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Data-led accelerated cost transformation – achieving measurable and sustainable benefits

Transform clients’ operational data into actionable, operational intelleignece to achieve measurable
and sustainable cost benefits

2 things:

 Cost decisions
 Drive operational efficiencies at pace

Consulting + Digital platform – Insights360 methodology = generate and embed client-specific

insights that deliver operational cost savings

Help across procurement, supple chain, operating strategy, cost and value engineering, portfolio
management – transform clients’ operational data into actionable, operational intelligence to
achieve measurable and sustainable cost benefits:

 Enabling strategic cost decisions

 Providing an understanding of what good looks like by benchmarking spned, material flow
and service delivery
 Driving the operational change within the business – deploying transformation and
implmenetaiotn expertise

What Vendigital do

 Operating strategy: investing and leveraging the organisation’s key capabilities to drive
profits, bolster resilience, and ensure sustainable growth.
- Dissect performance metrics, understand the current landscape of both the industry and
comparable ones. Align forward-looking strategy to the business objective – work
capital, inventory solutions, long-term gains, strategic vision etc.
 Decarbonisation, construction cost transformation, achieving net zero
 Cost and value engineering: understanding market dynamics, legislation, changing consumer
behaviour and technological advances – how those can affect demands on product design
and add pressure to their lifecycle earnings.
 Achieve green transformation for FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods), removing
and controlling costs for construction firms, innovation
 Procurement and supply chain: working the entire landscape – from productivity metrics,
revenue streams and operational footprint. All with the goal whether you want to quickly
reduce third party spend, optimise working capital, harmonize policies and processes,
transform your procurement organisation etc
 Achieving green transformation for FMCG, decarbonisation – net zero for carbon
intensive industries
 Portfolio management: understanding the challenges client face in managing a variety of
revnue streams i.e. driven by demand changes, business acquisitions, anchored by legacy
products – portfolio can rapidly increase in size and management costs
- Leverage data analytics, cost engineering, financial modelling tools – generating long-
term profitability and growth opportunities for clients
 Media case study – reducing cost base of core brands whilst protecting product
quality, Apply TV + and britbox, special editions –allowing media companies to take
costs out of business while mantinaing their established format with less frequent


 Aerospace and Defence: transforming cost and operating straegeis/decrease carbon

footprint/address the impact of covid-19 in demand and additional operational
challenges/cost optimaisation – related to delivering client outcomes
 Automotive: help businesses with complex operations drive cost efficiencies/eV
specialists/optimise their opertations, transform their cost base/Brexit disruption and its
impact on supply chains to longer term issues tolonger term issues i.e. increasing use of
mobility and car rentalservices affecting levels of vehicle owenership
 Consumer products: traditional retailers facing momentous digital distuptions, online agile
competitiros, revolutiosnins the traiditional business lan dscape/digitial revolution –
strectching supply chain models
 Industrial manufacturing: automation/emergin tech/build agile, resilient, future-proofed
supply chains/pressure to reduce carbon footprint
 Private equity competitive global landscape have made growth and stagnation a hard reality
for many organisations/capitalise and protect investments/
 Technology, media and telecoms: reinvention of media landsapce/disruptive adveritising
models/new cahnnels to market/increasing cost pressures/rapidly shifting consumer
 Transportaiotn and infrastructure: increasing consumer demand/changing prefences/need
for investment in tech to cope with pressures to reduce costs/compliance and tightening
environemtnal standards

Less “knowing”, more “understanding”

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