Runesmith (Artificer)
Runesmith (Artificer)
Runesmith (Artificer)
unesmiths are artificers who inscribe runes greater runes known to you. You may create three of the
with magical glyphs to store arcane power. same rune, or three different runes. You may learn 3
Runes are soft stones or wood which are greater runes (see rune table). This action requires
carved with magical symbols. When these specific material components.
runes are activated, they release the magic Runic Comprehension
stored inside of them. Runes are used as a
bonus action unless otherwise stated. 9th-level Runesmith feature
Runic Knowledge You have a full understanding of the magical energies of
the world. You gain expertise in Arcana.
3rd-level Runesmith feature
Runesmiths have a deep understanding of the magical True Runesmithing
energies of the world. This understanding is what lets 9th-level Runesmith feature
them harness the magics of the world. You gain As a downtime action, you may attempt to enchant an
proficiency in Arcana. object, granting it the ability to cast a lesser or greater
Runespeak rune as a free action once every day. An item with runic
enhancement becomes magical and requires
3rd-level Runesmith feature attunement. An object may have up to five runes imbued
A runesmith carefully guards the secrets of their own within it.
magical runes. As a downtime action, you may study a Master Runecraft
rune encountered in the wild to discern its’ true
meaning with an Arcana check. 15th-level Runesmith feature
Lesser Runecraft As a downtime action, you may attempt to create three
master runes known to you. You may create three of the
3rd-level Runesmith feature same rune, or three different runes. You may learn 1
As a downtime action, you may spend 10g to create master rune (see rune table). This action requires a
three lesser runes known to you. You may create three Rune Forge and specific material components.
of the same rune, or three different runes. You may Runelord
learn 3 lesser runes (see rune table).
Runic Imbuement 15th-level Runesmith feature
You may freely create three lesser runes of choice
5th-level Runesmith feature during short rests
As a downtime action, you may attempt to enchant an
object, granting it the ability to cast a lesser rune as a
free action once every day. An item with runic
enhancement becomes magical and requires
attunement. An object may only have one rune imbued
within it.
Greater Runecraft
5th-level Runesmith feature
As a downtime action, you may attempt to create three
Rune Table
Name Material Cost (Each) Effect
Lesser Runes
Rune of Protection +5 AC (1 round). Reaction
Rune of Wrath 10 Force Damage; 60ft range
Rune of Rage Piercing, Bludgeoning, Slashing Resistance (1 min)
Rune of Reinvigoration 5 Temp HP (1 hour)
Rune of Running +10 Walk Speed (1 hour)
Greater Runes
Rune of Ruin Brimstone; 20g 30 Force Damage; 60ft range
Rune of Resistance Moonstone; 20g Resistance to chosen damage type (1 round) Reaction
Rune of Renewal Moonstone; 100g Target experiences effects of Revivify
Rune of Revelation Brimstone; 50g Reveals all enemies within 300ft. Ignores walls
Rune of Restoration Moonstone; 50g Target experiences effects of Lesser Restoration
Master Runes
Rune of Reckoning Starstone; 300g Brimstone; 200g 20d10 Force Damage to all creatures of chosen type within 100 ft.
Rune of Resurrection Starstone; 300g Moonstone; 200g Target experiences effects of Resurrection
Rune of Retribution Starstone; 300g Reflect all damage taken back to targets (1 round). Reaction