EESC121 Lab4 Worksheet
EESC121 Lab4 Worksheet
EESC121 Lab4 Worksheet
EXERCISE 4.1. Beginner Correlation Exercise
1. Draw lithostratigraphic correlation lines between the rock units A, B, and C in Figure 4.7. Use
solid lines for correlations you are confident about and dashed lines for ones that are tentative.
2. Draw lines to correlate any unconformities and label them with their type.
3. Answer the questions on the next page.
Figure 4.9: Stratigraphic columns for Exercise 4.1.
Figure 4.10: Stratigraphic columns for Exercise 4.2.
a. Identify the depositional environment of the following facies descriptions. Transcribe these
environments onto Figure 4.9.
(i) The bedrock is granite gneiss. (No depositional environment.)
(ii) Mature white quartz sandstone with crossbeds and Skolithos trace fossils.
(iii) Tan coloured shale and siltstone, some hummocky beds and Cruziana traces.
(iv) Light grey biomicrite with thinly laminated and hummocky beds.
(v) Black, thinly laminated shale with Zoophycus traces.
(vi) Dark grey shale and sandstone showing graded beds, and sole marks in cyclic bedding.
(vii) Greenish siltstones at base becoming tan medium sans with metre-scale crossbeds, rare shells.
(viii) Reddish brown, clast supported conglomerate interbedded with Crossbedded brown, immature coarse
sandstone and mud-cracked siltstone.
b. What is happening to relative sea level between time intervals 1 and 4?
c. In which direction was the source for the sediment that forms unit (ii)?
d. Where would the deepest part of the sedimentary basin have been at time 1? Where would the
shoreline have been?
e. Where is the deepest part of the basin (the lowest elevation) at time 4?
f. What was happening to relative sea level between time intervals 4 and 8?
g. Where was the shoreline at time 7? How did you come to this conclusion?
h. What does the appearance of (viii) directly on top of (vii) tell you about the sedimentary history
of this region?
i. Could this whole sedimentary sequence be created by global sea level rise and fall only? What
other processes could have occurred?
EXERCISE 4.3. Advanced Correlation Exercise
1. Draw lithologic correlation lines to connect equivalent rock units in Figure 4.11.
2. The numbers beside the rock units correspond to time intervals. Using a different colour,
draw lines connecting equivalent time-stratigraphic units.
3. Answer the questions on the following page.
Figure 4.11: Stratigraphic columns for Exercise 4.3.
a. Not all the conglomerates are the same age. How could this occur?
b. In what direction is the sourceland for the lower sandstone layer?
c. What happens to the thickness of the shale layer from east to west? Considering your answer
from (b) above, how do you explain this?
d. Why is stratigraphic log A thinner than log G even though it represents a longer stratigraphic
time interval?
e. In log A, between which two time periods was the rate of sedimentation the greatest?
f. In which log (A-H) was the rate of sedimentation the greatest?
g. What is happening to water depth from time interval 1 to 6?
h. What geologic processes or events do you think may have created the sedimentary patterns
seen in this cross section?