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Studies of the natural history and prevention of viral hepatitis were initiated at Willow-
brook State School in 1955. During the subsequent two decades there was considerable
controversy regarding the ethical aspects of these studies. The background of these studies
is described in detail in historical context. This report should provide the reader with in-
formation needed to make an independent objective judgement of the ethics of the Wil-
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lowbrook hepatitis studies.
During the first half of this century, outbreaks of were perceived by some critics to be unethical. As
various infectious diseases were prevalent in or- a matter of fact, in recent years the name "Willow-
phanages, military barracks, and institutions for brook" has become synonymous with medical re-
mentally retarded children. These outbreaks involved search gone astray. With time, facts have become dis-
highly susceptible populations living in conditions torted or forgotten, leaving only emotions.
of overcrowding and poor hygiene. Certain infectious Thirty years have elapsed since the Willowbrook
diseases, such as influenza and measles, occurred as hepatitis studies were initiated in the mid-1950s. I
epidemics at variable intervals. Other infections, such am as convinced today as I was at that time that our
as shigellosis and hepatitis, were generally endemic studies were ethical and justifiable. This judgement
in nature. is based on knowledge of the extraordinary condi-
During the mid-1950s my colleague, Dr. Robert tions that existed in the institution as well as on an
Ward, and I were invited to join the staff of Willow- assessment of the potential risks and benefits for the
brook State School as consultants in infectious dis- participants. The purpose of this article is to discuss
eases. This institution for mentally retarded children the ethical aspects of our studies, within their ap-
had been plagued by the occurrence of such epidemic propriate historical context. It is hoped that this in-
and endemic diseases as measles and hepatitis. Our formation will enable the reader to make an indepen-
efforts during the next two decades were devoted to dent, objective judgement as to the ethics of the
the control of these infectious diseases. Willowbrook studies.
In 1960an epidemic of measles swept through Wil-
lowbrook, leaving 60 children dead. The studies that
Establishment of the Willowbrook State School
we initiated with the live attenuated measles vaccine
developed by Dr. John Enders and his colleagues cul- In 1938the New York state legislature perceived the
minated in the eradication of measles from the in- need for an additional institution for the care of men-
stitution by the end of 1963. tally retarded children. It allocated funds to purchase
Hepatitis, which affected virtually every child in 375 acres of land located at Willowbrook on Staten
Willowbrook as well as many employees, proved to Island and authorized the construction of facilities
be a more difficult problem. It was essential to ac- to care for 3,000 mentally retarded children from the
quire new knowledge about the natural history of greater-New York metropolitan area. The institution,
this disease - knowledge that might lead to its ulti- completed in 1942and designated Willowbrook State
mate control. School, was taken over by the federal government
The studies during the subsequent two decades to meet an urgent need for an army hospital to care
for disabled military personnel from World War II.
The U.S. Army Medical Corps renamed it the Hal-
Received for publication September 10, 1985, and in revised
loran General Hospital in honor of the late Colonel
form October 22, 1985.
Please address requests for reprints to Dr. Saul Krugman, New
Paul Stacey Halloran, a U.S. Army medical
York University School of Medicine, 550 First Avenue, New York, corpsman.
New York, 10016 After the war ended· in 1945, there was consider-
158 Krugman
able political pressure to retain Halloran General State School and Letchworth Village were introduced
Hospital as a Veterans Administration hospital. The into Willowbrook by patients who were transferred
conflict between the needs of the Veterans Adminis- from these institutions.
tration and the needs of the New York State Depart-
ment of Mental Hygiene was described in the fol-
Recognition of Hepatitis as an Endemic Disease
lowing letter sent by Governor Thomas Dewey to
General Omar Bradley, who was director of the Vet- The occurrence of so-called infectious hepatitis was
erans Administration at that time. first observed in 1949. Later, in response to extraor-
Every year in the State of New York, thousands dinary pressure from many parents, the patient popu-
of children come into this world who are mentally lation increased rapidly in subsequent years; it ex-
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and physically defective and feeble minded, who ceeded 3,000 in 1953, 4,000 in 1955, and eventually
never can become members of society. They require it exceeded 6,000. In his report to a joint legislative
constant care, both medically and physically, and committee on mental and physical handicap, the late
in many cases, for social, psychological and eco- Dr. Jack Hammond, director of Willowbrook State
nomic reasons, fewparents can afford to place them School stated:
in private institutions. Even if such institutions ex-
isted in sufficient quantity, the result is that the state The overcrowded conditions in the buildings make
must take responsibility for the care of these chil- care, treatment, supervision and possible training
dren and do so with a high degreeof tenderness and of the patients difficult, if not impossible. When
attention. the patients are up and in the day rooms, they are
At present, the State of New York operates two crowded together, soiling, attacking each other,
downstate institutions for the care of such infants abusing themselves and destroying their clothing.
and children. One is the Wassaic State School in At night in many of the dormitories the beds must
Duchess and the other is Letchworth Village in be placed together in order to provide sufficient
Rockland County. There are several other state space for all patients. Therefore,exceptfor one nar-
schools for mental defectivesbut they are too over- row aisle,it is virtually necessaryto climb over beds
crowded and none is or can be equipped for the ad- in order to reach the children.
ditonal care of infants.
Hundreds of infants and children unable to care The residents of Willowbrook State School were
for themselves are sleeping on mattresses on floors the most severely retarded, the most handicapped,
of these institutions. What is more serious is that and the most helpless of those being cared for in the
there are eight to nine hundred infants on the wait- New York state system. The population of about
ing list for admission and the State Commission of 6,000 included 770/0 who were severely or profoundly
Mental Hygienedaily must deal with distracted par- retarded, 60070 who were not toilet trained, 39% who
ents who seek to have their children placed in state
were not ambulatory, 30% who had convulsive sei-
institutions. The mail of the Commissionerof Men-
tal Hygiene is filled with letters from such parents, zures, and 64% who were incapable of feeding them-
many of whom are veterans. selves. Thus, the conditions were optimal for the
It seems to me that we are now confronted with transmission of hepatitis, shigellosis, respiratory in-
these two conflicting obligations at Willowbrook. fections, and parasitic infections.
The first is that of the Federal Government to pro- By the early 1950s the director of Willowbrook
vide hospital care for its veterans after they are dis- and his staff were convinced that serious overcrowd-
charged from service. The second is the obligation ing and an inadequate staff were in great part respon-
of the State of NewYorkto provide care for perma- sible for the increasing hepatitis problem. Their
nently helpless infants. Obviously, Willowbrook statistics indicated that the annual attack rate of hep-
cannot be used for both.
atitis with jaundice was 25 per 1,000 among the chil-
Finally, on October 24, 1947, after a delay of five dren and 40 per 1,000 among the adults. Efforts to
years, 10 patients from Wassaic State School and 10 correct this intolerable situation were unsuccessful.
patients from Letchworth Village were transferred Society had created a problem, but it provided no
to Willowbrook State School. Initially, patients were solution. It was during that period that my colleague,
both transferred from other institutions and admit- the late Dr. Robert Ward, and I were asked to join
ted from the community. In retrospect, it is appar- the staff of Willowbrook as consultants in infectious
ent that the infectious diseases endemic in Wassaic diseases. We were not qualified to deal with the so-
Willowbrook Revisited 159
cietal problems, but we believed that we could help ability of removing my child from Willowbrook State
control the existing medical problem of hepatitis. School so that he/she can live at home." A total of
24 parents responded, and only two children were
taken home at that time!
Identification of the Hepatitis Problem in
The Willowbrook Hepatitis Studies
Our first objective in 1955 was to carry out an ex-
tensive epidemiologic survey. We were fortunate be- After one year of careful observation and study in
cause new tests to detect hepatic dysfunction were 1955, we concluded that the control of hepatitis in
described that year, namely, serum glutamic oxaloa- Willowbrook could be achieved if it were possible
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cetic transaminase (SOOT) and serum glutamic py- to devise and conduct well-designed studies to shed
ruvic transaminase (SOPT). These sensitive assays new light on the natural history and prevention of
enabled us to detect the presence of hepatitis with- the disease - new knowledge that could conceivably
out jaundice (anicteric hepatitis). Today, SOOT is lead to the development of a vaccine. Thus, our de-
called alanine aspartate transaminase (AST), and cision to propose the exposure of a small number
SOPT is called alanine aminotransferase (ALT). of newly admitted children to the endemic Willow-
Our colleague, the late Dr. Joan P. Giles, joined brook strain of hepatitis virus was reached after se-
us during this period. During the course of our rious consideration of the'following factors and as-
epidemiologic surveys and the performance of rou- sumptions:
tine physical examinations, she collected many thou- (1) As indicated previously, under the conditions
sands of serum specimens. Instead of discarding existing in the institution, most newly admitted chil-
them - the usual practice in most laboratories - we dren would contract hepatitis. This empiric impres-
stored them in an increasing number of deep freezers. sion was confirmed in the 1970s when newly devel-
The scientific dividends of this serum bank proved oped serologic tests revealed that >90070 of the
to be incalculable in later years. residents of the institution had hepatitis A and B
After the results of the SOOT and SOPT assays markers of past infection.
were reviewed, it was obvious that the detected cases (2) Hepatitis was known to be especially mild in
of icteric hepatitis represented the tip of a hepatitis the three- to 10-year age group that would partici-
iceberg. The results of these highly sensitive tests of pate in the studies. Our extensive survey confirmed
liver dysfunction convinced us that most newly ad- that most infections were inapparent or benign and
mitted children were destined to contract hepatitis there were no deaths.
infection under the conditions that existed in the in- (3) The artificially induced infection would induce
stitution. The occurrence of hepatitis among Wil- immunity to the endemic strain of hepatitis virus
lowbrook children was as predictable and inevitable and, we hoped, to other strains that might be intro-
as the occurrence of respiratory infections among duced by new admissions or transfers to Willow-
children in day care centers. brook. Studies in the 1940s had revealed that hepa-
During the course of our epidemiologic survey in titis A infection was followed by homologous
1955, all of the evidence indicated that the endemic immunity. Therefore, the artificially induced infec-
disease was so-called infectious or type A hepatitis, tion would be prophylactic.
an infection that spread via the fecal-oral route. The (4) The children would be admitted to a specially
disease was mild and there were no deaths. Although equipped, specially staffed unit where they would
the same disease was more severeand more debilitat- be isolated from exposure to other endemic infec-
ing in the adult employees, they, too, recovered com- tious diseases occurring in the institution - namely,
pletely. Previous experience of various investigators shigellosis, respiratory infections, and parasitic in-
had revealed that hepatitis A was much milder in fections.
children than in adults. Efforts to reduce the over- (5) Only children whose parents gave consent
crowded conditions at Willowbrook continued to be would be included. Our method of obtaining in-
unsuccessful. In a desperate attempt the director formed consent changed progressively during the
mailed letters to about 5,000 parents, requesting that course of the studies. In 1956 the information was
they return a questionnaire that contained the state- conveyed to individual parents by letter or personal
ment, "I wish to discuss the possibility and advis- interview. Later, we adopted a group technique of
160 Krugman
obtaining consent. First, a psychiatric social worker During the period 1956-1967, we believed that we
discussed the project with parents during a prelimi- were dealing with endemicity of hepatitis A, an in-
nary interview. Those who were interested were in- fection that should be followed by lasting immunity.
vited to attend a group session at the institution to However, by 1967 it was obvious that many children
discuss the project in greater detail. These sessions had had two attacks of hepatitis. Our studies of this
were conducted by our staff responsible for the pro- phenomenon revealed that one attack was caused by
gram, including Dr. Giles, the supervising nurse, staff the so-called MS-l strain of hepatitis virus and the
attendants, and psychiatric social workers. Meetings second attack, by the MS-2 strain. Thus, it became
were often attended by outside physicians who had apparent that two types of hepatitis were endemic
expressed interest. Parents, in groups of six to eight, in Willowbrook-MS-l, resembling hepatitis A, and
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were given a tour of the facilities. The purposes, MS-2, resembling hepatitis B. By 1969, after Blum-
potential benefits, and potential hazards of the pro- berg discovered the Australia antigen, the new tech-
gram were discussed with them, and they were en- nology enabled us to confirm that Willowbrook MS-
couraged to ask questions. Thus, all parents could 2 serum contained hepatitis B antigen.
hear the response to questions posed by the more Our serum bank contained specimens obtained
articulate members of the group. After leaving this from most patients who contracted naturally ac-
briefing session, parents had an opportunity to talk quired hepatitis during the period 1956-1969. When
with their private physicians, who could call Dr. Giles we tested these serum specimens in the 1970s, using
for more information. Approximately two weeks af- the newly developed serologic assays, it was obvious
ter the visit, the psychiatric social worker contacted that both hepatitis A (MS-l) and hepatitis B (MS-2)
the parents for their decision. If the decision was in had been endemic in the institution since 1956. It
the affirmative, the consent was signed, but parents was also apparent that hepatitis B, like hepatitis A,
were informed that consent could be withdrawn at was generally a mild or inapparent infection in Wil-
any time. It was clear that the group method enabled lowbrook children. A retrospective diagnosis was
us to obtain a more thorough informed consent. made by testing the sera for the presence of hepati-
Children who were wards of the state or children tis B antigen and abnormal serum transaminase
without parents were never included in our studies. values. During the course of this new survey, we
From 1956 the protocols were reviewed and sanc- found that most children had markers of present or
tioned by various local, state, and federal agencies. past hepatitis B infection. Thus, it was likely that
These studies were reviewedand approved by the New newly admitted children would be intensely exposed
York University and Willowbrook State School com- to both types of hepatitis. When this new informa-
mittees on human experimentation after their for- tion was presented to the members of the Commis-
mation in February 1967. Prior to this date, the func- sion on Viral Infections of the Armed Forces Epi-
tions of the present Institutional Review Board were demiological Board in 1969, they agreed that the
performed by the Executive Faculty of the School studies should be continued.
of Medicine for studies of this type. The initial pro- It should be emphasized that the studies were con-
posal in 1956 was reviewed and approved by the fol- ducted in Willowbrook State School because hepa-
lowing groups: Executive Faculty, New York Univer- titis was a severe problem in this institution and not,
sity School of Medicine; New York State Department as some charged, because we were looking for a fac-
of Mental Hygiene; New York State Department of ile "guinea pig" population. The fact that the chil-
Health; and Armed Forces Epidemiological Board. dren were mentally retarded was relevant only to the
It is of interest that the guidelines that were adopted extent that society placed them in an institution
for the hepatitis studies at their inception in 1956 where hepatitis was prevalent. The primary objec-
conformed to the World Medical Association's draft tive of our studies was to protect the children and
Code of Ethics on Human Experimentation, which employees while acquiring new knowledge in the
was presented to its general assembly in September process.
1961, five years later. It is also of interest that our
established policy of informed consent was instituted
Summary of Contributions of Willowbrook
at least 10 years before it was mandated by most re-
Hepatitis Studies
search institutes and medical centers in the United
States. The accomplishments of the Willowbrook studies
Willowbrook Revisited 161
are well documented in the medical literature (see for children in our special isolation unit was less than
Bibliography, below). They include: the risk for other children who were admitted to
(1) Identification of two distinctive clinical, buildings in the institution where shigellosis and re-
epidemiologic, and immunologic types ofhepatitis, spiratory infections, as well as hepatitis, were en-
MS-l (type A) and MS-2 (type B). The serum spec- demic.
imens collected from patients with MS-l and MS-2 A century ago Claude Bernard defined the limits
infection provided many investigators with "pedi- of human experimentation. He stated that
greed" sera known to be specific for hepatitis A or
it is our duty and our right to perform an experi-
B. After the discovery of Australia antigen by Blum- ment on man whenever it can save life, cure him,
berg and colleagues, the use of these clinical sam- or gain some potential benefit. The principle of med-
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ples by various investigators established the associ- ical and surgical morality, therefore, consists in never
ation between Australia antigen and hepatitis B performing on man an experiment which might be
virus. harmful to him to any extent, even though the re-
(2) Demonstration that hepatitis B infection is sult may be highly advantageous to science or to
transmitted by intimate contact and oral as well as the health of others. But performing experiments
parenteralexposure. Previously, it was believedthat and operations exclusively from the point of view
percutaneous inoculation with contaminated nee- of the patient's own advantage does not prevent their
turning out profitably to science.
dles, blood, or blood products was essential for the
transmission of hepatitis B. It is well recognized to- My colleague, the late Dr. Joan P. Giles, expressed
day that hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted infec- it beautifully and succinctly in her letter to the Lan-
tion and it is spread by intimate physical contact and cet, published May 29, 1971, in which she said, "A
transfer of body fluids. farmer may pull up corn seedlings to destroy them
(3)Demonstration that hepatitis B immune globu- or he may pull them up to set them in better hills
lin is effective for the prevention of type B hepati- for better growing. How then does one judge the
tis. The results of this study led to the initiation deed without the motive?" This describes the moti-
of several large multicenter trials to determine the vation for our studies at Willowbrook State School.
efficacy of HBIG in preventing hepatitis B among I am greatly indebted to many collaborators, col-
such high-risk individuals as hemodialysis staff and leagues, and organizations for support and en-
patients, newborns of HBsAg-positive mothers, sex- couragement during the course of our Willowbrook
ual contacts of patients with acute hepatitis B, and hepatitis studies:
persons accidentally inoculated with HBsAg-positive To the late Dr. Robert Ward, who was the prin-
blood by needle-stick exposures. cipal investigator of our studies from 1956 to 1958.
(4) Development ofthe first prototype inactivated He was an outstanding investigator and a colleague
hepatitis B vaccine. It was demonstrated that a who had exceptional human qualities.
boiled 1:10 dilution of MS-2 serum in distilled wa- To the late Dr. Joan P. Giles, who died of cancer
ter was not infectious, but it was immunogenic and in 1973after devoting 17years of her life to the care
protective. These studies, published in 1970, clearly of the children in our hepatitis unit. She was a highly
demonstrated the feasibility of developing a hepati- ethical physician and a person of great humanity and
tis B vaccine and stimulated various investigators to integrity.
prepare inactivated vaccines from the plasma of To Harriet Friedman and Cass Lattimer, research
chronic hepatitis B carriers. associates, for more than 25 years of competent and
meticulous work in our laboratory.
To the late Dr. Jack Hammond, director of Wil-
lowbrook State School. He and his dedicated staff
While I agree with the critics of medical research who labored under the most difficult circumstances. They
state that the ends (successful accomplishments) do were subjected to incredible abuse by certain repre-
not justify the means, I believe that this generaliza- sentatives of the news media and by publicity-seeking
tion does not apply to our Willowbrook studies. Un- legislators who criticized them for the horrible con-
der the conditions that existed in the institution, all ditions in the institution. Their morale was
children were constantly exposed to the naturally ac- devastated because they knew that the pressures of
quired hepatitis viruses. Moreover, the overall risk society (distraught parents and their legislators) were
162 Krugman
responsible for increasing the census to more than Giles JP, Liebhaber H, Krugman S, Lattimer C. Early viremia
6,000 in a 3,000-bed institution. It was "society" that and viruria in infectious hepatitis. Virology 1964;24:107-8
Krugman S, Giles JP, Hammond J. Infectious hepatitis: evidence
was responsible for the overcrowded, unhygienic con-
for two distinctive clinical, epidemiological, and immuno-
ditions in Willowbrook, not the dedicated people logical types of infection. JAMA 1967;200:365-73 (re-
who worked there under stressful conditions. printed as a Landmark Article; JAMA 1984;252:393-401)
To the late Dr. John R. Paul and Dr. Robert Giles JP, Krugman S. Viral hepatitis: immunoglobulin response
McCollum of Yale University for their encourage- during the course of the disease. JAMA 1969;208:497-503
Giles JP, McCollum RW, Berndtson LW Jr, Krugman S. Viral
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hepatitis: relation of Australia/SH antigen to the Willow-
To the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board and brook MS-2 strain. N Engl J Med 1969;281:119-22
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support. strains. J Infect Dis 1970;122:432-6
Krugman S, Giles JP. Viral hepatitis: new light on an old disease.
And, finally, to many loyal and devoted colleagues JAMA 1970;212:1019-29
and friends whose support helped ease the pain in- Lander 11, Giles JP, Purcell RH, Krugman S. Viral hepatitis, type
flicted by many vicious attacks during the late 1960s B (MS-2 strain): detection of antibody after primary in-
and early 1970s. We were especially grateful to the fection. N Engl J Med 1971;285:303-7
parents of the Willowbrook chapter of the Benevo- Krugman S, Giles JP, Hammond J. Viral hepatitis, type B (MS-2
strain): studies on active immunization. JAMA 1971;
lent Society of Retarded Children for the plaque that
they presented to us at their 1967 annual meeting. Krugman S, Giles JP, Hammond J. Viral hepatitis, type B (MS-2
The inscription on the plaque stated, "In recogni- strain): prevention with specific hepatitis B immune se-
tion of distinguished, pioneering, humanitarian re- rum globulin. JAMA 1971;218:1665-70
search in the prevention of infectious diseases and Le Bouvier GL, McCollum RW, Hierholzer WJ Jr, Irwin GT,
Krugman S, Giles JP. Subtypes of Australia antigen and
their resultant complication in children, born and
hepatitis-B virus. JAMA 1972;222:928-30
unborn." Krugman S, Giles JP. Viral hepatitis, type B (MS-2-strain). Fur-
ther observations on natural history and prevention.
N Engl J Med 1973;288:755-60
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