed."
"Then the hell with you," Dixon said. "You can stay in
there all night."
"Look, it's silly for you to keep me prisoner like this,"
George pleaded. "You got dates. They're probably won-
dering where you are."
"True," Dixon conceded. "So two of us will hold you in
while o~ goes out and gets reinforcements. We'll set up a
system of watches, ten-minute shifts, so that we can enjoy
Back To The Future 109
the dance and still keep you in here until it's time to leave."
"Why are you doing this to me?" George whined. "Come
on, guys ... "
"No," Dixon vowed. "You're a pain in the ass, McFly,
and pains in the ass should stay just where you are."
His pals hooted. George sighed, sat down, and looked
at his watch. It was ten after nine.

Lorraine continued her passionate assault oa Marty for

perhaps a minute before realizing that something was wrong.
Moving away from him, she looked at him closely.
"This isn't right," she said.
''Doing this?" he murmured.
"No. What's wrong is we're not doing it right. I don't
know what it is ... but when I kiss you, some~ing's
wrong ... "
"With you or me?"
"I'm not sure. Something's missing. It's like ... I'm kiss-
ing my father."
Marty looked at her, his eyes wide.
"I guess that doesn't make much sense, does it?" she
"Believe me. It makes perfect sense. Maybe you got it
reversed, but the picture is right."
"What do you think it is?"
"Uh ... I don't know."
She dropped her hands into her lap. "Damn," she mut-
tered. "It seemed too good to be true."
"Yeah ... "
The sound of footsteps alarmed both of them, each for
a different reason. Lorraine was afraid some faculty member
had spotted the gin bottle and would tell her parents; Marty
now had no idea what to do when George arrived. Should
he make a· quick grab at Lorraine now in a desperate attempt
to give George a chance to rescue her? Somehow it dido 't
ltO George Gipe
seem appropriate. As Lorraine moved farther away from
him on the seat, it didn't even seem possible. Hoping to
avoid the person who was approaching, she was practically
out the passenger's door.
Marty decided to make a lunge for her. As he did so,
the driver's door was opened and a hand reached in to grab
his shoulder.
Marty turned to look and was surprised to bear himself
The face loOking into his ~as not that of George, but
Biff Tannen. Behind him stood 3-D, Skinhead, and Match,
their faces wreathed in menacing smiles.
"You caused $300 damage to my car, you son of a bitch,''
Biff rasped. "And I'm gonna take it outa your ass ... Hold
him, guys ... "
Ufting Marty bodily out of the car, Biff spun him roughly
into the arms of Skinhead, who grabbed one of Marty's
arms just as 3-D grabbed the other.
''Good work, guys," Biff said. "Skinhead thought that
was you, sneaking out to the parking lot. We might never
have got you alone otherwise."
He drew back his fist.
"Let go of him!" Lorraine yelled from inside the car,
sliding over to the driver's side. "Leave him alone, Biff!
You're drunk!"
Biff regarded. her with a smile that was very close to a
leer. "Well, lookee what we have here," be said. "Maybe
I'll take part of it outa your ass." ·
Marty slammed his foot down on Skinhead's toe, causing
him to shout with pain. Then, jack-knifing forward, be threw
his elbow up and back, striking 3-D's jaw solidly. Both boys
released their holds but only briefly. Although struggling
mightily, Marty was soon helpless in their grasp.
Biff, meanwhile, bad leaped into the Packanf and grabbed
Back To The Future 111
"Let go of me!" she screamed.
"Oh, no, baby, you're staying right here with me," Biff
Marty pulled his tormentors nearly a foot forward as be
tried to get at Biff. ''Take your filthy hands off her, you
bastard!" he ordered.
Biff smiled coolly at Marty, confident that he could make
no trouble. "I'll take care of you after I take care of her,"
he said.
"You want us to start?" Skinhead asked.
"No, not yet," Biff answered. ''That's one party I don't
want to start without me. Take him around back. I'll be
there in a minute."
When 3-D and Skinhead pulled Marty only to the edge
of the rear bumper, Biff whirled around and shouted at them.
''This ain't no peepshow! Get the hell outa sight while I ...
romance this lady."
As they dragged Marty farther behind the car, Biff
slammed the door and reached forward to kiss Lorraine. A
moment later, all Marty could see and bear through the rear
window was the struggling form of his mother accompanied
by her muffled screams.
Inwardly, be cursed himself nearly as much as be cursed
Biff and his friends. If it hadn't been for Marty, Lorraine
would be enjoying the dance instead of having to fight to
avoid being raped.
There was also enough anger left over to direct at George.
If that simpering chicken hadn't reverted to form at the last
But the time for recriminations was short. Dragging Marty
bodily, 3-D and Skinhead noticed a Cadillac parked with its
trunk open near the side of the school.
"Hey!" Skinhead suggested. ''This guy's more trouble
than be's worth. Let's lock him in that trunk!'
"Good idea!" 3-D replied.
.Z 12 George Gipe
As he spoke, he reached down to grab Marty's.legs. It
took the two Y.Oung men nearly a minute to wrestle him to
the side of the car, but finally they were able to push him
into the trunk. Before he could start to scramble out, Skin-
head slammed the lid shut.
The sound and jolt brought Bob Jordan back to earth
with a bang. Seated behind the wheel of the Cadillac, the
young black man was enjoying a marijuana cigarette while
awaiting the rest of the band. As th~ drummer of the group,
he had moved his gear out early while Marvin Berry did
his familiar solo guitar closing. Halfway into the joint, he
had grown sleepy and contented, so much so that he hadn't
heard the scuffling feet and voices until they were accom-
panied by the trunk lid slamming.
Leaping out of the car, he walked quickly over to the
two white boys.
''Say, what you messin' with my car for?'' he demanded.
"Beat it, spook," 3-D shot back. ''This don't concern
"It sure does if you're screwin' around with my car trunk,"
Jordan said in a firm, slightly raised voice. "And who you
callin' spook, peckerwood?"
Despite being outnumbered, he advanced toward 3-D and
Skinhead, who took a step backwards. A moment later,
Marvin Berry and the other three band members appeared
from the back entrance of the gymnasium.
"What's goin' on?" Berry asked.
Skinhead and 3-D looked fearfully at the five black men.
"They called me spook," Jordan said. "And I was about
to ask them if they wanted a couple of new breathin' holes
in their faces."
"Hey, I don't want to mess with no reefer addicts," Skin-
head muttered.
"Reefer addicts, huh?'' Berry said, taking a step toward
Back To The Future 1 t3
By that time, Skinhead and 3-D were ten feet away and
running as fast as they could.
"Lemme out!"
The black men exchanged glances. The muffled voice
and beating sounds were definitely coming from inside the
Cadillac's trunk.
"They musta dumped somebody in there," Jordan said.
"Hey, Reginald, where's your keys?'' Marvin Berry asked,
looking at one of the others.
Reginald checked his pockets, frowned, and shook his
"Can't find 'em," he said.
"They're in here!" the faraway voice cried. "The keys
are in here."
Marvin Berry glared at Reginald. "Dammit, boy," he
yelled. "You did it again! That's the third tuDe you left them
suckers in the trunk!"

"All right! What's going on here?''

To George McFly, the grating sound of tyrannical Gerald
Strickland's voice was simultaneously welcome and infu-
riating. Having been kept prisoner in the High Valley High
gymnasium men's room for close to twenty minutes, he had
no desire to continue in his present state; on the other hand,
the perverse action of his tormentors did provide him with
a built-in excuse not to carry out Marty's plan. Even more
important was that the excuse was acceptable to George
himself. When he had entered the men's room, there was
still time to play his part; now it was unlikely he would
have to do so.
"Nothing, sir," one of George's captors replied fearfully.
"I smell cigarette smoke. Does anybody here have cig-
"No ... sir."
"I'll give you one chance to hand over the packs now.
114 George Gipe
If I search you and find cigarettes, it'll be a lot harder on
In his cubicle, George heard the sound of material being
torn and thrown in the trash can.
"That's better," Strickland said. "Now clear out of here."
George ·gently pushed open the door of the stall and
stepped out. Strickland eyed him coldly.
"What's been going on here, McFly?" he asked.
"Nothing, sir."
"Bull droppings. I saw you go in here twenty minutes
ago. Why were you here that long?"
"Nothing important, sir. We were. just fooling around.
You know ... "
"Well, never mind. The dance is just about over. You'd
better get bQ to your-never mind, I don't suppose you
bave a date."
He made a motion toward the door. George took the cue
and darted out of the men's room. As he moved through
the hallway outside of the gymnasium, he saw tbat the dance
floor was almost completely crowded and the lights very
low, indicating that the final number was about to· begin.
Although be doubted that Marty was still manbandling Lor-
raine in the parking lot, George decided to make a dutiful
appearance· and explain the reason for his delay.
Walking briskly onto the parking lot, he headed for the
spot where Marty had parked the Packard. At fU'St, his eyes
caught no sign of a struggle but just as he sighed with relief
he realized he was in the wrong lane. Doubling back, he
walked toward the correct area, approaching the Packard
from the rear.
"Damn," he whispered.
The scenario was still in progress, just as if time had
stopped for more than twenty minutes so that he could
accomplish his mission.
Taking a deep breath, he began· to run toward the car.
Back To The Future .Z 15
Through the windows be could see arms and even what he
judged to be legs flailing ..Lorraine was screaming as the
male figure pressed his body against hers and groped wildly
with his hands.·
"Holy cow," George muttered. "It looks like Marty is
going all out."
Arriving at the car, be adjusted his pants and took a
couple of steps, John Wayne-style. Then, reaching out to
grab the door handle, he jerked it open as roughly as pos-
sible, thrust his bead into the car and said in a loud, forceful
voice: "Hey, you! Get your damn hands off-"
The face of the attacker twisted in his direction and George
immediately recognized it.
"I think you got the wrong car, McFly," Biff said.
"George! Help me!" Lorraine cried.
For a moment, George stared in dumbfounded amaze-
ment. A hurricane of partially formed thoughts rushed
through his mind. Was Marty behind this? Was there a slim
possibility Biff was in on it, too? Should be run? Or was it
too late to back out now? He stared into the angry eyes of
Biff Tannen. searching for clues, but saw only hostility.
And-yes!-there was a flicker of fear there, too. He had
been caught in a potentially damaging situation that cried
out for immediate action. George McFly must be frightened
away and later intimidated into silence. If be ran and brought
...Just close the door and walk away, McFly," Biff said
George didn't move. A part of him had already reached
the verge of panic, but another part of him simply would
not allow his feet to move. He saw a quick flash of that
scene in grade school five years ago when he had been
unable to come to the aid of his friend Billy Stockhausen.
Since that moment, he had feared physical combat, had
learned to anticipate it and avoid it. But there was no avoid-
116 George Gipe
ing this ·crisis unless he just turned and ran. The look of
utter fear on Lorraine's face prevented that.
"Are Y® deaf, McFly?" Biff demanded, his voice losing
all restraint. "I told you to close the door and beat it! Now
do it!"
George took a deep breath.
"No!" he said. "You let her alone." ·
Lorraine sighed. At last someone had come to her as-
sistance. He wasn't Marty, but in some ways he was even
better. Her lips started to form the words "Thank you" even
as Biff removed his hands from her body and started to get
out of the car.
"All right, McFly," he snarled. "You had your chance.
Now I'm gonna teach you a lesson."
He moved toward George, one large hand reaching out
to grab any part of the interloper's body. It brought back a
large section of sleeve with George's arm enclosed. Twist-
ing, Biff had the satisfaction of hearing George groan and
saw fear register in his eyes. As he applied_ even greater
JRSSUI'C, a flailing fist moved slowly toward his head. It
struck Biff on the shoulder, causing no damage or pain at
"Help!" Lorraine shouted.
Oeorge wanted to yell .the same thing, but managed to
grit his teeth and choke off the cowardly word. Twisting
his body back and forth, he attempted vainly to get out of
Biff's clutches. One arm of the bully encircled George's
neck; the other forced his arm up his back so hard George
was sure he would hear the snap of bone at any moment.
"Stop it, Biff.!" Lorraine shouted. "You'll break his arm!"
''That's right, baby!" Biff shot back. ''That's just what
I'm going for."
He applied more pressure. Then, far on the periphery of
his circle of awareness, he heard a sound ... like faraway
Back To The Future 217
riveting ... or was it running footsteps? Partly distracted,
he allowed his grip to relax.
Desperate with pain, George reacted to the split second
respite with blind instinct. Pulling himself from Biff's grasp,
be turned and, with both eyes ftnnly closed, threw the
hardest punch of his life.
To his-and Biff's-surprise, it landed flush on the jaw
of his attacker, driving his entire bead up alld backwards
like it bad suddenly been struck by a flying two-by-four.
Biff's moan immediately followed the sharp crack of bone
meeting bone.
Delightfully reminiscent of the duffel bag, Biff TallDen
dropped to the asphalt like an inanimate object. A referee
could have counted to at least a hundred before there was
the slightest movement of his body.
"Ob, George! You were wonderful!"
Lorraine's sparkling eyes stared at George's, projecting
a message of total adoration. George shook his bead, looked
down at his ftst and then at the crumpled form ofBiffTannen
near his feet. He couldn't believe it!
Nor could Marty, who, followed by the ftve black mu-
sicians, had just arrived on the scene. But the picture was
clear and perfect, with every detail in place-Lorraine's
tom dress, the prostrate form of the bully and nervously
grinning face of the unlikely hero. Others arriving on the
scene immediately grasped the significance of the scene and
were touched by it.
''Who is that kid?" one male voice asked. "Does he go
to our school?"
"It's George McAy," another answered. "He's been in
our homeroom for two years."
"Never noticed him before ... "
"Look at that guy out cold, will you? What a punch that
little guy must have!"
118 George Gipe
"Way to go, Georgie!"
Reaching out to his father, Marty grasped his hand and
shook it.
"Great work, Dad," he said. "I mean, George."
''Thanks." .
A disquieting thought rushed through Marty's mind-
his work wasn't done yet. Not only had he to make his
getaway; he still had to get his mother and father together,
have them kiss romantically on the dance floor. But the final
number had been played and a few couples already left,
although the vast majority of the young people were still
hanging around, talking.
"It's not too late," Marty breathed. Then, in a louder
voice, he said: "Hey, everybody! I think we should have
one more dance just so this nice couple can celebrate!"
A shout of approbation mingled with the sound of distant
thunder. .
Marty looked at the sky, grabbed Lorraine with one hand
and George with the other. "Come on, gang!" he shouted.
"We're going back in for one more number."
The group rushed back to the gymnasium, passing the
Starlighters on the way.
"Hey, you guys!" Marty said. "How about giving us one
more number?"
"Dance is over," one of them said.
"Forget it," mumbled another.
Marty reached into his pocket, pulled out his wallet.
"Here," he said, taking out all his money. "It's yours for
just one dance."
The musicians looked at each other indecisively.
"It's O.K. with me," said Reginald, "except that Marvin
cut his hand opening the car trunk."
"Yeah," Jordan added. "He can't play with it like that.
And we can't play without Marvin. He plays lead guitar,
man. You can't do anything without that."
Back To The Future 119
"But you've gotta play!'' Marty urged. ''That's where
they kiss for the frrst time-on the dance floor! If there's
no music, they won't kiss and fall in love! And if they don't
fall in love, I'm a goner!"
The black men looked at each other. "What the hell's
this guy talking about?" one of them asked.
"Hey, man," said Reginald, handing the money back.
''The dance is over ... unless you know somebody who can
play guitar."
Marty smiled.
"Of courSe!" he said. '!J can do it."
"Come on ... "
''Trust me," Marty said.
Reginald smiled. "Why not?" he suggested. "It might be
worth it just for the laughs."
Grabbing their equipment, the musicians followed Marty
and his friends back into the gymnasium. The surge created
a ripple of interest among the other students which soon
became a tidal wave. Within two minutes, the entire gym-
nasium was again filled with bodies.
''What's going on here?'' Gerald Strickland shouted over
and over. Grabbing arms, he tried to force the students out
of the hall but his efforts were ineffectual.
Meanwhile, Marty had set himself up with the band in
the far corner, plugged in the equipment and shouted into
the microphone. "One more dance," he said. "A special
number for my parents:" •
He and the Starlighters launched into "Earth Angel" and
the students paired off to dance. Lorraine slipped into
George's arms, put her cheek against his.
At first following the band and then confidently taking
the lead, Marty looked di'Ound. The musicians were casting
quick glances his way, glances that told him they admired
thejob he was doing. He could see his parents dancing just
a few feet away, their heads together. Now it was just· a
110 George Glpe
matter of time ... All was going well.
During a brief sax solo, he put down his guitar and looked
at the family snapshot in his wallet. Sister Linda and Dave
were gone but his own image was intact. Then ... as George
and Lorraine's lips moved toward each other, Marty thought
he could see Unda beginning to reappear.
•'Great ... " he breathed.
His mo~t of exultation was short-lived. No sooner had
the positive transformation taken place than it reversed it-
self. Linda faded and Marty's right hand disappeared from
the photo .
..What the hell-" he began.
Looking toward· his parents, he saw the cause of the
reversal. Just as the couple were about to kiss, a rough hand
had been placed on George's shoulder. It was Dixon, wear-
ing his usual malevolent expression .
..Beat it, McFly," he ordered ...I'm cuttin' in."
On the bandstand, the sax solo had ended and the full
orchestration started again. Marty joined in, but his right
hand couJdn't seem to follow; Instead, fishlike, it flopped
along the strings like a numb or completely dead object .
..Hey,man;" Bob Jordan whispered ...What's wrong?"
..1 can't play," Marty murmured ...1 don't know how to
play the guitar!"
He lifted the offending right hand and gasped with horror.
He could see through it!
Bob Jordan, losing the beat himself, stared at Marty's
wide eyes and open-mouthed expression .
..What kinda drugs is that cat on?" he whispered.
Marty closed his eyes, struggled to his feet ...1 ... don't
feel so good ... " he mumbled.
On the dance floor, many of the young people were so
wrapped up in the magical moment they failed to notice the
band's disintegrating sound. George McFly in particular was
totally oblivious to mere music. Having been shunted aside,
Back To The Future 11 t
be saw Dixon encircle Lorraine's waist with one arm as be
prepared to take her band.
Lorraine looked helplessly at George.
George's hesitation was brief. Taking a long stride toward
Dixon, be said simply: "Excuse me."
It came out in the best Clint Eastwood tradition, a soft
phrase with underlying tones of businesslike, very confident
menace. Reaching out with one band to shove Dixon ten
feet away, be took Lorraine with the other and folded her
to his chest. Thming her chin upward, be kissed her gently
on the lips.
Marty felt a surge of new energy race through his entire
body. Jolted upright as if struck by an electrical shock, be
looked at his right hand and ann again. No longer were they
"Thank God!" be smiled.
Whipping the family photograph from his pocket, be
laughed, did a little pirouette on the bandstand, and grabbed
the guitar again. Linda, Dave and himself were all back in
the picture, completely intact, and the feeling in his hand
told him his musical powers bad been restored.
"An right!" be shouted. "Let's do it!"
Picking up the beat again, be led the group in a snappy
windup to "Earth Angel." The crowd applauded.
"Say, you're good, man," Marvin Berry said. "Do an-
. other one,"
Marty looked at his watch. Through the far doorway at
the end of the gymnasium, be could see a flash of lightning.
"No, I've gotta go," he said.
But Bob Jordan had grabbed him gently but fmrily by
the ann. ''Come on, let's do something that cooks," be
Marty decided there was time.
"Well, all right," be said. "You guys will just have to
follow me on this one ... " Stepping to the microphone, be
111 George Gipe
said: ..We're gonna do one more. Where I come from, they
eall this rock 'n' roll!"
He hit a guitar riff, took a beat and then looked at Jordan.
"Gimme a blues beat, like this," he said, picking out the
rhythm. Jordan, smiling, grabbed it immediately and sent
the pulse moving.
"Good!" Marty said. Thming to the bass player, he
hummed a two-bar line ...Do this and then pick it up when
I change," he said.
The bass player nodded, getting it .
..Piano, take the bass line and play it up three octaves,"
Marty continued. ''And sax-improvise on the three chord
It was ragged at first, but a moment later, the team started
functioning-and the music sounded like vintage rock 'n'
roll. On the dance floor, heads turned and the kids started
dancing faster. A few minutes later, pandemonium started
to spread-they had never heard music like this before.
Getting caught up himself, Marty whipped off his sport
jacket and threw it into the crowd. His movements became
more and more like that of Mick Jagger ... then Michael
Jackson ... then he driftect into pure Heavy Metal, putting
his guitar next to the amp so as to generate feedback. Laugh-
ing and shouting encouragement, the band members im-
provised wildly, following every progression Marty made
with amazement and then professional dexterity. Within the
walls of the gymnasium, only one face remained cold and
unaffected by the new sound-that of Gerald Strickland .
..Just when you think they can't get any worse," he mut-
tered to himself, ..they turn around and find a way to get
George, dancing breathlessly with Lorraine, felt a new
spirit moving through him. He'd fmally done something
right and the evening seemed magical! Lorraine, the music,
Back To The Future 225
the congratulations of those around him, everything meshed
into a pattern that said Happily ever after. He wanted the
night to continue forever.
That, of course, was impossible. All too soon, Marty
wrapped up the song with a final riff and stepped back,
smiling, to acknowledge the thunderous applause.
Everyone started to talk at once-about the music and
George McFly's exploits. As he and Lorraine walked toward
the bandstand, George felt a dozen hands reach out to touch
"Hey, George!" one voice said. "I hear you laid out Biff!
Nice going!"
"George, did you ever think about running for class pres-
ident?" an attractive girl asked;
''We sure could use you on the team, George," another
boy said.
Not knowing what team he represented, George could
only hedge pleasantly. "Well, I'll have to think about it,"
he smiled.
Lorraine, ba8king in his notoriety and newfound respect,
grasped his arm tightly and smiled up at him.
A smiling, perspiring Marty came up to them, stuck out
his hand for George to shake.
"Congratulations,"he said. "And just in case you're wor-
ried about it, Biff was dead serious.''
"Good," George said. The one tiny fear in his paranoia-
that somel:)ow BiffTannen had faked being knocked out-
was now laid to rest and George was completely happy.
"Congratulations yourself," he said. "You're terrific."
They stood smiling and chatting about small things until
Lorraine fmally put her hand on Marty's arm.
"Marty," she said. "I hope you don't mind, but George
asked if he could take me home."
114 George Gipe
"That's fine, Lorraine," Marty nodded. "In fact, that's
great. I'd like nothing better. You know, I had a feeling
about you two."
"I know," she said. "I sort of have a feeling, too. I think
George ~uld really make me happy."
"Yeah. Listen, I've gotta be leaving town."
''Oh, I'm sorry.. When? At the end of the semester?"
"No. Tonight. And I just wanted to say that it's been ...
"Will we ever see you again?'' Lorraine asked.
"'h, yeah. I guarantee it."
George stepped forward to shake his hand again.
''Good night and good-bye then," be said. ''Thanks for
your help ... and all your good advice. I hope I can do the
same for you someday."
Marty laughed. "You'll probably give me more advice
. than I can possibly handle."
He turned to go, then paused. "Ub, listen," he said, "if
you guys ever have kids, and one of them when be's eight
years old accidentally sets fire to the living room rug ...
please go easy on him."
"Er ... sure," George replied, thinking it one of the
strangest requests be had ever beard.
A moment later, be was gone. George and Lorraine stood
looking at each other, their hands tightly clasped.
"Marty," she breathed. "It's such a nice name. When I
have kids, I'm going to name one of them Marty."
"Aren't you rushing things a little?'' George laughed.
"Well, maybe a little. I was thinking I'd like to go to
college neJtt year."
"Me, too," George said. "In fact, I'm gonna go no matter
what my father says."

At 9:45, Doc Brown began to grow apprehensive. Five

minutes later, he was definitely in a nervous state. By 9:55,
he was pacing wildly back and forth.
"Damn!" he muttered. "Where is that kid?"
His trencbcoat was whipping loudly in the wind, like the
spinnaker of a sailboat caught in a storm. The distant thunder
now rumbled sul1enly all about him, punctuated by sharp
flashes of lightning illuminating the outline of his tower-to-
lamp-post cable network. Town Square was deserted except
for a small pack of dogs and he was ready to go. But no
Doc reached into his pocket and pulled out a small round
watch, circa 1890. It read: 9:56. The same time was also
showing on watches worn on either wrist. There was no
doubt in his mind that only eight minutes remained before
the appearance of the lightning bolt that could send Marty
back to 1985.

226 George Gipe
"DamD!" he repeated, this time in a loud and clear voice.
Moving away from the curb into the center of the street,
he grunted as he saw a car moving toward him with pre-
cipitous speed. ·
"Good," he grunted fmally, satisfied that the vehicle was
his Packard. "But why drive like that, dummy? Why· crack
up in the wrong car?"
A moment later, Marty was available for the answer.
Dressed in his 1985 clothes, he pulled Doc's car to the curb,
leaped out, took a deep breath and smiled a bit sheepishly.
"You're late!" Doc Brown scolded. "Do you have no
concept of time?"
"Sorry, Doc."
"And why were you driving my car like a maniac?''
••It was a test. I wanted to see how fast I could go on
thai: stretch. And I'm glad I did. There's a rise in the road
down near Cherry Street that's almost like a speed bump.
If I'd hit that at a higher speed, it could have sent me into
a store window. But if I use the left side of the road it'll be
"Hmmph," Doc Brown replied. 'That's all very well,
but what if you'd been spotted by some cop?" ·
••What if I'm spotted by a cop when I'm in the time
machine?'' Marty countered.
••If that happens, you keep going, dummy. You'll either
end up in 1985 or in the lobby of that movie theater."
"Yeah," Marty gulped. "I see your point."
Grumbling to himself, Doc Brown began to pull the
tarpaulin from the DeLorean and raise the trolley hook on
back to its full height.
"Rush, rush, rush," he muttered. "You couldn't have cut
it much closer."
"Look, I'm sorry," Marty replied, feeling guilty now
because he spent so much time jamming with the Starlight-
ers. "I had to change my clothes and getting Mom and Dad
Back To The Future 127
together took longer than I thought." '
Most of the anger was starting to leave Doc Brown now
that he'd had the opportunity to whine and complain a little.
Brightening, he said: "Well, I can understand that, knowing
George McFly. So the plan worked?"
"To a T," Marty smiled. ''They're all lovey-dovey and
will stay that way to the bitter end. And here's proof that
it's true."
Pulling out his wallet, he showed Doc Brown the family
picture with all members restored.
''Good," Doc said.
"I think Dad may even go to college," Marty added.
"He's got extra confidence now."
Doc Brown frowned as he made the last of his preflight
checks on the DeLorean. ''Then that's something else you 'II
be able to worry about between now and the time you get
back to 1985," he said.
"Well, if he does go to college, thanks to you, it'll change
his life."
"For the better, I hope," Marty countered.
"Maybe, but suppose while he's there, he meets some
coed who's more attractive to him than your mother? That
could cause you to do a quick fade out. Or suppose because
of college expenses, your mom and dad decide to hold off
having kids for a couple years? If that happens, you may
find that you're twelve or fourteen years old in 1985 instead
of seventeen? How do you like them apples?"
Marty shook his head with awe. What his friend and
mentor said definitely made sense. All he could do was
hope the future existence of his parents was approximately
the same as the first time around.
''Good thinking, Doc," he said. "But I guess it's too late
to worry about that. I'm just glad Dad finally came through.
He really laid out Biff Tannen with one punCh ... just plain
118 George Glpe
coldcocked him ... I never knew he had it in him. Hell, my
old man's never stood up to Biff in his life. And to think I
actually saw it when i~ happened."
"Fine," Doc Brown nodded. ''Now get in there and set
your destination time. We're rushed as hell."
Marty leaped into th~ DeLorean and watched as Doc
punched the keypads so that both LAST TIME DEPARTED and
DESTINATION TIME read 10-2~1985, 1:31 A.M.
''There," he said. "If it works, it'll be the same as if you
never left."
''Thanks, Doc ... " Marty began. "I'd really like to thank
Brown held up his hand. "No time," he said. "Listen.
rve painted a white line way down the street there. That's
where you start from. I did some calculations so that your
run will be as short and efficient as possible. If you floor
it from that point and never lift your foot, you'll hit exactly
eighty-eight miles an hour when you have to."
"Now I've calculated the precise distance, taking into
account the acceleration speed and wind resistance retro-
active from the moment the lightning will strike ... " He
handed Marty a wind-up alarm clock which seemed quaintly
old-fashioned compared to the digital readouts and flashi.Jm
dials of the DeLorean's dash. "When the alarm goes off,
hit the gas from the white line. That's all you have to do,
except guide this baby to the right spot."
Marty nodded.
"Well, I guess that's everything," Doc Brown said. "Good
Marty extended his hand. "Doc, I'd like to ,thank you
for everything. Even if something goes wrong-"
"Don't even think about that," Doc interrupted. "It'll go
fine. And I'd like to thank you for everything. It's been a
Back To The Future 119
The two men shook hands.
"I'll see you in about thirty years," Doc said.
"I hope so."
Once again Marty thought of Doc Brown's date with the
terrorists and hoped that the letter he had planted would
help bring about a happier ending to his friend's life.
"Don't worry," Doc Brown continued, mistaking Marty's
expression for concern about the upcoming race forward
into time. "As long as you hit that wire with this hook,
everything'll be fine."
"Right," Marty nodded.
Making sure that everything had been taken care of, Doc
Brown patted himself down, checking bits of paper and
pads for something he might have forgotten. While doing
so, he did the one thing Marty didn't want him to do-
discovered the unfamiliar envelope in his inside coat pocket.
Withdrawing it, he looked at it curiously.
"What's this?". he asked.
"Just a note, from me to you," Marty stammered.
"It's about something in the future, isn't it?" Doc Brown
"No. It's just a thank-you note," Marty lied. "It's kind
of gushy."
Doc shook his head skeptically. "People don't write thank-
you notes to be opened thirty years later," he said. "I warned
you about fooling with the future, kid. The consequences
could be dangerous. Now I know this is something about
the future, and I've told you a million times we shouldn't
mess with that."
"I've gotta take that risk, Doc," Marty replied firmly.
"Your life depends on it."
"Well, I'm not going to accept the responsibility," Brown
With that, he tore up the letter and tossed the pieces into
the ashtray of his Packard.
130 George Gipe
Marty was furious. Why wouldn't the guy take a warning
for his own good? "All right, Doc," he shot back. "In that
case I'm just gonna have to tell you straight out-"
Before he oould get the words out, a tremendous gust of
Wind shook the car and nearly blew Doc Brown away from
his spot next to the open door. At the same time, a loud
cracking sound was heard, followed by a succession of lesser
crashing noises.
"Good Lord!" Doc Brown yelled.
Marty leaped from the car and both men rushed toward
the lamp posts. A huge tree limb from one of the giant oaks
in the square was now resting atop the cable between the
clock tower and the fmt lamp post. A paddle plug attached
to the lightning rod bad come loose and the cable from the
clock tower was now swinging free.
"Great Scott!" Doc Brown shouted as they ran. "Kid-
fmd the end of that cable. I'll throw the rope down to you!"
With that, Brown grabbed a large coil of rope and dashed
into the courthouse.
Marty gulped once and then set to work. In the semi-
darkness, it wasn't easy to locate the end of the cable amidst
the tangle of limbs and leaves, but be leaped into the pileup
of debris and started searching. As be did so, he could feel
the wind pick up even more. Long rolls of thunder warned
him that time was running out; the storm was increasing in
ferocity; only a few minutes separated them from 1985 and
the bl~t of lightning that would carry him there.
"Damn!" he yelled. "Where the bell are you?"
Oblivious to the branches tearing his skin, be continued
to tear into the pile. Doc Brown, meanwhile, raced up the
courthouse stairs like a madman, taking the rough-hewn
steps of the ancient belfry three at a time. Arriving at the
clock tower room which opened t6 the ledge directly below
· the clock, he saw pigeons scatter as be invaded their inner
sanctum of safety. His hair blowing wildly in the wind and
Back To The Future 13 f
his rough features illuminated by flashes <?f lightning, Doc
Brown truly resembled the stereotypical ffiad scientist on a
mission that would shake the world.
He looked up, saw that the connecting socket was dan-
gling on its cable between the 1 and 2 of the huge clock
face. The other end was still attached to the lightning rod
on the tower above.
Looking down, he saw Marty, five stories below, waving
the paddle plug which he had just located.
"Good!" Doc Brown shouted.
He tossed down the rope, which uncoiled to land a few
feet in front of Marty. The young mim grabbed it, tied the
end to the paddle plug, then waved to Doc Brown.
Ooc nodded and began hauling the rope with the cable
attached back into the tower. As he continued. the hand-
over-hand operation, he saw Marty's mouth working and
beard partial words.
"What?" he yelled down,
Marty cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted
as loudly as he could. "I gotta tell you about -the future,
Doc! Please listen to me!"
The words were lost amid a new rush of wind which
nearly tore the rope from Doc's grasp.
"Can't hear you!" Doc shouted back.
"The future!" Marty yelled. "On the night I travel back
in time, the terrorists show up and get you-"
"Terrorists! They-"
Bong! Bong!!
The clock began to toll ten o'clock. Kicking angrily at
the ground, Marty waited, knowing he hadn't a prayer of
being heard.
With the huge bells tolling so close, Doc Brown nearly
lost his balance. He quickly regained his footing, however,
and was able to haul the rope the rest of the way. Grabbing
151 George Glpe
the paddle plug, he looked down at Marty and gestured that
he should get in the car and go.
On the ground, Marty hesitated. He knew what Doc
Brown meant and understood the urgency of the situation.
Still, he wanted one more shot at telling his friend what
was in store for him if he wasn't careful. He looked up.
Doc Brown gestured wildly toward the DeLorean, then at
his watch.
Marty sighed, turned and raced back toward the car.
"Run, boy, run!" Doc Brown shouted from the clock
tower. Seeing Marty do so, he untied the rope from the end
of the paddle plug and looked at its socket mate dangling
against the face of the clock. It was a good stretch away.
Reaching for it, he realized he'd have to go out on the ledge
to make the connection.
As he lifted himself cautiously onto the narrow ledge,
Doc saw the DeLorean start up and move down the street.
"Good," he whispered. "Now all 1-have to do is make
sure he's not barreling down the street for nothing."
Creeping along the ledge, his hands flat against the wall
with the nails gripping as tigbdy as possible, Doc tried to
lbink: of anything but the wind and distinct possibility of
falling. Blasts of lightning cast weird shadows and outlines
on the clock tower wall and each roll of thunder caused the
building to shudder.
"I'll be alive in 1985," he said, realizing even as he said
it that he was whistling past the graveyard. "I'll be alive in
'85-so I'm safe now."
The words came out but he knew they were fallacious.
His being alive in 1985 was predicated on his not climbing
clock towers in 1955.
"Well," be gasped. "Let's just get it done."
Leaning into the wind, he reached for the dangling cable,
felt it slip through his fingers, took a deep breath and reached
out again.
Back To The Future ZJJ
* * *
Marty pulled up to the "starting line" Doc Brown bad
arranged for him, made a U-turn and sat in the idling
DeLorean, his eyes fixed hypnotically on the alann clock
next to him.
"Dammit, Doc," he murmured. "Why'd you have to tear
up that letter? If only there was a little more time for me
to explain ... "
As he considered the problem, he withdrew his gaze from
the alann clock and looked at the DESTINATION TIME and
LAST TIME DEPARTED readouts, both of which were set for
1:31 A.M.
"That's it," he said fmally. "There's no way I can have
more time at this end, but why can't I make time at the
other end?"
With that, he began pushing the appropriate buttons on
the DESTINATION TIME keypad so that it moved from 1:30
to 1:29 and even earlier. "Sure," he murmured. "I'll just
show up in 1985 a few minutes before the terrorists shoot
Doc and warn him then."
He watched as the DESTINATION TIME readout changed
from 1:26 to 1:24 and then paused, wondering if seven
minutes was enough.
A moment later, the engine of the DeLorean shook twice
and then died. Marty turned the key in the ignition but the
car wouldn't start.
"Come on, come on," be growled. "Don't tell me I came
this far to run out of gas!"

Doc Brown, holding the loose cable in his left band, took
a small step along the ledge of the clock tower and had his
foot poised to take another when he heard the sound. It was
the crunch of rapidly disintegrating stone and he heard it a
split second before he felt his body start to fall. Dropping
the cable, he leaped forward to grab the only object between
134 George Gipe
himself and the ground-the minute hand of the courthouse
tower clock .
..Goddamn!" he yelled.
Even as 'he spoke, he felt something strike his left foot.
Looking down, he saw that the cable was still hanging in
midair, its end balanced precariously on the instep of his
foot. For a long moment, Brown just hung there, the wind
blowing his hair and lightning illuminating his terrorized
features. Then, carefully moving his right foot toward the
intact section of ledge, he moved his body toward safety,
all the while trying to keep the cable balanced and ultimately
reachable. When his right foot gained the ledge, he took a
deep breath, hopped across and, at the same time, kicked
the cable into the air so he could catch it with his left hand.
He thought the next part of his job.;_ plugging the cable
plug into the socket-would be easy. But when he tried
putting them together, he discovered they were about a foot
••now the hell did that happen?" he groaned.
Shaking his head, he peered downward into the alter-
nating gloom and garishly-lit scene below. The cause of his
dilemma soon became apparent-a tree ~b was caught
on the cable, eliminating the slack necessary to get the two
ends together. Jerking and whipping the end of the cable,
he struggled to free it but was unsuccessful.· In desperation,
he increased the violence of his tugs, finally giving the cable
a tremendous yank that pulled it free from the tree .
..Good!" he yelled, and then: ..Damn it!"
The plug at the other end of the connection was now
loose, leaving Brown with a useless plug in his hand.
Considering the utter despair he felt, Doc Brown's re-
action was COlllparatively mild. Clutching the side of the
tower, he merely closed his eyes and tried not to think of
anything for a moment. But even with his eyes closed, he
could see the lightning crashing about him with increased
Back To The Future 235
ferocity and feel the thunder shake the courthouse. Forcing
his mind to think, he asked himself: Is there any way I can
get everything connected?
"Yes," he whispered finally. "I'll probably kill myself
but what the hell?"
Tying the two loose cable ends together, he plugged them
in, tested them to make sure they were tight, took a deep
breath and jumped.
As he slid down the cable toward the ground, he felt his
hands burn but held tight until his feet struck the solid earth.
Then he was running with the cable toward the lamp post.

Continuing to grind away at the ignition, Marty winced
as he heard the alarm clock go off.
·"Come on! Come on!" he shouted.
The ignition sputtered, coughed, and then-miracu-
lously -caught. )
Jamming his foot against the accelerator, Marty was
thrown back in the seat as the DeLorean peeled out. Burning
rubber, it hit forty within a half block and was approaching
sixty-five as Town Square came into view. Staring straight
ahead, ~Marty caught sight of the wire strung across the street
and locked his vision on it. So intent was he that he failed
to see the figure of Doc Brown as he raced toward the lamp
post, cable in hand. Less than a second before a spectacular
bolt of lightning struck, Doc plugged the cable in, spun
around and fell backward. Glancing at his speedometer,
Marty saw that the car was moving at eighty-eight miles an
Then there was a terrific crash of simultaneous lightning
and thunder. The landscape and buildings all around Marty
went completely white, like the homes in the film about
atomic bomb testing. My God, he thought, I've neen nuked.
A slight bump told him the trolley hook on the rear of the
1J6 George Gipe
DeLorean bad made contact with the cable. On the dash,
dials flashed as the flux capacitor glowed and discharged.
A dissonant rushing noise followed, the DeLorean kicked
forward as if it bad been thrust into orbit, and blackness
From his prone position next to the lamp post, Doc Brown
watched as the time machine made contact with the elec-
trified cable. Rain continued to pour down but be didn't
notice it. Instead, be saw a montage of quick images-the
glowing cable, lightning bolt striking the tower clock, the
DeLorean seemingly enveloped by a yellow mist-which
made him leap to his feet and let out an Indian war whoop.
"We did it!" be shouted. "It was impossible but we did
It was true. As if swallowed up by the earth or a giant
band from above, the Del..orean was gone. All that remained
was the trolley pole, which had been wrenched free when
the car passed under the cable. Now it dangled limply,
buffeted by the rain and wind, the only souvenir of young
Marty McFly's sixty-year round trip backward and forward
in time.
"Good luck," Doc Brown breathed. "I'll see you soon
enough ... I hope.''

The journey into the black tunnel slowed and fmally ended.
The car came to rest but the darkness continued to surround
Marty, broken only by the glowing dials and readouts.
Glancing down at them, he saw that LAST TIME DEPARTED
read 11-5-1955, 10:04 P.M. PRESENT TIME and DESTINATION
nMH, which were the same, read 10-26-1985, 1:24 A.M.
That being the case, why the darlrness? Marty thought of
the scene in a movie be had seen about a time travel machine
where the vehicle is enclosed in a mountain. Could that
possibly have happened to him?
Gradually, as his eyes became used to the darkness, he
realized that he was inside a building. Behind him was a
circle of dim light.
"Well," he murmured. "Looks like there's no place to
go but backwards."
Slamming the car into reverse, he moved toward the light
soun:e. When he emerged into the night, he saw that his

.138 George Gipe _
point of arrival bad been the interior of the boarded-upTown
Theatre. Everything else was as it became in 1985-the
Studebaker dealership was now the Toyota place, the .soda
shop was gone, and the courthouse had thirty years of ad-
ditional age on it.
"All right!" Marty shouted.
He reached down to turn on the car radio. A contem-
porary rock tune was playing.
"All right!" he repeated.
Then he thought of Doc Brown. There would be time
enough to celebrate later. Now he had to concentrate on
saving his friend from a bloody and violent death.
He slammed the car into forward gear, felt the engine
shudder and then die.
"Shit!" he yelled.
This time it was really dead. After grinding for a minute,
Marty was unable to generate the slightest hint of renewed
power. And as he continued to grind, he looked up and saw
the familiar terrorist van cruising down the street and around
a comer.
Horrified, he leaped from the car.
"The terrorists!" he yelled.
Then he was running, through Town Square and all the
way down 2nd Street toward the mall. Arriving at the en-
trance, he noticed that it was called Lone Pine Mall and
was decorated with the image of a single pine tree instead
of two. Otherwise everything was the same. But the stalled
DeLorean bad cost him valuable time; the terrorist van was
already on the parking lot, chasing Doc Brown while the
lone figure of Marty McFiy watched in horror.
Marty stood frozen, horrified and amazed.
"Oh, no!" he gasped. "I'm too late!''
The scene blew his mind. There was Doc dying again
while he looked on. Then, as the hail of bullets sent Brown
falling to the ground, Marty saw himself leap into the
Back To The Future .Z39
DeLorean and race off. He had already experienced the
scene once in the flesh but he watched again, fascinated by
the replay seen from a different point of view. -
Just as before, the terrorist van turned and pursued the
DeLorean, which executed a neat U-turn and raced to the
opposite end of the parking lot. It continued to accelerate
even as it was shot at until being enveloped in a blinding
white glow.
Losing control of their vehicle, the terrorist van driver
was forced to swerve into a Fox Photo stand on the edge
of the parking lot. The vehicle fell over and landed door-
side down, trapping the terrorists inside. In the distance a
police siren wailed.
"Jeez," Marty whispered.
Suddenly remembering Doc Brown, he turned and ran
toward the sprawled figure, still lying face down on the
asphalt. There were tears in Marty's eyes as he turned his
friend over.
"DoC ... " he said softly. "Doc ... please don't be dead,
Doc ... " '
"Well, all right, if you insist," the apparently dead man
replied, opening his eyes and smiling.
"You're alive!" Marty shouted.
"Of course I'm alive."
"But you were shot-1 saw it!" Marty cried. "I saw it
"On instant replay, as it were?" Doc smiled again.
Marty nodded.
"The explanation is simple," Brown said.
He ripped open his radiation suit to reveal a bulletproof
"It's the latest fashion in personal protection," he ex-
plained. "Guaranteed to stop a slug from an elephant rifle
at thirty yards."
"Were you wearing that all along?" Marty asked.
240 George Gipe
''Sadly, no," Doc Brown replied. ''The first time around,
I must have been taken by surprise. No, my boy, it. was
your warning that saved me."
With that, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the
letter that Marty had written in 1955. It was yellow and
brittle, the scotch tape holding it together withered and ready
to fall apart.
Marty smiled and shook his head. "What a hypocrite,"
he said. "After all that lecturing about screwing~p the space-
time continuum ... "
"Yeah, well, I figured what the hell ... "
Nearby, the police had poured out of their cars and were
busily rounding up the terrorists.
"Let's get out of here," Doc Brown said. "This is going
to be impossible to explain."
"I"m with you," Marty said.
Together, they ran toward the mall core and disappeared
in the shadows just as even more police cruisers turned the
comer into the mall.
As they sped away in the step-van, the two men discussed
their adventures. "I guess I did screw things up a little,"
Marty said at the entranceway to the mall.
"How soT'
"Well, this used to be Twin Pines Mall in the 1985 I
knew first time around. But when I went back, I accidentally
ran over one of the farmer's pines. I guess that's why they
call it Lone Pine now."
Doc Brown smiled. "You'll probably notice a lot of things
like that," he said. "It'll be your own private joke with Hill
Valley for the rest of your life."
"Yeah ..."
A few minutes later, they reached the DeLorean and Doc
got inside.
"Won't start, eh?" he said.
Marty nodded.
Back To The Future 241
Doc reached under the ignition, flipped a hidden switch
and smiled as the engine roared to life .
..What are your plans now?" Marty asked .
..Well, first, I'm gonna wait until the cops clean up that
mess at the parking lot and then I'll drive my step-van outa
there," he said. "I got a few more plutonium pellets that I
can use to travel, so I think that's what I'll do. After all,
, time's a-wasting."
"How far ahead are you going?"
Doc shrugged. "I figure I'll take it slow at first," he
replied. "Maybe I'll go about thirty years, just to get my
feet wet. Then maybe I'll take a look-see at the 22nd or
23rd centuries ... "
"Well, good luck," Marty said. "If you get a chance,
look me up in 2015. I'll be ... let's see ... forty-seven years
old. Wow. That's ancient."
Doc Brown snorted. "That's just a kid. Anyway, I sure
will look you up, my boy. It's funny, isn't it? I had to wait
thirty years to catch up to you. Now you've gotta wait thirty
years to catch up to me. Ain't life weird ... "
He winked. Marty closed the door and watched him drive

When he awakened, he was still in his clothes and morn-

ing sunlight was streaming through the window of his bed-
room. Opening his eyes slowly, Marty looked around at the
room which he knew so well and yet seemed so foreign to
him now. Everything was still there, from the SR5 posters
to the audio equipment. A calendar on the wall with X's
through the first twenty-five days of October 1985 informed
him that today was the 26th.
Could it have all been a dream?
Getting out of bed, he looked at himself in the mirror,
'pinching himself several times to make sure the flesh staring
back at him was real.
J41 ~rge Gipe
Next to. the full-length mirror was a waste can with a
familiar object projecting from it-the submission form to
the record company. He had tossed it there in despair the
night-or was it thirty years?-before. Now this act seemed
as juvenile as the George McFly of 1955. Pulling a demo
tape from his top drawer, he put it and the form into a
mailing envelope.
"Why not?" he said. ••My music has been wowing them
for three decades. I'm a cinch to win."
A few minutes later, after cleaning up, he went down-
stairs to breakfast. Linda and Dave were seated. at the dining
room table. They appeared the same facially but nearly
everything surrounding them, from their clothing to the
furniture, was different. Dave wore an expensive business
suit and was reading Forbes magazine; sister Linda was
dressed casually but elegantly as she ate what appeared to
be eggs Benedict. The dining room was equipped with much
more expensive furniture than he remembered, the table set
with delicate linen.
At the door, he stopped, shook his head.
"Say, are we having company or something?" he asked.
Linda and Dave looked at him and smiled.
"Not that I know of," Linda smiled.
•Then why is everything so ritzy-looking?" Marty mur-
mured. "Isn't today Saturday?''
•That's right," Dave replied: Marty noticed that he was
reading the business section of the morning paper.
'Aren't you working this morning, Dave?"
"Sure. I always work on Saturdays."
"At Burger King?"
Dave laughed.
"What, are~ hungover or something?" he asked.
••No. I just don't understand the fancy suit."
Dave looked at him, obviously confused. "Are you all
right, Marty?'' he asked.
Back To The Future 141
..Yeah. Are you guys all right?"
"Sure. Never better." Noticing Marty's envelope, he
reached out his hand. "Here," he said. "Let me take that-
1'11 mail it from the office."
Marty released the envelope and sat at the table. A bowl
of fresh strawberries was waiting for him. .
"I still don't get it," he muttered. "Strawberries ... eggs
Benedict. We never used to eat that kind of stuff. It was
just cereal and toast with a paper towel for napkins. What's
going on?"
. Halfway thrOugh his strawberries, he heard his parents'
voices from the hallway. Their conversation was light and
happy-sounding, the two of them just having come in from
"Where were they, anyway?" Marty asked.
"Same as always," Dave replied. ''Tennis at the club."
''Tennis? Dad and Mom don't play tennis,"
''Then that explains why they've been club doubles cham-
pions for six years," Linda said archly.
"I can't believe it."
"Where have you been?" Linda demanded.
Marty was seriously considering telling her When his
folks walked· in the room. Their appearance was quite a
shock to Marty. Both looked tanned and healthy in their
tennis outfits, but the transformation was far deeper than
that. George McFly radiated confidence and self-esteem
while Lorraine was thin and dynamic-looking.
Marty's jaw fell.
"What's the matter, son?" George McFly asked.
"Mom! Dad!" he said. "You look-great!"
"Why, thank you, Marty," Lorraine smiled.
"What can he want?" Linda said. "He's already got every-
His parents eyed him quizzically.
"I don't want anything," Marty said. "It's a great present,
144 George Gipe
just seeing how terrific you look."
"Wow," Dave laughed.
His mother put her hand on Marty's shoulder. "Well,"
she said. "Tonight's the big night, isn't it?"
Marty looked at her blankly.
"Isn't tonight your big date with Jennifer Parker?" Lor-
raine asked. "She's such a nice girl. I really like her a lot."
Marty could hardly believe this was his mother talking,
even taking the physical transformation into account. Could
this be the same woman who continually bad-mouthed Jen-
nifer? Obviously not.
"Pardon me, Ma?" he muttered.
''You're going up to the lake tonight, aren't you? Just
the two of you. Haven't you been planning it for two weeks?"
"Mom, we went through this last night," Marty replied.
''How can I go if Dad's car is Wl'eCked?"
"Wrecked?" Dad said.
"He's been like this all morning," Dave explained. "It's
like he went to bed and woke up in a different house with
strange people."
That indeed was the case but Marty didn't say so. Instead
he murmured: "I'm sorry. I ... thought the car ... was
wrecked. You lent it to Biff Tannen and he ran into some-
body with it:"
Dad chuckled. "Well, there's nothing wrong with the car
that I can see. In fact, Biff is out there waxing it right now."
Marty got up, walked to the kitchen window and looked
out. There in the driveway was a sparkling new BMw. Next
to it stood Biff Tannen, polishing diligently. His expression
also seemed subtly altered, devoid of the usual arrogance
and belligerence. As he worked, he whistled a happy tune.
"Jeez," Marty murmured. To himself he said: "What a
difference a belt in the chops can make."
His father opened the kitchen window and called out t<
Biff. His tone was pleasant but firm. "Hey, Biff," he said
Back To The Future Z45
"Don't forget-two coats of wax this time. Your job last
week was a little sloppy."
"Yessir!" Biff replied in a voice that was friendly and
eager to please. "You're the boss, sir!"
"Don't be dictatorial, George," Lorraine cautioned, smil-
ing at her husband. Despite the warning, it was obvious she
adored him.
George shrugged. "Sorry," he said. "I don't mean to
sound that way. It's just that some employees will try to get
away with murder if you don't stay on 'em. I've had to
keep Biff in line ever since high school." Then he added
with a smile: "Although if it hadn't been for Biff, your
mother and' I never would have met."
"Yeah, Dad," Linda inJerrupted. "You've told us a mil-
lion times already. You beat him up when he was bothering
Mom and that's how the two of you fell in love."
"It was more than that," Lorraine added. "Your father
literally came to my rescue." She sighed. "It was so ro-
mantic ..."
"Cornball city," Linda said, rolling her eyes.
"Whatever happened to the other guy?'' Marty asked.
"What other guy?" his father asked.
"The guy I was named after."
''Oh," Lorraine murmured. "We never saw him again.
He vanished into thin air." Then, looking at Marty closely, ·
she said: "I don't remember ever telling you about him."
''Well, you must have. Otherwise I wouldn't have known,
would I?"
"No ... "
Biff entered a moment later and handed George a hard-
cover book.
''Oh, Mr. McFiy," he said. ''This just came in."
''Good," George nodded.
He held up the book, which was entitled A Match Made
In Space. The art work showed a bedroom with a space
246 George Gipe
alien very reminiscent of Marty's Darth Vader speaking to
a young man cowering beneath the covers. The author's
name, in large letters, was George McFly.
"Holy·cow,~' Marty said. "You wrote that, Dad?"
George nodded proudly. "My fmt novel," he said. "I
sure hope it sells."
"Of course it'll sell," Lorraine gushed. "After all, it's
not like you're a nobody. You've been selling stories ever
since college."
"That's right, Dad," Dave added. "You're the one who's
always telling us to have confidence and a positive attitude.
Where's yours now?"
"You're right," George said. "I'm sure this book is going
to do just fine."
Then, turning to Marty, he put a strong hand on his
shoulder and Said: "And that tape of yours is going to do
just fine, tOo."
''I hope yoo're right," Marty muttered, suddenly thrust
back to his 1985 cares and aspirations.
"Marty," George said, "haven't I always told you that
all it takes is a little self-confidence? If you put your mind
to it, you can do anything."
Biff, sta'nding with a deferential smile during the previous
conversation, took advantage of the silence to thrust a band
toward Marty. "Oh, Marty," he said. "Here's your keys.
You're all waxed and ready for tonight."
"My keys?" Marty stammered.
Biff nodded. "I put it in the garage," he said. "Just in
case it rains."
Thrning and racing to the garage, Marty gasped with
amazement when he opened the door. There sat a tricked
out black Toyota SRS truck, as shining and beautiful as
when it sat on the showroom floor. Only now it was his!
He ran to it, got inside and caressed the upholstery, gear
shift, every switch and dial within reach. Opening the garage
Back To The Future 147
door, he was all ready to take a spin when he heard a familiar
"How about a ride, mister?"
It was Jennifer, standing on the parking pad, looking as
gorgeous as ever.
"Jen!" he cried. "Are you ever a sight for sore eyes! Let
me look at you!"
Jennifer was somewhat taken aback by the unexpected
display of emotion. It wasn't as if they had been separated
for a long time, having seen each other only the evening
"Are you O.K.?" she asked. "You're acting like you
haven't seen me in a year."
"I feel like I haven't seen you for thirty years," Marty
"That's a long time to be deprived," she smiled back.
He pulled her toward him and was about to kiss her when
he suddenly felt a rush of electricity race through his body.
Jennifer must have experienced it as well, for her hair crack-
led and literally stood on end for a few seconds.
"Holy-" Marty began.
A sonic boorn drowned out the rest of his thought.
The source was Doc Brown's DeLorean, which roared
up to the front of the house and came to a squealing stop.
Inside sat Doc Brown, wearing a cowboy hat. When he got
out of the car, it was possible to see that he was dressed in-
a bizarre mixture of clothing types that included striped
plastic pants, a cape and strange variation on a Roman tunic.
His features agitated, Doc got right to the point. ·
"Marty," he said. "You've gotta come with me-back
to the future!"
"It's important."
"But I've got Jennifer here," Marty said. "I was just
gonna try out my new wheels."
248 George Gipe
"1bat can wait," Doc replied. "Anyway, you can bring
her along, This concerns her, too!'
Marty felt a strong surge of apprehension. "What do you
meanT' be demanded. "Does something happen to her? To
us? Do we turn into assboles or sometbingT'
_ Doc_ Brown smiled. "No, you and Jennifer turnout fme,"
be said. "But your kids! Marty, something's gotta be done
about your kids."
"Our kidsT Jennifer asked, her bead swiveling between
Marty and Doc Brown. "What kids? We aren't even engaged
yet. .. "
"We'll explain later," Marty said. "Would you like to
come alongT' ·
"Along to wbereT' she asked.
"The future," Marty replied. "The year 2015 or there-
abouts. I think that's where Doc was beaded-"
"We better hurry," Doc said.
The two men looked at Jennifer.
"Sure," she said. "Why notT'
"'.K. Let's go," Doc said.
_He lifted the gull-wing door and Marty got in. Jennifer
sat on his lap. When Doc Brown jumped bebind the steering
wheel, Marty reached over to touch his arm.
"You'd better back this thing up, Doc," be cautioned.
"We haven't got enough road to get up to eighty-eight."
"Where we're going, we don't use roads," Brown smiled.
He pointed to a new switch on the dashboard labeled MR.
FUSION HOME ENERGY CENTBR, hit it, and grinned with sat-
isfaction as the DeLorean rolled about a hundred yards down
the street, blasted off into the sky trailing a thin flume of
silver smoke, and then disappeared.
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Adapted by Robert Loren Fleming

from the novel by George Gipe
based on a screenplay by Robert Zemeckis & Bob Gale
Designed by Deborah Bethel

A Berkley Book/published by arrangeme nt w ith MCA Publishing Rights, a Division of MCA, Inc.
PRINTING HISTORY: Berkley e dition/October 1985. Copyright© 1985 by MCA Publishing Rights, a Divi-
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Marty McFiy could see his own breath in the chilly autumn air that
filled Hill Valley Town Square. He walked up to his girlfriend jennifer, who
waited for him there, and smiled.
" My dad's letting me use his car next Saturday night," he told her.
"Oh, Marty! It'll be our first official date!"
jennifer threw her arms around him and gave him a big hug.
"Well, it's a crummy old car," Marty sighed, " but someday, when I earn
enough money, I'll get that four-by-four truck I've had my eye on and we'll
go out in style."
Suddenly a voice boomed in Marty's ear. "SAVE THE CLOCK TOWER!" it
shouted. A woman stuck a can between jennifer and Marty, causing both of
them to jump in surprise. " Please give some money to save the clock
tower!" the woman said.
Marty dug a quarter out of his pocket.
" We at the Hill Valley Preservation Society feel that our clock should be
kept exactly the way it is," the woman continued. She pointed to the big
clock on the tower of the town courthouse. "Thirty years ago lightning
struck that tower at exactly 10:04 P.M., and the clock hasn't run since. The
mayor wants to replace it, but we feel it should be left as is."
Marty dropped the coin into her can and it made a loud clank.
"Thank you!" the woman said, gratefully. "Don't forget to take a flyer. It
tells you all about the clock tower." Marty took the sheet of paper and
shoved it into his pocket. Nearby, a car honked loudly.
"That's my dad," jennifer said. "I've got to go!" She kissed Marty and ran
to her father's car.
Marty smiled. He was feeling very happy, and looking foward to his
Saturday night date.
Marty went home and his happy feeling quickly faded as he watched a
bright red tow truck back the remains of his father 's car into the Mcfly
driveway. Marty could hear Biff's voice all the way from the street. Biff was
his father's boss.
"I can't believe you did this, Mcfly!" Biff yelled. " I can't believe you
loaned me your car without telling me it had a blind spot! I could've been
killed! "
Marty kicked open the screen door and stepped into the house. just as
he'd suspected, his father, George Mcfly, was backed into a corner. Biff had
smashed up George's car, and yet George was apologizing to Biff! " I'm really
sorry, Biff," he said.
" And what are you staring at, creep?" Biff said to Marty. Marty just glared
at Biff and didn't say a word. Biff pushed Marty aside and walked out the
front door.
Later that evening at the dinner table, Marty was still upset about the car.
Now he would have to cancel his date with Jennifer. There was no use
talking to his father about it. George McFly always let people push him
around, he was always picked on by bullies, and he always did whatever
anyone told him to do. Marty love d his dad, but he found it hard to have any
respect for him .
Marty's mother, Lorraine, was also no help.
"That girl Jennifer called while you were out, Marty," she said between
mouthfuls of cake. " I'm not su re I like her. Any girl who calls up a boy is
looking for trouble. When I was a girl I never called a boy or asked a boy for a
"Oh, no," Marty thought. " Here it comes- the dreaded first date story!"
Sure e nough , his mother went into her favorite tale, telling Marty for the
millionth time how her father-Grandpa Baines to him-had hit Marty's dad
with the family car, and then carried George into the house for first aid.
"He seemed so helpless," lorraine said softly, putting down her fork,
" like a little lost puppy. My heart just went out to him.
"The very next weekend we went on our first date," she continued, "The
'Enchantment Under the Sea' School Dance. It was the night of that terrible
thunderstorm. Your father kissed me for the first time on the dance
floor ... and that was when I realized I was going to spend the rest of my life
with him."
"That's a ni ce story, Mom," Marty lied. He got up from the table and gave
her a kiss on the cheek. His dad was laughing at an e pisode of The
Honeymooners, and Marty gave him a friendly pat on the back o n his way
upstairs. His parents were getting old right before his e yes. His mother was
overweight and graying, and his fath e r was always being pushed around. It
made Marty sad. He really did love them, despite everything.
Marty went up to his room, fell into bed, and began to read. He soon
dozed off, but was awakened with a start when his phone rang. He looked at
his clock. It read "12:30 A.M."
" Hello, Marty?" said the voice on the other end of the phone. "This is Doc
Brown." Doc Brown was a local scientist and inventor, and Marty's good
friend. He was always work ing on some crazy gadget or invention. "You
d idn't fall asleep, did you?"
" Uh, no, of course not," Marty answered ,sleepily.
"Good. Don't forget, I need you to meet me at Twin Pines Mall at 1:15A.M.,"
said Doc Brown. "I've got something truly incredible to show you!"
"Right, Doc," said Marty, who was very curious." I' m on my way." Marty
grabbed his skateboard and ran out of the house.


Minutes later, Marty glided into the parking lot of the shopping center
and swung his skateboard to a quick stop. There stood Doc Brown beside
the strangest car Marty had ever seen in his life.
"How do you like my time machine, Marty? " Doc asked him. " It used to be
a Delorean car, but I made some changes."
"I'll say!" Marty exclaimed. "It looks more like a rocketship than a car.
How does it work, Doc?"
" It runs on plutonium," Doc explained.
"Piutoniu m! " Marty gasped. " But that's the stuff they use to build nuclear
"You' re absolutely right, Marty," said Doc, "but in this case it's perfectly
safe. You see, I needed a huge amount of energy to run my time machine.
One day, some libyan terrorists brought me this plutonium and asked me to
build them a bomb. I tricked them and kept the plutonium for my time
machine instead. Here, put on this radiation suit. It will protect you while I
load the plutonium."
Doc swung open the door of his time machine.
" Look at this, Marty," he said, pointing to the car's dashboard. Doc turned
some numbers on a dial so that they read 11-5-55. " This is the gadget you
use to set your destination," said Doc Brown. "Say, for example, you want to
go backwards in time. Let's use November 5, 1955 since that is the day I
created the formula for my time machine. You just set this dial to
11-5-55- November 5, 1955-and start driving. When you reach a speed of
88 miles per hour-KABOOM! You're instantly sent back through time!"
"Are you going into the past?" Marty asked.
"No, Marty," Doc replied. "I'm going into the future. To the year 2015."
However, before Doc Brown was able to reset the dial for the future, he
and Marty saw a large, black van speeding across the parking lot directly
toward them.
" Oh, no!" Doc gasped. " It's those Libyan terrorists whose plutonium I
stole. Somehow, they've found me !"
An angry man rose up through the open sunroof of the van. He aimed a
machine gun at the startled invento r.
" Run, Marty!" Doc yelled.
The gunman opened fire . Doc clutched his chest and fell to the
pavement. Marty could hardly believe it-his good friend Doc Brown was
The gunman turned and fired his weapon at Marty. Marty leaped into Doc
Brown's time machine. He slammed the car door and started the engine.
The car took off and the black van sped after it.
Marty put his foot down hard on the gas, and the car suddenly shot away
from the van. A few seconds later the time machine hit 88 miles per hour and
instantly disappeared in a blinding streak of colored light.

KABOOM! The shopping mall was gone and Marty found himself
speeding through a cornfield. WHAM! The time machine crashed into a
barn and came to a sudden halt.
Marty got out, looked around, and realized that he was on a farm. " I don 't
know where Twin Pines Mall went, but I just want to go home."
Marty located a familiar highway and finally found his way home. He
started to turn onto his own street-but it was gone!
" It can't be! My whole neighborhood is missing!" Marty exclaimed. Then
he looked at the destination dial on the car's dashboard. It read : "November
5, 1955."
"It works!" Marty gasped in astonishment. " Doc's time machine actually
works. I've travelled thirty years into the past. My neighborhood hasn't even
been built yet!"
Suddenly, the car's engine died. Marty tried to restart it, but it was no use.
The fuel light read: " Empty." Marty was out of plutonium.
Marty hid the time machine in some bushes and hiked into town. But
when he arrived in Hill Valley, it was not at all like he remembered it. Marty
didn't recognize any of the old-fashioned shops that surrounded the
courthouse. All of the cars that drove past looked like antiques. A loud bell
began to chime overhead.
"Holy cow!" said Marty. " That's the old clock tower-it's not broken! I've
travelled back to a time before it was struck by lightning!"

Marty entered a little soda fountain and took a stool at the counter. He
needed time to figure out what to do. Just then, a familiar voice called out his
"Hey, Mcfly!" the voice said.
Marty turned to see who it was. He didn't notice the boy on the next stool
who turned at the same time. Marty was too surprised to notice anything.
The voice belonged to Biff, his father's boss. Only this Biff was barely older
than Marty!
"I'm talking to you , Mcfly!" said the young Biff-except that he wasn't
talking to Marty. Biff was speaking to the boy on the next stool. Marty's
mouth dropped open. The boy sitting beside him was his own father,
George McFiy!
" Hey, Mcfly! You were supposed to do my homework for me," Biff said to
George. "So, where is it?"
"Uh ... uh ... you're right, Biff," answered George. " I'll go do it right
away! "
Before Marty could even open his mouth, George had run out of the soda
fountain, hopped on his bike, and headed down the street.
Marty ran after him. He finally found George up in a tree, trying to see into
the house across the street. Suddenly, George slipped and came crashing
down, right in the middle of the road . just at that moment a car turned the
corner, headed right for George.
" Dad!" Marty screamed. He threw himself into th e middle of the street
and pushed George out of the way. The car kept com ing, and Marty
recognized his grandfather behind the wheel just before he bounced off
the hood and passed out.

Marty woke up in a dark room. "Mom," he moaned. "Oh,l had a terrible

dream." Sitting beside him on the bed was his mother. He couldn't see her
face, but he knew it was her by the way she tilted her head, and the way she
held her hands in her lap.
" You're going to be all right now," his mother said. She turned on a lamp
beside the bed. It was Marty's mom , all right-except that she was a very
young and very pretty girl!
" You're so-so-" Marty tried to find the words. "So-thin!"
"Why, thank you," his teenage mother said to him. She smiled. " That's so
sweet of you. You were so helpless when my father carried you in. Like a
little lost puppy. "
Marty's mouth went dry. It was the dreaded first date story! Marty's
grandfather was supposed to have hit George Mcfly with the family car, but
instead he hit Marty! Lorraine was supposed to have fallen in love with
George while taking care of him in her house. Instead, here she was taking
care of Marty!
"By saving my father from getting hit by that car, I've just stopped him
from meeting my mother!" thought Marty. " If they never meet, they'll
never fall in love and get married . And if they never get married ... I' ll never
be born! "
Marty suddenly realized that Lorraine was still smiling at him. He
remembered that her heart had once gone out to his poor, helpless father.
And here was Marty, taking George's place. He decided to get out of there
as quickly as possible.
" I've got to find Doc Brown! " Marty said, as he ran out of the room. "I feel
better. Thanks. See you ... Lorraine! "
Marty didn't stop running until he got to Doc Brown's house. He stepped
up to the front door and rang the bell.
awho are you?" a very young-looking Doc Brown asked. He was in the
middle of an experiment and didn't wish to be disturbed.
Marty told him the whole story.
"I believe you," said Doc Brown, handing Marty a sheet of paper. "This is
my formula for the time machine. I only thought of it this morning, but
you've described it perfectly. Quick, let's go get the machine and bring it
Before long, Marty and Doc managed to tow the time machine back to
Doc's lab.
"There's only one problem in getting you back to the future, Marty," Doc
told him. "Power. Here in 1955, I have no way of getting any plutonium.
The only other thing powerful enough to run the time machine is a bolt of
lightning, but we have no way to tell when or where one is going to strike."
"Oh yes we do!" said Marty, remembering the flyer about the clock
tower. " The lightning!" he exclaimed. " I know when it's going to strike! "
Marty reached into his pocket and handed Doc Brown th e fl yer. Doc read
the large print. It said: Lightning Strikes Clock Tower.
"Accordin g to this fl ye r," Doc Brown began , " lightning wi ll strike the
courthouse this Saturday night at exactly 10:04. This is perfect. I can ri g up
something to channel the energy from the clock tower into the time
machine," he shouted with excitement. " But we still have o ne prob lem,
" My parents, right, Doc?" said Marty.
" That's right," Doc replied. " If yo u don't get them together before you
leave for th e future o n Saturday, you may just vanish on the way back to 1985.
You can 't ex ist in the future unless you r parents meet and fall in love !"
" I understand, Doc," Marty said. "You take ca re of my trip home, I'll work
on George and Lorraine."

The next morning Marty went to the local high school. There, he found
his father being yelled at by the principal. "Mr. Strickland!" thought Marty,
"picking on dad just like he picks on me in 1985!"
When Mr. Strickland walked away, Marty grabbed George by the arm.
"Hi, George," Marty began. "Remember me? I'm Marty. I saved your life
"Oh, the car. Right," remembered George. "Thanks, Marty."
"Listen, George," Marty continued, "I met this girl yersterday named
Lorraine Baines. She's got a crush on you. Come on, I'll introduce you."
George didn't really believe Marty, but he followed him over to the
lockers where Lorraine was standing with some of her friends.
"Lorraine," said Marty, "I'd like you to meet George Mcfly." But Lorraine
was not interested in George, she had a crush on Marty!

Marty left the school discouraged. "How am I ever going to get them
together?" he thought. He returned to Doc Brown's and found him hard at
" It's all set, Marty," Doc said. "I'm going to run a wire from the clock to the
street. All you have to do is drive the car under the wire at exactly 10:04 P.M.
Saturday night, make the connection, and you'll be on your way back to the
"That's great, Doc," said Marty, "only I didn't do so well with my folks."
" You've got to keep trying, Marty," said Doc. "You've got to think of
something! "
" Listen, Doc, there's something I've got to tell you," Marty began. " It's
about what happens to you in the future. "
" No!" Doc Brown yelled. "You're not to tell me anything about my own
personal future. Having that knowledge, I might do something that would
alter the course of history. It's too risky!"

Th at night Marty put on his yellow radiation suit, took hi s portable

cassette player, and snuck into Geo rge's bedroom. He slipped the head-
phones onto George's ea rs and bla sted loud music which woke George up.
" I am Darth Vader-an ali en from the planet Vulcan!" Marty bega n. " I
have co me to give you the courage to ask Lorraine to The ' Enchantment
Under th e Sea' Dance. Tomorrow you will ask her! "
George was terrified . He loved science fiction and believed in aliens.
M arty's trick had worked .

The next day George ran into Marty and told him about his visit from the
alien. Full of courage, George went into the soda fountain to ask lorraine to
the dance.
Just as George was about to ask her out, Biff walked in and began to pick
on his favorite pushover.
"Hey, McFiy! " Biff yelled. " Keep away from that girl! I' m reserving her for
Marty was so angry at Biff for spoiling George's chance, that he tripped Biff
and sent him flying. Biff and his friends started to chase Marty, but Marty
borrowed a little boy's scooter and pulled off the top, creating a homemade
skateboard. The bullies tried to catch Marty in Biff's car, but he was too
clever for them, and too fast on his skateboard.

" I thought you were just supe r the way you took care of Biff and his
friends , Marty," Lorraine said afte rwards. "I was wo ndering if maybe you'd
take me to the dance this Saturday. "
Marty was shocked. He re was hi s mother asking a bo y for a date!
Marty said yes, but he had a plan. Later that day he explained it to George.
"Let me get this stra ight, Marty," George said to him. " You're going to take
Lorraine to the dance, right?"
" I'm going to drive he r to th e dance, George," Marty said, " but o nce we
get there I'll slip away and you' ll take my place."

Saturday night finally arrived . Befo re he left for the dance, Marty tried
aga in to warn Doc o f his own death in 1985, but Doc refused to listen. Finally,
M arty w rote a note warning Doc, and sealed it in an envelo p e that said : " Do
not o pen until 1985." He hid the note in Doc's coat pocket.

Marty picked up Lorraine and drove her to the dance. As they were
getting out of the car, Marty felt a strong hand on his shoulder. He turned
around just in time to see Biff's fist as it knocked him out with one blow.
Biff's gang dragged Marty away while Biff pushed Lorraine back into the
"You're my date now, sweetheart!" Biff said to her.
"Leave me alone! You're hurting me!" Lorraine cried. Suddenly, Biff felt a
hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw George McFiy looking up
at him.
"What do you want, McFiy?" Biff laughed. "Get out of here!"
George removed his hand from Biff's shoulder and looked down at the
ground . He almost apologized, but then he looked up and saw tears in
Lorraine's eyes. George Mcfly knew what he had to do.
" You take your hands off her, Biff," George demanded.
This time Biff didn't laugh.
"I've had enough of you, Mcfly," Biff said. He grabbed George's arm and
twisted it until George was bent over in pain.
" Maybe I' ll break your arm and teach you a lesson," Biff said to him.
lorraine got out of the car to help George, but Biff pushed her to the
ground .
George made a fist with his left hand . He had never been so furious in his
entire life. Suddenly he broke free of Biff's grip, pulled back his fist, and hit
Biff with all of his might. Biff fell to the ground and stayed there.
"Are you all right, lorraine?" asked George, as he helped her up off the
ground .
" Yes, thank you," said lorraine, now dreamy-eyed over George, her
newfound hero.
Marvin Berry and TheStarlighters' band members woke Marty in time for
him to see George and lorraine enter the school. He followed them into the

Marty, who played guitar with a rock & roll band in 1985, joined Berry and
The Starlighters for a song, since their guitarist hurt his hand during a break.
As it turned out, it was during this song that George and Lorraine kissed
their fateful first kiss. Marty couldn't have been happier. History had been
set straight. It was time for him to go.
As Marty left, George and Lorraine stopped him to say goodbye. "Thank
you," said George, "for everything."
"Listen," said Marty. "If you ever have kids, and one of them accidentally
sets fire to the living room rug when he's eight-go easy on him , OK?"
"Sure, Marty," said George.
"Marty," said Lorraine. "What a nice name."

" What is the meaning of this?" Doc Brown asked Marty whe n he arrived
at the Town Square. Doc held the envelope with Marty's note in his hand.
He had discove red it in his coat pocket. "This is about the future, isn't it,
" It's so mething that you have to know for your own good, Doc!" Marty
insisted. Doc shook his head and tore up the envelope. Thunde r rumbled
close by.
" I don't want to hear about my future!" Doc told Marty again.
"Absolutely not! "
Before Marty could argue with his friend, a wild wind tore the wire loose
from the clock tower. Doc glanced at his watch and started to run toward th e
" It's time for you to get into the time machine! " he yelled over th e storm.
" I'll go back upstairs and secure that wire while you get ready for your run!
Good lu ck, Marty! I'll see you in 1985!"
"But, Doc!" Marty screamed. It was no use. Doc Brown could no longer
hear him over the wind and the violent claps of thunder. Marty ran towards
the time machine, knowing that he'd failed to warn Doc Brown of his murder
at the hands of the criminal gang.
Then Marty had an idea. "I'll go back ten minutes early and warn him!" he
Marty adjusted the dials and turned the key to start the engine. He put his
foot on the gas and the car jerked into motion. Faster and faster it w ent,
flying down the street toward the courthouse and the Town Square. Just as
Doc Brown reco nnected the wire, the b o lt of lightning stru ck the clock
tower. At exact ly 10:04 P.M ., the time machine connected with th e wire and
received a powerful jolt of energy. Marty saw the ca r hi t 88 miles per hour
and felt it disappear in a blinding streak of colored light.


KABOOM! M art y was back in 1985, screeching the ca r to a halt. Sudden ly

the car's engine died.
Marty ran all the wa y to the mall but he was too late. He arri ved just in time
to witness Doc's murder for the second time.
M arty knelt over Doc's body.
"Why didn't you read my note, Doc?" Marty cri ed to the body o f his
friend. " Why didn 't you accept my warnin g?"
" I did, Marty."
Doc Brown sat up and pulled Marty's note from his pocket. It wa s taped
and ragged, and brown with age.
" Doc! You 're alive!" Marty exclaimed. " You saved my note after all! But
how did you survive those bullets?"
Doc Brown pulled open his coat. "Bulletproof vest," he said.


Doc Brown droppe d Marty off at the McFiy house.

"I'm going into the future now, Marty," he told his young friend .
" look me up when you get there, Doc," said Marty.
The next mo rning Marty woke up in his own bed. He thought back on his
incredible adventure. Little did he suspect the surprise that awaited him
downstairs at the breakfast table.
" Good morning, Marty," said his mother. " Did you have a good sleep?"
Marty could hardly believe his eyes-his mother was the correct age
again, but she was still thin and beautiful! It was as if her entire life had
somehow changed overnight.
Marty was speechless. His father was also changed. George McFiy looked
confident and athletic. He looked like he was on top of the world!
"Cat got your tongue, Marty?" George laughed.
" Oh, Marty's just excited about his big date tonight with Jennifer. Aren't
you, Marty?" teased his mom. "She's such a nice girl." Marty felt like he had
entered another world.
· "Biff has your new four-by-four truck all polished and ready to go, son ,"
George said to Marty. "So you and jennife r have a good time tonight."
Marty ran out the front door and into the McFiy garage. Sure e nough ,
there was Biff, dressed in dirty overalls, polishing the four-by-four truck of
Marty's dreams.
"There's your truck, Marty," said Biff, pointing to the four-by-four. "I
shined it real good for you, just like your dad told me to."
Suddenly everything fell into place. Marty understood now why things
were so different. Instead of being weak and helpless, George McFiy had
stood up to Biff and refused to be pushed around. Marty had changed the
past after all. He had changed it for the better. Thanks to him, both of his
parents grew up to be happy and confident.
" How about a ride, mister?" said a familiar voice behind Marty.
Marty turned and saw Jennifer standing in the driveway. He was so glad to
see her that he gave her a big hug.
A mome nt later they both jumped in surprise at a sound like a
thunderclap. KABOOM! The time machine appeared out of nowhere and
squealed to a stop in the Mcfly driveway.
" Marty! Marty! You've got to come back with me into the future!"
It was Doc Brown, of course. He lea ped out of the smoking time machine,
dressed in strange clothing.
"What's wrong, Doc?" Marty asked him.
" Yo u've got to come back with me," Doc said breathlessly. "And Je nnife r
should come, too, because this also involves her. It's your kids, Marty-some-
thing's got to be do ne about your kids! "
Witho ut hesitation Marty and Jennife r jo ined Doc inside the time
machine. Instead of driving it away, Doc to uche d a ne w switch and the car
sudde nly rose o ver the ground. It flew off in a brilliant burst of brig htness
and co lor, headed- back to the future!

An eccentric scientist's time
machine hurls Marty Mcfly thirty
years into the past! Join Marty on
the journey of a lifetime, as he tries
to set history straight, and make
Both an exciting novel and high-spirited
adventure film, BACK TO THE FUTURE is
the unforgettable story of a modern
time-traveling teenager whose journey
to the past risks his very own future
when he discovers surprises he never
could have imagined.

1 00295
ISBN 0- 425-08205-9

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