Lean and Clean Value Stream Mapping
Lean and Clean Value Stream Mapping
Lean and Clean Value Stream Mapping
Value stream mapping is a Lean process-mapping method for understanding the sequence of activities used to
produce a product. During the Green Suppliers Network technical assessment, you will use value stream
mapping to identify sources of non-value added time or materials; identify opportunities to increase efficiency;
and develop plan for implementing improvements. Value stream maps serve as a critical tool during the
assessment process and can reveal substantial opportunities to reduce costs, improve production flow, save
time, reduce inventory and improve environmental performance.
Conventional value stream mapping can overlook environmental wastes, such as:
• Energy, water, or raw materials used in excess of what is needed to meet consumer needs
• Pollutants and material wastes released into the environment, such as air emissions, wastewater
discharges, hazardous wastes, and solid wastes (trash or discarded scrap)
• Hazardous substances that adversely affect human health or the environment during their use in
production or presence in products.
The Green Suppliers Network incorporates both “lean and clean” elements into its mapping techniques to help
Use Icons
There are a number of common icons used in value stream maps, but icons can also be customized to best
serve a value stream map. Icons help distinguish different elements of a product line from another. For
example, different arrows should be used to distinguish between product and information movement. The
figure below contains commonly used icons in value stream mapping.
Input Process Leg Frames
Product Movement
WK Truck Shipment
Signal Kanban1
The Japanese refer to Kanban as a simple parts-movement system that depends on cards and boxes to take parts from one work
station to another on a production line. Kanban stands for Kan- card, Ban- signal. The essence of the Kanban concept is that a supplier
or the warehouse should only deliver components to the production line as and when they are needed, so that there is no storage in the
production area. Workstations located along production lines only produce parts when they receive a card. In case of line interruptions,
each work-station will only produce enough components to fill the container and then stop.
Record the “Current State”
When reviewing a product or process line, the first value stream map you develop should record the current
state of the line. Remember, conventional value stream mapping tends to focus at a facility-wide level. The
current state map should take a snapshot of the current practices and materials usage rates for all processes.
A current state map should also record where environmental impacts occur in the product line. The following
processes typically have environmental impacts:
A current state value stream map should also establish baselines for all inputs and outputs including, but not
limited to, the 10 Green Suppliers Network environmental metrics, which are presented below.
Pounds of materials used
Pounds of hazardous materials used
Gallons of water used
Gallons of water consumed
Watts of energy used
BTUs of energy used
Pounds of solid waste generated
Pounds of hazardous waste
Pounds of air pollution emitted
Gallons of wastewater treated
Other inputs and outputs that conventional value stream maps identify include changeover and cycle time,
labor, and rework. Exhibit 1illustrates a conventional value stream map, shows how to denote process inputs
and outputs, and provides example of where Green Supplier Network environmental metrics may exist in the
product line.
Compare “Use” Verses “Need” Using a Materials Line
In the past, value stream maps would examine the time it takes to produce a product and the proportion of that
time that is value added – or the time spent actually working on the product. The timeline was a graphic
representation that compared the two, but didn’t focus on the resources consumed and waste generated in
making the product.
A materials line is a variation of a timeline and can be developed for any type of resource (e.g., water, energy,
total materials, and/or a critical substance used in the product). A materials line, located on the bottom of a
value stream map, shows the amount of raw materials used by each process in the value stream and the
amount of materials that end up in the product and add value from a customer’s perspective.
Milling Parts
Washing Water Used = 152,000 gallons
Water Needed = 90,800 gallons
2K gal 150K gal Water Wasted = 62,200 gallons
Top line:
Amount of
water used 800 gal 90K gal
Bottom line:
Amount of water
For example, the materials line illustrated below compares the amount of water used and needed in the milling
and parts washing processes in a product line.
Once you collect data for the materials line, you may notice large differences between the amount of material
used and the amount needed for the product. This can help you target the largest sources of waste for
prioritizing improvement efforts.
Exhibit 2 presents a value stream map with a materials line that focuses on water usage. You can also create
separate maps that address other inputs such as hazardous materials or energy use.
Visualize an Improved “Future State”
Future state maps are created to show what a product or process line would look like after improvements are
made. Future state maps should be drafted by the Green Suppliers Network assessment team following the
completion of a current state map. Green Suppliers Network practitioners play a vital role in developing future
state maps as they can help suppliers identify areas where environmental improvements can be made. More
often than not, future state maps look closer at process level improvements. Facilities can not typically make
changes to the order in which processes take place in a product line, but they can implement changes to
specific steps of a process. Opportunities for process improvement can be shown on a value stream map with
a starburst as illustrated in Exhibit 3. Starbursts can identify processes that need to be examined closer, such
as in Exhibit 4.
Future state maps should represent the product or process line in a perfect state or fully optimized and highly
efficient. It should not be restrained by cost. The future state should include the best available technologies
and equipment and estimated waste reductions should be included where appropriate. For example, if a
surface coating line could reduce solvent use by installing a solvent recycler, the future state map should
represent that improvement.
The materials line that should be included on a current state map can be a good indicator of where
improvement opportunities exist. If a process had a large difference between the amount of a material used
and the amount of material needed, Green Suppliers Network practitioners should question why the difference
exists. Inefficiencies are the root cause of most wastes. Efficient production lines will have little to no difference
between the amount used compared to the amount actually needed to produce the product.
Exhibits 5 and 6 show the difference between a current state and a future state parts washing line. Current
and future state process maps can be generated for one or many processes that occur in a facilities product
Exhibit 1: The Current State with Inputs and Outputs
Sales and
Supplier Purchasing
Federal State
Water Water
Source 1 Source 2
500 KGPD I
30K gal 45K gal 1K gal 90K gal 250K gal 0 gal
Supplier Customer
Receiving Shipping
Part Washing Drying Oven Surface Prep Base Coating or Curing Oven
or Degreasing (optional) or Priming
Water Watts of Alkalines Coating BTUs of Check
Solvents Energy Acids Energy (optional)
Degreasers Emulsifiers HAP, PM & VOC
Detergents VOC Solvents Emissions VOC Emissions
Emissions Paint Arrestors
Spent Solvents Spent Solvents
Wastewater VOC Emissions (filters)
Spent Rags Solid Waste Gun Cleaning-
Hazardous Solvent
Waste Masking
Sanding or
Used Rags Unused Coating
Surface Prep
Wastewater Solid Waste
Sanding Materials
Spent Solvents
VOC Emissions
If part fails Solid Waste
Rework Hazardous Waste
Blasting Material
Stripping Material
Solid Waste
Solvents Top
Quality control can greatly reduce VOC Emissions Coating
the amount of rework a facility
performs. Rework generates Coating
unnecessary wastes. Operational
personnel are the most likely to Quality Curing Oven HAP, VOC & PM
know how to dramatically improve
quality and reduce rework.
I Check Emissions
Paint Arrestors
Increased quality control can be BTUs of (filters)
included in a future state.
Energy Gun Cleaning-
Part Solvent
VOC Masking
Emissions Unused Coating
Solid Waste
Exhibit 5: Current State Parts Washing for Rust Removal with Inputs and Outputs
Opportunity to
Opportunity to
reduce acid use
reduce water use
through recycling
through cascade
Filtered Vapor
Recovery Unit
Acid Washed Part
Evaporative water and acid mist
Overflow water
Incoming part
with oxidation Acid Wash Dip Rinse Tank #1 Rinse Tank #2 Final Rinse
and rust Tank Spray / Fog
Fresh water
Spent Acid
Fresh Acid
I Regeneration
Iron Oxide
Iron Hydroxide