UNIT 6 Health and Welfare Vocab

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UNIT 6 Injuries :

Broke / Wound / Bruise / Twisted / Cut / Burnt

Warm-up :
Name your body parts:

Remedies / Medicine :
Study the following words and match them to the pictures
Bandage / Eye Drops / Syrup / Pills / Ice Pack / Syringe

1. …………..……. 3…………..…….
Describing symptoms and illness : 2…………..…….

Symptoms Body part Illness / Sickness/

I keep sneezing a lot / I have a runny nose Nose Flu (‫)زکام‬
I feel like vomiting / I have got an upset 4…………..……. 5…………..……. 6…………..…….
stomach ………..…… ………..……
………..…… ………..……
My head hurts Talking point :
………..…… ………..……
My back hurts Discuss any of the following questions with your friend:
I have got a temperature ………..…… ………..…… 1. Have you ever broken a bone? What happened?
I breath with difficulty ………..…… ………..…… 2. Have you ever been exposed to the Coronavirus? What
My tooth hurts ………..…… ………..…… symptoms did you have?
………..…… ………..……
My eyes are red and teary Asthma = ‫ مرض الربو‬/ Food poisoning = ‫تسمم غذائي‬
My skin is itchy ………..…… ………..…… An allergy = ‫حساسية‬ / Migraine = ‫صداع نصفي‬
My throat hurts ………..…… ………..…… Diet = ‫حمية غذائية‬ / Pain = ‫ألم‬
Treatment = ‫عالج‬ / Prescription = ‫وصفة طبية‬

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