Select Readings Intermediate - Book

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" Mi*tokes dre a fact

C T : of lW. It is the
Learning an important
lesson response to error
that counts."
Using context
^6 - Nikki Giouanni
Ameri,can wrLter
Phrasalverbs (1e43- )

Past perfect

2 Chapter 1 * A Long WaIkHome

Chapter A Long

1. In the story on pages 4-5, a young mlantells a lie. Do you think it's
ever OK to tell a lie? If so, when?

2 . Readthe title of the story and predict what the story is about.

3 . Read the first sentence in the fi.rst, second, and third paragraphs.
Now what do you think the story is about? Share your ideas with
a partner.

o J
: Explanations
A ION G W AII( HOM E for words in blue type
can be found in the
by JasonBocarro Culture and Language
Notes on pages
from Chicken Soup for the Teenage SouI

I grew up in the south of Spain in a little community called Estepona.

I was 16 when one morning, my father told me I could drive him into a
remote village called Mijas, about 18 miles away, on the condition
that I takel the car in to be servicedz at a nearby garage. Having just
Iearned to drive and hardly ever having the opportunity to use the car,
I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas and promised to pick him
up at 4 p.m., then drove to a nearby garage and dropped off the car.
Because I had a few hours to spare,3 I decided to catch a couple of
movies at a theater near the garage. However, I became so immerseda
10 in the films that I completely lost track of time.5 When the last movie
had finished, I looked down at my watch. It was six o'clock. I was two
hours late!
I knew Dad would be angry if he found out I'd been watching
movies. He'd never let me drive again. I decided to tell him that the
15 car needed some repairs and that they had taken longer than had
been expected. I drove up to the place where we had planned to meet
and saw Dad waiting patiently on the corner. I apologized for being
Iate and told him that I'd come as quickly as I could, but the car had
needed some major repairs. I'll never forget the look he gave me.6
,i "I'm disappointed that you feel you have to lie to me, Jason."
*What do you mean? I'm telling the truth."

Dad looked at me again. "When you did not show up, I called the
garage to ask if there were any problems, and they told me that you
had not yet picked up the car. So you see, I know there were no
problems with the car." A rush of guilt ran through me as I feebly
confessed to7 my trip to the movie theater and the real reason for my
tardiness. Dad listened intently as a sadness passed through him.

r on the conditionthat I take ifltook

2 to be serviced to be checked for problems and repaired ifnecessary
3 had a few hours to spare had a few free hours
4 immersed interested in, fascinated by
5 lost track of time didn't pay attention to the time
6 the look he gave me the way he looked at me
7 confessed to told the truth about

+ Cha,pter 7 . A Long WalkHome

"I'm angry, not with you but with myself. You see, I realize that I
have failed as a father if after all these years you feel that you have to
lie to me. I have failed because I have brought up a son who cannot
even tell the truth to his own father. I'm going to walk home now and
contemplate8 where I have gone wrong all these years."
"But Dad, it's 18 miles to home. It's dark. You can't walk home."
My protestS, fry apologies and the rest of my utterances were
useless. I had let my father down,g and I was about to learn one of the
most painful Iessons of my life. Dad began walking along the dusty
roads. I quickly jumped in the car and followed behind, hoping he
would relent.l0I pleaded aII the way, telling him how sorry I was, but
he simply ignored me, continuing on silently, thoughtfully and
painfully. For 18 miles I drove behind him, averaging about five miles
per hour.
Seeing my father in so much physical and emotional pain was the
most distressing and painful experience that I have ever faced.
However, it was also the most successful lesson. I have never lied to
45 him since.

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is just one of many

best-selling books in the Chi,ckenSoup for the Soul series, edited by
Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. Chicken soup is traditionally
thought to be an extremely healthy food that can cure sickness and
give comfoft. The title of these books suggeststhat reading the
stories within them can have a healthy affect on the soul or spirit.
The stories in the books are all taken from real life.

8 contemplate think seriously about

I let my father down disappointed my father
1 0 relent do what he said he wouldn't do (i.e., ride home in the car)

r $
Understandi the xt

A. Events in the StorY

l. Order the events. Number the events in the story "A Long
Home" from the first (1) to the last (10)'
He apologizedto his father for being late'
He went to a movie theater.
He dropped the car off at a gaxageto be serviced'
He realized his father knew he was lytng'
He realized it was six o'clock and his father was waiting
He followed his father the whole 18miles home'
He picked up the cax atthe garageand then went to pick
up his father.
He told his father a lie.
Jason drove his father into town and dropped him off'
He tried to persuadehis father to get into the car'

2. In your own words, retell the story "A Long WaIk Home'"

B. consider the issues. work with a partner to answer the

| . what do you think Jason said when he apologizedto his father for
being late?
2. What is your opinion of the way Jason'sfather responded to
3. Jason said that he learned something from this experience'
Besideslearning not to lie, what do you think he learned?

6 Chapter I ' A Long WalkHome

Using context
When you read, you can use context (the surrounding words and
ideas) to guessthe meaning of many unfamiliar words.

A. In the sentences below, use context to guess the meaning of the

italicized words. Circle the letter of your answer.

l. I was 16 when one morning, my father told me I could drive him

into a remote village called Mijas, about 18 miles away, on the
condition that I take the car in to be serviced at a nearby gar&ge.

a. building b. restaurant @ repair shop

2. Having just learned to drive, and hardly ever having the
opportunity to use the car, I read,ily accepted.

a. quickly b. quietly c. sadly

3. Because I had a few hours to spare, I decided to catch a couple of

movies at a theater near the garage.

a. find b. watch c. ignore

4. My protests, my apologies, and the rest of my utterances were


a. friends b. clothes c. words

B. Seehow much informationyou can get from context.Usethe

words and ideasin the restof the sentenceto guessthe missing
word(s).Thereare many possibleanswers.

l. WhenI qor to the gaxageto pick up the car,

they said it wasn't ready yet.

2. I went to a nearby to watch a couple

of movies.

3. When I at my watch, I saw that it was

already six o'clock.

4. I the movie theater as soon as the movie

had finished.

o l
I grew up i,n the south oJSpai,n.
I let mg father down uhen I li,ed to him.

A. Underlinethe phrasalverbsin the sentencesbelow Then use

contextto guessthe meaning of each verb. Shareyour answers
with a partner.

f . When Jason's father found out that his son had been watching
movies, he was very upset.
2. Jasondidn't pick the caxup until after six o'clock.
3. Jason didn't show up at four o'clock to get his father becausehe
was at the movie theater watching a film.
4. After Jason dropped the car off at the garage, he went to
the movies.
5. Parents are responsible for bringing up their children.

B. Usea phrasalverbfrom the readingto answereach


| . What did Jason do before he went to the theater?

2. Why did Jason'sfather call the garage?

3. Why did Jason's father feel like a failure?

8 Chapter 7 . A Long WalkHome


Past perfect
Form: had + past participle

Meaning: The past perfect is used to show that one thing

happened before another in the past.

I droue up to the place u:ltere ute had planned to meet.

Dadfound out that I had gone to the mouies.

A. Completethe sentencesbelow with the past perfectform of the

verb in parentheses.
l. I knew Dad would be angryif he found out that
(go) to the movies.

2. I told my father that it (take) a lot

Ionger to fix the car than we (expect).

3. My father knew I was lying because he

already (call) the garage to find out if
there was a problem.

4 . My father felt that he (fail) as a father.

5 . I lied to my father when he asked me where


B. Simple past or past perfect? Underline the correct verb form in

parentheses.Compare your answers with a partners.

| . When I (arrived,/had arrived) at our meeting place, I saw my father

waiting patiently.

2. Jason picked up the car from the garage after he (sadhad seen) a
couple of movies.

3. Dad walked down the dusty road and I (followed/had followed)

behind him.

4. Dad knew I was lying because he (called/had called) the garage

two hours before.

5. My father (believed/had believed) that he had failed as a father.

Discussion & iting
A. Jason3father chosean interestingwayto teach his son a lesson.
What could parentsdo in the following situationsto teach their
childrena lesson?Work in a group to come up with a suggestion
for each situation.

f . "When I was about six years old, my mother left me at a friend's

house for a few hours. This friend had a large supply of pens and
pencils, and I took a few of them without telling her. Later my
mother saw the pens and asked me where I got them. When I told
her, she

2. "ln my family, we weren't allowed to use any bad words. Even

telling someone to'shut up'was against the rules. One time when
I told my sister to shut up, my mother

3. "I don't remember this, but my relatives teII me that when I was
Iittle, I took some chalk and drew pictures on the outside of the
house. My grandfather was the first to see my pictures and he

B . Follow the steps below to share stories with a partner.

|. Think about a time when you misbehavedlr as a child.
Then answer the questions below on another piece of paper.
r How old were you?

o Where were you?

r How did you misbehave?

r Why do you think you misbehaved?

2. Get together in a group. Take turns reading your answers aloud.

For each situation, work together to decide how you think the
parents should respond to the child's misbehavior.

11misbehaved behaved badly

I O Chaltter 7 . A Long WaIkHome

Usewords from the readingto completethe crosswordpuzzle.

Across: Down:
2 A synonym for the verb fi,r is I Thepasttenseofbringupis -
7 Another word for a chance to do 3 The oppositeofrememberis-.
something is -. (Iine 5) 4 When you - to someone,
9 The opposite of succeeded is -. you say you are sorry. Qine 17)
| 0 The past tenseof driue is -. The past tense of drop offis -
l2 A is equal to 1.6 off.
kilometers. Another word for without noise
is -. (line 39)
It is easyto lose - of time when
you are having fun. (line 10)
l l The opposite of drop off is -

. l l

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