2022-23 M.SC II PHYSICS (CBCS) Syllabus
2022-23 M.SC II PHYSICS (CBCS) Syllabus
2022-23 M.SC II PHYSICS (CBCS) Syllabus
Master of Science (M. Sc.)
[ Physics ]
2022 - 2023
Summary of Distribution of Credits under CBCS Scheme
M.Sc. (Physics)
01 Core 16 16 08 08 48
02 Skill based 04 04 04 04 16
03 Elective - - 04 04 08
04 Project - - 04 04 08
05 Audit 02 02 02 02 08
06 Total Credits 22 22 22 22 88
Credits 48 16 08 08 08 88
Total Credits = 88
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Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University Jalgaon
M. Sc. Physics
Choice Based Credit System (Outcome Based Curriculum) with effect from 2021 -2022
Course credit scheme
(B) Skill Based / (C) Audit Course
(A) Core Courses Total
Elective Course (No weightage in CGPA)
Semester Credits
No. of Credits Total No. of Credits Total No. of Credits Total
Courses (T+P) Credits Courses (T+P) Credits Courses (Practical) Credits
I 4 16 + 0 16 1 0+4 4 1 2 2 22
II 4 16 + 0 16 1 0+4 4 1 2 2 22
III 2 08 + 0 08 3 4+8 12 1 2 2 22
IV 2 08 + 0 08 3 4+8 12 1 2 2 22
Total Credits 48 32 8 88
(T, Theory; P, Practical)
Structure of Curriculum
First Year Second Year Total
Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV Credit
Credit Course Credit Course Credit Course Credit Course Value
Prerequisite and Core Courses
(A) Theory 16 4 16 4 8 2 8 2 48
Practical 8 2 8 2 16
(B) Skill Based / Subject Elective Courses
1 Theory /Practical 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 16
(C) Audit Course (No weightage in CGPA calculations)
1 Practicing Cleanliness 2 1 2
Personality and Cultural
2 Development Related 2 1 2
Technology Related +
3 2 1 2
Value Added Course
Professional and Social +
4 2 1 2
Value Added Course
Total Credit Value 22 6 22 6 22 6 22 6 88
List of Audit Courses (Select any ONE course of Choice from Semester II; Semester III and Semester IV)
Semester II (Choose One) Semester III (Choose One) Semester IV(Choose One)
Semester I
Personality and Cultural Technology + Professional and Social +
Development Value Added Course Value Added Course
Course Course Course Course Course Course
Course Title Course Title
Code Title Code Title Code Code
AC-201A Soft Skills AC-301A Computer Skills AC-401A Human Rights
AC-201B AC-301B Cyber Security AC-401B Current Affairs
AC-101 Seminar + Seminar + Review
Cleanliness AC-201C Yoga AC-301C AC-401C
Review Writing Writing
Intellectual Property
AC-201D Music AC-301D Biostatistics AC-401D
Rights (IPR)
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Semester-wise Course Structure of M.Sc. Subject name
Semester I
Total Credit for Semester I: 22 (T = Theory: 16; P = Practical:4; Skill Based:4; Audit Course:2)
Semester II
Teaching Hours/
Marks (Total 100)
Course Week
Course Course Title Credits
Type Internal External
T P Total
PHY-201 Core Statistical Mechanics 4 -- 4 40 -- 60 -- 4
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Semester III
Semester IV
A) Nanomaterials: Synthesis,
PHY -402 Skill Properties and Applications
4 - 4 40 - 60 - 4
A/B/C Based B) LASER and it’s Applications
C) Astrophysics
Elective A) Renewable Energy Sources
(Select 4 -- 4 40 -- 60 -- 4
A/B/C B) Microwave: Applications
any one)
C)Environmental Physics
PHY -404 Core Special Laboratory-II -- 4+4 8 -- 40 -- 60 4
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Based Report, Oral etc.)
Choose one out of Four (AC-401A-
Audit Human Rights / AC-401B –Current
AC-401 Course( Affairs / AC-401C- Seminar + Review
Writing / AC-401D - Intellectual 2 2 100 -- -- 2
A/B/C/D Select
Property Rights (IPR)) from
any one) Professional and Social + Value Added
Total Credit for Semester IV: 22 (T = Theory: 8; P = Practical:8; Skill Based:4; Audit Course:2)
M. Sc. Programme
Program at a Glance
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Program Objectives for M.Sc. Program:
The objectives of this Programme are to develop:
1. The students through high quality of education/study which enables them to succeed in career in
which can understanding of physics is relevant.
2. The ability to think logically, to analyze problems and phenomena and to devise explanations or
3. An appreciation of the role of mathematical modeling of physical phenomena to produce
predictions which can be tested against experimental observations.
4. An awareness of the importance of accurate experimentation in the understanding of natural
5. The practical and technical skills required for physics experimentation.
6. An awareness of the value and the power of computer based techniques for experimentation,
analysis and presentation and a familiarity in their exploitation.
7. An ability to communicate the concepts and discoveries of physics both orally and in writing.
8. An ability to organize time and meet deadlines.
9. An additional skills resulting from the experience of more extensive project work.
10. An ability to integrate ‘Information Communication Technology’ with basic concepts of physics
to promote relevant education and training.
11. The qualities of adoptability, innovation and dynamism.
Important Instructions:
1. B. Sc. (Physics) students are eligible to offer this program.
2. Two written tests, one oral test and one seminar (per semester) should be conducted for each
course in addition to regular teaching schedule.
3. Faculty members are advised to use ‘compact disks’ and computers as teaching aids so as to
ingrain the basic ideas of Physics.
4. Students are advised to borrow scientific information (published worldwide) from scientific
websites on Internet.
5. A well-equipped computer laboratory with at least 5 computers is necessary to conduct related
experiments and Project
6. Student should start the Project work soon after the commencement of third semester. Literature
survey, Definition of the problem, Pre-oral before finalization of the topic, Preliminary experimental
work, Oral to assign the internal marks etc should be covered in the third semester.
7. Student should carry out the experimental work, keep record of the observations and results and
should draw the conclusions of the project. Systematic project report should be prepared. Teacher
should arrange oral examination to assign internal marks.
Program Outcomes (PO) for M.Sc. Program:
Upon successful completion of the M.Sc. program, student will be able to:
M.Sc. Physics students can find jobs in public and private sectors. There are
many opportunities available for M. Sc. Physics students in technical as well
as scientific fields. They can work as Scientist, Assistant Scientist, Quality
PO1 General
Control Manager, Laboratory Technician, School Science Technician or
Research Analyst in any government or private organization. Besides these,
they can also go for teaching in government or private institutions.
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There are many opportunities available in IT field for M. Sc. Physics
graduates. Many IT companies such as Infosys, Wipro and TCS are
recruiting M. Sc. Physics graduates for software jobs. They can also get jobs
PO2 in Energy Plants. Another job available for these graduates is Technician in
Electronic Industry. They can apply for jobs in many companies in
automobile industry. Some of those companies are Maruti Udyog, TATA
Motors and Tech Mahindra.
: There are vast opportunities available for M.Sc. graduates in Government
sector. They can apply for jobs in Scientific Research and Development
Organizations such as The Defense Research and Development
Organization (DRDO), CSIR, Physical Research Laboratory (PRL)
Ahmedabad, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics Kolkata and Nuclear Science
Centre New Delhi. They can also apply for various jobs in popular
government organizations such as:
• Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)
• Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB)
• Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
• Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)
• National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)
• Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
• National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) Government
• Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) They can also apply for the Sector
various competitive exams conducted by Union Public Service Commission
such as IFS, IPS and IAS. Several other government exams conducted for
recruiting M.Sc. Physics graduates are given below:
• Tax Assistant Exam, Statistical Investigator Exam, Combined Graduate
Level Exam. After qualifying NET or SET exam they can apply for teaching
jobs in government colleges or schools. Another option available for M.Sc.
Physics graduate is to apply for jobs in public sector banking. Several banks
are conducting exam every year for recruiting graduates to the post of
Probationary Officers. They can also find many jobs in Railway sector. They
should qualify the exams conducted by Railway Recruitment Board to get a
job in Railway sector. These graduates can also apply for Combined
Defense Services Exams conducted for recruiting candidates to various
posts in Defense Department.
There are wide opportunities available for M. Sc. Physics graduates in
foreign countries. They can work in several health care, manufacturing and
electronics companies in foreign countries. Students having high Foreign
percentage during their post-graduation can apply for jobs in National countries
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), one of most famous space
research organization in the world.
: Those who have completed M. Sc. degree in Physics can find a long term
career in the research field. Even though they are joining the research Long term
PO5 organization as assistant /research fellow (JRF, SRF), can earn lot of Career in
experience and/or Ph.D. Degree. After these achievements, they will have Research
chances to get promoted to higher posts.
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Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) for M.Sc. Physics program:
PSO Cognitive
No. level
PSO1 Apply the knowledge and skill in the design and development of Electronics
circuits to fulfill the needs of Electronic Industry
PSO2 Become professionally trained in the area of electronics, optical
communication nonlinear circuits, materials characterization and lasers.
PSO3 Pursue researches related to Physics and Materials characterization
PSO4 Demonstrate highest standards of Actuarial ethical conduct and Professional
Actuarial behavior, critical, interpersonal and communication skills as well as a
commitment to life-long learning
PSO5 Prepare students to become Physics professionals with comprehensive
knowledge and Practical skills for emerging requirement
PSO6 Prepare students who will achieve peer-recognition; as an individual or in a
team; through demonstration of good analytical, design and implementation
PSO7 To prepare them to take up higher studies of interdisciplinary nature.
PSO8 To give exposure to a vibrant academic ambience and To create a sense of
academic and social ethics among the students
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Distribution of Course papers for M.Sc. Part II (Physics)
Subject Duration Max. Exam.
Title of the Paper
Code (Hrs./Wk) Mark Time (Hrs.)
M.Sc. Part II (Subject Name)
Semester III : Theory Courses
PHY -301 Atomic and Molecular Physics Core course 04 100 03
PHY-302 Any ONE of the following Elective 04 100 03
A) Materials Synthesis and Preliminary course
Analysis OR
B)Computational Methods and
Programming Using ‘C’ Language OR
C) Acoustics and Entertainment Physics
PHY -303 Any ONE of the following Skill Course 04 100 03
A) Systematic Materials Analysis OR
B)Microprocessor and its Applications OR
C) Communication Electronics
Semester III : Practical Courses
PHY -304 Special Laboratory I Core course 04+04 100 06
PHY -305 Project Work-I(Literature Survey, Skill course 04+04 100 06
Definition of Problem, Experimental work,
Oral etc.)
AC- Choose one out of Four (AC-301A- Computer Audit course 02 100
301A/B/C/D Skills / AC-301B - Cyber Security/ AC-301C-
Seminar + Review Writing / AC-301D-
Biostatistics) from Technology + Value
Added Courses
Semester IV : Theory Courses
PHY -401 Nuclear Physics Core course 04 100 03
PHY -402 Any ONE of the following Core course 04 100 03
A) Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties
and Applications OR
B) LASER and it’s Applications OR
C) Astrophysics
PHY -403 Any ONE of the following Elective 04 100 03
A) Renewable Energy Sources OR course
B) Microwave: Theory and Applications OR
C) Environmental Physics
Semester IV : Practical Courses
PHY -404 Special Laboratory II Core course 04+04 100 06
PHY -405 Project Work-II(Characterization, Analysis Skill based 04+04 100 06
of Result, Conclusions, Project Report, Oral
AC- Choose one out of Four (AC-401A-Human Audit course 02 100
401A/B/C/D Rights / AC-401B –Current Affairs / AC-
401C- Seminar + Review Writing / AC-401D
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)) from
Professional and Social + Value Added
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M.Sc. Part II Semester III (Physics): (Core Courses)
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Course Outcomes (COts):
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
CO Cognitive
No. CO
C301.1 After successful completion of the course, the student is expected to :
know about different atom model and will be able to differentiate different
atomic systems, different coupling schemes and their interactions with magnetic
and electric fields.
C301.2 Have gained ability to apply the techniques of microwave and infrared
spectroscopy to elucidate the structure of molecules.
C301.3 • Be able to apply the principle of Raman spectroscopy and its applications in the
different field of science & Technology.
• To become familiar with different resonance spectroscopic techniques and its
• To find solutions to problems related different spectroscopic systems.
M.Sc. Part II Semester III (Physics): Elective Course (Select only one)
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soldering methods for component attachment, wire bonding, packaging, testing.
(H-8, M-7)
Unit 6 Thickness measurement and Electrical Properties of films: 08 L
Thickness measurement: Optical interference technique, Multiple beam
interferometry, Quartz crystal microbalance, Stylus (Talyestep) method. (H-4, M-5)
Electrical Properties: Electrical conductivity of bulk, thin and thick films, two probe,
Van-der Pauw and Four probe methods, Hall measurements, TEP measurements.
(H-4, M-5)
Suggested Readings: References:
1. Thin Film Phenomenon, K.L. Chopra, McGraw Hill, 1969.
2. Hand book of Thin Film Technology L.I. Maissel & R.Glang, McGraw Hill, 1970.
3. Thin Film Processes: J.L. Vossen and W. Kern, Academic Press, 1978.
4. Thin Film Fundamentals, A.Goswami, New Age International Publishers.
5. Chemical Solution Deposition of Semiconductors Films : Gary Hodes- Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehorot, Iszael. New York-Basar.
6. The materials science of Thin Films: M.Ohring Academic Press,1992.
7. Active and Passive Thin Film Devices: T.J.Coutts, Acadmeic Press 1978.
8. An Introduction to Physics and Technology of Thin Films : A Wegendristel and Y.Wang, World
Scientific 1994.
9. Handbook of Sensor and Actuators- Thick Film Sensors- Edited by M.Prudenziati, Elsevier
(1994), Vol. I, Series editor S. Middelhoek.
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b) Pointers: The concepts of pointers, The address operator, pointer arithmetic, pointers as 04 L
function parameters, pointers and arrays, Dynamic storage allocation. (H-4, M-4)
c) Structures and Unions: Declaration and period operator, structure initialization, structure 04 L
and arrays, structure and functions, structure and pointers, structure within structure,
Unions, Rules to use unions. (H-4, M-4)
d) File handling: Opening and closing a data file, creating a data file, processing a data file. 03 L
(H-3, M-4)
Unit 2 Numerical methods: In the following topics on numerical methods, students are expected 07 L
to write programs using’ C’ language as well as perform numerical calculations using
electronic calculators and mathematical tables.
a) Iterative methods to obtain roots of equations: The method of successive bisection, false
position method, Newton Raphson method. Derivation of formula and advantages as well
as limitations of these methods solve each other. (H-7, M-9)
b) Interpolation: Definition of Interpolation and extrapolation, finite differences, 08 L
Interpolation with equally spaced and unevenly spaced points. Lagrange’s interpolation,
curve fitting, polynomial least squares and cubic spline fitting. H-8, M-9)
c) Numerical Integration: Derivation and application of Trapezoidal, Simpson1/3 and 08 L
Simpson’ s 3/8 th rule. (H-8, M-9)
d) Solution of simultaneous line are equations: Gauss elimination method, pivotal 07 L
condensation, Gauss Seidal method. (H-7, M-9)
e) Solution of first order differential equation: Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta methods. 06 L
(H-6, M-6)
Suggested Readings: References:
1. The ‘C’ Programming Language: Kernighan B.W. & Ritchie D.M.(Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd.).
2. Letus ‘C’: Yashwant Kanetkar (BPB Publications).
3. Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of programming with ‘C’: Gottfried B.S. (Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.).
4. Programming in ANSIC (IIndEdition)-E. Balagurusamy (Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.)
5. The C language Trainer with C graphics and C++ -J.Jayasri (New Age International Pvt. Ltd. New
6. The spirt of ‘C’–Mullish Cooper (Jaico Publishing Co. New Delhi).
7. Programming in ANSIC–Ramkumar (Tata McGraw Hill).
8. Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis-S.S. Sastry.
9. Numerical methods for engineers with programming and software applications-Steven C Chapra,
Raymond P. Canale. (McGraw Hill).
10. Numerical Methods problems and solutions– M.K..Jain, S.R.K. Iyengar, R.K. Jain (Wiley Eastern
11. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods – V. Rajaraman (Prentice Hall India Pvt Ltd.).
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PHY -302(C): Acoustics and Entertainment Physics
Course description:
This course is aimed at introducing the fundamentals of Acoustics and Entertainment
Physicsto the students.
Course objectives:
1) To impart knowledge of basic concepts in Acoustics and Entertainment Physics and its
2) The graduates will have knowledge of fundamental laws and principles in a variety of
areas of Physics along with their applications.
3) The graduates will develop research skills which might include advanced laboratory
techniques, numerical techniques, computer algebra, computer interfacing.
Unit 1 Basic Principles: Sound wave propagation ,Plane and Spherical waves, Plane wave 10 L
equation(without derivation) ,Acoustic Intensity, Energy density, Acoustic impedance,
Decibel Scales : Intensity level, Sound Pressure level, Sound power level, Loudness level,
Equivalent continuous sound level, Laeqt, Perceived noise level LEPN, Noise pollution level,
LNP. Human Speech and hearing mechanism, Threshold of audibility and feeling, Analogy
among Electrical, Mechanical and Acoustical systems. (H-10, M-10)
Unit 2 Architectural Acoustics: Reverberation time, Decay of sound in a live room, Sabine 10 L
Equation, Decay of sound in a dead room, Eyring’s Journals, Optimum reverberation time,
Coefficient of absorption and its measurement. Methods of measurement of reverberation
time, Synthetic reverberation, Acoustical evaluation of Theatre/ auditoria/studios,
Requirements for good acoustics of Theatre/Studios/auditoria. Sound reinforcement
systems for auditoria. Amplifier power requirements, Audio delayers. (H-10, M-12)
Unit 3 Loudspeakers: Direct radiator dynamic loudspeakers, Horn loudspeakers, Directional 06 L
characteristics, Equivalent circuits, Efficiency of loudspeakers, Special Purpose
loudspeakers, Loudspeaker systems, woofer, midrange/squankes, tweeter, Crossover,
networks, Loudspeaker Cabinets. (H-6, M-6)
Unit 4 Microphones: Carbon, Condenser, Moving coil dynamic and ribbon microphones, 06 L
Microphone sensitivity, directional characteristics and applications, Calibration of
microphones. (H-6, M-6)
Unit 5 Sound Recording and Reproducing systems: Basic requirements of a system for good 10 L
quality recording and reproduction, Hi-Fi system, volume compressors. Viviters and
expanders, Graphic equalizers. Monophonic and stereophonic sound reproducing systems.
Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems, Basic principles Analogue
recording, Digital Audio tape, recording (DAT), Noise reduction in sound reproducing
system-(I) Dolby A. B. System, Basic principles of compact Disc (CD), audio systems.
(H-10, M-12)
Musical Acoustics: Characteristics of musical notes: Vibratio, tremolo, portamento, 05 L
Unit 6 waveforms of typical musical tones, Basic principles of musical instruments, Electronic
musical instruments, Computer music, MIDI and applications. (H-5, M-7)
Unit 7 Ultrasonic and underwater acoustics: Ultrasonic transducers-Principles and applications, 05 L
Under water acoustics-Principles and applications of underwater transducers, underwater
communication, SONAR. (H-5, M-7)
Suggested Readings: References:
1. Fundamentals of acoustics (2nd Ed.)-Kinsler and Frey.
2. Acoustics-W.W.Sets (Schwm series)
3. Music Physics and Engineering-HIF Olson
4. Acoustics Measurement-L.L.Bernek
5. Basic Acoustics-D.E.Hall
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6. Technical Aspects of sound-(Vol. I ) Richardson
7. Noise reduction-L.L.Bernk.
8. Audio Cyclopedia-H. Tremanic
9. Hand book of sound Engineers (New Audio cyclopedia)-G.M. Balloh(Ed.)
10. Acoustic techniques for the Home and Studio-F Alton Everest.
11. Design for good acoustics and noise control-J.E. Moore.
M.Sc. Part II Semester III (Physics): Skill Course (Select only one)
Unit 3 UltraViolet & Visible Spectroscopy: Regions of UV-Visible radiation, Colour and light 10 L
absorption, The chromophore concept, Theory of electronic spectroscopy– orbital involved
in electronic transitions, Laws of light absorption-Beer’s and Lambert’s laws,
Instrumentation. U.V. spectrometer, Sample and reference cells, Applications of UV visible
spectroscopy. (H-10, M-12)
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Unit 4 X-Ray Diffraction: Crystalline state, X-ray diffraction processes, Preliminary discussion of 10 L
powder and single crystal pattern and their information content, Structure determination,
Particle size determination, Crystallography by diffraction of radiation other than X-ray,
Applications of X-ray diffraction measurements. (H-10, M-10)
Unit 5 Electron Microscopy: Demerits of optical microscope at nano level, Need of Electron 14 L
Microscopy, Why electrons? Electron Specimen interaction (Emission of secondary electrons,
back scattered electrons, characteristics x-rays, transmitted electrons), Specimen interaction
volume, resolution, Scanning electron microscope (SEM) Schematic diagram, Short details of
each component, Field Emission Gun, Field Emission Electron Scanning electron
microscope(FESEM),Principle of Image Formation, Energy Dispersive Analysis of X-rays
(EDAX), Transmission electron microscope(TEM), Merits of TEM over SEM/FESEM.
(H-14, M-16)
Unit 6 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: An Introduction to Quantum Mechanical Tunneling, Basic 05 L
Principles of STM, Two Modes of Scanning, Interpreting STM Images, and Applications of
STM. (H-5, M-6)
Suggested Readings: References:
1. Elements of X-ray diffraction, B.D.Cullity, Addision-Wesely Publishing Co., USA.
2. SEM micro characterization of semiconductors, D.B. Holt, and D.C. Joy, Academic Press, New Delhi.
3. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, C.N. Banwell, Tata McGraw-Hill Publ. Delhi.
4. Instrumental methods of Analysis (Seventh Edition) H.H. Willard, L.L. Merritt, John A Dean, F.A.
Settle CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi-110002.
5. Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, K.K. Chattopadhyay and A.N. Banerjee, PHI
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi- 110001. 5. Characterization of Materials, Volume1, & 2, Elton N. Kaufman,
Wiley-Inter science.
6. Hand book of Microscopy for Nanotechnology, NanYao, Ahong LinWang, Kluwer Academic
Course description:
This course is aimed at introducing the fundamentals of Microprocessor and its
to the students.
Course objectives:
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1) To impart knowledge of basic concepts in Microprocessor and its Applications.
2) The graduates will have knowledge of fundamental laws and principles in a variety of
areas of Physics along with their applications.
3) The graduates will develop research skills which might include advanced laboratory
techniques, numerical techniques, computer algebra, computer interfacing.
Unit 1 The 8086 Microprocessor: Register organization of 8086, 8086 Architecture, Pin 15 L
configuration, Physical Memory organization, General bus operation, I/O address
capability, Special purpose activities, minimum and maximum mode of 8086 systems
with timings. (H-15, M-20)
Unit 2 Instruction set of 8086 and programming: Addressing modes of 8086, Instruction set 17 L
of 8086, Assembler directives and operators. Simple programs like addition of two
numbers, BCD addition, find the largest number, addition of two 3 x 3 matrices, move
the string of data, find the number of positive numbers and negative numbers from, a
given series of signed numbers etc. (H-17, M-20)
Unit 3 Special Architectural features: Stack structure of 8086, Interrupts and interrupt 06 L
service routine, Interrupt programming, Macros. (Programming is not expected).
(H-6, M-10)
Unit 4 Programmable Peripheral Devices and their Interfacing: i] Programmable peripheral 10 L
interface 8255, ii] Programmable Communication interface 8251USART, iii]
Programmable DMA interface 8257, iv] Programmable interrupt Controller 8259.
(H-10, M-5)
Unit 5 32 bit Processor: Features of 80386, 80486, 80586 (Pentium), MMX (Multimedia 04 L
Extension) (H-4, M-5)
Suggested Readings: References:
1. Advance Microprocessor and Peripherals: A.K.Ray, K.M.Bhurchandi., Tata McGraw Hill, New
2. Microprocessor and Interfacing: DauglasV.Hall, McGraw Hill International Edition.
3. Architecture, Programming and Design: Yu Cheng Liu,G.A.Gibson, 2ndEdition. PHI Publications.
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areas of Physics along with their applications.
3) The graduates will develop research skills which might include advanced laboratory
techniques, numerical techniques, computer algebra, computer interfacing.
Unit 1 Electronic Communication: Importance of Communication, Introduction to Elements of 03 L
communication systems and types of electronics communication (Simplex, Duplex,
Analog, Digital, Base band and modulated signals) [kennedy]. (H-3, M- 4)
Unit 2 Modulation Systems Amplitude Modulation: (Spectrum of an Amplitude Modulated 11 L
signal, Low level AM Modulator), Single Sideband (SSB) Modulation, Generation of SSB
signal (Filter Method), Vestigial-Sideband (VSB) Modulation, Demodulation of AM Waves
(Square-law Detectors, Linear Diode Detector) Frequency and Phase Modulation:- FM
generation (Parameter Variation method), Frequency multiplication, FM Demodulation
(Slope Detector) Pulse Modulation, Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), Pulse Amplitude
Modulation (PAM), Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), Pulse Time Modulation (PTM)
[Roddy & Coolen]. (H-11, M-12)
Unit 3 Radiation & Propagation of Waves Electromagnetic Radiation: (Fundamentals of 07 L
electromagnetic waves & effect of environment), Propagation of waves (Ground or
surface waves, sky wave propagation- The ionosphere, space waves, Tropospheric
scattering propagation, Extraterrestrial communications) [Kennedy]. (H-7, M-8)
Unit 4 Antennas: Antenna parameters- power gain, isotropic radiator, radiation resistance, 07 L
directivity, directional gain, radiation parameter, polarization, effective apparatus,
effective length, front to back ratio. Types of antenna- Half wave dipole (without
mathematical derivation), Yagi & dish antenna. [Roddy & Coolen]. (H-7, M-8)
Unit 5 Television Fundamental: Introduction to TV, TV systems & standards, Black & White 04 L
transmission & reception, Colour transmission & reception. [Kennedy] (H-4, M-5)
Unit 6 Radar and Satellite Systems Fundamentals of RADAR system: Block Diagram, 10 L
Frequencies and Powers used in RADAR, RADAR performance Factors, Effects of Noise,
Basic Pulse RADAR systems (Block Diagram and Description), Antenna and Scanning,
Moving target Indication (Doppler Effect), Other RADAR systems (RADAR Beacons,
Phased RADAR), RADAR applications. [Kennedy]; Orbital Satellites, Geostationary
Satellites, Look Angles (angle of elevation, Azimuth angle), Satellite system Link Model
(UP Link Model, Transponder, Down-Link Model) [Roddy] (H-10, M-10)
Unit 7 An overview of Telecommunication: History of Telecommunication, Telecommunication 04 L
network, Internet, classification of data network, by spatial distance (WAN, MAN, LAN),
by Cellular concept, Mobile Telephone communication [A. A. Gokhale] (H-4, M-6)
Unit 8 Introduction To Fiber Optic Technology: Introduction, Principle of light transmission in a 06 L
fiber, losses in fiber, dispersion, light sources for fiber optics, photo detector, fiber optic
communication system.[Roddy & Coolen] (H-6, M-7)
Suggested Readings: References:
1. Electronic communication System- Kennedy & Davis (Tata Mc-Graw Hill) 4thed.
2. Electronic communication- Roddy & Coolen. (PHI) 3rded.
3. Satellite Communication- Dennis Roddy, (Mc-Graw Hill), 3rded. 9
4. Fiber Optic Communication- John Senior, (Prentice Hall International), 2nded.
5. Antenna & Wave Propagation- K. D. Prasad, (Satya Prakashan New Delhi)
6. Introduction to Telecommunication-Anu A Gokhale, (Cengage Learning) 2nded.
7. Electronic communication-Sanjeev Gupta (Khanna Publication, New Delhi).
8. Electronic communication: Fundamentals Through Advances-Wame Tomdsi (Prentice Hall
Course Outcomes (COts):
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
CO Cognitive
No. CO
C303.C.1 After successful completion of the course, the student is expected to :
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know about Communication Electronics and Applications
C303.C.2 Have gained ability to apply the techniques of Introduction to Elements of
communication systems and types of electronics communication
C303.C.3 The students will know the Mechanical response of Materials under
• Modulation Systems Amplitude Modulation.
• Radiation & Propagation of Waves of Electromagnetic Radiation.
• Types of antenna- Half wave dipole.
• Television Fundamental, Introduction to TV, TV systems.
• Radar and Satellite Systems Fundamentals of RADAR system: Block Diagram,
Frequencies and Powers
Group A
Perform at least TEN experiments from the following
1 1. To measure the thermoelectric power of semiconductor.
2. Study of Haynes-Schokley experiment for determination of mobility and diffusion constant.
3. Measurement of thickness of thin film by Tolansky method.
4. Study of electron spin resonance spectrum for given sample and determination of Lande ‘g’
5. To record and analyze the spectral response of a given photo conducting sample.
6. Determination of resonance frequency of piezoelectric element.
7. Study of hysteresis of hard and soft ferrites.
8. Skin depth of electromagnetic radiation in Al.
9. Determination of Fermi energy in Cu.
10. Coherence & width of spectral lines using Michelson interferometer.
11. The Franck-Hertz experiment.
12. Absorption Spectrum Of Iodine Vapour.
13. Charge on an electron using spectrometer.
2 Material Synthesis
1. Deposition of metallic thin films by vacuum evaporation method and measurement of
resistance/resistivity/ conductivity and TCR at different temperatures by the two probe/four
probe method.
2. Deposition of thin films by spray pyrolysis method and thickness measurement by gravimetric
3. Measurement of reflectivity and transferability of thin films by using He-Ne laser.
4. Determination of refractive index of a transparent film by Abe’s method.
5. Study of vacuum system to measure speed of rotary pump.
6. Pattern generation by Photolithography.
7. Electrical conductivity measurements in thick films.
8. Synthesis of CdS thin film by chemical bath deposition (CBD) method.
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9. Stress measurement of transparent conducting oxides (Newton’s ring method)
10. Determination of band gap energy of a given sample using absorption/transmission spectra.
3 Material Science:
1. Study of phase transformation in a ferroelectric crystal.
2. Study of creep behaviour of Sn-Pb alloy.
3. Thermoluminescence of alkali halides.
4. Determination of diffusion coefficient of cobalt atoms in Gel medium.
5. Determination of crystal structure of given material by X-ray diffract meter.
6. Determination of grain size of a given sample by Scherer method.
7. Determination of direct and indirect band gap of a given materials by UV-visible spectroscopy.
8. Determination of inter atomic bond length in a diatomic molecule by studying rotational
vibrational IR spectra.
9. Study of Beer Lamberts Law in absorption spectroscopy using IR spectroscopy.
10. Synthesis of conducting oxide films by pyrolysis method.
4 Communication Electronics:
1. Pulse amplitude modulation.
2. Pulse position modulation.
3. Pulse width modulation.
4. Study of delta modulation.
5. Characteristics of antenna.
6. Study of amplitude modulator and demodulator.
7. Study of frequency modulator.
8. Study of FSK modulator and demodulator.
9. Study of Digital multiplexer.
5 Microprocessors:
1. Square, Triangular and Ramp wave generator using microprocessor.
2. Interfacing an eight bit ADC with microprocessor.
3. Write a program for four digit hexadecimal counters. The counter should stop and resume
counting by pressing a key.
4. Temperature measurement using ADC.
5. Read data through thumb wheel switches and display it on monitor and 7-segment display.
6. Write a program to control relay switches with a delay of 1 second.
7. Average the given set of data and display the result in decimal form.
8. Stepper motor speed control using microprocessor.
9. Read string through keyboard which is terminated by any specified character and reverse the
10. Read two digit hexadecimal number through key board and convert it into binary form.
11. Interrupt driven clock.(Ref. Ramesh S. Gaonkar Page No.376)
6 Computational Methods & ‘C’ Language programming :
1. Draw a flowchart and write a program to find the root of the equation f(x)=0 by Bisection
2. Draw a flowchart and write a program to find the root of the equation f(x)=0 by Newton
Raphson method.
3. Draw a flowchart and write a program to find the root of the equation f(x)=0 by False position
4. Draw a flowchart and write a program to integrate the given function using Trapezoidal rule.
5. Draw a flowchart and write a program to integrate the given function using Simpson’s 1/3
6. Draw a flowchart and write a program to integrate the given function using Simpson’s 3/8
7. Draw a flowchart and write a program for fitting of a polynomial of degree n usingLagrange’s
Interpolation formula.
8. Draw a flowchart and write a program to solve given set of simultaneous equationsusing
Gauss Elimination method.
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9. Draw a flowchart and write a program to solve given set of simultaneous equationsusing
Gauss Seidal method.
10. Draw a flowchart and write a program to solve given differential equation usingEuler’s
simple method.
11. Draw a flowchart and write a program to solve given differential equation usingRungekutta
12. Draw a flowchart and write a program for finding the inverse of a givenmatrix./transpose of
a matrix.
13. Implement strlen ( ), Stract ( ), Strcpy ( ), Strcmp ( ) using pointers.
14. Write a menu driven program to create, list, modify and calculate the student record details.
Assume the file structure: Register No., Subject 1 mark, Subject 2 mark and Subject 3 mark.
7 Biomedical Instrumentation :
1. ECG preamplifier- instrumentation amplifiers design & testing.
2. Active filters for bio-signals-design & testing.
3. Wave shaping circuits for cardiac pacemaker.
4. Acoustic impedance measurement.
5. Recording of action potentials with extra cellular electrodes.
6. ECG signal recording with surface electrodes.
7. Blood pressure measurement with transducer/pressure differentiation circuits.
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3. To finalize the project titles so as to match student’s particular interest.
4. Survey of the Literature.
5. To set the experiment/to start Preliminary Experimental work.
6. Internal examination.
The guide should regularly monitor the progress of the project work.
Student should submit a Progress Report on the work done by him/her during the
First Phase of the project including following points;
1. Project Selection,
2. Literature Search Strategy,
3. Literature Review,
4. Project Planning.
Student will have to give a seminar on the above topics.
Internal examination (40 marks): Components of internal assessment: Project
Selection (05 Mark.) Literature Collection and Literature Revive( 10 marks)
planning and design (10 marks), Submission of progress report (10 marks),
and regular attendance (5 marks) recorded: Research Supervisors
External Examination system should be held on fourth semester with assessment
of PHY-405.
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Reading Layout View.
2.2 Working with Files: Create New Documents, Open Existing Documents, Save
Documents to different formats, Rename Documents, Close Documents.
2.3 Working with Text: Type and Insert Text, Highlight Text, Formatting Text, Delete
Text, Spelling and Grammar, paragraphs, indentation, margins.
2.4 Lists: Bulleted and Numbered List.
2.5 Tables: Insert Tables, Draw Tables, Nested Tables, Insert Rows and Columns,
Move and Resize Tables, Moving the order of the column and/or rows inside a
table, Table Properties.
2.6 Page Margins, Gutter Margins, Indentations, Columns, Graphics, Print Documents.
2.7 Paragraph Formatting, Paragraph Attributes, Non-printing characters.
2.8 Types of document files: RTF, PDF, DOCX etc.
Unit 3 Office Automation-Worksheet Data Processing 5H
3.1 Spreadsheet Basics: Adding and Renaming Worksheets, Modifying Worksheets.
3.2 Moving Through Cells, Adding Rows, Columns, and Cells, Resizing Rows and
Columns, Selecting Cells, Moving and Copying Cells.
3.3 Formulas and Functions: Formulas, Linking Worksheets, Basic Functions,
AutoSum, Sorting and Filtering: Basic Sorts, Complex Sorts, Auto-fill, Deleting
Rows, Columns, and Cells.
3.4 Charting: Chart Types, drawing charts, Ranges, formatting charts.
Unit 4 Office Automation- Presentation Techniques and slide shows 6H
4.1 Create a new presentation, AutoContent Wizard, Design Template, Blank
Presentation, Open an Existing Presentation, PowerPoint screen, Screen Layout.
4.2 Working with slides: Insert a new slide, Notes, Slide layout, Apply a design
template, Reorder Slides, Hide Slides, Hide Slide text, Add content, resize a
placeholder or textbox, Move a placeholder or text box, Delete a placeholder or
text box, Placeholder or Text box properties, Bulleted and numbered lists, Adding
4.3 Work with text: Add text and edit options, Format text, Copy text formatting,
Replace fonts, Line spacing, Change case, Spelling check, Spelling options.
4.4 Working with tables: Adding a table, Entering text, Deleting a table, Changing row
width, Adding a row/column, Deleting a row/column, Combining cells, Splitting a
cell, Adding color to cells, To align text vertically in cells, To change table
borders, Graphics, Add clip art, Add an image from a file, Save & Print, slide
shows, slide animation/transitions.
Unit 5 Internet & Applications: 4H
5.1 Computer Network Types: LAN, PAN, MAN, CAN, WAN, Defining and
describing the Internet, Brief history, Browsing the Web, Hypertext and
hyperlinks, browsers, Uniform resource locator
5.2 Internet Resources: Email, Parts of email,
5.3 Protecting the computer: Password protection, Viruses, Virus protection software,
Updating the software, Scanning files, Net banking precautions.
5.4 Social Networking: Features, Social impact, emerging trends, issues, Social
Networking sites: Facebook, Twitter, linkedin, orkut, online booking services
5.5 Online Resources: Wikipedia, Blog, Job portals, C.V. writing
5.6 e-learning: e-Books, e-Magazines, e-News papers, OCW(open course wares):
Sakshat (NPTEL) portal, MIT courseware
Unit 6 Cloud Computing Basics 3H
6.1 Introduction to cloud computing
6.2 Cloud computing models: SAS, AAS, PAS
6.3 Examples of SAS, AAS, PAS (Drop Box, Google Drive, Google Docs, Office 365
Prezi, etc.)
Suggested readings:
1. TCI, "Introduction to Computers and Application Software", Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning,
2010, ISBN: 1449609821, 9781449609825
2. Laura Story, Dawna Walls, "Microsoft Office 2010 Fundamentals", Publisher: Cengage Learning,
2010, ISBN: 0538472464, 9780538472463
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3. June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja, "Computer Concepts Illustrated series", Edition 5, Publisher Course
Technology, 2005, ISBN 0619273550, 9780619273552
4. Cloud computing online resources
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Suggested readings:
1. Skills Factory, Certificate in Cyber Security, Text Book Special edition, Specially published for KBC
NMU, Jalgaon.
2. BPB Publication, “Fundamentals of Cyber Security”, Mayank Bhushan, Rajkumar Singh Rathore,
Aatif Jamshed.
3. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, “Cyber Security Basics”, Don Franke, ISBN-13: 978-
1522952190ISBN-10: 1522952195.
4. Online references.
Seminar Activity:
• Students are encouraged to deliver seminars on the topics of research, preferably published research
paper in a reputed and indexed journal to develop presentation skills and enable to build confidence
which will lead them to read different themes and enhance their scientific approach and knowledge
assimilation abilities.
• Presentations must be created and presented by students using digital platform using a suitable
software in the presence of student audience and faculty for evaluation.
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Course Outcomes (COts):
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
CO Cognitive
No. CO
AC301C.1 Retrieve, analyses, comprehend the scientific information on a given topic and 4
derive logical inferences.
AC301C.2 Compile the scientific information on a topic, verify for similarity index or 2
AC301C.3 Deliver the interactive presentation of scientific data before audience and 2
participate in open discussion with confidence.
AC-301(D): Biostatistics
(Technology + Value added Audit course; Optional: Program-level; Practical; 2 Credits)
Course Objectives (CObs):
• To learn basic statistical concepts/methods and their applications in biological processes and
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• Based on t, f, z and Chi-square.
• Based on basic statistical designs.
Suggested readings:
1. Le CT (2003) Introductory Biostatistics. 1st edition, John Wiley
2. Miller, Irwin and Miller, Marylees (2006): John E. Freund’s Mathematical Statistics with
Applications, (7th Edn.), Pearson Education, Asia.
3. Edmondson A and Druce D (1996) Advanced Biology Statistics, Oxford University Press.
4. Danial W (2004) Biostatistics: A foundation for Analysis in Health Sciences, John Wiley and Sons
5. Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery D.C. (2001), John Wiley.
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M.Sc. Part II Semester IV (Physics): Core Courses
PHY– 401: Nuclear Physics
Course description:
This course is aimed at introducing the fundamentals of Nuclear Physics to the
Course objectives:
1) To impart knowledge of basic concepts Nuclear Physics and its Applications
2) The graduates will have knowledge of fundamental laws and principles in a variety of
areas of Physics along with their applications.
3) The graduates will develop research skills which might include advanced laboratory
techniques, numerical techniques, computer algebra, computer interfacing.
Unit 1 General Properties of Nuclei: Constituents of nucleus and their properties; packing 05 L
fraction; mass defects; binding energy; average binding energy and its variation with
mass number; concept of parity; magnetic dipole moment; electric quadruple moment;
problems. (H-5, M-6)
Unit 2 Nuclear Model: Types of nuclear models (list only); Liquid drop model: assumptions, 07 L
semi empirical mass formula, achievements, failure and limitations of liquid drop
model; Shell model, basic assumptions, nuclear magic numbers, experimental evidences
of nuclear magic number and its significance, achievements and limitations of shell
model; rules for angular momenta and parity of nuclear ground state; prediction of
angular momenta and parity of nuclear ground state; nuclear energy level and their
applications; problems. (H-7, M-8)
Unit 3 Nucleon – Nucleon Interaction: The deuteron problem; radius of deuteron; magnetic 08 L
dipole moment and electric quadruple moment of deuteron; Nature of interactions:
electromagnetic, weak interactions and hadronic interactions; nucleon - nucleon
scattering; scattering cross section; Low-energy neutron proton scattering and proton-
proton scattering, High energy neutron-proton and proton -proton scattering. (H-8, M-8)
Unit 4 Interaction of charged particle and EM radiations with matter: Energy loss of 14 L
charged particles (Bohr formula); stopping power; range and straggling; Cerenkov
radiation; gamma (γ) ray interaction through matter; law of absorption of γ – rays; linear
and mass absorption coefficient; the photoelectric process; Compton effect; pair
production and annihilation of electron – positron pair; Dirac’s theory of pair
production; problems. (H-14, M-18)
Unit 5 Particle accelerators and Radiation Detectors: Classification of accelerators; Van-de- 10 L
Graft generator; linear accelerator; synchrocyclotron; pellet on; microtone; types of
detectors; scintillation detector and photomultiplier tube (PMT); semiconductor
detector; bubble chamber; cloud chamber; spark chamber. (H-10, M-12)
Unit 6 Elementary Particle Physics Introduction; classification of elementary particles; 08 L
particle interactions; elementary particle and their intrinsic quantum numbers (charge,
Lepton number, Baryon number, iso-spin, strangeness etc.); conservation laws;
Invariance under charge; Electrons and Positrons, Protons and antiprotons, Neutrons and
antineutrons, Neutrinos and antineutrinos; Quark: assumption and properties; Quark
model; colour of a Quark and its importance. (H-8, M-8)
Suggested Readings: Reference Books:
1. Concepts of Nuclear Physics: B.L. Choen, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Subatomic Physics: Franenfelder and Hanley, Prentice Hal.l
3. Nuclei and Particles: E. Segre.
4. Atomic Nucleus: R. C. Evans.
5. Basic Nuclear Physics: B.N. Shrivastava.
6. Introduction to Nuclear Physics: David Halliday.
7. Introduction to Nuclear Physics: Herald Enge. 30.
8. Nuclear Physics: Irving Kaplan.
9. Elements of Nuclear Physics: M.L. Pandya and Yadav.
10. An Introduction to Nuclear Physics: Bhide & Joshi.
11. Nuclear Physics: D.C. Tayal.
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12. Radiation Detectors By Ramamurthy and Kapoor.
13. Introduction to Nuclear Physics By S. B. Patel.
14. Radiation Detection Techniques By Price.
15. Introduction to Nuclear Techniques By Knoll.
Course Outcomes (Cots):
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
C401.1 Course outcome: Learner will be able to ….
1. Apply the concept and use of knowledge of the Nuclear Physics course to real
life problems.
C401.2 2. Understanding of the Nuclear Physics course which will create scientific
C401.3 Students will have hand on experience of theory Based on :
• General Properties of Nuclei Constituents of nucleus and their properties.
• Interaction of charged particle and EM radiations with matter Energy loss of
charged particles.
• Particle accelerators and Radiation Detectors Classification of accelerators;
Van-de-Graft generator etc.
• Elementary Particle Physics Introduction; classification of elementary particles;
particle interactions.
• Nucleon – Nucleon Interaction The deuteron problem.
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II Chemical methods: Colloid, Synthesis of colloids, Growth of nanoparticles, synthesis of
metal nanoparticles by colloidal route, synthesis of semiconductor nanoparticles by
colloidal route, Langmuir-Blodgett method, Sol-gel method, Synthesis of metal oxides by
sol-gel technique.
III Biological, methods: Introduction, Synthesis of nanoparticles using Microorganisms,
Synthesis using plant extracts, Use of proteins and Temples like DNA.
IV Hybrid techniques: Chemical vapor deposition, Ultrasonic automization,
V Nanolithography: Lithography using photons, using particle beams, Scanning probe
lithography. (H-20, M-24)
Unit 3 Synthesis of some special Nanomaterials: Synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles, 06 L
Magnetic properties-Super paramagnetic materials, processes for their biocompatibility,
applications of magnetic nanoparticles. Carbon nanotubes: Synthesis of SWNT and
MWNT, Applications of SWNT and MWNT. (H-6, M-08)
Unit 4 Nanophotonics: Foundation for nanophotonics, Synthesis of metal chalcogenides (S, Se 06 L
and Te) nanocomposites, photo conducting and photoluminescence properties of metal
chalcogenides, photoconductivityofnanorods. (H-6, M-08)
Unit 5 Characterization of Nanomaterials: X-ray diffraction- structural studies, Interpretation 10 L
of broadening of peaks, Electron microscopy (FESEM/TEM)- Micro structural properties
(Topographical and morphological studies) Scanning Tunneling Microscopy-
Determination of surface structures UV-VIS- optical properties related to Quantum
confinement, Electrical and thermal transport properties, Plasmon resonance peaks and
blue shiftatNanoscale. (H-10, M-08)
Suggested readings:Reference Books: /
1. Nanotechnology: Michel Kohler, Wolfgang Fritzsche.
2. Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications: A.S. Edelstein and R.C. 20 Cammarata, Institute
of Physics Publishing Bristol and Philadelphia.
3. Nanoparticles: Buildingblocks for Nanotechnology, Vincent Rotello-Springer.
4. Introduction to Nanotechnology: Charles P. Poole Jr., Frank J.Owens
5. Nanoparticles Edited by GunterSchmid.
6. Nanoscale Science and Technology: Robert W. Kelsall, Ian W. Hamley, Mark Geoghegan, John Wiley &
Sons Ltd.
7. Nanoparticles &Nanostructure films: Preparation, Characterization & Applications: Wiley-VCH 8.
9. NanostructuredMaterialsandNanotechnology:HariSinghNalwa,AcademicPress
10. Nanophotonics: Paras N Prasad, Wiley Interscience John Willey & Sons, Inc Publication
11. Handbook of Microscopy for Nanotechnology: Nan Yao, Zhong Lin Wang, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
12. Nanotechnology: Principles and Practice, S.K.Kulkarni, Capital Publishing Company.
Course Outcomes (COts):
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
CO Cognitive
No. level
C402.A.1 Course outcome: Learner will be able to ….
1. Apply the concept and use of knowledge of the Nanomaterials: Synthesis,
Properties and Applications course to real life problems.
C402A..2 2. Understanding of the Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications
Physics course which will create scientific temperament..
C402.A.3 Students will have hand on experience of Theory Based on :
• Comparison of Nanomaterials with bulk material.
• Different Techniques for synthesis of Nanomaterials of magnetic
nanoparticles, Magnetic properties-Super paramagnetic materials.
• Foundation for nanophotonics, Synthesis of metal chalcogenides (S, Se and Te)
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PHY-402(B):LASER and its Applications
Course description:
This course is aimed at introducing the fundamentals of LASER and its Applications to
the students.
Course objectives:
1) To impart knowledge of basic concepts LASER and its Applications and Applications
and its Applications
2) The graduates will have knowledge of fundamental laws and principles in a variety
of areas of Physics along with their applications.
3) The graduates will develop research skills which might include advanced laboratory
techniques, numerical techniques, computer algebra, computer interfacing.
Unit 1 Basics of Lasers: Introduction, Brief history of LASER, Interaction of radiation with 08 L
matter, Einstein’s prediction about emission, Absorption, Spontaneous and Stimulated
emission, Einstein’s coefficients and relations between them, Condition for light
amplification, Population inversion, Pumping and pumping methods, Active medium,
Pumping schemes. (H-8, M-8)
Unit 2 Principles of Lasers: Introduction, Optical resonator, Basic components of laser, 08 L
Principle of laser action, Difficulties in laser process and their removal, Threshold
condition for laser oscillation, resonance frequencies, Laser operating frequencies,
Cavity configurations, Modes; Longitudinal and Transverse modes, Single mode
operation. (H-8, M-10)
Unit 3 Laser Rate equations: Two level system. Three and four level system, Rate equations 06 L
for three and four level system, Threshold pumping power, Relative merits and
demerits of three and four level systems. (H-6, M-8)
Unit 4 Laser Systems and Types: Classification of Lasers: CW and Pulsed lasers, Detail 14 L
discussion about constructional features, energy level diagrams, Laser action and
working, characteristics etc of the following laser systems:
I) Solid State Lasers: The Ruby Laser, Nd-YAG Laser, Nd-Glass Laser etc.
II) Dye (Liquid) Lasers,
III) Gas Lasers:
• Atomic Gas Lasers: He-Ne Laser.
• Ion Gas Lasers: Argon ion and Krypton ion lasers, He-Cd metal vapour laser,
• Molecular gas Lasers: CO2 Lasers, Eximer laser, N2 laser etc.
IV) Semiconductor lasers, V). Chemical Lasers: HF laser. CO2 mixture lasers.(H-14, M-
Unit 5 Laser beam characteristics: Directionality, Intensity, Coherence, Monochromaticity, 06 L
Polarization, Speckles’, Measurements of Laser power, energy-wavelength, frequency,
line width. etc. (H-6, M-6)
Unit 6 Applications of Lasers: Applications of lasers in Material Processing and Mechanical 10 L
industries, Medicine and Surgery, Defense and Military applications, Laser Range
finders. Optical communication, Holography, Electronic industries. Laser Spectroscopy.
(H-10, M-10)
Suggested Readings:Reference Books:
1. Lasers – A.G.Sigman- Oxford University Press 1986.
2. Principles of Lasers- O.Suelto-Plenum, 1982.
3. An introduction to lasers and their applications. – D.C.O.Shea, W. Russell and W.T.Rhodes, Addison –
Welslay Pub.Co. (1977)
4. Laser Systems and Applications- SatyaPrakash , PragatiPrkashan, IInd Ed, (2012)
5. An introduction to Lasers - Theory and Applications- M. N. Avadhanulu, S. Chand & C0. (2008)
6. Principles of laser and their Applications – by Callen, O’shea, Rhodes.
7. Lasers and non linear Optics – B.B. Laud (2nd edition).
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Course Outcomes (COts):
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
CO Cognitive
No. CO
C402.B.1 Course outcome: Learner will be able to ….
1. Apply the concept and use of knowledge of the LASER and its Applications
course to real life problems.
C402.B.2 2. Understanding of the LASER and its Applications of Physics course which will
create scientific temperament.
C402.B.3 Students will have hand on experience of Theory Based on :
• Basics of Lasers: Introduction, Brief history of LASER, Interaction of radiation
with matter, Einstein’s prediction.
• Laser Rate equations: Two level system. Three and four level system.
• Laser beam characteristics: Directionality, Intensity, Coherence,
Monochromaticity, Polarization, Speckles’.
• Applications of lasers in Material Processing and Mechanical industries, Medicine
and Surgery, Defence and Military applications.
PHY-402(C): Astrophysics
Course description:
This course is aimed at introducing the fundamentals of Astrophysics to the students.
Course objectives:
1) To impart knowledge of basic concepts Astrophysics and its Applications
2) The graduates will have knowledge of fundamental laws and principles in a variety of
areas of Physics along with their applications.
3) The graduates will develop research skills which might include advanced laboratory
techniques, numerical techniques, computer algebra, computer interfacing.
Unit 1 Astronomical Instruments: Optical telescopes-refracting and reflecting- (Newtonian & 08 L
Cassegrain), Radio telescopes, Hubble’s space telescope, spectroscopes, photometry,
spectro-photometry, Detectors & image processing. (H-8, M-8)
Unit 2 Message from starlight: Electromagnetic spectrum, Radiation from heated object, 06L
Doppler effect, Stellar spectra, determination of abundance of elements from stellar
spectra. (H-6, M-8)
Unit 3 The Hertzsprung- Russel diagram: Brightness and luminosity, population of stars, H-R 04 L
diagram, variable and binary stars. (H-4, M-6)
Unit4 Stellar Evolution: Nuclear Fusion, Fusion reactions in stars formation of Helium, Carbon 10 L
Oxygen and other reactions, E equation of state for stellar interior, Mechanical and
thermal equilibrium in stars, stellar evolution, white dwarfs red giants, pulsars, neutron
stars, black holes. (H-10, M-12)
Unit 5 Galaxies: Types of galaxies, evolution of galaxies, radio galaxies, seyfert galaxies, 08 L
quasars, milky way galaxy. (H-8,M-8)
Unit 6 General theory of relativity: Space time & gravitation, vectors & tensors-contravariant 09L
& covariant vectors, symmetric and antisymmetric tensors, contraction, space time
curvature, Geodesics, Principle of equivalence. (H-9, M-10)
Unit 7 Cosmology: Big bang theory, steady state universe, oscillating universe, Hubble’s law, 07L
experimental evidences for big bang, open and close universes. (H-7, M-8)
Suggested Readings: Reference Books:
1. Astronomy-Fundamentals and Frontiers-Robert Jastow and Malcolm H. Thompson (Pub. John Wiley &
2. An Introduction to Astrophysics-Baidyanath Basu(Pub. Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd.).
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3. Introduction to Cosmology– J. V. Naralikar (Pub: Cambridge University Press).
4. An Introduction to the study of stellar structure-S. Chandarashekhar (Pub: Dover).
5. Measure of the universe-T.D. North (Pub. Oxford University Press).
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conversion technologies, Introduction to OTEC, Principle of OTEC, Open cycle OTEC
system, closed cycle OTEC system, Ocean waves, energy and power from ocean waves,
origin of tidal energy, Tidal energy conversion. (H-7, M-8)
Unit 5 Geothermal Energy: Geothermal energy as are new able source of energy, Types of 06 L
geothermal resources, Origin of geothermal resources, Hydro geothermal, Geopressure,
geothermal and Petro geothermal resources, Basics of geothermal electric power plant.
(H-6, M-7)
Unit 6 Emerging trends in Renewable Energy sources: Fuel Cells: Principle and operation of 13 L
fuel cell, classification and types of fuel cells, Phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC), Alkaline
fuel cell (AFC),Molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC), Solid oxide fuel cell(SOFC), Fuels for
fuel cells, Performance characteristics of fuel cells. Hydrogen Energy: Hydrogen as clean
source of energy, sources Production, storage, Use of hydrogen as fuel, conversion to
energy, Applications. (H-13, M-15)
Suggested Readings: Reference Books:
1. Energy Technology Non-Conventional, Renewable and Conventional, S. Rao, Dr.B.B. Parulekar, Khanna
Publications, 3rdEd, 2005.
2. Non-Conventional Energy Sources, G. D. Rai, Khanna Publications, 2000.
3. Solar Energy Utilization, G.D. Rai, Khanna Publishers (1996).
4. Non-Conventional Energy Resources, Khan B.H., Tata McGraw Hill. 2006.
5. Solar Energy Conversion, S. P. Sukhatme (2ndedition).
6. Solar Cells, M.A. Green.
7. Hydrogen as Energy carrier Technologies systems Economy-Winter & Nitch.
8. Solar Energy Conversion– A. E. Dixnon & J. D. Leslie.
9. Biomass Energy– S.H. Pawar, L.J. Bhosale, A.B. Sabale, S.K. Goel.
10. Renewable Energy Sources and Conversion Technology, Bansal, N.K., M.KM. Meliss (1990)Tata
McGraw Hill.
11. Non Conventional and Renewable energy sources, S.S. Thipse, Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
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PHY-403(B):Microwaves: Theory and Applications
Course description:
This course is aimed at introducing the fundamentals of Microwaves: Theory and
Applications to the students.
Course objectives:
1) To impart knowledge of basic concepts Microwaves: Theory and its Applications
2) The graduates will have knowledge of fundamental laws and principles in a variety of
areas of Physics along with their applications.
3) The graduates will develop research skills which might include advanced laboratory
techniques, numerical techniques, computer algebra, computer interfacing.
Unit 1 Transmission Lines: Introduction to microwaves, applications of microwaves, Skin effect, 08 L
Transmission line theory, Transmission line equations and their solutions, Open and
terminated transmission lines, Line impedances, Line admittance, reflection coefficient,
transmission coefficient, standing wave ratio, Impedance matching, Smith chart, Single
stub matching and double stub matching. (H-8, M-10)
Unit 2 Waveguides: Rectangular and Circular waveguides, Solution of wave equation in 07 L
rectangular coordinate, TE and TM modes in rectangular waveguide, Power transmission
in rectangular waveguides, Power losses and excitation modes in rectangular
waveguides. (H-7, M-8)
Unit 3 Waveguide components: Attenuators, filters, junctions, rectangular cavity resonator, 07 L
circular cavity resonator, Enplane (series tee), H-plane (shunt tee), magic tee (Hybrid
tee), directional couplers, hybrid rings (Rat-Race), waveguide corners, bends, loads,
Microwave circular isolators. (H-7, M-8)
Unit 4 Microwave Generators: Microwave generation problems and principles, Tubes: Two 10 L
cavity klystron and Reflex-klystron. Two cavity Klystron operation as amplifiers and
oscillators, velocity modulation, bunching process, output power and beam loading
efficiency of klystron. Reflex Klystron: Velocity modulation, power output efficiency,
electronic admittance. Magnetron, Traveling wave tube amplifier: construction and
operation. Microwave transistors: Principle of operation, microwave characteristics-
cutoff frequency, current gain, power gain. Varactor diode: Principle of operation, use of
varactor diode for frequency multiplication. Microwave Tunnel diode: Principle of
operation, Gunn diode, PIN diode: Principle of operation, microwave characteristics.
(H-10, M-12)
Unit 5 Microwave Antennas: Transmitting and receiving antenna: Horn antenna, Microwave 06 L
dish antenna, antenna gain, resistance and band width, Beam width and polarization,
Introduction to Micro strip antenna. (H-6, M-6)
Unit 6 Measurements: Smith chart: Derivation, use of chart for solving various problems in 07 L
wave guide/ transmission lines, Microwave measurements: Measurement of impedance,
power, frequency, attenuation, SWR, dielectric constant, quality factor. (H-7, M-8)
Unit 7 Applications: Radar: Block diagram and working of pulsed Radar system. Satellite: Active, 07L
passive, design requirements, payload, launching sequence. Microwave link, Microwave
Remote Sensing Microwave ovens: Design requirements, sizes available, and application
areas, Applications of microwaves in the medical field. (H-7, M-8)
Suggested Readings: / Reference Books:
1. Microwave Devices and Circuits - Samuel Y. Liao, Prentice-Hall, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Microwave Engineering – Annapurna das & S.K. Das, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
3. Foundation of microwave engineering – Colin R.E. McGraw Hill 1969.
4. Introduction to microwaves – Atwater, McGraw Hill 1962-63.
5. Introduction to microwave – Wheeler, McGraw Hill 1962-63.
6. Microwave semiconductor devices and their circuit application.- Watson , McGraw-Hill 1962-63.
7. Microwave circuits and elements – M.L.Sisodia 8. Microwave circuits & passive Devices–M. L. Sisodia,
G.S. Raghuvanshi, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1987.
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Course Outcomes (COts):
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
CO Cognitive
No. CO
C403.B.1 Course outcome: Learner will be able to ….
1. Apply the concept and use of knowledge of Microwaves: Theory and
Applications course to real life problems.
C403.B.2 2. Understanding of the Microwaves: Theory and Applications Physics course which
will create scientific temperament..
C403.B.3 Students will have hand on experience of Theory Based on :
• Transmission Lines: Introduction to microwaves, applications of microwaves.
• Waveguides: Rectangular and Circular waveguides.
• Microwave generation problems and principles.
• Microwave Antennas: Transmitting and receiving antenna.
• Applications: Radar: Block diagram and working of pulsed Radar system.
• Satellite: Active, passive, design requirements.
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2. Environmental Chemistry: O.D. Tyagi, M. Mehra (Anmol Publications).
3. Physics of atmosphere: J.T. Hougtion (Cambridge Uni.Press:1977)
4. Renewable Energy Sources: Elbs.1988.J.T.Widell & J. Weir.
5. Water Pollution (problems and Prospects): V.K. Prabhakar (Anmol Publications).
6. The Physics of Mansoons: R. N. Keshavmurthy & M. Shankar Rao Allied Publishers, 1992.
7. Solar Energy: S.P. Sukhatme.
8. Solid State Energy Conversion: S.H. Pawar, V.H.Shinde.
9. Environmental Physics: Egbert Boekar and Rienk Van Groundelle (John Willey).
10. An Introduction to Solar Energy for Scientists and Engineers: Sol-Wieder John Wiley, 1982.
11. Numerical Weather Prediction: G.J. Haltiner and R.T. Williams John Wiley, 1980.
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1 1. To find water of crystallization in Copper sulphate by TGA.
2. Differential thermal analysis [DTA] of CuSO4, 5H2O.
3. Schottky barrier determination for various semiconductors.
4. To analyses the Raman Spectrum of a sample.
5. To determine Young’s modulus of a metallic rod by Searle’s optical interference method
(Newton’s Rings).
6. To analyses the photoluminescence spectrum of a given sample.
7. Determination of Curie temperature of a given sample.
8. Determination of calorific value of wood/cow dung.
9. Determination of wind power.
10. Wind data analysis of a given site.
11. Study of power vs. load characteristics of solar P.V. systems and study of series and parallel
combination of solar P.V. panels.
12. Study of Optical Properties of Selective Coatings.
13. Hyperfine structure of spectral lines using FP etalon/L.G. plate.
14. To study the Quantum defects of S and P states of Na atom using constant deviation
15. Study of dielectric behavior of BaTiO3 sample.
2 Nanomaterials
1. Synthesis of metal nanoparticles.
2. Synthesis of porous silicon.
3. Absorption by metal nanoparticles.
4. X-ray Diffraction of nanoparticles.
5. Photoluminescence of nanoparticles.
6. Synthesis of semiconductor nanoparticles by chemical method.
7. Optical absorption of nanoparticles (observation of Blue shift with size of particles).
8. Photoluminescence of nanoparticles (Luminescence decay time).
9. X-ray diffraction studies of nanoparticles (effect of temperature).
10. Density of states calculation of small clusters (experiments on computer).
1. To verify Heisenberg uncertainty principle using He-Ne laser source.
2. Study of Faraday’s effect using Laser source.
3. Diameter of a given wire by diffraction.
4. Determination of bandwidth of a given optical fiber.
5. Measurement of reflectivity and transferability of thin film by using He-Ne laser.
6. Verification of Brewster’s law of polarization using He-Ne laser.
7. Study of magneto-optic rotation and magneto-optic modulation.
8. To determine the wavelength of a LASER source using an engraved scale as a reflecting
diffraction grating.
4 Astrophysics :
1. To estimate the temperature of an artificial tar by photometry.
2. To study characteristics of a CCD camera.
3. To study the solar limb darkening effect.
4. To polar assign an astronomical telescope.
5. To estimate there active magnitudes of a group of stars by a CCD camera.
5 Microwaves :
1. Study of passive components.
2. Study of various loads.
3. To study characteristics curve of Klystron.
4. Determination of constants of transmission line, strip lines.
5. Study of cavity resonator.
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6. Study of ring resonator and rejection filter.
7. To design, fabricate and test astripline resonator.
8. To find dielectric constant of given liquid using microwave bench.
9. Measurement of Quality factor Q of a microwave resonator.
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following criteria are to be used in assessing the project work:
(i)The conduct of project work:
The following questions are considered in assessing how well students have carried out the project
1. How difficult was the project?
2. How well did the student understand the scientific principles behind the project?
3. How well did the student plan the project work?
4. How much effort was put into the project?
5. Was an interim report presented on time?
6. Is the student’s project logbooks adequate?
7. How much initiative and/or originality did the student contribute to the project?
8. How well did the student cope with problems that arose during the course of project?
9. Did a project reach a stage of completion where meaningful results were obtained and definite
conclusions could be drawn?
(ii) The Project Report:
1. How well did the report set out the background?
2. How well did the report describe the underlying them?
3. Was the report a reasonable length?
4. How well was the report structured?
5. How understandable was the written content?
6. How well did the report describe the execution of the project?
7. Did the report have an adequate summary or conclusions?
(iii) Oral Examination:
1. Did the student adequately describe what he/she had done in their project?
2. Did the student have a clear interpretation of his/her results?
3. What was the clarity and overall standard of the presentation?
4. How well was the talk/presentation structured?
5. Did the student cover all the relevant material in a reasonable time?
The project is allotted during the third semester. The students will get an opportunity to
become a part of ongoing research activities in the respective supervisor’s laboratory. The students will
acquire skill to write, compile and analyze data if any, and present the detailed technical/scientific
report. At the end of successful project semester training, potentially the students become employable
in the industries/organizations.
It is expected that the students will design experiments and collect experimental data. At the
end, they will submit a detailed thesis for evaluation. The students should be introduced to research
methodology in the beginning through few lectures.
The systematic approach towards the execution of project should be as follows:
1.Selection of topic relevant to priority areas of Physics.
2. Collection of literature on the topic of research from libraries, internet, online journals, Planning of
research experiments.
3. Performing the experiments with scientific and statistical acceptability.
4.Presentation of observations and results.
5.Interpretation of results and drawing important conclusions.
6.Discussion of obtained results with respect to literature reports.
7.Writing monthly progress report
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8. Preparation of report (Dissertation) containing introduction, materials and methods, results and
discussion, conclusions, bibliography and submission of at least 3 copies (1 copy retained in the
department and after examination submitted to Library, 1 copy submitted to the guide and 1 copy kept
with the candidate).
9. Presentation of research data during university examination and submission of project dissertation
in abound form.
1. Internal examination (40 marks): Components of continuous internal assessment: Submission of
progress report (8 marks), Literature collected, experiment planning and design (10 marks),
Experiments conducted (10 marks), outcome of the experiments and viva (8 marks) and regular
attendance (4 marks) recorded: Research Supervisors
2. External examination, [PHY-305(60 Marks) + PHY-405 (60 marks)] and Components of external
assessment: Subject matter (5+5 marks), Review of literature (10+10 marks), Writing of dissertation
submitted in bound form at the time of examination (Title page, Certificate, Main content: Abstract,
Introduction, Literature, Materials and methods, results and discussion and conclusion with relevant
references) (15+15 marks), Presentation structure (PPT format) (10+10 marks), Overall presentation
reflecting contribution of work (5+5 marks), Response to questions (15+15 marks).
Suggested readings: Refer the topic in research papers, review articles published in peer reviewed and SCI
indexed journals, reference books, abstracts, etc. related to topic of project
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2.2 Constitutional Provisions for Human Rights
2.3 Declaration of Human Rights
2.4: National Human Rights Commission
Unit 3 Human Values 8H
3.1 : Meaning and Definitions of Values
3.2 : Importance of values in the life of Individual
3.3: Types of Values
3.4: Programmes for conservation of Values
Unit 4 Status of Social and Economically Disadvantaged people and their rights 8H
4.1: Rights of women and children in the context of Social status
4.2: The Minorities and Human Rights
4.3 : Status of SC/ST and other Indigenous People in the Indian Scenario
4.4 : Human rights of economically disadvantaged Society
Suggested readings:
1. Human rights education – YCMOU, Nasik
2. Value education – SCERT, Pune
3. Human rights reference handbook – Lucille whare
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AC-401(C): Seminar + Review Writing
(Technology + Value added Audit course; Optional: Program-level; Practical; 2 Credits)
Course Objectives (CObs):
• To motivate students to develop skills to search, retrieve, interpret, organize, and present relevant
biological information.
Writing a Scientific Literature Review:
• Choosing a topic, Deciding the scope of topic, Significance and impact of scientific problem being
addressed, Relevance to subject, current issues and social relevance, Strengths and limitations of the
study, Enticing broad audience.
• Literature Survey and Information to consider in the review:
o Literature search using authentic library resources (print and non-print, digital and virtual) for
Almanacs, Encyclopaedia, Dissertations, Theses, Research papers, Review articles, Reference/
Textbooks, and Popular articles (INFLIBNET, Google Scholar, PubMed, Highwire, Google
patents, Indian patent database, etc.)
o Analyzing the literature quality (indexing, peer review, citations, journal impact factor, etc.)
• Deciding a writing approach (theoretical, experimental, interpretive, clinical, etc.), prepare the
highlights and drawing important conclusion from literature
• Sections to include and tips for writing them: Abstract, Introduction, Body, Discussion, Conclusion,
• Reference styles (MLA, APA, etc.), Use of bibliography/ reference/ citation managers and generators
(Reference Manager, End Note, Ref Works, Mendeley, Zotero, Qiqqa, etc.)
• Ethics of publication: Approval and consent, Data ethics (accuracy, falsification, fabrication, and
confidentiality), Plagiarism and self-plagiarism, collaborative authorship, conflict of interest, legal
• Content similarity detection, Use of anti-plagiarism services (Urkund, iThenticate, Turnitin,
Copyscape, Grammarly, etc.)
Seminar Activity:
• Students are encouraged to deliver seminars on the topics of research, preferably published research
paper in a reputed and indexed journal to develop presentation skills and enable to build confidence
which will lead them to read different themes and enhance their scientific approach and knowledge
assimilation abilities.
• Presentations must be created and presented by students using digital platform using a suitable
software in the presence of student audience and faculty for evaluation
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AC-401(D): Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
(Professional and Social + Value Added Audit course; Practical; 2 Credits)
(Optional: Program-level)
Course Objectives (CObs):
• To provide basic knowledge on intellectual property rights and their implications.
• To understand ethical issues relevant to biology from the perspective of national
and international law.
Unit 1 History and Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights: 6H
Evolution of patent Laws, History of Indian Patent System, Concept of IPR, Designs,
Trademarks TM, Trade Secret (TS), Domain Names, Geographical Indications,
Unit 2 Classification of patents and ownership: 6H
Classification of patents in India, Classification of patents by WIPO, Categories of
Patent, Special Patents
Ownership of patent, Rights of patent holder and co-owners, Duties of patent holder and
co-owners, Transfer of patent Rights, Limitations of patent Rights, Restoration of
Patents, Infringement of patent Rights and Offences, Actions against Infringement and
Remedies and Relief
Unit 3 Protection of biological materials and Biodiversity 6 H.
Methods of protection of plant and plant products, Essentialities of plant protection,
Plant variety protection and Farmers’ Right Act, UPOV convention (plant Varieties)
1961, National Biodiversity Act- 2002, Protection of environment and biodiversity
Unit 4 Biosafety and good laboratory practices 6H
Overview of biosafety, Risk assessment, Cartagena protocol on Biosafety, Biosafety
Levels, GMOs and LMOs, Gene flow and environmental impact, opportunities and
Roles of Institutional Biosafety Committee, RCGM, GEAC in food and agriculture Risk
analysis, assessment and management, International regulatory bodies
Importance of good laboratory practices, General good laboratory practices
Unit 5 Bioethics 6H
Introduction, ethical conflicts in biological sciences - interference with nature,
bioethics in health care - patient confidentiality, informed consent, euthanasia, artificial
reproductive technologies etc
Bioethics in research – cloning and stem cell research in human, animal rights/welfare
in experimentation
Agricultural biotechnology - Genetically engineered food, environmental risk, labeling
and public opinion. Sharing benefits and protecting future generations, biopiracy
Suggested readings:
1. Complete Reference to Intellectual Property Rights Laws. (2007). Snow White Publication Oct.
2. Deepa Goel, Shomini Parashar (2013) IPR, Biosafety and Bioethics Always learning, Pearson
Education India, ISBN 9332514240, 9789332514249.
3. Department of Biotechnology http://dbtindia.gov.in/guidelines-biosafety.
4. Ganguli, P. (2001). Intellectual property rights: Unleashing the knowledge economy. New Delhi: Tata
McGraw-Hill Pub.
5. International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants. http://www.upov.int.
6. Kuhse, H. (2010). Bioethics: An anthology. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
7. National Biodiversity Authority. http://www.nbaindia.org.
8. National Portal of India. http://www.archive.india.gov.in.
9. Office of the Controller General of Patents, Design & Trademarks; Government of India.
10. Wolt, J. D., Keese, P., Raybould, A., Fitzpatrick, J. W., Burachik, M., Gray, A., Wu, F. (2009). Problem
formulation in the environmental risk assessment for genetically modified plants. Transgenic
Research, 19(3), 425-436. doi: 10.1007/s11248-009-9321-9.
11. World Intellectual Property Organisation. http://www.wipo.int.
12. World Trade Organisation. http://www.wto.org.
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Course Outcomes (COts):
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
CO Cognitive
No. CO
AC401D.1 Understand to classify, identify advantages of intellectual property and IPR 3
AC401D.2 Understand the need to protect biological diversity and follow bioethical 2
practices in research work, awareness to protect intellectual property relevant
to biology
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Equivalence Subject:
Old Course New Course
Course Title of the Course Course Title of the Course
Number Number
Sem. I Sem. I
PHY-101 Mathematical Methods for PHY-101 Mathematical Methods for Physics
PHY -102 Classical Mechanics PHY -102 Classical Mechanics
PHY-103 Quantum Mechanics PHY-103 Solid State Physics
PHY -104(A) A):Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Solid State Physics Or
PHY-104 PHY -104(B) B): Electronic Instrumentation Or
PHY -104(C) C)Bio- Physics
PHY -105 Basic Physics Laboratory – I PHY-105 Basic Physics Laboratory – I
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PHY -402(B) B) LASER and it’s Applications PHY -402(B) B) LASER and it’s Applications OR
PHY -402(C) C) Astrophysics PHY -402(C) C) Astrophysics
PHY-403(A) A) Renewable Energy Sources PHY-403(A) A) Renewable Energy Sources OR
PHY-403(B) B) Microwave: Applications PHY-403(B) B) Microwave: Applications OR
PHY-403(C) C) Environmental Physics PHY-403(C) C) Environmental Physics
PHY -404 Special Laboratory-II PHY -404 Special Laboratory-II
Project Work-II
Project Work-II (Characterization,
PHY -405 (Characterization, Analysis of PHY -405 Analysis of Result, Conclusions, Project
Result, Conclusions, Project
Report, Oral etc.)
Report, Oral etc.)
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