Addendum To ASHP Guide of Worked Examples
Addendum To ASHP Guide of Worked Examples
Addendum To ASHP Guide of Worked Examples
Table of Contents
GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................................... vi
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1
Example A1: Full System Replacement: Converting a Furnace and A/C to a Furnace and ASHP
(“Hybrid / Dual-Fuel” System) using “Sizing Option A” (Sized for Cooling) ................................... 5
Example A2: ASHP Add-on: Single-Zone Ductless Add-On to an Electric Baseboard & Wood
Stove Heating System using “Sizing Option A” (Sized for Cooling) ............................................ 12
Example B1: Full System Replacement: Converting a Furnace and A/C to a Furnace and ASHP
(“Hybrid / Dual-Fuel” System) using “Sizing Option B” (Balanced Heating & Cooling) ...................... 20
Example B2: ASHP Add-on: Single-Zone Ductless Add-on to an Existing Electric Baseboard
Heating System using “Sizing Option B” (Balanced Heating and Cooling) .................................... 26
Example C1: Full System Replacement: Converting a Furnace and A/C to a Furnace and ASHP
(“Hybrid / Dual-Fuel” System) using “Sizing Option C” (Emphasis on Heating) ............................... 33
Example C2: ASHP Add-on: Single-Zone Ductless Add-on to an Existing Electric Baseboard
Heating System using “Sizing Option C” (Emphasis on Heating)................................................ 39
Example D1: New HVAC System: A Centrally Ducted Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump as the only
Heating System using “Sizing Option D” (Sized on Design Heating Load)............................................... 47
Example D2: ASHP Add-on: Multi-Zone Ductless Add-on to an Existing Electric Baseboard
Heating System using “Sizing Option D” (Sized on Design Heating Load) ............................................ 52
APPENDIX 1 – Fraction of Total Annual Heating Above an Outdoor Temperature for Climate Zones in
Canada .......................................................................................................................................... 60
APPENDIX 2 – References ............................................................................................................... 62
List of Tables
Table 1: Manufacturers’ Performance Data for Candidate Centrally-ducted Heat Pumps using
“Sizing Option A” ............................................................................................................................. 6
Table 2: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Ductless Heat Pumps using “Sizing
Option A” ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Table 3: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Centrally-ducted Heat Pumps using
“Sizing Option B” ........................................................................................................................... 21
Table 4: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Ductless Heat Pumps using “Sizing
Option B” ....................................................................................................................................... 29
Table 5: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Centrally Ducted Heat Pumps using
“Sizing Option C”........................................................................................................................... 34
Table 6: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Ductless Heat Pumps using “Sizing
Option C” ....................................................................................................................................... 42
Table 7: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Centrally-ducted Heat Pumps using
“Sizing Option D”........................................................................................................................... 48
Table 8: Energy Model values of Heating and Cooling Loads for various areas, or zones within
the home ....................................................................................................................................... 53
Table 9: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Multi-zone Ductless Heat Pumps
using “Sizing Option D” ................................................................................................................. 54
Table 10: Indoor unit Types and Capacities used in the mini-split, multi-zone ASHP application
....................................................................................................................................................... 57
List of Figures
Figure 1: Overview of the ASHP Selection and Sizing Process .................................................... 2
Figure 2: Air-Source Heat Pump Selection and Sizing Guide ....................................................... 3
Figure 3: The "ASHP Key Specifications Summary Worksheet" ................................................... 3
Figure 4: ASHP Selection and Sizing Spreadsheet Tool ............................................................... 4
Figure 5: "Worked Example" – Mini-split, Multi-zone, Add-on ASHP ............................................ 4
Figure 6: Performance Curves & Balance Point Temperatures for 3 ASHP Choices for Sizing
Option 4A ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 7: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example A1 ................ 9
Figure 8: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example A1 ....... 11
Figure 9: Two-storey house floor plans with Targeted Areas circled .......................................... 12
Figure 10: Type and location of the Indoor units in the two Targeted Areas ............................... 13
Figure 11: Performance Curves & Balance Point Temperatures for 3 ductless ASHP Choices
using Sizing Option 4A .................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 12: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example A2 ............ 18
Figure 13: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example A2 ..... 19
Figure 14: Performance Curves & Balance Point Temperatures for 3 ASHP Choices for Sizing
Option 4B ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 15: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example B1 ............ 24
Figure 16: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example B1 ..... 25
Figure 17: Two-storey house floor plans with Targeted Areas circled ........................................ 26
Figure 18: Type and location of the Indoor units in the two Targeted Areas ............................... 27
Figure 19: Performance Curves & Balance Point Temperatures for 3 ductless ASHP Choices
using Sizing Option 4B ................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 20: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example B2 ............ 31
Figure 21: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example B2 ..... 32
Figure 22: Performance Curves & Balance Point Temperatures for 3 ASHP Choices for Sizing
Option 4C ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 23: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example C1 ............ 37
Natural Resources Canada Version 1.0, 2020-12-21
Addendum to the Air-Source Heat Pump Sizing and Selection Guide – Worked Examples iv
Figure 24: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example C1 ..... 38
Figure 25: Two-storey house floor plans with Targeted Areas circled ........................................ 39
Figure 26: Type and location of the Indoor units in the two Targeted Areas ............................... 40
Figure 27: Performance Curves & Balance Point Temperatures for 3 ductless ASHP Choices
using Sizing Option 4C ................................................................................................................. 42
Figure 28: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example C2 ............ 45
Figure 29: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example C2 ..... 46
Figure 30: Variable-Capacity ASHP Performance with Sizing Option 4D (Sized on Design
Heating Load) ............................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 31: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example D1 ............ 50
Figure 32: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example D1 ..... 51
Figure 33: Floor plans for House with location and type of indoor unit shown ............................ 52
Figure 34: Add-on Multi-zone ASHP Performance using Sizing Option 4D targeting the full
house load..................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 35: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example D2 ............ 58
Figure 36: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example D2 ..... 59
Figure 37: Fraction of Total Annual Heating Curves for Five Climate Zones in Canada ............ 60
Figure 38: Climate Zone Assignments for Heat Pump Applications ............................................ 61
Add-on system: Adding HVAC equipment to a pre-existing system.
AFUE: Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency. Dimensionless ratio used to indicate the fuel
conversion efficiency of a furnace as a percentage. A 96% AFUE furnace will output 96 Btu of
useful heat for 100 Btu of fuel consumption. A 96% AFUE, 50,000 Bth/h gas furnace will have a
heat output of 48,000 Btu/h (i.e., 50,000 x 0.96 = 48,000).
AHRI: Air-Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
ASHP: Air source heat pump
ASHRAE: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers.
Auxiliary back-up heating system: A backup heating system needed if/when the heat pump
cannot provide enough heat for the building (i.e., furnace, electric baseboard, etc.)
Balance point temperature (BPT): See “Thermal balance point”.
Btu: British Thermal Unit equivalent to 0.293 watt-hours, or 1,055 Joules of energy content.
Btu/h: British Thermal Unit per hour (sometimes written as Btuh), used to rate the output or
capacity of heating or cooling equipment. One Btu/h is equivalent to 0.293 watts of capacity.
CC-ASHP: See “Cold-Climate” ASHP
Centrally Ducted ASHP: A system that uses an outdoor and indoor evaporator/condenser unit
to transfer heat from outside to the inside of a building, and vice-versa, via a forced air
distribution system.
CEE: Consortium for Energy Efficiency
Climate Zones: Regions that have a similar number of heating degree days (HDD) in the
heating season. Canada is subdivided into six climate zones (i.e., Zones 4, 5, 6, 7A, 7B and 8)
with HDD values range from < 3000 HDD (Zone 4) to ≥ 7,000 HDD (Zone 8). These climate
zones are developed and managed by ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169 and are widely referenced
in energy performance ratings procedures and standards.
Climate Zones for ASHPs: Climate zones developed specifically for the CSA EXP-07 “Load-
based climate-specific testing and rating procedures for heat pumps and air conditioners”.
Canada is subdivided into five ASHP climate zones described as: Marine, Cold/dry, Cold/humid,
Very cold, and Subarctic. These climate zones are referenced throughout this Guide.
Cold-climate ASHP: An alternative to traditional air source heat pump heating/cooling systems
that is effective (i.e., maintains capacity and COP) even at cold ambient temperatures. (For
further details, refer to NEEP’s Cold Climate Air-Source Heat Pump Specification Note that the ability of the system to maintain capacity at
cold outdoor temperature should also be considered when determining if a system is a suitable
“cold-climate ASHP”. See NEEP’s Cold Climate Air-Source Product List to assist in this regard
available at the link above.
capable of meeting the buildings heating requirements and a backup heating system will be
Total Cooling Load: The total cooling load is the sum of the sensible and latent cooling loads
for the building or target area under consideration.
Turn-down Ratio: In a two stage, multi-stage or variable capacity ASHP, this is the ratio of
maximum capacity to minimum capacity (e.g., 3:1). ASHPs with higher turn-down ratios will
operate without cycling for a greater proportion of the heating season, increasing their seasonal
Two-staged ASHP: An ASHP that has a two-stage compressor, which can operate at two
different levels, low-stage or high-stage, depending on the capacity needed.
Variable-capacity ASHP: An ASHP that has a compressor which can operate at different
levels, depending on the capacity needed. CC-ASHPs are often equipped with variable
capacity driven compressors.
Watt or W: One W is equivalent to 3.413 Btu/h.
Wet-bulb Temperature (WBT): WBT is the temperature read by a thermometer covered in
water-soaked cloth (wet-bulb thermometer) over which air is passed, and is used to measure
the relative humidity or moisture content of the air. At 100% relative humidity (RH), the WBT is
equal to the dry-bulb temperature (DBT). At lower RH values the WBT is lower than the DBT of
the air.
The Air Source Heat Pump Sizing and Selection Guide is intended for use by mechanical
system designers / renovation contractors to assist them in selecting and sizing air source heat
pumps (ASHP) for Canadian climates in both new and existing residential (i.e., retrofit)
The focus of this Guide is on air source heat pumps (ASHP) for space heating and/or cooling
This guide covers the following applications of ASHPs:
New home (or major new addition) installations.
Full heating system replacement where existing HVAC equipment is removed.
Add-on ASHP applications to displace heating energy or provide supplemental heating
where existing heating equipment remains functional.
Installation best practices and requirements are outside the scope of this Guide.
Users can complete the guide process by using one or more of these components. Short
descriptions of each are provided on the following pages.
Plotting of heating load lines, and estimating the target output capacity of ASHP
equipment needed for an application based on:
o load values entered, and
o sizing approach selected.
Plotting of ASHP output characteristics versus outdoor temperature, and estimating
thermal balance point temperatures (t-BPTs) for up to four candidate ASHPs for an
Estimating the annual fraction of total space heating load provided by the different
candidate ASHPs above their t-BPTs to help with final selection.
Calculating the minimum backup heating requirement for the application.
For dual-fuel applications, calculating the “economic cut-off temperature” for the ASHP
based on:
o local cost of electricity and fuel, and
o the efficiency characteristics of the ASHP and the backup heating system.
4. Worked Examples of Using the ASHP Guide
Worked examples have been completed for both centrally-ducted and ductless mini-split ASHPs
using various sizing and selection scenarios.
STEP 2: Skip Step 2 when using OPTION 1A: Centrally Ducted ASHP
STEP 3: Determine Design Heating and Cooling Load Estimates
The house has had an Energy Audit completed and the report is available from the homeowner.
None of the recommended upgrades have been made to the home or HVAC system since the
audit was done.
Use Option 3B: Energy Audit Load Estimates.
The audit report states:
If you were to implement ALL of the building envelope retrofits recommended …, it is estimated that
your home's design heating load would be 43,641 Btu/h and its design cooling load would be
23,519 Btu/h (2.0 tons).
Since the upgrades were not implemented, the reported design heating load (DHL) will need to
be adjusted to back out the assumed building envelope improvements. The reported design
cooling load (DCL) will not need to be adjusted. The report also states:
You could save up to 12% by performing all of the recommended non-space heating system upgrades.
This means the reported design heating load in the audit report is 88% of the actual value
(i.e. 100% minus the 12%). Therefore, the actual design heat loss for the house is equal to:
Table 1: Manufacturers’ Performance Data for Candidate Centrally-ducted Heat Pumps using “Sizing Option A”
Number Nominal High / Low High / Low High / Low Heating High / Low
Model of Capacity Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Capacity at 17°F Cooling
Stages (tons) at 95°F at 47°F (Btu/h) Airflow
(Btu/h) (Btu/h) (CFM)
1-stage 2.0 22,400 23,200 12,600 800
ASHP2-CD- High: 22,200 High: 24,000 High: 15,000 High: 875
2-stages 2.0
24-2 Low: 16,700 Low: 16,600 Low: 10,500 Low: 637
ASHP3-CD- Variable High: 22,300 High: 23,600 High: 15,200 High: 720
24-V capacity Low: 14,700 Low: 13,700 Low: 8,800 Low: 540
Note: Indoor Conditions: 75ºF (24°C) dry bulb temperature and 63°F (17°C) wet bulb temperature
Using manufacturers’ extended performance data, heating and cooling performance curves for
the three possible ASHP systems are plotted in Figure 6 versus outdoor temperature together
with the house load characteristics.
The maximum cooling characteristics are very similar for the three different ASHPs.
Airflow requirements for the three ASHP are well below the maximum airflow capacity of
the existing duct system (i.e., 1,576 CFM).
The heating characteristics for the 2-stage and variable capacity units are almost
identical, with the single-stage unit output slightly less at outdoor temperatures below
about 47°F (8°C)
The thermal balance point temperatures (t-BPT) for the three 2-ton ASHPs are:
o ASHP1: 37°F (3°C);
o ASHP2: 35°F (2°C); and,
o ASHP3: 34°F (1°C).
Figure 6: Performance Curves & Balance Point Temperatures for 3 ASHP Choices for Sizing Option 4A
Using the thermal balance point temperature (t-BPT) for each system shown in Figure 6 the
“Fraction of Total Annual Heating” that can be delivered above the t-BPTs were estimated for
the “Cold-Humid” climate zone.
The results are summarized below:
ASHP1: 2.0-ton, single-stage; t-BPT = 37°F (3°C) Fraction of Annual Heating above t-BPT = 22%
ASHP2: 2.0-ton, two-stage; t-BPT = 35°F (2°C) Fraction of Annual Heating above t-BPT = 27%
ASHP3: 2.0-ton, variable capacity; t-BPT = 34°F (1°C) Fraction of Annual Heating above t-BPT = 30%
The fraction of total heating expected to be delivered above the thermal balance point
temperatures ranges from 22% and 30%.
The client decided on ASHP1, the 2 ton, single-stage heat pump on the basis of its lower first
2. The client has asked that the system control switch from ASHP heating to 100% backup
heating whenever the cost of heat from the ASHP exceeds the cost of heat from the new
high-efficiency natural gas furnace.
Figure 7: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example A1
Control Strategy 6B2 is chosen with an “economic cut-off” or “economic balance point
temperature” (e-BPT) to full backup heating based on an outdoor temperature. Refer to
Appendix A of the “Air-Source Sizing and Selection Guide” for a full description of how to
determine the e-BPT.
The following summarizes the information for this example:
The variable cost of electricity delivered to the site is $0.10 / kWh;
The variable cost of natural gas delivered to the site is $0.333 / m3;
The efficiency (i.e., AFUE) of the new natural gas furnace is 95%; and,
The conversion factor for natural gas is 10.36 kWh / m3.
Using Equation 6 from the Guide, a COPmin value is determined for the ASHP as:
𝑽𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝑬𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 × 𝑬𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒖𝒑
𝑪𝑶𝑷𝒎𝒊𝒏 = × 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑭𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 [Equation 6]
𝑽𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝑭𝒖𝒆𝒍
COPmin equals $0.10 / kWh times 0.95 divided by $0.333 / m3 times 10.36 kWh / m3
COPmin equals 3.0
Using the manufacturer’s extended performance tables for the 2-ton ASHP selected in STEP 5,
it is determined that the ASHP will have a COP of 3.0 or more at outdoor temperatures of 35°F
(2°C) or warmer. (Refer to Appendix A in the Guide for details).
The “economic balance point temperature (e-BPT)” would be set within the ASHP controls
to disable ASHP operation at outdoor temperatures below 35ºF (2°C). Below this temperature
all heating will be provided by the natural gas furnace.
With a centrally ducted “hybrid” or “dual-fuel” system, the ASHP and fuel-based furnace
cannot operate simultaneously, but rather are operated in sequence, one at a time.
A single, multi-stage indoor thermostat sequences the operation of both the ASHP and
natural-gas furnace.
o At outdoor temperatures above the e-BPT, the thermostat will first bring on the
ASHP to satisfy a “heating call”, and only turn off the ASHP and bring on natural gas
furnace backup heating if the “heating call” cannot be satisfied by the ASHP.
o At outdoor temperatures below the e-BPT, ASHP operation is disabled, and the
thermostat will bring on the natural gas furnace to satisfy the heating call.
Figure 8: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example A1
Two units required: one for the main-floor target area and another for the second-floor
target area.
STEP 2: Choose Indoor Unit Type(s) for use with Ductless Mini-Split ASHP
The indoor unit types selected to service the two target areas are:
The second-floor area will use a compact ducted unit (Option 2D) installed in the attic
space near the attic access hatch and will be ducted to the various rooms as shown in
Figure 10.
The main-floor area will use a wall-mount unit (Option 2A) installed on the exterior wall of
the family room to service primarily the family room and kitchen. Some heat will circulate
to the dining room and living room through the open doorways that link the rooms.
Figure 10: Type and location of the Indoor units in the two Targeted Areas
Since the upgrades were not implemented, the reported design heating load (DHL) will need to
be adjusted to back out the assumed building envelope improvements. The reported design
cooling load (DCL) will not need to be adjusted. The report also states:
You could save up to 12% by performing all of the recommended non-space heating system upgrades.
This means the reported design heating load in the audit report is 88% of the actual value
(i.e. 100% minus the 12%). Therefore, the actual design heat loss for the house is equal to:
Table 2: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Ductless Heat Pumps using “Sizing Option A”
Using the Air-conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) published performance
data, heating and cooling performance for the three candidate ASHP systems are plotted in
Figure 11 together with estimated load characteristics for the two target areas within the house.
The rated cooling characteristics are 9,000 Btu/h for all three ASHPs.
The max cooling characteristics are 10,200 Btu/h for ASHP1, 12,100 Btu/h for ASHP2
and 12,200 for ASHP3
The heating characteristics for all ASHP models 2 and 3 are fairly similar, while ASHP1
has a much lower heating output at 47°F (8°C) than the other two models.
The thermal balance point temperatures (t-BPT) for the three ASHP options operating in
the second floor and the main floor target areas are:
o ASHP1: 28°F (-2°C);
o ASHP2: 28°F (-2°C); and,
o ASHP3: 27°F (-3°C).
Figure 11: Performance Curves & Balance Point Temperatures for 3 ductless ASHP Choices using Sizing Option 4A
The client decided on ASHP1 on the basis of its lower first cost and more appropriate sizing to
the target cooling capacity range.
Figure 12: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example A2
Control Option 6B1 is chosen with the add-on ASHP’s and the original baseboard heating
system operational over the full outdoor temperature range.
Controls that integrated the ASHP and existing electric baseboard heating system were
not available for this ASHP model. As a result, separate indoor thermostats will be
controlling the ASHPs and existing baseboard heating system independently.
The set-point temperature on the baseboard heating system thermostats must be set
below the low end of the ASHP dead band for the desired temperature set-point values
to ensure operation of the ASHP independent of the electric baseboards.
Figure 13: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example A2
STEP 2: Skip Step 2 when using OPTION 1A: Centrally Ducted ASHP
STEP 3: Determine Design Heating and Cooling Load Estimates
(same as Example A1)
The house has had an Energy Audit completed and the report is available from the homeowner.
None of the recommended upgrades have been made to the home or HVAC system since the
audit was done.
Use Option 3B: Energy Audit Load Estimates.
The audit report states:
If you were to implement ALL of the building envelope retrofits recommended …, it is estimated that
your home's design heating load would be 43,641 Btu/h and its design cooling load would be
23,519 Btu/h (2.0 tons).
Since the upgrades were not implemented, the reported design heating load (DHL) will need to
be adjusted to back out the assumed building envelope improvements. The reported design
cooling (DCL) load will not need to be adjusted. The report also states:
You could save up to 12% by performing all of the recommended non-space heating system upgrades.
This means the reported design heating load in the audit report is 88% of the actual value
(i.e. 100% minus the 12%). Therefore, the actual design heat loss for the house is equal to:
The existing supply ducting has four supply trunks / ducts off the furnace plenum:
One rectangular at 8 inches deep by 22 inches wide.
Two round at 6-inch diameter, and
One round at 5-in diameter.
Using equations 1a and 2a from the Guide:
Maximum Airflow Capacity (CFM) = (8 x 22) x 6.25 + (62 + 62 + 52) x 4.91 = 1576 CFM
The maximum airflow capacity of the existing duct system is estimated as 1,576 CFM.
Table 3: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Centrally-ducted Heat Pumps using “Sizing Option B”
Model Number of Nominal Capacity Cooling Capacity at 95°F Airflow
Stages (tons) (Btu/h) (CFM)
ASHP1-CD-30-1 1-stage 2.5 27,000 870
Using the extended performance data, heating and cooling performance curves for the three
possible ASHP systems are plotted in Figure 14 versus outdoor temperature together with the
house load characteristics.
The cooling capacity of the low-stage outputs of the 3-ton, 2-stage and variable capacity
ASHPs are identical, at 23,400 Btu/h, and are equal to the design cooling load of the
house at the design conditions.
The cooling capacity of the 2.5-ton single-stage ASHP is 27,000 Btu/h and is higher
than the design load but is still within the target capacity range for the application.
Airflow requirements for all three ASHPs are below the maximum airflow capacity of the
existing duct system (i.e., 1,576 CFM).
The heating characteristics for the 2-stage and variable capacity units are almost
identical at outdoor temperature above 34°F (1°C), but diverge at lower temperatures,
with the variable capacity ASHP having significantly higher output capacity than both
the 2-stage and single-stage ASHPs at lower temperatures.
The thermal balance point temperature for the three ASHPs are estimated at:
o ASHP1: 33°F (0.6°C);
o ASHP2: 28°F (-3°C); and,
o ASHP3: 21°F (-6°C).
Figure 14: Performance Curves & Balance Point Temperatures for 3 ASHP Choices for Sizing Option 4B
In this instance, the client decided that ASHP2, the 3-ton, 2-stage ASHP fitted best with their
overall goals for the project.
Heat Pump Performance Summary for the chosen model, ASHP2-CD-36-2
High-stage cooling output at design temperature (i.e., 88°F) is about 32,700 Btu/h, or
139% of the design cooling load.
Low-stage cooling output at design temperature (i.e., 88°F) is about 23,800 Btu/h, or
101% of the design cooling load.
Balance point temperature is about 28°F (-3°C)
Low-temperature cut-off is -10°F (-23°C) (i.e., below the design temperature)
The Fraction of Total Heating provided by ASHP above the thermal balance point
temperature is estimated at 48%.
Figure 15: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example B1
Control Option 6B1 is chosen, which allow the ASHP to operate over the full outdoor
temperature range. No low-temperature ASHP cut-out control is required.
A single, multi-stage indoor thermostat sequences the operation of both the ASHP and
propane furnace used for back-up.
With a centrally ducted “hybrid” or “dual-fuel” system, the ASHP and fuel-based furnace
cannot operate simultaneously, but rather are operated in sequence, one at a time.
o The thermostat will first bring on the ASHP to satisfy a “heating call”, and only turn
off the ASHP and bring on propane furnace if the “heating call” cannot be satisfied
by the ASHP.
Figure 16: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example B1
The output capacity of the new furnace must equal or be greater than 100% the design
heat loss value of 49,600 Btu/h, and be capable of supplying an airflow of 1,150 CFM
needed by the ASHP at the operating static pressure of the existing duct system.
The propane furnace chosen is a 60,000 Btu/h input furnace with an AFUE of 95%. Output
capacity is 57,000 Btu/h, or 115% of the design heating load of the house. The furnace has a
maximum airflow rating of 1,200 CFM which will deliver the airflow required by the chosen
Figure 17: Two-storey house floor plans with Targeted Areas circled
STEP 2: Choose Indoor Unit Type(s) for use with Ductless Mini-Split ASHP
The indoor unit types selected to service the two target areas are:
The second-floor area will use a ducted unit (Option 2D) installed in the attic
space near the attic access hatch and will be ducted to the various rooms as
shown in Figure 18.
The main-floor area will use a wall-mount unit (Option 2A) installed on the
exterior wall of the family room to service primarily the family room and kitchen.
Some heat will circulate to the dining room and living room through the open
doorways that link the rooms.
Figure 18: Type and location of the Indoor units in the two Targeted Areas
Since the upgrades were not implemented, the reported design heating load will need to be
adjusted to back out the assumed building envelope improvements. The reported cooling load
will not need to be adjusted. The report also states:
You could save up to 12% by performing all of the recommended non-space heating system upgrades.
This means the reported design heating load in the audit report is 88% of the actual value
(i.e. 100% minus the 12%). Therefore, the actual design heat loss for the house is equal to:
Design Heating Load = 43,641 Btu/h / 0.88 = 49,592 Btu/h
Based on the audit report, and the whole house has estimated design loads of about:
Heating: 49,600 Btu/h at a design temperature of -4°F (-20°C);
Cooling: 23,500 Btu/h at a design temperature of 88°F (31°C).
Table 4: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Ductless Heat Pumps using “Sizing Option B”
Number Rated Rated Max Min Min Turn- Rated Max Max
Model of Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling down Heating Heating Heating
Stages Efficiency Capacity Capacity Capacity < 125% Ratio Efficiency Capacity at Capacity
(SEER) at 95°F at 95°F at 95°F of DCL (HSPF) 47°F at 17°F
(Btu/h) (Btu/h) (Btu/h) (Btu/h) (Btu/h)
ASHP1- Variable
20.50 9,000 10,200 4,100 Yes 2.49:1 10 10,200 9,000
MS-9-V capacity
ASHP2- Variable
23.5 9,000 12,100 3,800 Yes 3.18:1 12 15,000 10,800
MS-9-V capacity
ASHP3- Variable
24.6 9,000 12,200 3,600 Yes 3.39:1 11.8 15,900 10,200
MS-9-V capacity
MS-12- 23 12,000 14,680 4,100 No 3.58:1 11 19,800 13,120
Using the NEEP CC-ASHP Product Listings published performance data, heating and cooling
performance for the three candidate ASHP systems are plotted in Figure 19 together with
estimated load characteristics for the two target areas within the house.
For multi-stage or variable capacity equipment, Sizing Option 4B matches minimum cooling
capacities to the Target Cooling Range (i.e., 6,400 to 10,000 Btu/h in this example), where possible
(without exceeding the 125% limit).
The low stage or minimum cooling capacities at 95°F (35°C) range from 4,100 Btu/h for ASHP1
to 3,600 Btu/h for ASHP3. This is below the low end of the Target Capacity Range (6,400
Btu/h), so an upsized fourth ASHP was identified that has a rated cooling capacity of 12,000
Btu/h. This rated cooling capacity exceeds the 125% limitation of DCL. The designer thus
concludes that the 9,000 BTU/h rated cooling capacity systems are the right sized systems.
The three systems at 9,000 Btu/h cooling capacity ratings had the following characteristics:
The rated cooling capacities are identical for all three variable-capacity ASHP, each with
an output of 9,000 Btu/h at 95°F (35°C).
The maximum heating output at 47°F (8°C) range from 15,900 Btu/h for ASHP3 to
10,200 Btu/h for ASHP1. Maximum heating outputs at 17°F (-8°C) range from 10,800
Btu/h for ASHP2 to 9,000 Btu/h for ASHP1.
The thermal balance point temperatures (t-BPT) for the three ASHP options operating in
the second floor and the main floor target areas are:
o ASHP1: 25°F (-4°C);
o ASHP2: 18°F (-8°C); and,
o ASHP3: 20°F (-7°C).
Figure 19: Performance Curves & Balance Point Temperatures for 3 ductless ASHP Choices using Sizing Option 4B
The client decided on ASHP2 on the basis of its higher heating output at low outdoor
temperatures and higher estimated annual heating fraction as well as its relatively high turn-
down ratio.
Figure 20: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example B2
Control Option 6B1 is chosen with the add-on ASHP’s and the original baseboard heating
system will be operational over the full outdoor temperature range.
Controls that integrated the ASHP and existing electric baseboard heating system were
not available for this ASHP model. As a result, separate indoor thermostats will be
controlling the ASHPs and existing baseboard heating system independently.
The set-point temperature on the baseboard heating system thermostats must be set
below the low end of the ASHP dead band for the desired temperature set-point values
to ensure operation of the ASHP independent of the electric baseboards.
Figure 21: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example B2
STEP 2: Skip Step 2 when using OPTION 1A: Centrally Ducted ASHP
STEP 3: Determine Design Heating and Cooling Load Estimates
(same as Example A1)
The house has had an Energy Audit completed and the report is available from the homeowner.
None of the recommended upgrades have been made to the home or HVAC system since the
audit was done.
Use Option 3B: Energy Audit Load Estimates.
The audit report states:
If you were to implement ALL of the building envelope retrofits recommended …, it is estimated that
your home's design heating load would be 43,641 Btu/h and its design cooling load would be
23,519 Btu/h (2.0 tons).
Since the upgrades were not implemented, the reported design heating load (DHL) will need to
be adjusted to back out the assumed building envelope improvements. The reported design
cooling load (DCL) will not need to be adjusted. The report also states:
You could save up to 12% by performing all of the recommended non-space heating system upgrades.
This means the reported design heating load in the audit report is 88% of the actual value
(i.e. 100% minus the 12%). Therefore, the actual design heat loss for the house is equal to:
Design Heating Load = 43,641 Btu/h / 0.88 = 49,592 Btu/h
Based on the audit report, and the house has estimated design loads of about:
Heating (DHL): 49,600 Btu/h at a design temperature of -4°F (-20°C);
Table 5: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Centrally Ducted Heat Pumps using “Sizing Option C”
Number of Rated Cooling Min Cooling Min Cooling less Heating Capacity Turn-down Heating
Model Stages Capacity Capacity at than 125% of at 17°F (-8.3°C) Ratio at Airflow
at 95°F (35°C) 95°F (35°C) DCL ? (Btu/h) 17°F (- (CFM)
(Btu/h) (Btu/h) 8.3°C)
1-stage 55,300 N/A No 36,000 1,800
1.6:1 1,550
ASHP2- 33,000 (high stage)
2-stages 44,000 31,900 No (high
CD-48-2 20,600 (low stage) stage)
Using the extended performance data, heating and cooling performance curves for the three
possible ASHP systems are plotted in Figure 22 versus outdoor temperature together with the
house load characteristics.
The heating output of all three ASHP choices matches closely with the heating load of
the house at 17°F (-8°C); However the 5-ton, single-stage unit has significantly higher
output at milder temperatures compared to the 2-stage and variable capacity units due
to the lack of capacity control.
The cooling capacity of the 5-ton single-stage unit has more than two times the design
cooling load and is well outside the normal capacity range for cooling. This will result in
very poor dehumidification performance.
The larger 5-ton unit also requires an airflow of 1,800 CFM, which exceeds the
maximum airflow capacity of the existing duct system by over 200 CFM.
The 4-ton, 2-stage and 4-ton, variable capacity ASHP have airflow requirements of
1,550 and 1,485 CFM which both fall below the maximum airflow capacity rating of the
existing duct system of 1576 CFM.
The high stage heating capacity for the 2-stage system at 17°F (-8°C) is much lower
than the variable capacity system and the variable capacity system shows a superior
turn-down ratio over the full operating range.
The cooling capacity of the variable capacity unit is lower than the 2-stage unit, and
again the variable capacity has a superior turn-down ratio in cooling
The thermal balance point temperatures for the three ASHPs are estimated at:
o ASHP1: 15°F (-9°C);
o ASHP2: 17°F (-8°C); and,
o ASHP3: 3°F (-16°C).
Figure 22: Performance Curves & Balance Point Temperatures for 3 ASHP Choices for Sizing Option 4C
ASHP 2: 33,000 / 20,600 = 1.6:1
ASHP 3: 48,000 / 26,000 = 1.85:1
The fraction of heating expected to be delivered by the 4-ton variable capacity unit is the
highest, its turn-down ratio is superior, and its minimum cooling capacity is the lowest. The
Variable capacity unit thus offers the maximum range of performance for this application.
The client has decided on the 4-ton, variable capacity ASHP.
Figure 23: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example C1
Control Option 6B1 is chosen, which allow the ASHP to operate over the full outdoor
temperature range. No low-temperature ASHP cut-out control is required.
A single, multi-stage indoor thermostat sequences the operation of both the ASHP and
propane furnace used for back-up.
With a centrally ducted “hybrid” or “dual-fuel” system, the ASHP and fuel-based furnace
cannot operate simultaneously, but rather are operated in sequence, one at a time.
o The thermostat will first bring on the ASHP to satisfy a “heating call”, and only turn
off the ASHP and bring on propane furnace if the “heating call” cannot be satisfied
by the ASHP.
Figure 24: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example C1
The output capacity of the new furnace must equal or be greater than 100% the design
heat loss value of 49,600 Btu/h, and be capable of delivering the up to 1,440 CFM
require by the 4-ton, variable capacity ASHP at the operating static pressure of the
existing duct system.
The propane furnace chosen is an 80,000 Btu/h input, 2-stage furnace with an AFUE of 95%.
Maximum output capacity is 76,000 Btu/h, or 153% of the design heating load of the house.
This larger capacity furnace was selected based on its maximum airflow rating of 1,500 CFM,
which is need to satisfy the airflow requirements of the 4-ton ASHP selected for the application.
Figure 25: Two-storey house floor plans with Targeted Areas circled
STEP 2: Choose Indoor Unit Type(s) for use with Ductless Mini-Split ASHP
The indoor unit types selected to service the two target areas are:
The second-floor area will use a ducted unit (Option 2D) installed in the attic
space near the attic access hatch and will be ducted to the various rooms as
shown in Figure 31.
The main-floor area will use a wall-mount unit (Option 2A) installed on the
exterior wall of the family room to service primarily the family room and kitchen.
Some heat will circulate to the dining room and living room through the open
doorways that link the rooms.
Figure 26: Type and location of the Indoor units in the two Targeted Areas
Since the upgrades were not implemented, the reported design heat loss will need to be
adjusted to back out the assumed building envelope improvements. The reported cooling load
will not need to be adjusted. The report also states:
You could save up to 12% by performing all of the recommended non-space heating system upgrades.
This means the reported design heating load in the audit report is 88% of the actual value
(i.e. 100% minus the 12%). Therefore, the actual design heat loss for the house is equal to:
Design Heating Load = 43,641 Btu/h / 0.88 = 49,592 Btu/h
Based on the audit report, and the whole house has estimated design loads of about:
Heating: 49,600 Btu/h at a design temperature of -4°F (-20°C);
Cooling: 23,500 Btu/h at a design temperature of 88°F (31°C).
rated cooling capacities at an outdoor temperature of 95°F (35°C), and rated heating capacities
at 47°F (8°C) and 17°F (-8°C).
Table 6: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Ductless Heat Pumps using “Sizing Option C”
Figure 27: Performance Curves & Balance Point Temperatures for 3 ductless ASHP Choices using Sizing Option 4C
The heating characteristics of the three ASHP candidate units are somewhat different:
ASHP1 has a rated heating capacity of 14,400 Btu/h at 47°F (8°C), but a maxcimum
capacity of 18,100 Btu/h at this same temperature. It’s capacity curve crosses the
heating load line at very close to the target heating temperature and its turn-down ratio
is superior to the other ASHPs. It also has the highest SEER and HSPF rating of the
three systems. ASHP 3 is right-sized for the target heating load.
ASHP2 is similar to ASHP 1 but has a lower turn-down ratio, lower HSPF and lower
SEER than ASHP 1. ASHP 2 is right-sized for the target heating load, but is lower
performing than ASHP 1.
ASHP3, although having a high turn-down ratio as well as high HSPF and SEER
ratings, is simply over-sized for the intended application.
The thermal balance point temperatures (t-BPT) for the three ASHP options operating in the two
target areas are:
ASHP1: 17°F (-8°C);
ASHP2: 17°F (-8°C);
ASHP3: 10°F (-12°C).
The rated cooling capacity for ASHP 1 is 12,000 Btu/hr at 95°F (35°C), however ASHP 1 has a
cooling capacity range from 1,500 – 13,600 Btu/h @ 95°F (35°C). The design cooling load of
8,000 Btu/h at 88°F (31°C) is well within its operating range. ASHP1 is therefore not over-sized
for the cooling load.
Estimated Turn-down Ratios
The following analysis provides estimates of the turn-down ratios of the ASHPs being
Using the high stage and low stage heating capacities specified in the manufacturer’s
performance tables at 17F (-8°C), the turn-down ratios for the ASHPs considered are:
ASHP 1: 12,000 / 1,150 = 10.4:1
ASHP 2: 12,000 / 2,589 = 4.6:1
ASHP 3: 16,400 / 1,900 = 8.6:1
Estimated Heating Fractions provided by the ASHP
The following analysis provides estimates of the relative heating performance of each of the
ASHPs under consideration.
From the climate zone map (see Appendix 1 of this document) it is determined that the
house is located in the “Cold-Humid” climate zone.
Using the thermal balance point temperature (t-BPT) for each system shown in Figure 27 the
“Fraction of Total Annual Heating” that can be delivered above the t-BPTs were estimated for
the “Cold-Humid” climate zone using the chart in Appendix 1 of this document.
The results are summarized below:
ASHP1: t-BPTs = 17°F (-8°C); Fraction of heating above t-BPT = 72%
ASHP2: t-BPTs = 17°F (-8°C); Fraction of heating above t-BPT = 72%
ASHP3: t-BPTs = 10°F (-12°C); Fraction of heating above t-BPT = 84%
The amount of heating expected to be delivered by the 3 different systems is similar. The client
decided on ASHP3 on the basis of its flatter heat output characteristic and higher heating output
at low outdoor temperatures.
Figure 28: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example C2
Control Option 6B1 is chosen with the add-on ASHPs and the original baseboard heating
system operational over the full outdoor temperature range.
Controls that integrate the ASHP and existing electric baseboard heating system were
available for this ASHP model.
o Each ASHP indoor unit will control the existing baseboard heating system such that
the baseboards provide heating only when the ASHP is unable to provide the
heating requirements.
o This controls-approach requires an auxiliary heat call connection to a wireless
baseboard thermostat located in the target areas serviced by the ASHP. The
wireless baseboard thermostat relays the auxiliary heat call signal to wireless
receivers mounted in or beside the electric baseboards installed in the target areas
serviced by the ASHP indoor unit. Only the baseboards occurring in the target areas
being conditioned by the ASHP would require such controls.
Figure 29: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example C2
STEP 2: Skip Step 2 when using OPTION 1A: Centrally Ducted ASHP
STEP 3: Determine Design Heating and Cooling Load Estimates
Use Option 3A: CSA F280 Load Analysis.
Being a new home, the designer has completed a F280 analysis, to determine the required
heating and cooling loads. The design loads for the new house are:
Heating: 18,500 Btu/h at a design temperature of -13°F (-25°C);
Cooling: 11,800 Btu/h at a design temperature of 86°F (30°C).
Table 7: Manufacturer’s Performance Data for Candidate Centrally-ducted Heat Pumps using “Sizing Option D”
Max / Min HSPF Max / Min Max / Min Maximum Maximum Turn-down
Number Cooling Capacity (Region Heating Heating Heating Heating Ratio at
Model of Stages at 95°F IV) at 47°F at 17°F at 5°F at -13°F 17°F (-
(Btu/h) (Btu/h) (Btu/h) (Btu/h) (Btu/h) 8.3°C)
ASHP1- variable Max: 30,000 Max: 34,000 Max: 32,000
9.7 32,000 25,000 2:1
CD-030-V capacity Min: 18,000 Min: 18,000 Min: 16,000
ASHP2- variable Max: 36,000 Max: 40,000 Max: 38,000
11 38,000 29,000 2:1
CD-036-V capacity Min: 18,000 Min: 18,000 Min: 19,000
The two candidate ASHPs have maximum heating capacities at -13°F (-25°C) that exceed the
design heat loss value of 18,500 Btu/h, so both have sufficient capacity at the target heating
capacity. ASHP 1, while having a lower HSPF than ASHP 2, has a lower minimum heating
capacity and will therefore run longer without cycling than ASHP 2. For this reason, it is
preferred for this application. Both ASHP 1 and ASHP 2 have cooling capacities that exceed
the upper limit of the design cooling load (125% of the DCL), but this is of lesser concern to the
Performance curves (based on performance as reported in manufacturer’s extended
performance tables) showing maximum and minimum heating characteristics for the two ASHP
system are plotted in Figure 30 versus outdoor temperature together with the house heating
load characteristic.
Figure 30: Variable-Capacity ASHP Performance with Sizing Option 4D (Sized on Design Heating Load)
The thermal balance point temperatures (t-BPT) for the two ASHP options are:
o ASHP1: t-BPT is below the design temperature of -13°F (-25°C);
o ASHP2: t-BPT is below the design temperature of -13°F (-25°C).
Maximum cooling output is about 30,000 Btu/h, or 250% of the design cooling load.
Minimum cooling output is about 18,000 Btu/h, or 150% of the design cooling load.
Figure 31: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example D1
Figure 32: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example D1
STEP 2: Choose Indoor Unit Type(s) for use with Ductless Mini-Split ASHP
The house floor plan is shown below. It was decided to treat each floor as a separate zone or
target area.
Figure 33: Floor plans for House with location and type of indoor unit shown
The indoor unit types selected to service each of the target areas are shown in Figure 33 and
described below.
The second-floor area will use a ducted unit (Option 2D) installed in the attic space
above the hall and ducted to the various rooms as shown in Figure 33.
The main-floor area will use a floor-mount unit (Option 2B) installed on the exterior wall
of the dining room to service the open concept main floor.
The basement area will be serviced by a wall-mounted unit (Option 2A) installed on the
exterior wall of the recreation room.
Table 8: Energy Model values of Heating and Cooling Loads for various areas, or zones within the home
Area Name Heating Loads Cooling Loads
(Btu/h) (Btu/h)
Second Floor - Family Room above the garage 2,277 2,900
Second Floor - Bedroom Zone (includes 3 bedrooms, bath room and hall) 13,783 8,574
Second Floor subtotal 16,060 11,474
Main Floor (includes kitchen, dining room, living room, bath room and foyer)
Main Floor subtotal 9,300 8,527
Basement Area (includes rec room, office and bath room and storage room)
Basement subtotal 5,380 3,103
Total whole house totals 30,740 23,104
Some multi-zone ASHPs may require the installation of a separate distribution box between the
indoor and outdoor units. Extra consideration of installation may be required when designing
these systems to accommodate the location of the distribution box.
Note that the selection process for multi-zone systems requires additional care and attention.
Depending on the target heating capacity (and therefore the capacity of the outdoor unit), the
designer may be limited to a minimum number of indoor units. Furthermore, indoor unit
capacities may be too large for individual rooms or zones to be conditioned. When dividing the
house into zones, it is therefore advised to follow the approach of determining “roughly equal
sized zones”. This is in-line with Step 2 of NRCan’s Zoning Duct Design Guide [NRCan, 2017].
Performance curves showing maximum and minimum heating characteristics for the three
candidate ASHP systems are plotted in Figure 33 versus outdoor temperature together with the
whole house heating load characteristic.
Figure 34: Add-on Multi-zone ASHP Performance using Sizing Option 4D targeting the full house load
Two of the three candidate ASHPs have maximum heating capacities that exceed the design
heating requirement of the house of 30,740 Btu/h at an outdoor temperature of -13°F (-25°C).
ASHP2 and ASHP3 have maximum heating outputs of 34,200 Btu/h and 36,500 Btu/h
respectively, which exceed the total heating requirement of the house at the design
o The minimum heating outputs for ASHP2 and ASHP3 cross the house load line at
about 5°F (-15C) and they will be capable of variable capacity operation at outdoor
temperatures at or below this value. As a result, these larger heat pumps will
operate on minimum output and be forced to cycle ON and OFF in order to control
capacity for much of the heating season.
o The ASHP2 outdoor unit can support up to 4 indoor units, while the larger ASHP3
can support up to 5 indoor units.
ASHP1 has a maximum output of 25,200 Btu/h at -13°F (-25°C), which is slightly below
(i.e., 82%) the design heating requirement.
o The minimum heating output for ASHP1 crosses the house load line at about 30°F
(-1°C) and will be capable of variable capacity operation at outdoor temperatures at
or below this value. As a result, ASHP1 will be able to operate within its variable
capacity range for much of the heating season.
o The ASHP1 outdoor unit can support up to 3 indoor units.
The thermal balance point temperatures (t-BPT) for the three ASHP options are:
o ASHP1: t-BPT is -4°F (-20°C);
In spite of the balance point differences, the amount of heating expected to be delivered by the
three different systems is very similar.
In this case, ASHP1 is chosen by the client as it follows the heating load line of the house much
better than the other two alternatives. ASHP1’s lower cooling capacity will also match the
cooling requirements better than the other two candidate heat pumps.
The selection of ASHP1 outdoor unit does impose some limitation on the number of indoor
units, as this model of multi-zone heat pump is restricted to a maximum of 3 indoor zones.
Indoor unit considerations are discussed further in the following section.
Table 10: Indoor unit Types and Capacities used in the mini-split, multi-zone ASHP application
Nominal Maximum Maximum
Indoor Indoor
Rated Heating Available Heating* Available Heating*
Zone Unit Unit
Capacity at 47°F Capacity at 47°F Capacity at -13°F
No. Model Type
(Btu/h) (Btu/h) (Btu/h)
1 IDU-D-15 Compact-ducted unit 18,000 14,260 12,550
2 IDU-F-09 Floor-mount unit 10,900 8,635 7,600
3 IDU-F-06 Wall-mount unit 7,200 5,708 5,020
All Total 36,100 28,600* 25,170*
* Maximum Available heating outputs at 47°F and -13°F from the outdoor unit selected.
The rated heating capacity of the three connected indoor units exceeds the output capacity of
outdoor unit chosen. The estimated available heating capacity for each of the zones at 47°F
and -13°F is shown in the last two columns on the right side of Table 10, based on the total
heating output available from the outdoor unit at these outdoor temperatures.
Figure 35: Decision Tree to Determine ASHP Control Strategy Option for Example D2
Control Option 6B1 is chosen with the add-on ASHPs and the original baseboard heating
system operational over the full outdoor temperature range.
Controls that integrate the ASHP and existing electric baseboard heating system were
available for this ASHP model.
o Each ASHP indoor unit will control the existing baseboard heating system such that
the baseboards provide heating only when the ASHP is unable to provide the
heating requirements.
o This controls approach requires an auxiliary heat call connection to a wireless
baseboard thermostat located in the target areas serviced by the ASHP. The
wireless baseboard thermostat relays the auxiliary heat call signal to wireless
receivers mounted in or beside the electric baseboards installed in the target areas
serviced by the ASHP indoor unit. Only the baseboards occurring in the target areas
being conditioned by the ASHP would require such controls.
Figure 36: Decision Tree to Determine the Backup Heating Requirements for Example D2
Figure 37: Fraction of Total Annual Heating Curves for Five Climate Zones in Canada
a. In this example, the fraction of Total Annual Heating delivered above 15°F is
about 76%.
The exceptions are the coastal areas of British Columbia which has a “Marine” climate, and the
northern region of Canada which has a “Subarctic” climate.
APPENDIX 2 – References
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). Zoning Duct Design Guide. Version 1.0. 2017.
Available on-line.