Arterial Blood Gas Analysis: Dr. Rakesh Chandra Chaurasia PG3 Ims, Bhu Moderator Dr. Yashpal

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Arterial Blood Gas

Dr. Rakesh Chandra Chaurasia
Moderator Dr. Yashpal.
Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
• Basic physiological processes reflected in ABG are:

 Alveolar ventilations,

 Oxygenation and

 Acid base balance.

Alveolar ventilations
• VA = VCO2 / pCO2 * K

• The alveolar ventilation is that portion of total ventilation that

participates in gas exchange with pulmonary blood.

• Thus PaCO2 is the best index for assessment of alveolar ventilation.

• High PaCO2 (> 45 mm Hg) indicates alveolar hypoventilation and

low PaCO2 (< 35 mm Hg) implies alveolar hyperventilation.
Breathing pattern’s effect on PaCO2 :
PaCO2 level is dependent on Va.
Patient Vt * f = Ve Description

A 400 ml* 20/ min = 8 L / min. Slow and deep

B 200 ml * 40/ min = 8 L / min. Rapid and shallow

Patient (Vt – vd ) * f = Va Description

A 400 - 150) * 20 = 5 L / min Slow and deep

B (200 – 150)* 40 = 2 L / min Rapid and shallow

Oxygenation assessment
• How much oxygen is in the arterial blood

 PaO2, SaO2, CaO2

• Alveolar- arterial O2 tension deference,

• PaO2/ FiO2 ratio .

• Determinants of PaO2 are
 Age. ( as age increases the expected PaO2 decrease)
Expected PaO2 = (104 – Age/3 )

 FiO2 ( as FiO2 increased the expected PaO2 increase)

Alveolar gas equestrian PAO2 = {( Patm- PH2o )FiO2-
Types PaO2 range

Normal 80 – 100 mm of Hg

Mild 60 – 80 mm of Hg

Moderate 40 – 60 mm of Hg

Severe < 40 mm of Hg
Alveolar- Arterial O2 gradient
P(A-a)O2 is alveolar arterial difference in partial pressure of

 PAO2 = {( Patm- PH2o )FiO2-(PaCO2/0.8)}

 Normal range is 5 – 25 mm of Hg (increase with age)

 Increased P(A-a)O2 indicate parenchyma damages.

PaO2/ FiO2 ratio
• Inspired room air FiO2 = 21% , PiO2 = 150 mm of Hg

• PAO2 = 100 mm of Hg

• PaO2= 90 mm of Hg.
Berlin criteria for ARDS severity
PaO2/ FiO2 ratio Inference • Acute onset ( within 1 week)
• Bilateral radiographic
200 - 300 Mild
pulmonary infiltration,
• Respiratory failure not fully
200 - 100 Moderate
explained by heart failure or
volume overload
< 100 Severe
• PiO2/FiO2 < 300.
Acid Base status
• Sorensen formula pH = - log[H+ ]
• [H+] = 40 nEq/L at pH 7.4
Different methods of analyzing acid base
 Classic or traditional approach.

o Bicarbonate based approach essentially revolves around the Henderson Hesselbach formula

o pH = pK + [log (HCO)/PaCO]

o Based on this approach acid base disorders are classifed into 6 primary disorders

o Metabolic acidosis ( High anion gap/ Normal anion gap)

o Metabolic alkalosis
o Acute and chronic respiratory acidosis
o Acute and chronic respiratory alkalosis.
Bicarbonate Buffer system
CO2 + H2O Carbonic anhydrase H2 CO3 H+ + HCO3 -

• Acids during acidosis use HCO3 -

H+ + HCO3 - H2 CO3. CO2 + H2O

• Alkali during alkalosis use H2 CO3 .

Alkali + H2 CO3 H+ + HCO3 -

Renal regulation of acid base balance
 Stewart approach

Parameters Acidosis Alkalosis

Respiratory PCO2 PCO2

Non respiratory (

Anion excess SID Lactate

Atot ( non volatile Albumin

weak acids)
Inorganic phosphate
• SID apparent SIDa= (Na+k+Ca+Mg)–(Cl) –Lactate-other strong ions

• (Na + k + Ca + Mg) – (Cl) Normal strong ion difference is about 40 mEq/L

• SID effective SIDe = (HCO3) + (A–) where A– is the total concentration of dissociated weak
noncarbonic acids, mainly albumin and PO4-

• Strong ion gap (SIG) or Atot = SIDa- SIDe.

• Normal Strong ion gap is zero.

• Atot represents all non bicarbonate buffer pairs primarily albumin, inorganic phosphate,

• Atot= [HA] + [A–]

Abnormal values
• pH < 7.35 • paCO2 < 35 mm of Hg
Acidosis ( Respiratory/ Respiratory alkalosis
• pH > 7.45 • HCO3- < 22 mEq/L
Alkalosis (Respiratory/
Metabolic) Metabolic acidosis
• HCO3- > 26 mEq/L
• paCO2 >45 mm of Hg Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
Simple Acid Base Disorders
• A single primary process of acidosis or alkalosis with or without

Characteristics of 10 acid base disorders
Mixed acid base disorders
• Presence of more than one acid base disorders simultaneously
• Clue for mixed disorders are:
 PCO2 and HCO3 are in opposite directions.

 Normal pH for abnormal pCO2 and HCO3.

 pH change in opposite direction for known primary disorders.

Anion gap
 AG = Na+ - Cl- - HCO3-

 Normal value is 14+/- 2 mEq/ L

 This is due to unmeasured anions.

These are
albumins, phosphate, sulphate , organic acids.
• Cause of increase AG • Cause of normal AG
 Lactic acidosis Diarrhoea
 Ketoacidosis Renal tubular acidosis
 Chronic renal failure Additions disease
 Methanol poisonings Carbonic anhdrase inhibitors
 Ethelene glycol poisonings
 Starvation
Step by step analysis of ABG
Look PaO2 < 80 mm of Hg and O2 saturation < 90% for

Look at pH
 < 7.35 acidosis
 > 7.45 alkalosis
 7.35 – 7.45. Normal/ mixed acid base disorder.
Look at pCO2
 > 45 mm of Hg ( acidosis)
 < 35 mm of Hg ( alkalosis)

 Look at HCO3-
 < 22 mEq/L ( acidosis )
 > 26 mEq/L (alkalosis)
Determine primary acid base disorder
Match either pCO2 or HCO3- with pH.
 Look for Compensation
Are the PCO2 and HCO3- in opposite side.
Is the compensation adequate??
Metabolic disorder. Calculate PCO2 expected
If PCO2 measured # PCO2 expected than there is mixed
• Respiratory disorder. Calculate expected HCO3-
If measured HCO3- # expected HCO3- than mixed disorder
 Calculate anion gap….. If it is more , there is metabolic acidosis

 Does the AG explain the change in HCO3- ?

Calculate Delta gap
(Rule out coexistence of two or more acid base disorders)
ABG Sampling
• Application of ABG
• To document respiratory failure and assess its severity
• To monitor patient on ventilator and assist in weaning
• To assess acid base disorders in critical illness
• To assess response to therapeutic intervention and mechanical
• To assess pre op patients.
• Arterial puncture site
• Allen’s test
• Sampling error
Due to Heparin
Due to air mixing
Due to size of syringes
Due to body temperature
Due to leukocytosis and thrombocytosis

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