Select Readings Intermediate - Book
Select Readings Intermediate - Book
Select Readings Intermediate - Book
C T : of lW. It is the
Learning an important
lesson response to error
that counts."
Using context
^6 - Nikki Giouanni
Ameri,can wrLter
Phrasalverbs (1e43- )
Past perfect
1. In the story on pages 4-5, a young mlantells a lie. Do you think it's
ever OK to tell a lie? If so, when?
2 . Readthe title of the story and predict what the story is about.
3 . Read the first sentence in the fi.rst, second, and third paragraphs.
Now what do you think the story is about? Share your ideas with
a partner.
o J
: Explanations
A ION G W AII( HOM E for words in blue type
can be found in the
by JasonBocarro Culture and Language
Notes on pages
from Chicken Soup for the Teenage SouI
Dad looked at me again. "When you did not show up, I called the
garage to ask if there were any problems, and they told me that you
had not yet picked up the car. So you see, I know there were no
problems with the car." A rush of guilt ran through me as I feebly
confessed to7 my trip to the movie theater and the real reason for my
tardiness. Dad listened intently as a sadness passed through him.
r $
Understandi the xt
2. In your own words, retell the story "A Long WaIk Home'"
o l
I grew up i,n the south oJSpai,n.
I let mg father down uhen I li,ed to him.
f . When Jason's father found out that his son had been watching
movies, he was very upset.
2. Jasondidn't pick the caxup until after six o'clock.
3. Jason didn't show up at four o'clock to get his father becausehe
was at the movie theater watching a film.
4. After Jason dropped the car off at the garage, he went to
the movies.
5. Parents are responsible for bringing up their children.
Past perfect
Form: had + past participle
2. Jason picked up the car from the garage after he (sadhad seen) a
couple of movies.
Discussion & iting
A. Jason3father chosean interestingwayto teach his son a lesson.
What could parentsdo in the following situationsto teach their
childrena lesson?Work in a group to come up with a suggestion
for each situation.
3. "I don't remember this, but my relatives teII me that when I was
Iittle, I took some chalk and drew pictures on the outside of the
house. My grandfather was the first to see my pictures and he
Across: Down:
2 A synonym for the verb fi,r is I Thepasttenseofbringupis -
7 Another word for a chance to do 3 The oppositeofrememberis-.
something is -. (Iine 5) 4 When you - to someone,
9 The opposite of succeeded is -. you say you are sorry. Qine 17)
| 0 The past tenseof driue is -. The past tense of drop offis -
l2 A is equal to 1.6 off.
kilometers. Another word for without noise
is -. (line 39)
It is easyto lose - of time when
you are having fun. (line 10)
l l The opposite of drop off is -
. l l