Individual DR - 시운전 PTW 현황 - 23 01 12 (Thu) - 서원일

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Project: IKCP (Kalselteng2 CFSPP 2 x 100 MW) Project Start Ongoing Complete Planned

Thursday, January 12, 2023

PTW ※ Sign
Name: Seo, won il Position: Supplier: IPTC Chemical (C), I&C (I), Mechanical (M), Eletrical ('E), HVAC (H), Piping (P)
Manager Civil (L), Architecture (A), Fire Fighting (F), Quality Control (QC)

COMM Electrical (CE), COMM Chemical (CC),

Email: [email protected] Discipline: PTW Client: HEC COMM Mechanical (CM), COMM I&C (CI), COMM Operation (CO)

PTW PTW 11/Jan/23 TODAY 13/Jan/23 14/Jan/23

Scope of PTW PTW Status PTW # Issued Expired MAIN ACTIVITIES Remarks
Date Date Wed Thu Fri Sat
Commissioning Issued/ LO flushing of U1 pulverizier A~E on U1 (CM)
1227 12/26 1/2
under Work
Boom conveyer brake motor & Boom conveyor motor solo running test on
1251 12/27 1/3
Reclaimer (CO)

1336 1/2 1/9 Belt conveyor - 01 wire check & solo run, belt conveyor 04A & 04B on CHS (CE)

1396 1/4 1/11 Clean BFP suction straniner A/B/C on U1 STB (CM)

1397 1/4 1/11 Clean CEP suction straniner A/B on U1 STB (CM)

1403 1/4 1/11 Clean CCWP suction straniner A/B on U1 STB (CM)

1464 1/6 1/13 L.O flushing for U2 AOP BFP #A/B/C on U2 (CM)

1463 1/6 1/13 Energize of U1 oil purifier on ST#1 MCC (CE)

1487 1/7 1/14 Water flushing at ash on fly ash & bottom ash (CM)

1507 1/9 1/16 Motor solo run on WT MCC (CE)

1550 1/10 1/17 Coal operation room split type conditioner power energizing on CHS (CE)

1571 1/10 1/17 L.O flushing of pulverizer #A~E on U1 (CM)

Desuperheater & reheater line flushing by BPP operation(spray water lines) on
1/11 1/18
BLR#1 (CM)

1592 1/11 1/18 LO flushing for GAH on U2 (CM)

1609 1/11 1/18 Inspect GRP supply line of CWP on CWP A/B, U2 (CM)

1608 1/11 1/18 Run test seal air fan on ESP #1 (CE)

1630 1/12 1/19 Vibration screen -01A&01B (solo run) on CHS (CE)

1629 1/12 1/19 Coal crusher -01A & 01B (solo run) on CHS (CE)

1/12 1/19 Power energizing on U2 register PDP (CE)

1/12 1/19 LO flushing step-4 on U1 STG (CM)

Electrical & IC Issued/ Termination cable for flodizing heaters on AHS ('E)
904 12/8 12/15
Construction under Work
889 12/8 12/15 Termination cable for UPS & Lan cabinet for WTB etc. on WTB ('E)

890 12/9 12/16 Re-termination & energizing of shutter door on all shutter door ('E)
Termination cable for BC-03A&B, coal crusher & welding receptacle on CHS MCC
905 12/9 12/16
Install smoke detector, horn strobe call point incl. pulling & termination cable
907 12/10 12/17
alarm ('E)

964 12/12 12/19 Termination cable of JB stacker reclamer on Common MV ('E)

Install cone speaker, horn speaker, paging, LAN socket, horn strobe, manual call
1003 12/14 12/21
on Common ('E)

1007 12/14 12/21 Install fixture lighting high pressure normal & essential on Water tank area ('E)

1010 12/14 12/21 Termination cable for U1 sampling system rack on CCB 1 MF(UPS room) ('E)

1012 12/15 12/22 Install horn, strobe, maual call, cone speaker, CCTV on CHS ('E)

1023 12/15 12/22 Install fixture lighting high pressure normal on chemical dosing CT ('E)

1024 12/15 12/22 Install fixture lighting LED lamp on CT ('E)

1043 12/16 12/23 Calibration at start up flash tank on U1 STG (I)

1066 12/17 12/24 IR & CT test on ASH & ESP control BLDG ('E)

1114 12/20 12/27 Termination, install support, tubing on BLR#1 (I)

1109 12/22 12/29 Install telephone, cone speak, horn speaker, paging, tighting on AHS ('E)

1127 12/20 12/27 IR & CT on coal handling control BLDG ('E)

Pulling & termination cable essential & normal lighting on CCB 1&2 GF, MF, OF
1128 12/20 12/27
Install panel, support, conduit, pulling cable internal, temination, loop check,
1144 12/20 12/27
install tubbing on chimmy (I)

1129 12/21 12/28 Install cone speaker, horn speaker, telephon, paging & lighting on CHS ('E)

1133 12/21 12/28 Install fixture lighting on Trafo 1& 2 ('E)

1131 12/21 12/28 IR & CT on workshop & ware house ('E)

1137 12/21 12/28 Pulling & termination cable lighting on CCB 1&2 ('E)
Continuity, line check, megger, functional test on hoist crane (BFP, Pulverizer) on
1164 12/22 12/29

1203 12/25 1/1 Install grounding on CT ('E)

Continuity, megger, function test PAF A/B, FDF A/B, EAH hot/cold on BLR#2 hoist
1221 12/26 1/2

12/27 1/3 Energizi sump Pp LCP (U1 TBN area) (chemical) on 400V Gen service MCC 1 ('E)

1334 12/27 1/3 Energizi sump Pp LCP (U2 TBN area) (Aux Tr) on 400V Gen service MCC 1 ('E)
Install horn speaker, cone speaker, paging, horn strobe, telephon, lighting on
1245 12/27 1/3
workshop & warehouse ('E)

1243 12/27 1/3 Install fire alarm, communication & lighting device on common bldg ('E)

1268 12/28 1/4 Testing fire alarm on CWP house ('E)

1271 12/28 1/4 Install caution plate on BLR#1 ('E)

1328 12/31 1/7 Pulling & Termination cable on AHS BLDG ('E)

1329 12/31 1/7 Pulling & Termination cable for air compressor receptacle on Common BLDG ('E)
1330 12/31 1/7 Pulling & Termination cable on WTB ('E)

1332 12/31 1/7 IR & CT on Coal handling control BLDG ('E)

1327 12/31 1/7 Install fire alarm, communication & lighting device on EDG bldg ('E)

1355 1/3 1/10 Install fire alarm, communication, lighting device on AHS BLDG ('E)

1357 1/3 1/10 Install fire alarm, communication, lighting device on workshop & warehouse ('E)

1359 1/3 1/10 Install fire alarm, communication, lighting device on common BLDG ('E)

1373 1/3 1/10 Install fire alarm, communication, lighting device on CCB 1&2, MF, OF, GF, ER ('E)

# 1/3 1/10 IR & CT on ST & coal handling control BLDG ('E)

1368-1 1/3 1/10 Termination on MCC U2 messonin (I)

Line check, functional test from LCP/DCS for DC-01/02/03/04/05 on Dust collector
1374 1/3 1/10

1400 1/3 1/10 Dismantle scaffolding on CWP house ('E)

1377 1/4 1/11 Install cover tray, cover wall penetration & firestop on CCB 1&2 GF, MF, OF ('E)

1378-1 1/4 1/11 Install fire stop on cable trench boiler ('E)

1389 1/4 1/11 IR & continuity check on CHS control BLDG (E)

1398 1/4 1/11 Coninuity check on CHS (I)

Install lighting incl. connecting cable to panel permanent on CCB 1&2 GF, MF,OF
1432 1/4 1/11

1431 1/5 1/12 Termination cable for sump Pp LCP(U2) on CCB 1 GF '(E)

1438 1/4 1/11 Install elevator on BLR #1 ('E)

Install fire alarm, communication, lighting device cover tray, grounding on BLR#1
1439 1/4 1/11
Disconnect cable control, takeout, calibration, tower house reinstall divice
1436 1/5 1/12
reconnection on Coal feeder,coal gate BLR #1 (I)

1457 1/6 1/13 Install communication devices on air compressor house ('E)

1456 1/6 1/13 Install communication devices on ESP & IDF area 1 ('E)

1458 1/6 1/13 Install communication devices on water tank area ('E)

1490 1/6 1/13 Install fixture lighting on CCB#1 OF, MF, GF ('E)

1472 1/6 1/13 Loop test on AHS (I)

Install support, coduit, tubbing, pulling cable termination, install device loop test
1475 1/7 1/14
on BLR#1 GF (I)

1476 1/7 1/14 Install conduit, tubbing, pulling cable, welding on chimney (I)

1504 1/8 1/15 Pulling & Termination cable on WTB ('E)

1505 1/8 1/15 Pulling & Termination cable on coal handling bldg ('E)
Pulling & Termination cable of air compressor receptacle on common to air
1506 1/8 1/15
compressor ('E)

1509 1/9 1/16 IR &CT on ash & esp control bldg ('E)
Dismantle scaffolding, moving material & Work shop on BLR#1, EL12k, 19k, 40k
1517 1/9 1/16

1557 1/10 1/17 Install fire alarm, communication, CCTV devices on CCB 1&2, GF, MF, OF ('E)

1554 1/10 1/17 Install fire alarm, communication, CCTV devices on WTB ('E)

1555 1/10 1/17 Install fire alarm, communication, CCTV devices on Coal handling system ('E)

1553 1/10 1/17 Install fire alarm, communication, CCTV devices on Ash handling system ('E)
Install fixture lighting & connecting cable to panel permament on CCB #1&2 GF
1556 1/10 1/17
MF OF ('E)
Repair lighting & connect cable to panel permanent or JB on ash handling system
1568 1/10 1/17

1559 1/10 1/17 IR & CT on WTB ('E)

1552 1/10 1/17 Install fixture lighting & connection cable to panel permanent / JB in WTB ('E)

1558 1/9 1/16 Closing punches on Tr' area ('E)

1549 1/10 1/17 Loop test on STB (I)

1551 1/10 1/17 Repair lighting & connect cable to panel permanent or JB on coal handling ('E)

1569 1/10 1/17 Install fire alarm, communication, CCTV devices on Common BLDG ('E)

1561 1/10 1/17 Maintenance generator/panel DB, cable etc on BLR#1 / ESP#1 / SGT#1 ('E)

1585 1/10 1/17 Install scaffolding, install device, connection, loop test on CWP (I)

1584 1/10 1/17 Termination, loop test on BLR#1 EL21,800 (I)

1583 1/10 1/17 Loop test on CHS (I)

1582 1/10 1/17 Install device, connection, loop test on STB#1 mezanin floor (I)

1581 1/10 1/17 Internal, termination, loop test on CCR to EER (I)

1589 1/11 1/18 Install rail & bracket for elevator on BLR#1, CO2 BLDG ('E)

1603 1/11 1/18 Termination cable for U1 TBN shutter door on CCB, MF(400V Gen' MCC) ('E)

1593 1/11 1/18 Install lighting incl, install scaffolding on CT ('E)

1591 1/11 1/18 Install sound enclosure on CCB#1, TBN generator ('E)
Functional test, line check, install accessories at WS. IDF A/B U2, FDF B U2, ESP
1588 1/11 1/18
U2, ash shelter on hoist crane ('E)

1587 1/10 1/17 Install accessories LS touch bar at H beam OH crane on WS hoist ('E)

1/11 1/18 IR & CT on coal handling control BLDG ('E)

1601 1/11 1/18 Install accessories hoist on ash compressor ('E)

1590 1/11 1/18 Closing punches on air comp' & EDG ('E)

1613 1/11 1/18 Install dclckgi, install tag number, repair fixture on WTS (I)

1611 1/11 1/18 Install dickgil, install tag number, cleaning on STG #1 GF (I)

1610 1/11 1/18 Termination, close punches on BLR#1 (I)

1612 1/11 1/18 Lighting, air flexible, install duckgi, panel, JB, install tag number on BLR#1 (I)

1616 1/11 1/18 Pulling cable, optik gas detector, termination on CHS (I)
Install scaffolding, install conduit, support, tubbing pulling inernail, termination
1615 1/11 1/18
loop check on STG#1 OF (I)

1614 1/11 1/18 Close punches, cleaning panel on EER (I)

1605 1/11 1/18 Pulling & termination cable for JB CCTV on BLR#1 & BC-05 ('E)
1606 1/11 1/18 Install fire alarm, communication, lighting, grounding cover tray on BLR#1 ('E)

1607 1/11 1/18 IR & CT on coal handling control BLDG ('E)

1604 1/11 1/18 Install lighting on WTB ('E)

1634 1/12 1/19 Inspection panel receptacle on BLR#1 ('E)

1635 1/12 1/19 Pulling cable, termination, loop check on EER to MCC2 (I)

Mechanical, Piping Issued/ Killing punchlist & remove gg testing, install spport, welding cutting U-bolt on
780 12/3 12/10
& Fire Fighting under Work condenser system U1 (P)
Construction 889 12/9 12/16 Dismantle scaffolding access after grinding jonit monorail hoist on WTB (M)

892 12/9 12/16 Final alignment pulverizer motor vs lube oil #A to E) on U2 (M)

921 12/10 12/17 Transfer water Pp from RWTS #B, cleanin RWTS #A on RWTS #A (M)

933 12/12 12/19 Install scaffold for cleaning on RWT A

1046 12/15 12/22 Reinstatement safety Vv on BLR#1 (P)

Additional support for dept Vv, champering foundation on FO tank & foam station
1132 12/21 12/28
Install spool for temporary(connect tempo' hose LP FWH #3 to conden') on STG
1116 12/20 12/27
#1 (P)

1166 12/22 12/29 Killing punchlist o-ikcp-AG-SGL-001 /004 on BLR#1 (P)

1198 12/23 12/30 Repair box hydrant, setting center spool & re-paint on CT (P)

1207 12/26 1/2 Filling oil for roller on U1 pulverizier (M)

1209 12/24 12/31 Closing punchlist on RWT-A (M)

1222 12/27 1/3 Inspect fan & closing punchlist, running HVAC on STB (H)

1231 12/26 1/2 Anti jump plate installation on WS (M)

1319 12/30 1/6 Hydro test of service air distribution line on WWB to truck earage (P)

1304 12/30 1/6 Install anti jump plate & to make scaffold to access on CWP house (M)

1361 1/2 1/9 Repair support pipe fire fighting on clarifier (P)

1344 1/2 1/9 Lifting & moving bar sreen from A to B on CWP house (M)

1393 1/3 1/10 Install rubber support at GRP line waste water on FO storage tank (P)

1367 1/3 1/10 Install vent line on clean & dirty oil tank (M)

1385 1/4 1/11 Hydro on ST CCB sewage sump pp on ST CCB sewage Sump Pp (P)

1383 1/3 1/10 Install insulation, scaffold, touch up on ST CCB GF (M)

1382 1/3 1/10 Install insulation, scaffold, touch up on ST CCB Mezzanic floor (M)

1381 1/3 1/10 Install insulation, scaffold, touch up on ST CCB OF (M)

1399 1/4 1/11 Insullation of WTB LAB, sump Pp on WTB (M)

1406 1/4 1/11 Permission to enter BC-05 A/B BLR#1 for free alignment on BC-05 A/b (M)

1401 1/4 1/11 Install pipe on oil'y sump Pp on STB (P)

1427 1/5 1/12 Modification roof plate on bottom ash silo #1 (M)

1413 1/2 1/9 Touch up paiinting for pipe & support on STB OF (P)

1414 1/2 1/9 Touch up paiinting for pipe & support, punchlist clearing on STB #1GF (P)

1415 1/4 1/11 Lettering for light fuel oil & fire water pipe on HSD oil Pp house (P)

1416 1/4 1/11 Lettering for light fuel oil & fire water pipe on EDGB (P)

1417 1/4 1/11 Lettering for light fuel oil & fire water pipe on Fuel oil tank (P)

1418 1/4 1/11 Lettering for light fuel oil & fire water pipe on fire fighting water Pp shelter (P)

1419 1/2 1/9 Touch up painting for pipe & support on STB #1 mezzanire floor (P)

1428 1/5 1/12 Install wall type fire extinguisher on foam station shelter all area (P)
Install insullation, jacketing, touch up & make scaffolding on Dea' floor ST CCB
1422 1/5 1/12

1423 1/5 1/12 Re-install insullation /punch closing & make scaffolding on BLR #1 (M)

1425 1/5 1/12 Additional stair case support insullation on BOP area(DWT A/B) (M)

1442 1/5 1/12 Access for loading unloading material (Vv) on loading bay area (P)

1443 1/5 1/12 Access for hydro test 2-ikcp-stg-MAV-004 on STB 1&2 (P)

1/3 1/10 Welding stopper at ID fan A/B on U2 (M)

1/3 1/10 Closing punchlist for IDF A/B on U1 (M)

1450 1/5 1/12 Install scaffold & cutting clamp support on BLR#1 EL16000 (P)

1474 1/6 1/13 Insert checked plate (fabrication-punchlist) on tripper house EL38,000 (M)
GRP pipe for sump Pp install rubber sheet & boiting on 1-ikcp-AG-6MD03 on BLR
1/6 1/13
#1&2 (P)

1473 1/6 1/13 Install anti jump plate on CWP house (M)

1/6 1/13 Final alignment CCWP on U2 (M)

1470 1/6 1/13 Install insullation work, jacketing on ESP U1 (M)

1479 1/6 1/13 Dismantle scaffolding on coal bunker A to D on coal bunker #1 (M)

1480 1/6 1/13 Cleanning & painting coal bunker E & adjacent structure on coal bunker #1 (M)

1/7 1/14 Install fire extinguisher on BLR#1 (P)

1484 1/7 1/14 Welding area wing gallary on tripper house (M)

1486 1/7 1/14 Pipe support downcommer front on BLR#1 (P)

1494 1/7 1/14 Dewatering for sump Pp on BLR#1 sump Pp (M)

1493-1 1/7 1/14 Brush welding joint & touch up painting (waste water transfer sys) on BOP (P)

1491 1/7 1/14 Closing punches ikcp-TOE-swd-c-01P on BLR#1 (P)

1516 1/9 1/16 Cleaning & painting additional jump plate hoist on CWP house (M)

1/7 1/14 Moving material (cladding) near pulverizier #1 U1 (M)

1497 1/7 1/14 Setting & welding grating GAH on GAH U1 (M)

1496 1/7 1/14 Setting & welding grating on BLR#1 (M)

1/7 1/14 Welding pipe PVC on WTB (P)

Install scaffolding on structure near coal bunker #1 for paintin on coal bunker#1
1513 1/9 1/16
1514 1/9 1/16 Adjust unit S/W & stoper hoist on Pulverizer #1
Hoist motor tripper house(BC-05) for falling down material on Tripper house
1512 1/9 1/16
EL40,000 (M)
1562 1/9 1/16 Touch up, painting, bevelling concrete foundation on WT / WWT (M)

1563 1/9 1/16 Precommissioning & testing WT/WWT/Sewage/Dehydrator (M)

1503 1/9 1/16 Repair welding support sprinkers system on STB #1 (FF)

1502 1/9 1/16 Wall penetration of FF line on ST CCB 1&2, LP CO2 (FF)

1501 1/9 1/16 Welding pipe PVC, closing punches 0-ikcp-AG-DWT-013 on WTB (P)

1519 1/9 1/16 Final alignment LPHDP U2 (A/B) on LPHDP U2 (M)

1511 1/9 1/16 Hydro test FF on 0-ikcp-A6-SGA-015 on Transfer tower 01/02(BC 02/03A) (P)

1510 1/9 1/16 Modification work adjusting slope roof on Fly ash (A&B) (M)

1515 1/9 1/16 Pre-alignment drive unit BC-03 (A/B) on belt conveyor 03 (M)

1529 1/9 1/16 Dismatle scaffolding on Workshop (M)

1521 1/9 1/16 Closing punches 1-ikcp-AHS-ETK-010 on ESP#1 (P)

1545 1/9 1/16 Closing punches TOE-WTSS-C-10P on chemical dosing (P)

1518 1/9 1/16 Closing punches for sump pp on F.O tank Sump pp (P)
Hydro test at underground hope pipe line 0-ikcp-A6-6md-01 on WTB lab' sump Pp
1547 1/9 1/16
to WWT Pond (P)

1523 1/10 1/17 Closing punches (ducting) on WTB (H)

1522 1/10 1/17 Closing punches (ducting) on WS & WH (H)

1525 1/10 1/17 Running HVAC & monitoring on STB (H)

1528 1/10 1/17 Dismantle scaffold on coal bunker (TOP) (P)

1527 1/10 1/17 Closing punches (ducting) on ash handling (H)

1/10 1/17 Closing punches (ducting) on STB (H)

1526 1/10 1/17 Install & dismantle scaffold on STB (H)

1534 1/10 1/17 Hydro test FF pipe on 0-ikcp-SGA-017/015/09 on Transfer tower 03 (P)

1533 1/10 1/17 Hydro test FF pipe on 0-ikcp-SGA-016/013/09 on Transfer tower 02 (P)
Visual check & touch up painting at ST pipe 1-ikcp-STG-MAA-007/009/010 on STB
1530 1/10 1/17
U1 (P)

1546 1/10 1/17 Hydro test on service water system 0-ikcp-CHS-EAC-012 on Truck scale (P)

1566 1/10 1/17 Install fire extingusher on staker reclamer/AHC BLDG (FF)

1538 1/10 1/17 Insulation work & touch up etc on ST CCB OF (P)

1544 1/10 1/17 Insulation work & touch up etc on BLR#1 coal bunker EL 21 to 35 (P)

1543 1/10 1/17 Insulation work & touch up etc on BLR#1 pulverlizer EL 0 to 17 (P)

1542 1/10 1/17 Insulation work & touch up etc on GF STB#1 (P)

1541 1/10 1/17 Insulation work, touch up on ST CCB deaerator floor (P)

1540 1/10 1/17 Insulation work, touch up painting on ST CCB mezzanine floor (P)

1539 1/10 1/17 Insulation work, touch up painting on ST CCB#1 operation floor (M)

1567 1/10 1/17 Final alignment of circulating water pump on CWP U2 A/B (M)

1/11 1/18 Lifting erection panel wall inclosure on STG#1 (M)

1576 1/12 1/19 Lettering for light FO & fire water pipe on FF water shelter (P)

1575 1/12 1/19 Lettering for light FO & fire water pipe on HSD oil Pp house (P)

1573 1/10 1/17 Lettering for light FO & fire water pipe on air compressor house (P)

1572 1/12 1/19 Lettering for light FO & fire water pipe on EDGB (P)

1570 1/12 1/19 Lettering for light FO & fire water pipe on FO tank (P)

1578 1/10 1/17 Touch up painting for pipe & support on STB #1 OF (P)

1577 1/10 1/17 Touch up painting for pipe & support on STB #1 mezzanine floor (P)

1579 1/10 1/17 Touch up painting for pipe & support on STB #1 GF (P)

1586 1/10 1/17 Final alignment on BFP A/B/C, U2 (M)

1/10 1/17 Install nozzle after hydro test chock tagging Vv on Tr' 1&2 (P)
Welding support ikcp-TOE-FFR-C-12p for closing punches on AHS control BLDG
1600 1/10 1/17

1597 1/10 1/17 Repair pipe & welding support on WTS (P)

1596 1/11 1/18 Installation scaffold & access to install cable for crane CT & dismantle on CT (M)

1599 1/11 1/18 Welding at permanent support of CWP supply line U2 on U2 CWPH (P)

1602 1/11 1/18 Lifting erection panel wall inclosures on STG#1 (M)

1598 1/11 1/18 Modification line spray on pulverizer U1 (FF)

1618 1/11 1/18 Dismantle scaffold on STB#1 (P)

1617 1/12 1/19 Closing punches MAA01/03/13 on STB #1 (P)

1639 1/11 1/18 Load test at WS & WH BLDG OHC on WS & WH (M)

1619 1/11 1/18 Install handrail on clean dirty oil tank (M)

1637 1/12 1/19 Grouting foundation for punches on FO stroage (P)

1638 1/12 1/19 Check line for punches ikcp-TOE-SWO-C11-01P on STG#1 (P)
Fit up hopper, pull belt conveyor, welding support tightening belt on Conveyor (BC-
1620 1/12 1/19
05) (M)

1621 1/12 1/19 Air filter replacement on ASH compressor shelter (M)
1641 1/12 1/19 Check & repair leakage point at MSV STG-1 (M)

1/12 1/19 Pneumatic test on fly ash handling system on air lock feeder to fly ash (P)

1636 12/1 12/8 Install bolt for closing punches 1-ikcp-AHS-ETK-026 on fly ash silo (P)

1/12 1/19 Installation vacuum cleaning 1-ikcp-AG-EBR-001/002 on BLR#1 (P)

1/12 1/19 Final alignment on CEP#A, U2 (M)

1628 1/12 1/19 Modification (cutting) drain line on BLR#1 (P)

1633 1/12 1/19 Access for loading unloading material (spool &Vv) on loading bay area (P)

1632 1/12 1/19 Installation vacuum cleaning 1-ikcp-AG-EBR-001/002 on BLR#1 (P)

1631 1/13 1/20 Install insulation work, scafflod, touch up, jacketing on ESP#1 (P)

1/12 1/19 Install bollards hydrant pillar on all area dydrant pillar (FF)

1640 1/12 1/19 Access for inspection, check tagging Vv & check spray nozzle on main Tr' 1&2 (P)

1/13 1/20 Load test at bottom ash silo hoist on bottom ash silo U1 (M)

1/13 1/20 Load test at fly ash hoist on U1 (M)

1/13 1/20 Load test at cooling tower Jib crane on CT (M)

Civil & Architecture Issued/ Leveling soil, spread grave on yard BOP (L)
686 11/30 12/7
under Work
821 12/7 12/14 Leveling soil & spread gravel on BOP (L)

836 12/8 12/15 Install cylinder key & repair door on common eletrical BLDG (A)

867 12/8 12/15 Cleaning, welding liner #2 pinishing etc. on Chemmey (L)

1002 12/14 12/21 Excavation leveling soil, spread gravel, painting concret on All BOP area (L)

1031 12/15 12/22 Repair painting, repair ceiling on STB ground floor (A)

1141 12/21 12/28 Leveling soil, install gravel on BOP area(clarifier, common, MMF) (L)

1180 12/23 12/30 Insulation, hot work, worring at height on chimney U2 (L)

1230 12/26 1/2 Champer surface concrete on CO2 BLDG (A)

1257 12/28 1/4 Grinding ramp pouring concrete on foam stattion shelter (A)

1288 12/29 1/5 Repair surface concrete, cuffing steel plate, repair door on STB ground foor (A)

1289 12/29 1/5 Repair painting, expoxy & ceiling on STB ground floor (A)

1323 1/2 1/9 Repair ramp concrete surface, install bolland on foam station shelter (A)

1465 1/6 1/13 Surface treatment, paint work on C/T (L)

1408 1/4 1/11 Repair pating, expoxy, scalant window, repair ceiling on STB OF (A)

1412 1/4 1/11 Repair painting, ceiling, chamfer, surface concret on STB GF #1&2 (A)

1411 1/4 1/11 Repair raised floor, repair ceiling, repair door on STB, operating floor (A)

1410 1/4 1/11 Cutting steel plate, repair door, install shutter door on STB GF (A)

1409 1/4 1/11 Painting wall, repair concret, install toilet on WS & WH (A)

1407 1/4 1/11 Welding, smoke test, install electro & insullation on chimney (L)

1454 1/6 1/13 Painting wall, epoxy, install toilet assessory, champer surface on WTB (A)

1455 1/6 1/13 Repair painting, epoxy, repair ceiling on STB, mezzanine floor (A)

1469 1/6 1/13 Install grouting, grinding surface treatment on BLR #1 (L)

1483 1/6 1/13 Champering surface concret, repair surface ramp on BOP area (A)

1532 1/9 1/16 Install step nosing stair on STG#1 (A)

1531 1/9 1/16 Cleaning & touch up on STB #1 (A)

1548 1/4 1/11 Steel structure work on STB OF U1 (A)

Repair door, chamffing plate & repair surface concrete on STB mezzanine floor
1536 1/10 1/17

1537 1/10 1/17 Repair door CO2 BLDG (A)

1627 1/11 1/18 Welding, install elevator, install insulation cutting, grinding on Chimney (L)

1594 1/11 1/18 Install ladder on esp CCB ash+G131 BLDG (A)

1595 1/11 1/18 Install ladder on ESP CCB ash (A)

1623 1/12 1/19 Install shutter door, chamer grouting ramp repair door on STB GF (A)

1622 1/12 1/19 Painting exterior, additional work bollard on STB GF (A)

1624 1/12 1/19 Epoxy, install skirting on STB MF (A)

1625 1/12 1/19 Repair gypsum epoxy on STB OF (A)

1626 1/12 1/19 Painting wall floor hardener install accessories toilet on WS & WH (A)

1/12 1/19 Connect downspot pipe on WTB (A)

1/13 1/20 Install accessories toilet, painting, epoxy, repairing door on WTB (A)

Additional Isolation Point

w/o PTW

System / Discipline PIC Description & Resolution

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