FlowCon FH Instruction

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FlowCon FH / FH-BUS / FH.

1 Actuators
1B95036 - 11/2022

Installation and Operation Instruction

The actuator types FlowCon FH, FH-BUS and OFF and wait until the LED indicator is blincking
FH.1 are electrical, high force actuators. green. Again, no need for additional tools.
• FH is all-in-one including 24V modulating, Please make sure that the actuator is electrically
3-point floating and 2-position. opened, before re-fitting it on the valve.
• FH-BUS is equal to FH, but includes Modbus
and BACnet communication.
• FH.1 is 24V modulating and 2-position fail
safe version.

Fitting and Re-fitting

Do not connect power to the actuator unless

the actuator is already fitted on the valve
Figure 2  
and NEVER install the actuator in closed Orientation
position - this may damage the valve. Actu- Upside-down installation is allowed along with
ator is supplied in open position to ensure the standard horizontal and vertical installation.
easy commissioning of the system. 360º

Mount the actuator on the valve and finger tight-

en the connection union. Do not use additional

Figure 3

Figure 1

In case the actuator will have to be removed, it

is recommended for FH and FH.1 to electrically
open the actuator for easier removal. Hereafter
disconnect power and finger loosen the connec-
tion union. For FH-BUS set DIP switches #1-6 to

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Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on www.flowcon.com
FlowCon FH / FH-BUS / FH.1 Actuators
1B95036 - 11/2022

FlowCon FH (analog) FlowCon FH (digital)
FH / FH.1 Actuator FH / FH.1 Actuator
0(2)-10V modulating 2-Position, Normally Closed




Input signal Feedback signal Feedback signal
0(2)-10V DC 0(2)-10V DC Close Open 0-10V DC
Power 24V AC/DC Power 24V AC/DC

Ground/common Ground/common
Signal ground Signal ground

FH-BUS Actuator FH / FH.1 Actuator

RS-485 Serial 3-Point Floating, Normally Closed






Stop Feedback signal

Close Open 0(2)-10V DC
D+ D- P1 P2
Power 24V AC/DC Power 24V AC/DC

Ground/common Ground/common
Signal ground

Start-up Sequence Auto Cycle Sequence

When power to the actuator is turned on, the Auto Cycle can be activated during commission-
actuator will automatically calibrate to determine ing. It prevents the valve from jamming when the
closing point. Hereafter it will proceed to normal valve is not moved for a longer period of inactiv-
operation mode (according to control signal). ity. For FH and FH.1, Auto Cycle is activated by
moving DIP switch #1 from OFF to ON. The ac-
For FH-BUS, bus address configuration is re- tuator will then perform 50% stroke cycle every
quired and must be done immediate after first 3 weeks if no stroke movement has occured.
power on. Calibration mode and then normal op-
eration mode will follow thereafter. For FH-BUS Auto Cycle is activated and cycle
time configured via the bus (Modbus register
For the failsafe version (FH.1), capacitor charg- 136 and BACnet AV.10; 0= not activated).
ing will be prioritized (max. 215 sec depending
on capacitor energy level) during start-up and Re-Calibration (FlowCon FH)
re-powering. After completion of charging mode By flipping DIP switch #6 from one setting to the
followed by calibration mode, the actuator will other (starting position indifferent) re-calibration
proceed to normal operation mode. is activated. After completed re-calibration the
actuator will automatically go into normal ope-
ration. During re-calibration mode the LED will
blink green.

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Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on www.flowcon.com
FlowCon FH / FH-BUS / FH.1 Actuators
1B95036 - 11/2022

Override Failsafe Mode (FlowCon FH.1)

For FH, manual override is performed after power When power is lost, the actuator will go into fail-
supply is turned off. Lift the silicone cap on the safe mode after a few seconds, mandatory that
top of the actuator to get access to manual over- capacitor charging and start-up sequence are
ride. Manual override is performed by a 4 mm completed. The actuator will perform failsafe ac-
(~5/32”) hex key. Clockwise turning will open the tion (open or close) and stay in failsafe final posi-
valve and counter-clockwise turning will close tion until return of power. Upon power, the actua-
the valve. tor remains in the final failsafe position until charg-
ing mode is reached (max. 215 sec). Hereafter the
For FH.1 electrical override is activated by mov- actuator will return to normal operation mode.
ing DIP switch #6 from OFF to ON. Then the
valve will open fully. During override mode the Flush Mode (FH-BUS)
LED indicator will blink red and green. When DIP The automatic Flush Mode is activated and
switch #6 is moved back to OFF, the actuator will cycle time configured via the bus (Modbus reg-
re-calibrate and thereafter go into normal opera- ister 132 and BACnet AV.35; 0= not activated).
tion mode. Electrical override is performed with In Flush Mode, the valve is temporarily fully
power supply on. opened independent of the control signal to al-
low easy system flushing.
When performing the manual override procedure
on the FH-BUS, set DIP switches 1 to 6 to OFF
and the spindle will fully retract, and the LED will
rapidly blink green. In this state the valve can be
manually close or opened using a magnet.

To extend actuator spindle and fully close the

valve, briefly swipe the magnet along the right-
hand side of the actuator (top view and wires
downwards). LED indicator is blinking yellow
during this ‘manual spindle adjustment’ mode. To
retract the actuator spindle and open the valve
fully (mounting position), again briefly swipe the
magnet along the right-hand side of the actuator.
LED is blinking rapidly green to indicate ‘mount-
ing position’ mode. Manual override can be re-
peated as often as necessary.

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Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on www.flowcon.com
FlowCon FH / FH-BUS / FH.1 Actuators
1B95036 - 11/2022

DIP Switch Settings

The valve functions are set on DIP switches found under the connection cover. PCB mounted electri-
cal components will not be directly exposed when DIP switches are to be set. Factory setting for all
switches is OFF.

FlowCon FH Actuator
DIP Function ON Function OFF
#6 Re-calibration Re-calibration
 
#5 No function 5 No function
 %
 % %
#4 Equal percentage 4 Linear

#3 %
% Normally Open %
% % 3
% %
% Normally Closed
#2 Control signal 2-10V Control signal 0-10V
#1 Auto cycle ON Auto cycle OFF

FlowCon FH-BUS Actuator

DIP Function ON Function OFF
#8 Terminal resistor active Terminal resistor inactive
#7 Modbus
Modbus Modbus BACnet Modbus BACnet
BACnet BACnet
1 Address Address Address
#6 setting BIT 5 = 1 setting setting 6 setting BIT 5 = 0

#5 1 BIT 4 = 1 5 0 BIT 4 = 0

#4 1 BIT 3 = 1 4 0 BIT 3 = 0
#3 1 BIT 2 = 1 0 BIT 2 = 0
#2 1 BIT 1 = 1 0 BIT 1 = 0
#1 1 BIT 0 = 1 0 BIT 0 = 0

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Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on www.flowcon.com
FlowCon FH / FH-BUS / FH.1 Actuators
1B95036 - 11/2022

FlowCon FH.1 Actuator

DIP Function ON Function OFF
#6 Electrical override ON Electrical override OFF
#5 Failsafe open 5 Failsafe close

#4 Equal percentage 4 Linear

% %
% %
% 3 %
% % % %
#3 %
% Normally Open %
% %
% %
% Normally Closed
% % % %
#2 Control signal 2-10V Control signal 0-10V
#1 Auto cycle ON Auto cycle OFF

LED Status
The LED indicator is visible through the dark colored transparent connection cover. The LED indica-
tion will give the following statuses.
Normal operation mode Full on green Full on green Full on green

Charging mode (200 sec) n/a n/a Blinking red

Calibration mode (closing point adjustment) Blinking green Blinking green Blinking green

Bus communication mode n/a Flickering green n/a

Mounting position mode n/a Rapid blinking green n/a

Electrical override mode n/a n/a Blinking red/green

Failsafe mode n/a n/a OFF

Manuel spindle adjustment n/a Blinking yellow n/a

Perpetual failure mode Full on red Full on red Full on red

FlowCon FH / FH.1
Re-calibration can be achieved in one of 2 ways:
1. Forced individual actuator re-calibration can also be performed by flipping DIP switch #6 from
OFF to ON and back to OFF on the relevant actuator.
2. Forced concurrent re-calibration for all actuators is electrically possible. Within 60 sec. provide
the following electrical control signal sequence to the grey wire: 10V-2V-10V-2V-10V-2V to
achieve re-calibration.
After re-calibration the actuator will go into normal operation mode.

FlowCon FH-BUS
For FH-BUS change MSV.1 to 2 (BACnet) or register 138 to 1 (Modbus).
After re-calibration the actuator will go into normal operation mode.

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Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on www.flowcon.com
FlowCon FH / FH-BUS / FH.1 Actuators
1B95036 - 11/2022

Bus programming of Condition of the FH-BUS

FlowCon FH-BUS through bus
When using FH-BUS actuator and bus commu- Check the Current Flow (not measured) in
nication, setting on the Green.3 MUST be 5.0. register 402 or AI.7.
Status Information is available in BI.3 and
In this instruction default values are underlined. Error Information is available in BI.4, BI.5,
Please see FlowCon FH-BUS Modbus Data BI.6 and BI.7. This is combined for Modbus in
Point List or BACnet PICS for more detailed in- register 318 and 407.
formation. Service Commands and resetting is avail-
able in register 138 or MSV.1
Initiate by setting Baud Rate (register 105 or
MSV.7). Set actuator DIP switches 1-6 to write-
able mode, i.e. 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 and set MAC Ad-
dress via bus communication (register 104 or
AV.28) and proceed by selecting your PICV
valve in register 110 or MSV.8:

Reg. 110 MSV.8 Selected valve

0 1 (generic linear)
1 2 Green.3
2 3 (generic EQ%)
3 4 user valve

FlowCon International assumes no responsibility for mistakes, if any, in any printed material.
And select your PICV control mode in register
103 or MSV.13:

Reg. 103 MSV.13 Selected control mode

0 0 (linear)
1 1 Equal%

Set Operating Mode in register 200=0 or

MSV.4=1 and provide Control Signal in register
400 or AV.1 (0% to 100%).

This paper is a supplement to the FlowCon General Instruction Page 6 of 6

Latest release of any FlowCon material is available on www.flowcon.com

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