Boats and Buoyancy Unit
Boats and Buoyancy Unit
Boats and Buoyancy Unit
Title of Unit and Boats and Buoyancy Grade Level Grade ½ (focusing on
Subject : grade 2 outcomes)
Students explore what sinks and what floats, and what makes an effective watercraft.
Through building and testing a variety of floating objects, students learn the importance
of selecting appropriate materials and the importance of workmanship in shaping,
positioning, fitting and waterproofing their constructions, so they will do the intended job.
Along the way, students learn about balance and stability and about different methods
that can be used in propelling a watercraft. The concept of density is informally developed
in this topic.
Students will:
2-7 Construct objects that will float on and move through water, and evaluate
various designs for watercraft.
Students will:
Learning Sequence
Buoyancy and Continuing our Using the We will continue In this lesson we
Icebergs - work on properties of our work with will be learning
relating to the buoyancy and Materials to testing boats this about the
Social Studies icebergs while Improve a Model day - an different parts of
Unit. also Boat extension from a boat and the
experimenting last lesson function of each
In this lesson we and predicting First I will do a part (specifically
will be learning what other demonstration Students’ will be a sailboat).
about glaciers objects will sink on what testing different
and icebergs and float. materials absorb boat shapes and We will then be
and why We will discuss water what is the most planning and
icebergs float. density and how buoyant designing our
water expands Absorbency own boats,
We will be when frozen. demonstration Students’ will labelling the
watching some make parts, and listing
videos, having a Predictions predictions, do materials. This
class discussion, the experiment, will be planning
and asking some Paper boat and then write work for when
inquiry demonstration and draw we build our own
questions. We with how many observations boats.
will then sort our pennies it can
questions into hold
puddle, lake,
and ocean Reinforcing the
questions boat together
relating to what demonstration
we are currently
doing in ELA.
Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10
In this lesson we In this lesson we In this lesson we In this lesson we In this lesson I
will be finishing will continue our will continue will be finishing will be
up our designs activities: this previous up the testing of introducing
for boat building. includes activities for all boats. propulsion. I will
Students’ will go finishing our those that are Students’ will ask and discuss
through a designs, not done as continue to work with students’
checklist when completing our mentioned in on their what it means
they believe they checklists, Lesson 7, and drawings of and what some
are done their getting materials finish testing the themselves on examples of it
design to ensure and building our rest of our boats. their boats to are in boats.
they have boats, and then Nunavut. We will
everything they begin testing our For the students’ also be I will then follow
need. boats. that are done beginning to it up with 2
entirely, or are write stories to anchor books
Afterwards, they I can only take waiting to test go with our (Water & Boats,
can see me and one at a time to (others’ should artworks on what science factory
collect materials test so if be finishing up we saw on our and SHIPS,
for building their students’ are building), then I way to Nunavut mighty
boats. This done I will have will give them a and what our machines) - I will
should take most filler activities new assignment adventure was read two pages
of the lesson prepared for to work on. like. from water and
and students’ them such as boats focusing
should spend a word searches, Students’ will be on propulsion
significant labelling the drawing a and steering,
amount of time parts of a boat detailed drawing and many pages
building. etc. of their boat from ships
Students’ cannot (students can focusing on
build their boats have them on different forms of
until their their desks to propulsion in
designs are help them). They different ships.
complete. There will be drawing
will also be a themselves on Then we will go
boat labelling their boat, on the to our video
sheet and boat way to Nunavut. slides and
wordsearch. I will print students’ can
pictures of the choose different
northern lights images and
for students’ to discover which
use as well. This videos they lead
will be done on to. These are
big paper. videos on
This should take propulsion for
students’ the boats etc.
entire class, but
if they are
finished I have
many filler
activities still
prepared for
- Class discussions
- This tool will be used very frequently. As a class, and used during instruction,
we will discuss topics in order to gauge students’ understanding.
- Formative
- Sorting questions
- This tool is one we’ve used before relating to ELA. This will help me assess
what students’ want to know about buoyancy and where their understanding is
- Formative
- Boat designing
- After learning about the different parts of a boat, students will be designing
their own boats, labelling the different parts, and planning a material list. This
will help me see what they took away from the parts of a boat lesson and if
they can take what they’ve learned about buoyancy and materials to design a
boat. Students must design a boat that can hold a load of 5 dominoes and
move by sail. Students’ will also complete a checklist while designing to ensure
their design has everything it needs.
- Summative
- Boat testing after boat building
- Students’ will be testing their boats after designing, completing the checklist,
and building their boats. Their boats must hold 5 dominoes and move by sail.
This will be assessed summatively as evidence of their learning and be
assessed through a rubric.
- Summative
- Final Kahoot
- As a final assessment students’ will complete a kahoot on boats and buoyancy.
I will look at the results afterwards as a summative assessment.
- Summative
Assessment Matrix
Class Sorting Float or sink Absorption, Aluminium Boat Boat Baking soda Propulsion Kahoot
discussions questions paper boat, Foil boats design testing vinegar boat testing
Formative reinforcement propulsion Summative
Formative Formative Formative Summative Summative (25%)
Formative (25%) Summative Formative (25%)
2-7.1 X X X X X X X X
2-7.2 X X X X
2-7.3 X X X X X X X
2-7.4 X X X X X X X
2-7.5 X X X X X X X
2-7.6 X X X X X X X X X
2-7.7 X X X X X X X X
2-7.8 X X X X
2-7.9 X X X X X X X X