Segui 6e ISM Ch09

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(a) E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi, n  E s  29, 000  8. 3 use 8
Ec 3492
b  81  10. 13 in.
n 8
For a W18  40, A s  11. 8 in. 2 , d  17. 9 in., I x  612 in. 4
Take moments about top of slab:

Component A y Ay Ī d Ī  Ad 2
Slab 40.52 2 81.04 54.03 2.469 301.0
W 11.8 12.95 152.8 612 8.481 1461
Sum 52.32 233.8 1762

∑ Ay
ȳ   233. 8  4. 469 in., I tr  1762 in. 4
∑A 52. 32

(b) Top of steel:

My 290  124. 469 − 4
fs    0. 926 ksi (compression)
I tr 1762
Bottom of steel:
My 290  124  17. 9 − 4. 469
fs    34. 4 ksi (tension)
I tr 1762
Top of slab:
Mȳ 290  124. 469
fc    1. 10 ksi (compression)
nI tr 81762


(a) E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi, n  E s  29, 000  8. 3 use 8
Ec 3492
b  75  9. 375 in.
n 8
For a W21  57, A s  16. 7 in. 2 , d  21. 1 in., I x  1170 in. 4
Slab area  bn t  9. 3755  46. 88 in.

y  t  5  2. 5 in.
2 2

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I 1 b t 3  1 9. 3755 3  97. 66 in. 4
12 n 12

Component A y I Ay d I  Ad 2
Concrete 4.688E+01 2.500E+00 1.172E+02 9.766E+01 3.428E+00 6.485E+02
W21 x 57 1.670E+01 1.555E+01 2.597E+02 1.170E+03 9.622E+00 2.716E+03
Sum 6.358E+01 3.769E+02 3.365E+03

∑ Ay
ȳ   376. 9  5. 928 in., I tr  3365 in. 4
∑A 63. 58

(b) Top of steel:

My 300  125  10. 55 − 5. 928
fs    10. 29 ksi (compression)
I tr 3365
Bottom of steel:
My 290  125  17. 9 − 5. 928
fs    17. 55 ksi (tension)
I tr 3365
Top of slab:
Mȳ 290  125. 928
fc    0. 766 3 ksi (compression)
nI tr 83365


(a) E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi, n  E s  29, 000  8. 3 use 8
Ec 3492
b  78  9. 75 in.
n 8
For a W24  55, A s  16. 2 in. 2 , d  23. 6 in., I x  1350 in. 4

Component A y Ay Ī d Ī  Ad 2
Slab 43.88 2.25 98.73 74.04 3.789 704.0
W 16.2 16.3 264.1 1350 10.26 3055
Sum 60.08 362.8 3759

∑ Ay
ȳ   362. 8  6. 039 in., I tr  3759 in. 4
∑A 60. 08

(b) Top of steel:

My 450  126. 039 − 4. 5
fs    2. 21 ksi (compression)
I tr 3759

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Bottom of steel:
My 450  124. 5  23. 6 − 6. 039
fs    31. 7 ksi (tension)
I tr 3759
Top of slab:
Mȳ 450  126. 039
fs    1. 08 ksi (compression)
nI tr 83759


Determine location of plastic neutral axis:

A s F y  11. 850  590. 0 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854814  1102 kips
Since 590 kips  1102 kips, PNA is in the slab and C  590 kips.
From C  T,
0. 85f c ´ab  A s F y
0. 854a81  590, Solution is: a  2. 142 in.
y  d  t − a  17. 9  4 − 2. 142  11. 88 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  Ty  59011. 88  7009 in.-kips  584 ft-kips
M n  584 ft-kips


Determine location of plastic neutral axis:

A s F y  16. 750  835. 0 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854755  1275 kips
Since 835 kips  1275 kips, PNA is in the slab and C  835 kips.
From C  T,
0. 85f c ´ab  A s F y
0. 854a75  835, Solution is: a  3. 275 in.
y  d  t − a  21. 1  5 − 3. 275  13. 91 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  Ty  83513. 91  11, 610 in.-kips  968 ft-kips
M n  968 ft-kips

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Determine location of plastic neutral axis: Assume F y  50 ksi

A s F y  16. 250  810. 0 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854784. 5  1193 kips
Since 810 kips  1193 kips, PNA is in the slab and C  810 kips.
From C  T,
0. 85f c ´ab  A s F y
0. 854a78  810, Solution is: a  3. 054 in.
y  d  t − a  23. 6  4. 5 − 3. 054  14. 77 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  Ty  81014. 77  1. 196  10 4 in.-kips  997 ft-kips
M n  997 ft-kips


Loads applied before the concrete cures:

slab weight  4 150  50 psf, 507. 5  375 lb/ft
w D  375  22  397 lb/ft, w L  207. 5  150 lb/ft
Loads applied after the concrete cures:
w D  397  57. 5  434. 5 lb/ft, w L  60  107. 5  525 lb/ft
Strength of the composite section:
A s F y  6. 4950  324. 5 kips, 0. 85f ′c A c  0. 8544  90  1224 kips
Use C  324. 5 kips.
a C  324. 5  1. 060 in.

0. 85f c b 0. 85490
y  d  t − a  13. 7  4 − 1. 060  10. 32 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  Cy  324. 510. 32  3349 in.-kips  279.1 ft-kips
(a) LRFD solution
Before the concrete cures:
From the Z x table,  b M n   b M p  125 ft-kips
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2397  1. 6150  716. 4 lb/ft

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M u  1 w u L 2  1 0. 716430 2  80. 6 ft-kips  125 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
After the concrete cures:
 b M n  0. 90279. 1  251 ft-kips
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2434. 5  1. 6525  1361 lb/ft
M u  1 1. 36130 2  153. 1 ft-kips  251 ft-kips (OK)
Flexural strength is adequate.
(b) ASD solution
Before the concrete cures,

From the Z x table, M n  M p  82. 8 ft-kips

b b
w a  w D  w L  397  150  547 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 0. 54730 2  61. 5 ft-kips  82.8 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
After the concrete cures,
M n  279. 1  167 ft-kips
b 1. 67
w a  w D  w L  434. 5  525  959. 5 lb/ft
M a  1 0. 959530 2  107. 9 ft-kips  167 ft-kips (OK)
Flexural strength is adequate.


Loads applied before the concrete cures:

slab weight  5 150  62. 5 psf, 62. 58  500. 0 lb/ft

w D  500  97  597. 0 lb/ft, w L  208  160. 0 lb/ft
Loads applied after the concrete cures:
w D  597 lb/ft, w L  8008  6400 lb/ft
Strength of the composite section:
A s F y  28. 550  1425 kips, 0. 85f ′c A c  0. 8545  84  1428 kips
Use C  1425 kips.

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a C  1425  4. 989 in.
0. 85f ′c b 0. 85484
y  d  t − a  18. 6  5 − 4. 989  11. 81 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  Cy  142511. 81  1. 683  10 4 in.-kips  1403 ft-kips
(a) LRFD solution
Before the concrete cures:
The unbraced length is L b  30 ft
For a uniform load, C b  1. 14
From Manual Table 3-10,
 b M n  498 ft-kips for C b  1. 0
For C b  1. 14,
 b M n  1. 14498  567. 7 ft-kips   b M p  807 ft-kips
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2597  1. 6160  972. 4
 972. 4 lb/ft  0. 9724 kips/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 0. 972430 2  109. 4 ft-kips  567.7 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
After the concrete cures: From the Z x table,  b M n   b M p  791 ft-kips
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2597  1. 66. 400  726. 6 lb/ft
M u  1 0. 726630 2  81. 74 ft-kips  791 ft-kips (OK)
Flexural strength is adequate.
(b) ASD solution
Before the concrete cures,
The unbraced length is L b  30 ft
For a uniform load, C b  1. 14
From Manual Table 3-10,
M n / b  332 ft-kips for C b  1. 0
For C b  1. 14,
M n / b  1. 14332  378. 5 ft-kips  M p / b  526 ft-kips
w a  w D  w L  597  160  757. 0 lb/ft

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M a  1 w a L 2  1 0. 75730 2  85. 16 ft-kips  378.5 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
After the concrete cures,
M n  M p  526 ft-kips
b b
w a  w D  w L  597  6. 400  603. 4 lb/ft
M a  1 0. 603430 2  67. 88 ft-kips  378.5 ft-kips (OK)
Flexural strength is adequate.


Loads applied before the concrete cures:

slab weight  4 150  50 psf, 507  350 lb/ft

w D  350  16  366 lb/ft, w L  207  140 lb/ft
Loads applied after the concrete cures:
w D  350 lb/ft, w L  125  157  980 lb/ft
Strength of the composite section:
Effective flange width  25  12/4  75 in. or 712  84 in., use b  75 in.
A s F y  4. 7150  235. 5 kips, 0. 85f ′c A c  0. 8544  75  1020 kips
Use C  235. 5 kips.
a C  235. 5  0. 923 5 in.
0. 85f ′c b 0. 85475
y  d  t − a  12. 0  4 − 0. 9235  9. 538 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  Cy  235. 59. 538  2246 in.-kips  187.2 ft-kips
(a) LRFD solution
Before the concrete cures:
From the Z x table,  b M n   b M p  75. 4 ft-kips
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2366  1. 6140  663. 2 lb/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 0. 663225 2  51. 8 ft-kips  75.4 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
After the concrete cures:

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 b M n  0. 90187. 2  168 ft-kips
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2350  1. 6980  1988 lb/ft
M u  1 1. 98825 2  155 ft-kips  168 ft-kips (OK)
Shear:  v V n  79. 1 kips

Vu  wuL 
1. 98825
 24. 9 kips  79.1 kips (OK)
2 2
Beam is satisfactory
(b) ASD solution
Before the concrete cures:

From the Z x table, M n  M p  50. 1 ft-kips

b b
w a  w D  w L  366  140  506 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 0. 50625 2  39. 5 ft-kips  50.1 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
After the concrete cures,
M n  187. 2  112 ft-kips
b 1. 67
w a  w D  w L  350  980  1330 lb/ft
M a  1 1. 33025 2  104 ft-kips  112 ft-kips (OK)
Shear: V n  52. 8 kips

Va  waL 
1. 33025
 16. 6 kips  52.8 kips (OK)
2 2
Beam is satisfactory


Loads applied before the concrete cures:

slab weight  4. 5 150  56. 25 psf, 56. 2510  562. 5 lb/ft

w D  562. 5  50  612. 5 lb/ft, w L  2010  200 lb/ft
Loads applied after the concrete cures:
w D  612. 5 lb/ft, w L  16010  1600 lb/ft

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Strength of the composite section:
Effective flange width  35  12/4  105 in. or 1012  120 in., use b  105 in.
A s F y  14. 750  735. 0 kips,
0. 85f ′c A c  0. 8544. 5  105  1607 kips
Use C  735 kips.
a C  735  2. 059 in.
0. 85f ′c b 0. 854105
y  d  t − a  16. 3  4. 5 − 2. 059  11. 62 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  Cy  73511. 62  8541 in.-kips  711.8 ft-kips
(a) LRFD solution
Before the concrete cures:
From the Z x table,  b M n   b M p  345 ft-kips
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2612. 5  1. 6200
 1055 psf  1055/10  105. 5 lb/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 0. 105535 2  16. 15 ft-kips  345 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
After the concrete cures:
 b M n  0. 90711. 8  640. 6 ft-kips
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2612. 5  1. 61600  3295 lb/ft
M u  1 3. 29535 2  504. 5 ft-kips  640.6 ft-kips (OK)
Shear:  v V n  186 kips

Vu  wuL 
1. 98835
 34. 79 kips  186 kips (OK)
2 2
Beam is satisfactory
(b) ASD solution
Before the concrete cures:

From the Z x table, M n  M p  230 ft-kips

b b
w a  w D  w L  612. 5  200  812. 5 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 0. 812535 2  124. 4 ft-kips  230 ft-kips (OK)
8 8

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After the concrete cures,
M n  711. 8  426. 2 ft-kips
b 1. 67
w a  w D  w L  612. 5  1600  2163 lb/ft
M a  1 2. 16335 2  331. 2 ft-kips  426.2 ft-kips (OK)
Shear: V n  124 kips

Va  waL 
2. 16335
 37. 85 kips 124 kips (OK)
2 2
Beam is satisfactory


Loads applied before the concrete cures:

slab weight  6 150  75 psf, 759  675 lb/ft
w D  675  57  732 lb/ft, w L  209  180 lb/ft
Loads applied after the concrete cures:
w D  732 lb/ft, w L  2509  2250 lb/ft
Strength of the composite section:
Effective flange width  40  12/4  120 in. or 912  108 in., use b  108 in.
A s F y  16. 750  835. 0 kips, 0. 85f ′c A c  0. 8546  108  2203 kips
Use C  835 kips.
a C  835  2. 274 in.

0. 85f c b 0. 854108
y  d  t − a  21. 1  6 − 2. 274  15. 41 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  Cy  83515. 41  12, 870 in.-kips  1073 ft-kips
(a) Before the concrete cures:
From the Z x table,  b M n   b M p  484 ft-kips
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2732  1. 6180  1166 lb/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 1. 16640 2  233 ft-kips  484 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
After the concrete cures:

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 b M n  0. 901073  966 ft-kips
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2732  1. 62250  4478 lb/ft
M u  1 4. 47840 2  896 ft-kips  966 ft-kips (OK)
Shear:  v V n  256 kips

Vu  wuL 
4. 47840
 89. 6 kips  256 kips (OK)
2 2
Beam is satisfactory
(b) Before the concrete cures:

From the Z x table, M n  M p  322 ft-kips

b b
w a  w D  w L  732  180  912 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 0. 91240 2  182 ft-kips  322 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
After the concrete cures,
M n  1073  643 ft-kips
b 1. 67
w a  w D  w L  732  2250  2982 lb/ft
M a  1 2. 98240 2  596 ft-kips  643 ft-kips (OK)
Shear: V n  171 kips

Va  waL 
2. 98240
 59. 6 kips  171 kips (OK)
2 2
Beam is satisfactory
3/4 2
(c) A sa   0. 441 8 in. 2 , E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi
Q n  0. 5A sa f ′c E c ≤ R g R p A sa F u

 0. 50. 4418 43492  26. 11 kips

R g R p A sa F u  1. 00. 750. 441865
 21. 54 kips  26.11 kips ∴ use Q n  21. 54 kips
N 1  V´  835  38. 77, round up to 39.
Qn 21. 54
Total number  239  78 Use 78 Anchors

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Loads applied before the concrete cures:

slab weight  4 150  50. 0 psf, 508  400 lb/ft

w D  400  22  422 lb/ft, w L  208  160 lb/ft
Loads applied after the concrete cures:
w D  422 lb/ft, w L  120  208  1120 lb/ft
Strength of the composite section:
Effective flange width  27  12/4  81 in. or 812  96 in., use b  81 in.
A s F y  6. 4950  324. 5 kips, 0. 85f ′c A c  0. 8544  81  1102 kips
Use C  324. 5 kips.
a C  324. 5  1. 178 in.
0. 85f ′c b 0. 85481
y  d  t − a  13. 7  4 − 1. 178  10. 26 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  Cy  324. 510. 26  3329 in.-kips  277.4 ft-kips
(a) Before the concrete cures:
From the Z x table,  b M n   b M p  125 ft-kips
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2422  1. 6160  762. 4 lb/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 0. 762427 2  69. 47 ft-kips  125 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
After the concrete cures:
 b M n  0. 90277. 4  250 ft-kips
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2422  1. 61120  2298 lb/ft
M u  1 2. 29827 2  209 ft-kips  250 ft-kips (OK)
Shear:  v V n  94. 5 kips

Vu  wuL 
2. 29827
 31. 0 kips  94.5 kips (OK)
2 2
Beam is satisfactory
(b) Before the concrete cures:

From the Z x table, M n  M p  82. 8 ft-kips

b b

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w a  w D  w L  422  160  582 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 0. 58227 2  53. 0 ft-kips  82.8 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
After the concrete cures,
M n  277. 4  166. 1 ft-kips
b 1. 67
w a  w D  w L  422  1120  1542 lb/ft
M a  1 1. 54227 2  140. 5 ft-kips  166.1 ft-kips (OK)
Shear: V n  63. 0 kips

Va  waL 
1. 54227
 20. 8 kips  63.0 kips (OK)
2 2
Beam is satisfactory
3/4 2
(c) A sa   0. 441 8 in. 2 , E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi
Q n  0. 5A sa f ′c E c ≤ R g R p A sa F u

 0. 50. 4418 43492  26. 11 kips

R g R p A sa F u  1. 00. 750. 441865
 21. 54 kips  26.11 kips ∴ use Q n  21. 54 kips
N 1  V´  835  38. 77, round up to 39.
Qn 21. 54
Total number  239  78 Use 78 Anchors


A s F y  11. 850  590. 0 kips, 0. 85f ′c A c  0. 8544  81  1102 kips

Use C  V ´ 590 kips.
3/4 2
A sa   0. 441 8 in. 2 , E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi
Q n  0. 5A sa f ′c E c ≤ R g R p A sa F u

 0. 50. 4418 43492  26. 11 kips

R g R p A sa F u  1. 00. 750. 441865
 21. 54 kips  26.11 kips ∴ use Q n  21. 54 kips

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
N 1  V´  590  27. 39, round up to 28.
Qn 21. 54
total number  228  56. 0 Use 56 Anchors


A s F y  16. 750  835. 0 kips, 0. 85f ′c A c  0. 8545  75  1275 kips

Use C  V ´ 835. 0 kips.
7/8 2
A sa   0. 601 3 in. 2 , E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi
Q n  0. 5A sa f ′c E c ≤ R g R p A sa F u

 0. 50. 6013 43492  35. 53 kips

R g R p A sa F u  1. 00. 750. 601365  29. 31
 29. 31 kips  35.53 kips ∴ use Q n  29. 31 kips
N 1  V´  835. 0  28. 49, round up to 29.
Qn 29. 31
total number  229  58 Use 58 Anchors


Effective flange width  25  12/4  75 in. or 712  84 in., use b  75 in.
A s F y  4. 7150  235. 5 kips, 0. 85f ′c A c  0. 8544  75  1020 kips
Use C  V ´ 235. 5 kips.
Maximum stud diameter  2.5t f  2. 50. 265  0. 662 5 in.

Try 5  2 1 anchors
8 4
5/8 2
A sa   0. 306 8 in. 2 , E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi
Q n  0. 5A sa f ′c E c ≤ R g R p A sa F u

 0. 50. 3068 43492  18. 13 kips

R g R p A sa F u  1. 00. 750. 306865
 14. 96 kips  18.13 kips ∴ use Q n  14. 96 kips

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
N 1  V´  235. 5  15. 74, round up to 16.
Qn 14. 96
Total number required  216  32
Min. longitudinal spacing  45/8  2. 5 in.
Max. longitudinal spacing  84  32 in.
Use 33 anchors, 5 in.  2 1 in. @ 9 in.
8 4


Loads before concrete cures:

Slab: 4. 5/12150  56. 25 psf  56. 256. 5  365. 6 lb/ft
Const. load  20 psf  206. 5  130. 0 lb/ft
(Account for beam weight later.)
Loads after the concrete cures:
w D  365. 6 lb/ft
w L  1756. 5  1138 lb/ft
(a) LRFD Solution
The total load to be supported by the composite section is
w u  1. 2365. 6  1. 61138  2260 kips/ft
M u  1 2. 26036 2  366. 1 ft-kips
For a nominal depth of 16 in.,
y  d t− a  16  4. 5 − 0. 5  12. 0 in.
2 2 2
w  My u  366. 1  30. 51 lb/ft.
12. 0
Try a W16  31
Before concrete cures:
w u  1. 2365. 6  0. 031  1. 6130. 0  646. 8 kips/ft
where 0.031 kips/ft is the beam weight.
M u  1 0. 646836 2  104. 8 ft-kips
 b M n   b M p  203 ft-kips  104.5 ft-kips (OK)

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
After the concrete cures: Strength of the composite section:
Effective flange width  36 12/4 108 in. or 6. 512  78. 0 in.
use b 78 in.

AsFy 9. 1350  456. 5 kips, 0. 85fcAc 0. 8544. 5 78  1193 kips Use
C V ′ 456. 5 kips.
a C  456. 5  1. 721 in.
0. 85f ′c b 0. 85478
y  d  t − a  15. 9  4. 5 − 1. 721  11. 59 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  Cy  456. 511. 59
 5291 in.-kips  440.9 ft-kips
Check beam weight:
w u  1. 2365. 6  31  1. 61138  2297 lb/ft
M u  1 2. 29736 2  372. 1 ft-kips
 b M n  0. 90440. 9  396. 8 ft-kips  372.1 ft-kips (OK)
Check shear. From the Z x tables,  v V n  131 kips

Vu  wuL 
2. 29736
 41. 4 kips  131 kips (OK)
2 2
Use a W16  31
(b) Total load to be supported by the composite section (omit beam weight; check it
Slab: 4. 5 150  56. 25 psf
w D  56. 256. 5  365. 6 lb/ft, w L  1756. 5  1138 lb/ft
w a  w D  w L  365. 6  1138  1504 k/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 1. 50436 2  243. 6 ft-kips
8 8
Try a 16-in. deep beam. Selection of a trial shape:
For a nominal depth of 16 in.,
y  d  t − a  16  4. 5 − 0. 5  12. 0 in.
2 2 2
1. 4243. 6
w  1. 4M
  28. 42 kips/ft
12. 0

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Try a W16  31.
Determine location of plastic neutral axis.
Effective flange width  (36  12/4  108 in. or 6. 512  78 in. (controls)
A s F y  9. 1350  456. 5 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854784. 5  1193 kips
Since 456.5 kips  1193 kips, PNA is in the slab and C  456.5 kips.
From C  T,
0. 85f c ´ab  A s F y
0. 854a78  456. 5, Solution is: a  1. 721 in.
y  d  t − a  15. 9  4. 5 − 1. 721  11. 59 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  1 Ty  1 456. 511. 59
b b 1. 67
 3168 in.-kips  264 ft-kips  243.6 ft-kips
Check beam weight:
w a  1504  31  1535 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 1. 53536 2  248. 7 ft-kips  264 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
Check shear. From the Z x tables,
V n  87. 5 kips

Va  waL 
1. 53536
 27. 6 kips  87.5 kips (OK)
2 2
Before concrete cures:
w D  365. 6  31  396. 6 lb/ft, w L  206. 5  130. 0 lb/ft
w a  396. 6  130. 0  526. 6 lb//ft
M a  1 0. 526636 2  85. 3 ft-kips
M n  M p  135 ft-kips  85.3 ft-kips (OK) Use a W16  31
b b

(c) Max. anchor diameter (for a W16  31)  2. 5t f  2. 50. 440  1. 1 in.
Try ½ in.  2 in. anchors.
1/2 2
A sa   0. 196 3 in. 2 , E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Q n  0. 5A sa f ′c E c ≤ R g R p A sa F u

 0. 50. 1963 43492  11. 60 kips

R g R p A sa F u  1. 00. 750. 196365
 9. 570 kips  11.60 kips ∴ use Q n  9. 570 kips
N 1  V´  456. 5  47. 7, round up to 48. total number  248  96
Qn 9. 570
Min. longitudinal spacing  4d  40. 5  2. 0 in.
Min. transverse spacing  4d  40. 5  2. 0 in.
Max. longitudinal spacing  8t  84. 5  36. 0 in. (upper limit  36 in.)
For one anchor at each section, the required spacing will be
span 3612
s   4. 5 in. (OK)
no. anchors 96
Use 96 anchors, ½ in.  2 in., spaced at 4½ in. on center


(a) Total load to be supported by the composite section (omit beam weight; check it
Slab: 4 150  50. 0 psf
w D  50. 05  250 lb/ft, w L  125  205  725 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 20. 250  1. 60. 725  1. 46 k/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 1. 4640 2  292 ft-kips
8 8
Try a 14-in. deep beam. Selection of a trial shape:
y  d t− a  14  4 − 0. 5  10. 5 in.
2 2 2
w  My u  292  27. 81 lb/ft.
10. 5
Try a W14  30.
Determine location of plastic neutral axis.
Effective flange width  (40  12/4  120 in. or 512  60 in. (controls)
A s F y  8. 8550  442. 5 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854604  816. 0 kips

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Since 442.5 kips  816.0 kips, PNA is in the slab and C  442.5 kips.
From C  T,
0. 85f c ´ab  A s F y
0. 854a60  442. 5, Solution is: a  2. 169 in.
y  d  t − a  13. 8  4 − 2. 169  9. 816 in.
2 2 2 2
 b M n   b Ty  0. 90442. 59. 816/12  326 ft-kips  292 ft-kips (OK)
Check beam weight:
w u  1. 20. 250  0. 030  1. 60. 725  1. 496 lb/ft
M u  1 1. 49640 2  299 ft-kips  326 ft-kips (OK)
Check shear. From the Z x tables,  v V n  112 kips

Vu  wuL 
1. 49640
 29. 9 kips  112 kips (OK)
2 2
Before concrete cures:
w D  250  30  280 lb/ft, w L  205  100 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 20. 280  1. 60. 100  0. 496 k/ft
M u  1 0. 49640 2  99. 2 ft-kips
 b M n   b M p  177 ft-kips  99.2 ft-kips (OK) Use a W14  30
(b) Total load to be supported by the composite section (omit beam weight; check it
Slab: 4 150  50. 0 psf
w D  50. 05  250 lb/ft, w L  125  205  725 lb/ft
w a  w D  w L  250  725  975 k/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 0. 97540 2  195. 0 ft-kips
8 8
Try a 14-in. deep beam. Selection of a trial shape:
For a nominal depth of 14 in.,

y  d  t − a  14  4 − 0. 5  10. 5 in.
2 2 2
1. 4195. 0
w  1. 4M
  26. 0 kips/ft
10. 5
Try a W14  30.

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Determine location of plastic neutral axis.
Effective flange width  (40  12/4  120 in. or 512  60 in. (controls)
A s F y  8. 8550  442. 5 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854604  816. 0 kips
Since 442.5 kips  816.0 kips, PNA is in the slab and C  442.5 kips.
From C  T,
0. 85f c ´ab  A s F y
0. 854a60  442. 5, Solution is: a  2. 169 in.
y  d  t − a  13. 8  4 − 2. 169  9. 816 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  1 Ty  1 442. 59. 816
b b 1. 67
 2601 in.-kips  217 ft-kips  195 ft-kips
Check beam weight:
w a  975  30  1005 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 1. 00540 2  201. 0 ft-kips  217 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
Check shear. From the Z x tables,
V n  74. 5 kips

Va  waL 
1. 00540
 20. 1 kips  74.5 kips (OK)
2 2
Before concrete cures:
w D  250  30  280 lb/ft, w L  205  100 lb/ft
w a  280  100  380 lb//ft
M a  1 0. 38040 2  76. 0 ft-kips
M n  M p  118 ft-kips  76.0 ft-kips (OK) Use a W14  30
b b
(c) Max. stud diameter (for a W14  30)  2. 5t f  2. 50. 385  0. 963 in.
Try ½ in.  2 in. studs.
1/2 2
A sa   0. 196 3 in. 2 , E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi
Q n  0. 5A sa f ′c E c ≤ R g R p A sa F u

 0. 50. 1963 43492  11. 60 kips

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
R g R p A sa F u  1. 00. 750. 196365
 9. 570 kips  11.60 kips ∴ use Q n  9. 570 kips
N 1  V´  442. 5  46. 2, round up to 47. total number  247  94
Qn 9. 570
Min. longitudinal spacing  4d  40. 5  2. 0 in.
Min. transverse spacing  4d  40. 5  2. 0 in.
Max. longitudinal spacing  8t  84  32 in. (upper limit  36 in.)
For one stud at each section, the required spacing will be
span 4012
s   5. 10 in. (OK)
no. studs 94
Use 94 studs, ½ in.  2 in., spaced at approximately 5 in. on center


(a) Total load to be supported by the composite section (omit beam weight; check it
Slab: 5 150  62. 5 psf
w D  62. 57  437. 5 lb/ft, w L  8007  5600 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 20. 4375  1. 65. 600  9. 485 k/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 9. 48530 2  1067 ft-kips
8 8
For a 16-in. deep beam,
y  d t− a  16  5 − 0. 5  12. 5 in.
2 2 2
w  My u  1067  85. 36 lb/ft.
12. 5
For an 18-in. deep beam,
y  d t− a  18  5 − 0. 5  13. 5 in.
2 2 2
w  My u  1067  79. 04 lb/ft.
13. 5
Try a W18  86.
Determine location of plastic neutral axis.
Effective flange width  (30  12/4  90 in. or 712  84 in. (controls)

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A s F y  25. 350  1265 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854845  1428 kips
Since 1265 kips  1428 kips, PNA is in the slab and C  1265 kips.
From C  T,
0. 85f c ´ab  A s F y
0. 854a84  1265, Solution is: a  4. 429 in.
y  d  t − a  18. 4  5 − 4. 429  11. 99 in.
2 2 2 2
 b M n   b Ty  0. 90126511. 99/12  1138 ft-kips  1067 ft-kips (OK)
Check beam weight:
w u  1. 20. 4375  0. 086  1. 65. 600  9. 588 lb/ft
M u  1 9. 58830 2  1079 ft-kips  1138 ft-kips (OK)
Check shear. From the Z x tables,  v V n  265 kips

Vu  wuL 
9. 58830
 144 kips  265 kips (OK)
2 2
Before concrete cures:
w D  437. 5  86  523. 5 lb/ft, w L  207  140 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 20. 5235  1. 60. 140  0. 852 2 k/ft
M u  1 0. 852230 2  95. 9 ft-kips
 b M n   b M p  698 ft-kips  95.9 ft-kips (OK) Use a W18  86
(b) Total load to be supported by the composite section (omit beam weight; check it
Slab: 5 150  62. 5 psf
w D  62. 57  437. 5 lb/ft, w L  8007  5600 lb/ft
w a  w D  w L  437. 5  5600  6038 k/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 6. 03830 2  679. 3 ft-kips
8 8
Try an 18-in. deep beam. Selection of a trial shape:
y  d  t − a  18  5 − 0. 5  13. 5 in.
2 2 2
1. 4679. 3
w  1. 4M
 70. 45 ft-kips
13. 5
Try a W18  76.

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Determine location of plastic neutral axis.
Effective flange width  (30  12/4  90 in. or 712  84 in. (controls)
A s F y  22. 350  1115 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854845  1428 kips
Use C  1115 kips.
From C  T,
0. 85f c ´ab  A s F y
0. 854a84  1115, Solution is: a  3. 904 in.
y  d  t − a  5  5 − 3. 904  5. 548 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  1 Ty  1 11155. 548  3704
b b 1. 67
 3704 in.-kips  309 ft-kips  679.3 ft-kips (N.G.)
Try a W18  86.
Determine location of plastic neutral axis.
Effective flange width  (30  12/4  90 in. or 712  84 in. (controls)
A s F y  25. 350  1265 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854845  1428 kips
Use C  1265 kips.
From C  T,
0. 85f c ´ab  A s F y
0. 854a84  1265, Solution is: a  4. 429 in.
y  d  t − a  18. 4  5 − 4. 492  11. 95 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  1 Ty  1 126511. 95
b b 1. 67
 9052 in.-kips  754 ft-kips  679.3 ft-kips
Check beam weight:
w a  6038  86  6124 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 6. 12430 2  689 ft-kips  754 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
Check shear. From the Z x tables,
V n  177 kips

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Va  waL 
6. 12430
 91. 9 kips  177 kips (OK)
2 2
Before concrete cures:
w D  437. 5  86  523. 5 lb/ft, w L  207  140 lb/ft
w a  523. 5  140  663. 5 lb//ft
M a  1 0. 663530 2  74. 6 ft-kips
M n  M p  464 ft-kips  74.6 ft-kips (OK) Use a W18  86
b b
(c) Max. stud diameter (for a W18  86)  2. 5t f  2. 50. 770  1. 93 in.
Try 5
in.  2 12 in. studs.
5/8 2
A sa   0. 306 8 in. 2 , E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi
Q n  0. 5A sa f ′c E c ≤ R g R p A sa F u

 0. 50. 3068 43492  18. 13 kips

R g R p A sa F u  1. 00. 750. 306865  14. 96
 14. 96 kips  18.13 kips ∴ use Q n  14. 96 kips
N 1  V´  1265  84. 56, round up to 85. total number  285  170
Qn 14. 96
Min. longitudinal spacing  4d  45/8  2. 5 in.
Min. transverse spacing  4d  45/8  2. 5 in.
Max. longitudinal spacing  8t  85  40 in. (but upper limit  36 in.)
For one stud at each section, the required spacing will be
span 3012
s   2. 12 in.
no. studs 170
For two studs at each section, the required spacing will be 2  2. 12  4. 24 in.
Try ¾ in.  3 in. studs.
3/4 2
A sa   0. 441 8 in. 2 , E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi
Q n  0. 5A sa f ′c E c ≤ R g R p A sa F u

 0. 50. 4418 43492  26. 11 kips

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R g R p A sa F u  1. 00. 750. 441865
 21. 54 kips  26.11 kips ∴ use Q n  21. 54 kips
N 1  V´  1265  58. 73, round up to 59. total number  259  118
Qn 21. 54
For one stud at each section, the required spacing will be
span 3012
s   3. 051 in.
no. studs 118
For two studs at each section, the required spacing will be 2  3. 051  6. 10 in.
Use 118 studs, ¾ in.  3 in., spaced at approximately 6 in. on center

(a) Before concrete cures:
Slab: 4 1507. 5  375. 0 lb/ft
w D  375  22  397 lb/ft, w const  207. 5  150. 0 lb/ft, I s  199 in. 4
50. 397/1230  12 4
Δ D  5w D L 
 1. 254 in.
384EI s 38429000199
50. 150/1230  12 4
Δ const  5w const L 
 0. 473 7 in.
384EI s 38429000199
Δ  Δ D  Δ const  1. 254  0. 4737  1. 728 in. Δ  1. 73 in.
(b) After concrete has cured:
Lower bound moment of inertia:
For a W14  22, A s  6. 49 in. 2 , d  13. 7 in., I x  199 in. 4
A s F y  6. 4950  324. 5 kips
b  90 in.

0. 85f c A c  0. 85490  4  1224 kips
C  324. 5 kips
a C  324. 5  1. 06 in.
0. 85f ′c b 0. 85490
Area of transformed concrete  C  324. 5  6. 49 in. 2
Fy 50

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Y2  t − a  4 − 1. 06  3. 47 in.
2 2

Component A y I Ay d I  Ad 2
Concrete 6.490E+00 1.717E+01 1.114E+02 0.000E+00 -5.160E+00 1.728E+02
W14 x 22 6.490E+00 6.850E+00 4.446E+01 1.990E+02 -5.160E+00 3.718E+02
Sum 1.298E+01 1.559E+02 5.446E+02
y  1.201E+01 in.

I LB  544. 6 in. 4
w L  607. 5  450. 0 lb/ft
w part  107. 5  75. 0 lb/ft
w ceil  57. 5  37. 5 lb/ft
5w L  w part  w ceil L 4
Δ  Δ D  Δ L  Δ part  Δ ceil  Δ D 
384EI LB
50. 450  0. 075  0. 0375/1230  12 4
 1. 254   1. 903 in.
38429000544. 6
Δ  1. 90 in.


From Problem 9.2-2,

Beams are W18  97
t  5 in.
b  84
Span  30 ft.
s  8 ft.
w const  20 psf
w L  800 psf
(a) Before concrete cures:
Slab: 5 1508  500 lb/ft
w D  500  97  597 lb/ft, w const  208  160 lb/ft I s  1750 in. 4

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
50. 597/1230  12 4
Δ D  5w D L 
 0. 214 4 in.
384EI s 384290001750
50. 160/1230  12 4
Δ const  5w const L 
 5. 746  10 −2 in.
384EI s 384290001750
Δ  Δ D  Δ const  0. 2144  0. 05746  0. 271 9 in. Δ  2. 63 in.
(b) After concrete has cured:
Compute the lower-bound moment of inertia.
Determine the compressive force, C.
Effective flange width  (30  12/4  90 in. or 812  96 in.
Use b  90 in.
A s F y  28. 550  1425 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854905  1530 kips
Since 1425 kips  1530 kips, C  1425 kips.
Area of transformed concrete  A c  C  1425  28. 5 in. 2
Fy 50
a C  1425  4. 657 in.

0. 85f c b 0. 85490
Y2  t − a  5 − 4. 657  2. 672 in., d  Y2  18. 6  2. 672  21. 27 in.
2 2
Taking moments about the bottom of the steel, we get

Component A y I Ay d I  Ad 2
Concrete 2.850E+01 2.127E+01 6.063E+02 0.000E+00 -5.986E+00 1.021E+03
W24 × 55 2.850E+01 9.300E+00 2.651E+02 1.750E+03 -5.986E+00 2.771E+03
Sum 5.700E+01 8.713E+02 3.792E+03
y  1.529E+01 in.

I LB  3792 in. 4 , w L  8008  6400 lb/ft

5w L L 4
Δ  ΔD  ΔL  ΔD 
384EI LB
56. 400/1230  12 4
 0. 2114   1. 272 in.
Δ  1. 27 in.

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(a) From Problem 9.3-1, a W12  16 is used, with t  4 in., s  7 ft, L  25 ft,
q const  20 psf, q part  15 psf, q L  125 psf, A992 steel and 4 ksi concrete.
Before concrete cures:
Slab: 4 1507  350 lb/ft
w D  350  16  366 lb/ft, w const  207  140 lb/ft, I s  103 in. 4
50. 366/1225  12 4
Δ D  5w D L 
 1. 077 in.
384EI s 38429000103
50. 140/1225  12 4
Δ const  5w const L 
 0. 411 9 in.
384EI s 38429000103
Δ  Δ D  Δ const  1. 077  0. 4119  1. 489 in. Δ  1. 49 in.
After concrete has cured:
w part  157  105 lb/ft, w L  1257  875 lb/ft
Lower-bound moment of inertia:
For a W12  16, A s  4. 71 in. 2 , d  12. 0 in., I x  103 in. 4

Component A y Ay I d I  Ad 2
Concrete 4.71 15.519 73.094 0.00 -4.760 106.69
W12 x 16 4.71 6.00 28.26 103 -4.760 209.7
Sum 9.42 101.4 316.4

∑ Ay
ȳ   101. 4  10. 76 in., I LB  316. 4 in. 4
∑A 9. 420
5w part L 4 50. 105/1225  12 4
Δ part    0. 100 6 in.
384EI LB 38429000316. 4
50. 875/1225  12 4
Δ L  5w L L 
 0. 838 1 in.
384EI LB 38429000316. 4
Δ  Δ D  Δ part  Δ L  1. 077  0. 1006  0. 8381  2. 016 in. Δ  2. 02 in.

(b) Maximum permissible Δ L  L  25  12  0. 833 in.  0.838 in.

360 360
Because of the approximate nature of the results, we will say that a W12  16. is OK.

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(a) From Problem 9.4-1, a W21  57 is used, with t  6 in., s  9 ft, L  40 ft,
q const  20 psf, q L  250 psf, A992 steel and 4 ksi concrete.
Before concrete cures:
Slab: 6 1509  675. 0 lb/ft
w D  675  57  732 lb/ft, w const  209  180 lb/ft, I s  1170 in. 4
50. 732/1240  12 4
Δ D  5w D L 
 1. 243 in.
384EI s 384290001170
50. 180/1240  12 4
Δ const  5w const L 
 0. 305 6 in.
384EI s 384290001170
Δ  Δ D  Δ const  1. 243  0. 3056  1. 549 in. Δ  1. 55 in.
After concrete has cured:
w L  2509  2250 lb/ft
Lower-bound moment of inertia:
Effective flange width  (40  12/4  120 in. or 912  108 in.,
use b  108 in.
For a W21  57, A s  16. 7 in. 2 , d  21. 1 in., I x  1170 in. 4
Determine the compressive force, C.
A s F y  16. 750  835. 0 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 8541086  2203 kips
Use C  835 kips.
Area of transformed concrete  A c  C  835  16. 7 in. 2
Fy 50
a C  835  2. 274 in.
0. 85f ′c b 0. 854108
Y2  t − a  6 − 2. 274  4. 863 in.
2 2
Taking moments about the bottom of the steel, we get

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Component A y Ay I d I  Ad 2
Concrete 1.670E+01 2.596E+01 4.336E+02 0.000E+00 -7.707E+00 9.918E+02
W12 × 22 1.670E+01 1.055E+01 1.762E+02 1.170E+03 -7.707E+00 2.162E+03
Sum 3.340E+01 6.098E+02 3.154E+03
y  1.826E+01 in.

I LB  3154 in. 4
52. 250/1240  12 4
Δ L  5w L L 
 1. 417 in.
384EI LB 384290003154
Δ  Δ D  Δ L  1. 243  1. 417  2. 66 in. Δ  2. 66 in.

Maximum permissible Δ  L  40  12  2. 0 in.  2.66 in. (N.G.)

240 240
(b) Try a W24  55. USe LRFD.
Determine location of plastic neutral axis.
A s F y  16. 250  810. 0 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 8541086  2203 kips
Use C  810 kips.
From C  T,
0. 85f c ´ab  A s F y
0. 854a108  810, Solution is: a  2. 206 in.
y  d  t − a  23. 6  6 − 2. 206  16. 70 in.
2 2 2 2
 b M n   b Ty  0. 9081016. 70  1. 217  10 4 in.-kips  1014 ft-kips
w D  6 1509  55  730. 0 lb/ft, w L  2509  2250 lb/ft
w u  1. 2730  1. 62250  4476 lb/ft
M u  1 4. 47640 2  895 ft-kips  1014 ft-kips (OK)
Check shear. From the Z x tables,  v V n  252 kips

Vu  wuL 
4. 47640
 89. 5 kips  252 kips (OK)
2 2
Before concrete cures:
w D  730 lb/ft, w L  209  180 lb/ft

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 20. 730  1. 60. 180  1. 164 k/ft
M u  1 1. 16440 2  233 ft-kips
 b M n   b M p  503 ft-kips  233 ft-kips (OK)
Check deflection. Before concrete cures:
Slab: 6 1509  675. 0 lb/ft
w D  675  55  730 lb/ft, w const  209  180 lb/ft, I s  1350 in. 4
50. 730/1240  12 4
Δ D  5w D L 
 1. 074 in.
384EI s 384290001350
50. 180/1240  12 4
Δ const  5w const L 
 0. 264 8 in.
384EI s 384290001350
Δ  Δ D  Δ const  1. 074  0. 2648  1. 339 in. Δ  1. 34 in.
After concrete has cured:
w L  2509  2250 lb/ft
Lower-bound moment of inertia:
Effective flange width  (40  12/4  120 in. or 912  108 in.
Use b  108 in.
For a W24  55, A s  16. 2 in. 2 , d  23. 6 in., I x  1350 in. 4
Determine the compressive force, C.
A s F y  16. 250  810. 0 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 8541086  2203 kips
Use C  810 kips.
Area of transformed concrete  A c  C  810  16. 2 in. 2
Fy 50
a C  810  2. 206 in.
0. 85f ′c b 0. 854108
Y2  t − a  6 − 2. 206  4. 897 in.
2 2
Taking moments about the bottom of the steel, we get

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Component A y Ay I d I  Ad 2
Concrete 1.620E+01 2.850E+01 4.617E+02 0.000E+00 -8.349E+00 1.129E+03
W24 × 55 1.620E+01 1.180E+01 1.912E+02 1.350E+03 -8.349E+00 2.479E+03
Sum 3.240E+01 6.528E+02 3.608E+03
 Ay
y  2.015E+01 in.

I LB  3608 in. 4
52. 250/1240  12 4
Δ L  5w L L 
 1. 239 in.
384EI LB 384290003608
Δ  Δ D  Δ L  1. 34  1. 239  2. 58 in. Δ  2. 58 in.

Maximum permissible Δ  L  40  12  2. 0 in.  2.58 in. (N.G.)

240 240
The largest component is before the concrete cures. The maximum permissible dead
load deflection is
2. 0 − 1. 239  0. 761 in.
50. 730/1240  12 4
Required I s   1905 in. 4
384290000. 761
Try a W24  76, with I x  2100 in. 4
The strength and lower bound moment of inertia will be larger than before, so this
shape will be adequate.
Use a W24  76

(a) From Problem 9.4-2, a W14  22 is used, with t  4 in., s  8 ft, L  27 ft,
q const  20 psf, q part  20 psf, q L  120 psf, A992 steel and 4 ksi concrete.
Before concrete cures:
Slab: 4 1508  400 lb/ft
w D  400  22  422 lb/ft, w const  208  160 lb/ft, I s  199 in. 4
50. 422/1227  12 4
Δ D  5w D L 
 0. 874 4 in.
384EI s 38429000199

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50. 160/1227  12 4
Δ const  5w const L 
 0. 331 5 in.
384EI s 38429000199
Δ  Δ D  Δ const  0. 8744  0. 3315  1. 206 in. Δ  1. 21 in.
After concrete has cured:
w part  208  160 lb/ft, w L  1208  960 lb/ft
Lower-bound moment of inertia:
Effective flange width  (27  12/4  81 in. or 812  96 in., use b  81 in.
For a W14  22, A s  6. 49 in. 2 , d  13. 7 in., I x  199 in. 4
Determine the compressive force, C.
A s F y  6. 4950  324. 5 kips, 0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854814  1102 kips
Since 1102 kips  324. 5 kips, C  324.5 kips.
Area of transformed concrete  A c  C  324. 5  6. 49 in. 2
Fy 50
a C  324. 5  1. 178 in.

0. 85f c b 0. 85481
Y2  t − a  4 − 1. 178  3. 411 in.
2 2
Taking moments about the bottom of the steel, we get

Component A y Ay I d I  Ad 2
Concrete 6.49 17.11 111.1 0.00 -5.131 170.8
W14 x 22 6.49 6.85 44.46 199 -5.131 369.8
Sum 12.98 155.5 540.7

∑ Ay
ȳ   155. 5  11. 98 in., I LB  540. 7 in. 4
∑A 12. 98
5w part L 4 50. 160/1227  12 4
Δ part    0. 122 in.
384EI LB 38429000540. 7
50. 960/1227  12 4
Δ L  5w L L 
 0. 732 1 in.
384EI LB 38429000540. 7
Δ  Δ D  Δ part  Δ L  0. 8744  0. 122  0. 7321  1. 73 in. Δ  1. 73 in.

(b) Maximum permissible Δ L  L  27  12  0. 900 in.  0.732 in. (OK)

360 360
A W14  22 is satisfactory.

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(a) Lower-bound moment of inertia:
Effective flange width  (30  12/4  90 in. or 612  72 in. (controls).
For area computations for the slab, use a depth of 4. 5 − 2  2. 5 in.
For a W18  35, A s  10. 3 in. 2 , d  17. 7 in., I x  510 in. 4
A s F y  10. 350  515. 0 kips
0. 85f ′c A c  0. 8542. 5  72  612. 0 kips
Use C  V ′  515 kips.
Area of concrete to be used is C  515  10. 3 in. 2
Fy 50
From C  T, 0. 85f ′c ab  A s F y
0. 854a72  515, Solution is: a  2. 104 in.
Y2  t − a  4. 5 − 2. 104  3. 448 in.
2 2

Component A y I Ay d I  Ad 2
Concrete 1.030E+01 2.115E+01 2.178E+02 0.000E+00 -6.149E+00 3.894E+02
W18 x 35 1.030E+01 8.850E+00 9.116E+01 5.100E+02 -6.149E+00 8.994E+02
Sum 2.060E+01 3.090E+02 1.289E+03

∑ Ay
ȳ   309. 0  15. 0 in. I LB  1289 in. 4
∑A 20. 60
51. 0/1230  12 4
Δ L  5w L L 
 0. 487 5 in. Δ L  0. 488 in.
384EI LB 384290001289
y  d  t − a  17. 7  4. 5 − 2. 104  12. 30 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  Ty  51512. 30  6335 in.-kips  528 ft-kips
M n  528 ft-kips


Steel headed stud anchors:

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Maximum diameter  2. 5t f  2. 50. 570  1. 425 in.  3/4 in. (OK)
Maximum diameter  3/4 in. with formed steel deck. (OK)
3/4 2
A sa   0. 441 8 in. 2 , E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi
Q n  0. 5A sa f ′c E c ≤ R g R p A sa F u

 0. 50. 4418 43492  26. 11 kips

R g  0. 85 for two studs per rib
R g R p A sa F u  0. 850. 600. 441865
 14. 65 kips  26.11 kips ∴ use Q n  14. 65 kips
N 1  total no. of studs  2   2  1  60
6 2
∑ Q n  Q n  N 1  14. 6560  879. 0 kips
A s F y  14. 750  735. 0 kips
0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854904. 5 − 2  765. 0 kips
Since A s F y is the smallest of the three possibilities, C  735 kips, and there is full
composite action.
Location of concrete compressive force:
a C  735  2. 402 in.
0. 85f ′c b 0. 85490
Moment arm for concrete compressive force is
y  d  t − a  18  4. 5 − 2. 402  12. 30 in.
2 2 2 2
M n  Cy  73512. 30  9041 in-kips  753 ft-kips
M n  753 ft-kips

Steel headed stud anchors:
Maximum diameter  2. 5t f  2. 50. 420  1. 05 in.  3/4 in. (OK)
Maximum diameter  3/4 in. with formed steel deck. (OK)
3/4 2
A sa   0. 441 8 in. 2 , E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Q n  0. 5A sa f ′c E c ≤ R g R p A sa F u

 0. 50. 4418 43492  26. 11 kips

R g R p A sa F u  1. 00. 600. 441865  17. 23
 17. 23 kips  26.11 kips ∴ use Q n  17. 23 kips
30  12/3  6
N 1  total no. of studs  2   10. 0
∑ Q n  Q n  N 1  17. 2310  172. 3 kips
A s F y  7. 6950  384. 5 kips
0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854664. 5 − 1. 5  673. 2 kips
Since ∑ Q n is the smallest of the three possibilities, C  173. 2 kips, there is partial
composite action, and the PNA is in the steel section. Determine whether the PNA is in
the top flange or the web:
C  Cs − T  0
173. 2  F y b f t ′ − F y A s − b f t ′   0
 173. 2  505. 03t ′ − 507. 69 − 5. 03t ′   0, Solution is: t ′  0. 420 1
Since t f  0. 420 in., the PNA is at the bottom of the flange.
C s  b f t ′ F y  5. 030. 42050  105. 6 kips
Compute ȳ , the distance from the top of the steel to the centroid of the area below the

Component A y Ay
W14 x 26 7.690E+00 6.950E+00 5.345E+01
Flange segment -2.113E+00 2.100E-01 -4.437E-01
Sum 5.577E+00 5.301E+01

∑ Ay
ȳ   53. 01  9. 505 in.
∑A 5. 577

Location of concrete compressive force:

a C  173. 2  0. 771 8 in.

0. 85f c b 0. 85466
Moment arm for concrete compressive force is
ȳ  t − a  9. 505  4. 5 − 0. 7718  13. 62 in.
2 2

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Moment arm for compressive force in the steel is
ȳ −  9. 505 − 0. 420  9. 295 in.
2 2
M n  ∑ M T  C13. 62  C s 9. 295
 173. 113. 62  105. 69. 295  3339 in.-kips  278 ft-kips
Check ductility: Since the span length is ≤ 30 ft, the beam has enough ductility.
M n  278 ft-kips


The beam is a W18  40.

Steel headed stud anchors:
Maximum diameter  2. 5t f  2. 50. 525  1. 313 in.  3/4 in. (OK)
Maximum diameter  3/4 in. with formed steel deck. (OK)
3/4 2
A sa   0. 441 8 in. 2 , E c  w 1.5
c f c ´  145 1.5 4  3492 ksi
Q n  0. 5A sa f ′c E c ≤ R g R p A sa F u

 0. 50. 4418 43492  26. 11 kips

Approximate spacing with one stud at each location is
s  14. 1 in.
∴ one stud at each location will work. Use
R g  1. 0, R p  0. 6
R g R p A sa F u  1. 00. 600. 441865  17. 23
 17. 23 kips  26.11 kips ∴ use Q n  17. 23 kips
N 1  total no. of studs  2  34/2  17 studs
∑ Q n  Q n  N 1  17. 2317  292. 9 kips
A s F y  11. 850  590. 0 kips
b  120 in. or 1012  120 in.
0.85 f c ´bt  0. 8541204. 5 − 1. 5  1224 kips
Since ∑ Q n is the smallest of the three possibilities, C  292. 9 kips, there is partial

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composite action, and the PNA is in the steel section. Determine whether the PNA is in
the top flange or the web:
C Cs − T 0
C Fybft′ − FyAs − bft′  0
292. 9 506. 02t′ − 5011. 8 − 6. 02t′  0 in., Solution is: t′ 0. 493 5 in. Since
tf 0. 525 in., the PNA is in the flange.
Cs bf t′Fy 6. 020. 493550  148. 5 kips
Compute ȳ , the distance from the top of the steel to the centroid of the area below the

Component A y Ay
W18 x 40 1.180E+01 8.950E+00 1.056E+02
Flange segment -2.971E+00 2.468E-01 -7.332E-01
Sum 8.829E+00 1.049E+02

∑ Ay
ȳ   104. 9  11. 88 in.
∑A 8. 829

Location of concrete compressive force:

a C  292. 9  0. 717 9 in.
0. 85f ′c b 0. 854120
Moment arm for concrete compressive force is
ȳ  t − a  11. 88  4. 5 − 0. 7179  16. 02 in.
2 2
Moment arm for compressive force in the steel is

ȳ − t  11. 88 − 0. 4935  11. 63 in.
2 2
M n  ∑ M T  C16. 02  C s 11. 63
 292. 916. 02  148. 511. 63  6419 in.-kips  534.9 ft-kips
Loads: Before the concrete cures,

w D  4. 5 11510  40  471. 3 lb/ft w L  2010  200 lb/ft

After the concrete cures,
w D  470. 3  5  510  570. 3 lb/ft w L  120  2010  1400 lb/ft
(a) LRFD Solution

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Before the concrete cures,
w u  1. 20. 4713  1. 60. 200  0. 885 6 kips/ft
M u  1 0. 885640 2  177 ft-kips
 b M nx   b M px  294 ft-kips  177 ft-kips (OK)
After the concrete cures,
w u  1. 20. 5703  1. 61. 400  2. 924 kips/ft
M u  1 2. 92440 2  585 ft-kips
 b M nx  0. 90534. 9  481 ft-kips  583 ft-kips (N.G.)
The strength is not adequate.
(b) ASD Solution
Before the concrete cures,
w a  0. 4713  0. 200  0. 671 3 kips/ft
M a  1 0. 671340 2  134 ft-kips
M nx  M px  196 ft-kips  134 ft-kips (OK)
b b
After the concrete cures,
w a  0. 5703  1. 400  1. 97 kips/ft
M a  1 1. 9740 2  394 ft-kips
M nx  534. 9  320 ft-kips  394 ft-kips (N.G.)
b 1. 67
The strength is not adequate.

From the solution to Problem 9.7-3, for ¾-in. studs and fc´ 4 ksi, Qn 17. 23 kips
(Alternatively, we could use Qn 17. 2 kips from Manual Table 3-21.)
N 1  30  12  15. 0
∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  1517. 23  258. 5 kips
A s F y  7. 6950  384. 5 kips

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854664. 5 − 1. 5  673. 2 kips
The smallest of these three controls; ∴ C  258. 5 kips (this is denoted as ∑ Q n in the
a C  258. 5  1. 152 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 85466
Y2  t − a  4. 5 − 1. 152  3. 924 in.
2 2
Since we are seeking a nominal strength, we can use either the LRFD value or the ASD
value from the table. We will use the LRFD value.
Interpolate for M n . First, interpolate vertically (create an intermediate row), then
 Qn
3.500 3.924 4.000
279.000 273.000 283.000
258.500 267.198 275.022 276.425
226.000 258.000 266.000

M n
Mn   275  306 ft-kips
 0. 90
M n  306 ft-kips


(a) For 44 studs per beam,

N 1  44  22
Assuming 1 stud at each location, Q n  17. 2 kips (Manual Table 3-21)
∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  2217. 2  378. 4 kips
A s F y  10. 650  530. 0 kips
0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854905 − 2  918. 0 kips
The smallest of these three controls; ∴ C  378. 4 kips (this is denoted as ∑ Q n in the
a C  378. 4  1. 237 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 85490
Y2  t − a  5 − 1. 237  4. 382 in.
2 2

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LRFD Solution:

Interpolate in Table 3-19. First, interpolate vertically (create an intermediate row), then
 Qn
4.000 4.382 4.500
380.000 429.000 443.000
378.400 428.488 439.135 442.424
305.000 405.000 416.000

 b M n  439 ft-kips
ASD Solution:
Interpolate in Table 3-19. First, interpolate vertically (create an intermediate row), then
 Qn
4.000 4.382 4.500
380.000 285.000 295.000
378.400 284.659 292.266 294.616
305.000 269.000 277.000

R n / b  292 ft-kips

(b) For 20 studs per beam,

N 1  20  10
Assuming 1 stud at each location, Q n  17. 2 kips (Manual Table 3-21)
∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  1017. 2  172 kips
A s F y  10. 650  530. 0 kips
0.85 f c ´bt  0. 854905 − 2  918. 0 kips
The smallest of these three controls; ∴ C  172 kips (this is denoted as ∑ Q n in the
a C  172  0. 562 1 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 85490
Y2  t − a  5 − 0. 5621  4. 719 in
2 2
LRFD Solution:

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Interpolate in Table 3-19. First, interpolate vertically (create an intermediate row), then
 Qn
4.500 4.719 5.000
192.000 368.000 375.000
172.000 356.636 359.304 362.727
148.000 343.000 348.000

 b M n  359 ft-kips
ASD Solution:
Interpolate in Table 3-19. First, interpolate vertically (create an intermediate row), then
 Qn
4.500 4.719 5.000
192.000 245.000 250.000
172.000 237.273 239.065 241.364
148.000 228.000 231.000

R n / b  239 ft-kips

(a) w D  51  1010  610 lb/ft (neglect beam wt. and check it later.)
w L  80  2010  1000 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 20. 610  1. 61. 000  2. 332 lb/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 2. 33235 2  357 ft-kips
8 8
Try a W21  48,  b M n   b M p  398 ft-kips  357 ft-kips (OK)
Check beam weight:
M u  357  1 1. 2  0. 04835 2  366 ft-kips  398 ft-kips (OK)
Check shear: From the Z x table,  v V n  216 kips
2. 33235
Vu ≈  40. 8 kips  216 kips (OK) Use a W21  48
Compute total deflection: w  610  48  1000  1658 lb/ft.

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
From the dimensions and properties table, I x  959 in. 4
4 51. 658/1235  12 4
Δ  5wL   2. 01 in. Δ  2. 01 in.
384EI x 38429000959
(b) Effective flange width  (35  12/4  105 in. or 1012  120 in., use b  105
Total load to be supported by the composite section (neglecting beam weight): from
Part (a),
M u  1 w u L 2  1 2. 33235 2  357 ft-kips
8 8
Assume a  1 in.: Y2  t − a  5 − 1  4. 5 in.
2 2
Try a W16  31. For PNA location 4, ∑ Q n  274 kips,  b M n  362 ft-kips
∑ Qn 274
a   0. 767 5 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 854105
Y2  t − a  5 − 0. 7675  4. 616 in.
2 2
By interpolation,  b M n  365 ft-kips  357 ft-kips (OK)
Adjust for beam weight: w u  2. 332  1. 20. 031  2. 369 kips/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 2. 36935 2  363 ft-kips  365 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
Check shear: From the Z x table,  v V n  131 kips
2. 36935
Vu   41. 5 kips  131 kips (OK)
Before concrete cures:
w D  5110  31  541 lb/ft, w L  2010  200 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 20. 541  1. 60. 200  0. 969 2 k/ft
M u  1 0. 969235 2  148 ft-kips
From Table 3-19,  b M p  203 ft-kips  148 ft-kips (OK) Use a W16  31
Stud anchors:
Maximum stud diameter  2. 5t f  2. 50. 440  1. 1 in.
But maximum diameter with formed steel deck  3
in. (controls)
Minimum height of stud above top of deck  1 12 in.
Minimum cover to top of stud  1

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Use hs 2 1 1
2 3 1
2 in.
Try 3
-in. 3 12 -in. studs. Assume one stud at each beam location. For lightweight
concrete and fc´ 4 ksi, Qn 17. 2 kips (Manual Table 3-21)
∑ Qn
N1   274  15. 9, use 16 (32 per beam)
Qn 17. 2
(Actual ∑ Q n  1617. 2  275 kips)
L 3512
The approximate spacing is   13. 1 in. (the exact spacing will
no. studs 32
depend on the the deck rib spacing).
Min. longitudinal spacing  4d  43/4  3 in.
Max. longitudinal spacing  8t  85  40 in. (upper limit  36 in.)
∴ 32 studs OK.
Check ductility (Only one of the following conditions needs to be satisfied):
1. Span length  35 ft  30 ft. This criterion is not met.
Q n 32/217. 2
2.  100   100
AsFy 9. 1350
 60. 28 %  50%. This criterion is met.*
Q n 32/217. 2
3. 
span/2 35/2
 15. 73 kips/ft  16 kips/ft. This criterion is not met.
*Ductility is adequate.
Use 32 studs, 3
-in.  3 12 -in

1. Compute total deflection using transformed moment of inertia:

Before concrete cures,
50. 541/1235  12 4
Δ D  5w D L 
 1. 680 in.
384EI s 38429, 000375
50. 200/1235  12 4
Δ const  5w const L 
 0. 620 9 in.
384EI s 38429, 000375
Maximum deflection before concrete cures is Δ D  Δ const  1. 680  0. 6209  2. 30 in.
For loads applied to the composite section, compute the transformed moment of inertia.

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Comp. A y Ay Ibar d Ibar + Ad^2
Steel 9.13 12.95 118.23 375.00 7.82 933.66
Slab 19.69 1.50 29.53 14.77 3.63 273.84
Sum 28.82 147.76 1207.51

ybar = 5.128 in. Itr = 1207.51 in.^4

Loads applied after concrete cures:

w  w L  w part  w misc  80  20  1010  1100 lb/ft
5wL 4  51. 100/1235  12
After the concrete cures, Δ Lpartmisc 
384EI tr 384290001208
 1. 06 in.
Maximum total deflection  Δ D  Δ Lpartmisc  1. 680  1. 06  2. 74 in.

2. Compute total deflection using lower-bound moment of inertia:

Before concrete cures,
50. 541/1235  12 4
Δ D  5w D L 
 1. 680 in.
384EI s 38429, 000375
50. 200/1235  12 4
Δ const  5w const L 
 0. 620 9 in.
384EI s 38429, 000375
Maximum deflection before concrete cures is Δ D Δ const 1. 680 0. 6209 2. 30 in.
After concrete cures:
Loads applied after concrete cures:
w wL wpart wmisc  80 20 1010  1100 lb/ft
From Manual Table 3-20, for PNA 4 and Y2 4.616 in., ILB 916. 0 in.4
5wL 4  51. 100/1235  12
After the concrete cures, Δ Lpartmisc 
384EI LB 38429000916. 0
 1. 398 in.
Maximum total deflection  Δ D  Δ LPmisc  1. 680  1. 398  3. 08 in.

9.8-4 (same as 9.8-3, but use ASD)

(a) w D  51  1010  610 lb/ft (neglect beam wt. and check it later.)

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
w L  80  2010  1000 lb/ft
w a  w D  w L  0. 610  1. 000  1. 61 kips/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 1. 6135 2  246. 5 ft-kips
8 8
Try a W21  48, M n / b  M p / b  265 ft-kips  246.5 ft-kips (OK)
Check beam weight:
M a  246. 5  1 0. 04835 2  253. 9 ft-kips  265 ft-kips (OK)
Check shear: From the Z x table, V n / v  144 kips
1. 6135
Va ≈  28. 2 kips  144 kips (OK) Use a W21  48
Compute total deflection: w  610  48  1000  1658 lb/ft.
From the dimensions and properties table, I x  959 in. 4
4 51. 658/1235  12 4
Δ  5wL   2. 01 in. Δ  2. 01 in.
384EI x 38429000959
(b) Effective flange width  (35  12/4  105 in. or 1012  120 in.
Use b  105 in.
Total load to be supported by the composite section (neglecting beam weight): from
Part a,
M a  1 w a L 2  1 1. 6135 2  247 ft-kips
8 8
Assume a  1 in.: Y2  t − a  5 − 1  4. 5 in.
2 2
Try a W16  31. For PNA location 4, ∑ Q n  274 kips, M n / b  241 ft-kips
∑ Qn 274
a   0. 767 5 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 854105
Y2  t − a  5 − 0. 7675  4. 616 in.
2 2
By interpolation, M n / b  243 ft-kips  247 ft-kips (N.G.)
For PNA level 3, ∑ Q n  335 kips
∑ Qn 335
a   0. 938 4 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 854105
Y2  t − a  5 − 0. 9384  4. 531 in.
2 2
M n / b  256 ft-kips  247 ft-kips (OK)

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Adjust for beam weight:
w a  w D  w L  0. 610  0. 031  1. 000  1. 641 kips/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 1. 64135 2  251 ft-kips  256 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
Check shear: From the Z x table, V n / b  87.5 kips
1. 64135
Va   28. 7 kips  87.5 kips (OK)
Before concrete cures:
w D  5110  31  541 lb/ft, w L  2010  200 lb/ft
w a  541  200  741 lb/ft
M a  1 0. 74135 2  114 ft-kips
From the Z x table, M np / b  135 ft-kips  114 ft-kips (OK) Use a W16  31
Stud anchors:
Maximum stud diameter 2. 5t f 2. 50. 440  1. 1 in.

But maximum diameter with formed steel deck (controls)
Minimum height of stud above top of deck 1 12 in.
Minimum cover to top of stud 1in.

Use hs 2 1 1 3 1 in.
2 2
Try 3 -in. 3 1 -in. studs. Assume one stud at each beam location. For lightweight
4 2
concrete and fc´ 4 ksi, Qn 17. 2 kips (Manual Table 3-21)
∑ Qn
N1   335  19. 48, use 20 (40 per beam)
Qn 17. 2
(Actual ∑ Q n  2017. 2  344. 0 kips)
L 3512
The approximate spacing is   10. 5 in. (the exact spacing will
no. studs 40
depend on the the deck rib spacing).
Min. longitudinal spacing  4d  43/4  3 in.
Max. longitudinal spacing  8t  85  40 in. (upper limit  36 in.)
∴ 32 studs OK.
Check ductility (Only one of the following conditions needs to be satisfied):
1. Span length  35 ft  30 ft. This criterion is not met.

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Q n 32/217. 2
2.  100   100
AsFy 9. 1350
 60. 28 %  50%. This criterion is met.*
Q n 32/217. 2
3. 
span/2 35/2
 15. 73 kips/ft  16 kips/ft. This criterion is not met.
*Ductility is adequate.
Use 32 studs, 3
-in.  3 12 -in

1. Compute total deflection using transformed moment of inertia:

Before concrete cures,
50. 541/1235  12 4
Δ D  5w D L 
 1. 680 in.
384EI s 38429, 000375
50. 200/1235  12 4
Δ const  5w const L 
 0. 620 9 in.
384EI s 38429, 000375
Maximum deflection before concrete cures is Δ D  Δ const  1. 680  0. 6209  2. 30 in.
For loads applied to the composite section, compute the transformed moment of inertia.

Comp. A y Ay Ibar d Ibar + Ad^2

Steel 9.13 12.95 118.23 375.00 7.82 933.66
Slab 19.69 1.50 29.53 14.77 3.63 273.84
Sum 28.82 147.76 1207.51

ybar = 5.128 in. Itr = 1207.51 in.^4

Loads applied after concrete cures:

w  w L  w part  w misc  80  20  1010  1100 lb/ft
5wL 4  51. 100/1235  12
After the concrete cures, Δ Lpartmisc 
384EI tr 384290001208
 1. 06 in.
Maximum total deflection  Δ D  Δ Lpartmisc  1. 680  1. 06  2. 74 in.

2. Compute total deflection using lower-bound moment of inertia:

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Before concrete cures,
50. 541/1235  12 4
Δ D  5w D L 
 1. 680 in.
384EI s 38429, 000375
50. 200/1235  12 4
Δ const  5w const L 
 0. 620 9 in.
384EI s 38429, 000375
Maximum deflection before concrete cures is Δ D Δ const 1. 680 0. 6209 2. 30 in.
After concrete cures:
Loads applied after concrete cures:
w wL wpart wmisc  80 20 1010  1100 lb/ft
From Manual Table 3-20, for PNA 3 and Y2 4.531 in.,
4. 531 − 4. 5
I LB  974  1020 − 974  976. 9 in. 4
0. 5
After the concrete cures, Δ Lpartmisc  5wL
384EI LB
51. 100/1235  12 4
  1. 311 in.
38429000976. 9
Maximum total deflection  Δ D  Δ LPmisc  1. 680  1. 311  2. 99 in.

(a) Total load to be supported by the composite section (neglecting beam weight):
Slab: 4 150  50. 0 psf
w D  50  20  88  624 lb/ft, w L  1008  800 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2624  1. 6800  2029 lb/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 2. 02936 2  329 ft-kips
8 8
Assume a  1 in.: Y2  t − a  4 − 1  3. 5 in.
2 2
Try a W16  31. For PNA location 4, ∑ Q n  274 kips and  b M n  342 ft-kips
Effective flange width  (36  12/4  108 in. or 812  96 in. (controls)
∑ Qn 274
a   0. 839 5 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 85496
Y2  t − a  4 − 0. 8395  3. 58 in. Use 3.5 in. (conservatively)
2 2

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
 b M n  342 ft-kips  329 ft-kips (OK)
Adjust for beam weight: w u  2. 029  1. 20. 036  2. 072 kips/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 2. 07236 2  336 ft-kips  342 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
Check shear: From the Z x table,  v V n  131 kips
2. 07236
Vu   37. 3 kips  131 kips (OK)
Before concrete cures:
w D  508  36  436 lb/ft, w L  208  160 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 20. 436  1. 60. 160  0. 779 2 k/ft
M u  1 0. 779236 2  126 ft-kips
From the Z x table,  b M p  203 ft-kips  126 ft-kips (OK) Use a W16  31
(b) Stud anchors: For 3
-in. studs, normal weight concrete, and f c ´  4 ksi
Q n  17. 2 kips (Table 3-21, assuming one stud at each beam location)
∑ Qn
N1   274  15. 9, use 16 (32 per beam)
Qn 17. 2
Check ductility (Only one of the following conditions needs to be satisfied):
1. Span length  36 ft  30 ft. This criterion is not met.
Q n 1617. 2
2.  100   100
AsFy 9. 1350
 60. 28 %  50%. This criterion is met.*
Q n 1617. 2
3. 
span/2 36/2
 15. 3 kips/ft  16 kips/ft. This criterion is not met.
*Ductility is adequate.
32 stud anchors required (assuming one stud at each beam location)

(a) Total load to be supported by the composite section (neglecting beam weight):
Slab: 4 150  50. 0 psf
w D  50  20  88  624 lb/ft, w L  1008  800 lb/ft

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
w a  w D  w L  624  800  1424 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 1. 42436 2  231 ft-kips
8 8
Assume a  1 in.: Y2  t − a  4 − 1  3. 5 in.
2 2
Try a W16  31. For PNA location 3, ∑ Q n  335 kips and M n  239 ft-kips
Effective flange width  (36  12/4  108 in. or 812  96 in. (controls)
∑ Qn 335
a   1. 026 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 85496
Y2  t − a  4 − 1. 026  3. 49 in. Use 3.5 in.
2 2
239 ft-kips  231 ft-kips (OK)
Adjust for beam weight: wa 1424 31 1455 lb/ft

M a  1 w a L 2  1 1. 45536 2  236 ft-kips  239 ft-kips (OK)

8 8
Check shear: From the Z x table, V n  87.5 kips
1. 45536
Va   26. 2 kips  87.5 kips (OK)
Before concrete cures:
w D  508  36  436 lb/ft, w L  208  160 lb/ft
w a  w D  w L  0. 426  0. 160  0. 586 kips/ft
M a  1 0. 58636 2  94. 9 ft-kips
From the Z x table,  135 ft-kips  94.9 ft-kips (OK) Use a W16  31
(b) Stud anchors:
For 3
-in. studs, normal weight concrete, and f c ´  4 ksi; Q n  17. 2 kips (Table 3-21,
assuming one stud at each beam location)
∑ Qn
N1   335  19. 48, use 20 (40 per beam)
Qn 17. 2
Check ductility (Only one of the following conditions needs to be satisfied):
1. Span length  36 ft  30 ft. This criterion is not met.
Q n 2017. 2
2.  100   100
AsFy 9. 1350

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
 75. 36 %  50%. This criterion is met.*
Q n 2017. 2
3.   19. 11
span/2 36/2
 19. 1 kips/ft  16 kips/ft. This criterion is met.*
*Ductility is adequate.
40 stud anchors required (assuming one stud at each beam location)

(a) Total load to be supported by the composite section (omit beam weight; check it
Slab: 5 150  62. 5 psf
w D  62. 57  437. 5 lb/ft, w L  8007  5600 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 20. 4375  1. 65. 600  9. 485 k/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 9. 48530 2  1067 ft-kips
8 8
Assume a  1 in.: Y2  t − a  5 − 1  4. 5 in.
2 2
Try a W24  76. For PNA location 6, ∑ Q n  394 kips and  b M n  1110 ft-kips
Effective flange width  (30  12/4  90 in. or 712  84 in. (controls)
∑ Qn 394
a   1. 380 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 85484
Y2  t − a  5 − 1. 380  4. 31 in.
2 2
 b M n  1102 ft-kips  1067 ft-kips (OK)
Adjust for beam weight: w u  9. 485  1. 20. 076  9. 576 kips/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 9. 57630 2  1077 ft-kips  1110 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
Check shear: From the Z x table,  v V n  315 kips
9. 57630
Vu   144 kips  315 kips (OK)
Before concrete cures:
w D  62. 57  76  513. 5 lb/ft, w L  207  140 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 20. 5135  1. 60. 140  0. 840 2 k/ft

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M u  1 0. 840230 2  94. 5 ft-kips
From the Z x table,  b M p  315 ft-kips  94.5 ft-kips (OK)
Check live load deflection. Δ max  L/360   1. 0 in.
From Manual Table 3-20, for a W24 76, PNA location 6, ∑ Qn 394 kips, and
Y2 4. 31 in., ILB 3642 in.4
55. 600/1230  12 4
Δ L  5w L L 
 0. 966 in.  1.0 in. (OK)
384EI LB 384290003642
Use a W24  76
(b) Total load to be supported by the composite section (omit beam weight; check it
Slab: 5 150  62. 5 psf
w D  62. 57  437. 5 lb/ft, w L  8007  5600 lb/ft
w a  w D  w L  437. 5  5600  6038 k/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 6. 03830 2  679 ft-kips
8 8
Assume a  1 in.: Y2  t − a  5 − 1  4. 5 in.
2 2
Try a W24  76. For PNA location 6, ∑ Q n  394 kips and M n  736 ft-kips
Effective flange width  (30  12/4  90 in. or 712  84 in. (controls)
∑ Qn 394
a   1. 380 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 85484
Y2  t − a  5 − 1. 380  4. 31 in.
2 2
M n  732 ft-kips  679 ft-kips (OK)
Check beam weight:
w a  6038  76  6114 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 6. 11430 2  688 ft-kips  732 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
Check shear. From the Z x tables,
V n  210 kips

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Va  waL 
6. 11430
 91. 7 kips  210 kips (OK)
2 2
Before concrete cures:
w D  437. 5  76  513. 5 lb/ft, w L  207  140 lb/ft
w a  513. 5  140  653. 5 lb//ft
M a  1 0. 653530 2  73. 5 ft-kips
M n  M p  499 ft-kips  73.5 ft-kips (OK)
b b
Check live load deflection. Δ max  L/360   1. 0 in.
From Manual Table 3-20, for a W24 76, PNA location 6, ∑ Qn 394 kips, and
Y2 4. 31 in., ILB 3642 in.4
55. 600/1230  12 4
Δ L  5w L L 
 0. 966 in.  1.0 in. (OK)
384EI LB 384290003642
Use a W24  76
(c) Max. stud diameter (for a W24 76) 2. 5tf 2. 50. 680  1. 7 in.
Try 5
in. 2 12 in. studs.
From Manual Table 3-21, Qn 15. 0 kips

N 1  V´  394  26. 3, round up to 27. total number  227  54

Qn 15. 0
Min. longitudinal spacing  4d  45/8  2. 5 in.
Min. transverse spacing  4d  45/8  2. 5 in.
Max. longitudinal spacing  8t  85  40 in. (but upper limit  36 in.)
For one stud at each section, the approximate spacing will be
span 3012
s   6. 67 in. (OK)
no. studs 54
Check ductility (Only one of the following conditions needs to be satisfied):
1. Span length  30 ft. This criterion is met.*
Q n 2715. 0
2.  100   100
AsFy 22. 450
 36. 2 %  50%. This criterion is not met.

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Q n 2715. 0
3. 
span/2 30/2
 27. 0 kips/ft  16 kips/ft. This criterion is met.*
*Ductility is adequate.
Use 54 studs, 5
in.  2 12 in., spaced at approximately 6 12 in. on center


(a) Total load to be supported by the composite section (neglecting beam weight):
Deck and slab: 53 psf
w D  53  1012  756 lb/ft, w L  160  2012  2160 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2756  1. 62160  4363 lb/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 4. 36340 2  873 ft-kips
8 8
Assume a  1 in.: Y2  t − a  6. 5 − 1  6. 0 in.
2 2
Try a W21  62. For PNA location BFL, ∑ Q n  408 kips and  b M n  893 ft-kips
Effective flange width  (40  12/4  120 in. or 1212  144 in. Use b  120 in.
∑ Qn 408
a   1. 0 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 854120
Y2  t − a  6. 5 − 1. 0  6. 0 in.
2 2
 b M n  893 ft-kips  873 ft-kips (OK)
Adjust for beam weight: w u  4. 363  1. 20. 062  4. 437 kips/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 4. 43740 2  887 ft-kips  893 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
Check shear: From the Z x table,  v V n  252 kips
4. 43740
Vu   88. 7 kips  252 kips (OK)
Before concrete cures:
w D  5312  62  698 lb/ft, w L  2012  240 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 20. 698  1. 60. 240  1. 222 k/ft
M u  1 1. 22240 2  244 ft-kips

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
From the Z x table,  b M p  252 ft-kips  244 ft-kips (OK)
Check live load deflection. Δ max  L/360   1. 33 in.
From Manual Table 3-20, for a W21 62, PNA location BFL, ∑ Qn 408 kips, and
Y2 6. 0 in., ILB 2870 in.4
52. 160/1240  12 4
Δ L  5w L L 
 1. 50 in.  1.33 in. (N.G.)
384EI LB 384290002870
Determine required I LB .
52. 160/1240  12 4
Req’d I LB   3226 in. 4
384290001. 33
Try a W21  62, PNA location 3, ∑ Q n  662 kips.
∑ Qn 662
a   1. 623 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 854120
Y2  t − a  6. 5 − 1. 623  5. 689 in.
2 2
From Manual Table 3-20, ILB 3345 in.4 3226 in.4 (OK)
Stud anchors:
Max. stud diameter (for a W21 62) 2. 5t f 2. 50. 615  1. 54 in.
But with deck, maximum diameter is 3/4 inch.
Minimum stud height above deck 1.5 inches.
Minimum cover over top of stud 1/2 inch.
3 4 in. 1studs. Height above deck 4. 5 − 3 1. 5 in. (OK).
Try in.
4 2

Cover  6. 5 − 4. 5  2. 0 in. (OK)

Min. longitudinal spacing  4d  43/4  3. 0 in.
Min. transverse spacing  4d  43/4  3. 0 in.
Max. longitudinal spacing  8t  86. 5  52. 0 in. (upper limit  36 in.)
With one stud at each location, Q n  17. 2 kips.
Span 4012
N1  2   20
rib sp. 122
∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  2017. 2  344 kips  662 kips (N.G.)
With two studs at each location, Q n  14. 6 kips.
N 1  220  40

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∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  4014. 6  584. 0 kips  662 kips (N.G.)
The beam flange will not accomodate 3 studs. Reduce the ∑ Q n requirement in order to
increase the number of studs required. Do this by using a larger shape.
For a required I LB  3226 in. 4 and Y2  5. 5 in., Try a W24  76, PNA 7,
∑ Q n  280 kips, I LB  3460 in. 4 ,  b M n  1050 ft-kips.
With one stud at each location,
Q n  17. 2 kips.
Span 4012
N1  2   20
rib sp. 122
∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  2017. 2  344 kips  280 kips (OK)
∑ Qn 344
a   0. 843 1 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 854120
Y2  t − a  6. 5 − 0. 8431  6. 08 inches. Use 6 in.
2 2
I LB  3540 in. 4 ,  b M n  1060 ft-kips.
Check ductility (Only one of the following conditions needs to be satisfied):
1. Span length  40 ft  30 ft. This criterion is not met.
Q n 2017. 2
2.  100   100
AsFy 22. 450
 30. 7 %  50%. This criterion is not met.
Q n 2017. 2
3. 
span/2 40/2
 17. 2 kips/ft  16 kips/ft. This criterion is met.*
*Ductility is adequate.
Use a W24  76, with 80 studs, 3
in.  4 12 in., one per rib

(b) Total load to be supported by the composite section (neglecting beam weight):
Deck and slab: 53 psf
w D  53  1012  756 lb/ft, w L  160  2012  2160 lb/ft
w a  w D  w L  756  2160  2916 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 2. 91640 2  583 ft-kips
8 8
Assume a  1 in.: Y2  t − a  6. 5 − 1  6. 0 in.
2 2

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Deflection control: Check live load deflection.
Δ max  L/360   1. 33 in.
52. 160/1240  12 4
Req’d I LB   3226 in. 4
384290001. 33
Try a W24  76. For PNA location 7 and Y2  6. 0 in.,

∑ Q n  280 kips, I LB  3540 in. 4 , M n  1060 ft-kips (deflection controls)

Effective flange width  (40  12/4  120 in. or 1212  144 in. Use b  120 in.
∑ Qn 280
a   0. 686 3 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 854120
Y2  t − a  6. 5 − 0. 6863  6. 157 in. (use Y2  6. 0 inches, conservatively)
2 2
∴ M n  1060 ft-kips  583 ft-kips (OK)
Beam weight is OK.

Check shear: From the Z x table, V n  210 kips

2. 91640
Va   58. 3 kips  210 kips (OK)
Before concrete cures:
w D  5312  62  698 lb/ft, w L  2012  240 lb/ft
w a  w D  w L  698  240  938 k/ft
M a  1 0. 93840 2  188 ft-kips
From the Z x table,  499 ft-kips  188 ft-kips (OK)
Stud anchors:
Max. stud diameter (for a W24  76)  2. 5t f  2. 50. 680  1. 7 in.
But with deck, maximum diameter is 3/4 inch.
Minimum stud height above deck  1.5 inches.
Minimum cover over top of stud  1/2 inch.

Try 3
in.  4 12 in. studs. Height above deck  4. 5 − 3  1. 5 in. (OK).

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Cover  6. 5 − 4. 5  2. 0 in. (OK)
Min. longitudinal spacing  4d  43/4  3. 0 in.
Min. transverse spacing  4d  43/4  3. 0 in.
Max. longitudinal spacing  8t  86. 5  52. 0 in. (upper limit  36 in.)
With one stud at each location, Q n  17. 2 kips.
Span 4012
N1  2   20
rib sp. 122
∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  2017. 2  344 kips  280 kips required (OK)
Check ductility (Only one of the following conditions needs to be satisfied):
1. Span length  40 ft  30 ft. This criterion is not met.
Q n 2017. 2
2.  100   100
AsFy 22. 450
 30. 7 %  50%. This criterion is not met.
Q n 2017. 2
3. 
span/2 40/2
 17. 2 kips/ft  16 kips/ft. This criterion is met.*
*Ductility is adequate.
Use a W24  76, with 80 studs, 3
in.  4 12 in., one per rib


(a) Total load to be supported by the composite section (neglecting beam weight):
Deck and slab: 57 psf
w D  579  513 lb/ft, w L  225  209  2205 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2513  1. 62205  4144 lb/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 4. 14418. 5 2  177 ft-kips
8 8
Deflection control: Check live load deflection requirement.
18. 512
Δ max  L/360   0. 617 in.
52. 205/1218. 5  12 4
Req’d I LB   325 in. 4
384290000. 617

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Assume a  1 in.: Y2  t − a  5. 5 − 1  5. 0 in.
2 2
Try a W12  19. For PNA location 4 and Y2  5. 0 in., ∑ Q n  173 kips,
 b M n  191 ft-kips, I LB  393 in. 4
Effective flange width  (18. 5  12/4  55. 5 in. or 912  108 in.
Use b  55. 5 in.
∑ Qn 173
a   0. 916 8 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 85455. 5
Y2  t − a  5. 5 − 0. 9168  5. 04 in., use 5.0 in.
2 2
∴  b M n  191 ft-kips  177 ft-kips, and I LB  393 in. 4  325 in. 4 (OK)
Adjust for beam weight: w u  4. 144  1. 20. 019  4. 167 kips/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 4. 16718. 5 2  178 ft-kips  191 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
Check shear: From the Z x table,  v V n  86.0 kips
4. 16718. 5
Vu   38. 5 kips  86.0 kips (OK)
Before concrete cures:
w D  579  19  532 lb/ft, w L  209  180 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 20. 532  1. 60. 180  0. 926 4 k/ft
M u  1 0. 926418. 5 2  39. 6 ft-kips
From the Z x table,  b M p  92. 6 ft-kips  39.6 ft-kips (OK)
Stud anchors:
Max. stud diameter (for a W12  19)  2. 5t f  2. 50. 350  0. 875 in.
But with deck, maximum diameter is 3/4 inch.
Minimum stud height above deck  1.5 inches.
Minimum cover over top of stud  1/2 inch.

Try 3
in.  3 in. studs. Height above deck  3 − 1. 5  1. 5 in. (OK).
Cover  5. 5 − 3  2. 5 in. (OK)
Min. longitudinal spacing  4d  43/4  3. 0 in.
Min. transverse spacing  4d  43/4  3. 0 in.

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Max. longitudinal spacing  8t  85. 5  44. 0 in. (upper limit  36 in.)
With one stud at each location, Q n  17. 2 kips.
Span 18. 512
N1  2   18. 5 say 18
rib sp. 62
∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  1817. 2  309. 6 kips  173 kips
(OK, but too conservative)
Try two 5
in.  3 in. studs in every other rib. Q n  10. 2 kips

Span 18. 512

N1  22   18. 5 say 18
spacing 26
Total no.  18. 52  37
∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  1810. 2  184 kips  173 kips (OK)
Check ductility (Only one of the following conditions needs to be satisfied):
1. Span length  18.5 ft  30 ft. This criterion is met.*
Q n 184
2.  100   100  66. 07
AsFy 5. 5750
 66. 1 %  50%. This criterion is met.*
Q n
3.  184
span/2 18. 5/2
 19. 9 kips/ft  16 kips/ft. This criterion is met.*
*Ductility is adequate.
Use a W12  19, with 37 studs, 5
in.  3 in., two in every other rib.

(b) Total load to be supported by the composite section (neglecting beam weight):
Deck and slab: 57 psf
w D  579  513 lb/ft, w L  225  209  2205 lb/ft
w a  w D  w L  513  2205  2718 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 2. 71818. 5 2  116 ft-kips
8 8
Deflection control: Check live load deflection requirement.
18. 512
Δ max  L/360   0. 617 in.
52. 205/1218. 5  12 4
Req’d I LB   325 in. 4
384290000. 617

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Assume a  1 in.: Y2  t − a  5. 5 − 1  5. 0 in.
2 2
Try a W12  19. For PNA location 4 and Y2  5. 0 in., ∑ Q n  173 kips,

I LB  393 in. 4 , M n  127 ft-kips

Effective flange width  (18. 5  12/4  55. 5 in. or 912  108 in.
Use b  55. 5 in.
∑ Qn 173
a   0. 916 8 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 85455. 5
Y2  t − a  5. 5 − 0. 9168  5. 04 in., use 5.0 in.
2 2
∴ M n  127 ft-kips  116 ft-kips, I LB  393 in. 4  325 in. 4 (OK)
Beam weight is OK.

Check shear: From the Z x table, V n  57.3 kips

2. 71818. 5
Va   25. 1 kips  57.3 kips (OK)
Before concrete cures:
w D  579  19  532 lb/ft, w L  209  180 lb/ft
w a  w D  w L  532  180  712 k/ft
M a  1 0. 71218. 5 2  30. 5 ft-kips
From the Z x table,  61. 6 ft-kips  30.5 ft-kips (OK)
Stud anchors:
Max. stud diameter (for a W12  19)  2. 5t f  2. 50. 350  0. 875 in.
But with deck, maximum diameter is 3/4 inch.
Minimum stud height above deck  1.5 inches.
Minimum cover over top of stud  1/2 inch.

Try 3
in.  3 in. studs. Height above deck  3 − 1. 5  1. 5 in. (OK).
Cover  5. 5 − 3  2. 5 in. (OK)
Min. longitudinal spacing  4d  43/4  3. 0 in.

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Min. transverse spacing  4d  43/4  3. 0 in.
Max. longitudinal spacing  8t  85. 5  44. 0 in. (upper limit  36 in.)
With one stud at each location, Q n  17. 2 kips.
Span 18. 512
N1  2   18. 5 say 18
rib sp. 62
∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  1817. 2  309. 6 kips  173 kips (OK)
Try two 5
in.  3 in. studs in every other rib. Q n  10. 2 kips

Span 18. 512

N1  22   18. 5 say 18
spacing 26
Total no.  18. 52  37
∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  1810. 2  184 kips  173 kips (OK)
Check ductility (Only one of the following conditions needs to be satisfied):
1. Span length  18.5 ft  30 ft. This criterion is met.*
Q n 184
2.  100   100  66. 07
AsFy 5. 5750
 66. 1 %  50%. This criterion is met.*
Q n
3.  184
span/2 18. 5/2
 19. 9 kips/ft  16 kips/ft. This criterion is met.*
*Ductility is adequate.
Use a W12  19, with 37 studs, 5
in.  3 in., two in every other rib.

(a) Total load to be supported by the composite section (neglecting beam weight):

Slab: 5. 5 115  52. 71 psf

w D  57. 2112  686. 5 lb/ft, w L  100  1512  1380 lb/ft
w u  1. 2w D  1. 6w L  1. 2686. 5  1. 61380  3032 lb/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 3. 03235 2  464 ft-kips
8 8
Deflection control: Check live load deflection requirement.

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Δ max  L/360   1. 167 in.
51. 380/1235  12 4
Req’d I LB   1377 in. 4
384290001. 167

Assume a  1 in.: Y2  t − a  5. 5 − 1  5. 0 in.

2 2
Try a W16  45. For PNA location 4 and Y2  5. 0 in., ∑ Q n  367 kips,
 b M n  534 ft-kips, I LB  1390 in. 4 (deflection controls)
Effective flange width  (35  12/4  105 in. or 1212  144 in. Use b  105 in.
∑ Qn 367
a   1. 028 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 854105
Y2  t − a  5. 5 − 1. 028  4. 986 in., use 5.0 in.
2 2
∴  b M n  534 ft-kips  464 ft-kips, and I LB  1390 in. 4  1377 in. 4 (OK)
Adjust for beam weight: w u  3. 032  1. 20. 045  3. 086 kips/ft
M u  1 w u L 2  1 3. 08635 2  473 ft-kips  534 ft-kips (OK)
8 8
Check shear: From the Z x table,  v V n  167 kips
3. 08635
Vu   54. 0 kips  167 kips (OK)
Before concrete cures:
w D  686. 5  45  731. 5 lb/ft, wL  0
w u  1. 4w D  1. 40. 7315  1. 024 k/ft
M u  1 1. 02435 2  157 ft-kips
From the Z x table,  b M p  309 ft-kips  157 ft-kips (OK)
Stud anchors:
Max. stud diameter (for a W16  45)  2. 5t f  2. 50. 565  1. 41 in.
But with deck, maximum diameter is 3/4 inch.
Minimum stud height above deck  1.5 inches.
Minimum cover over top of stud  1/2 inch.

Try 5
in.  3 12 in. studs. Height above deck  3. 5 − 2  1. 5 in. (OK).
Cover  5. 5 − 3. 5  2. 0 in. (OK)

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Min. longitudinal spacing  4d  43/4  3. 0 in.
Min. transverse spacing  4d  43/4  3. 0 in.
Max. longitudinal spacing  8t  85. 5  44. 0 in. (upper limit  36 in.)
With one stud every rib, Q n  12. 0 kips.
Span 3512
N1  2   2  35
spacing 6
Total no.  70
∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  3512. 0  420 kips  367 kips required (OK)
Check ductility (Only one of the following conditions needs to be satisfied):
1. Span length  35 ft  30 ft. This criterion is not met.
Q n 420
2.  100   100
AsFy 13. 350
 63. 2 %  50%. This criterion is met.*
Q n
3.  420
span/2 35/2
 24 kips/ft  16 kips/ft. This criterion is met.*
*Ductility is adequate.
Use a W16  45 with 70 studs, 5
in.  3 12 in., one in each rib.

(b) Total load to be supported by the composite section (neglecting beam weight):
Slab: 5. 5 115  52. 71 psf
w D  57. 2112  686. 5 lb/ft, w L  100  1512  1380 lb/ft
w a  w D  w L  686. 5  1380  2067 lb/ft
M a  1 w a L 2  1 2. 06736 2  335 ft-kips
8 8
Deflection control: Check live load deflection requirement.
Δ max  L/360   1. 167 in.
51. 380/1235  12 4
Req’d I LB   1377 in. 4
384290001. 167

Assume a  1 in.: Y2  t − a  5. 5 − 1  5. 0 in.

2 2
Try a W16  45. For PNA location 4 and Y2  5. 0 in.,

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
∑ Q n  367 kips, M n  355 ft-kips, I LB  1390 in. 4 (deflection controls)
Effective flange width  (35  12/4  105 in. or 1212  144 in. Use b  105 in.
∑ Qn 367
a   1. 028 in.
0. 85f c ´b 0. 854105
Y2  t − a  5. 5 − 1. 028  4. 986 in., use 5.0 in.
2 2
∴ M n  355 ft-kips  116 ft-kips, I LB  1390 in. 4  1377 in. 4 (OK)
Beam weight is OK.

Check shear: From the Z x table, V n  111 kips

2. 06735
Va   36. 2 kips  111 kips (OK)
Before concrete cures:
w D  686. 5  45  731. 5 lb/ft, wL  0
w a  w D  w L  731. 5 k/ft
M a  1 0. 731535 2  112 ft-kips
From the Z x table,  205 ft-kips  112 ft-kips (OK)
Stud anchors:
Max. stud diameter (for a W16  45)  2. 5t f  2. 50. 565  1. 41 in.
But with deck, maximum diameter is 3/4 inch.
Minimum stud height above deck  1.5 inches.
Minimum cover over top of stud  1/2 inch.

Try 5
in.  3 12 in. studs. Height above deck  3. 5 − 2  1. 5 in. (OK).
Cover  5. 5 − 3. 5  2. 0 in. (OK)
Min. longitudinal spacing  4d  43/4  3. 0 in.
Min. transverse spacing  4d  43/4  3. 0 in.
Max. longitudinal spacing  8t  85. 5  44. 0 in. (upper limit  36 in.)
With one stud every rib, Q n  12. 0 kips.

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Span 3512
N1  2   2  35
spacing 6
Total no.  70
∑ Q n  N 1 Q n  3512. 0  420 kips  367 kips required (OK)
Check ductility (Only one of the following conditions needs to be satisfied):
1. Span length  35 ft  30 ft. This criterion is not met.
Q n 420
2.  100   100
AsFy 13. 350
 63. 2 %  50%. This criterion is met.*
Q n
3.  420
span/2 35/2
 24 kips/ft  16 kips/ft. This criterion is met.*
*Ductility is adequate.
Use a W16  45 with 70 studs, 5
in.  3 12 in., one in each rib.

The following dimensions and properties from Part 1 of the Manual will be needed: For
an HSS9 7 3/8, As 10. 4 in.2, design wall thickness tdes 0.349 in., and
Iy 80. 4 in.4

Ec w1.5 fc′  1451.5 4 3492 ksi

The area of concrete Ac can be estimated as
bd − As 79 − 10. 4 52. 6 in.2
or more accurately as follows:

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The corner radius is given in Part 1 of the Manual as 2tdes. The area of a quarter-circle
spandrel with a radius r is

r2 − 1 r2  2t2 − 1 2t2 t24    −0. 34924   −0. 104 6 in.2

4 4
and since there are four of these segments to be deducted from the area bd − As,
Ac bd − As − 40. 1046  79 − 10. 4 − 40. 1046  52. 18 in.2
For computing the moment of inertia of the concrete, the moment of inertia of the
spandrel about an axis parallel to the 9-inch side through the point of tangency is

I 1 −  r4  1 −  2t 4  16 −  t 4
3 16 3 16 3
 16 −  0. 349 4  3. 252  10 −2 in. 4
The distance to the centroid of the spandrel from this axis is
2r 22  0. 349
x̄    0. 542 1 in.
34 −  34 − 
From the parallel axis theorem, the moment of inertia of the spandrel about a centroidal
axis parallel to the 9-inch side is
Ī  I − Ax̄ 2  0. 03252 − 0. 10460. 5421 2  1. 781  10 −3 in. 4
Use the parallel-axis theorem and the following table to obtain the moment of inertia of
the concrete:

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Segment A Ibar d Ibar + Ad2
Outer rectangle 63 257.3 0 257.3
Steel Shape ‐10.4 80.4 0 ‐80.4
Spandrel ‐0.1046 0.03252 0.5421 ‐0.06326
Spandrel ‐0.1046 0.03252 0.5421 ‐0.06326
Spandrel ‐0.1046 0.03252 0.5421 ‐0.06326
Spandrel ‐0.1046 0.03252 0.5421 ‐0.06326
Sum 52.18 176.6

A c  52. 18 in. 2 I c  176. 6 in. 4

Note that an approximate solution can be obtained by using
97 3
I c  hb − I s 
− 80. 4  176. 9 in. 4
12 12
For the remainder of the solution, we will use the approximate values
A c  52. 6 in. 2 and I c  176. 9 in. 4
Is this shape compact?
  b  17. 1
 p  2. 26 E  2. 26 29000  54. 43
Fy 50
   p ∴ an HSS9 7  3/8 is compact for compression
From AISC Equations I2-9a and b,

P no  P p  F y A s  C 2 f ′c A c  A sr E s
 5010. 4  0. 85452. 6  0  698. 8 kips
From AISC Equation I2-13,

C 3  0. 45  3 A s  A sr ≤ 0. 9

 0. 45  3 10. 4  0  0. 945 2  0. 9 ∴ use C 3  0. 9

From AISC Equation I2-12,
EI eff  E s I s  E s I sr  C 3 E c I c
 2900010. 4  0  0. 93492176. 9  8. 576  10 5 kip-in. 2
From AISC Equation I2-5,

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
 2 EI eff  2 8. 576  10 5 
Pe    347. 8 kips
L c  2 0. 65  20  12 2
P no  698. 8  2. 009  2. 25 ∴ use AISC Equation I2-2.
Pe 347. 8
P n  P no 0. 658 P no /P e   698. 80. 658 2.009   301. 4 kips
P n  301 kips


For a W12  96, A s  28. 2 in. 2 , I x  833 in. 4 , I y  270 in. 4

A sr  41. 00  4. 0 in. 2

I sr  ∑ Ad 2  4  1. 00 20 − 2  2. 5
 225. 0 in. 4
A c  2020 − A s − A sr  400 − 28. 2 − 4. 0  367. 8 in. 2
E c  w 1.5 f ′c  145 1.5 8  4939 ksi

I c  1 2020 3  13, 330 in. 4

P no  F y A s  F ysr A sr  0. 85f ′c A c  5028. 2  604. 0  0. 858367. 8
 4151 kips

C 1  0. 25  3 A s  A sr ≤ 0. 7

 0. 25  3 28. 2  4. 0  0. 491 5  0. 7
EI eff  E s I s  E s I sr  C 1 E c I c
For the y axis,
EI eff  29000270  29000225. 0  0. 4915493913330
 4. 671  10 7 kip-in. 2
 2 EI eff  2 4. 671  10 7 
Pe    1. 894  10 4 kips
L c  2 13  12 2
For the x axis,
EI eff  29000833  29000225. 0  0. 4915493913330
 6. 304  10 7 kip-in. 2

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or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
 2 EI eff  2 6. 304  10 7 
Pe    6392 kips  x axis controls.
L c  2 26  12 2
P no  4151  0. 649 4  2. 25 ∴ use AISC Eq. I2-2.
Pe 6392
P no
P n  P no 0. 658 P e  41510. 658 0.6494  3163 kips

P n  3160 kips

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