University of Bristol Faculty of Engineering: Digital Circuits & Systems EENG14000
University of Bristol Faculty of Engineering: Digital Circuits & Systems EENG14000
University of Bristol Faculty of Engineering: Digital Circuits & Systems EENG14000
This question paper is to be left on your desk at the end of the examination with any
rough work crossed through.
This paper contains three sections - A, B, and C - and you should attempt all three
Answer each section in the appropriate printed answer book provided. Do not show
working unless the question asks for it.
Only calculators bearing the Faculty of Engineering Seal of Approval may be used
QA1 State the number of control input lines needed for a 4:1 multiplexer.
(1 mark)
QA2 One input of a 2-input NAND gate is tied to logic 0. State what logic value
appears at its output.
(1 mark)
QA4 The two data inputs of a full adder are both 1, and its carry input is 0. Give the
values of its carry output and its sum output.
(2 marks)
QA6 State what Boolean function is performed by a 2-input NAND gate with its
inputs tied together.
(2 marks)
QA7 Consider a VHDL bit array defined as myarray(7 downto 0). After a certain
type of left shift of a certain number of places is applied, the resulting value is
myarray(2 downto 0)&myarray(7 downto 3).
Give the type and direction of the shift and the number of places.
(5 marks, split 2 + 1+ 2)
QA8 One of the prime implicants of the function ∑P,Q,R(0, 2, 3, 6, 7) contains two
a) Give their numbers.
b) Give the minimal POS Boolean expression for the function.
(5 marks, split 2 + 3)
QA9 A Moore state machine with 30 states is implemented using the smallest
necessary ROM for its combinational logic and the minimal necessary number
of D flip-flops for its state register. The ROM generates the flip-flop driver
signals as well as the system's outputs. It has 8 address lines and it outputs 8
data bits.
a) Give the number of binary "present state" signals.
b) Give the number of 8-bit locations is the ROM.
c) Give the number of binary inputs entering the system.
d) Give the number of flip-flop driver signals.
e) Give the number of binary outputs leaving the system.
(iii) Say what the next state would be if the machine ever enters the
unused state with X = 0.
b) A state machine with two state variables, a and b, and no inputs, uses D
flip-flops as its state register, and generates the continuous sequence ab =
00, 11, 10, 00… Give the minimal SOP expressions for the
excitation/driver signals, Da and Db, treating the ab=01 case as “can’t
(10 marks, split [2 +3 + 1] +[2 + 2])
QB1 Name the addressing mode in which the address of the operand is given in the
machine code of the instruction.
(1 mark)
QB2 Reading a certain input port delivers eight bits, in the pattern xxxggggx, where x
means ‘undefined’ and g is good data. Give, in hexadecimal, the value that
should be ANDed with these bits so as to clear the x bits to 0 and leave the g bits
(2 marks)
QB3 A LIFO stack grows towards address 0 and the stack pointer indicates the top-
of-stack item. State the addressing mode used in a PUSH operation.
(2 marks)
QB4 A certain processor (not the 68HCS12) has a branch instruction occupying three
bytes of machine code. A ten-bit field in the machine code is a 2’s complement
displacement value indicating the destination relative to the current value of the
Instruction Pointer (IP). The IP points to the start of the instruction located after
the branch.
a) Give, in hexadecimal, the range of values that can be represented by the 2’s
b) Assuming that one of these branch instructions starts at address hexadecimal
6000, give the lowest and highest addresses that could be reached using the
(5 marks, split 2 + 3)
QB5 Say whether each of the following sentences is true or false (assume the
microprocessor and development system used in the DCS laboratory).
a) The instruction ldaa #mike+jane takes the same time to execute on the
68HCS12 as the instruction ldaa #brian.
b) The fcb directive, when used to define a table, is best placed between the
ldaa ,x and inx instructions used to access the table.
c) When executing a loop N times on the 68HCS12, it is better to count the
loop variable down to zero rather than up to N.
d) An equ statement may be placed between any two statements in a
program without disrupting the flow of execution.
e) A ble instruction will always act the opposite way to a bgt instruction in
the same situation (i.e. one branch will/will not be taken and the other will
not/will be taken).
(1 mark for each correct, -1 for each incorrect. If you are not sure of the
answer, it’s best to leave it unanswered so that you avoid losing a mark.)
(5 marks)
sue: rmb 1
fred: rmb 1
QC1 Label the transistor symbol in the answer book and in the space provide give its
(1 mark)
QC2 The V-I plot in the answer book shows an actual diode characteristic. Draw on
the plot, labelling them clearly, the characteristics of:-
i) an ideal diode, DIDEAL, and
ii) the DrON model that closely approximates to a real diode.
(2 marks)
QC3 On the plot given in the answer book show the cut-off, saturation and triode
regions on the output characteristic of the n-MOSFET. What is the equation for
the dotted line shown there?
(2 marks)
QC4 Figure QC4(a) shows a diode formed with a depletion region under no bias
voltage. In the other two diagrams state the operating conditions. State in cases
(b) and (c) which of the voltages across anode and cathode listed are the most
2V; 5V; -5V; 0V; 0.7V; 0.2V;
(3 marks)
(a) (b) (c)
p n p n p n
depletion region
QC5 The figure in the answer book shows the cross section of a MOS FET. State the
names of the parts labelled (i) to (iii) and for (iv) state whether it is a n-type or
p-type MOSFET device. On the diagram draw the shape of the channel region
when the transistor is just reaching pinch-off conditions - as would occur for the
given voltage levels.
(3 marks)
QC6 Write the logic equation for F2 in the CMOS circuit in Figure QC6.
+0V Q2
7k5 b
Figure QC7 A BJT circuit.