Television and American Culture

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TELEVISION AND AMERICAN CULTURE Program for Writing and Rhetoric Fall 2011, ECCR 139 WRTG 3020-083,

TR 2-3:15 WRTG 3020-092, TR 2-3:15 Instructor: Dalyn Luedtke Office: Temporary Building #1, Rm 02 Phone: 303.492.5286 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Mondays 8:30-10:00 and Thursdays 12:00-1:45 (and by appointment) If my scheduled office hours do not work with your schedule, Im happy to set up an alternative time to meet with you to discuss coursework. I am also available via email and I am notoriously fast at answering emails. It is definitely the most effective and efficient way to contact me. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Despite observations that we are currently experiencing the death of TV, television shows no sign of giving up the ghost to newer media. In fact, thanks to the convergence of TV and new media, television has truly become ubiquitous, moving from the living rooms to our bedrooms, kitchens, and pockets. As a result, the medium demands more critical attention than we have previously given it. This class will use a variety of approaches to assess the material, rhetorical, and cultural impact of a medium that many people seem eager to dismiss. But is it? How do viewers of the 21st century tune in and why? How do we define the contemporary viewing experience? How has television adapted to the new media environment? How has the TV industry changed over the last few decades? What does the future of TV look like? As a class, we will consider these questions and many others throughout the course of the session. Students will be required to keep a regular blog, respond to classmates blog posts, research and pitch an original television show, write a critical analysis of a television show, and create multimedia texts. COURSE GOALS: Meant for juniors and seniors in the College of Arts and Sciences, this course will help you: gain familiarity with academic and popular writing genres and with methods of presenting information to a general audience; apply your disciplinary expertise to issues in television, media, and culture; hone your writing and critical thinking skills; assess and develop strategies for specific rhetorical situations; engage in thoughtful dialogue about popular culture; use new media rhetorically to engage your audience in a variety of ways; gain experience with video and audio composing and editing techniques; and, develop further understanding of conventions of standard linguistic usage and their application, including proper grammar, syntax, and punctuation, as you compose, revise, and edit your writing across a range of rhetorical tasks and genres.

ATTENDANCE: This course will be taught as a workshop; your participation is essential to the success of the course. Therefore, you are expected to attend class regularly and to be on time. Each absence in excess of three will diminish your final grade by one grading increment. If you miss more than 6 classes, you will automatically fail the class. I do not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences. If you missed class for any reason*, it is an absence. So, DO NOT schedule doctors appointments, appointments with other faculty members, or job interviews during class time. I suggest you save your absences for any emergenciesa death in the family, illness, and so forth that may arise during the course of the session. Although this class meets very early, I expect you to be on time. Excessive tardiness is disruptive to the class and will not be tolerated. In the event that you do miss part or all of class, you are responsible for getting any missed material. I suggest you exchange contact information with a classmate Campus policy regarding religious observances requires that faculty make every effort to reasonably and fairly deal with all students who, because of religious obligations, have conflicts with scheduled exams, assignments, or required attendance. In this class, please consult the class schedule and let me know one week ahead of time if you will be missing class for religious reasons. You are still responsible for any work missed. See full details at WORKSHOP ATTENDANCE: Writing classes are, by necessity, small. As a result, everyone needs to participate for the class to be successful. Writing is also inherently collaborative and we will work in groups as much as possible (both online and in my office outside of class) at every step of the writing process. Perhaps the most important group work we do, however, is workshoppingan integral part of any writing class. The goal of workshopping each assignment is to make revision easier. You will get feedback from me and from several of your colleagues for each of the major assignments. Each workshop is composed of two parts. The first phase of the workshopping process will take place in Googledocs, where each group member will annotate and comment upon each draft. Next we will meet in my office at the appointed time to discuss the drafts in person. The first phase should prepare you to talk about the draft; therefore all drafts are due before our scheduled review dates. If you do not post your draft in Googledocs by the designated time, your draft will not be workshopped, resulting in an automatic 10% deduction in the grade for that assignment. Each major assignment will be formally workshopped once, and I will be checking Googledocs to make sure you have annotated and commented. Take the workshop seriously by engaging with the drafts, asking content-related questions, providing constructive feedback and concrete suggestions for improvement, and present your responses in a respectful manner. If you miss a workshop completely, your own assignment will be deducted 10%. And, since I often cancel class for workshops, you will also be counted absent if you fail to participate. So, please just dont miss a workshop.

REQUIRED MATERIALS: Television Criticism by Victoria ODonnell Class blog: Whats Alan Watching?: Cultural Learnings: Purdue Online Writing Lab: A pocket folder GRADING: Your final grade is broken down into the following proportions: Analysis Paper 15% or 15 points Episode Commentary 15% or 15 points Podcast 15% or 15 points Blog Portfolio and Reflection 35% or 35 points Final Group Project 20% or 20 points Please note that the blog portfolio and the final group project are not due until the last week of class. These projects combined comprise 55% of your grade. Im more than happy to let you know how youre doing in the class up to that point, but, if youre uncomfortable with having over half your grade undetermined at that point in the semester, then this class may not be appropriate for you. MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS: In this class, you will be asked to switch between very different genres of composition and do so in a way that is explicitly rhetorical. You must turn in all the major assignments (those listed above) in order to pass the class. Please keep all the work related to the major assignments, such as drafts or any pre-composing activities, as I may ask you to turn them in with the assignment. All assignments must be posted on the class blog with the appropriate tags by the designated timeexcept for the analysis paper, which will be handed in traditionally. Computer problems, Internet disruption, and other tech problems are not legitimate reasons for failing to post your assignments on time. Please plan ahead. I will not accept any papers or homework assignments via email, so do not ask. ANALYSIS PAPER: For the analysis paper, you will write a 5-7 page analysis of a television program of your choosing. As with any critical analysis, you will analyze the details of the text and attempt to draw conclusions based upon your analysis of those details. A thorough analysis will consider the context of the show (time period, network, lead-in, and so forth), the audience, and the purpose. Remember that analysis is subjective, which means that your reader may not agree with your conclusions, so it your job to provide ample evidence to support your conclusions and anticipate any objections your reader may have. In order to prepare for the paper, we will read ________, which has a number of examples that should help you plan for your own writing. The goal is to analyze your chosen show in a way that tells us something new about itsomething we might not

have thought of on our own. For example, a feminist lens isnt likely to tell us anything new about the relationship between Brett Michaels and the girls on Rock of Love. However, cultural analysis of Rock of Love might begin to get at the reasons celebreality is so popular by focusing on the ways in which this show and others like it allow audiences access to a lifestyle and world that was previously inaccessiblea kind of behind the scenes look at the mechanizations of celebrity. This is an academic paper, meaning that you will need to use at least five scholarly sources and adhere to current MLA guidelines. Youll need to carefully consider which program you choose; ideally, it should be one that you are familiar with and that is complex enough to approach in a number of critical ways. EPISODE COMMENTARY: Following your analysis paper, you will produce a video in small groups that analyzes a single episode of a television show, similar to the commentary youve seen included on TV shows and DVDs. You will be using scenes from the show along with voiceover narration. Each group will choose one 60 minute (or 42-44, as it were) episode to analyze. While the emphasis will be on analysis, like the previous paper, you can also bring in background information on the show and the people involved, funny stories from the production, awards the show may have received, and any other relevant information. Your commentary should provide the viewer with interesting, engaging stories and information about the show. Like the analysis paper, it should also show the viewer aspects of the show that arent immediately obvious through casual viewing. You will turn in a bibliography with the video, which you will post in the comment section of the blog post. It should be formatted according to MLA guidelines and include any sources you used to gather information about your show. You will also need access to sound/video editing and recording software. If you dont have experience with iMovie or other similar software, there is plenty of help to be had in ATLAS. You will learn. PODCAST: At this point in the semester, you will have written for both academic and popular audiences, and you will have composed written and visual texts. Next, you will produce a text that is simply auditory: the podcast. If you havent heard a podcast before, it is []a digital audio or video file that is episodic; downloadable; program-driven, mainly with a host and/or theme; and convenient, usually via an automated feed with computer software (Zuniga, et al). In small groups, you will plan, produce, and record your podcast, which will then be posted on our blog. Each member of the group must speak during the podcast. It should feel like were listening in on a particularly lively and informative discussion. You can choose to discuss any issue(s) related to television. FINAL PROJECT: For the final project, you will work in small groups of three people. Together you will study and analyze a channel or network to determine their business strategies, programming techniques, target demographic, and how they engage audiences in an online environment. This information will be compiled into a prospectus, which is made up of four parts: background and industrial context, a brief analysis of one show and how it fits into the industrial context, an audience and online analysis, and an original

TV pitch. While a prospectus is typically used to map out a research plan for longer projects, you will be using it to provide background information and framing for a television pitch and, in essence, as a rhetorical justification for your pitch of an original television show. The project will then be presented to the rest of the class. You must pitch a show that you believe would be appropriate and successful for the network you have chosen. The pitch should involve a clear, concise rationale for the show (based on your research) and a detailed description of the show: title, plot line, scheduling, trajectory, and other relevant details. You need to be as detailed as possible and really tailor your idea to the channel/ network you are pitching. Consider whether they have migrated toward reality programming, a specific demographic, or medical dramas. What have they had success with? What audience might they be courting (given recent shows that have retired, been cancelled, or been huge successeseither on your channel or off)? You will turn in the prospectus and program proposal to me, which will be graded on the strength of the writing, attention to detail, and rhetorical sophistication. For the presentation, you will have 30 minutes to present your pitch, which should acknowledge and integrate the information from your prospectus. You must think through all the details of the program and be prepared to answer any questions the network executives (the rest of the class) might have regarding the content, scope, online presence, and marketing of the program. As part of the presentation, you will also unveil a trailer for your television program. While I dont expect you to shoot original footage, I do want you to use clips, videos, pictures, audio, and/or music to put together a trailer that gives us an idea what the show will be about, who the characters are, and the overall feel of the program. The goal of the trailer is to give us a better sense of tone something that is difficult to get across in the pitch. Overall, you should use any media that
you deem appropriate and you must present this in a professional manner. While it is clear that you will need to think about your pitch rhetorically, you will also need to approach your presentation from a rhetorical perspective. Think about ways to keep your audience engaged by asking them questions, avoiding long monologues, and using different types of media.

BLOGS: Although this class is about TV, it is still a writing class, which means I expect you to write regularly. There are TV blogs aplenty on the Internet and we are about to enter the fray. You will be expected to write one blog per week (300 words or more) that engages with some aspect of the television industry. It can be a weekly program review, thoughts on the upcoming fall lineup or reviews of the premieres, or even gossip-related. However, I do expect your blog to be critical, thoughtful, and reflect you as a writer. You will write a total of fifteen blogs. In addition, I expect you to respond to your classmates blogs. You must leave at least two comments per week. Your comments should be substantive and engaging; try to establish a dialogue. I strongly suggest you begin reading other TV blogs to get a sense of how others approach both blogging and commenting. The more you can become part of the TV/entertainment blogging culture, the easier this part of the class will be. As you will see, this is not academic writing. You should work on cultivating a voice and engaging your audience in discussion. Feel free to use humor, sarcasm, links, videos, and pictures.

At the end of the semester, you will turn in a digital blog portfolio, which will be a reflection on the writing we have been doing and links to all of your revised blogs. The blog portfolio grade will be based on a combination of participation (blog comments=5%), evidence of rhetorical awareness, voice, presentation (blog posts=20%), and thoughtfulness and attention to detail (reflection=5%) Before we begin working on each of these assignments, you will get a more detailed prompt from me with guidelines for composing and the rubric Ill be using to assess the assignment. In an effort to be as paperless as possible, and publish in an online environment, you will turn in all major assignments by posting them to the blog with the appropriate tags. Posting assignments to the blog will also allow you to use multimedia when appropriate. Late assignments will be docked 10% for every class period they are late unless you make arrangements with me ahead of time. If you know you will be unable to turn in your final draft on time because of unforeseen circumstances, please let me know at least 24 hours in advance. Extensions will not be given if requested within 24 hours of the due date. Please keep in mind that this class will move quicklyblogs pile up, commenting has to be done, new apps have to be learned, and you will often be working with others so timeliness is critical during this semester. Any extensions you may get will inevitably cut into the time you have for the next project. Manage your time wisely. The grading process may take as long as a week, but I will do my best to get your papers back to you as quickly as possible. NOTICES: If you qualify for accommodations because of a disability, please submit to me a letter from Disability Services in a timely manner so that your needs may be addressed. Disability Services determines accommodations based on documented disabilities. Contact: 303-492-8671, Willard 322, and http://www.Colorado.EDU/disabilityservices Students and faculty each have responsibility for maintaining an appropriate learning environment. Those who fail to adhere to such behavioral standards may be subject to discipline. Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with differences of race, culture, religion, politics, sexual orientation, gender, gender variance, and nationalities. Class rosters are provided to the instructor with the student's legal name. I will gladly honor your request to address you by an alternate name or gender pronoun. Please advise me of this preference early in the semester so that I may make appropriate changes to my records. See polices at and at The University of Colorado at Boulder policy on Discrimination and Harassment, the University of Colorado policy on Sexual Harassment and the University of

Colorado policy on Amorous Relationships apply to all students, staff and faculty. Any student, staff or faculty member who believes s/he has been the subject of discrimination or harassment based upon race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status should contact the Office of Discrimination and Harassment (ODH) at 303-492-2127 or the Office of Judicial Affairs at 303-492-5550. Information about the ODH, the above referenced policies and the campus resources available to assist individuals regarding discrimination or harassment can be obtained at All students of the University of Colorado at Boulder are responsible for knowing and adhering to the academic integrity policy of this institution. Violations of this policy may include: cheating, plagiarism, aid of academic dishonesty, fabrication, lying, bribery, and threatening behavior. All incidents of academic misconduct shall be reported to the Honor Code Council ([email protected]; 303-7252273). Students who are found to be in violation of the academic integrity policy will be subject to both academic sanctions from the faculty member and nonacademic sanctions (including but not limited to university probation, suspension, or expulsion). Other information on the Honor Code can be found at and

PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism, the act of passing off someone elses work as your own, is both dishonest and illegal. Stealing, buying, or using someone elses work without proper documentation and permission constitutes plagiarism and violates university policy. Such behaviour is taken seriously by the University and the Honors Council, to whom such incidents will be referred. If you get caught plagiarizing, you will receive an automatic 0 for the paper, an F in the course, and a report will be filed with the Honors Council. It simply is not worth it.

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