Vitamins 2020
Vitamins 2020
Vitamins 2020
(reduced) (oxidized)
Vitamin C biosynthesis involves L-gulonic acid, an acid derivative
of the monosaccharide L-gulose, L-gulonic acid is changed by
the enzyme lactonase into a cyclic ester; ring closure involves
carbon 1 and 4. An oxidase then introduces a double bond into
the ring, producing L-ascorbic acid.
Vitamin C
• In humans, an intake of 100 mg/day of
vitamin C saturates all body tissues with
the compound. After tissue saturation, all
additional vitamin C is rapidly metabolized
and excreted in the urine.
• The RDA for vitamin C varies from country
to country. Country RDA
Coenzyme form
Thiamin (vitamin B1)
• Forms of Vitamin A:
Performed = retinoids (retinal, retinol, and
retinoic acid)
Precursor = carotenoids
Vitamin A
R= CH2OH (retinol)
R= CHO (retinal)
R= COOH (retinoic acid)
Vitamin A
• The biochemical activity of retinol exceeds that of
the other two forms.
• The body can synthesize retinol from retinal in a
reaction that is reversible; retinal can also be
converted to retinoic acid in an irreversible
Vitamin A
• Foods derived from animals, including egg yolks
and dairy products, provide vitamin A in the form
of retinyl esters, compounds that are easily
hydrolyzed to retinoids in the human intestine.
Vitamin A
• Foods of plant origin provide carotenoids.
The major carotenoid with vitamin A
activity is beta-carotene, which is cleaved
to yield two molecules of retinal, which can
be converted to retinol.
Vitamin A
4 major functions of vitamin A:
Structurally, vitamin D2 and D3 are similar, differing only in the hydrocarbon side
chain present In their structures.
Vitamin D
Both the colecalciferol
and ergocalciferol forms
of vitamin D must
undergo two further
hydroxylation steps
before the vit. D becomes
fully functional.
Vitamin D
1st step: addition of –OH
group to carbon 25 (liver)
producing calcidiol
R1 R2
α CH3 CH3
β CH3 H
γ H CH3
δ H H
Vitamin E
Sources: vegetable oils, margarines, salad dressings,
spinach, broccoli
Vitamin E