Chapter I

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A. Background of the study

Emily Dickinson was born on 10th December 1830 at Amherst,

Massachusetts, 50 miles from Boston, it is known as a centre for Education,

based around Amherst College. Her family were pillars of the local

community and their house known as ―The Homestead‖ or ―Mansion‖ was

often used as a meeting place for distinguished visitors including, Ralph

Waldo Emerson. (Although it unlikely he met with ED), to Edward and Emily

Nocross Dickison. She had an older brother, name Austin, and younger sister

named Lavinia.

From 1834-1847, Emily Dickinson studied at the Amherst academy,

an academic institution. In 1847, she studied at Hadley female seminary, but

returned in Amherst only after a year, and began her life of solitude. She

started writing poems at around this time. Her initial forays were conventional

but later on, she experimented until she developed her own unique style. She

chooses to dress her self only in white and spent her time inside her room.

The 1860s contributed immensely to Emily Dickinson‘s writing style

and content. The US Civil War broke out in 1861; her closest friends (and

were also rumored to be objects of her affection) Samuel Bowles moved to

Europe for health reasons, and Charles Wadsworth was relocated to San

Francisco. In addition, she also had a persistent eye trouble. Although these

years were very tumultuous for Dickinson, this could also be considered as the


most productive periods of her life. During this time, Emily Dickinson wrote

around 800 poems. Emily Dickinson never married and died on May15, 1886.

Poems of Emily Dickinson were written by Emily Dickinson, well not

published posthumously by her self, but by her sister Martha Dickinson

Bianchi. This book was published in 2003 by Jim Manis as the faculty editor

of Pennsylvania state university. This book is containing 5 chapters with 327

pages. Chapter 1 with the title ―Part One Life‖, chapter 2 ―Part Two Nature‖,

chapter 3 ―Part three love‖, chapter 4 ―Part four Time and Eternity‖, and

chapter 5 is ―Part Five The Single Hound‖.

This book also gets comment from the society. The comment comes

from Erick in Germany. He said that Emily Dickinson poems give him other

side of think in die and funeral.

―Emily Dickinson has always been one of my favorite poets. I love her poems
because of the pain and sorrow they contain to which I can easily relate. She often
writes of funerals and death. I myself have watched too many friends die and have
wondered why God would let this happen. At every funeral, some well meaning
mourner would say--,"The Lord called him" or "She's with Jesus now." My gut
reaction was always, "Bullshit." Then Emily Dickinson's poem "My Life Closed
Twice Before its Close" would come to mind, especially the last two lines, "Parting
is all we know of Heaven and all we need of hell." More than anything I've ever
heard those lines summarize the doubts I've had about an afterlife and the pain of
those behind‖.

The second comment comes from Susan VanZanten Gallager in

England. She said that these poems can build personal motivation.

―Dickinson‘s poetry has long served me as a rich stimulus for spiritual meditation,
and in the last few years, I‘ve been composing brief written reflections on individual
poems, paying particular attention to the way in which poetic language and structure
push us off the dock of reading and into the lake of meaning. The convergence of
Dickinson and Moltmann at a particularly difficult period in my life has given me a
new perspective on the life-affirming work of the Holy Spirit‖.

Because of the response above, the writer chooses chapter 1 ―Part One

Life‖. The writer also have reasons why chooses chapter 1. The first reason is

the topic ―youth‖ in chapter 1 gives deep meaning. The strong‘s power in life,

full of imagination, hope, desire, willing, spirit, and fight. It is shows the soul

of the writer and it‘s suitable for her.

The second reason is in the chapter one can give the experience and

other side to see the life which can be learn by everyone to be implemented in

the real world. So, it can be the power to through the entire destiny in our life

whether it happiness or not.

This chapter consists of 78 pages and 145 poems, and it talks about

feeling, thinking, desire, and all things which are have relation with life.

Almost all of the poems indicate that life is sadness, buried, depressed,

disappointed, waiting, and broken heart. It is because Emily writes this poem

with all her heart and it‘s based from real life which is happen in her. The

poem which is very touch the deeping side of our heart, signing that life not

only the happiness, reach, or victory, but sadness and depressed can be the

soul mate and can give the spirit to through the day. Emily also gives the

simple symbol to drawing the real meaning of her poems, although sometimes

it is very difficult to understand. But not often she gives the strange symbol to

make her poem more interesting and more expressive.

There are at least five elements which is making this poet interesting.

The first is in the imagery. Image can give soul for poetry. In this book,

especially in chapter one, many image and symbol that shows by Emily, for

example are fire represent anger as well as a path which is often used to

represent a spiritual journey, spring represent joy and happiness, winter

represent sadness, etc.

The second is figurative language. In chapter one, the writer find many

figurative language which is used to make the poet easier to understand the

meaning and it is make beautiful. There is some personification, simile,

hyperbole, irony, and mostly is metaphor that you can see.

The third is speaker aspect in this poet it so widely, because not only

from Emily Dickinson by self, but she also can places herself in the other

people, like her father, mother, her sister, brother, and other people that out of

her home. More over, she can place herself in other creature like bird, fish,

trees, or flower. So, it is very surprised for everyone who read this poet and

can improve our imagination and feeling the different thing.

The fourth is rhyme in this chapter also so full of color. Many poets

that the reader can see with the regular rhyme and it make you happy and

enjoys for being read. But sometimes too the reader will find the poet which in

the line is different or not match one with others.

The last thing is rhythm and meter. Maybe it is the difficult thing for

understand this poet because the number of syllables and the number of

stressed are different with other poet. It is mostly longer and minimal have

three meters. So, the reader have to focus when read this poet if want to

understand more and more.


From the synopsis above and understanding The Poems Of Emily

Dickinson especially in Part One Life, the writer is interested in choosing this

book because of four reasons.

The first reason is this book is the most complete collection on Emily

Dickinson poems than others. This book was the third from the three editions

of all which is published in 1914 and copyright in 2003.

The second reason is in this book already have it classification. So it

easier to reads and understanding the poem by self. It makes easily to analyze

for everyone especially for the writer.

The third reason is in this books full of image and symbol which can

build the meaning and make more beautiful to read, although sometimes need

concentration to see what is the poem about.

And the last reason is youth itself. It is the simple topic but it is the

hardest thing to learn, because in the young moment the writer believes that

many things look difficult to understand and so complicated. It is also full of

kinds of feeling like happy, love, sadness, restlessness, confusing, worried,

willing, spirit, etc.

Based on the statement above, the writer is use semiotic criticism as an

appropriate theory to analyze in this research. In this study, the researcher is

interested and challenged in analyzing the poems using semiotic criticism and

encourages herself to give a title Youth in Emily Dickinson’s Poems (2003) :

Semiotic Criticism.

B. Literature Review

The writer wants to present the previous research that deals especially

with Emily Dickinson in general, below:

The first previous is done by Julia Demon (2008) “An analysis of the

theme of self-exploitation within the poetry of Emily Dickinson”. This paper

discusses how the vision of Emily Dickinson's poetry is focused on the

identification of man's relation with reality mainly in the pursuit of the

meaning of death. It looks at how the unique quality of her poetic vision is

constituted through what the author defines as self-exploitation, which is

completed by the strategies of self-denial, "microscopic" perspective,

"smallness" and cyclic vision. In particular, the paper identifies what Emily

Dickinson's self-exploitation is by explaining her poetic strategies presented

and concretized in poems, and then, in each case, discusses why she uses these

strategies to gain a vision of eternity and the meaning of death as the key to

man's relation with reality.

The second previous is done by Kristen Walker (2007) “Emily

Dickinson and Her Perspective From Beyond the Grave”. This paper discuss

how Panic attacks, with or without Agoraphobia, affect several million

Americans. Panic attacks consist of feelings of "detachment, out of body

feelings of unreality, and losing control of one's own mind from

overwhelming. ―Anxiety is the fear of going crazy‖ (McDermott, 73).

Agoraphobia signifies one's fear of leaving home. While many scholars and

researchers believe Emily Dickinson suffered from panic attacks as well as


Agoraphobia and that it contributed greatly to her focus on death in her poetry,

others believe her focus on death was due to her love of science and life. Each

group has a theory but medical research proves the panic attack theory.

Different from the previous research, this study focuses on the youth in

Emily Dickinsons Poems. In this study the researcher gives the title “Youth in

Emily Dickinson „s Poems (2003) : Semiotic Criticism”.

C. Problem Statement

Based on the background of choosing the subject above, the writer is

going to focus her research on youth in Emily Dickinson‘s Poems with the

problem of this research is How youth is describe based on structural elements

in Part one Life.

Youth is the period between childhood and adulthood, described as the

period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty

to maturity and early adulthood. In youth, everything looks different in side.

Because it is full of energy, such like emotion, love, patient, sadness, and

other thing which happen in life.

D. Limitation of the Study

The research focuses on analyzing the youth in Emily Dickinson Poem

(2003), viewed from semiotic criticism theory by Roland Barthes.


E. Objective of the Study

Based on the problems have been stated above, the objectives of the

study is to analyze the poem based on structural element in Part one Life.

F. Benefit of the Study

The study of the Emily Dickinson poems has two benefit, they are:

1. Theoretical Benefit

This research will enrich the study of literature especially on Emily

Dickinson poems and its contribution for English Department students

particularly in learning about poetry.

2. Practical Benefit

It is expected that the study can improve the writer knowledge‘s

particularly in the symbol of youth in Emily Dickinson poems.

G. Research Method

1. Types of Research

This type of research is qualitative in which the writer does not

need statistic to collect, to analyze, and to interpret data.

2. Research Object

The objects of the research are Emily Dickinson Poems in Part

One Life.

3. Types of Data and Data Source

The types of data of this study are the poem of Emily Dickinson

(2003). The data source will be classified into two categories, primary

data and secondary data.

a. Primary data Sources

Primary data is the main data obtained from all the structural

elements in the poem in Emily Dickinson Poem, which form such

like image, speaker aspect, figurative language, rhyme, rhythm and


b. Secondary data

The secondary data are taken from other source, such like

literary books, criticism, and some articles related to the poem and

website which related to the Emily Dickinson Poem.

4. Technique of the Data Collection

The method will be used by the researcher for collecting the data

is note-taking for the texts. The writer uses library research in collecting

data which involves several steps:

a. Taking notes for the important parts both in primary and secondary

sources in data cards.

b. Reading text and some other resources related to the poem.

c. Browsing to the internet to get some information, article that related to

the research

d. Giving marks to the particular parts, which are considered important

for the analysis

e. Classifying the data into categories and develop them into a good unit.

5. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research the technique that will be used to analyze the data

is descriptive analysis technique. The writer will describe the structural

elements of the poem with semiotic criticism of literature. The collected

data will be interpreted and analyzed in detail through semiotic criticism

of literature in this case by youth in Emily Dickinson Poem (2003) :

Semiotic Criticism. Then drawing conclusion based on the analysis.

H. Research Organization

This research consists of five chapters. Chapter I is Introduction,

which consists of background of the study, literature review, problem

statement, limitation of the study, objective of the study, benefit of the study,

research method and research organization. Chapter II comprises of

Underlying Theory, which consists of the notion of Semiotics, elements of

Semiotics, sign, significance, signifier, signification, denotation and

connotation, syntagmatic and paradigmatic, and also sign function. Chapter

III deals with Research Method, which contains of types of research, types of

data and data source, research object, method of data collection, and

technique of data analysis. Chapter IV constitutes Analysis and Discussion of

Emily Dickinson poem. The last is Chapter V which consists of Conclusion

and Suggestion.

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