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Student Name:

Date: / Week: 1-8

Phase number:PH1
Subject: Vocabularies
Grade: 7 Teacher’s Name: Mr. Gordon
Type of assessment: Summary Sheet Total grade:


debris (n) /dǝ brē/

The definition: scattered remnants; rubble
Example: The typhoons destroyed buildings and filled the
street with debris
Synonym: ruins; waste

unkempt (adj) /un kempt’/

The definition:maintained poorly; untidy
Example: The grass in the unkempt lawn stood two feet tall.
Synonym: sloppy ; messy
Antonym: neat; trim

Crux (n) /krʌks/

The definition: the main or most important point or
Example: At the crux of regular exercise and a healthy
diet is weight control
Synonym: core; root; center

Milieu (n) /ˈmiːljəː/

The definition: an atmosphere or setting / the physical
or social setting in which something occurs or develops
Example: Frank enjoys the Victorian milieu of

CCA: Ms.Linda MCCA: Ms.Linda HCC: Ms.Linda

Sherlock Holmes novels.
Synonym: environment; domain

Sullen (adj) /ˈsʌlən/

The definition: peevish; gloomy; somber
Example: Her sullen poetry reflects her real-life
depression and uncertainties
Synonym; dark; dismal
Antonym: cheerful; bright

Tinge (n, v) /tɪn(d)ʒ/

The definition: (n) 1. to tint 2. a trace of a color
(v) a small amount of an added color or characteristic
Example : (v) The black soot in the air tinged her
white blouse gray.
(n) Adding a tinge of blue to the white walls would
improve this room.
Synonym (v): shade; color
Synonym (n): tint; shade

Trivial (adj) /ˈtrɪvɪəl/

The definition: of little importance
Example : After seeing what her friend endured,
Ben felt that his own problems were trivial.
Synonym: minor; insignificant
Antonym: crucial; important

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023


Concoct (v) /kənˈkɒkt/

The definition: to devise cleverly; to invent
Example: Hopefully, the scientist will be able to concoct a
drug that will act as a cure for the deadly disease.
Synonym: create; invent
Antonym: disarrange, disorganize

Enunciate (v) /ɪˈnʌnsɪeɪt/

The definition: to speak clearly; to express clearly
Example: Please enunciate your words so the rest the class
can hear you.
Synonym: articulate, pronounce
Antonym. Slur; mumble

Hurtle (v) /ˈhəːt(ə)l/

The definition: 1. to move with great speed and force
2. To throw forcefully; to hurl
Example : From his eye, he saw a third ruffian hurtle
backward into the bushes.
Synonym: speed, race; bolt
Antonym. drag, lag

Jostle(v) /ˈdʒɒs(ə)l/
The definition: to bump, push, or shove
Example: Mark jostled the frozen log until it
broke free from the ground
Synonym; manhandle
HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023
Antonym. precede, lead

Libel (n, v) /ˈlʌɪb(ə)l/

The definition: (n) the act of printing a false statement
that harms someone’s reputation
(v) to defame someone by publishing false statements
Example: (n) The politician sued her opponent for libel
after she read the
the obvious lie printed in the advertisement.
(v) The newspaper refused to print the letter because it libeled a
public figure.
Synonym: (n) defamation; slander Antonym: flattery
(v) vilify; tarnish Antonym: praise; laud

Realm (n) /rɛlm/

The definition; a domain; a field; a territory
Example: The setting of the novel is a realm of fantasy,
where elves and dragons exist.
Synonym; world
Antonym; line, unclaimed land

Provincial (adj) /prəˈvɪnʃ(ə)l/

The definition: (1) rural; pertaining to the customs of non-city
(2) narrow in perspective; unsophisticated
Example: His provincial argument failed to convince the principal
to change her mind
Synonym; 1. rustic 2. insula; unrefined
Antonym. 1.Urban 2. broad-minded

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023


Amity (n) /am ´ it ē/

The definition: friendship
Example: In public, the siblings appeared to live in perfect
amity,but behind closed doors, they fought incessantly.
Synonym: peacefulness; harmony
Antonym: disagreement; hostility

Cater (v) /kāt´ ǝr/

The definition: to supply what is needed or desired,
especially support or food.
Example: The restaurant caters to families by offering
discounted children’s meals.
Synonym: provide; contribute
Antonym; neglect; reject

Jubilant (adj) /jōō´ bǝ lǝnt/

The definition: joyous, especially because of success
Example: The jubilant student smiled all day after getting a perfect
score on her
lengthy term paper.
Synonym: elated; happy
Antonym: depressed; disappointed

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023

Placate (v) /plā´ kāt/
The definition: to calm; to pacify
Example: The manager tried to placate the angry customer by
reducing the bill.
Synonym: appease; satisfy
Antonym: enrage; anger

Slake (v) /slāk/

The definition: 1. to satisfy; to quench
2. to make less intense
Example: 1) The exhausted workers slaked his thirst by
downing two glasses of lemonade.
2) Seeing someone else make the same mistake slake his embarrassment.

Synonym: 1) fulfil; please 2) diminish; mitigate

Antonym: intensify; amplify

Succumb (v) /sǝ kum´/

The definition: to submit reluctantly; to yield
Example: After weeks of constant bombing, the enemy
succumbed to our over-whelming force.
Synonym: give in; surrender
Antonym: withstand; resist

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023

Tranquil (adj) /trang´ kwǝl/
The definition: calm; peaceful
Example: Lonnie looked forward to a tranquil day of
gardening in the back yard.
Synonym: serene;gentle
Antonym: bustling; busy


Eavesdrop (v) /ēvz´ drop/

The definition: to listen secretly to private conversations
Example: Mike put his ear against the door and
eavesdropped on the parent-teacher conference.
Synonymonym: overhear; snoop
Antonym: ignore; avoid

Gaudy (adj) /gô´ dē/

The definition: tastelessly; extravagantly bright or showy
Example: The several flashy pieces of jewelry over her
dress made her look gaudy.
Synonym: flashy; extravagant; loud
Antonym: tasteful; elegant

Nominal (adj) /nom´ ə nəl/

The definition: 1) existing in name only
2) Insignificantly small; token
Example: 1) The nominal change to the rules pleased critics, but other than
restating what was already written, the change did nothing to the original
2) The non-profit charity writes letters asking for nominal donations.
Synonym: 1) supposed Antonym: 1) genuine; authentic
2) minimal; trivial 2) momentous; vast

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023

Pommel (v, n) /pom´ məl/
The definition: (v) to strike; to beat
(n) a knob on the handle of sword or weapon
Example: (v) The heavyweight boxers pommeled one
another with their meaty fists until neither man was
(n) The knight struck the ogre with the pommel of his sword.
Synonym: (v) batter; pound

Quibble (v, n) /kwib´ əl/

The definition: (v) to evade the main point by arguing
over petty detail
(n) an irrelevant argument
Example: (v) Darlene knew that she has been caught, but
when confronted about her crime, she quibbled in order to delay punishment.
(n) Except for one or two minor quibbles there was no opposition to the proposed
Synonym: (v) equivocate; hedge
Antonym: acknowledge; admit

Respite (n) /res´ pit/

The definition: a short rest or period of relief; delay
Example: The surgeon toiled without respite through the first
night of the battle.
Synonym: break; lull;recess

Rite (n) /rīt/

The definition: a customary or religious ceremonial act
Example: As a rite of passage to enter adulthood, the young
men in the tribe must survive in the wilderness for one full
Synonym: ritual; custom, ceremony

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023


Seismic (adj) /sīz´ mik/

The definition: pertaining to earthquakes or
vibrations of the earth
Example: The mildest seismic disturbance could
topple the condemned building.
Synonym: quivering: tremulous
Antonym: placid; fixed

Bizarre (adj) /bi zär´/

The definition: extremely unusual; very strange
Example: The bizarre behavior of the animals signaled that
something was wrong.
Synonym: unusual; weird
Antonym. ordinary; normal

Bungle (v) /bung´gəl/

The definition: to carry out (a task) clumsily or
incompetently; to ruin something Example: Kelvin was
fired after he bungled job and lost a valuable client.
Synonym: mess up; botch; mishandle
Antonym: manage; succeed

Deduce (v) /di dōōs´/

The definition: to conclude by reasoning; to infer
Example: After examining the clues at the crime scene,
the detective deduced that the death was accidental.
Synonym: presume;determine; understand
Antonym: misconstrue; disbelieve

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023

Loiter (v) /loi´tər/
The definition: to stand or wait around without apparent
Example: Some teenagers do nothing but loiter in front
of the arcade
Synonym: linger; dawdle; amble
Antonym: hurry; hasten

Obstinate (adj) /ob´ stə nit/

The definition: stubborn; (stubbornly adhering to
Example: It took ten minutes for the farmer to get the
obstinate cow cross the road.
Synonym: headstrong; inflexible
Antonym: obedient; compliant

Scrutinize (v) /skrōōt´ n īz/

The definition: to examine in great detail or thoroughly
Example: The board scrutinized the record of each applicant
before choosing one to receive the scholarship.
Synonym: study; inspect
Antonym: skim; browse


Vapid (adj) (vap´ id)

The definition: offering nothing that is stimulating or
challenging; bland
Example: The food critic claimed that the vapid main
course required additional spices.
Synonym: uninteresting; unexciting
Antonym: lively; exciting

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023

Viable (adj) /vī´ ə bəl/
The definition: capable of succeeding, working, or
Example: The escape plan may sound crazy, but it is
definitely viable.
Synonym: feasible; possible
Antonym: impossible; hopeless

Wane (v) /weīn/

The definition: to decrease gradually
Example: The moon wanes after a full moon.
Synonym: diminish; decline; contract
Antonym: grow; enlarge

Doleful (adj) /dōl´ fəl/

The definition: expressing sorrow; mournful
Example: Brian wore a doleful expression on the day of the
Synonym: sad; sorrowful
Antonym: cheerful; joyful

Duress (n) /dōō res´/

The definition: a threat of harm forcing someone to act against
his or her will
Example: The judge declared the confession inadmissible
because it was obtained while the suspect was under duress.
Synonym: pressure; coercion; force
Antonym: freedom; liberty

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023

Irk (v) /ûrk/
The definition: to irritate; annoy
Example: The customer’s loud cell phone conversation
irked everyone in the restaurant.
Synonym: vex; bother
Antonym: delight; soothe

Candour (n) /ˈkandə/

The definition: sincerity; honesty
Example: The executive wanted an assistant with
enough candor to admit that the company had
obvious weaknesses.
Syn: frankness; truthfulness
Ant: betrayal; deception


Ratify (v)
The definition: to approve formally; making it officially
Example: The town council decided to ratify the new bill
during the monthly meeting.
Synonym: authorize; endorse
Antonym: prohibit; revoke

Stagnate (v)
The definition: to become inactive or motionless
Example: Business will stagnate for companies that do
not advertise.
Synonym: idle; cease
Antonym: flourish; grow

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023

Subordinate (adj, n)
The definition: adj . of lower importance or rank
n. a person under the authority or control of another
within an organization.
Example: (adj) The subordinate officer receives her orders
from the commander.
(n) As manager, Hector has five subordinates to train and
Synonym: (adj) dependent; lesser
Antonym: superior; chief; senior
Synonym: (n) assistant; deputy
Antonym: boss; leader

Talon (n)
The definition: a claw, especially one belonging to a bird of
Example: The rabbit could not escape the eagle’s talons.
Synonym: nail; hook

Taut (adj)
The definition: stretched or pulled tight; not slack
Ex / Taut ropes ensured the circus tent did not
blow away
Synonym: firm; tightened
Antonym: loose; slack Subordinate

Badger (v)
The definition: repeatedly ask (someone) to do
something; to annoy
Example: the bear cubs badgered their mother for

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023

Synonym: nag; pester
Antonym: delight; please

Elapse (v)
The definition: (of time) pass or go by
Example: Barely one hour had elapsed before police
caught the burglar.
Synonym: slip by
Antonym: occurring; pending


Convalesce (v)
The definition: to recover one's health and strength over a
period of time after an illness or medical treatment
Example: Tom had a long period to convalesce after the car
Synonym: improve; rehabilitate
Antonym: weaken; deteriorate

Dainty (adj)
The definition: delicately small and pretty or charming
Example: Eileen stores her dainty crystal figurines in a
glass display case, away from her children’s curious hands.
Synonym: fragile; elegant; pretty
Antonym: ungainly; undiscriminating

Feint (v, n) /feɪnt/

The definition: (v) make a deceptive or distracting
movement, especially during a fight
(n) a deceptive or pretended blow, thrust, or other
movement, especially in boxing

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023

Ex / (v) The boxer feinted to the right to throw his opponent off guard, and then
struck him with a sharp left hook.
(n) The swordsman did not fall for the villain’s feint.
Synonym: (v) fake; bluff
(n) cheat; facade

Implore (v) /ɪmˈplɔː/

The definition: to beg
Example: Theresa implored the king to spare her
brother, who was caught spying.
Synonym: entreat; plead
Antonym: order; command

Impugn (v) /ɪmˈpjuːn/

The definition: to attack as false; to cast doubt on
Example: The prosecutor impugned the defendant's
alibi at every available opportunity.
Synonym: contradict; oppose
Antonym: support; defend

Jurisdiction (n) /ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃ(ə)n/

The definition: (1) The authority to interpret and
apply the law
(2) The geographical range of an authority
Example: (1) The state trooper does not have the
jurisdiction to arrest people in the neighboring state.
(2)The suspect escaped punishment by fleeing the the
detective’s jurisdiction. Synonym: (1) power; rule;
Synonym: (2) scope; reach

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023

Meddle (v) /ˈmɛd(ə)l/
The definition: to intrude in the business of others; interfere
in something that is not one's concern
Example: Thompson told his children not to meddle in the
affairs of strangers.
Synonym: pry; snoop
Antonym: ignore; overlook

HCC: Ms. Linda 2022-2023

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