Icssiet 2023 Abstract Book
Icssiet 2023 Abstract Book
Icssiet 2023 Abstract Book
Prof. Dr. Beatriz Lucia SALVADOR BIZOTTO
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
Publishing Date: 27.02.2023
All rights of this book belong to Global Academy Publishing House. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored, retrieved system, ortransmitted, in any form or by any means,
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©Copyright February, 2023
Certificate No: 64419 Global Academy Publishing House
The individual essays remain the intellectual properties of the contributors. All papers published in this
abstract book have been peer reviewed.
Prof. Dr. Beatriz Lucia SALVADOR BIZOTTO
Centro Universitário Unifacvest/Brazil
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress on Social Sciences, Innovation and Educational Technologies
21-22 February 2023 (Paris/France)
With 49 papers-73 academics/researchers from 13 countries:
Papers: Malaysia: 4, China: 2, Türkiye: 22, Brazil: 2, Indonesia:2, Pakistan: 4, Philippines: 3, Thailand: 1
Italy:1, India:3, Nigeria:2, Azerbaijan:4 Germany: 1
21 February 2023 4 st International Congress on Social Sciences, Innovation and Educational Technologies
Tuesday 21-22 February 2023 (Paris/France)
09:50-10:00 21 February 2023
10:00 a.m. Istanbul
Zoom Meeting
Topic: 4. ICSSIET 2023 21.02.2023
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 689 470 5771
Passcode: 3bJ4VK
Prof. Dr. Beatriz Lucia SALVADOR BIZOTTO, Centro Universitário Unifacvest/BRAZIL
21 February 2023 Keynote Speakers
Tuesday Prof. Dr. Joanna Paliszkiewicz- Warsaw University of Life Sciences -Management Institute/Poland
10:00-12:00 Assoc.Prof. Elshan Ahmadov-The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the
Republic of Azerbaijan
Assoc. Prof. Hemant Kumar Gianey-NMIMS University, India
Assist. Prof. JOANNA ROSAK-SZYROCKA-Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Dr. Aijaz A. Shaikh- Postdoc Researcher, University of Jyväskylä/ Finland
Dr. Mönica Mastrantonio, PhD in Social Psychology, visiting professor at the University of York
(UK), guest researcher at the University of Giessen (Germany)
Coordinators of the Congress
Assist. Prof. Enkeleda Lulaj, PhD University Haxhi Zeka Kosovo/Kosovo
Rizki Amalia YANUARTHA- NAU, Malaysia
12:00-13:00 Coffee Break- Lunch
Note: (ICSSIET/ 4. ICSSIET 2023) congress sessions are to be recorded in accordance to the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) and Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu (KVKK). By joining the congress sessions, you automatically consent to such
recordings. If you do not consent to being recorded, discuss your concerns with the ICSSIET Congress host.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
Room-I 21 February 2023 Tuesday Moderator
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
Tuesday, 21 February 2023 Room I
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
23. Savaş Pamuk-Online Distance Teacher Education: A Preliminary Review Study (TÜRKİYE)
24. Dr. Emre Bekir Güven-Alman Edebiyatının Seçilmiş Metinlerinde Eğitim (TÜRKİYE)
25. Farwa Naseem -Ph.D. Scholar, (Mass Communication)Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan,
KPK/Pakistan, Effects of Online Games on Student’s Health, Academic Performance and Social
Behaviour (PAKISTAN)
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
Wednesday, 22 February 2023
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
Wednesday, 22 February 2023: Room-II
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
20. Prof. Ayşe Melek Özyetgin & Lale Yesilova-Features Attributed to Proper Nouns in Nevādirü'l-
21. Assoc. Prof. Ahmed Aldyab-Phonetic rhetoric in the Qur'an (TÜRKİYE)
22. Assoc. Prof. Ahmed Aldyab-Approaches to the descriptive analytical method in linguistics
23. Emil Raul oğlu Ağayev- Methodology of Teaching Azerbaijan Art in the IX Class Fine Art
Textbook (Azerbaijan)
24. Dr. Monica Mastrantonio-Imaginable Futures: A psychosocial study on future expectations and
Anthropocene (Germany)
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
Number Author(s) Title Page(s)
Kendi Kendine Liderlik Davranışının Yaşam Boyu Öğrenmeye
Etkisinde Yaratıcı Kişilik Özelliklerinin Aracılık Rolü/The
21 Lecturer Mustafa Altıntaş 35-36
Mediating Role of Creative Personality Traits in the Effect of
Self-Leadership Behavior on Lifelong Learning
Assoc. Prof. Özcan Özel Eğitim Öğretmen Adaylarının Bazı Değişkenlere Göre
Karaaslan Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi Düzeyleri/Technological
22 37-38
Bora Akdemir Pedagogical Content Knowledge Levels of Special Education
Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Yavuz Teacher Candidates According to Some Variables
Methodology of Teaching Azerbaijan Art in the IX Class Fine
23 Emil Raul oğlu Ağayev 39
Art Textbook
Atacan Garip
24 The Critical Success Factors for Data Governance Process 40
Assoc. Prof. Vildan Ateş
Hikmat G. Hasanov Basic Principles for Building Network for Wireless Electric
25 41
Ismayil Zeynalov Power Distribution
Acil Uzaktan Öğretim’den Nitelikli Açık ve Uzaktan Öğrenme
Uygulamalarına Geçiş Önerileri/Key Factors Enabling to Move
26 Dr. Hakan Genç 42-43
from Emergency Remote Teaching to Quality Open and
Distance Learning Practices
EZE Benneth Uchenna (PhD)
WAHAB Nurudeen Opeyemi
OJO Olanipekun James
27 (PhD) Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Msmes Survival in Nigeria 44-45
ERIGBE Patience
EKECHI Festus (PhD)
Effects of Game-Based Learning Approach on Students’
28 John Marie E. Malco Academic Performance in Edukasyonsa Pagpapakatao in the 46
Schools Division of City of Malolos
Eğitim Alanında Kültürel Miras Eğitimiyle İlgili Yapılan
Lisansüstü Çalışmaların Değerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of
29 Dr. Onur Batmaz 47
Postgraduate Studies on Cultural Heritage Education in the Field
of Education
Assoc. Prof. Aybegüm Online Shopping Behavior of Gen Z Consumers during the
30 48
Güngördü Belbağ COVID-19 Pandemic
Opinions of Mathematics Teacher Candidates on Subject Field
31 Assoc. Prof. Fatma Cumhur 49
Muhammad Touseef
Developing the Inventory Policies with the application of ABC
32 Abdullah Shahzad 50
Categorization: The case of Footware Industry
Assis. Prof. Ijaz Yusuf
Big Data Analytics in Forecasting Voters’ Sentiment Vis-À-Vis
Megat Al Imran Yasin
33 Decision Making in Future General Elections and By-Elections 51
MA Zukri Valenteno
in Malaysia Post-2021
Assis. Prof. Ijaz Yusuf Maroa Unveiling the structures of HIV and Recommended Policy
34 52
Alkamel Levers
Megat Al Imran Yasin The Implementation of Medical Assistance Fund System in
35 53
Mathew James Lidi Ministry of Health Malaysia
PhD,JEFFERY DON- Communication and Organizational Change (A study on
36 54-55
CHIMA,FESTUS Christopher university, Mowe)
Employment Policies toward disabled persons and its potential
37 Selahattin AYDIN, Ph.D. 56
impacts on the social perception of disability in Türkiye
Environmental problems of improving the water supply of the
38 Ulkar Kh. Mahmudova 57
population in Azerbaijan
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
Number Author(s) Title Page(s)
Orta Doğuda Bölgesel Kilit Güvenlik Sorunları/ Main Regional
39 Khalida Malikova 58
Security Problems in the Middle East
MSc Rejane Dutra
40 Playfulness in Education 59
Dr. Arceloni Neusa Volpato Professional Training School for the 20th Century: Skills And
41 60
Dr Ines Staub Araldi Competencies Required with Technology
Sheila L. Gabriel
Jose Y. Trencio Towards the Development of the Food Tourism Program of
42 61
Kevin B. Arbolado CaMaNaVa
Alex Cortez
43 Assoc. Prof. Fatma Cumhur Mentoring in Developing Questioning Behaviors 62
Prof. Ayşe Melek Özyetgin Nevādīrü’l-Emsāl’de Özel Adlara Atfedilen Özellikler/ Features
44 63-64
Lale Yesilova Attributed to Proper Nouns in Nevādirü'l-Emsāl
45 Assoc. Prof. Ahmed Aldyab Phonetic Rhetoric in the Qur'an 65
46 Assoc. Prof. Ahmed Aldyab Approaches to the Descriptive Analytical Method in Linguistics 66
Attitude Towards Web Based Learning and the Usage of
47 Dr. Velankanni Alex 67
Technology among the Higher Secondary School
The Effectiveness of Adapted Instructional Material for the
Dr. Gurugubelli
48 Higher Secondary School Children with Visual İmpairment of 68
Jaganmohana Rao
Teaching Science in the Inclusive Education Program
Imaginable Futures: A Psychosocial Study on Future
49 Dr. Monica Mastrantonio 69
Expectations and Anthropocene
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
This study aims to determine the factors that influence the growth of cooperative capital. This
research is a qualitative descriptive study in which researchers want to describe the situation and
conditions of the factors influencing capital growth in the Fresh Farmers Cooperative
cooperative. The research was conducted at Koperasi Unit Desa Tani Fresh with a total of 4
subjects or informants, namely the chairman, secretary, treasurer, and one of the employee
representatives. The findings show that the factors that influence the growth of cooperative
capital are the level of education and the level of unified income management; the interviews
that took place in the field show that the credit crunch and electricity fees also influence the
development of suitable money, and at some point if the price of fruit is too low or goes down so
that it can affect the outcome of cooperative capital. It is recommended that all unified
management pay attention to the factors that affect suitable means so that the story of
collaborative money develops well, the management or cooperative and all parties related to
providing loans to cooperatives to be able to work together in credit settlement so that bad debts
do not occur.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Reading extensively in both one's native language and the target language is the most essential
aspect of strengthening one's reading abilities, according to a study of the reading techniques
and extensive reading practises of students of English as a foreign language. Reading in one's
native language is the most significant aspect of improving one's reading abilities, just as
reading in the target language is the most important component. When children engage in
considerable reading, they acquire a strong desire to read more since the activity offers them a
wealth of background knowledge, language comprehension, and other advantages. In addition,
it lays the foundation for quick reading, the development of reading strategies by children, and
a greater ability to infer the context of sentences. [Bibliography required] In addition, it creates
the foundation for rapid reading, the development of reading techniques by children, and a
greater ability to anticipate the context of a phrase.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Ş.F.Ü. Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi
Amasya, Türkiye
Günümüzde eğitim anlayışı, bireysel öğrenmenin farkında olan ve herhangi bir ortama bağlı
kalmadan öğrenebilen bireyler yetiştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Teknolojinin hızla geliştiği
dünyada çoğu zaman verilen bilgilerin yetersiz kalması yaşam boyu öğrenme becerilerini
zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Teknolojinin hızlı gelişimi eğitim programlarını da etkilemiş,
eğitimde dijital dönüşüm yaşanmış, bireysel öğrenmeyi, araştırmayı, merak duygusunu ve
keşfetmeyi zorunlu kılmıştır. Mobil öğrenme sayesinde; tablet bilgisayar ve akıllı telefonlar
kullanarak bilgiye istedikleri yerde ve zamanda ulaşabilirler. Tüm bu gelişmelerin yanında
bireylerin mental iyi oluş yani psikolojik düzeyleri de dikkate alınmalıdır. Mobil öğrenmenin
günümüzde önem kazanırken psikolojik iyi oluş düzeyleriyle de ilgilenilmelidir. Bu
çalışmanın amacı salgın sürecinde zorunlu hale gelen dijital dönüşüm sürecinde mobil
öğrenme ve mental iyi oluş arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır. Araştırmamızda yaş ve cinsiyet
betimleyici sorular ile Warwick-Edinburgh mental iyi oluş ölçeği ve mobil öğrenme tutum
ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmamızda veri analizlerine baktığımızda; m öğrenmeyi kullanan
bireyler mobil bilgi düzeyi yeni nesil teknolojik cihazlara sahip olma durumunu olumlu yönde
etkilemektedir. Araştırmada m-öğrenmeye ilişkin tutum puanları arttığında, mental iyi oluş
düzeyine ilişkin puanlar da artmaktadır. Ortaokul öğrencilerinin mobil öğrenme için
kullandığı cihazı, kişisel gelişimi ve yaratıcılığı için kullandığını ifade etmektedir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Eğitimde Dijital Dönüşüm, Mobil Öğrenme, Mental İyi Oluş, Uzaktan
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Today, the understanding of education aims to raise individuals who are aware of
individual learning and can learn without being tied to any environment. In the world where
technology is developing rapidly, the inadequacy of the information given most of the time
has made lifelong learning skills necessary. The rapid development of technology has also
affected education programs, digital transformation has been experienced in education, and
individual learning, research, sense of curiosity and discovery have been made compulsory.
Thanks to mobile learning; They can access information wherever and whenever they want by
using tablet computers and smart phones. In addition to all these developments, mental well-
being, that is, psychological levels of individuals, should also be taken into account. While
mobile learning gains importance today, psychological well-being levels should also be
addressed. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between mobile learning and
mental well-being in the digital transformation process, which has become mandatory in the
epidemic process. Age and gender descriptive questions, Warwick-Edinburgh mental well-
being scale and mobile learning attitude scale were used in our research. When we look at the
data analysis in our research; The level of mobile knowledge of individuals using mobile
learning positively affects the state of having new generation technological devices. In the
study, when the attitude scores towards mobile learning increase, the scores related to the
level of mental well-being also increase. Secondary school students use the device they use
for mobile learning for their personal development and creativity.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Girişimcilik, ürün ve hizmetlerin üretimi için üretim faktörlerinin bir araya getirilerek,
ekonomik fırsatların yeni değerlere dönüştürüldüğü bir iş modeli ve stratejisidir. Tüm dünyada
ülkelerin hem yenilikçilik ekosisteminin gelişmesinde hem de ekonomik kalkınmasında itici
güçlerinden birisi olarak kabul edilen girişimcilik ülkemizin de en önemli gelişme
eksenlerinden birini oluşturmaktadır. Bu nedenle hazırlanan ulusal ve bölgesel kalkınma
planlarında, strateji ve eylem planlarında girişimcilik vizyon, gelişme ekseni ve strateji olarak
yer almaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı bölgesel kalkınma ajansları tarafından hazırlanan bölge
kalkınma planlarının girişimcilik perspektifinden analizini yapmaktır. Yapılan bu araştırma ile
ülkemizdeki 26 kalkınma ajansının 2010-2013 ve 2014-2023 dönemlerine ait 52 bölge
kalkınma planı girişimcilik açısından betimsel içerik analizi yöntemi ile bütüncül bir yaklaşımla
değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma neticesinde kalkınma ajanslarının bölge kalkınma planlarında
girişimciliğin gelişmesi ve yaygınlaşmasına yönelik hedef, tedbir ve stratejilere geniş yer
verildiği tespit edilmiştir. Kalkınma ajanslarınca girişimcilik özelinde hazırlanan strateji
belgeleri, eylem planları, mali destek programları ve kurumsal faaliyetler ülkemiz girişimcilik
ekosisteminin gelişmesine önemli katkı sağlayacağı değerlendirilmektedir.
Entrepreneurship Perspective
Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı, İpekyolu Kalkınma Ajansı Genel Sekreteri
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
all over the world, constitutes one of the most important development axes of our country. For
this reason, entrepreneurship is included as a vision, development axis and strategy in national
and regional development plans, strategies and action plans. The aim of the study is to analyze
the regional development plans prepared by regional development agencies from the
perspective of entrepreneurship. In this research, 52 regional development plans of 26
development agencies in our country for the periods 2010-2013 and 2014-2023 were evaluated
with a holistic approach with descriptive content analysis method in terms of entrepreneurship.
As a result of the study, it has been determined that the development agencies have given wide
coverage to the objectives, measures and strategies for the development and expansion of
entrepreneurship in the regional development plans. It is considered that the strategy
documents, action plans, financial support programs and corporate activities prepared by the
development agencies for entrepreneurship will contribute significantly to the development of
the entrepreneurship ecosystem of our country.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
2013 yılında büyük oranda Avrupa Birliği tarafından finanse edilen bir proje olarak başlatılan
İnsan Beyni Projesi (Human Brain Project - HBP), Avrupa'nın en büyük beyin araştırmaları
projesidir. 2023 itibarıyla son yılına giren projenin EBRAINS adlı araştırma altyapısı ise
HBP'nin küresel bilimsel ilerlemeye kalıcı bir katkısı olarak bilim dünyasına açık kalacaktır.
Önceki çalışmaları devralan EBRAINS; nörobilim, teknoloji ve tıp çevresindeki topluluklar
için büyük veri analitiği, simülasyon, robotik ve yapay zeka araçlarıyla insan beyni üzerine
kapsamlı bir atlas ve veri tabanı oluşturacaktır. Bu araştırma ve teknolojiler için ortaya çıkan
uygulama sahalarından biri ise bu çalışmanın konusuna dahil olan, hasta beyinlerinin
modellenmesi için yeni bir platform, günümüzde klinik deneylerde yürütülmektedir.
EBRAINS Tıbbi Bilişim Platformu (Medical Informatics Platform - MIP), Avrupa genelinde
yaklaşık 30 adet kliniğe kurulmuş olan bir dijital altyapıdır. Tıbbi Bilişim Platformu, dünya
çapındaki hastane ve araştırma merkezlerinin tıbbi veri paylaşımına imkan sunan açık
kaynaklı küresel bir altyapı olarak işleyecektir. Nörobilim araştırması, klinik araştırma ve
hasta bakımı arasında köprü görevi görmek suretiyle, daha iyi teşhis ve tedavi süreçleri için
insan beyni üzerine bilgi üretmek yönünde ortak altyapı ve araçlar kurulmaktadır. EBRAINS'i
küresel araştırma ve uygulama ortamına daha fazla entegre ederek toplum yararına ilerlemeler
sağlamak hedeflenmektedir. Bilim ve teknolojinin toplumsal değişimdeki etkisini dikkate
aldığımızda; bu türden bir tıbbi dönüşümü anlamlandırabilmek, günümüz dünyasının dijital
biçimlenişi üzerine bir yaklaşım imkanı sunabilir. O nedenle, organik sinir ağlarından yapay
sinir ağlarına, tıbbi platform ağlarından toplum sağlığı ağlarına kadar uzanmakta olan bu tıbbi
dönüşümün nasıl bir toplumsal perspektif üretebileceği bu çalışmada sorunsallaştırılmaktadır.
Bu sorunsal vasıtasıyla; toplum sağlığı bakımından teşhis-tedavi süreçlerini yenileyebilecek
ve daha geniş çapta ise yeni yaşam ve modelleme ağlarına atıfta bulunabilecek olan bu
dönüşümün, halihazırda dijitalleşmekte olan toplum üzerinde oluşturabileceği etkiyi
kavrayabilmek amaçlanmaktadır. HBP ve EBRAINS platformuna ait dokümanların ve ilgili
teknik ve sosyal bilim literatürünün taranması suretiyle konu incelenmiştir. Örnek olarak
sunulan tıbbi dönüşümün ve bunun diğer projelerle genişlemesinin, gelişmekte olan dijital
perspektife eklemlenmesi sayesinde, esas olarak toplum sağlığı olgusunun önümüzdeki
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
süreçte insanlar ve makinalar arasında bir etkileşim ağı halinde, güçlü bir sosyal etmen
olacağına işaret edilebilir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Nörobilim, İnsan Beyni Projesi, Teknolojik Ağlar, Dijitalleşme, Toplum
The Human Brain Project (HBP), which was initiated in 2013 as a project highly funded by
the European Union, is Europe's largest brain research project. As HBP enters its final year
by 2023, the research infrastructure called EBRAINS will remain open to the scientific world
as a permanent contribution of HBP to global scientific progress. EBRAINS, which takes over
the previous work, will create a comprehensive atlas and database on the human brain with
big data analytics, simulation, robotics and artificial intelligence tools for communities around
neuroscience, technology and medicine. One of the emerging application fields for these
research and technologies is a new platform for modeling patient brains, which is included in
the subject of this study, is currently being carried out in clinical trials. EBRAINS Medical
Informatics Platform (MIP) is a digital infrastructure installed in approximately 30 clinics
across Europe. The Medical Informatics Platform will operate as an open source global
infrastructure that enables medical data sharing of hospitals and research centers worldwide.
By acting as a bridge between neuroscience research, clinical research and patient care,
common infrastructure and tools are being established to generate knowledge on the human
brain for better diagnosis and treatment processes. It is aimed to make progress for the benefit
of society by further integrating EBRAINS into the global research and practice environment.
When we consider the impact of science and technology on social change, being able to make
sense of such a medical transformation may offer an approach to the digital formation of
today's world. Therefore, this study problematizes how this medical transformation, which
extends from organic neural networks to artificial neural networks, from medical platform
networks to community health networks, can produce a social perspective. Through this
problematic it is aimed to grasp the impact that this transformation, which can renew the
diagnosis-treatment processes in terms of community health and refer more broadly to new
living and modeling networks, can have on the society that is already digitalizing.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
The subject is examined by reviewing the documents of the HBP and EBRAINS platform and
the relevant technical and social science literature. Thanks to the articulation of the medical
transformation presented as an example and its expansion with other projects to the developing
digital perspective, it can be pointed out that the phenomenon of community health will be a
strong social factor in the coming period as an interaction network between humans and
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Okul Öncesi Öğretmenlerinin Epistemolojik İnançları ile Medya
Okuryazarlık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Şirin Yılmaz1
Bu çalışmanın amacı, okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin epistemolojik inançları ile medya okuryazarlığı
düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve çeşitli değişkenlerle - öğretmenlerin cinsiyet ve görev yaptıkları okul
türü (devlet okulu / özel okul)- arasındaki ilişkinin ortaya konulmasıdır. Bu amaçlar
doğrultusunda, bu çalışmada nicel ve nitel yöntemler bir arada bulunduğu karma yöntem
benimsenmiştir. Araştırmaya 2021-2022 eğitim-öğretim yılı güz yarıyılında İstanbul Pendik
ilçesinde bulunan, bağımsız özel kurumlarda ve Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na (MEB) bağlı devlet
kurumlarında görev yapmakta olan okul öncesi öğretmenleri katılmıştır. Araştırmada yer alan okul
öncesi öğretmenlerine Epistemolojik İnançlar Ölçeği (EİÖ) ve Medya Okuryazarlık Ölçeği
uygulanmış ve bu ölçekten aldıkları puanlara göre üç alt gruba (alt-orta-üst) ayrılmışlardır. Alt,
orta ve üst örneklemde yer alan katılımcılardan 2’şer katılımcı seçilerek, toplam 6 katılımcı ile yarı
yapılandırılmış görüşme sorularına yanıt alınmış ve epistemolojik inanç ve medya okuryazarlığına
ilişkin görüşleri nitel olarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının ölçeklerden
aldığı sonuçlar incelendiğinde; katılımcıların epistemolojik inanç ölçeğinden aldıkları ortalama
puanının, ölçeğin ortalama puanına çok yakın olduğu görülmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Epistemolojik İnançlar, Medya Okuryazarlığı, Okul Öncesi Eğitimi, Okul
Öncesi Öğretmenleri.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
The aim of this study is to reveal the relationship between the epistemological beliefs of preschool
teachers and their media literacy levels. Another aim is to determine the epistemological beliefs
and media literacy levels of preschool teachers, and to determine whether there is a significant
difference in terms of variables such as teachers' gender and the type of school they work in (state
/ private school). In line with these purposes, a mixed method, which combines quantitative and
qualitative methods, has been adopted in this study. Preschool teachers who are still working in
independent private institutions and state institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National
Education in Istanbul Pendik district in the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year were
included in this research. The Epistemological Beliefs Scale (EBS) and the Media Literacy Scale
were applied to the preschool teachers who took part in the study, and they were divided into three
subgroups (lower-middle-upper) according to the scores they got from this scale. Semi-structured
interview questions were answered with a total of 6 participants, and their views on
epistemological beliefs and media literacy were qualitatively compared. When the results obtained
by the preschool teachers from the scales are examined; it is seen that the average score of the
participants from the epistemological belief scale is very close to the average score of the scale. It
is seen that the average score of the participants from the media literacy scale is higher than the
average score of the scale. However, according to the results obtained from the two scales, it was
concluded that the epistemological belief levels and media literacy levels of the female participants
were higher than the males, and that the epistemological belief levels and media literacy levels of
the participants working in private schools were lower than those working in public schools. The
results were evaluated in the light of the relevant literature and analysis.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Introducing picture story books to children may be a normal and very natural thing for adults to
do. Picture story books are meant to introduce the learning process through a fun way of
phenomenal children's tales, one of which is contemporary children literature. Through Bayer's
contemporary children literature theory analysis, there are several core aspects that become points
of analysis in every contemporary story; social justice and crime, writing back history, and
postmodern and genre. Children's stories within the scope of the contemporary genre provide more
learning in the social, historical and cultural spheres for the little ones starting from an early age
which will help them grow and develop to become individuals with a good social sense in society.
Apart from that, there are also moral messages that can be a lesson for parents and adults who
guide the course of the story so that contemporary children's literature in the form of a picture book
becomes a good place for learning and interpretation for all people to learn lessons from it.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Farah Deeba
This research is directed to establish the artistic theory with the students in education and to
elaborate the advancement of idea to work of art in understanding and developing knowledge and
to boost up the creative and skill side of the students aesthetically. The present research is
following comparative analysis among different institutes by which the employment of aesthetic
approach to students and their teaching methodologies and to identify the creative methods for use
of aesthetics in education. Noteworthy outcomes observed in this research analysis. Students with
multiple thoughts were interested in various curriculum activities. Aesthetic concept proved
beneficial to develop student’s skills with art education. Impulsive attitude in student lives have
been discussed with different approaches, education sectors promote aesthetics to create the sense
of analyzing and understanding of cultural values and to develop art education with aesthetic
perceptions, modified methodologies are required.
Keywords: aesthetic theory, comparative analysis, aesthetic approach, perception, art education.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
The aim of this study is to identify the prevalence of participants in physical activities, the
motivation needed by the students to engage in the activity, challenges encountered by the
implementors, health benefits, and recommendations and suggestions needed for the improvement
of the implementation. Using Arksey and O’Malley’s (2005) scoping review framework, a
systematic analysis of the data of different articles was conducted. It was found out that the
implementation of active recreational activities offers different health benefits to the youth,
physical literacy and orientation and motivation played a vital role in the implementation of the
recreational activities. Therefore, the implementation of the active recreational activities must be
strengthened in schools not just for the sake of participation but because they are motivated to.
And the engagement of these activities must not only limit to school grounds but also engaged
even at home and in the community.
Keywords: Active Recreational Activities; Physical Education and Recreation; Active Recreation.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
This article investigates the implementation of the "Optimal Strategic Performance Positioning
(OSPP) Matrix" (Kipley et al., 2012), which evaluates the interconnectedness of four factors:
"Strategic Posture," "Strategic Investment," "Future Competitive Position," and "Future Industry
Prospects." The values/results of these variables are assessed and used to determine the company's
positioning within the matrix.
To assess the firm's position in relation to the "optimal strategic position" and provide a stock rating,
the stock analyst can plot the values/results of the four variables on a matrix. This allows the analyst
to determine whether the firm's position is optimal, suboptimal, or nonviable.
Based on the firm's position on the matrix, the stock analyst can rate the company's shares as either
buy, neutral, or sell. If the firm's position is in the optimal strategic position, the shares may be rated
as a buy. If the firm's position is suboptimal, the shares may be rated as neutral. If the firm's position
is nonviable, the shares may be rated as a sell.
By comparing the stock rating generated by the "optimal strategic position" approach to the one
produced by traditional financial analysis, analysts can identify significant validations or
discrepancies that equity investors can act on. This comparison can provide meaningful insights into
the firm's performance and potential, helping investors make more informed investment decisions.
Keywords: Optimal Strategic Performance Positioning (OSPP) Matrix, Strategic Posture, Strategic
Investment, Future Competitive Position, Future Industry Prospects, shares, stocks, stock financial
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Akdeniz University
Antalya, Turkey
The aim of this study is to examine the contributions of research on online distance teacher
education and to reveal their interrelationships using a bibliometric approach. In addition, it is to
provide detailed information to researchers so that they can conduct research on the subject. The
data used in the research were obtained from 98 articles in the Web of Science (WOS) database.
Text-based mapping and bibliometric data-based analysis were used for online distance teacher
education. Within the scope of this analysis, the VOSviewer software program was used to obtain
network maps and density graphs of countries, organizations, sources, authors, and citations. In
this way, with the application of bibliometric methods and techniques, important authors,
organizations, countries and outlines have been determined for those who will work on online
distance teacher education. According to the results of the research, universities in the African
continent have done more studies on this subject. It was also determined that the authors who
contributed the most to the field were Van Wyk, Barquero, Blignaut, and the most cited authors
were Garrison, Anderson, Darling-Hammond, Moore and Perraton. The prominent concepts
according to the word network analysis; teaching strategies and learners, distance education and
information technologies, prospective teachers and collaboration, science, mathematics and
teacher education. In this context, the results of the analysis are a guide for those who want to work
in this field.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Siirt University
Edebiyatın, topluma ait olguları malzeme olarak kullanmasını oldukça derin bir geçmişe
dayandırmak mümkündür. Bu malzemelerden biri de hiç kuşkusuz eğitimdir. Eğitimin geniş
çevrelerce tartışılmadığı, diğer disiplinlere konu edilmediği bir coğrafya bulmak güçtür. Eğitimin
tematik materyal olarak kullanılmasına ise edebi yapıtlarda sıkça denk gelmek mümkündür.
Özellikle edebiyatın kurmaca metinlerine eğitim, nitelikli bir kaynak sunmaktadır.
Alman edebiyatının veya Almanca edebiyatın Robert Musil, Heinrich Mann ve Ödon von Horvath
gibi isimleri, eğitimi bazı yapıtlarında eğitimi tematik merkeze oturtmuştur. Bu çalışmada Öğrenci
Törless’in Bunalımları, Profesör Unrat ve Allahsız Gençlik gibi seçilmiş metinlerde
eğitim/pedagoji ele alınmaktadır. Bu metinler üzerinden eğitimin edebiyatta nasıl yer bulduğunun
yanı sıra, eğitimin toplumca nasıl ele alındığının ortaya koyulması amaçlanmaktadır.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Alman edebiyatı, Eğitim, Robert Musil, Heinrich Mann, Ödon von Horvath,
Öğrenci Törless’in Bunalımları, Profesör Unrat, Allahsız Gençlik.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
It is possible to trace literature's use of social phenomena as material to a very deep history. One
of these materials is undoubtedly education. It is difficult to find a geography where education is
not discussed by wide circles and is not subject to other disciplines. The use of education as a
thematic material can often be encountered in literary works.
Education to fictional texts, in particular, offers a qualified resource. Figures of German literature
or German literature such as Robert Musil, Heinrich Mann, and Ödon von Horvath placed
education at the thematic center in some of their works. In this study, education/pedagogy is
discussed in selected texts such as Student Törless's Crises, Professor Unrat and Godless Youth.
Through these texts, it is aimed to reveal how education finds a place in literature as well as how
education is handled by society.
Keywords: German literature, Education, Robert Musil, Heinrich Mann, Ödon von Horvath,
Student Törless's Crises, Professor Unrat, Godless Youth.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
This study was created to look into how playing online games affects students' social interactions,
health, and academic achievement. The studies' goals are to examine the demographics of students
who use the Internet for online gaming, the frequency of use, the types of online games that
students most frequently play the amount of time and money that students and the amount of time
respondents spend playing games online, how it affects their children's health and academic
performance, and more. To examine the belongings of online gaming on students' academic
presentation, health, and social behaviour, a hypothesis was developed. Students from Dera Ismail
Khan's Gomel University were chosen as a sample using a simple random process. In order to
analyse the data, SPSS Version 21 is used.
Keywords: Online games, use of internet, media role, social behaviour, student’s health.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Using data and breast cancer image datasets from validated open source data stores;
investigative and comparative analyses were carried out on common X-ray Mammography
techniques in relation to breast cancer diagnosis and treatments for Women; as well as
optimization analyses using Electronic engineering principles and Artificial Intelligence
principles on the quality, intensity, radiation photon energy, HVL(Half Value Layer), Tube
current-time product, Metal filters properties (e.g. K-edge energy cut off), and classification
validation accuracy of the X-ray Mammography properties, procedure, processes and systems.
The methodical and data-driven analyses were carried out using the following Data, Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Electronic Engineering, methodologies and algorithms: Data Analytics,
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in Machine Learning (ML) Engineering, and X-ray-
Impedance Circuit Composite System Analysis.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
improve in efficiency when set up with the appropriate metal filter combination(s). Furthermore,
the electronic impedance circuit shows good promise in the intelligent reduction of X-ray
radiation intensity and further variations in energy; which is needed for a safer and quality X-ray
Mammography procedure. Additionally, an interesting estimation of the number of pooling
layers needed to achieve a quality metric for breast cancer image classification was investigated
and proposed.
Data, AI and Technological processes, techniques and systems are shown to be a promising
contributor to medical science; and will no doubt create huge collaborative and multidisciplinary
solutions needed for more efficient, effective and safer diagnoses and treatments of breast cancer
for Women and also potentially other forms of cancer.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Çukurova Üniversitesi,
Adana, Türkiye
Çukurova Üniversitesi,
Adana, Türkiye
Eleştirel düşünme, tüm bireyler için hayatın içinde kullanılması önerilen önemli bir beceridir.
Rehber öğretmenlerin öğrencilerine yönelik problem çözme, mantıksal çıkarımlar yapma,
karar verme ve yol gösterme gibi önemli bir görevi varken eleştirel düşünmenin sağlayacağı
fayda kaçınılmazdır. Açık, doğru, kesin ve derinlik gibi özellikler ile bilginin standardının
belirlenmesinin o bilginin amacı, varsayımı, uygulaması, sonucu ve bilgiye yönelik bakış açısı
gibi özelliklerine sahip rehber öğretmenlerin tüm yönleriyle görüşme yaptıkları öğrencilerine
yardımcı olmasına olanak sağlayacaktır. Rehber öğretmenlerin okullarda öğrenciler ile
yaptıkları görüşmelerde eleştirel düşünmeyi hangi düzeyde kullandıklarına yönelik
görüşlerinin incelendiği bu araştırma rehber öğretmenlerin eleştirel düşünmeye ilişkin bakış
açılarını ortaya çıkarma açısından da önem arz etmektedir.
Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmış olup çalışma grubunu 10 rehber öğretmen
oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada veriler yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla görüşme
tekniği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler içerik analizi ile çözümlenmiştir.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
çıkmıştır. Rehber öğretmenlerin eleştirel düşünmenin bir ders olarak alınmasına yönelik
görüşleri ele alındığında katılımcıların %60 oranında eleştirel düşünmeyi bir ders olarak
programlarda yer almasının gerekli olduğunu ifade etmişlerdir. Aynı zamanda araştırmaya
katılan bütün öğretmenlerin öğrencilerle görüşme sırasında eleştirel düşünmeyi kullandıkları
saptanmıştır. Rehber öğretmenler eleştirel düşünmenin kullanımının önünde engelleyici bazı
faktörleri; politik, ekonomik ve kültürel temelli yapısal sorunlar olarak belirtmişlerdir.
Çukurova University
Adana, Türkiye
Çukurova University
Adana, Türkiye
Critical thinking is an essential skill that is recommended for use in everyday life for all
individuals. The benefit of critical thinking is inevitable since school counsellors hold
significant tasks for their students such as solving problems, making logical inferences,
making decisions and guiding them. With the characteristics of being open, correct, definitive,
and deep, determining the standard of knowledge based on the purpose, assumptions,
application, outcome, and perspective of knowledge will help guide teachers to have an all-
around view of the students they have discussions with. This study was designed in an attempt
to examine the counsellors’ views on the level of use of critical thinking in their interviews
with students at schools. Hence, the study aims to reveal the counsellors’ perspectives on their
critical thinking skills.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
This study employed the qualitative research method and the working group consisted of 10
school counsellors. The data were collected through semi-structured interview technique by
means of an interview form. Content analysis was used during data analysis..
Upon analysing the counsellors’ views on critical thinking, they defined the conceptual
equivalent of critical thinking as having a broad perspective, reasoning, deep thinking, and
logical evaluation. Considering the school counsellors’ views on taking critical thinking as a
course, 60% of the participants indicated that it is necessary for critical thinking to be included
in the curricula as a course. Besides, the results revealed that all teachers used critical thinking
during their conversations with students. The teachers pointed out some inhibiting factors for
the use of critical thinking as political, economic, and culturally based structural problems.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
The purpose of artificial intelligence technology in disaster management is not only to support
survival, but also to shed light on information that may be useful in the future. As in every field,
robotic vehicles can play a valuable role in the world of search and rescue in earthquakes or
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
other disasters. The transformation of robotics can allow workers to not only assist in the event
of a dangerous event, but also to provide support while saving lives.
In this study, in addition to the use of robotic assets, especially Drone Technology, which has
been or can be applied in disaster management, application examples for incorporating robotic
technologies into search and rescue operations and the support given by robotic applications to
ensure human-robot cooperation, as well as suggestions to minimize the loss of life and damage
caused by disasters are included.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Several Important Aspects That Affect the Gross Domestic Product of Various
Countries in the Continent of Europe
Azhar Maksum1*, Iskandar Muda2, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere3 , Marhayanie4, Ibnu
Austrindanney Sina Azhar5, Melisa Angela Sinaga6
Department of Accounting, Faculty Economy and Business
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan/Indonesia
Department of Accounting, Faculty Economy and Business
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Economics, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy.
Department of Management, Faculty Economy and Business
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
epartment of Accounting, Faculty Economy and Business
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Accounting, Faculty Economy and Business
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
This study examines the effect of income, education and health on the gross domestic product found
in several countries in the European continent. The study was conducted in 32 countries where data
collection was carried out by combining secondary data from European databases. This study aims
to analyze and prove that there is an effect of income, education and health levels on gross domestic
product. To analyze and prove the hypothesis, empirical testing is carried out with Smart PLS 3.0.
The method used is to analyze three years of data, from 2014 to 2016. In this study, national income,
education quality, and health care expenditure are placed in independent variables which are denoted
as x1, x2, and x3 then for gross domestic product (GDP) are placed in the variable dependent which
is denoted by y. The results showed that all independent variables had an effect on the dependent
Keywords: National Income Rate, Education Quality, Health Care Expenditure, Gross Domestic
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Like the captain of a ship, the principal of a school is always at the helm; designing, managing and
executing ideas and concepts. To many of us, a principal’s job is a child’s play. How much fun it would
be to sit on a fancy chair and get things done, we must think but as they say, “the grass always looks
greener on the other side”. It is not how it appears to be and it takes a lot of qualities combined together
to come out not only as an effective but as an efficient principal. The purpose of this study is to analyse
Reports, Performances, and output from Personal Experiences of a school leader, and study in detail
the components in the making of a ‘good principal’. The following article aims at highlighting the
qualities of an effective principal of a school. And secondly, it elucidates the leadership aspect of being
a principal. It further analyses the challenges of being a principal and ways to overcome those
challenges. Altogether, the paper presents and showcases a compact study of the leadership qualities
of an effective principal. This research paper encapsulates distributed leadership implied to the role of
a principal and show how working collectively as a whole lead to a better institution and greater heights
are achieved. It aims at proving that challenges can be easily overcome through distributed or delegated
The research methodology is mainly qualitative which is best for gaining in-depth insights into specific
concepts. It aims to produce contextual and real-world knowledge and is interpretative. Hence,
undertaking the same, the existing archival data was collected for analysis from publications and
journals. Not only that, a case study was carried out by interviewing people who were capable to
provide real life examples to prove the aforementioned statement. Furthermore, the interviews were
transcribed and secondary data was referred to and thematic analysis was conducted. Principal need to
manage multiple things at the institute.
In order to foster leadership that concentrates on what is essential, what should be done, and how to
do it in today's society, which is swiftly moving toward model-based transformation and
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
accountability, a new perspective has evolved that draws inspiration from contemporary corporate life.
The obligations of principals will change dramatically as a result of this alteration. Due to the
requirement to follow district standards, put them into practise, and guard against errors, they must
now do more than just maintain buildings. They must be (or develop into) learning leaders capable of
managing a team and providing excellent training. (IECS on “Preparing leaders for the future learning
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Mehmet İnce
Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Özel Eğitim Bölümü,
Metaforlar kişiler tarafından bir olguya, olaya veya kavrama yüklenilen anlamlardır.
Metaforlar bakış açımızı ortaya koyan basit bir benzetmeden öte soyut, kuramsal, karmaşık
bir olguyu anlamlandırmayı kolaylaştıran, bilinmeyen olguları, olayları ve eylemleri
bilinenlerle açıklamaya yarayan, kişilerde bilişsel anlamda bir düşünce yapısının oluşmasına
ve gelişmesine olanak sağlayan öğrenme araçlarındandır. Metaforlar anahtar kavrama yönelik
olarak öğrenenlerin farkındalığının da oluşmasına imkân tanır. Öğretmen adaylarının özellikle
de özel eğitim öğretmen adaylarının farkındalığının oluşması gereken önemli kavramlardan
biri de “yardımcı teknoloji” kavramıdır. Çünkü bireysel farklılıklarından dolayı ek desteğe ve
uyarlamalara gereksinim duyan özel gereksinimli bireylerle çalışacak olan öğretmenlerin
yardımcı teknolojilere hâkim olması ve yardımcı teknolojileri etkili bir şekilde kullanması
gerekmektedir. Öğretmen adaylarının yardımcı teknolojilere yönelik düşünce yapılarının
belirlenmesinin mesleki yaşamlarına ilişkin bir ön bilgi de verebileceği düşünülmektedir.
Çünkü öğretmen adaylarının lisans döneminde edindikleri bilgi, beceri ve tutumlar doğrudan
verecekleri eğitime yansımaktadır. Bu gerekçelerle öğretmen adaylarının yardımcı
teknolojilere yönelik metaforik algılarının belirlenmesi önemli ve araştırmaya değer bir konu
olarak görülmüştür. Araştırma nitel araştırma desenlerinden olgubilim desenine göre
yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu bir devlet üniversitesinde özel eğitim
öğretmenliği lisans programına devam eden 87 öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma
grubunun oluşturulmasında amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Veriler araştırmacı
tarafından hazırlanan anket formu kullanılarak toplanmış, içerik analizi tekniği ile analiz
edilmiştir. 20 öğretmen adayı tarafından üretilen metaforlar, metafor özelliği taşımaması ve
gerekçelerinin mantıksal dayanaklara uygun olmaması nedeniyle elenmiştir. 67 öğretmen
adayından toplanan veriler analize dahil edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda öğretmen
adaylarının yardımcı teknolojilere yönelik birbirinden farklı ve geçerli 46 metafor ürettikleri
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
tespit edilmiştir. Sıklıkla üretilen metaforlar öğretmen (f=6), el (f=4), ansiklopedi (f=3),
bilgisayar (f=3), kılavuz (f=3) ve twitter (f=3) metaforlarıdır. Metaforlar aralarındaki ilişkilere
göre 7 kategoriye (teknoloji, eğitim, doğa, yol, yaşam, sanat ve destek) ayrılmıştır.
Araştırmanın sonucundan hareketle yardımcı teknoloji kavramına yönelik oluşturulan
metaforlara göre öğretmen adaylarının algıları tespit edilebilir, bu algılarından hareketle
ihtiyaç analizleri yapılarak öğretmen adaylarının algılarının olumlu yönde desteklenmesi için
gerekli planlamalar yapılarak eyleme geçilebilir. Böylelikle öğretmen adaylarının yardımcı
teknolojilerle ilgili daha kaliteli bir eğitim sunarak mesleki yaşamlarında yardımcı
teknolojileri etkin bir şekilde kullanılmalarına katkı sağlanabilir.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
qualitative research designs. The study group of the research consists of 87 pre-service
teachers attending a special education teaching undergraduate program at a state university.
Purposive sampling method was used in the formation of the study group. The data were
collected using a questionnaire prepared by the researcher and analyzed with the content
analysis technique. The metaphors produced by 20 pre-service teachers were eliminated
because they did not have the feature of metaphor and their justifications were not logical.
Data collected from 67 pre-service teachers were included in the analysis. As a result of the
research, it was determined that pre-service teachers produced 46 different and valid
metaphors for assistive technologies. Frequently produced metaphors are teacher (f=6), hand
(f=4), encyclopedia (f=3), computer (f=3), guide (f=3) and twitter (f=3). Metaphors are
divided into 7 categories (technology, education, nature, road, life, art and support) according
to the relationships between them. Based on the results of the research, positive and negative
perceptions of teacher candidates can be determined according to the metaphors created for
the concept of assistive technology, and based on these perceptions, needs analysis can be
made and necessary plans can be made to support the perceptions of teacher candidates in a
positive way. Thus, it can be contributed to the effective use of assistive technologies in their
professional lives by providing a higher quality education on assistive technologies.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Ankara, Türkiye
Anahtar Kelimeler: Beşeri Sermaye Göçü, Nitelikli İşgücü Kaybı, Türkiye, Beşeri Sermaye
Kaybının Ekonomik Sonuçları
In the most general sense, human capital is qualified human power equipped with the
knowledge and skills that can respond to the conditions, needs and expectations of the aging
period. Attractive conditions in developed countries and push factors in developing countries
cause tens of thousands of qualified people to migrate from developing countries to developed
countries every year. This situation means the loss of qualified manpower that developing
countries have trained under limited opportunities and difficult conditions. In this study, the
economic consequences of the loss of human capital in developing countries have been tried
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
to be analyzed with the example of Turkey. Based on the 2018 data of the Turkish Statistical
Institute (TUIK), it is seen that approximately 45 thousand qualified labor force migrates from
Turkey every year. The cost of raising 45 thousand qualified workforce to the Turkish
economy is approximately 2 billion 115 million dollars. Turkey loses this value to developed
countries with a one-year migration, interrupting its own economic growth and development.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kendi Kendine Liderlik, Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme, Yaratıcı Kişilik
The purpose of this research is to determine the mediating role of creative personality traits
in the effect of self-leadership behavior on lifelong learning. The variables of self-
leadership behavior, lifelong learning, and creative personality traits included in the
research model envisaged in this research, which was evaluated in a quantitative
research design, were included in the research with their dimensions widely accepted in the
literature. In the study, in which descriptive statistics on dependent, independent, and
mediating variables were applied, validity analysis and correlation analysis were applied
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
for the scales, and then a structural equation model was established. Within the scope of
the research, the data obtained from 503 students studying at Yozgat Bozok University were
analyzed and interpreted. The findings obtained as a result of the research show that
self-leadership behavior predicts lifelong learning and this process is mediated by creative
personality traits. The results show that individuals having self-leadership behaviors enable
them to have a positive outlook on life and always learn. In addition, it has been seen
that individuals with self-leadership behavior are effective in revealing their creative
personality traits.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Doç. Dr. Üyesi Mehmet YAVUZ,
Teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi, tüm öğretmenlik alanlarını kapsayan şemsiye bir kavram olarak
öğretmenlik mesleğinin temel yeterlilikleri arasında gösterilmektedir. Özel eğitim gibi bireysel
farklılıkların çok belirgin olduğu, öğretim materyallerinin bireysel olarak geliştirilmesinin
önerildiği ve öğretmenlerin bireysel eğitim programları hazırlamasını gerektiren bir alanda
teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisine duyulan ihtiyacın daha da yoğun olduğu söylenebilir. Bu
çalışmanın amacı özel eğitim öğretmen adaylarının teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi düzeylerinin
yaş, cinsiyet ve sınıf değişkenlerine göre incelenmesidir. Betimsel araştırma deseninin kullanıldığı
bu araştırmada katılımcı grubunu üç üniversiteden özel eğitim öğretmen adayları oluşturmaktadır.
Verilerin toplanmasında Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi Ölçeği (TPABÖ) ve Kişisel Bilgi Formu
kullanılmıştır. TPABÖ, teknoloji bilgisi, pedagoji bilgisi, alan bilgisi, pedagojik alan bilgisi,
teknolojik alan bilgisi, teknolojik pedagoji bilgisi ve teknolojik pedagojik alan bilgisi plmak üzere
yedi alt boyuttan oluşmaktadır. Öğretmen adaylarından toplanan veriler SPSS paket programıyla
ve parametrik testler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Özel eğitim Öğretmen adaylarının TPABÖ
puanları yaş ve sınıf değişkenlerine göre büyük yaş ve sınıfta olanlar lehine farklılık gösterdiği
anlaşılmıştır. Özel eğitim öğretmen adaylarının TPABÖ puanlarının ortalamanın üzerinde olduğu,
eğitim seviyesi ve yaşam deneyimi arttıkça hem teknoloji bilgisinin arttığı sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Assoc. Prof. Özcan KARAASLAN
Marmara University, Istanbul/ Türkiye
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is shown among the basic competencies
of the teaching profession as an umbrella concept covering all teaching fields. It can be said that
the need for TPAC is even more intense in an area such as special education where individual
differences are very evident, teaching materials are recommended to be developed individually
and teachers are required to prepare individual training programs. The aim of this study is to
examine the TPACK levels of special education teacher candidates according to age, gender and
class variables. In this study, in which descriptive research design was used, the participant group
consists of special education teacher candidates from three universities. Technological
Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale (TPACKS) and Personal Information Form (PIF) were
used to collect data in this study. TPACKS consists of seven sub-dimensions: technology
knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge,
technological content knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge and technological
pedagogical content knowledge. The data collected from the pre-service teachers were analyzed
with the SPSS package program and using parametric tests. It was understood that the TPACKS
scores of the special education teacher candidates differ in favor of the older age and class
according to the age and class variables. Accordingly, it was concluded that the TPACKS scores
of the special education teacher candidates are above the average, and as the education level and
life experience increase, both technology knowledge increases.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
The success of Azerbaijani education has development dynamics. New standards and content lines
have been introduced in the teaching of subjects in secondary schools. In order to form creative
aesthetic development in children, fine art is taught as an independent subject in secondary schools.
One of the main topics in the curriculum of fine arts is the methodology of teaching Azerbaijani
art. In the 9th class fine arts textbook, the creativity of our prominent artists is analyzed and the
ability of them to express their opinion on the art of our country is developed.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Atacan Garip1
Master Student, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Institute of Social Sciences
Vildan Ateş2
Associate Professor, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Business School
Data governance encompasses the principles, procedures, and strategies to ensure that
organizations can discover and monitor data, correctly use data in appropriate business
contexts, and maximize data security, quality, and value. Data governance provides greater
visibility, transparency, and quality while reducing risk across all data assets. It also
provides easily accessible, consistent, secure high-quality data across the entire enterprise to
support meaningful insights into decision processes for decision-makers. In this direction, it
can be stated that it is important today to successfully implement the data governance
program. The purpose of this study is to reveal the critical success factors in the data
governance program. For this purpose, critical success factors of the data governance
program were determined with a systematic literature review and the researcher's field
experience. As a result of the systematic literature review and the field experience of the
researcher, it has been seen that there are four critical factors. These four critical factors are
roles and responsibilities, partnership, sponsorship, and technology respectively.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Power Distribution
Hikmat G. Hasanov
Ismayil Zeynalov
Benefits of wireless power transfer are considered. New design of network for wireless power
transfer is proposed and discussed. Different segments of the network are described and
classified. Technical specifications and explanations for each the segment are provided. It is
suggested, how to use satellites for the network functioning and which type of satellites are
relevant for the network. Also, financial issues in using the proposed distribution network are
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 th International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Pandemi gibi kriz durumlarında uzaktan eğitim teknolojilerinin işe koşularak eğitime devam
edilmesi yönündeki ani dönüşümle birlikte bir yandan eğitimin sürekliliği adına olumlu bir
adım atılırken, diğer yandan hazırlıksız bir eğitim sürecini de dahil olunabilmektedir. İçeriğin
sunumu, öğrenme materyallerinin oluşturulması, öğrenen/öğreten desteği ve etkileşimin
sağlanması, gerekli teknolojik alt yapının temini, doğru teknolojinin seçimi, uzaktan ölçme ve
değerlendirmenin gerçekleştirilmesi, dijital bölünmeye ilişkin önlemlerin alınması gibi
süreçlere ilişkin plansız olma ve bu bağlamda gerçekleştirilebilecek planlamanın zaman alıcı
olması, hayata geçirilen eğitim uygulamalarında nitelik sorunlarını da beraberinde
getirmektedir. Dolayısıyla pandemi gibi krizlerin oluşturduğu kritik durumlarda, eğitimin
sürekliliğinin sağlanması adına çözüm olarak işe koşulan uygulamalar iyi planlanmış, tüm
dinamiklerinden yararlanılmış ideal bir Açık ve Uzaktan Öğrenme (AUÖ) yerine ani
kararlarla hızlı çözümler üretilmeye çalışılan bir Acil Uzaktan Öğretim olabilmektedir.
Buradan haraketle bu çalışmada, öncelikle Acil Uzaktan Öğretim ve AUÖ kavramları
ayrıştırılmakta, sonrasında alanyazındaki çalışmalara dayanarak Acil Uzaktan Öğretim’in
nitelikli AUÖ uygulamalarına dönüştürülebilmesine yönelik önerilere yer verilmektedir.
Despite the fact that shifting to online teaching is an effective way to maintain education’s
continuity in critical situations which is caused by crises like pandemic, stakeholders in
education may involve in ambiguous education process due to lack of preparedness for this
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 th International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
new education model. Unpreparedness in this new education model in terms of delivering
contents, creating learning materials, learner/faculty support, technological infrastructure,
choosing the best technology, digital divide and time-taking process to plan all these
dimensions may result in quality problems in educational practices. Accordingly, in critical
situations which is caused by crises like pandemic, educational practices pressed into service
might not be quality Open and Distance Learning (ODL) which has its own dynamics and is
well-planned system but Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) which mostly depends on the
spot decisions. Thus, in this study, the authors differentiate ODL from ERT first, and then
address the key factors enabling to move from ERT to ODL, which were derived from the
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
This study evaluates the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on MSMEs survival in South-West,
Nigeria. The study focused on the enterprises cash flow, debtors' ability to pay their debts,
enterprises ability to pay their creditors and enterprises ability to pay wages and salaries. The study
also evaluates the support received from the Government or its agencies and private enterprise
support organizations, since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. The study employs survey
research design, through the administration of structured questionnaire on chief executives of
MSMEs in South West Nigeria. The population of this study comprises all the chief executives of
MSMEs in South-West, Nigeria. These states include: Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ekiti and Ondo
States.The findings reveal that covid-19 pandemic has negatively impacted enterprises cash flow;
it has negatively impacted their debtors' ability to pay their debts, it has also negatively impact
edenterprises ability to pay their creditors as well as enterprises ability to pay wages and salaries.
Furthermore, the findings also reveal that most enterprises did not receive any form of support
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
from the Government or its agencies nor private enterprise support organizations, since the
outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. It is therefore concluded that the outbreak of COVID-19
pandemic has adversely impacted the survival of enterprises, as some of the key survival indicators
(cash flow, debt recovery, ability to pay creditors and payment of wages and salaries) have been
negatively impacted.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
The primary aim of this study was to determine the effects of integration of game-based learning
on students’ academic performance in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao. To achieve this aim, the
researcher used a sample of 399 students in the Schools Division of City of Malolos during the
school year 2022-2023. To assess the integration of game-based learning approach, the researcher
used the game-based learning approach questionnaire by Pires et al (2015) while a documentary
analysis was conducted to gather data on students’ academic performance in Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakatao. Results of the regression analysis revealed that the three (3) variables of integration
of game-based learning approach affect the students’ academic performance in Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakatao in varying extent as shown by the obtained B Coefficients 0.561 (ludic
characteristics), 1.198 (training learning component), and 0.629 (profile of the players). This
means that for every unit improvement in the integration of game-based learning approach
mentioned could generate a 0.561, 1.198, and 0.629 increase on students’ academic performance
in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao. A closer look at the obtained Beta Coefficients, one could infer
that of the three (3) variables of integration of game-based learning approach, it was the ‘training
learning component’ that exert a greatest influence (Beta=1.198) on the students’ academic
performance in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao. Conclusions were drawn and recommendations were
Keywords: Game-Based Learning, students, school, Malolos
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
This study, which was conducted to evaluate the postgraduate studies on cultural heritage
education in the field of education, is a study in the descriptive survey model. In this study,
document analysis technique was used. Data related to the study were collected with the form
prepared by the researcher and receiving expert opinion. In the detailed search section of the
National Thesis Center database, the theses were examined by selecting the subject "Education
and Training" and searching for the word "cultural heritage" in the thesis name. In addition,
"culture" and "heritage" were written in the words to be searched in the advanced search
section, and the search type part was selected by selecting "include". As a result of the
screening, the studies on "Education and Training" were examined, and the postgraduate
studies that were not included in the first screening were also included in the scope of the
studies to be evaluated. As a result of the scanning, the studies reached as of January 2023
were evaluated. Descriptive analysis technique was used in the evaluation of the obtained data.
As a result of the research, it was seen that the studies on cultural heritage education in the
field of education mostly belong to 2019. In addition, it was concluded that the majority of
the evaluated studies were at the master's level and were related to the social studies education
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
This study aims to examine online shopping behavior during the pandemic in the emerging
market, Turkey. The current study benefits from thematic analysis and the stimulus-organism-
response model. In-depth interviews with Gen Z consumers were carried out to collect
qualitative data. Findings show that shopping from online stores during the pandemic
(response) is affected by stimulus (retailers’ precautions, crowding, product category) and the
organism (pandemic experience, perceived benefits of online shopping, perceived risks of
online shopping, past experiences of online shopping, the perceived threat of COVID-19).
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Fatma Cumhur
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Mus Alparslan University
Mus, Türkiye
In order to teach mathematics effectively, both the knowledge of the subject and the
knowledge of the field education are needed. The need for both pieces of information in this
regard reveals that one of these pieces of information is not superior to the other and that both
are needed. This study, it is aimed to examine the opinions of pre-service mathematics teachers
about field-based courses. In this sense, it is aimed to reveal the personal views of the
candidates in terms of the content and necessity of the courses they have taken until their last
year. The study was carried out with 26 senior mathematics teacher candidates. The research
was carried out within the scope of the phenomenology design, which is one of the qualitative
research designs. In the study, a questionnaire consisting of 2 open-ended questions was
presented to the candidates. The content analysis method was used in the analysis of the data.
As a result of the analysis, it was found that some courses were beneficial for reasons such as
dominating the field, learning the history of mathematics, and facilitating transfer to students;
it has been determined that some courses are useless due to excessive information stack, the
way they are taught, being difficult and worrying that they will not work in professional life.
As a result of the study, various suggestions were made on how these courses could be more
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Muhammad Youseef MS Industrial Engineering, IQTM, Punjab University, Lahore
Abdullah Shahzad MS Industrial Engineering, IQTM, Punjab University, Lahore
Assistant Professor, Chairman of the Department Operations and Supply Chain
Department, Dr. Hasan Murad School of Management, University of Management and
Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
This research article leads to developing the strategy for creating inventory policies that is
based on the ABC categorization of inventories. A popular technique for classifying inventory
items according to their value is the ABC categorization. Organizations can prioritise the
resources they devote to managing each sort of inventory by dividing it into categories A, B,
and C. With the application of ABC technique, the amount tied up with the inventory holding
cost can be significantly reduced while keeping high-value items accessible. With the aim of
reducing holding costs while ensuring the availability of high-value items chosen on the basis
of ABC cateagorization, this strategy is frequently used to prioritise the resources that an
organisation spends managing its inventory. Researchers in the past suggest that using the ABC
categorization can be an effective way to find out which products are high-demanding. The
problem unders study is the shoe company in Pakistan. Application of ABC analysis with
inventory policies according to the A categorization inventory (Min/Max) policy. B-
categorization inventory with Q and R policies and C-categorization inventory with periodic
review policies. Implementing inventory policies led to a considerable decrease in holding
costs, stock-out costs, and overall expenses based on the ABC categorization of inventories.
Particularly, costs associated with keeping inventory were reduced by 30%, costs associated
with running out of stock were reduced by 45%, and overall expenditures were reduced by
31%. These improvements show how applying the ABC categorization system and the
implementation of realistic inventory policies can minimise costs and maintain availability.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies 51
Barack Obama had practically won the 2012 US Presidential Elections on Big Data Analytics.
While he was busy addressing a big rally in downtown Chicago or elsewhere, his teams were
engaged in data mining on millions of American voters whom they believed to have the
tendency to support their Democrat candidate against Republican Mitt Romney. If in the 2008
elections Obama was nicknamed The Social Media President, the Washington Post had in the
2012 US presidential re-elections dubbed him The Big Data President. Obama’s campaign has
often been said to have revolutionised the American democracy, thus giving credence to his
digital election campaign strategies, which were not only innovative but also effective. Such
was innovation in today’s politics and elections, which is the subject of this paper. Big Data
Analytics is all but new in Malaysian politics, rearing its infinitesimal presence only in the 2013
General Elections and then poised to become a game changer in the succeeding 14th General in
Elections in 2018. However, the potential of big data analytics was not fully realised in local
Malaysian politics as yet, and as much as it was in the Malaysian business sector which has been
leveraging on data mining to push their products especially in the fast moving consumer goods
(FMCG) segment. This paper shall discuss the prospective maximisation of big data analytics
in the next general elections, possibly the GE-15 and how it will tremendously effect the level
playing field of political parties which were still wrapped in the age-old traditional-conventional
method of predicting voters’ tendency and their voting pattern. As proven to be an effective
political campaign tool for Obama and his presidential victory in 2012, Big Data Analytics
should now be seen and anticipated as the inevitable for political parties in Malaysia to
intelligently win the next general elections and by-elections.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Department of Operations and Supply Chain, Dr. Hasan Murad School of Management,
University of Management and Technology, Lahore/Pakistan (Corresponding Author)
MBA Student from UMT
HIV is the deadly virus that attacks the immune system of human beings. The source of the
disease is highly negated and rejected by the society’s norms. So the infected people try to
hide the disease and do not find the appropriate policy levers to overcome this challenge.
Fear of death and humility in society as a sexually engaged human being si highly rejected
and insulted by all concerned. This paper aims to unveil the underlying barriers and to trace
the effectiveness strategy at the community level using the mental model. The ultimate goal
of this research is to have the system dynamics model to recommend policies based on
parametric changings and structural changes. Development of the feedback loops to give
insight into the problem understudy and give a clear picture while mentioning the dynamic
variables which are interlinked, interdepended, and interrelated.
The proposed model is the blend of authors’ own experience working within the hospitals at
the national in Yeman Pakistan along with the in-depth study of literature. The mental model
based on systems thinking provides a foundation to formulate the System Dynamics Model
and design rational polices to create awareness and fear to avoid sexual contact which is on
of the powerful instrument for HIV spread. The well-conceived mental model has the
potential to propose the appropriate measures to reduce its spread. The policies proposed are
on the basis of literature insight and experiential wisdom of the dynamic variables so far.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
The rapid technological development and the growing use of information communication
technology (ICT) in business organizations have become the centre of attention in past few
years. This ICT has facilitated the decision-making process of an organization. The use of the
latest applications will speed up the process of implementation and monitoring of
organizational activities and programs. In this regard, the Medical Assistance Fund (TBP) has
been established by the Government to help patients especially B40 groups who cannot afford
to seek treatment in Government Hospitals, clinics and Public University Medical Centers.
Through the use of the Medical Assistance Fund System (STBP) (Phase 1) on May 2021 in all
hospitals throughout Malaysia will speed up the application process and approval to eligible
patients. This paper to discuss the policy decision-making process of redeveloping STBP and
subsequently the implementation of STBP.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Department of Business Administration, Christopher University, Mowe, Ogun State/Nigeria
Department of Business Administration,
Nile University/Nigeria
The link between communication and organizational change has triggered a lot of research interest.
However, extant literature seems not to have established the element of communication that has
the greatest effect on organizational change. This study examines the effect of communication on
organizational change, with reference to Christopher University, Mowe, Ogun State. The study
employed four elements of communication: upward communication, communication technique
(bottom top), communication gap, and feedback, through the administration of structured
questionnaire on 200 staff and students of Christopher University. Notwithstanding, only 22
responses were used for the study. Five hypothesis were formulated and ordinary least square
estimation technique was employed in estimating the regression model with the aid of SPSS
version 21.0.
The findings revealed that neither of the four elements which are upward communication and
communication technique (bottom top), organizational change, communication gap as well as
feedback has a significant effect on organization change. Furthermore, the F-Statistic 1.570 (P-
value 0.270) showed that communication elements do not have combined significant effect on
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
organizational change. The adjusted R2 of 0.275 indicated that communication elements accounts
for 27% variation in organizational change.
The study therefore concluded that communication does not significantly enhances organizational
change in Christopher University, Mowe, Ogun state. Therefore, upward communication,
feedback, communication gap and communication technique (bottom top) are not major drivers of
organizational change.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Being involved in labour market is one of the key factors for disabled persons to eliminate the
negative social perception they face in society. In recent 20 years, disability policies has been
enhanced significantly in Türkiye, and the employment rate of disabled persons has been
increasing by years. This upward trend is the result of some measures put into force by the
government. For example, the quota rate was increased from 3% to 4% for public sector; the
centralized employment examination used by state for recruitment was customized for disabled
persons; the public workplaces were urged to fill their quota by employing additional number of
disabled persons.
A great deal of research has appeared in the literature illustrating the positive effects of
employment of disabled persons on elimination of negative perception and social construction of
disability. This paper however argues that increasing the employment rate of disabled persons may
not be sufficient measure to generate such positive impact; development of vocational competence
and functionality of disabled staff at workplaces also must be considered.
Based on the theoretical foundations of social constructivist approaches, this paper aims to uncover
the relation between employment policies and the social perception of disability in Turkish society.
The content analysis and literature review methodology was used.
The findings suggest that lack of well-planned recruitment and adjustments to improve the
efficiency of staff with disabilities have potentiality of solidifying the negative social perception
of disability.
The paper concludes that making reasonable adjustments to improve the efficiency of staff with
disabilities at workplaces must be part of the employment policies.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
As we know, the river systems of Azerbaijan belong to the Caspian Sea basin. There are 8359
rivers in the republic, of which 8188 rivers are up to 25 km long, 107 rivers are 51-100 km long, and
22 rivers are more than 101-500 km long. 5141 of the rivers 1177 belong to the Kura basin, including
the Araz basin. There are 3218 rivers and their tributaries that flow directly into the Caspian Sea.
Among the rivers directly flowing into the Caspian Sea, there is 1 river with a length of more than
200 km, and 6 rivers with a length of 200-100 km.
The hydrographic network of Azerbaijan corresponds to the stretching directions of the Greater and
Lesser Caucasus and Talish mountain systems.
The uneven distribution of rainfall throughout the year in the territory of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, which is located in the arid climate zone, has created a problem of water shortage in
individual regions due to climatic conditions.
The water resources of Azerbaijani rivers are about 30.9 km3. 20.6 km3 of it enters our republic
from neighboring territories. The flow formed in Azerbaijan itself is 10.3 km3 (S.H. Rustamov, R.M.
Qashgai, 1989), of which 3.13 km is due to the annual flow of rivers directly flowing into the Caspian
Sea. The rivers of the southern and southeastern slopes of the Greater Caucasus also play a big role
in improving the water supply in Azerbaijan and meeting the water needs of the republic's population.
The Talysh mountains in the south of our republic also have a sufficient supply of drinking water. its
waters have also started to be used.
Keywords: Caspian Sea, river length, arid climate, Kura, Araz, slope, etc.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Khalida Malikova
Azərbaycan Respublikasinın Prezidenti
yanında Dövlət İdarəçilik Akademiyasının
Doktorantı Məlikova Xalidə Vaqif qızı/Azerbaycan
Orta Doğu, çok sayıda silahlı çatışma, terörizm ve dini aşırıcılıkla ilişkilendirilen, dünyanın en
'patlamaya hazır' bölgelerinden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Son yıllar Orta Doğu bölgesi,
bölgenin tüm bölgesel güvenlik sistemini tehdit eden çeşitli uluslararası sorunların merkezinde
yer almaktadır. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, ele alınan konunun yüksek önemine dikkat çekmek
gerekir. Makalenin amacı, Orta Doğu bölgesindeki bölgesel güvenlik sistemini etkileyen temel
sorunları analiz etmektir.
The Middle East is considered one of the most 'explosive' regions in the world, with numerous
armed conflicts, terrorism and religious extremism. In recent years, the Middle East region has
been at the center of several international problems that threaten the entire regional security
system of the region. From this point of view, it is necessary to draw attention to the high
importance of the topic under consideration. The purpose of the article is to analyze the main
problems affecting the regional security system in the Middle East region.
Keywords: Middle East, terrorism, regional security, regional leadership, Sunni-Shia conflict,
regional organizations.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Playing is something natural in children, it happens spontaneously, we play since we were
babies. The baby starts by exploring his body, moving his arms, hands, legs, then he is interested
in toys, playful objects. From this moment on, we have playfulness. The ludic aspect provides
personal development, such as self-discovery, self-confidence, team life. Playful activities in
the school environment are very interesting tools that allow teachers to achieve their learning
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Technology has accelerated the training requirements of contemporary professionals, who need
to develop different skills for their insertion in the job market that presents new demands.
Learning theories account for a reality, however, many new cognitive aspects have been
investigated and published in recent times, showing the variety of ways of teaching and
learning. In teaching we have the emergence of active methodologies, in teaching a range of
varieties that exhibit a new dimension of human beings and their potential. Organizations are
also changing and demand professionals with these new skills for the development of their tasks
that must ensure, among many aspects, the appropriation of these new skills, to even generate
disruptions and innovation. Technology has implemented profound changes in the learning
trails, in the new work ecosystems and in the emerging physical and virtual scenarios where
and how we perform.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Food tourism is vital to the economy and benefits all stakeholders. Along with the government,
Department of Tourism, Department of Trade and Industry, and local government units, we
foster socioeconomic growth, cultural affirmation, local employment, and income
opportunities for small and medium-sized companies. The epidemic threatens the food tourism
program's sustainability. Stakeholders, notably private firms, faced this issue in 2019 and
beyond. The researchers propose a tour circuit approach inside the CAMANAVA cluster to
be sponsored by travel companies, local governments, and other stakeholders to deliver
information and solutions in her field. With the collaboration of public and private partners,
the Food Tourism Program may be restored and maintained by assisting food tourism firms
and other businesses to reopen and promote our cities' legacy and culture.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Fatma Cumhur
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Mus Alparslan University
Asking questions is one of the important pedagogical strategies that a teacher should have.
This study, it was tried to develop the questioning behavior of a pre-service teacher with the
support of an expert in the field. In this context, the research was carried out with studies
aimed at improving the questioning behaviors of a teacher candidate who received formation
training in the branch of Mathematics Teaching at a state university. During the studies, brief
information was given to the pre-service teacher about the questioning behaviors by the expert
researcher, and the questions that could be used for the gains of the lesson were discussed with
the teacher candidate. The data of the study were obtained from the records obtained as a result
of the 4-hour teaching of the pre-service teacher, the researcher's field notes, and the self-
evaluation form. As a result of the analysis of the data and the evaluations, it was revealed that
the pre-service teacher could better decide the questions that he could use in the lessons with
the support of experts and thus manage the questions more easily. As a result, expert support
played an important role in preparing an effective plan and deciding on the questions to be
used by the pre-service teacher during their teaching practices.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
In this study, the proper names in Nevādīrü'l-Emsāl; classified under the title of person, place,
belief, language, work names. The features attributed to these names are introduced. For
example, according to this manuscript, Samarkand people are not sincere in their offers; The
Tusians are known for overreacting to the word horn, and the Burians for being infidels. The
famous author of Zafername Şerifüddin Ali Yezdi is a glutton, the judge of Poten is self-
interested; Jews are known for their sudden anger.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
و�ﺸﻤﻞ بﻼﻏﺔ، ﻓﺎﻟﻘﺮآن �ﺸﻤﻞ بﻼﻏﺔ ﻣﻦ ﻧﺎﺣ�ﺔ اﻟ�ﻠﻤﺔ اﻟﻤﻔﺮدة،ﻳﺘﻤ� اﻟﻘﺮآن ﺑبﻼﻏﺘﻪ اﻟﻤﺘﻌﺪدة
وﺗبﺪأ بﻼﻏﺔ اﻟﻘﺮآن ﻣﻦ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻮى. و�ﺤﺘﻮي بﻼﻏﺔ ﻋ� ﻣﺴﺘﻮى اﻵ�ﺔ،ﻣﻦ ﻧﺎﺣ�ﺔ اﻟﺠﻤﻠﺔ
وﺣى �ﺴﺘﻄﻴﻊ ت
اﻟﺼﻮي ﻟﻶ�ﺎت واﻟﺠﻤﻞ ت وﺗنﺘ� بﺎﻟﻤﺴﺘﻮى ت
اﻟﺼﻮي ﻟﻠﺤﺮف واﻟ�ﻠﻤﺔ واﻟﺠﻤﻠﺔ
ي ي ي
ﻓﺎﻵ�ﺔ ﺗتﻨﺎﺳﺐ،أن ﻧﻘﻮل أن ﺳﻮر اﻟﻘﺮآن ﻳﻮﺟﺪ ﺗﻨﺎﺳﺐ ﻓ�ﻤﺎ ﺑيﻨﻬﺎ ﻣﻦ ﻧﺎﺣ�ﺔ اﻟبﻼﻏﺔ اﻟﺼﻮﺗ�ﺔ
� ت ت ت
واﻟ�ﻠﻤﺔ أ�ﻀﺎ ﺗتﻨﺎﺳﺐ ﻣﻊ اﻟ�ﻠﻤﺔ،اﻟﺼﻮي
ي واﻟي بﻌﺪﻫﺎ ﻋ� اﻟﻤﺴﺘﻮى اﻟي ﻗبﻠﻬﺎ ي
ﻣﻊ اﻵ�ﺔ ي
�ﻈﻬﺮ ﺟﺰءا ﻣﻦ ﻫﺬە اﻟبﻼﻏﺔ ﻋ ُ
ِ �و�ﺄي ﻫﺬا اﻟبﺤﺚ ﻟ.
ت واﻟي بﻌﺪﻫﺎ ف ي� ﻫﺬە اﻟبﻼﻏﺔ
اﻟي ﻗبﻠﻬﺎ ي
The Qur’an is characterized by its multiple rhetoric. The Qur’an includes rhetoric in terms of
the single word, and it includes rhetoric in terms of the sentence, and it contains rhetoric at the
level of the verse. The eloquence of the Qur’an begins with the phonetic level of the letter, the
word, and the sentence and ends with the phonetic level of the verses and sentences, so that We
can say that the surahs of the Qur’an are proportional to each other in terms of phonetic rhetoric.
The verse is proportional to the verse before it and the one after it on the phonetic level, and the
word is also proportional to the word before it and the one after it in this rhetoric. This research
comes to show a part of this rhetoric at the level of letter, word, sentence, verse and surah.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
ORCID ID 0000-000-9497-9197
وﻛﺎﻧت ھذه اﻟﻣﻧﺎھﺞ ﺗﻧظر إل اﻟﻠﻐﺔ،ﺣﺎوﻟت ﺗﻘرﯾب ﻓﮭم اﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﻋﻧد اﻹﻧﺳﺎن وﻛﯾﻔﯾﺔ اﻛﺗﺳﺎﺑﮭﺎ وﺗطورھﺎ ْ ﻟﻘد َﻛﺛ ُ َر
ت اﻟﻣﻧﺎھﺞ اﻟﺗﻲ
ﺑﻌﺿﮭﺎ ﻧظر إﻟﻰ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﻣن ﺣﯾث اﻟﺗﺣﻠﯾل وﺑﻌﺿﮭﺎ ﻧظر ﻣن ﺣﯾث اﻟوﺻف وﺑﻌﺿﮭﺎ ﻧظر إﻟﻰ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﻣن ﺣﯾث،ﻣن زواﯾﺎ ﻣﺗﻌددة
ﻓﻣﺛﻼً ﻛﺎن ھﻧﺎك.ً وﺟﺎءت ﻧﺗﺎﺋﺞ ھذه اﻟﻣﻘﺎرﺑﺎت ﻣﻧﻔﺻﻠﺔ ﻋن ﺑﻌﺿﮭﺎ أﺣﯾﺎﻧﺎ ً وﻣﺗﺣدة ﺑﺑﻌض اﻟﻧﻘﺎط أﺣﯾﺎﻧﺎ،ﻋﻼﻗﺗﮭﺎ ﺑﺎﻹﻧﺳﺎن
ﻧظرت إﻟﻰ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺑل،ﻣدرﺳﺔ اﻟﺑﻧﯾوﯾﺔ اﻟﺗﻲ ﻧظرت إﻟﻰ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﻣن ﺣﯾث اﻟﻠﻐﺔ وﻟم ﺗﻧظر إﻟﻰ ﻋﻼﻗﺔ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﻣﺟﺗﻣﻊ أو ﺑﺎﻹﻧﺳﺎن
ﻧظرت إﻟﻰ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﻋﺑر ﺗطورھﺎ وﻛﺎن ھﻧﺎك ﻣدرﺳﺔ اﻟﺗﺎرﯾﺦ اﻟﺗﻲ،ﻣن ﺣﯾث ﺑﻧﯾﺗﮭﺎ ﻣﺳﺗﻘﻠﺔ ﻋن ﻋﻼﻗﺔ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﻌﺎﻟم اﻟﺧﺎرﺟﻲ
وﯾﺄﺗﻲ ھذا اﻟﺑﺣث ﻟﯾﺿﻊ ﯾده ﻋﻠﻰ واﺣد ﻣن.ﺣﺎوﻟت إﯾﺟﺎد ﻋﻼﻗﺔ ﺑﯾن اﻟﻠﻐﺔ واﻟﻣﺟﺗﻣﻊ وﺟﺎءت ﺑﻌض اﻟﻣدارس اﻟﺗﻲ،اﻟﺗﺎرﯾﺧﻲ
.ھذه اﻟﻣﻧﺎھﺞ وھو اﻟﻣﻧﮭﺞ اﻟﺗﺣﻠﯾﻠﻲ اﻟوﺻﻔﻲ ﻣﺑﯾﻧﺎ ً أھم ﻣﻘﺎرﺑﺎﺗﮫ وﻣدارﺳﮫ وأﻓﻛﺎره
There have been many methods that tried to approximate the understanding of language in man
and how it was acquired and developed, and these methods looked at the language from multiple
angles, some looked at the language in terms of analysis, some looked in terms of description,
and some looked at the language in terms of its relationship to man, and the results of these
approaches were separate. Sometimes separated from each other and sometimes united by some
points. For example, there was the school of structuralism that looked at language in terms of
language and did not look at the relationship of language to society or man, but rather looked
at language in terms of its structure independent of the relationship of language to the outside
world, and there was the school of history that looked at language through its historical
development, and some schools came that tried to find a relationship between language and
society. This research comes to put his hand on one of these approaches, which is the descriptive
analytical approach, indicating its most important approaches and schools.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Attitude Towards Web Based Learning and the Usage of Technology among
the Higher Secondary School
Dr. Velankanni Alex
This study helps to find the attitude towards web learning and the usage of technology among the
higher secondary school students in the district of Cuddalure. One of the significant developments
is the growth of the “Internet”. In fact, the Computer Technology has developed because of the
development of Internet and its variety of applications in almost all the fields. Internet services
include direct communication (e-mail, chat), online conferencing resources (World Wide Web,
Gopher), remote login and file transfer (telnet, ftp) and many other valuable tools and resources.
Internet is nothing but the network of networks. The Internet is a worldwide collection of Computer
networks connecting academic, Governmental, commercial, and organizational sites. It provides
access to communication services and information resources to millions of users around the globe.
Quantitative method was used in this study. The objectives are four. The first objective is to study
the level of attitude of higher secondary school students to web learning. The second objective is
to study the level of usage of computer technology among the higher secondary school students.
Third objective is to find out the significant difference in attitude towards web learning among
higher secondary school students with respect to gender. Fourth objective is to find out the
significant difference in attitude towards web learning among higher secondary school students
with respect to type of school. The benefactors are students, teachers, administrators and the school
Keywords: Attitude, Web learning, Technology and Higher Secondary.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
Education is a process of development which consists of the passage of a human being from
infancy to maturity and, the process whereby he/she adapts himself/herself gradually in various
ways to his physical, social and spiritual environment. Education is a comprehensive term. Its
implication is rich and varied it is, therefore very difficult to give a single meaning to our definition
of education. Education was viewed by various persons in various ways and each definition
stresses a particular aspect of educative process. Education means both the acquisition of
knowledge and experience as well as the development of skills, habits and attitudes which help a
person to lead a full and worthwhile life in this world. The objectives of the study were as follows
to investigate the effectiveness of adapted instructional material for the children with visual
impairment of school children in teaching science in the inclusive education program. The second
objective was to study the preparation of adapted instructional materials to teach science for
children with visual impairment studying in school children. The researcher found that all the
school children’s were adopted all the instructional materials in different level and got the input
very effectively. The benefactors are higher secondary school children with visual impairment,
teachers and the parents.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7
4 st International Congress of Social Science, Innovation & Educational Technologies
Imaginable Futures:
A Psychosocial Study on Future Expectations and Anthropocene
Now the future has become the central time of Anthropocene due to multiple factors: climate
change, war, COVID, and other threats. As a social construction, time brings a diversity of
meanings, measures, and concepts permeating all human relations. In humanities, future time
has become a priority, because of the actual anxiety associated with it, the speed of changes
in our society, or a feeling of exhaustion. As a social bounder, the concept of time is developed
based on Social Psychology and Discursive practices. To understand Imaginable Futures as
narratives and imagination, this research objective is to present and discuss how individuals
are imagining, anticipating, and expecting the future. According to neuroscience (Kable,
2021), imagining future events activate two sub-networks of the brain. One focuses on
creating the new event within the imaginative scope, whereas the other evaluates whether the
event is positive or negative. Aiming to understand how future imagination is established and
whether individuals are expecting a more positive or negative future, a survey with forty
questions was designed. This survey contained multiple-alternatives and open questions
inquiring about how much future anxiety people related to, how often the responders thought
about the future, how future expectations were related to overall and mental health, and what
the future would bring to humanity, among others. The survey gathered responders to
participate across social media. All data was anonymous, and anonymously treated. The
research had 307 responders worldwide. Graphics for each answer were generated. The
analysis involved both quantitative and qualitative data. The conclusion shows a rupture
between individual e global future. It also demonstrated that the future is an important asset
of the now and its relationship with health. It was possible to understand the complexities
involved in future thinking, which connect to the individual, mind, and cultural aspects of
future time, including how hopeful individuals are in the future, and their suggestions for a
better future.
ISBN: 978-625-8284-60-7