Cloning Positive Effects
Cloning Positive Effects
Cloning Positive Effects
- Yes, thank you for that..Well Farmers and gardeners have been cloning plants since early
times, it is a natural technique called cutting which uses the plant’s vegetative part to grow
the exact same plant. Today, Farmers typically use hybrid seeds, which are produced by
mating two types of crop with desirable traits, to grow their harvests. But because these
hybrids don't produce seeds with the same features, farmers spend a lot of money buying
new hybrid seeds every year which is costly. What if we can create a hybrid crops that can
produce hybrid seeds with exact same traits?
- That’s what our biologist were doing right now, In fact, in 2018 Sudaresan a biologist along
with his colleagues proposed a method that allowed them to produce clonal seeds directly
from plants, bypassing the sexual reproduction process. Imagine if we could apply these to
hybrid crops such as rice then our farmer can have high-yielding crops, disease and pest
resistance. In livestocks, if we could clone an animal that has the best quality and healthier
then it would allow our farmers to accelerate the reproduction of their most productive
livestock in order to better produce safe and healthy food. That being said, By cloning high-
yielding crops and livestock, we can increase food production and help feed the growing
global population. This would improve food security and help to reduce poverty, the poor
can have easier access to food and no more hungry children. I, Thank you.
3. Why do you think our scientists were so eager to clone human stem cells?
- Good morning everyone, Thank you for that question, so basically, stem cells are the key
and foundation to all organs and the ultimate repair system for any damages in the body.
That’s why it is also referred as the “master cells”. So ladies and gentlemen just from these
description we can already conclude why our scientist were so determined to clone the
human stem cells. It has the potential to cure diseases by allowing scientists to create new
organs for transplant. This would eliminate the need for organ donors and reduce the
waiting time for those in need of a transplant. There has already been a promising result: a
step towards therapeutic cloning, in 2014, Scientists Yamada, M., Johannesson, B., Sagi,
I. and their other colleagues reported the first conversion of human skin cells back to
embryonic state with the purpose of synthesizing human stem cells. Furthermore, Cloning
can also be used to produce medicine and vaccines more efficiently, improving access to
life-saving treatments for millions of people around the world. And I Thank you
4. How can cloning can give rise to the economy?
- Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, I do believe that Cloning can have positive effects on
our economy. It can contribute to economic growth and create new jobs in the agricultural
and healthcare sectors. One example is the Genentech Company. This company once
succeeded in cloning human insulin. After four years of operation, Genentech went public
and offered jobs. This could solve problems with some nations, and I think that developing
nations need it.