NH Letters

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wdika, New Delhi- 110 n76 Oice:

)7 4100/2507 An


National Highways Authority of India

of Road Highways)Transport & gKHT/Phone: +91 4652279155

(Ministry http:lwww.nhai.org
aHIgE/ Website :

-TOT/E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
(Tech) cum Project Director
Office of the Deputy General Manager
Project Implementation Unit
oruqy qifer qTEY, UTdfaigr7,
T4R.395/3-1, M.S.HY%, T9fter ve-i, 629 003, 1aminadu.
Koil, Parvathipuram, Nagercoil

No.395/3-1, M.S. Road, Majestic Colony, NearAyyappan

Shri Ravimaniyen
585 K.P.Road,
Chettikulam Junction,
Nagercoii- 629001

ofVillukurito Kanyakumari from Km. 70+250 to
Sub NHAI-PIU, Nagercoil - Four Laning section from Km 0+000
Km.96+714 of Section NH-47 and Nagecoil to Kavalkinaru
to Km 16+276 of NH-47Bunder NHDP Phase-lll in
the state of Tamilnadu on EPC
at 10.30 A.M
-Removal of unauthorised encroachment on 29.04.2022

Ref: Encroachment Notice dated 09.11.2021

Please refer the encroachment notice cited, wherein it has been requested to stop
and remove the unauthorised encroachment done by you from Km.2+130 to 2+570 RHS.
However, till now no action is taken from your side. It is therefore, the Authority
decided to remove the encroachment on 29.04.2022 at 10.30A.M and the material shall
be stocked at one place. You are requested to take the stocked material from site on the
same day itself i.e., 29.04. 2022. The Authority will not be responsible for any theft of
stocked material.

Further, if any unauthorised encroachment done in future, the applicable penat

action will be taken as per the provisions of Control of National Highways (Land &
Traffic) Act, 2002.

Yours faithfully,

Project Director
NHAI, PIU, Nagercoil
Copy to:
1. The Special District Revenue Officer, LA-NH, Nagercoil for kind information
2. The Special Tahsildar, LA-NH, Vilavancode for kind information.

Corporate Office: Regional Office:

No. 1, Lake Area,
G-5&6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110 075. 2nd & 3rd Floor, Vijay Krishna Plaza,
Melur Main Road, Mattuthavani, Madurai 625 107.

Tel: 011-2507 4100/2507 4200

Ph:+91 452-2588999 E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.nhai.gov.in
LDITOJLL Ldljz6movouir,
860T 6ot lur(GLotl 1. hL gusGIBiT,

2. &puy LoTaJLL JGaurui g1g10aur,

lavGluGiy - Gizélu GpGcj4T6m6,

.a3/44557/2021 5srei: 07.01.2022

560T 65 GlET[bGLDT6OT 91&6r0Gorvaugiú oJLLU, SGÚLIglENTú élgmu

Lyov 6T600T: 360/3, 6,
9 364/5, 365/4, 365/5, 361/7,8, 9-6
lovu Glu GsBah#676U
474 6DLD&Gd SDOflE5T6
60EBLILBgiutL WsuoT OT 6laugsog afuTs gOT ollG 6ToUs6

LElir ovOTJILD Gleugi gJ6 GzLL LDg 9IÚLyaIGI AD5605

uITT60: 1) l Glgoilusoflwoor, GleLiTLD l,
6T60T LItlG0T oil6vorovTLILU GT6T: 21.12.2021
2) GlgLTL6DLW g601151856
660T 6ofluT(Giufl LoTo1LLÚ, gTsGsTolob GsmLLU, GsrouTGn6T JLLù, giußeryh
iTmL5la Lyav 6roUd: 360/3, 6, 9, 364/5, 365/4, 365/5, 384/6, 375/6 wmmb 361/7,8, 9-60 2LuLL

OT Geugi siobmas glirooLLD GlsugI SJé GsITfl uITiTOm6 1 -6 Eg

oslovot 6oOTLILIgslo Agu.sLilsTig Gioil sr6rLIeuir GsflolágioroTmir. oloovorÚuù ges ágIL6T
AilémsuinsT 91 6nousgibuig GoLhé AsoteGpo.
6 600TLIL: LnmIGSÚ (1)
(Lb) GumugGssor,
LoTOJLL yLSufloor 6hBigod G15ir(ynes 2.56oluITOTT(Slouu),
560T 60tluuT(GLoM LoToJLLO.

606LD 5iluroir (9)

g.Gyol6DfluiooT, 1.-2
585, Gsl.Gy@, GsiegoT aLhiy,

560Tluir Gohuilg 91IouGvE`SMS Ig0ISl oiugò GlLuógis dsmoitor Gztlolásiuhslng)

Letter No 1221 1 NHAl/2021
1 Dt'l'l'lllbN 20 1

S.K Rev1maniyen
585, KP Road
Chettikulam Junction
Nagercoil-629 001 '
Mob No ·+91 94431 33609

The Special District Revenue Officer

NHAI , Land Acqu1s1t1on , '
Nagercoil ,
Kanyakumari District.

Dear Sir.

SUB: Payment of compensation for the Land acquired for NH 47 Band return of
the excess area left unused in Tirupathisaram village for a total extend of 7 Acer
and 51 Cents comprised in R.Sy Nos- 360/3, 360/6, 360,'9 ,361 9 364/5. 365/4, 361/7,
361/8, 384 /6 ,375/ 6- Regarding .

Ref: 1.) My Letter to the District Collector Dated 01-09-2009

2.) My Letter to Special ORO supported with Alternate Proposal
Dated 08-04-2010
3.) Letter From District Collector 21-04-201 O
4.) Letter From Special ORO Dated 18-06-201 o
5.) Letter From Special ORO Dated 15-07-201 O
6.) NHAI Paper Publication Dated 24-07-2011
7.) My Letter to the special ORO dated 27-08-2011
8.) Letter From CGM NHAI , Chennai Dated 08-11-2011
9.) My Letter to CGM NHAI Delhi Dated 27-12-2012
1O.) Letter from CM Cell Chennai Dated 01-02-2013
11.) Letter from PD NHAI , Kanyakumai ,Dated 14-03-2013
12.) My Letter to Special ORO, District Collector, PD & Special Tas1ldhar
Dated 23-05-2013.
13.) Letter to Special Tasildhar for seeking NOC Letter 10-09-201 3
14.) Letter from District Collector Dated 28-02-1014
15.) Written Argument to District Collector & Special ORO Dated 15-05-2014
16.) Award copy by District Collector Dated 05-07-2014
17.) Arbitration O.P.No :7/2014 Dated 7-10-2014


I!)II :t,,}> I

'""' '
Q v
18) My l E•tter to D1st11rt Collertor LettPr No 11 -06-2021
19) r~ecommPnclc1t1on l<'tlN to D1c.;tnct Collector Dated 11 -06-2021 by the
Mr.J G.Princ P,MI A, Colr1chl•I Constituency
20.) My I ett0r No OCJOl/1& 2/NIIAl/2021 to PD t~HAI, Kan akumari
D,tlPd 01 09 2021 y
2 l ) Your LettPr
No NHAI/PIU/NGL/N li 41&478/PKG 2/2021/1830
Dated 09 11 202 1
?) ) My Letter to PD Letter No 1111/1/NHAl/2021 Dated 11 Nov 2021
23.) Bank Loan sanction Letters and No due certificates.
24 ,) Plan of Existing Status of the Land

Greetings of the day.

With reference to the above subject I would like to bring the following details for your kind
reference and records.

I am a Graduate in Civil Engineering promoting Land and construction of dwelling houses

During 2006, with the views to form a housing colony known us " Heaven City " in
Tirupathisaram village , I purchased land having a total extend of 7 Acer and 51 Cents
comprised in R.Sy Nos- 360/3, 360/6, 360/9 ,361/ 9 ,364/5, 365/4, 361/7, 361/8, 384 /6 ,375/
6 in my name and in the name of my wife Mrs. Sudarkodi Ravi.

As the Land was Lying below almost seven feet and I raised it by filling with borrowed earth
and also made necessary improvements including road , Pile foundations for four buildings
after obtaining necessary approval from the authority concerned on 25 July 2008 and I have
spend more than 3/- crore for the above and to meet out the expenses, I borrowed a huge
sum from State Bank of India with the faith and belief that the said venture would be my

While I started the construction activates , I got the news from the Public that the property is
going to be acquired by the Government for forming Four Lane road. I Submitted my objection
stating the loss and damages , if the property is acquired by NHAI. But my objection was
ignored and an Area of 6 Acre and 81 Cents was acquired out of 7 Acre and 51 Cents of
my property. So I was put in a overall loss of more than Rs. 25/- Cr which includes the
principal and interest. Since from then to meet out the loss of working capital of my firm
Tiruchitambalam Projects I have availed loan based on the securities including the above
property from Various banks and finally it end up with Rs:45/- Cr from SBI and during May
2016 our account became NPA.

As the bank Initiated attachment proceeding for the recovery of the Loan amount with interest
from me and my assets and I have availed the one time settlement with SBI and paid the
entire amount on 22 July 2021. In order to save the remitted initial OTS payment and
other securities offered as collateral with the bank, I have barrowed more than Rs:5 / Cr from
my relatives and friends and I am forced to settle the amount immediately.

2 I3
Out of ·o•a 7 5 l !.ca re 6 81 Acre 1Nas acquired by the MH.A
.1 for forming road and as on
da+e eve n 20% of my lano nas not
bee n utili sed for the purp ose and
area s ymg unu sed . Des pite of m, the rem ainin g
repeated requests the authorities conc
com e fon~.a-c! to retu rn nac k the exce erned have not
ss land left unused to us
In t.. s ·ega rd I numol'1 r,forrn you that
l have invested all my hard earned
193 9 and also I am 59 /ear s old money , since
and I don t think l can buy anymore land
tlme S1rce ' ha1 e ·ost rnJ busi ness s in my further life
and I don 't have any regular income
su-. .'a a,,.., o ann ing to create a Organic Nursery, Farm for my old age
and fertiliser in the name of Vedic
::, an: & ~oo d P odu cts So I requ
est you to consider my situation simp
:~e o·ce r ,o retu rr the exce ss unused ath1ca\\y and pass
land to me.
:... so -eq..,est /OU to do the nee dful to pay
me the compensation for the actual utilis
oas ed on the curr ent mar ket rate ed land
along with the cost of impr ovem ents
2008 l have spend during
;. t""e 'eq-.1 red ear ,er com mun icat
ions have been attached herewith for
c 8'1/ c a,-;c-cati on requ
your kind records.
red plea se feel free to call me at
+91 9443 1 336 09/ mail me at
·e, ,.,..,a~ .e~, a,c . . . . a com . Plea se do the nee
dful at the possible earliest.

-;..,ani(ng you sir,

You \s tru'.J

S r<.qev ima nr1e n

cc to : 1 . ) The Dist rict Coll ecto r, Kan yaku mar i District.

2.) The Pro ject Dire ctor , NHA I ,Nagerco ·1

Pessare fogk wile 4D

National Highways Authority of India


(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)

Phone: +91 4652 279155 BHARATMALA
aeHIE/ Website : http:lwww.nhai.org
HT/E-mail: [email protected] Office of the Deputy General Manager (Tech) cum Project Director
[email protected] Project Implementation Unit
TAT395/3-1, M.S.HE, He , T HI75TE, UTTTg, HITRT-629003, HFT
-629 003, Tamilnadu.
No.395/3-1, M.S. Road, Majestic Colony, Near Ayyappan Koil, Parvathipuram, Nagercoil

NHAI/PIU/NGL/NH-47&47B/Pkg-2/Petition/2021/198 Date: 16.11.2021

Shri Ravimaniyen
585 K.P.Road,
Chettikulam Junction,
Nagercoi! 529001
Sub- NHAI-PIU, Nagercoil Four Laning of Villukuri to Kanyakumari from Km. 70+250 to
Km.96+714 of Section NH-47 and Nagecoil to Kavalkinaru section from Km 0-000 to
Km 16+276 of NH-47B under NHDP Phase-ll in the state of Tamilnadu on EPC Mode
Petition of Shri S.K.Ravimaniyen - Reg

Ref: Shri S.K.Ravimaniyen, Nagercoil Petition dated 11/11/2021.


With ref to your petition cited, it is informed tha:.

1. As per the Standards & Specifications, the total Right of Way required for development
of 4 lane carriageway is 60m except the locations here construction of Toll Plaza,
Trumpet interchange, cleverly structures, way sids smenities, bus bay, ruck iay bay

The additional land required over and above 60m right of way is to be acquired
based on the requirement of construction of such sructures like toll plaza (or) any
high-level grade separated structures.
2. The toll booths have to be located at the distance of 5 km away from Municipat
corporation limits, if the existing highway is upgrading. In the present case, the
construction of 4 iane project ihighway from iagerct to Kavaikinaru is cormpletely a
bypass section, hence there is no restriction for construction of toll plaza as per
MoRTH guide tines.

3. The alignment of project highway will be decided at he time DPR Stage in consul tation
with the District Administration. The geometrical design of project highway will be
decided based on the site conditions, with reference to various Codes & Specifications.

4. The averment on the approved alignment is false and baseless. While formulating the
plan of four laning, various feasibilities were criticaily examined and the alignment
was drawn up on the outcome of the detailed study and other technical factors.

Regional Office:
Corporate Office: 2nd & 3rd Floor, Vijay Krishna Plaza, No.1, Lake Area,
Delhi 110 075.
Sector-10, Dwarka, New

Melur Main Road, Mattuthavani, Madurai - 625 107.

G-5 &6,
Tel:011-25074100/2507 4200 Ph: +91 452-2588999 E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.nhai.gov.in
National Highways Authority of India
(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)
GKHT/ Phone: +91 4652 279155
qaHIge/Website : http:lwww.nhai.org

-TO/E-mail: [email protected] office of the Deputy General Manager (Tech) cum Project Director
[email protected] Project Implementation Unit
T4.395/3-1, M.S.H%, HUte Til, 7qy R7 UTE, UTtAgK4, RÐI-629 003,aHeHI
No.395/3-1, M.S. Road, Majestic Colony, Near Ayyappan Koil, Parvathipuram, Nagercoil -629 003, Tamilnadu.

NHAI/PIU/NGL/NH-47&47B/Pkg-2/2021/1830 09.11.2021

TheHighways Administration Rules 2004

See rule 1)
Under sub-section (2)of section26 ofthe Control of
National Highways (Land and Traffic) Act. 2002)
Whereas Project Director, PIU, NHAI, Nagercoil on periodical inspection of the
Highway land on the information received by me, am satisfied that an unauthorized occupation
(Constructed fencing along Main Carriage Way & disturbed earthen shoulder along MCW) has
taken place on the Highway comprised of area 0.440 Km situated at @ km 2.130 to Km.2.570
RHS of NH. 47B and such unauthorized occupation has been caused by you/you are
responsible for such unauthorized occupation.

Therefore, you, Mr. Ravimaniyen, 585 K.P Road, Chettikulam Junction,

Nagercoil-629001 take notice that you are hereby required to remove such unauthorized
occupation within seven days from the date on which this notice is served on you. You may
make representation within three days from the date on which this notice is served on you to
Project Director, PIU, NHAI, Nagercoil, No.395/3-1,M.S.Road, Majestic Colony, Near
Ayappan Koil, Parvathipuram, Nagercoil -629003 and such representation, ifmade, shall
be heard on 11.11.2021 at NHAI, PIU, Nagercoil, No.395/3-1,M.S.Road, Majestie Colony,
Near Ayappan Koil, Parvathipuram, Nagercoil-629003 at Nagercoil and be aware of the
notice that failure to comply with this notice shall render you liable to penalty and summary
eviction from the aforementioned Highway land under sub-section (6) of section 26 of the
Control of National Highways (Land and Traffic) Act, 2002 ( 13 of 2003).
Issued under my hand and seal at Nagercoil on 09th day of November, 2021.

Place: Nagercoil

(T.Velraj BRES)
Project Director
NHAI, PIU, Nagercoil
NHAI, PIU, Nagercoil

Regional Office:
Corporate Office: Plaza, No.1, Lake Area,
110 075. 2nd & 3rd Floor, Vijay Krishna
aka, New Delhi Madurai 625 107

Melur Main Road, Mattuthavani,

TelVH MHo7301Ngtices Ph: +91 452-2588999 E-mail: [email protected]
Wehsite: www.nhai.gov.in
Lette No 1111/1/NHAl/202 l 11 Nov 2021


585, K P ROAD,
N~GERCOIL 629 001 ,



Dear Sir.
SUB: Payment of compensation for the Land acquired for NH 47 Band for retu rn of
the excess area left unused - Regarding.
Ref: 1.) My Letter to the District Coll ector Dated 01-09-2009
2.) My Letter to Speci al DRO supported with Alternate Proposa l
Dated 08-04-20 1o
3.) Letter From District Collector 21-04-2010
4.) Letter From Special DRO Dated 18-06-2010
5.) Letter From Special DRO Dated 15-07-2010
6.) NHAI Paper Publication Dated 24-07-2011
7.) My Letter to the special DRO dated 27-08-2011
8.) Letter From CGM NHAI , Chennai Dated 08-11-2011
9.) My Letter to CGM NHAI Delhi Dated 27-12-2012
10.) Letter from CM Cell Chennai Dated 01 -02-20'i3
11 .) Letter from PD NHAI , Kanyakumai ,Dated 14-03-2013
12.) My Letter to Special ORO, District Collector, PD & Special Tas 1ldhar
Dated 23-05-2013.
13.) Letter to Special Tasildhar for seeking NOC Letter 10-09-201 3
14.) Letter from District Collector Dated 28-02-1014
15.) Written Argument to District Collector & Special DRO Dated ·15-05-2014
16.) Award copy by District Collector Dated 05-07-2014
17.) Arbitration O.P.No:7/2014 Dated 7-10-2014
18.) My Letter to District Collector Letter No:11-06-2021
19.) Recommendation letter Dated 11-06-2021 by the Mr.J.G.Pnn ce,MLA ,
Colachel Constituency
20.) My Letter No: 0901/1& 2/NHAl/2021to PD NHAI , Kanyakum an
Dated 01-09-2021
21 .) Your Letter No:NHAI/PIU/NGL/NH-47&47B/Pf<G-2/2021 /1830
Dated 09-11 -2021
Greetings of the d, 1y

Wi th retero nce to lhP ;ibovc: and

70 cJ in cont1nuat1on my earl" I tt dated 01 09 202 1 even after
ays ' I have not received an ier e er
ti 10 unused ,1cqu,r ed property ·thY proper actions from yo u to 1ssual of plan and demarcate
w, proper boundaries .

1 ) As I explained ,n my letter 11 06
settled my bank dues on 22 Jul- 2~~021, I have barrowed to a tune of INR.5/ Cr and
no other option than et the / 1 N~w to keep me and my family survival , I have
road 1.e 28 M wide o( to sell ~;;;;ensat,on from NHAI for the actual_acquired for the
which officially NHAI has to mark th ba~ance prope~ to some potential purchaser for
to me the balance unutir d e HAI road alignment boundaries and hand over
Congress (IRC) width I2 ~ htr~perty. As per th e rules & guidelines of Indian Road
wide for 2 lane ' NH wir ~1~ lo dway (RoW) of national highway in India about 30m
extension . However th~~ ~~~u~I e:.d~~d of_roadway : other necess1t1es + future
High E . . I vanes according to geometri c design of
Ia w~ath ~g,neenn~ and depe~ding on land availability and economic condition. One
~~ w, Is 3.5m ~,de for car~Iage~ay, maximum shoulder width is about 4.6m and
minimum of 2.5m , width of median will be varies 5m to ?m wide.

2.) On Feb 14,2019, Nager~oil has been upgraded from Municipality to Corporation and
now only the Toll Booth Is under construction. As per the Draft Policy the Toll Booths
~a~ to be 5km away from municipal corporation limits, 3km away mumc,pal council
ltmlfs an~ 1k~ ~way vii/ages' limits. Also since the Toll Plazha is falling within the
~o~porat,on L1m1ts and as per the GO , it has to be shifted away from the corporation
l1mIts and the land acquired other than the road width of 28 M has to return back to me
immediately along with prevailing rent from the date of your notification
3.) Since I did not get any supports from you and I am struggling with this issue for the
past fourteen years , I have made the marking of my entire property at site and laid
the fencing inside my property considering the maximum width of 28 m ( 26 M at the
First Culvert after the Toll towards Kavalkeneru) including shoulders of 2 m in both
sides. The drawing and the site photo is attached herewith .

4.) Moreover I feel the existing road alignment within my property is purposely made
against the standard design and the curve has been made to save some of the
adjacent private properties and this is clearly visible by the eye sight and being a civil
Engineer I have already submitted the alternate alignment sketch on 08-04-201 Owhich
was well in advance of NHAI Paper Publication Dated 24-07-2011 My alternate
proposal submitted to you on 08-04-2010 along with present site Photo 1s enclosed for
your kind reference and records.
5.) More over I have not received any compensation from you till date and also the road
work is in progress for the past serval years and no idea about when the project is
going to complete and commence the COD. And since I have not accepted your
acquisition and I will be the owner till I get the satisfactory compensation. In fact you
have only occupied and laid road ,n my property without taken any NOC from me.
6 .) Being a part of Government of India it 1s your duty to protect your own c1t1zen , but ~ou
have done injustice and spoiled entire life of mine and family by the wa y of unethical
acqu,sition of 95% of my land area, which has been purchased by me with my ha
2008 and their after due to your improper
earnings of 19 years period from 1989 to
acquisition my whole life has been ruined
No:N HAI \PIU \NG L\N H-4 7&4 78\P KG-
As you mentioned in your letter No:
26(6) is not applicable in my case because
2\2021 \ 183 0 Date d 09-11-2021 , Section
ially to NHAI and also you have not started
stiff I have not handed over my property offic
ce to NHAI to affect your progress.
the COD. Also I am not making any disturban

20% of my land has not been util ised

Out of total area acq uire d by NHAI , even
is lying vacant.
for the purp ose and the remaining area

prop erty in the nam e of my wife in Rsy

Also I cou ld not able to trace out the
RSy :375 /6 Mea suri ng 0.34 5 Acre. So
No:384 /6 mea suri ng 0.43 75 Acre and
abo ve prop erty at site for my kno wled ge.
kind ly mar k the exa ct bou nda ry of the
unused for the purp ose for whic h land
As per rules the exc ess area if any left
owner. As such we are entitle to get
was acq uire d , it is to be returned to the
bac k the area left unu sed .
auth oriti es con cern ed not revi ewe d my
Des pite of my repe ated requ ests the
ard to return the exce ss land left unu sed
cas e prop erly and hav e not com e forw
ing doc ume nts of 26 Ann exu res for
to us . I here with enc lose all the support
you r kind refe renc e and records.

to pay us the valu e of imp rove men ts

Hen ce I requ est you to do the needful
also to pay com pen sati on for the Loss
that I had effe cted in the prop erty and
mar ket valu e of land with inte rest from
and dam age Sus tain ed alon g with the
the date of noti fica tion with out furth er

return the exc ess land area Left unu sed

/ furth er requ est you to pas s orde r to y.
rend er Jus tice with in 30 day s from toda
afte r mar king its bou nda ries and thus
Plea se do the nee dful on prio rity basi

Tha nkin g you sir,

You rs truly,

National Highways Authority of India
(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)
gre/Phone: +91 4652 279155 BHARATMALA
~eenge/ Website : hitplwww.nhal.org ROAD TO PROSPERITY

-4/E-mail [email protected] ofce of the Deputy General Manager (Tech) cum Project Director
[email protected] Project Implementatlion Unit
.395/3-1,M.S HPE, TfEE i , guaa HfRr TE, Trfrgrm,raferm-62903, aftr
No.395/0-1, M.S. Road, Majestic Colony,Near Ayappan Kal, Parvathipuran,Nagercoil-629003,Tarminadiu

NHAIPIUNGL/LA/NH-47&47B/2021/t854 Date: 10.11.2021

Shri. S.K.Revimaniyan,
8-5, K.P.Road,
Chettikulam Junction,
Nagercoil-629 001.
four laning of NH-47 & 47B
Sub: NHAI Nagercoil Land Acquisition for
- PIU -

Petition of Shri.S.K.Revimaniyan- Reg.

Ref: 1. Shri. S.K.Revimaniyan, Nagercoil petition dated: 01.09.2021.
2 Smt.E.V.N.Sudarkodi Revi, W/o.S.K.Revimaniyan, Nagercoil petition

has requested to make survey in

In the ref 1st cited Shri. S.K.Revimaniyan, Nagercoil
in Sy.No. 360/3, 360/6, 361/9, 365/4, 361/7, 361/8
respect of properties comprised
demarcate the unacquired land besides reconveying the unused
Thirupathisaram Village and
land to the petitioner. Smt.E.V.N.Sudarkodi Revi,
portion of the acquired
similar petition for the land in Sy.No. 384/6 and
W/o.S.K.Revimaniyan, has also presented a

375/6 of Thirupathisaram Village.

was done in respect of the properties
In this connection it is informed that proper Survey
demarcated on
and the boundaries of the acquired land were
as desired by the petitioners

As there is no provision of reconveyance of

08.09.2021 in the presence of the petitioner.
the request of the petitioner on the above
acquired land in the National Highways Act, 1956,
point could not be complied

Yours faithfully,

(T.Velraj BRES)
Project Director,

Regional Office:
Corporate Office: No. 1, Lake Area,
Delhi 110 075 2nd& 3rd Floor, Vijay Krishna Plaza,
G-5 &6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New

Madurai-625 107
Tel:011-2507 4100/ 2507 4200 Melur Main Road, Mattuthavani,
Ph: +91 452-2588999 E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.nhai.gov.in
8la,.(!,&lll6\l61JIT I 1 fliir I ~Jrnmr Q ~
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01 September 2021

Letter No:0901/1/NHAI/2021







Dear Sir.

SUB: seeking copies of Documents - Regarding.

National Highways Act/

Ref The proceedings issued by the Arbitrator under
the District Collector in Roc No: E3/15795/2013 Dated 05-07-2014.

Respected Sir,

With the reference to your proceedings cited above, I request you to furnish
the copies of the documents 1 to 7 referred in the above proceedings inRoc No:
E3/15795/2013 Dated 05-07-2014. The copy of the Roc No: E3/15795/2013 Dated
05-07-2014 is enclosed herewith for your kind reference and records. Please do the
needful at the earliest.

Thanking you sir,

Yours truly,


CC To: Kanyakumari District collector

Deputy Leader Congress, Chennai Address
Tamil Nadu of 'A' Block, No. 9-A,
Legislative Assembly MLA Residential Quarters,
Member of Legislative Assembly, Chepauk, Chennai - 2.
Colachel Constituency Phone:044-25333626
6LDGu Email:[email protected]
[email protected]



The District Collector

Kanyakumari District..


Sub: Payment of compensation for the Land acquired for NH 47 B and for return of the
excess area left remain unused at Tirupathisaram village, in R.Sy Nos- 360/3,
360/6, 360/9 ,361/ 9 ,364/5, 365/4, 361/7, 361/8, 384 16,375/ 6-Regarding.

M/S. Tiruchitambalam Projects Limited, a major Construction Company situated in

our District for the past more than two decades and they are one of the major
contributors for social development activities. Mrs.EVN.Sudarkodi, Wlo. Mr.S.K.
Revimaniyen, Managing Director, whose service for people who are affected during
Tsunami and other natural calamities including Covid-19 is highly appreciable.
Now understand that he has been suffering with financial crisis due to a huge sum of
compensation payment due from the NHAI. Also he has to settle his dues with SBI
,in the second week of July2021 and I understand that he has not getting any proper
support/ direction from the concern authorities.
Now the matter has been brought my knowledge and I have gone through his all the
documents and other correspondence with NHAI, I personally found that his claim is

very genuine. So Sir kindly consider this and render help.

Thanking you,

office: Colachel MLA Office, Monday Market, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu -629 802.
Residence: HEBRON, No. 15-173A, Samavilai, Kanjiracode -629155. Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu.
Mobile: 9442629700. Home: 04651-273797
Ba 25.06.2021

Qurg at a Sputo Ggrena dblgungi.auLGomg, a/Gu. gailk.aofiuuo,

Gas.S.GonG. 15aGarolebGgramner auCL, digiudiong
dlgmah up h : 360/3.6,9, 361/7,8.9, 365/4, 375/6 uga 384/6-
aLuCL leoh levh 4 pld atina 5mnd(gjh ustld
nauuadudaiutLgi-pudo Ggrma angriund GaLa0dhu
Qgosfleiliug uldamas Ggsn.turas
urtenal: 1) dguglaLtGasmg, a/Qu. golosoefluoi, Gas.3.Ggn@, sraiGasralos
6TsT LIufleat asleontoorL BTo: 11.06.2021
2) Qgsm fusm.uu 2 ausoTriesoit

astolureofl uraxLh, BraiGarela) GamiLth, sdriaà auL, Bsrai Ganailoi

dgmaà, Ga.S.GonO sstp gpasauflul audágib dgrlusfluair srunuflat usmaro gud
aLiGlang aasiuait s d GenisoTs Gsrarsmer auLh, dgiujegà lmaà u sm
360/3.6.9, 361/7,89, 365/4, 375/6 uoñpà 384/6-s) a u Bouh 4 aflé orsme ssmadgih
uefld smausiu@haiuLLgI Ggm.iure giso Gsrens agrsd Gaf urtsnau 1-60 smgpuà

wggisryflsit Gasflásns Gamiumas uflfausmoar GlruuLuLI ugsTGÅG Genssurs

Beuh Terd cmauusiu@ásiutLg Gamiura grissfih a.star Siuursmer 5gLst (Award
Copy) i comiias Bast peuh GoflailiniuGdpn

(gh) gr5T86TTgg8a,
LoITaL LluuGdhasit,
LaraL yLdufisat hGesad Gsiyps a5aihumsni (Slauà)
seat sotluuteguatl uraxtLih.

/asoehomua paad aáoajiug//

h6meusma aholuirSTT iT (2)

6/Gu goil.osofluusat,
585, Ga.S.GgmG.
From 11 June 2021
EVN Sudarkodi
Wio.Mr.S K.Revimaniyen
Old No:126,
New No 585, K.P Road.
Nagercoil-629 001

The District Collector

Kanyakumari District
SUB: Payment of compensation for the Land acquired for NH 47 B and for return of
the excess area left remain
unused Regarding

I Submi the following for

your kind consideration and necessary action
1 ama Graduate in Civil
Engineering promoting Land and construction of dwelling houses

During 2006, with the views to form a housing colony known us Heaven
Tirupathisaram village, I purchased land having a total extend of 7 Acer and Cityin
51 Cents
comprised in R.Sy Nos- 360/3, 360/6, 360/9 ,361/ 9 ,364/5, 365/4, 361/7 361/8, 384 5
375/ 6 in my name and in the name of my wife Mrs. Sudarkodi Ravi

As the Land was Lying below almost seven feet and I raised it
by filling it with earth and also
made necessary improvements including road, Pile foundations
for four buildings after
obtaining necessary approval from the authority concerned on 25 July 2008 andi have
spend more than 3 crore for the above and to meet out the expenses, I borrowed a huge
sum from State Bank of India with the faith and belief that the said venture
would be my
While Istarted the construction activates, I got the news fiom the dailies that the
was going to the acquire by the Government for forming Four Lane road. I Subrnitted property
objection stating the loss and damages, if the property was acquired by NHAI But my
abjection was ignored and an Area of b Acre and 53 Cents was acquired out of 7 Acre
and 51 Cents of my property So l was put a overall a Loss of more than Rs 25/- Cr
includes the principal and intrest

Despite of my claim of Compensation for the Land acquired has not been paid to us til
today. As the bank Initiated attachement proceeding for the recovery of the Loan amount
with interest from me and from my assels and nowl availed the one time settlement with
SBI for Rs.4,51,58,955.40 With all the difficulty I have borrowed and remitted 25% on time
and the balance 75% ie. Rs 3,38,69.216 25/- has topaid on orbefore 22 July 2021 If fail
to remit the payment on or before 22 July 2021, my OTS will be cancelled by SBl and I will

Sconned uith Com Sconner

be losing all the
remitted money and other securities
to pay the offered as collateral So 1request you
compensation of Rs.27/- Cr before end of
For your Kind reference, I would like to inform you that the house plots developed in the
sten Side of my above said property known as C.M.C Nager is been seling at the rate
of 6.5 Lakhs Per cent
Out of Total area
6.53 Acre that was acquired by the NHAI for
ACre has been utilised for the purpose and
forming road. only atbout 3
the remaining area is lying left remain vacant

AS per rules the

excess area if any left unused for the purpose for which land was acquired,
t is to be returned to be owner. As such we are entitle to
Despite my repeated request the authorities get back the area left unused
excess land left unused to
concened have not come forward to return the

Here I raquest you to do the needful to pay us the value

effected in the of improvements that had
property and also to pay compensation for the Loss and damage Sustained
by us along with the value of land with interest
from the date of notification with out
I further request
you to pass order for the return of the
marking its boundaries and thus render Justice. All the excess
area Left unused to us
attached herewith for your kind records. communications have been
Please do the needful

Thanking you sir,

Yours truly.

udarled. Peus

Sconned with ComScanne

National Highways Authority of India NHAT

(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways) grT/Phone: +91 4652 279155

aaHge/Website: http:www.nhai.org
Office of the Deputy General Manager (Tech) cum Project Director -/E-mail: [email protected]
Project Implementation Unit
[email protected]
TT.395/3-1, M.S.H%, HOke5 b-i, 3qyy Hiar h UTET, UTETTYT, RBeT-629 003,HTFI3
No.395/3-1, M.S. Road, Majestic Colony, Near Ayyappan Koil, Parvathipuram, Nagercoil -629 003,

SpeedPostwith AD
Dated: 08.08.2022

Shri. Subash Chandra Bose,

585, K.P.Road,
Chettikulam Junction,
Nagercoil 629 001.
Sub: NHAI, PIU, Nagercoil - RTI application of Shri. Subash Chandra Bose - Reg.

Ref: 1) Shri. Subash Chandra Bose, Nagercoil, RTI application dated - 04.07.2022,

addressed to the Public Information Officer, Nagercoil Corporation.

2) Public Information Officer / Divisional Engineer, National Highways, Nagercoil,
No. 3220/2022/..A5.B1 2, dated - 26.07.2022 (Received on 30.07.2022).

With reference to the RTI application 1st cited, the information sought for
therein under serial number 3 & 4 is provided as follows;
SL.No Information provided
The information is not held by or control of this Public Authority. Hence,
the information is not accessible in terms of section 2 (f) and (j) of the RTI
Act, 2005. The location of the proposed Toll Plaza is at 0+2.420 km.
Not within the limit of Nagercoil Corporation.
Address of the First Appellate Authority:
The Regional Officer,
NHAI, Vijay Krishna Plaza, No. 1,
Lake Area, Melur Main Road,
Mattuthavani, Madurai - 625 007.

Yours faithfully,

(T.Velraj BRES)
Project Director
NHAI, PIU, Nagercoil
Copy to: Divisional Engineer, National Highways, Nagercoil.
Corporate Office: Regional Office:
G-5&6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110 075. 2nd & 3rd Floor, Vijay Krishna Plaza, No.1, Lake Area,
Tel:011-25074100/2507 4200 Melur Main Road, Mattuthavani, Madurai - 625 107.
Website: www.nhai.gov.in Ph: +91 452-2588999 E-mail: [email protected]

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