Afico Ductwrap
Afico Ductwrap
Afico Ductwrap
Technical Data Sheet Faced Duct Wrap Insulation is Faced Duct Wrap Insulation
Product Code: FDW highly efficient, resilient, flexible blanket is intended for use in commercial,
insulation composed of fine, stable and institutional, industrial and residential
uniformly textured inorganic glass fibers construction as thermal and acoustical
bonded together by a non-water soluble insulation of heating, air conditioning
and fire-retardant thermosetting and heat and dual temperature ducts and
resistant resin. It is free from coarse fibers air handling equipment. The use of
and shot due to its mineral composition. AFICO Faced Duct Wrap helps prevent
condensation when properly applied to
FACING air-condition ductwork.
Faced Duct Wrap Insulation The semi-rigid duct wrap with densities
is manufactured in a roll form and from 24 to 56 kg/m3, (1.5 - 3.5 lb/ft3)
subsequently faced on one side by factory are flexible insulation rolls for application
laminators, with a suitable vapor retardant over irregularly-shaped surfaces where
Aluminium Foil Reinforced Kraft Paper rigidity properties are desired.
Laminate (FRK), All Service Jacket (ASJ) or
other specific vapor barrier for installation
on the exterior of ductwork. The facings
have UL fire resistant ratings.
25 1 30 100
120* 12 0.75 38 1½ 1.2 4 25 80 0.036 0.25 0.038 0.27 0.040 0.28 0.048 0.34 0.059 0.41 0.065 0.45
50 2 20 65
25 1 30 100
140 14 0.875 38 1½ 1.2 4 25 80 0.036 0.24 0.037 0.26 0.039 0.27 0.046 0.32 0.055 0.38 0.061 0.42
50 2 20 65
25 1 30 100
160* 16 1.0 38 1½ 1.2 4 25 80 0.034 0.23 0.036 0.25 0.039 0.27 0.044 0.31 0.051 0.35 0.057 0.40
50 2 20 65
25 1 30 100
200 20 1.25 38 1½ 1.2 4 25 80 0.032 0.22 0.034 0.23 0.036 0.25 0.041 0.28 0.046 0.32 0.051 0.36
50 2 20 65
18 001
25 1 30 100
240* 24 1.5 38 1½ 1.2 4 25 80 0.031 0.21 0.032 0.22 0.035 0.24 0.039 0.27 0.043 0.30 0.047 0.33
HEALT H & S A F E T Y 50 2 20 65
25 1 20 65
320 32 2.0 38 1½ 1.2 4 15 50 0.030 0.20 0.031 0.22 0.033 0.23 0.037 0.25 0.040 0.27 0.044 0.30
50 2 10 33
25 1 20 65
480 48 3.0 38 1½ 1.2 4 15 50 0.029 0.20 0.030 0.21 0.031 0.22 0.035 0.24 0.037 0.26 0.041 0.29
50 2 10 33
25 1 20 65
560 56 3.5 38 1½ 1.2 4 15 50 0.030 0.21 0.031 0.21 0.032 0.23 0.036 0.24 0.038 0.26 0.042 0.29
50 2 10 33
-4°C to +350°C. At excessive temperatures a limited migration Faced Duct Wrap Insulation complies with the property
requirements of the following specifications:
of binder may occur in the insulation in contact with the
• U.S. Federal Specification HH-I-558 B, Form B, Type 1, Class 6,
hot surface. This in no way impairs the performance of the • ASTM C 553
insulation. • DCL ASTM - C 533 - C 547 - C 612 - C 665
• CE-EN 13162
Fire Properties
pH 9
B.S. 476 PART 4 – Non Combustible
B.S. 476 PART 5 –Ignitability
Corrosiveness (ASTM C 665)
B.S. 476 PART 6 – Fire Propagation
B.S. 476 PART 7 – Surface Spread of Flame
Chemically inert. Will not cause or accelerate corrosion of
Class ‘O’ fire rating to the building regulations sections E15
steel, stainless steel, copper or aluminum, due to its particular
inorganic and mineral composition. Thermal Resistance “R” Value (Excluding Facings)
(ASTM C 167)
Mold Growth (ASTM D 2020, UL 181)
“R” is a measure of the resistance to heat flow of a material of
Does not breed or sustain mold, fungus, bacteria or rodents. any given thickness. (“R” = m2. °C/W or hr. ft2. °F/Btu.)
R = where “T” = thickness
Moisture Absorption (ASTM D-07 B, ASTM C 553) K and “K” or “ ” = thermal conductivity
(UL 723, ASTM E 84, ASTM E 136) 2"
More that
3" Req'd.
1 ½"
Base glass fiber is non-combustible when tested to ASTM E 84. 90
Flame Smoke Fuel
Facing 70
Spread Developed Contributed 1 ½" Req'd.
40 50 60 70 80 90
FRK 0 0 0
Relative Humidity, %
Compressive Strength
Wire Banding
Type 120 140 160 200 240 320 480 560 Duct Wrap
PSF at 10%
5 5 5 10 12 16 25 30 Metal Ducts
PSF at 25%
10 10 10 15 20 60 90 110
Fixing pins
Duct Wrap
Thickness 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 NRC
Duct Wrap
Faced Duct Wrap Insulation products are available
in rolls. The desired application length can be easily measured
and cut from the full roll. AFICO Faced Duct Wrap can be impaled
on pins and adhered with recommended adhesive. When
using aluminium alloys pins, pin spacing along a duct should
be no greater than 300mm on centers. Fasteners should be
located no less than 75mm from each edge or corner. Apply
vapor-seal pressure-sensitive aluminium joint sealing tape to Self adhesive aluminum
tape at joints.
joints and protrusions. 75mm wide tape should be used. Adhesive, 15cm wide
strips at 30-40 cm on
Note: Outdoor applications require additional weather
Faced Duct Wrap Insulation
Technical Data Sheet
Product Code: FDW
No maintenance is required. Faced Duct Wrap Insulation Acoustical Ceiling Panels ACP
have a high resistance to accidental damage from knocks and
Blanket Insulation BKT
handling during installation and maintenance. Dimensionally
HD Series Blanket Insulation HDB
stable under varying conditions of temperature and humidity,
rot-proof, odourless, non-hygroscopic and will not sustain vermin Board Insulation BD
or fungus due to its inorganic and mineral compositions. Roof Insulation RI
Roof Deck Board Insulation RD
The product will maintain its thermal properties throughout the Cavity Wall Insulation CWI
lifetime of the construction and will not age. fibreglass is Pre-engineered Metal Building Insulation MBI
non toxic and not hazardous to health. Faced Duct Wrap FDW
Duct Liner DL
STORAGE Duct Liner Board DLB
To avoid moisture in the building construction, insulation Mechanical Board Insulation MBD
products stored outside must be kept dry. We recommend Heavy Density Pipe Insulation PI
products to be always stored in covered and dry areas. is Pipe Wrap Insulation PWI
not liable for the damage resulting from inadequate utilization, Thermal Insulating Wool TIW
loading and off loading and mishandling of its products. Quiet Liner AQL
Woven Facing AWF
WARRANTY Prefabricated Duct Board PDB
Authorized Distributor