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(TEAM 14


The leading center for academic and Develop competent and morally upright
technological excellence and prime professional and generate appropriate
catalyst for a progressive and knowledge and technologies to meet the
sustainable Quirino Province and needs of Quirino Province and Southern
Southern Cagayan Valley. Cagayan Valley.

1. Perform the mandated functions of the university through an effective management
2. Provide innovative and quality academic programs and produce competent, productive
and committed professionals.
3. Generate relevant knowledge and responsive technologies through quality researches.
4. Develop and implement techno-transfer programs/modalities through effective and
efficient training and extension services.
5. Generate adequate resources to support and enhance institutional development.

Music and Lyrics by: Hermenegildo F. Samoy, Jr. & Francis Gunayon
Musical arrangement: Jumreih Cacal & Jeff Manalo
Quirino State University
Cradle of Wisdom, Hope and Truth
With Fervor we offer our Visions and Dreams
To serve God and Humanity
Within your portals, dear QSU
We sing with Pride
Our burning Passion to strive
Let your light shine upon our Path
Hone our minds and
Let us soar up high!
Quirino State University
Bearer od Ideals, home of Peace
With Honor we pledge you our Loyalty
And uphold ‘til Eternity
Within your portals, dear QSU
We sing with Pride
Our burning Passion to strive
Let your light shine upon our Path
Hone our minds and
Let us soar up high!
Soar up high!
Quirino State University
Cradle of Wisdom, Hope and Truth
With Fervor we offer our Visions and Dreams

To serve God and Humanity

To serve God and Humanity
Quirino State University



Basketball is the world's most well-liked team sports, wherein the target is to shoot a ball
through a basket horizontally positioned to earn points while following of rules. it's played with
two teams of 5 players played on a marked rectangular court with a basket at each width. Its
court has 18 inches in diameter and 10 feet high

A field goal scores two points for the shooting team if a player is touching or closer to the
basket than the three-point line, and three points if the player is behind the three-point line. The
team with the foremost points at the top of the sports game wins, but extra time could also be
issued when the sport ends with a draw. The ball is advanced on the court by bouncing it while
dribbling or passing it to a teammate. It’s a violation to maneuver without travelling, to hold it, or
to carry with both hands then resume double dribble.


At the end of the semester, the students should be able to:

1. describe the nature and background of sports.
2. execute the skills involved in team sports .
3. monitor periodically progress towards the fitness goals. ; and
4. display tolerance and acceptance of individuals with varying skills and abilities in
executing team sports.


To ensure that you will demonstrate the above cited course learning outcomes at the end of the semester, this
module for you is divided into the following:

This module contains:

Nature and Background of Team Sports

● Lesson 1 - Basketball
● Lesson 2 - Let’s Develop Our Skills
● Lesson 3 - Let’s Develop Our Skills More
● Lesson 4 - Shoot that Ball
● Lesson 5 - Let’s Do the Moves

In order to ensure your interest and interactive learning with your modules, each of the
cited module above is divided into different parts namely:

1. Loading your Knowledge (Module Introduction). This part provides

you with a brief introduction of the module including the desired
learning outcomes you are expected to obtain or possess after finishing
the module.

2. Initialize your Knowledge (Pretest/Motivation). This part provides an

assessment on your prior knowledge or motivation on the module.

3. Let’s Process (Lessons). This part comprises all the lessons/topics

and a discussion or presentation of each.

4. Let’s Try This! (Exercises/Activities). This part provides exercises,
guided hands-on programming sessions, and enrichment activities that
helps you apply the knowledge and/or skills you acquired in the

5. iConnect (Links/Offline Resources). This part provides all the external

resources for your additional knowledge, learning and interaction.

6. Self–Check (Review). In order for you to test your knowledge and

comprehension on the lessons’ concepts, fundamental principles and
theories that were discussed by answering the self-check questions or
by carrying out the prescribed activity. You can check your answers
provided at the end of the module.

7.Debug Your Skills (Application of Knowledge). This part serves as an

assessment on the knowledge and/or skills that you acquired in the


The key to SUCCESSFULLY FINISH this moduleLIES in your hands. This module
was prepared for you to learn diligently, intelligently, and independently. As would-be-
programmers and computer scientist, doing these will greatly help and prepare you to become a
great inventors and system developers. Aside from meeting the content and performance
standards of this course in accomplishing the given activities, you will be able to learn other
invaluable learning skills which you will be very proud of as a responsible learner. The following
guides and house rules will you further to be on track and to say at the end of the module, “ I

1. Schedule and manage your time to read and understand every part of the module. READ IT

2. Study how you can manage to do the activities of this module in consideration of your other
modules from other courses. Be every conscious with the study schedule. Post it on a
conspicuous place so that you can always see. DO NOT ASK ABOUT QUESTIONS THAT ARE

3. If you did not understand the readings and other tasks REREAD. FOCUS. If this will not work,
engage all possible resources. You may ask other family members to help you. If this will not
work again, TEXT OR MESSAGE me first so that I can call, text or message you back for

Contact Information: 09164605157/09334937507 [email protected]

4. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. Remember. It is not others who will be short-changed if you will
not do your work on time. IT WILL BE YOU.

5. Before you start doing your tasks/s, READ and UNDERSTAND the assessment tools provided.
Do not settle with the low standards, target the highest standards in doing your assigned task. I

6. You are FREE TO BROWSE and read the different units of the module even prior to doing the
tasks in each unit. However, you need to ENSURE that you will not miss any part of the module
and you will not miss to accomplish every activity in every unit as scheduled.

7. BEFORE THE END OF EACH TERM, you will be tasked to SEND BACK through
correspondence via DROP BOXES in the designated places in your barangays the
ACCOMPLISHED AND SCHEDULED modules for each term to me. Make sure you will follow it
up with me through text or nay other media available for you.

8. While waiting for my feedback of your accomplished modules, continue doing the task in the
succeeding units of the module that are scheduled for the succeeding.

9. If needed, do not hesitate to keep in touch with me through any available means. Remember, if
there is a will, there is a way.

10. DO NOT WRITE anything on the module. Use your BIG NOTEBOOK for this course in
answering all the assessmentand self-check activities. Please WRITELEGIBLY. You must
remember that all activities in the module are academic activities, which mean that the relevant
academic conventions apply. THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE.


The following rubrics will be used as an Assessment Tool to evaluate your Reflection,
Essay, Activities (Debug Your Skills).

1. Rubric for Reflection and Essay.

Criteria Superior Sufficient Minimal Unacceptable

(8-10) (5-7) (3-4) (1-2)

Depth of Response Response Response Response

Reflection demonstrates an demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a
in-depth reflection general reflection minimal reflection lack of reflection
on, and on, and on, and on, or
(25% of the personalization of, personalization of, personalization of, personalization of,
total points) the theories, the theories, the theories, the theories,
concepts, and/or concepts, and/or concepts, and/or concepts, and/or
strategies strategies strategies strategies
presented in the presented in the presented in the presented in the
course materials course materials course materials course materials
to date. Viewpoints to date. Viewpoints to date. Viewpoints to date. Viewpoints
and and and and
interpretations are interpretations are interpretations are interpretations are
insightful and well supported. unsupported or missing,
supported. Clear, Appropriate supported with inappropriate,
detailed examples examples are flawed arguments. and/or
are provided, as provided, as Examples, when unsupported.
applicable. applicable. applicable, are not Examples, when
provided or are applicable, are not
irrelevant to the provided.

Required Response includes Response includes Response is Response excludes

Components all components all components missing some essential
and meets or and meets all components components
exceeds all requirements and/or does not and/or does not
(25% of the requirements indicated in the fully meet the address the
total points) indicated in the instructions. Each requirements requirements
instructions. Each question or part of indicated in the indicated in the
question or part of the assignment is instructions. Some instructions. Many
the assignment is addressed. All questions or parts parts of the
addressed attachments of the assignment assignment are
thoroughly. All and/or additional are not addressed. addressed
attachments documents are Some attachments minimally,
and/or additional included, as and additional inadequately,
documents are required. documents, if and/or not at all.
included, as required, are
required. missing or
unsuitable for the
purpose of the

Structure Writing is clear, Writing is mostly Writing is unclear Writing is unclear

concise, and well clear, concise, and and/or and disorganized.
organized with well organized with disorganized. Thoughts ramble
(25% of the excellent good Thoughts are not and make little
total points) sentence/paragrap sentence/paragrap expressed in a sense. There are
h construction. h construction. logical manner. numerous
Thoughts are Thoughts are There are more spelling, grammar,
expressed in a expressed in a than five spelling, or syntax errors
coherent and coherent and grammar, or throughout the
logical manner. logical manner. syntax errors per response.
There are no more There are no more page of writing.
than three than five spelling,
spelling, grammar, grammar, or
or syntax errors syntax errors per
per page of page of writing.

Evidence and Response shows Response shows Response shows Response shows
Practice strong evidence of evidence of little evidence of no evidence of
synthesis of ideas synthesis of ideas synthesis of ideas synthesis of ideas
presented and presented and presented and presented and
(25% of the insights gained insights gained insights gained insights gained
total points) throughout the throughout the throughout the throughout the
entire course. The entire course. The entire course. Few entire course. No
implications of implications of implications of implications for
these insights for these insights for these insights for the respondent's
the respondent's the respondent's the respondent's overall teaching
overall teaching overall teaching overall teaching practice are
practice are practice are practice are presented, as
thoroughly presented, as presented, as applicable.
detailed, as applicable. applicable.


Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers in your activity notebook.

1. Which team sports wherein the objective is to shoot a ball through a basket
horizontally positioned to score points while following a set of rules?
A. baseball C. softball
B. basketball D. volleyball

2. Which team sports played by two teams of five players on a court?

A. baseball C. softball
B. basketball D. volleyball

3. How many teams of players play basketball on court?

A. eight C. four
B. five D. six

4. Which of the following basketball basic skill requires the player to move around
the court while he/she is in the possession of the ball?
A. dribbling C. shooting
B. jumping D. throwing

5. Which of the following is NOT a skill in playing basketball?

A. catching C. jumping
B. dribbling D. shooting

6. Which of the following does NOT belong to dynamic stretching in basketball?

A. dribbling C. jogging
B. high knees D. toe walk

7.What do you call a violation made in a basketball game?

A. foul C. legal
B. illegal D. strike

8. Which type of foul occurs when defenders make illegal contact with their
A. defensive foul C. personal foul
B. offensive foul D. technical foul

9. In what city and state was the game of basketball created?

A. Brooklyn, New York C. Springfield, Massachusetts
B. Los Angeles, California D. West Virginia, Virginia

10. Which player is usually the best dribble of the basketball team?
A. center C. power guard
B. point guard D. small forward

11. What year was basketball invented?

A. 1851 C. 1911
B. 1891 D. 1976

12. How many points is a basket worth if shot from inside of the 3- point line?
A. four C. three
B. one D. two

13. Who was the inventor of basketball?

A. Bill Russel C. Michael Jordan
B. James Naismith D. William Morgan

14. Which of the following terms are used to classify personal fouls in a basketball

A. blocking C. holding
B. charging D. all of the above

15. What pass gives the best control and therefore is the most accurate?
A. chest pass C. lob pass
B. cross court D. one handed



Learning Objectives
● At the completion of this course, student teachers will be able to:

1. Develop competency in the game of basketball to effectively demonstrate and teach

the various techniques, tactics, strategies and skills involved.
2. Design developmentally appropriate lesson ideas, content & progressions and plans that
maximize opportunities for pupils to participate and acquire game knowledge and skills.
3. Understand and apply sports science knowledge in the teaching of techniques and skills
and the development of game performance in their pupils.
4. Employ appropriate formative and summative assessment tools.
5. Infuse information technology (IT) effectively into their lessons to engage in learning the


A. Definition of Terms:
● Games - a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and
decided by skill, strength, or luck.
● Sports- an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes
against another or others for entertainment:
● Comparisons of games and sports - That is because game and sport appear to be one and the
same, but they are not so. There is certainly a difference between games and sports. A game tests the
skill of several persons whereas a sport tests the skills of an individual and his performance.
● Importance of games and sports – can never be minimized. First of all, they are good exercises
and helps to build fine. Physique for the male and female. Secondly, students learn to cope with difficult
situations. Thirdly, games and sports are good diversions and give them energy to learn their lessons well.
● E.Function of Games and Sports - Sports and games also help in character building and provide
strength and energy. Sports and games not only involve the development of skills but it also stimulates
competitive behavior among students. It builds confidence in the minds of the students.

Basketball is the world's most well-liked team sports, wherein the target is to shoot a ball through
a basket horizontally positioned to earn points while following of rules. it's played with two teams
of 5 players played on a marked rectangular court with a basket at each width. Its court has 18
inches in diameter and 10 feet high
A field goal scores two points for the shooting team if a player is touching or closer to the basket
than the three-point line, and three points if the player is behind the three-point line. The team with
the foremost points at the top of the sports game wins, but extra time could also be issued when
the sport ends with a draw. The ball is advanced on the court by bouncing it while dribbling or
passing it to a teammate. It’s a violation to maneuver without travelling, to hold it, or to carry with
both hands then resume double dribble.

This team sport was invented by James Naismith, Canadian clergyman, educator, and
physician in December 1891. The first ball used was a soccer ball played by nine players, and the
goals were wooden peach baskets affixed to the walls. By 1897-1898, teams of five became
The game rapidly spread worldwide and to Canada and other parts of the world, played by
both women and men; it also became a popular informal outdoor game.
U.S. servicemen in WWII (1939-1945) popularized the sport in many other countries.
The first pro-league is that the National Basketball League created to guard players from
abuse and to possess a less rough game in 1898. The league lasted until five years before
disbanding; its demise spawned a range of loosely organized leagues throughout America. Its first
and greatest popular teams was the Original Celtics, organized in New York City in 1915. The
league played as many as 150 games a season and dominated basketball until 1936.
In 1949, two subsequent professional leagues, the National Basketball League formed in
1937 (and the Basketball Association of America (1946) merged to create the National
Basketball /association NBA. The Boston Celtics, led by their center Bill

Russel, dominated the NBA from the late 1950s through 1960s. Wilt Chamberlain, a center for the
Los Angeles Lakers, was another leading player during the era, and his battles with Russel were
eagerly anticipated. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, also a center, came to prominence during the 1970s.
Jabbar perfected his fame “sky hook” shot while playing for the Los Angeles Lakers and
dominated the opposition

Larry Bird of Boston Celtics, a Magic Johnson of Los Angeles Lakers are credited with injecting
excitement into the league in the 1980s through their superior skills and decade-long rivalry.
During the late 1980s Michael Jordan of Chicago Bulls rose to stardom and helped the Bulls
dominated the NBA during the early 1990s. A new generation of Basketball stars, including
Shaquille O’Neal of the Orlando Magic and Larry Johnson of the Charlotte Hornets, have
sustained, the NBAs growth in popularity.
In 1959, a Basketball Hall of Fame was founded in Springfield, Massachusetts. Its
roosters include the names of great players, coaches, referees, and people who have
contributed significantly to the development of the game.

The early years

In the early years the number of players on a team varied according to the number in the class and
the size of the playing area. In 1894 teams began to play with five on a side when the playing area
was less than 1,800 square feet (167.2 square metres); the number rose to seven when
the gymnasium measured from 1,800 to 3,600 square feet (334.5 square metres) and up to nine
when the playing area exceeded that. In 1895 the number was occasionally set at five by mutual
consent; the rules stipulated five players two years later, and this number has remained ever

Players shooting into a closed-bottom peach basket in an outdoor game of basketball, 1892.
Courtesy of the Basketball Hall of Fame, Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.
Since Naismith and five of his original players were Canadians, it is not surprising
that Canada was the first country outside the United States to play the game. Basketball was
introduced in France in 1893, in England in 1894, in Australia, China, and India soon thereafter,
and in Japan in 1900.

While basketball helped swell the membership of YMCAs because of the availability of
their gyms, within five years the game was outlawed by various associations because gyms that
had been occupied by classes of 50 or 60 members were now monopolized by only 10 to 18
players. The banishment of the game induced many members to terminate their YMCA
membership and to hire halls to play the game, thus paving the way to the professionalization of
the sport.

Originally, players wore one of three styles of uniforms: knee-length football trousers; jersey

tights, as commonly worn by wrestlers; or short padded pants, forerunners of today’s uniforms,
plus knee guards. The courts often were of irregular shape with occasional obstructions such as
pillars, stairways, or offices that interfered with play. In 1903 it was ruled that all boundary lines
must be straight. In 1893 the Narragansett Machinery Co. of Providence, Rhode Island, marketed
a hoop of iron with a hammock style of basket. Originally a ladder, then a pole, and finally a chain
fastened to the bottom of the net was used to retrieve a ball after a goal had been scored. Nets
open at the bottom were adopted in 1912–13. In 1895–96 the points for making a basket (goal, or
field goal) were reduced from three to two, and the points for making a free throw (shot
uncontested from a line in front of the basket after a foul had been committed) were reduced from
three to one.

Baskets were frequently attached to balconies, making it easy for spectators behind a
basket to lean over the railings and deflect the ball to favour one side and hinder the other; in 1895
teams were urged to provide a 4-by-6-foot (1.2-by-1.8-metre) screen for the purpose of eliminating
interference. Soon after, wooden backboards proved more suitable. Glass backboards were
legalized by the professionals in 1908–09 and by colleges in 1909–10. In 1920–21 the backboards
were moved 2 feet (0.6 metre), and in 1939–40 4 feet, in from the end lines to reduce frequent
stepping out-of-bounds. Fan-shaped backboards were made legal in 1940–41.

A soccer ball (football) was used for the first two years. In 1894 the first basketball was
marketed. It was laced, measured close to 32 inches (81 cm), or about 4 inches (10 cm) larger
than the soccer ball, in circumference, and weighed less than 20 ounces (567 grams). By 1948–
49, when the laceless molded ball was made official, the size had been set at 30 inches (76 cm).

The first college to play the game was either Geneva College (Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania)
or the University of Iowa. C.O. Bemis heard about the new sport at Springfield and tried it out with
his students at Geneva in 1892. At Iowa, H.F. Kallenberg, who had attended Springfield in 1890,
wrote Naismith for a copy of the rules and also presented the game to his students. At Springfield,
Kallenberg met Amos Alonzo Stagg, who became athletic director at the new University of
Chicago in 1892. The first college basketball game with five on a side was played between the
University of Chicago and the University of Iowa in Iowa City on January 18, 1896. The University
of Chicago won, 15–12, with neither team using a substitute. Kallenberg refereed that game—a
common practice in that era—and some of the spectators took exception to some of his decisions.

The colleges formed their own rules committee in 1905, and by 1913 there were at least
five sets of rules: collegiate, YMCA–Amateur Athletic Union, those used by state militia groups,
and two varieties of professional rules. Teams often agreed to play under a different set for each
half of a game. To establish some measure of uniformity, the colleges, Amateur Athletic Union,
and YMCA formed the Joint Rules Committee in 1915. This group was renamed the  National
Basketball Committee (NBC) of the United States and Canada in 1936 and until 1979 served as
the game’s sole amateur rule-making body. In that year, however, the colleges broke away to form
their own rules committee, and during the same year the National Federation of State High School
Associations likewise assumed the task of establishing separate playing rules for the high schools.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Rules Committee for men is a 12-member
board representing all three NCAA divisions. It has six members from Division I schools and three
each from Divisions II and III. It has jurisdiction over colleges, junior colleges, the National
Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), and Armed Forces basketball. There is a similar
body for women’s play.

Growth of the game

Basketball grew steadily but slowly in popularity and importance in the United States and
internationally in the first three decades after World War II. Interest in the game deepened as a
result of television exposure, but with the advent of cable television, especially during the 1980s,
the game’s popularity exploded at all levels. Given a timely mix of spectacular players—such
as Earvin (“Magic”) Johnson, Julius Erving (“Dr. J”), Larry Bird, and Michael Jordan—and the
greatly increased exposure, basketball moved quickly to the forefront of the American sporting
scene, alongside such traditional leaders as baseball and football. Four areas of the game
developed during this period: U.S. high school and college basketball, professional basketball,
women’s basketball, and international basketball.

Mechanics and Rules

1. Teams and Positions. Five players are assigned to opposing teams, with each team made
up of a point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward and center.
2. Regulation Length and Shot Clock. In high school basketball, each quarter lasts for eight
minutes. If the score is tied at the end of the regulation, continuous overtime period is played
until a winner can be determined. Overtime last for four minutes in high school basketball.
Lastly, there is no shot clock in high school.

3. Court Dimension. Overall, the court is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. In high school
basketball this line is 19 feet, 9 inches away. The free throw line is 15 feet away from the
4. Fouls Personal fouls occur when defenders make illegal contact with their opponents. If an
opponent is in the act of shooting, free-throws are awarded. In high school, five personal
fouls warrant an ejection.
Technical fouls generally occur when a player behaves with unsportsmanlike conduct.
5. Scoring. Each basket made in front of the three-point line is awarded two points. Baskets
from behind this line are awarded three points. You also received one point for each made
free-throw—taken without interference from the free-throw lines. If you are fouled in the act
of shooting beyond the three-point line, you will receive three free-throws. If you make the
basket while being fouled simultaneously, the basket will count and you will receive one
6. Dribbling Mechanics. The proper mechanics for dribbling a basketball require that you
keep the ball low and close to your body in order to make it as difficult as possible for the
defender to steal the ball.

7. Shooting Mechanics. To properly shoot a basketball, have your feet shoulder-width apart
and pointing directly toward the basket.

8. Teams and Positions. Five players are assigned to opposing teams, with each
team made up of a point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward
and center.

9. Regulation Length and Shot Clock. In high school basketball, each quarter lasts
for eight minutes. If the score is tied at the end of the regulation, continuous
overtime period is played until a winner can be determined. Overtime last for four
minutes in high school basketball. Lastly, there is no shot clock in high school.

10. Court Dimension. Overall, the court is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. In high
school basketball this line is 19 feet, 9 inches away. The free throw line is 15 feet
away from the basket.

11. Fouls.
Personal fouls occur when defenders make illegal contact with their opponents. If
an opponent is in the act of shooting, free-throws are awarded. In high school, five
personal fouls warrant an ejection. Technical fouls generally occur when a player
behaves with unsportsmanlike conduct.
12. Scoring. Each basket made in front of the three-point line is awarded two points.
Baskets from behind this line are awarded three points. You also received one point
for each made free-throw—taken without interference from the free-throw lines. If
you are fouled in the act of shooting beyond the three-point line, you will receive
three free-throws. If you make the basket while being fouled simultaneously, the
basket will count and you will receive one free-throw.

13. Dribbling Mechanics. The proper mechanics for dribbling a basketball require that
you keep the ball low and close to your body in order to make it as difficult as
possible for the defender to steal the ball.

14. Shooting Mechanics. To properly shoot a basketball, have your feet shoulder-width apart
and pointing directly toward the basket

The 13 Rules of Basketball
1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.
2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands, but never with the fist.
3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it from the spot on which he
catches it, allowance to be made for a man running at good speed.
4. The ball must be held by the hands. The arms or body must not be used for holding it.
5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, striking or tripping in any way of an opponent. The first
infringement of this rule by any person shall count as a foul; the second shall disqualify him until
the next goal is made or, if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of the
game. No substitution shall be allowed.
6. A foul is striking at the ball with the fist, violations of Rules 3 and 4 and such as described
in Rule 5.
7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls it shall count as a goal for the opponents
(consecutive means without the opponents in the meantime making a foul).
8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from the grounds into the basket
and stays there, providing those defending the goal do no touch or disturb the goal. If the ball
rests on the edges, and the opponent moves the basket, it shall count as a goal.
9. When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall be thrown into the field and played by the first
person touching it. In case of dispute the umpire shall throw it straight into the field. The thrower-
in is allowed five seconds. If he holds it longer, it shall go to the opponent. If any side persists in
delaying the game, the umpire shall call a foul on them.
10. The umpire shall be the judge of the men and shall note the fouls and notify the referee
when three consecutive fouls have been made. He shall have power to disqualify men according
to Rule 5.
11. The referee shall be judge of the ball and shall decide when the ball is in play, in bounds, to
which side it belongs, and shall keep the time. He shall decide when a goal has been made and
keep account of the goals, with any other duties that are usually performed by a referee.
12. The time shall be two fifteen-minute halves, with five minutes rest between.
13. The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the winner.

The First Game of Basketball Ever Played

The first game of basketball ever played on the 21 st of December, 1891, at the YMCA training
school in Springfield, Massachusetts.
The gym was incredibly small. Only 50 feet x 35 feet, compared to current day courts which are
94 feet x 53 feet.
Naismith arrived early that day. Little did he know he was about to create basketball history…
After posting the ’13 Rules of Basketball’ on the bulletin board of the gym, he then nailed a peach
basket to the lower rail of the balcony on both ends of the gym.
When the players arrived, Naismith split his eighteen students into two teams of nine players and
done his best to teach them the 13 rules of basketball.
They were now ready to embark on a game destined to change sport forever…
Little did James Naismith or of any of his players realize how big this new game would become in
a very short amount of time.
The players involved in the first basketball game were;
John J. Thompson, Eugene S. Libby, T. Duncan Patton, Frank Mahan, Finlay G. MacDonald,
William H. Davis, Lyman Archibald, Edwin P. Ruggles, William R. Chase.
George Weller, Wilbert Carey, Ernest Hildner, Raymond Kaighn, Genzabaro Ishikawa, Benjamin
S. French, Franklin Barnes, George Day and Henry Gelan.
The final score of the game ended 1 – 0. Team 1 were the victors.
William R. Chase scored the only goal of the game from 25 feet away from the basket…
becoming the first person to score a goal during a game in basketball history!
– Coach Mac

Safety Rules for Basketball

1. No player may swing his elbows in an attempt to secure the basketball, particularly
when the player has gathered a rebound.
2. Players who are up in the air and in a vulnerable position while shooting or

rebounding are not in a position to defend themselves.
3. No players are allowed to wear jewelries while playing basketball.

4. The location must be safe, the court should be kept dry and free of obstacles around
its perimeter, as players’ momentum can occasionally carry them off the court.
5. Wear the right protective gear such as mouth guard and proper court shoes.
6. Basketball safety tips also include knowing your fitness level and limit


There is some equipment needed to play a basketball game. The basketball equipment
can be broke down into three more categories court equipment, officials equipment and players
equipment. To make it more clear, here is a list of all the equipment used in basketball.

Court Equipment
• Floor
The playing surface is made of
either wood or maple and it has
to be flat and rectangular in

• Ball
Ball is the most visible equipment in the
game of basketball. There are different
types of basketball used in different
leagues. Usually it is made of leather,
rubber or any synthetic material but it
has to be inflated properly.

• Basket/Hoop
Basket consists of a round shaped metal rim with
the covering of net around it. Baskets are mounted
at a certain height (10 feet above the floor).
Backboard is a rectangular board on which the
basket is attached.

• Scoreboard

Scoreboard displays the time left in the period and running scores of the both team. A
scoreboard can be either digital or manual.

Officials Equipment

• Uniform of Officials
Officials wear a uniform
prescribed by their
respective governing body.
Usually, officials are dressed
in white and black stripped
shirts, black pants and black
shoes. NBA officials wear gray shirts, black pants and black shoes.

• Whistle
Basketball referee carries a whistle which he
blows every time he needs to stop a play.

• Score book
Score book is used by the
scorekeeper who writes down scores and
stats on it. Score book is something
where you find summary of the
whole game, names of the players, their
positions and jersey numbers,
details of each quarter and half etc.

• Shot Clock and Game Clock

Shot clock and game clock are operated by
timekeepers. Game clock records the
overall time of the game while shot clock
counts down the 24 second shot clock.

Players Equipment
• Players Uniform
Uniform consists of jersey (preferably sleeveless), short and shoes. All the teams wears
their own specific uniform. In NBA, all players wear a uniform prepared by league’s
sponsored sportswear company. They are not allowed to wear shorts which are too long. In
NBA, players can be fined if their uniform does not comply with the rules of the league.
• Protective Gears and Accessories
Protective gears and accessories include goggles, face masks, mouth guards, knee pads or
brace, headbands, arm sleeves, wristbands etc. Not all players wear necessarily all these
things. They use them only when they required them.

The five traditional basketball player positions are:

Point guard:
The point guard is the team leader and play caller on the basketball court. A point guard needs
good ball handling skills, passing skills as well as strong leadership and decision making skills.
Traditionally basketball point guards were small, fast players and this is still often the case.
However, Magic Johnson changed the way point guards were used. He was a big 6-8 player that
used his height and size to get great passing angles. Magic's success has opened the door for all
sorts of point guards. The key to a strong point guard today is leadership, passing, and running
the team.
Shooting guard:
The shooting guard in basketball has the main responsibility of making long outside shots
including the three-point shot. The shooting guard also should be a good passer and able to help
the point guard with the ball handling. Shooting guards are often the top scorer on a team.
Perhaps the best shooting guard in the history of basketball was Michael Jordan. Jordan could do
it all, from scoring to defense to rebounding. It's this versatility that makes a great shooting guard,
but all shooting guards should be able to extend the defense with their outside shot.
Small forward:
Along with the shooting guard, the small forward is often the most versatile player on the
basketball team. They should be able to help with ball handling, make an outside shot, and get
rebounds. The small forward is often a great defensive player as well. The combination of height
and quickness can allow them to defend a number of positions and take on the best scorer on the
opposing team. On many teams today the small forward and the shooting guard are almost the
same position and are called "wing" players.
Power forward:
The power forward on a basketball team is usually responsible for rebounding and some scoring
in the paint. A power forward should be big and strong and able to clear out some space under
the basket. Many great power forwards in the game today do not score a lot of points, but lead
their team in rebounds. Power forwards are often good shot blockers as well.
The center is usually the biggest or tallest member of the basketball team. In the NBA, many
centers are 7 feet tall or taller. The center can be a big scorer, but also needs to be a strong
rebounder and shot blocker. On many teams the center is the final line of defense. Many of
basketball's greatest players (Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell, Kareem, Shaq) have been centers. A
strong center presence was long considered the only way to win an NBA championship. In
modern times, many teams have won with other great players (Michael Jordan), but a strong
center is still a prized basketball position on any basketball team.
Although only 5 players play at a time on any basketball team, the bench is still very important.
Basketball is a fast paced game and players need to rest. A strong bench is key to any basketball
team's success. In most games at least 3 players from the bench will play a significant amount of


List down at least three team games/sports you have played.


Examine the picture and answer the questions that follows.

Source: Fajardo ‘scoots’ way to record 6th PBA MVP [email protected].

1. Who is the Filipino professional basketball player known for his nickname “The
2. What team in the PBA he plays for?
3. What is your favorite team sports? Why?

Mechanics and Rules

1. .

Skills to be developed in Basketball

A. Dribbling
Dribbling in playing basketball
is a skill that a player should
master. It allows the player to
move around the basketball
court while he or she is in the
possession of the ball. It is
one way of allowing the player
to advance with the ball and
make a score instead of
passing it to a teammate to
shoot in the basket.

B. Rebounding
Rebounding is one of the most important aspects
of the basketball game which enables the player to jump
with power to get the ball as it bounces to the rim
after a failed shoot before it touches the floor. Whenever
the player grabs a rebound, he or she gains a chance to
shoot again the ball while the other team loses it.

C. Passing
One of the primary skills in playing basketball is passing. It is a skill that maximizes
the involvement of all players in setting up a play to earn successful shoots and
earn points for the whole team

The types of pass are the following:
Air pass travels between one player to
another without hitting the floor.
Bounce pass is thrown to the floor so
that it bounces to the receiver.
Chest pass is a pass originates from the
chest to the receiver’s chest
Overhead pass is a pass that originates
from the forehead of the player.

D. Running

Running is a basic skill that a player should possess in

playing basketball. It provides the player a greater chance to
shoot the ball.

E. Shooting

The first basic skill to be learned in playing basketball is shooting. Every basketball
player loves to shoot the ball into the basket. Players spend a good time of their
practice on shooting drills to improve their skills.

● Remember the BEEF

(Balance, Eyes, Elbow, Follow-
Through) when shooting the


Activity 1. Recorded skills Demonstration

Instruction: Using your mobile phone or any camera, make a video recording of your personal
demonstration of the following Skills in basketball. Submit your output to my fb account in my
personal message (FROILAN PALARUAN LOMBOY) on the set deadline .Execute the skills in
basketball. Put a checkmark (/) to the column YES or NO that correspond to your performance.

Skills in 4 YES NO 4 times YES NO 4 times YES NO
Basketball time while while
in walkin runnin
g g
1. Dribbling
2. Rebounding
3. Passing
4. Running
5. Shooting

Activity 2. Fitness Contract

You are tasked to accomplish the Fitness Contract in this module. How is doing basketball
skills help you in attaining your goals towards fitness? Write your answers in your activity

Additional Activities
Put a checkmark ( ∕ ) on the column corresponding to your response to the skills in
basketball you have perform for the whole week. Copy the table in your activity notebook.

Skills Week
in 1
Basketb Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
s s


Identify the basketball skills shown below. Write the answers in your
activity notebook.

1. 4.

2. . 5.


Safety Rules for Basketball

1. No player may swing his elbows in an attempt to secure the basketball, particularly
when the player has gathered a rebound.
2. Players who are up in the air and in a vulnerable position while shooting or
rebounding are not in a position to defend themselves.
3. No players are allowed to wear jewelries while playing basketball.
4. The location must be safe, the court should be kept dry and free of obstacles around
its perimeter, as players’ momentum can occasionally carry them off the court.
5. Wear the right protective gear such as mouth guard and proper court shoes.
6. Basketball safety tips also include knowing your fitness level and limits


Recorded skills Demonstration

Instruction: Using your mobile phone or any camera, make a video recording of your personal
demonstration o the following Sills in basketball. Submit your output to my fb account in my
personal message (FROILAN PALARUAN LOMBOY) on the set deadline .Execute the skills in
basketball. Put a checkmark (/) to the column YES or NO that correspond to your performance.
` Remember your Skills Development 1 in the previous lesson? You are going to do the same but
you will be executing the said skills with an increased number of times. Put a checkmark (/) to the column
YES or NO that correspond to your performance.

Skills in 8 YE N 8 YE N 8 YE N
S O times S O times S O
Basketball tim while while
in walki runni
ng ng
1. Dribbling
2. Rebounding
3. Passing
4. Running

5. Shooting

Activity 2. Fitness Contract

As part of achieving your fitness goals as part of your contract in this modules ,
how is increasing the number of times doing the basketball skills help you in attaining
your goals towards fitness? Write your answers in your activity notebook.

Additional Activities
Instruction: Using your mobile phone or any camera, make a video recording of your personal
demonstration o the following Sills in basketball. Submit your output to my fb account in my
personal message (FROILAN PALARUAN LOMBOY) on the set deadline .Execute the skills in
basketball. Put a checkmark (/) to the column YES or NO that correspond to your performance.

Put a checkmark ( ∕ ) on the column corresponding to your response to the skills in

basketball you have performed for the next two (2) weeks. Copy the table in your activity

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
Basketb s s






Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not. Write your answers in your
activity notebook.

1. Wear the right protective gear such as mouth guard and proper court shoes.
2. It is not important to know your fitness level and limits in playing basketball.

3. No player may swing his elbows in an attempt to secure the basketball, particularly
when the player has gathered a rebound.
4. The location must be safe; the court should be kept dry and free of obstacles around
its perimeter.
5. Players are allowed to wear jewelries while playing basketball.

Instruction: Using your mobile phone or any camera, make a video recording of your personal
demonstration o the following Sills in basketball. Submit your output to my fb account in my
personal message (FROILAN PALARUAN LOMBOY) on the set deadline .Execute the skills in
basketball. Put a checkmark (/) to the column YES or NO that correspond to your performance.

Jumping Jacks
1. Stat by standing straight up with feet together and arms down by your
2. Next, jump both feet out to the sides making your feet at least shoulder-
width apart, while also raising your arms up and over your head.
3. Finally, return your feet and arms to the starting position

Safety Rules for Basketball
1. No player may swing his elbows in an attempt to secure the basketball, particularly
when the player has gathered a rebound.
2. Players who are up in the air and in a vulnerable position while shooting or
rebounding are not in a position to defend themselves.
3. Basketball safety tips also include knowing your fitness level and limits.

What’s More
Recorded Skills Development
Instruction: Using your mobile phone or any camera, make a video recording of your personal
demonstration o the following Sills in basketball. Submit your output to my fb account in my
personal message (FROILAN PALARUAN LOMBOY) on the set deadline .Execute the skills in
basketball. Put a checkmark (/) to the column YES or NO that correspond to your performance.

Execute the skills in basketball. Put a checkmark (/) to the column YES or NO that
correspond to your performance.

Skills in 12 YE N 12 YE N 12 YE N
Basketball tim times times
in while while
pla walki runni
ce ng ng
1. Dribbling
2. Rebounding
3. Passing
4. Running
5. Shooting

Instruction: Using your mobile phone or any camera, make a video recording of your personal
demonstration o the following Sills in basketball. Submit your output to my fb account in my
personal message (FROILAN PALARUAN LOMBOY) on the set deadline .Execute the skills in
basketball. Put a checkmark (/) to the column YES or NO that correspond to your performance.

1. With your feet parallel and roughly shoulder width apart, stand erect and
2. Keeping your left foot and your head pointing straight ahead, rotate your
body until your left shoulder is also pointing straight ahead.
3.Lower your center of gravity by bending at the knees and widening your

Shoot that Ball

Execute the shooting skill by yourself. Write your score in your activity notebook.
Refer to the criteria below:

Criteria for Skill Assessment Y N

1.1 Shooting the ball in Free throw line 3 times
1.2 Shooting the ball in Free throw line 6 times
1.3 Shooting the ball in Three-point line 3 times
1.4 Shooting the ball in Three-point line 6 times

Do the Basket
Look for a playmate (i.e. brother, sister, mother, father and friends) for you to
perform the shooting skill for 8 minutes. Player/s with the greatest number of points
wins. Write your points and score in your activity notebook. Refer to the criteria below:

Criteria for Skill Assessment Sco

Shooting the ball with 15 points and above 10
Shooting the ball with 12-14 points 7
Shooting the ball with 11-9 points 5
Shooting the ball with 8-6 points 3
Shooting the ball with 5 points and below 1

1 vs 1
2 vs 2

Do the Basket
Look for a playmate (i.e. brother, sister, mother, father and friends) for you to
perform the shooting skill for 10 minutes. Player/s with the greatest number of points
wins. Write your points and score in your activity notebook. Refer to the criteria below:

Criteria for Skill Assessment Sco

Shooting the ball with 15 points and above 10
Shooting the ball with 12-14 points 7
Shooting the ball with 11-9 points 5
Shooting the ball with 8-6 points 3
Shooting the ball with 5 points and below 1

1 vs 1
2 vs 2

What I Have Learned

Reflection/ Realization
Complete the sentences below. Write your answers in your activity notebook.
Three things that I learned from the lesson
1. .

2. .

3. .

Two things that I liked from the lesson

1. .

2. .

One question I still want to ask

1. .

What I Can Do
List down five activities at home that involve the skills in playing basketball.
Write your answers in your activity notebook.
Example: throwing paper to the trash bin 1.

Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answers in your activity notebook.

1. Which team sports wherein the objective is to shoot a ball through a basket
horizontally positioned to score points while following a set of rules?
A. baseball C. softball
B. basketball D. volleyball

2. Which team sports played by two teams of five players on a court?

A. baseball C. softball
B. basketball D. volleyball

3. How many teams of players play basketball on court?

A. eight C. four
B. five D. six

4. Which of the following basketball basic skill requires the player to move around
the court while he/she is in the possession of the ball?
A. dribbling C. shooting
B. jumping D. throwing

5. Which of the following is NOT a skill in playing basketball?

A. catching C. jumping
B. dribbling D. shooting

6. Which of the following does NOT belong to dynamic stretching in basketball?

A. dribbling C. jogging
B. high knees D. toe walk

7.What do you call a violation made in a basketball game?

A. foul C. legal
B. illegal D. strike

8. Which type of foul occurs when defenders make illegal contact with their
A. Defensive Foul C. Personal Foul
B. Offensive Foul D. Technical Foul

. In what city and state was the game of basketball created?

C. Brooklyn, New York C. Springfield, Massachusetts
D. Los Angeles, California D. West Virginia, Virginia

10. Which player is usually the best dribble of the basketball team?
C. center C. power guard
D. point guard D. small forward

11. What year was basketball invented?

A. 1851 C. 1911
B. 1891 D. 1976

12. How many points is a basket worth if shot from inside of the 3- point line?
C. four C. three
D. one D. two

13. Who was the inventor of basketball?

A. Bill Russel C. Michael Jordan
B. James Naismith D. William Morgan

14. Which of the following terms are used to classify personal fouls in a basketball
A. blocking C. holding
B. charging D. all of the above

15. What pass gives the best control and therefore is the most accurate?
C. chest pass C. lob pass
D. cross court D. one handed

Additional Activities

Across the Skills

Choose one skill from the basic skills in basketball. Make an acrostic of that basic
skill focused on values which will contribute to a successful teamwork. Refer to the
example below.


S – Self-sacrificing
H – Honesty O –
Optimistic O –
T – Time conscious
I – Intelligent
N - Nice
G – Generous


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