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International Research and Review, Journal of Phi Beta Delta Honor Society Volume 9, Number 1, Fall 2019

for International Scholars

Editor's Note: The following article is reprinted (with updated format and editing) from the
archives of the Phi Beta Delta International Review, Volume X, Spring 2000, pp. 33-48. The
International Review is the predecessor of the current publication. It is re-printed here to
provide international educators with an historical view of scholarship on international

Personal Adjustment, Language Acquisition and

Culture Learning In Short-term Cultural Immersion

Mary Elaine Jones, Ph.D. and Mary Lou Bond, Ph.D.

University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing

This study describes how length of stay in a foreign country influenced personal adjustment,
language acquisition, and culture learning among a convenience sample of 150 United States
student volunteers participating in a short-term cross-cultural living/learning situation in Mexico.
Short-term was defined as two, four; six, eight, or ten weeks. Five instruments measured anxiety
and discomfort, expectations of cultural difference, changes in group membership, personal
health, and language placement over the five time periods. Improvements occurred in personal
adjustment, language acquisition, and culture learning for all learners regardless of length of stay,
supporting short- term immersion as a viable strategy for culture and language learning.

Most health professionals are unprepared to face the challenge of a global society. The
majority do not have the tools to work with culturally diverse populations. While international
and multicultural study is an integral part of liberal higher education. students in the health
professions have typically not participated due to educational program demands. Increasingly,
however. students from the health professions are recognizing the importance of international
experiences as a mechanism for learning language and acquiring cultural interaction skills and
are participating in study abroad programs (Duffy. et al., 1998). These programs tend to be short-
term rather than one or two semesters in length because of the curricular constraints inherent in
health professional educational programs. Similarly. professionals already in the health care
workforce are participating in programs to acquire needed skills to become more culturally
competent (Jones, Bond & Mancini. 1998).
For the last eight years. we have used a modified field study approach to assist graduate and
undergraduate nursing students as well as health care professionals to begin or to continue to
study the Spanish language and learn the Mexican culture. Both use the same model: short-term
immersion in the culture by living with a Mexican family and six hours of formal language study
daily. The student program. a two week immersion experience. is part of a five week summer
elective offered in the School of Nursing. As of July. 1999. 125 students have participated. The
continuing education program, the Travel Study Learn Program, is a one week immersion

Personal Adjustment, Language Acquisition and Culture Learning Jones and Bond

experience offered twice a year. Seventy-six health professionals have participated during the
past three year period.
Despite the growing popularity of such immersion experiences, there is little evidence that
those of short duration. less than a semester, are viable strategies to learn culture and language.
Or, as is commonly believed, does the individual learner spend the majority of time adjusting to
“culture shock," dealing with what Oberg (l960) describes as “the many frustrations and
anxieties that are encountered in the initial stages of a cross-cultural experience," at the expense
of culture and language learning? Although believed to be universal (Norris & Norris, 1993),
little is known about “culture shock” in short term cultural immersion as the majority of previous
research has been conducted with sojourners living or studying in a culture for extended periods
of time. To determine if short-term immersion contributes to cultural learning, we engaged in a
descriptive study of personal adjustment, language acquisition, and culture learning as reported
by students from a variety of majors engaged in international study for varying lengths of time:
two, four, six. eight or ten weeks.


Culture is learned behavior and includes shared customs. beliefs and attitudes as well as
products of human activity characteristic of a particular society or population (Linton, 1945).
When an individual leaves the familiar world view of his own culture, confusion and frustration
occur. Culture shock ema- nates from the distress experienced when all familiar signs and
symbols of social interaction are missing. The experience of culture shock is characterized by
stress due to the required adaptations, a sense of loss and feelings of deprivation, perception of
rejection by members of the new culture, role con- fusion. anxiety, disgust and indignation, and
feelings of impotence (Oberg, 1960; Norris & Norris, 1993).
Cross-cultural experiences of sojourners have been studied using socio- logical,
psychological, and psychiatric perspectives (Church, 1982; Furnham, I987; Bochner,1982) and
the concept of culture shock has been presented in diverse models. According to Arensberg and
Niehoff ([964), the medical model of culture shock sees the phenomenon as a type of malady
versus the more extreme view of culture shock as a mental illness (Foster quoted in Adler, l975).
Bock (1970) attributed the inability of the individual to under- stand, control, and predict the
behavior of others to the emotional reaction which he equates to culture shock.
In contrast to the medical model. the culture-learner model suggests that Sojourners do not
experience an illness, but struggle to learn new behavior and expectations and gain skills
required for effective adaptation in the new culture. Coping difficulties result from lack of
appropriate social interaction skills. Culture shock decreases the learner's energy and
productivity and may affect the individual’s ability to acquire the needed skills of language and
cultural understanding to negotiate the new culture. According to the model when the individual
acquires the necessary skills. adaptation and effective intercultural communication occur
Length of time in the cultural immersion experience is a major variable in the adaptation
process and has been described by the U-curve (Lysgaard, 1955) and W-curve (Gullahorn &

Personal Adjustment, Language Acquisition and Culture Learning Jones and Bond

Gullahorn, 1963) theories. The U-Shaped Adjustment curve described by Lysgaard proposes that
the individual’s transition experience follows a “U-shaped trajectory of emotional well-being“
(Nolan 1985, p. 19). Four stages characterize the experience of sojourners from honeymoon to
adjustment (Lysgaard, 1955). The transition period be- gins with a “honeymoon phase"
characterized by excitement and euphoria and a desire to learn more about the people and their
This initial phase is followed by the growing awareness of real differences. values and
expectations, and has been described as a period of disenchantment accompanied by symptoms
of [culture] shock. Loneliness. anxiety. frustration, and feelings of inadequacy may be expressed
in a variety of ways through depression, withdrawal or eruptions of anger (Brink & Saunders,
1976). Desire to return to the home country may be intense.
According to the U-Shaped Adjustment curve. a period of resolution and recovery follow and
is characterized by acquisition of new social skills and behaviors appropriate to the host country.
This culture-learning, however, is more than “learning one's lines" and is accompanied by
personal growth and change. It involves a kind of reorganization of the individual's world view
(Nolan. 1990). The accompanying acquisition of necessary skills leads to adaptation and
effective intercultural communication. The W-curve theory extends the U-curve to include a re-
acculturation experience when the individual returns home.
Church (l982) in an extensive review of the literature argues that support for the U-curve
theory has been inconsistent and points out that most studies have been cross-sectional. Few
studies have tested the hypothesis longitudinally to determine which characteristics of the
sojourner interact with the culture to produce patterns of adjustment. No studies were found
which examined the short term immersion experience. However, anecdotal evidence gathered
from faculty observation indicate that the culture shock phenomenon occurs in varying degrees
among students and plays a role in their ability to focus on educational goals or objectives (Bond
& Jones, 1994).
The theory of culture shock has been critiqued as simplistic. non-specific, and lacking in
implications for remedial action (Furnham and Bochner, 1982, p. 17 l). Bochner, Lin and
McLeod (1980) contend that an inherent difficulty of the U-curve is the attempt to characterize
intrapsychic adjustment. Adjustment is defined as the acquisition, over time, of behaviors, skills,
and norms appropriate to the host culture. The authors re-define culture shock to mean a culture
learner model. The sojourner moves from observer to participant and, in order to cope, must
learn social skills of a new society. This model suggests that culture shock occurs in the domain
of social encounters, social situations, social episodes, or social transactions between sojourners
and hosts and requires the development of specific, teachable skills in order for the individual to
Communication is integral to the culture learner model as appropriate and effective verbal
and nonverbal communication skills are necessary for effective cross-cultural encounters
(Argyle, I982; Bochner, 1982). Rubin (1976) defined relevant components of cross-cultural
behavior competence as respect, interactive posture, orientation to knowledge, empathy, self-
oriented role behavior, interaction management, and tolerance for ambiguity. In a later study

Personal Adjustment, Language Acquisition and Culture Learning Jones and Bond

using these behaviors to determine whether communication behaviors predicted cultural

adaptation, Rubin and Kealey (1979) defined cultural adaptation as including culture shock,
psychological adjustment. and interactional effectiveness. They concluded that persons most
aware of their own values and perceptions experienced the most intense culture shock.
Adjustment was highly correlated with ability to display respect. Taft (1977) defined four major
aspects of the adaptation process including the acquisition of competence in culturally
appropriate behavior and culturally defined roles and attitudes.
A number of additional variables have been identified as part of the adaptation process.
Furnham and Bochner (1982) believe the quality, quantity, and duration of culture shock to be
dependent upon the extent of differences between the host culture and the sojourner, individual
differences (coping differences, personality, and demographic differences) and the quality of the
experiences the sojourner has within the host country. Additional variables linked to successful
culture learning include expectations of the sojourner (Weissman and Furnham, 1987) and social
networks of the sojourner (Bochner, McLeod & Lin, 1977). Physical health and psychosomatic
complaints have been identified as measures of adjustment in a number of studies (Baty & Dold,
In summary, it is recognized that culture shock exists, is multivariate, and is part of the
phenomenon associated with culture learning. Merta et al. (1988) conclude that social scientists
have yet to agree on a definition. A number of variables appear to influence the adjustment or
adaptation process including the ability to communicate adequately which involves language
acquisition, physical health as well as anxiety and discomfort, the ability to make friends in the
host culture, and expectations of the learner in relation to cultural differences. There has been no
reported study of culture shock and learning as rt of short-term immersion learning experiences.

The purpose of this study was to describe how length of stay in a foreign country influenced
personal adjustment of learners (anxiety and discomfort and personal health), acquisition of
language skills, and culture learning (expectations of culture difference and whether participants
make Mexican friends). Length of stay was defined as two, four, six, eight or ten weeks. We were
also interested in whether personal variables such as age, income, education, previous travel in
the country. and previous language study made a difference in personal adjustment. language,
and culture learning.

A descriptive design was used to study the experience of personal adjustment, language
acquisition, and culture learning among participants in a short- term cross-cultural living and
learning experience. During a nine month period, data were collected using a variety of
assessment tools from a non- probability, self-selected sample of 150 US student volunteers
attending the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Studies in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.
Subjects were participating in a language and culture study program for either two, four, six,
eight, or ten week periods. The Center provides intensive small group language instruction for

Personal Adjustment, Language Acquisition and Culture Learning Jones and Bond

six hours daily. The majority of students live with a Mexican family for the duration of their
immersion experience. Volunteers were recruited for study participation in English by a bilingual
registered nurse during the formal orientation period on the first day of Center activities. Prior to
participation, approval from the Institutional Review Board and informed consent were obtained.
Participants were re- warded for completing the questionnaires with McDonald’s food coupons
and frisbees.

Five measures were administered. In addition, participants completed a demographic
inventory requesting personal information about age, gender. race, education. profession, income
range, previous Spanish language study. previous travel in Mexico, and living arrangements
while in Mexico.
At the beginning of the immersion experience (Day 1 of Orientation to the Center),
participants completed the demographic inventory, the Social Situations Questionnaire, the
Expectations Questionnaire, and answered a self-assessment of personal health question. A
language proficiency exam was administered by the language school on Day 1 during orientation
to the school. Midway through the immersion experience, participants completed the Social
Situations Questionnaire, the Best Friends Check List. and answered a self-assessment of
personal health question. On the last day prior to departure from the Center. participants
completed the Social Situations Questionnaire. the Expectations Questionnaire, the Best Friends
Check List. and answered a self-assessment of personal health question. Language proficiency
was assessed by faculty in the Center for Multicultural Studies during the last week of study.
Instruments to measure personal adjustment included a Social Situations Questionnaire
(Furnham & Bochner, 1982) and a self-assessment of personal health question. The Social
Situations Questionnaire was adapted by the re- searchers for use in the Mexican culture by
changing the reference country to Mexico. Forty items described commonly occurring social
situations which potentially could cause anxiety and discomfort. Subjects responded on a six
point scale of perceived difficulty in negotiating these situations. Statements included “Making
Mexican friends of your own age," “Going on public trans- port." "Going to a small private party
with Mexican people.” The higher the score the higher the discomfort or anxiety. No reliability
of this scale was reported in the literature. Reliability analysis on pre, mid, and post administra-
tions of the Social Situations Questionnaire to subjects in this study yielded alphas of .88, .90,
and .93 respectively.
In order to determine the learner’s health status each participant was asked to respond to the
statement “Please rate your overall health status today: l=excellent, 2=good, 3=fair. 4=poor" at
pre, mid, and post immersion experiences.
Language proficiency was determined by retrieving data from the language school’s existing
database on actual language placement at the beginning of the immersion experience and at the
end of the immersion experience for each study participant. Placement at this school is
determined by the school’s paper and pencil test and teacher interviews with movement along a
continuum in “steps" within the categories of beginning, intermediate, and advanced.

Personal Adjustment, Language Acquisition and Culture Learning Jones and Bond

Two measures were used to determine whether culture learning occurred. An Expectations
Questionnaire (Weissman and Furnham, 1987). modified for use in the Mexican culture by the
researchers by changing the reference country from England to Mexico, examined expectations
of cultural difference using forty, forced choice dichotomous questions about a range of topics or
problems that sojourners typically encounter. The questions included, “Do you expect the cost of
living to be higher than at home?" A low score reflected higher expectations of cultural
difference. No reliability of the scale was reported in the literature. Reliability analysis on pre
and post administrations of the modified Expectations Questionnaire in this study yielded alphas
of .60 and .59 respectively.
A second measure to determine whether culture learning occurred. the Best Friends Check
List, adapted from Bochner, McLeod and Lin (1977) describes Personal Adjustment, Language
Acquisition and Culture Learning group membership. Participants were asked to identify their
three best friends during their stay in Mexico. Additional questions allowed the participant to
describe the age, sex, nationality, residence, and occupation of each “best friend." No reliability
for the measure was reported in the literature.

Demographic data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The major questions regarding
the effects of short term immersion were evaluated using repeated measures analysis of variance.
Significant interaction effects, if observed. support the notion that differences in the dependent
variable are influenced differently by length of stay. Significant within subjects effects, if
observed, suggest that subjects changed over time in a significant way.

The methodological limitations of this study we recognized were the reliance on self-
assessment measures of health and the lack of reliability of the Best Friends Check List.
Generalizability of the findings from this study was also limited to student sojourners to one
country, Mexico. The subjects were not randomized but were a self-selected convenience sample.
In addition, it was not possible to control for variables such as previous experiences with foreign
travel, previous study of the Mexican culture. and differing motivations for participating in the
immersion experience.

Sample Characteristics
The majority of participants (75%) were college students; four percent were graduate
students and fourteen percent were college graduates. Sixty- four percent were female and 36%
were male. Ages ranged from intervals of sixteen to eighteen years to over 60 years with the
majority (61%) being in the age range 19 to 25 years; 21% were 31 to 50 years of age. The
majority of participants were white (91%); five percent represented other cultural groups
including Black, Hispanic. and Asian. Annual income reported by the majority of participants
(66%) was less than $10,000. The majority (79%) listed their profession as student while

Personal Adjustment, Language Acquisition and Culture Learning Jones and Bond

approximately seven percent were in business or engineering, and four percent were from the
health professions including social workers. psychologists. nurses and therapists. Eighty percent
reported previous study of the Spanish language and 47% had previously traveled in Mexico.
For analysis, the eight age categories were collapsed into three categories: 21 years or less,
22-40. and 41 years and over. Each group had similar distributions of males and females. Age.
income, and education of participants varied by length of stay. Those individuals who studied for
two weeks were older with significantly more participants over 40 years of age. Those who
studied for ten weeks represented the youngest cohort with significantly more participants in the
21 years or less age group (Chi Square = 44.371, df=8; p=.000). The two week subjects had
relatively higher incomes (>$50,000) (Chi Square=35.ll6; df=8: p=.000), and were more likely to
hold college degrees than participants in the other groups (Chi Square = 33.648; df=4; p=.000).
Previous Spanish language study was not related to weeks of stay (Chi Square = 6.577; df=4;
p=.160). The relationship between weeks of study and previous travel in Mexico was statistically
significant with two week participants more likely to have traveled previously in Mexico (Chi
Square=l9.839; df=4; p=.00l).

Personal Adjustment
Participant responses on two measures, the Social Situations Questionnaire and the self-
assessment of personal health, were analyzed by length of stay to describe personal adjustment
of the sojourners to the immersion experience. Table 1 presents the mean scores and standard
deviations for each length of stay for each measurement period for the Social Situations

Table 1
Social Situations as a Measure of Anxiety & Discomfort by Weeks of Stay
Mean Scores by
Pre Mid Post
weeks of stay
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
2 weeks 102 (18) 97 (17) 94 (14)
4 weeks 109 (13) 100(12) 98 (15)
6 weeks 102 (16) 92 (16) 93 (14)
8 weeks 101 (13) 94 (12) 91 (19)
10 weeks 109 (14) 101(14) 98 (14)

There were no significant interaction effects but scores on the Social Situations Questionnaire
declined significantly over time (F =78; df = l. 144; p<.00). These effects (2 = .35) were present
regardless of duration of stay. Thus. regardless of length of stay, subjects became more
comfortable with the Mexican culture.
Age and income were related to anxiety and discomfort. Those subjects who were younger
(dl years) had greater anxiety and discomfort at the beginning of the immersion experience

Personal Adjustment, Language Acquisition and Culture Learning Jones and Bond

(Kendall's = -.191, p=.002). Subjects with less income also had higher levels of anxiety and
discomfort (Kendall's = -.221, p=.00l).
Table 2 describes the means and standard deviations for each measurement period for pre.
mid and post scores on perceived health. A score of 1=excellent and 4=poor. Analysis revealed
no significant change in subjects’ self-assessment of health over measurement times. There were
no significant within subject effects or interaction effects.

Table 2
Perceived Health Status Rating
Weeks of Stay Pre Mid Post
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
2 weeks 1.32 (0.57) 1.27 (0.55) 1.32 (0.57)
4 weeks 2.00 (0.83) 1.83 (0.64) l.87 (0.80)
6 weeks l.74 (0.69) 1.78 (0.85) l.83 (0.65)
8 weeks l.55 (0.60) 1.82 (0.91) l.64 (0.58)
10 weeks l.70 (0.60) 1.60 (0.72) l.87 (0.82)

Language Acquisition
There were 108 (72%) subjects with data on language placement at the beginning and end of
the immersion experience. Table 3 describes the means and standard deviations. A one between
(duration of visit), one within (measurement time) repeated measures ANOVA revealed a
significant interaction effect on language proficiency (F=22; df = 4. 102', p=.00. This effect was
moderate (2=.47). There was also a significant within subjects effect (F=299', df=l,l02; p=.00)
that was large (2=.75). These results indicate that language proficiency improved for each length
of stay but improved more with longer stays.
Table 3
Language Placement
Mean Scores by
Pre Post
Weeks of Stay
Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
2 weeks 111.19 (-0.179) 111.24 (.165)
4 weeks 111.26 (0.161) 111.33 (.155)
6 weeks 111.29 (0.128) 111.44 (0.008)
8 weeks 111.11 (0.003) 111.37 (.007)
10 weeks 111.27 (0.150) 111.46 (.137)

Culture Learning
Subjects responses on two measures. the Expectations Questionnaire which describes
perceptions of cultural difference, and the Best Friends Check List were analyzed by length of
stay to describe culture learning. Table 4 presents the mean scores and standard deviations on the

Personal Adjustment, Language Acquisition and Culture Learning Jones and Bond

Expectations Questionnaire at the pre and post measurement periods for each length of stay.
Table 4
Expectations of cultural Differences by Weeks of Stay Expectations Questionnaire
Means Scores by
Pre Post
Weeks of Stay
Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
2 weeks 14.3 (2.82) 15.9 (2.47)
4 weeks 3.8 (2.65) 16.5 (2.66)
6 weeks 13.2 (2.94) 16.2 (2.95)
8 weeks 14.6 (2.87) 15.7 (2.24}
10 weeks 12.3 (2.77) 14.2 (3.16)

Analysis revealed significant within subject effects with decreased expectations of cultural
difference regardless of length of stay (Wilks' = .59, F (1) = 55-31. p=.000, multivariate 2 = .32.
Within subjects contrasts indicated a significant linear effect with means increasing regardless of
time in the immersion experience (F=66.8l, df=1, p=.000). There were no significant between
subject effects or interaction effects. Age and income were correlated with differences in
expectations of cultural difference at the beginning of the immersion experience. Those sub-
jects who were younger had greater expectations of cultural difference (Kendall's =.146; p =.02
1). Those subjects with less income also had higher expectations of cultural difference (Kendall’s
=.232; p=.001). The association between lower income and higher expectations of cultural
difference was also found at the end of the immersion experience (Kendall's =.l47; p =.03).
Changes in group membership were measured by the Best Friends Check List which asked
subjects to identify their three best friends during their stay in Mexico by age, sex. nationality.
residence, and occupation. Results are shown in Table 5.
Table 5
Changes in Number of Mexican Friends for All Measurement Periods for All Lengths of Stay
Lost two Mexican Friends 4
Lost one Mexican Friend 16
No change 93
Gained one Mexican friend 16
Gained two Mexican friends 3
No response 18
* Chi Square = 87.653; df = 9; p = .000

Best friends tended to be 26 years of age or less, female, from the United States, a student,
and living with the host family. Only the actual number of Mexicans mentioned by the subjects

Personal Adjustment, Language Acquisition and Culture Learning Jones and Bond

was analyzed. There were no differences between groups with varying lengths of stay and the
number of Mexican friends (ANOVA, F=1.167; df=4; p=.533). However, when the number of
Mexican friends was examined for the aggregate, regardless of length of stay, the number of
Mexican friends identified by the participants decreased over the three measurement periods (Chi
Square = 87.653; df=9; p=.000) (Table 6). The number of Mexican friends was also not
associated with age. income, education or profession of the participants.

In summary. this study found that improvements occur in personal adjustment, language
acquisition. and culture learning in short-term immersion. Participants with differing lengths of
stay showed similar patterns in each of the areas. Subjects entered the immersion experience
reporting relatively high levels of anxiety and discomfort which decreased regardless of length of
stay. The majority of participants in the sample reported a remarkable stability in their view of
their health with excellent to good health as a pattern. Length of time in the culture did not
appear to influence perception of health. Each group made language progress regardless of length
of stay. Those individuals who stayed longer made the most language progress. Subjects made
relatively few Mexican friends and began the immersion experience with relatively high levels of
expectations of cultural difference which also decreased over time regardless of length of stay.
These findings support short-term language and cultural immersion experiences. as experienced
by participants in this language school. as a viable strategy for educational goal attainment
relative to culture and language learning.

Sufficient literature as well as anecdotal evidence support the contention that sojourners
experience adjustment difficulty when confronted with living in a new culture. However. based
on findings from this study. a culture learner model rather than a model of culture shock may be
a more appropriate frame- work for understanding the effects on educational outcomes. It
appears that immersion in a culture may not inhibit adaptation to a new culture in ways which
prevent the attainment of educational goals including language acquisition and appreciation of
cultural differences and similarities.
This study used a variety of quantitative tools from previous studies, a reflection of the
approach used by most studies of culture shock and learning. Clearly. better objective
measurement tools are needed. However, qualitative investigations may provide additional
insights into the adjustment process. The description of "lived experiences” and their meaning
allows participants and researchers to explore abstract phenomena. A particular area for future
study is the post immersion experience relative to culture learning. Is the individual able to
transfer the language and culture learning to the home environment? In addition, examination of
the adjustment phenomenon on a bi-weekly basis for individuals who stay six. eight and ten
weeks may provide better insight into the adaptation process. Further study of the personal

Personal Adjustment, Language Acquisition and Culture Learning Jones and Bond

characteristics of the sojourner and their interaction with culture to produce patterns of
adjustment would provide new insights into the cultural shock phenomena as it relates to culture
learning. An understanding of the individual's tolerance for ambiguity, developmental stage,
communication patterns, coping skills. and the quality and length of the immersion experience
need to be explored.
Finally, findings from this study have particular relevance for the health professions.
Universities preparing health care professionals and health care systems are under intense
pressure to develop a culturally competent health workforce to meet the needs of an increasingly
diverse patient population. Despite the rhetoric on the need for increased knowledge about
cultures and the explosion of programs promoting cultural understanding, there have been few
examples of effective teaching-learning strategies and little to no study of the outcomes of these
endeavors. Anthropologists have long advocated immersion in the culture. for periods of at least
a year, as the best mechanism for studying culture, believing it allows the individual to move
from observer to participant (Goodenough, 1970). Immersion allows the learner to become aware
of “our own ethnocentrism" (Johnson. 1978). While this study examined students from a variety
of majors. findings suggest short-term immersion is a viable strategy for assisting the student
studying in the health professions as well as professionals already in the workforce. It is a
strategy which deserves continued study if we are to actualize our goals for the development of a
culturally competent health workforce.


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In the year 2000, Mary Elaine Jones, PhD, RN Samuel T. Hughes Jr Professor of Nursing and
Mary Lou Bond, PhD, RN, Assistant Dean for the Undergraduate Program in Nursing were Co-
Directors of the Center for Hispanic Studies in Nursing and Health at the University of Texas at
Arlington School of Nursing. They have conducted short-term immersion experiences for
students and health professionals in Mexico for the past eight years.

This study was supported in part by the Delta Theta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International.


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